Until what age is military service in the Russian Federation? Persons liable for military service in Russia: up to what age is conscription, with what vision and for what reasons are they not accepted into the Russian army

Men who are over 18 years old are traditionally called up to serve in the army. Based on current legislation, the draft age cannot be violated. For this reason, men who are under 18 years of age can live in peace. However, how does the situation change when we talk about increasing the draft age?

Draft age: basic information

The legislation fixes the conscription age: 18 – 27 years. Deviations are not allowed.

17-year-old boys must register with the military registration and enlistment office, then receive a personal file and registration certificate. Over the next ten years, military service must take place in order to successfully fulfill military duty to the Motherland.

Many men are interested in the possibility of conscription after turning 27 years old. It is important to understand that the legislation gives the exact answer: “the conscription age for citizens Russian Federation from 18 to 27 years old." Thus, the law does not contain the word inclusive, as a result of which conscription after 27 years of age becomes illegal. 27-year-old men can be calm. If those liable for military service received only deferments, they must be enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Recently in State Duma passed a law defining draft dodgers. Conscripts go to various lengths to avoid military service, but this becomes noticeable. If men evade military service, they lose the opportunity to work in government positions. Currently, the law is not in force, but there is the possibility of amendments and restoration of legal force.

Men who are reaching the end of their conscription age need to think about their future. Perhaps you should devote a year of your life to your Motherland and military service in order to get a military ID and prevent potential problems?

In addition, evading military service can entail serious punishment. If a citizen does not want to serve in the army and tries in every possible way to hide from the military registration and enlistment office employees, you need to pay attention to Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If the issue is considered in judicial procedure, there is a risk of imprisonment for two years.

Will the 2018 draft age be increased?

Is it planned to extend the conscription age to 30 years? The only clear answer to this question is: “no, not planned.” Since April 2010, when the reform began and the Ministry of Defense received a proposal to increase the conscription period to 30 years, a similar question arose. Of course, other proposals were also considered, including possible cancellation deferment of military service while studying at higher education institutions educational institutions. At the same time, it was planned to increase the service life from one year to three years. Despite numerous proposals, only a few options were implemented.

Military personnel will still serve for one year, but they are trying to recruit more young people into the army. It should be noted that in resolving this issue the transition to military units and formations to recruit contract soldiers was unsuccessful.

Military officials supported the proposal of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Many officials are confident that the demographic situation in Russia is deplorable: the country's population is decreasing every year. 70% of dead people are men. Some note that those liable for military service receive a deferment from the army while studying at universities, after which they start families or enter graduate school. Despite such nuances, general principles military service remain the same.

It should be noted that men 18–27 years old must interact with the military registration and enlistment office in order to comply with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and successfully serve the Motherland. Only solving the existing issue allows us to count on strengthening the country.

Stages of obtaining a military ID and enlisting in the reserves

What to do if a man has not served in the Russian army? Despite the fact that the solution to the issue is not always positive, clearly established steps must be completed.

  1. First of all, you need to contact the draft board. A mandatory requirement is to complete a written application to enlist in the reserves and receive a military ID.
  2. Then you should come to the regional draft commission. You need to make sure that the application has been received and officially attached to your personal file. If the application is not received or is not attached to the personal file, you must attach copies to the file and note this fact on the documents.
  3. Need to go medical commission. This stage is mandatory for every conscript.
  4. If you are refused enlistment in the reserves or issued a military ID, you can contact the draft commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or the court. The main goal is to appeal the verdict.

It must be remembered: after 27 years of age, a man can only be enlisted in the reserves of the Russian Federation.

Conscription before and after 27 years in the army: Video

Today, almost every citizen of the Russian Federation is concerned with the question: is it necessary to go to the military registration and enlistment office? Answer to this question can be obtained by knowing the conscription age in Russia for 2017.

Law and amendments to the law

Let's start looking at it from the very beginning. In the Russian Federation, conscription age is regulated by the following law, the name of which is “On Military Duty and Military Service”, more specifically the number of law 53-FZ. Came into force and was signed back in 1998 on March 28. It talks about the conscription age in the Russian Federation and the rules for conscription into the army. It is important to build on the latest version of the law, or rather, take into account the amendments made in 2017. Amendments, like other laws regulating legal relations, are made constantly, and the use of outdated data will be irrational.

The section of the federal law that talks about the conscription of young citizens of the Russian Federation in 2017 indicates specific figures for the age of conscripts - from 18 to 27 years. If you come across other by-laws that contradict the basic law, you can be sure that they are invalid, since all the rules and obligations are spelled out in one document, which was indicated above.


The law specifies ages from 18 to 27 years. One of the most common mistakes is the misconception that conscription is carried out up to 27 years of age inclusive. But data about this contradict the basic federal law, i.e. a Russian citizen will not be drafted into the army after turning 27 years old.

Rumors about conscription age

Quite often I come across similar rumors and pseudo-statements that the conscription age in Russia in 2017 has changed or is going to be changed, and the most absurd thing is that it has already been changed from 27 years to 30 years, and possibly even to 32 years. Let's think logically, for an increase in such a plan to come into force, it is necessary to adopt and make amendments and additions to the basic federal law. There is no information or official statements about such amendments in the coming year. Accordingly, rumors about changing the conscription age to 30 years old remain just rumors, especially not substantiated.

Conscription age in case of war

In connection with recent events in the world, when foreign policy Russia is subject to fundamental changes, there are sanctions from Europe, and the threat of war with neighboring countries. In such turbulent times, residents of the Russian Federation are asking questions about a possible war and, of course, about the draft age, because it can change with the introduction of martial law. The answer can be obtained by referring to the same state law “On Military Duty and Military Service.”

As the law says, young men who served in conscription and those who were given a white ticket, that is, recognized as partially fit for military service, must be enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. And when hostilities begin, there will be mobilization.

Everyone who is in the reserves is divided by age according to the law. During the period of mobilization, it is this category that will be taken into account first of all:

  1. 1st category – from 18 to 35 years.
  2. 2nd category – from 35 to 45 years.
  3. 3rd category – from 45 to 50 years.

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, conscription for military service Male citizens aged 18 to 27 years are eligible.
In this case, the end of conscription age is the day on which the conscript turns 27 years old. Any attempts to recruit citizens under 18 or 27 years of age for military service are illegal.

Many conscripts think that draft age in Russia in 2017 lasts even after they reach the age of 27, that is, until they turn 28 years old. In support of his opinion, the argument is given that a citizen remains 27 years of age for a year until he turns 28, and therefore can be called up for military service during this year, that is, at the age of 27 years and several months. This opinion is erroneous and does not correspond to the norms of the above-mentioned Law. The Federal Law does not contain the wording “from 18 to 27 years inclusive,” so if a conscript turns 27 years old, on the same day the young man becomes unconscripted.

Often the military registration and enlistment office especially wants to draft guys who are a little under 27 years old, for example, a young man is already 26 years old and for him this is the last draft. But such a conscript will serve on a par with 18-year-old boys.

Increasing the conscription age in the Russian Army

Repeatedly media talked about increasing the conscription age in Russia in 2017, but so far this information is unconfirmed, and it is unlikely that the draft age will be increased in the coming years.

The Russian army is, perhaps, the only army in the world where the direct conduct of combat operations is completely entrusted to the shoulders of still fragile teenagers who are neither psychologically nor physically ready for this. Therefore, combat effectiveness Russian army with this method of acquisition leaves much to be desired. Military experts from all over the world have come to a consensus that a person can become a good soldier no earlier than 21 years old, and the greatest effectiveness is achieved through the interaction of young soldiers and more experienced military personnel, passing on their experience and playing the role of leaders. It is on this principle that the most organized armies in the world are composed. In these armies the main role in the training of young soldiers is entrusted to sergeants, who are experienced soldiers, and not young officers, who often do not have the slightest experience in combat operations, as is the case in Russia.

Ekaterina Mikheeva

Head of the legal department of the Assistance Service for Conscripts. Expert in medical and military law.

Draft age in Russia in 2017

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” male citizens aged 18 to 27 years are subject to conscription for military service. It should be noted that the beginning and end of conscription age occurs on the day of birth young man. Therefore, any attempts to conscript citizens who do not qualify for military service age indicators, are considered illegal.

Useful information for those of military age

The conscription of citizens for military service takes place twice a year on the basis of decrees of the President of the Russian Federation:

  • Spring call - from April 1 to July 15.
  • Autumn conscription – from October 1 to December 31.

For some categories of conscripts, the deadlines are established according to exceptional rules and are defined in Article 25 of the Federal Law. For example, it is not carried out autumn call for teaching staff.

List of persons of military age exempt from military service and not subject to conscription into the army

According to Federal law, the following persons are exempt from conscription:

  • Recognized as partially fit or unfit for military service due to illness.
  • Having previously completed alternative or military service in the Russian army or the army of another state in accordance with international treaties.

Right to exemption from conscript service provided to persons:

  • Having an academic degree.
  • Those who are sons (siblings) of military personnel (civilians) who were killed, died or received fatal injuries (illnesses) during military service military service.

Citizens are not drafted for the following reasons:

  • Serving a sentence (compulsory or correctional labor, arrest, restriction or imprisonment).
  • Having a criminal record for committing a crime.
  • An inquiry (preliminary investigation) or a criminal case brought to court against the person being called up.

Circumstances that grant deferment to persons of military age

This issue is regulated current legislation(Article 24 of the Federal Law).

So, persons have the right to postpone their service life for the following reasons:

  • For health reasons – temporary illness or injury (up to one year).
  • Permanent care for a relative (the conclusion of the relevant commission is required).
  • Guardianship of a sibling (mandatory provision of documents proving the absence of other relatives required by law to serve as a guardian).
  • Raising a child independently.
  • Having two or more children (not necessarily from the same mother).
  • Parent of a disabled child under three years of age.
  • Full-time training (with list educational institutions can be found in the Federal Law).
  • Current service in the bodies of the penal system, internal affairs and others government agencies (full list And prerequisites given in the law).
  • The presence of a child and a wife at least 26 weeks pregnant.
  • Deputies in the State Duma, legislative government bodies and municipalities etc. (the period of deferment is the period of parliamentary powers).
  • Candidacy in direct elections (deadline - until the results are published or early withdrawal from the election campaign).
  • By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

More detailed information the procedure for obtaining a deferment is presented in our thematic articles.

An example from our legal practice

Conscript Korney K., who has the right to a deferment from conscription in connection with postgraduate studies, was drafted into the army with the fitness category “A-3”. We helped the conscript appeal the draft decision and continue his education. How to act if, read in the “Our Practice” section.

The procedure for passing a medical examination for persons of military age

Army conscription includes the following stages:

  • Appearance at the medical commission - a summons is given in advance indicating the date and place of the commission.
  • Directly undergoing the examination.
  • Familiarization with the decision of the draft commission: conscription for military or alternative service, granting a deferment, exemption from service with the issuance of a military ID.

A citizen of military age who disagrees with the decision has the right to file a complaint with a higher military registration and enlistment office or statement of claim to the court within three months after familiarization with the conclusion of the draft commission. A previously made decision regarding a conscript is suspended until a new one is made.

A citizen who has grounds for obtaining a deferment or exemption from military service must prepare Required documents. For example, a person of military age must have a medical history and a report from an independent medical authority in his personal file in order to receive an exemption from service due to illness. Or, in order to receive a deferment to care for a needy relative, a conscript must have a final conclusion from a medical and social examination.

Recruits - to serve the Fatherland!

The army is the duty of men to the fatherland.

All young people who have turned eighteen years old are required by law to go to serve.

But many people at this age go to school, which is a deferment from conscription.

The state gives the guys the opportunity to first get a proper education, but then still calls them into the army.

During mobilization, conscription age is taken into account from these categories:

  • first – 18 – 35
  • second – 35 – 45
  • third – 45 – 50

Based on these groups, it becomes clear that first-class people will be called up first. And then everything will depend on the needs of the armed forces.

If there is a shortage of people, armed forces the next category of persons in order will be called. Therefore, in general, the conscription age for mobilization is from eighteen to fifty years.

Responsibility for evasion

Many young guys wonder at what age they are enlisting in the army in 2016, in order to avoid it. They use all sorts of methods, without having any valid reasons for this.

A person who does not want to serve in the armed forces must remember that such behavior may be punishable by criminal liability under Article 328 of the Criminal Code.

If the matter is brought to judicial trial Those who deliberately evade military service may be sentenced to imprisonment for up to two years.

Therefore, such people should think about what might be better for them: to serve or to serve time.

In the video - how to derail armies and not stain your conscience:

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