When is the registration certificate issued? Is it possible to buy a registration certificate if there is none?

Young men of pre-conscription age often have questions: what is it and where can I get a draft certificate? This is an important document that means setting young man for military registration. It contains information about the fitness category assigned for the first time, and outlines the rights and responsibilities of a person of pre-conscription age. A pre-conscription conscript is considered to be a young man aged 16-17 years.

Registration certificate is mandatory for a person who has received citizenship Russian Federation. You must contact the military registration and enlistment office within two weeks after the Russian passport is issued.

Why do you need a registration certificate?

Availability registration certificate is mandatory. It means that the young man does not shirk his constitutional duty - military service. According to the law, the certificate must be required:

  • when submitting documents to a university, technical school, or vocational lyceum;
  • when applying for a job.

The employer or the selection committee must report cases of lack of registration certificate to the military registration and enlistment office. Hiring a person without the appropriate certificate threatens the employer with a large fine.

How and where to get a registration certificate?

Military registration occurs when a young person reaches the age of 16. The accepted practice is to send summonses for initial visits to the military registration and enlistment office to educational institutions (schools or vocational lyceums). In this case, a mass passage of all necessary procedures is organized.

If for some reason a pre-conscription conscript has not received a summons, it is recommended that you go to the military registration and enlistment office yourself and write a statement. IN otherwise it is believed that the young man is avoiding military duty.

The procedure for military registration is as follows:

  • appear at the military registration and enlistment office at your place of actual residence with a full package of necessary documents;
  • pass a military medical examination;
  • write an application, fill out forms;
  • receive a registration certificate with information about the fitness category and the date of the next appearance.

The conscript's registration certificate is a temporary document. It is confiscated at the time of issue to the conscript. This can happen when being sent to serve in the army or upon reaching the age of 27 (if the conscript has not served, he is sent to the reserve).

List of required documents

On the day of the medical examination, you must appear at the military registration and enlistment office with all necessary documents. Documents for obtaining a registration certificate at the military registration and enlistment office include:

  • three b/w photographs 3 x 4 cm;
  • passport;
  • a certificate issued by the passport office indicating the place of actual registration;
  • characteristics from the place of work or study.

The military registration and enlistment office issues a form that must be filled out. It contains information about the conscript and his parents. The questionnaire and the conclusion of the military medical commission are also submitted along with other documents. On the same day, a personal file is opened and a registration certificate is issued.

What does the registration certificate from the military registration and enlistment office look like?

A registration certificate is issued to all conscripts of the Russian Federation of the same type. This is a blue book that contains the owner’s photograph, data on the fitness category, and the necessary regulatory and legal information. Each page contains a watermark and a document series.

The fitness categories in the registration certificate are preliminary. The fact that the document says “fit” does not mean that the conscript will be drafted into service at the age of 18. By the time of conscription, the state of health may change, so after reaching adulthood, the conscript will have to undergo a second medical examination. Based on its results, a final decision on conscription will be made. And even if the registration document said fit or limited fit, the doctors’ decision may change, and a different category of fitness will appear on the military ID.

How to get a registration document from the military registration and enlistment office if it is lost or damaged?

If the registration certificate is lost, it is handled by the military registration and enlistment office, which contains the conscript’s personal file. To obtain a duplicate, you need to submit an application for restoration with photographs and a package of documents attached to it to the RVC office.

Documents for registration certificate:

  • Passport,
  • Certificate confirming registration
  • Education document,
  • Characteristic,
  • Certificate of family composition.

Only copies of diplomas, certificates and passports are transferred to the office. There is no need to leave the original documents for the enlisted person at the military registration and enlistment office.

Based on the specified documents and personal file, the conscript is issued a duplicate registration certificate. To receive it, you must provide photographs of the established sample.

You may have to pay a fine for losing your registration certificate. There is no monetary penalty for ordinary loss, but there is a fine for damage to a document. It is 100-500 rubles.

How to obtain a registration certificate at 18 years of age and older?

If a young person has not received his credit at the age of 17, he can do so later. To register and receive a document, you need to appear at the district military commissariat and inform the staff at the reporting desk of your intention. Unlike pre-conscription conscripts, for whom a strict registration period is set from January 1 to March 31, adult conscripts can come to the RVC at any time.

When appearing at the military registration and enlistment office, young people will receive a list of documents for obtaining a registration certificate at the military registration and enlistment office, which must be submitted to the office, and will receive a summons for a medical examination. If a young man visits a military commissariat during the non-conscription period, when military medical commission completes its work, the summons will be served for more late date- at the beginning of the call.

Features of the military medical commission

A medical examination is carried out to determine the health status of the conscript and his ability to perform military service. It does not make diagnoses, but only records existing ones. Therefore, if there are deviations that limit military service, you need to come to the commission with documents that confirm this. These can be certificates, epicrises, examination results, etc.

When passing the commission, you need to visit the following doctors:

  • ophthalmologist;
  • dentist;
  • therapist;
  • surgeon;
  • neurologist;
  • psychiatrist;
  • otolaryngologist.

The commission has the right to send the young person for additional examination. This occurs when there are doubts due to health reasons. It is carried out in the inpatient department.

A few words about eligibility categories

When registering, doctors assign the fitness category of a pre-conscription conscript. The type of troops in which the young man will serve in the future and his military specialty depend on it. The following main categories are distinguished:

  • “A” – suitable for military service in all branches of the military without restrictions.
  • “B” – fit for service with minor restrictions.
  • “B” – limited suitability for service. Released from service or sent to alternative types of service.
  • “G” – temporarily unusable. The established period of the deferment received is 6 or 12 months. Writes off to stock.
  • “D” – not suitable for carrying military service. Completely commissioned, not called up even in wartime.

The suitability category may be revised at subsequent surveys. Her appointment is regulated by the Schedule of Diseases. When receiving a category, you need to think carefully about the future of the young person. Indeed, in a number of professions military service is required, upon receipt driver's license health data and diagnoses will be collated.

Who is not subject to military registration?

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service” No. 53, there are categories of citizens who are not subject to military registration. These include:

  • faces, permanent place whose residence is outside the Russian Federation;
  • citizens serving a sentence of imprisonment;
  • persons released from service.

In all other cases, the young man must have registration certificate. Otherwise, he is considered to be avoiding military service.

A schoolchild or even a student who has reached the age of 16-17 receives new status- pre-conscription, but not right away. Male citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of majority are subject to military registration, and pre-conscription activities make it possible to determine the approximate number of potential recruits. Based on the data obtained, a conscription plan is drawn up for a certain period. That is why the first military registration and enlistment summons should be expected when the young man is still a high school student.

The first army "bell"

A high school student should know that he will soon receive a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, which is nothing more than an offer to come to a medical commission, and then to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration in order to carry out the procedure for registration for primary military registration. The first “military” document is considered to be a registration certificate, which can be obtained after passing a medical examination and submitting documents.

Is it possible not to receive registration ticket? Of course, it is possible, only in the future his absence will cause so many problems that it will be possible to put an end to your career. Therefore, all pre-conscription conscripts must undergo this procedure, because it is in their interests. Nothing bad will happen if the guy goes to the medical examination and submits the required package of documents where necessary.

What does a primary military registration document look like?

A registration ticket (identity card, certificate, sheet) is a small booklet blue color, in which information related to the pre-conscript is entered. This is a kind of prototype of a military ID, which means that this document requires careful treatment. There is no doubt about its significance, since the registration certificate contains not only information of a regulatory nature, but also the personal data of the pre-conscription conscript - photograph, full name, fitness category.

The document has a series and number, and each page is protected from counterfeiting with a watermark. The registration certificate from the military registration and enlistment office is the first document confirming military registration, and it is subsequently subject to exchange for a military ID.

Required documents for registration certificate

  1. Passport or Birth Certificate.
  2. Black and white photos 3 by 4 in the amount of three pieces.
  3. Certificate of residence.
  4. Questionnaires: with information about the pre-conscript and his parents.
  5. Certificate of incomplete (complete) secondary education.
  6. Medical examination results.

Most often, a medical record from a healthcare institution is delivered to a military commissariat without the participation of a pre-conscript. Exactly outpatient card and allows members of the medical commission to decide on the appointment of an additional examination, and it is also necessary to determine the fitness category.

Medical examination

To obtain a registration certificate, you must undergo a medical examination, the results of which will allow you to preliminarily determine the fitness category of the future soldier. Attendance at the military medical examination is ensured by the general education institution, for which students are even removed from classes. It is noteworthy that the doctors of the military medical commission are not authorized to make diagnoses; they take into account the presence of pre-conscript diseases diagnosed by specialists from state clinics.

If a young man of pre-conscription age has any documents confirming that he has any disease, then he must provide it to the members of the military medical commission, who have the right to send the guy for further examination. The list of specialists who need to be visited is standard: otolaryngologist, therapist, surgeon, neurologist, psychiatrist, ophthalmologist, dentist. According to the results medical examination a pre-conscription person is assigned one of five fitness categories, which cannot be assigned “for life”, since in the year or two remaining before conscription, both positive and negative changes can occur in the young man’s health, which will entail a change in the fitness category.

Receiving a registration ticket

After the documents have been submitted and the military medical examination has been passed, the pre-conscript is initially registered for military registration. Employees of the military registration and enlistment office open a personal file for each “newcomer”, which contains information about the citizen liable for military service related to the army. After such events, the young man will receive an order, “decorated” with signatures and seals. At the time of its delivery, the young man will be explained all his rights and obligations. In addition, he will be warned of liability for failure to appear at conscription events.

It is at this moment that the deadlines for reporting to the recruiting station are preliminarily determined. The registration certificate is handed over “under signature”, that is, you will need to sign for its receipt. This “autograph” means one thing: a citizen who has become liable for military service from this moment is not at all going to evade fulfilling his constitutional and civil duty, and he realizes the importance of obtaining a registration certificate. From this moment on, the young man officially receives the status of “pre-conscript”, which, upon reaching adulthood, smoothly transforms into “conscript”.

Non-standard situations

It happens that a young man moves to another city, and precisely at the moment when the military registration and enlistment office begins the procedure for registering a pre-conscript for primary military registration. There is nothing wrong with this, since the guy automatically falls under the jurisdiction of another military commissariat based at his new place of residence. Therefore, if a move happens inopportunely, then you need to contact the “new” military registration and enlistment office as quickly as possible.

IN modern world There are often situations when military registration and enlistment offices simply forget about the existence of a particular person. This can happen if the guy does not study or work anywhere. Of course, one should not rejoice at such a “favorable” coincidence of circumstances, since such a cheerful and carefree life will end when the question arises of admission to some educational institution, official employment, or a banal change of passport. Therefore, if “the mountain does not come to Magomed,” then the citizen himself must come or call the military registration and enlistment office and ask: why has everyone forgotten about him?

Another situation: the medical examination has been passed, the documents “for registration” have been submitted to the military registration and enlistment office, but nothing happens. If the military commissariat does not issue a registration certificate, then you need to find out the reasons. To do this, an application is written addressed to the military commissar, which must be considered as soon as possible. short term. Perhaps there was some kind of confusion or the pre-conscription conscript simply provided false information about himself or his parents. The real reason can only be established after a personal request expressed in the form of an application.

How to obtain a registration certificate after 18 years of age

If for some reason a young man did not receive a registration certificate “along with everyone else,” that is, at 16-17 years old, then this can be done later, for which you just need to show up at the military registration and enlistment office and tell the employees about your intentions. It is noteworthy that pre-conscription conscripts can register for primary registration at a strictly defined time: from January 1 to March 31. Citizens who have already reached the age of majority can do this throughout the entire calendar year.

It is worth noting that for a citizen who has already reached the age of majority and is subject to conscription, the procedure for obtaining a registration certificate is complicated, since questions will inevitably arise from military registration and enlistment office employees. But better late than never, because the absence of this document may well serve as the basis for initiating a criminal case against the evader. And voluntary participation can play a positive role in this whole story. There are situations when a citizen visits the military registration and enlistment office during the non-conscription period, and by that time the military medical commission stops its activities, and because of one person no one will collect it. Therefore, the summons is served at a later date - right in time for the next call.

Differences between registration and military ID

A registration certificate is a document of military registration of citizens subject to conscription, issued after the initial registration has been carried out. Your full name is indicated on the first page of this document; year, day, month of birth; information about the military commissariat, preliminary fitness category. Pages 2-3 are “official”, and stamps are placed on them indicating the citizen’s acceptance/removal for military registration, as well as the dates of appearance for the medical examination. Pages 4-5 contain information about the decisions made by the draft board, as well as the date on which the young man must arrive at the military registration and enlistment office after the deferment.

A military ID is also a military registration document containing information about a serviceman or person liable for military service. This document is issued upon completion of military service, upon enlistment in the reserve (according to various reasons), upon admission to military school or university.

A military ID is more informative than a registration certificate, and it contains information such as:

  1. Full name, signature, photograph and date of birth of the citizen, information about the military registration and enlistment office with the personal signature of the military commissar, stamp and date of issue of the document. It is noteworthy that all this information is presented on the so-called zero page.
  2. The first page indicates: marital status, sports category, specialty, education, place of birth.
  3. The second page contains information about “which way” the citizen relates to military service. If not, then that’s how it’s written: “unfit”, “dismissed to the reserve”, etc.
  4. On the fourth page a mark indicating completion of service or “did not serve” is placed.
  5. The eighth page is for military rank. By the way, all those who did not serve are privates.
  6. The eleventh page is the place for VUS, accounting group, stock category.
  7. 21-24 pages are intended for stamps on registration/removal from military registration.

As you can see, there are differences between these two documents, and quite significant ones. Failure to appear at the military registration and enlistment office on a summons may result in unpleasant consequences: from administrative responsibility to criminal, although the presence/absence of valid reasons plays a huge role here.

Why you shouldn't buy

Because this deception will definitely be revealed, and, as you know, forgery and the use of false documents is punishable by law quite strictly. And in best case scenario you can “get off” with a substantial fine or correctional labor. A registration certificate is a document that is a strict reporting form with watermarks and a serial number. This means that even a “non-expert”, but an ordinary person, can “detect” a fake.

After passing the commission, which is associated with military registration, each citizen of the Russian Federation receives a registration certificate from the military registration and enlistment office. This document is issued with a personal signature and has official name- certificate of a citizen subject to conscription military service. In everyday use it is called briefly - certificate of attribution. The document is issued to men from January 1 to March 31 of the year in which they turn seventeen years old. Female persons receive a registration certificate after passing a qualification exam in a military specialty .

When conscripted for military service or enlisted in the reserves, a Russian citizen submits a registration certificate to the military registration and enlistment office, and in return receives a military ID. About what a registration certificate is, and we'll talk In this article.

Certificate of registration from the military registration and enlistment office, as a document

The registration certificate is the main document for a person who is registered with the military before being drafted into the army. As already noted, Russian boys receive it when they turn 17, and girls receive it after receiving a profession that is included in the list of military specialties (VUS).

The purpose of the registration certificate is to record the fact of military registration and the place of registration (military registration and enlistment office), as well as to inform its owner of the date when he can be called up for service, and the responsibility for refusing to conscientiously perform the duties of a conscript. Also, the conscript’s certificate indicates the citizen’s fitness category for military service at the time of registration with the military registration and enlistment office, and which will be reflected in the military ID in the future for.

The registration certificate confirms that the citizen fulfilled his duty and registered with the military. This procedure is mandatory, since without completing it, a person liable for military service will not be hired, and it will be impossible to enroll in secondary education or secondary education. In addition, the registration certificate is the main document in the citizen’s further legal relations with the authorities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The document does not have a specific validity period and remains with the conscript until he is called up for military service or written off to the reserves. That is, the document can be held by a conscript until he is 27 years old. In both of these cases, in the future, instead of a registration certificate, the citizen is issued.

What does a conscript's registration certificate look like?

The appearance of the registration certificate is established by law. According to it, the document is small size a book with a thick cover. On the cover there is the inscription “Russian Federation” and an image of the coat of arms of Russia, as well as the full name of the document. Its contents represent the information that the military services need. Specific rules for filling out the registration certificate are provided regulatory documents Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Since the conscript ID is a personal and personalized document, the registration certificate must contain a photo. The requirements for photography are generally no different from those for most other documents. It should be black and white, 3 x 4 cm in size, with a full-face image on a light, plain background. The “corner” may be missing, but it is better to order a photo with it.

As in any case, the registration certificate contains individual details - series and number. The number and series of the conscript's certificate are located on each page of the document. The series is a letter designation and is separated by a space from a number consisting of a combination of numbers. Also, each page of the registration certificate is equipped with a watermark.

Documents for obtaining registration certificate

To obtain a registration certificate, you must submit a package of documents to the military registration and enlistment office, which includes:

  • certificate from the passport office confirming registration at the place of residence;
  • medical certificate confirming passing a medical examination;
  • reference issued at the place of study or work;
  • 2 black and white photographs 3 x 4 cm;
  • photocopy and original.

If necessary, the military registration and enlistment office may request other documents.

Thus, a registration certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, which is one of the documents indicating that a citizen of the Russian Federation is registered with the military.

The registration certificate is an extremely important document for all citizens who have military duty. The thing is that in Russia men from the age of 18 serve in the army. Before officially becoming a conscript, you must receive a "registration certificate." Without it you cannot be considered liable for military service. What should every citizen know about this document? What if the paper is lost?


The registration certificate is a kind of conscript identification. It, as already mentioned, is extremely important for people who have not served in the country’s armed forces. The point is that “attributed” indicates the special status of a male citizen. Can be exchanged for a military ID after passing conscript service. At a certain age it turns out that all boys. Schoolgirls do not receive "credit" credit. Each future conscript must keep his ID. Girls can also get credit. But only after they complete their training related to the country's armed forces.

How to register

The registration certificate is first issued to boys in approximately 10th grade, or more precisely at 17 years of age. It is at this age that a child is called up for military training. This is a mandatory process in which, as you might guess, only boys participate. For some time, military training has been carried out with the young men. After the guys return home, they are issued a registration certificate at the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration or temporary registration. Guys are only required to have an ID. And a certificate of passing a medical examination. It is usually issued after an inspection at school. There is nothing difficult about obtaining the “assigned” one.


What does the document you are studying look like? This is a small book in size, somewhat reminiscent of a workbook. It contains information about a future or current conscript. Here you can see not only information about the citizen, but also his photograph. The information in the registration certificate is recorded as follows:

  • Full name of the citizen;
  • image of a person;
  • Date of Birth;
  • place of registration;
  • information about military service;
  • health status;
  • Family status.

Procedure for receiving in case of loss

What to do if you have lost your registration certificate? The thing is that in this case you will have to independently contact the military registration and enlistment office at your place of registration to make a duplicate of the lost document. According to the law, all persons liable for military service must have a “registration certificate.” What exactly is required of a conscript to be reinstated? On this moment To the military registration and enlistment office at the place of registration or permanent residence you must bring:

  • application for the issuance of a registration certificate of the established form;
  • citizen's identity card (Russian passport, original);
  • photographs (black and white, 2 pieces, 3x4 format);
  • characteristics from the place of work or study;
  • health certificates (passing a medical examination);
  • extracts from the passport office about the citizen's registration (not necessary if you have permanent registration and a civil passport).

Photo requirements

Many people pay special attention to photographs, which are necessary to obtain the document being studied. The registration certificate can be issued both repeatedly and initially only if the citizen has collected a certain list of papers. Everything is clear with the package of documents. What photographs are required for the registration certificate? The following requirements are put forward to them:

  1. Size. It has already been said about it. A citizen must order 3x4 images from a photo salon.
  2. Color. It is not necessary to take photographs in color. Black and white photographs are recommended.
  3. Background. It should be monochromatic. The best one is the standard one, white.
  4. Prescription. Old images cannot be used. New photographs are provided for documents, including those for the “attached” release. The maximum “age” of the image should not be more than six months.

When moving

But what if a citizen changed his place of residence before receiving his “assignment”? IN in this case You will have to apply with all the previously listed documents to the military registration and enlistment office for a new registration. The registration certificate that has already been received does not need to be changed. It is enough to come with him to the new military registration and enlistment office and register for military registration in the new area. Concerns this procedure all boys over the age of 17.