Echo signs of dilatation of the lateral ventricles of the brain. Causes and symptoms of enlargement of the ventricles of the brain

Dilation, or expansion of the lateral ventricles, occurs due to the production of a large amount of cerebrospinal fluid, as a result of which it does not have time to be excreted normally, or due to the occurrence of obstacles to the exit of the cerebrospinal fluid. This disease most often occurs in premature babies due to the fact that the size of their lateral ventricles is much larger than in children born at term.

When diagnosing hydrocephalus, the size of the lateral ventricles is determined by their quantitative and qualitative characteristics. For this there is a sufficient number special techniques. In this case, the immediate depth of the lateral ventricles is measured, as well as the size of the cavity of the transparent septum located in the third ventricle.

Normally, the depth of the ventricles ranges from 1 to 4 mm. When these indicators increase by more than 4 mm, as a result of which their lateral curvature disappears and the shape becomes rounded, they speak of the beginning of expansion of the lateral ventricles.

Dilatation of the lateral ventricles is not considered a pathology, but a symptom of some disease. It is this reason that specialists have to diagnose.

Diseases in which dilatation of the lateral ventricles occurs.

Excessive accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid most often occurs as a result of a condition such as hydrocephalus. It is considered a fairly serious brain pathology. In this case, the process of cerebrospinal fluid absorption is disrupted, as a result of which it accumulates in the lateral ventricles, which leads to their dilatation.

Excess cerebrospinal fluid appears with lesions of the central nervous system. In this case, the ventricles dilate due to the slow release of cerebrospinal fluid.

Disruption of the normal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid occurs due to the occurrence of neoplasms in the form of tumors or cysts, as well as as a result of traumatic brain injuries, inflammatory processes and hemorrhages in the brain.

Common cause dilatation happens birth defect Sylvian aqueduct. It occurs in 30% of cases of hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus can also be caused by an aneurysm of the vein of Galen and a subdural hematoma of the posterior cranial fossa.

Arnold-Chiari syndrome causes communicating hydrocephalus. In this case, a displacement of the brain stem and cerebellum occurs. This condition can also be caused by cytomegaly or toxoplasmosis.

Other causes of dilatation of the lateral ventricles.

Dilatation of the lateral ventricles can cause brain defects. At the same time, despite the fact that they do not affect health, observation by a specialist is still necessary.

Most often, dilatation of the lateral ventricles, not caused by serious diseases, does not lead to serious consequences. It can be a consequence of rickets, and also appear as a result of the specific structure of the skull.

Dilatation and asymmetry of the lateral ventricles is detected by ultrasound examination of the brain. If in doubt, a repeat ultrasound scan is scheduled after a certain period of time.

Dilatation of the lateral ventricles of the brain in newborns is hypertrophy of special cavities intended to be filled with cerebrospinal fluid, for which they are a temporary storage. Liquor (CSF) is a special liquid medium in which the central nervous system, performing transportation functions necessary substances and removal of metabolic products and protecting the spinal cord and brain from mechanical damage.

There are 4 special cavities (ventricles) in humans: paired lateral cavities, the third and fourth. Lateral, located on either side of the midline of the head below corpus callosum, are strictly symmetrical and consist of a body, anterior, posterior and lower horns. These are two structures whose main function is the accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid and its transportation with the help of special structural devices. Dilatation of the lateral ventricles of the brain in newborns may be a normal variant or a consequence pathological disorder outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

The normal size of the lateral cavity is usually determined depending on the linear parameters of the skull. The existing average norm for the size of the body and subsections of the lateral ventricles of a newborn can be considered only as a relative indicator and adjusted depending on the individual parameters of the child (birth at term or prematurity, height and weight of the baby, hereditary parameters in the structure and size of the skull). Exist various techniques measurements of parameters of the cerebral ventricles and methods for visualizing their shape. Hyperdeveloped (dilated) ventricles of the brain in an infant are not always evidence of pathology. This is a fairly common occurrence in premature babies. The expansion of the cavity does not mean a developmental pathology and is a symptom of a disease that can be eliminated with appropriate treatment.

Enlargement of the ventricles of the brain in newborns born prematurely is a consequence of underdevelopment of certain parameters, because there was not enough time for this. And with proper care, after a certain period of time, this phenomenon evens out, if it was not caused by hereditary anomalies in the structure of certain brain functions. Dilatation of the lateral ventricles, not provoked by serious defects or external pathological reasons, usually has virtually no effect on general development child. Dilatation of the ventricles of the brain in newborns, caused by intrauterine anomalies or diseases that impair the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cavities, requires permanent monitoring and serious therapy.

Enlargement of the ventricles of the brain in the fetus can be detected during intrauterine examination using ultrasound, but certain doubts always arise, and ultrasound is repeated to confirm the diagnosis. But enlarged ventricles of the brain in intrauterine development may be an intermediate stage of skull formation or due to its unusual structure. Enlargement of the ventricles of the brain in children who have had rickets is also considered a relative norm, because it goes away after the rickets is cured.

Causes of occurrence and caused pathologies

The causes of enlargement of the ventricles of the brain are conventionally divided into internal and external. The former appear as a result of developmental anomalies as a result of pathological processes present in the body, provoked by external negative factors. Anatomically, the ventricles of the brain in a child may be enlarged due to the following defects:

  • stenosis of the interventricular foramina or their atresia;
  • pathologies of the structure of the Sylvian aqueduct (brain aqueduct);
  • anomalies of the upper cervical region or bases of the skull;
  • suffered inflammation of the meninges.

Pathological reasons for the expansion of the ventricles of the brain in a child can be due to: hereditary factors, transmitted at the chromosomal level, and the negative course of pregnancy. Modern medicine believes that asymmetry of the lateral ventricles of the brain, provoked by the pathological course of pregnancy, may be a consequence intrauterine infection And septic complication, extragenital pathologies mother and even an excessive time period between the breaking of water and the process of childbirth. The lateral ventricles of the brain can become the root cause of the appearance serious illnesses, if they are expanded due to pathological reasons.

Pathologies of the ventricles of the brain can also appear as a result of acquired volumetric formations: tumors, cysts, hemangiomas and hematomas. Acquired causes of asymmetry in newborns include hydrocephalus. It can occur with 3 anomalies associated with the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid:

  • disruption of outflow, the usual course of which is hampered by an obstacle;
  • excess reproduction of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • a disruption in the balance between CSF absorption and its formation.

Hydrocephalus of the brain in a newborn, which occurs after a difficulty in the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, leads to a visual increase in the volume of the skull, which occurs because tight connections in infants are not formed between all segments of the bone structure. The intrauterine occurrence of hydrocephalus is associated with past infections, genetics and congenital pathologies development of the central nervous system, in infants - with malformations of the spinal cord or brain, tumors, birth or traumas suffered. Dilatation of the brain cavities in newborns is most often associated with abnormal circulation of cerebrospinal fluid caused by pathological reasons.

Ventriculomegaly, according to some researchers, is an independent pathology, characterized by the presence of enlarged lateral ventricles in an infant. However, this point of view also connects the occurrence of pathology with objective malformations or with external negative factors, due to which the ventricular cavities are expanded. Ventriculomegaly in itself does not pose a great danger, but under certain conditions it can cause serious pathologies.

Diagnostics and research

Asymmetry of the ventricles of the brain during initial diagnosis is determined by measuring the size of the lateral ventricles using existing special techniques. Their depth and the size of the cavity of the transparent septum are measured. The cavity is located in the third ventricle. This makes it possible to identify violations that cause cavities to expand. Such disorders include anatomical abnormalities, central nervous system disorders, excessive reproduction of cerebrospinal fluid or tumors, and consequences of traumatic injuries.

Hydrocephalus, which occurs as a result of prolonged compression of cerebrospinal fluid on unformed connections bone structures, is not noticeable at first, but can increase and appear if the condition of the lateral ventricles, which does not correspond to the norm, is not immediately detected. Diagnosis begins with an examination by a neurologist. Going to general anamnesis, the baby’s head is measured, tendon and muscle reflexes, and muscle tone are checked. Neurosonography is performed through the fontanel. This is an ultrasound that examines each cavity of the brain, possibly while the fontanel is open. But the main diagnosis can only be made after an MRI. Magnetic resonance imaging gives an idea not only of the size of the cerebral ventricle, but also of the presence or absence of foreign formations; condition of veins, arteries, vessels, channels.

CT is inferior to MRI in terms of information content, but increases the total amount of information and allows one to obtain additional information. Sometimes such studies reveal a pseudocyst as possible reason asymmetry or poor cerebrospinal fluid patency. This is a disease in modern conditions easy to give in drug treatment, if diagnosed on early stage until it began to expand.

Treatment of dilatation of the lateral ventricles of the brain is carried out in 2 ways - conservative and surgical - and is determined both by the reasons for the occurrence of such a phenomenon and by a look at possible consequences. Most often to surgical treatment used for anatomical pathologies or tumors. It does not matter whether both ventricles are affected or whether only the left or right one is abnormal.

The attention shown by neurologists to the condition of the lateral ventricles of the brain, especially when they are dealing with children, is associated with the important role that it plays in the body cerebrospinal fluid. The ventricles are its reservoirs, performing protective and trophic functions.

The term dilatation implies expansion of the organ. It concerns not only the heart, but, in general, any part of a living organism. The reasons for this phenomenon can be natural, for example, with regular good stress on the body, people’s hearts increase slightly in order to pump blood faster, and pathological - due to various diseases.

Dilatation of the brain can occur against the background various diseases. The left, which is also called the first, and the right, which is called the second, ventricles, as well as the third, with which both of the previous ones communicate, can change. In this article we will look at what pathological dilatation of the lateral ventricles is.

What are the lateral ventricles of the brain?

The lateral ventricles are two cavities filled with cerebrospinal fluid. They are the largest in the human body ventricular system and communicate with the third ventricle through special openings. Each of them has a posterior and anterior horn, a lower and a body itself. There is also a fourth, rhomboid ventricle, which also communicates with the entire system.

These organs have the free form of the letter C. They exist in the body to “produce” cerebrospinal fluid, which is then sent to the subarachnoid space. Serious violations at work can greatly damage brain function and human health in general.

How does dilatation manifest?

The only factor after which the expansion of the ventricles of the brain begins is an excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid, which, as it were, stretches the cavities. This occurs due to the fact that for some reason the movement of this fluid in the body is disrupted.

In fact, dilatation is not a disease or pathology, it is a symptom of another disease. This situation often occurs in children born earlier due date. If the baby was born at the right time, then dilatation of the lateral ventricles is not observed.

Dilatation of the cerebral ventricle is visualized

To determine whether over-dilation of these organs is present, using different methods take measurements. The main criterion is the depth of the ventricles, which should fluctuate around 1-4 millimeters. If this indicator is exceeded and the ventricle takes on an incorrectly rounded shape, the doctor will be able to diagnose dilatation. The doctor should also pay attention to the condition occipital horns, anterior horns and carry out appropriate studies to confirm the diagnosis.

Diseases that cause dilatation, other causes

Enlargement of the bodies of the lateral ventricles occurs against the background of the following problems in the body:

  • Often, dilatation of the lateral ventricles manifests itself as a symptom of a serious brain disease - hydrocephalus. Its essence is that the brain cannot absorb cerebrospinal fluid, that is, the resulting cerebrospinal fluid, as a result of which it accumulates at the site of “production”;
  • Dilatation occurs if the central nervous system is affected; this also often leads to disruption of the movement of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • Dilatation of the left ventricle, as well as the right, can manifest itself against the background of diseases such as a cyst, tumor, in general, diseases associated with various neoplasms that block the free flow of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • The cause of the manifestation of enlargement of the ventricles of the brain may be mechanical injury or concussion, especially those that result in cerebral hemorrhage;
  • It is also possible that both ventricles are enlarged due to a defect in the Sylvian aqueduct.

In cases where dilatation is recorded in newborns, it can occur due to a number of pathologies. Often it is moderate and does not lead to serious complications, although it requires constant monitoring by a doctor, like any deviation in a small child.

Signs of pathology

Often, signs of dilatation are mild, well-tolerated symptoms in the form of headaches, loss of consciousness or vomiting with an overall healthy background and well-being. In children, if this happens infrequently, nothing bad will happen. It is important to maintain a cheerful and optimistic spirit of the child and everything will pass. Slight dilatation may simply be a sign of depression; the condition worsens in this case not due to changes, but due to emotional reactions.

However, you need to pay attention to cases when the disease manifests itself as increased intracranial pressure. It doesn’t matter if it’s a mild dilatation or something more serious; most likely, you’ll need it surgery V short time. Such expansion of the cavity of the left ventricle, or the right, or both together is considered dangerous to human life and health.

You need to understand that the cerebrospinal fluid circulation systems cannot be cured with herbs, acupuncture, vitamins and massages; they are simply not effective.

Mild dilatation will go away on its own, if not serious reasons, and a dangerous type of pathology will require urgent intervention surgeon

Echo signs of dilatation of the ventricles of the brain are the same measurements and deviations in them that the doctor makes during research. The doctor should tell you the consequences of the disease and its severity, which will give an idea of ​​what kind of intervention is necessary, and whether it is necessary at all. During an ultrasound examination, not only the lateral cavities are examined, but also posterior horns, the third ventricle and the entire system as a whole.

If we're talking about about a serious form of the disease, then in addition to treatment and surgical intervention, rehabilitation will be required. This should include both drug intervention and restorative procedures. If the form is not serious and does not cause severe discomfort, then you should simply fight the symptoms with medication and maintain general health body.

In the case of dilatation of the cerebral lateral ventricles, self-medication will not bear any fruit, especially if the situation is serious. On the contrary, delay, in turn, can lead to irreversible consequences.

What is “asymmetry of the lateral ventricles of the brain”? First you need to understand what the ventricles of the human brain are.

The “ventricles of the brain” are a system of special anastomizing cavities communicating with the subarachnoid space, as well as the canal spinal cord person. The ventricles contain what is called cerebrospinal fluid. The reverse surface of the walls of these ventricles is covered with ependyma.

Types of cerebral ventricles

As stated earlier, lateral ventricles brain are some containers in the brain, inside of which there is cerebrospinal fluid. These ventricles are the largest in the entire ventricular system. The ventricle on the left is usually called the first, and the one on the right is called the second. It is important to note that the lateral cerebral ventricles communicate with another (third) ventricle using the foramina of Monroe. They are located on both sides of the midline, below the corpus callosum, symmetrically. Each such ventricle has posterior horn, anterior horn, inferior horn and body.

The third cerebral ventricle is located between the visual thalamus. This ventricle has a ring-shaped form, because visual intermediate tubercles grow into its body. The edges of the ventricle are filled with gray matter. This substance contains vegetative subcortical centers. The third ventricle communicates with the midbrain aqueduct and this occurs through a special opening with the lateral ventricles.

Another one (the fourth ventricle) is located between the medulla and the medulla oblongata. This ventricle is shaped like a tent, with a bottom and a roof. It should be noted that the base and bottom of this ventricle is similar to a rhombus; it can be said to be pressed into the posterior bridge and medulla. For this reason, it is commonly called the rhomboid fossa. In the posterior lower corner of this fossa there is a canal of the spinal cord. Also, in the upper anterior corner there is a connection between the fourth cerebral ventricle and the aqueduct.

The lateral angles end in the form of two pockets, curving ventrally next to the inferior cerebellar peduncles.
In addition, the lateral ventricles of the brain are quite large themselves and have a C-shape. CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) is synthesized in the ventricles, after which this fluid enters the subarachnoid space. In the event that the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the cerebral ventricles worsens, the person receives a diagnosis. Besides everything else, spinal ventricles are one of the largest elements in the entire ventricular system.

Ventricular dilatation

Enlargement (dilation), or “asymmetry of the lateral ventricles of the brain,” occurs as a result of an excessive amount of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) located in these ventricles. The result is that this fluid does not always have time to exit quickly (for example, due to obstacles in the exit of the cerebrospinal fluid).

This disease can very often be found in premature babies, since the size of their lateral ventricles is much larger than in children born at term. If a child has “enlarged ventricles of the brain” or “asymmetry of the ventricles of the brain,” the size of the lateral ventricles is determined, as well as their qualitative and quantitative characteristics. There are various techniques to diagnose this. Also, when conducting a study, you should directly measure the depth of the ventricles and the size of the transparent septum, which is located in the third ventricle. “The size of the ventricles of the brain” should correspond to the norm. Normally, their depth should be in the range from 1 to 4 mm. If these indicators are more than 4 mm, as a result of which their lateral curvature disappears and the shape turns into a round one, we can talk about the beginning of their expansion of the lateral ventricles.

What does this mean?

Diseases in which dilatation of the lateral ventricles occurs

Large accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid often occurs as a result of a disease such as hydrocephalus. Hydrocephalus is considered a very serious brain pathology. As a result of this pathology, a change in the absorption process of cerebrospinal fluid occurs; as a result, cerebrospinal fluid can accumulate in the lateral ventricles, which provokes their dilatation. A large amount of cerebrospinal fluid can also appear with lesions of the central nervous system. As a result of damage to the central nervous system, the cerebral ventricles may also increase in size due to insufficient rapid release of cerebrospinal fluid. Disruption of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid also occurs due to the appearance of tumors, cysts and other neoplasms.

In addition, disruption of the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid can be caused as a result of a traumatic brain injury, hemorrhage and inflammatory processes in the human brain. A common cause of dilatation of the lateral ventricles is a defect of the Sylvian aqueduct. This pathology occurs in 30-35% of cases of hydrocephalus. A common cause of dilation or asymmetry of the lateral ventricles can be a subdural hematoma of the posterior cranial fossa. It is important to remember that hydrocephalus can provoke “bleeding into the ventricles of the brain.”

Other causes of dilatation of the cerebral ventricles

Enlargement of the lateral ventricles of the brain is the cause of many developmental defects in newborns. Even though the expansion of the cerebral ventricles has virtually no effect on the health of the newborn, supervision by a doctor is required. Basically, expansion of the lateral ventricles of the brain, unprovoked serious illnesses, rarely leads to noticeable consequences. Also, expansion of the cephalic ventricles may be a consequence of rickets, or may appear as a result of the unusual structure of the skull.

Regarding diagnosis, asymmetry and dilatation of the lateral ventricles can be detected during the passage ultrasound examination. If doubt arises, after a certain period of time, a repeat ultrasound may be prescribed.

Dilatation is, as it says medical encyclopedia, a term derived from the Latin word dilatatio, meaning “to expand.” So in modern medicine denote a persistent increase in the lumen in the cavity of an organ, leading to an increase in its volume.

Today we will talk about cases of dilatation of the left ventricle of the heart and lateral ventricles of the brain. Let's find out whether these changes are dangerous and how to deal with them.

Dilatation is a consequence of the accumulation of large amounts of blood

The heart is the chamber that is responsible for pumping blood in our body. It is this part of the heart muscle that performs the functions of a pump: either decreasing or increasing in volume, it lets in blood from the left atrium and supplies it to the largest artery- the aorta, to then be distributed to all organs of the human body.

In the case when the aorta or its valve is narrowed for some reason, the left ventricle accumulates a large number of blood, leading to its overload and causing stretching - dilatation.

This situation can also arise in some cases when too much blood enters the left ventricle.

Reasons causing dilatation

Sometimes dilatation of the left ventricle is caused by previous inflammation of the heart - viral myocarditis. Often the cause of lumen expansion is ischemic disease heart or hypertension.

Ventricular dilatation may appear in a patient in the post-infarction period, initially caused by stretching of the infarct area itself (due to divergence muscle fibers), and then neighboring areas. The reason for this is the weakening of the wall of the left ventricle and its loss of elasticity, which provokes excessive stretching.

How is the presence of dilatation determined?

Minor dilatation is, as a rule, an asymptomatic pathology. In this case, patients do not present any complaints that could lead one to suspect the presence of enlargement. But if as a result of this pathological process pumping decreases, the patient may experience weakness, fast fatiguability, shortness of breath, swelling of the extremities, etc.

Signs of dilatation can be determined by ECG results, but it is impossible to accurately identify it only with the help of this examination. The main method for this is It helps to detect a previous heart attack or heart defects, and this, in turn, indicates the presence of enlargement. Using ultrasound, the diameter of the ventricle is also measured (in other words, its end-diastolic size - EDS).

However, it should be taken into account that the CDR is not absolute indicator. With an average norm of 56 mm, it can vary depending on height, weight and physical training a specific person. If for a two-meter athlete weighing more than 100 kg the norm may be 58 mm, then for a woman weighing 45 kg and reaching a height of only 155 cm, this figure is already a sign of dilatation.

How serious are the consequences of dilatation?

The article has already mentioned that dilatation is a possible impetus for the development of heart failure. In addition, in the dilated ventricle, the development of some forms of arrhythmia, including life-threatening ones, is possible.

Following the appearance of this pathology, the patient may experience an expansion of the diameter of the valve ring, which usually leads to deformation of the valve itself and, as a consequence, to the development of an acquired defect - mitral regurgitation.

Therefore, it is very important that dilatation of the left ventricle of the heart is detected in time and begins to adequate treatment under the supervision of a cardiologist. This will help stabilize the patient’s condition and significantly improve the length and quality of his life.

What is mild dilatation of the lateral ventricles?

The human brain also has cavities called ventricles. There, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced, which is discharged through special channels. As a rule, dilatation of the ventricles is a sign that either fluid is produced in excess, or it does not have time to be eliminated normally, or there are some obstacles in its way.

Normally, the depth of the lateral ventricles of the brain is from 1 to 4 mm. At high rates, causing the disappearance of their lateral curvature, we are talking about dilatation. But it should be borne in mind that this is not a diagnosis, but a symptom of some disease that doctors must identify and eliminate.

Is dilatation always dangerous?

Clinical practice shows that dilation is not always a sign of the presence of some significant pathology. It most often occurs in premature babies, due to the fact that the size of these ventricles is much larger than in babies born at term, or it is a feature of the structure of the skull of a particular child.

But nevertheless, the presence of diagnosed brain dilatation requires monitoring the dynamics of the baby’s growth and development. If no abnormalities are detected during the control period, then the baby is considered healthy.