Lateral ventricles. Lateral ventricle: anatomy, functions Ventricles of the brain functions

Lateral ventricles, ventriculi laterales (Fig. , , , , ; see Fig. , , , , , , ), lie inside the cerebral hemispheres and are cavities that developed from the telencephalon vesicle.

Distinguish left lateral ventricle, ventriculus lateralis sinister, And right lateral ventricle, ventriculus lateralis dexter. Each of them is located in the corresponding hemisphere. The ventricle is divided into an anterior (frontal) horn, a central part, a posterior (occipital) horn and an inferior (temporal) horn. Each of these parts corresponds to one of the lobes of the cerebral hemisphere.

1. Frontal horn, cornu frontale, the lateral ventricle lies deep in the frontal lobe. Its cavity has the shape of a horn, convex medially; on a cross section drawn through the frontal lobe of the hemisphere, the cavity has the shape of a triangle. The upper and anterior walls of the anterior horn are the anterior sections of the corpus callosum - the frontal part of the radiate and the genu of the corpus callosum. The lateral wall and part of the lower wall are formed by the medial surface of the head of the caudate nucleus protruding into the cavity of the anterior horn.

The medial wall of each of the anterior horns is formed by a thin plate of the transparent septum, lamina septi pellucidi. Two records. They are limited posteriorly by the anterior surface of the columns and body of the fornix, superiorly by the inferior surface of the trunk of the corpus callosum, and anteriorly and inferiorly by the inner surface of the knee and beak of the corpus callosum.

The right and left plates form septum pellucidum, and between the plates there is a narrow slit-like cavity of the transparent septum, cavum septi pellucidi. The latter is clearly visible after removal of the corpus callosum. The part of the septum located anterior to the anterior commissure is defined as precommissural septum, septum precommissurale. Each plate contains the anterior and posterior veins of the septum pellucidum, collecting blood from the anterior parts of the corpus callosum, septum pellucida and the head of the caudate nucleus and flowing into the superior thalamostriatal vein (see Fig.).

In the posterior part of the medial wall of the anterior horn, between the thalamus and the column of the fornix, there is an oval interventricular foramen, foramen interventriculare. Through this hole the cavity of the lateral ventricle communicates with the cavity III ventricle, ventriculus tertius.

Posteriorly, the anterior horn directly passes into the central part of the lateral ventricle.

2. Central part, pars centralis, the lateral ventricle is located in the region of the parietal lobe of the hemisphere. The cavity of the central part is about 4 cm long and 1.5 cm wide, extends from the interventricular foramen to the origin of the posterior and lower horns of the lateral ventricle, and when sectioned in the frontal plane it looks like a narrow and shallow slit.

The upper wall, or roof, of the cavity is the parietal part of the radiance of the corpus callosum.

The lower wall, or bottom, is formed by the body of the caudate nucleus, the stria terminalis, the thalamus, above which lies a thin attached plate, and part choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle, plexus choroideus ventriculi lateralis.

Attached plate, lamina affixa, is an embryonic remnant of the telencephalon wall covering the superior surface of the thalamus. Medially it becomes thinner, forms a convoluted plate - vascular band, tenia choroidea, and passes into the ependyma - the epithelial cover lining the walls of the lateral and other ventricles.

Terminal strip, stria terminalis, located lateral to the attached plate, somewhat covers the small terminal groove lying on the border between the caudate nucleus and the thalamus. Fibers of the stria terminalis, fibrae striae terminalis, arise in the posterior part of the amygdala, pass through the roof of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle, the terminal stria, the fornix and connect the amygdala with the septum pellucidum, the anterior and preoptic nuclei of the hypothalamus, and the anterior perforated substance.

The medial border of the central part of the lateral ventricle is the body of the fornix.

By lifting the choroid plexus and the attached lamina and moving away the body of the fornix, the superior surface of the thalamus can be seen. In this case, a slit-like depression becomes visible between the edge of the fornix and the upper surface of the thalamus - vascular fissure, fissura choroidea.

3. Posterior [occipital] horn, sogpi occipitalis, the lateral ventricle, being a direct continuation of the central part, is located in the region of the occipital lobe. Its cavity is up to 1.2–2.0 cm long, very narrow and in the frontal section has the shape of a triangle. There are 3 walls in the cavity: concave medial, convex lateral and the most narrowed upper, dorsal; the posterior narrowed end of the cavity is directed towards the occipital pole.

On the medial wall there are two longitudinal ridges lying one above the other. The smaller upper ridge is often poorly defined - this is posterior horn bulb, bulbus cornus occipitalis. The splenium is formed by a bundle of fibers running from the corpus callosum to the occipital lobe, corresponding to the bottom of the parieto-occipital groove and being part of the occipital (large) forceps of the corpus callosum. The fibers of the trunk and splenium of the corpus callosum, forming the roof and lateral wall of the posterior horn and the lateral wall of the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle, are called cover, tapetum.

The lower roller is larger than the upper one and is called bird's spur, calcar avis. It is always pronounced and corresponds to the calcarine groove, which protrudes deeply into the wall of the posterior horn. From the side and above, the cavity of the posterior horn is surrounded by fibers of the corpus callosum. Posteriorly, the dorsal horn is limited by the substance of the occipital lobe.

4. Lower [temporal] horn, sogpi temporale, the lateral ventricle lies deep in the temporal lobe, closer to its medial periphery. It is a cavity 3–4 cm long directed in an arc downward, forward and inward.

The anterior sections of the cavity end blindly, not reaching the temporal pole, but reaching only the hook, where the amygdala is located in the thickness of the brain in front of the lower horn. On the frontal section, there are 4 walls that limit the cavity of the lower horn: lateral, upper, lower and medial.

The lateral and upper walls of the cavity are formed by the fibers of the corpus callosum, the lower - a slightly raised triangular platform - collateral triangle, trigonum collaterale, the posterior sections of which continue into the cavity of the posterior horn. In front and outward, the triangle continues into an elongated protrusion - collateral eminence, eminentia collateralis, formed by a deeply recessed outside collateral groove, sulcus collateralis.

The medial wall of the lower horn is a protrusion that strongly protrudes into the cavity of the horn - a curved shape - hippocampus. This protrusion, up to 3 cm long, is formed due to deep depression from the outside into the cavity of the lower horn hippocampal sulcus, sulcus hippocampi. The posterior sections of the hippocampus begin in the region of the posterior sections of the central part of the lateral ventricle, in front of the bird's spur and at the height of the collateral triangle. Further, the hippocampus stretches along the entire inferior horn in the form of an arcuate protrusion, directed with its convexity towards the lateral wall. Its anterior, wider sections are called peduncles of the hippocampus, pes hippocampi, and bear 3-4 elevations in the form of small finger-like protrusions, separated by small grooves. The very end of the hippocampus approaches the uncus, which is part of the parahippocampal gyrus.

The most superficial layer adjacent to the ependyma of the inferior horn forms hippocampal tray, alveus hippocampi.

Inward from the hippocampus, between it and the dentate gyrus, there is a narrow white stripe fused with the hippocampus - fimbria hippocampi, which is a continuation of the pedicle of the fornix, which descends into the cavity of the lower horn.

Also involved in the formation of the medial wall of the inferior horn choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle. This plexus passes into the inferior horn from the central part of the lateral ventricle, where it penetrates through the interventricular foramen. Following further towards the posterior horn, the plexus does not enter the latter, but, having formed an extension in the area of ​​the collateral triangle - vascular tangle, glomus choroideum, enters the cavity of the lower horn. Here, through the epithelial layer, the choroid plexus is attached to the edge of the hippocampal fimbria. The place of attachment in the form of a narrow and thin strip is called arch ribbons, tenia fornicis.

To understand what the subarachnoid space (ventricles of the brain) is, you need to know that the head and spinal organs of the central nervous system are covered with a special three-layer meninges, which become inflamed during meningitis. The layer closest to the brain is the pia mater or choroid, which fuses with it, the top one is the dura mater, and in the middle is the arachnoid or arachnoid membrane.

All membranes are designed to protect brain neural tissue from friction against the skull, soften accidental blows, and also perform some secondary, but no less important functions. Between the arachnoid and soft membranes there is a subarachnoid space with cerebrospinal fluid circulating through them - which is a means for the exchange of substances between blood and nervous tissues that do not have a lymphatic system, removing their waste products through capillary circulation.

The liquid softens shocks, maintains the constancy of the internal environment of brain tissue, and is also part of the immunobiological barrier.

The spinal cord canal is a thin central canal in the center of the gray neural matter of the spinal cord, covered with ependymal cells, containing cerebrospinal fluid.

Ependymal cells line not only the central canal of the spinal cord along with the ventricles. They are peculiar epithelial cells that, with special cilia, stimulate the movement of cerebrospinal fluid, regulate the microenvironment, and also produce myelin, which makes up the insulating sheath of nerve fibers that transmit neural electrical signals. This is a substance for the functioning of nerve tissues, necessary as a sheath for its internal “wires” through which electrical signals travel.

How many ventricles does a person have and their structure

A person has several ventricles, which are connected by channels into a single cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid among themselves, the subarachnoid space, as well as the median canal of the spinal part of the central nervous system, which is covered with a membrane of ependymal cells.

A person has 4 of them in total:

The first and second are symmetrical ventricles, located on both sides of the head relative to the center, called left or right, located in different hemispheres below the corpus callosum, which are the largest. Each of them has its own parts: anterior, lower, posterior horns, a body, which is its main cavity, and the horns are channels extending from the main body, through one of which the third ventricle is attached.

The third - the central one is similar to a ring or steering wheel, located between the cerebral visual tubercles growing into it, which also contains gray cerebral neuronal matter with subcortical nerve autonomic centers. The fourth ventricle of the brain communicates with it below.

Cavity number 4 is located lower in the center between the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum, the bottom of which consists of the pons oblongata, and the vault of the worm and cerebral sails. This is the smallest of all cavities, which connects the 3rd ventricle of the brain with the central canal of the spinal cord.

I would like to note that the ventricles are not special sacs with liquids, but rather cavities between the internal organs of the brain.

Additional organs or structures

On the arch of ventricles numbers 3 and 4, as well as on part of the lateral walls of the first and second, there are special vascular plexuses that produce from 70 to 90% of the cerebrospinal fluid.

Choroid ependymocytes are branched or ciliated cells of the epithelium of the ventricles, as well as the central spinal canal, which move the cerebrospinal fluid with their processes, and contain many cellular organs such as mitochondria, lysosomes and vesicles. These cells can not only produce energy and maintain a static internal environment, but also produce a number of important proteins in the cerebrospinal fluid, clearing it of metabolic waste from nerve cells or harmful substances, such as antibiotics.

Tancits are special cells of the ventricular epidermis that connect cerebrospinal fluid with blood, allowing it to communicate with blood vessels.

Cerebrospinal fluid, the functions of which have already been mentioned above, is also the most important structure of the central nervous system and the ventricles themselves. It is produced in the amount of 500 milliliters per day, and at the same time in humans its volume ranges from 140 to 150 milliliters. It not only protects brain tissue, creates ideal conditions for them, and carries out metabolism, but is also a medium that delivers hormones to or from the central nervous system organs. It contains practically no lymphocytes that could harm neurons, but at the same time it participates in the protective biological barrier that protects the organs of the central nervous system.

The blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier is the one that does not allow any foreign substances, microorganisms, or even a person’s own immune cells to penetrate the brain matter; it consists of cerebrospinal fluid and various membranes, the cells of which completely close all approaches to the brain tissue, allowing only necessary substances to pass through. from blood to cerebrospinal fluid or vice versa.


From all of the above, we can highlight the main functions that all 4 ventricles perform:

  • Protection of the central nervous system organs.
  • CSF production.
  • Stabilization of the internal microclimate of the central nervous system.
  • Metabolism and filtering of everything that should not get to the brain.
  • Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

What diseases can affect the ventricles

Like all internal organs, the 4 ventricles of the brain are also susceptible to diseases, among which the most common is hydroencephalopathy - a negative, sometimes even terrible increase in their size due to too high production of cerebrospinal fluid.

The disease is also a violation of the symmetry of the 1st and 2nd ventricles, which is detected on tomography and can be caused by a disruption of the choroid plexuses or degenerative changes for various reasons.

Changes in the size of the ventricles can be caused not only by hydroencephalopathy, but also by tumor formations or inflammation.

An increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid may also be due not to its active production, but to the lack of outflow when special openings are blocked due to meningitis - inflammation of the meninges, blood clots, hematomas or neoplasms.

Treatment of diseases affecting the central nervous system in general and the hollow ventricles in particular requires an immediate response to any abnormalities. Despite their extremely small size, frequently occurring problems cannot be solved with drug therapy alone and it is necessary to use neurosurgery methods, paving the way to the very center of the patient’s head.

More often, disturbances in the functioning of this part of the central nervous system are congenital and characteristic of children. In adults, problems can begin only after injuries, during the formation of tumors, or as a result of degradation processes provoked by extremely strong negative, most often toxic, hypoxic or thermal effects on the body.

Features of the third ventricle

Considering that all ventricles of the central nervous system are a single system, the functions and structure of the third are not very different from the others, however, deviations in its condition worry doctors the most.

Its normal size is only 3-5 mm in newborns and 4-6 in adults, while this is the only cavity containing autonomic centers, which are responsible for the processes of excitation and inhibition of the autonomic nervous system, and is also closely connected with the visual center, in addition, which is the central receptacle for cerebrospinal fluid.

His disease has slightly more negative consequences than diseases of other ventricles of the central nervous system

Despite the fact that the ventricles of the brain are just cavities, they play a huge role in maintaining vital functions, and therefore the entire organism, the work of which they control. Violations of their work lead to an immediate deterioration of the condition, as well as disability at best.

The ventricles of the brain are cavities in the brain filled with cerebrospinal fluid.

The ventricles of the brain include:

Lateral ventricles - ventriculi laterales (telencephalon);

The lateral ventricles of the brain (lat. ventriculi laterales) are cavities in the brain containing cerebrospinal fluid, the largest in the ventricular system of the brain. The left lateral ventricle is considered the first, the right - the second. The lateral ventricles communicate with the third ventricle through the interventricular (Monroy) foramina. They are located below the corpus callosum, symmetrically on the sides of the midline. In each lateral ventricle, there is an anterior (frontal) horn, a body (central part), a posterior (occipital) and an inferior (temporal) horn.

Third ventricle - ventriculus tertius (diencephalon);

The third ventricle of the brain - ventriculus tertius - is located between the visual hillocks, has a ring-shaped shape, since the intermediate mass of the visual hillocks - massa intermedia thalami - grows into it. In the walls of the ventricle there is a central gray medulla - substantia grisea centralis; subcortical autonomic centers are located in it. The third ventricle communicates with the cerebral aqueduct of the midbrain, and behind the nasal commissure of the brain - comissura nasalis - with the lateral ventricles of the brain through the interventricular foramen - foramen interventriculare.

The fourth ventricle is ventriculus quartus (mesencephalon).

located between the cerebellum and medulla oblongata. Its arch is the worm and brain sails, and its bottom is the medulla oblongata and the bridge. It is a remnant of the cavity of the hindbrain and therefore is a common cavity for all parts of the hindbrain constituting the rhombencephalon (medulla oblongata, cerebellum, pons and isthmus). The IV ventricle resembles a tent, in which a bottom and a roof are distinguished.

The bottom, or base, of the ventricle has the shape of a rhombus, as if pressed into the posterior surface of the medulla oblongata and the pons. Therefore it is called the rhomboid fossa, fossa rhomboidea. The central canal of the spinal cord opens into the posteroinferior corner of the rhomboid fossa, and in the anterosuperior corner the fourth ventricle communicates with the aqueduct. The lateral angles end blindly in the form of two pockets, recessus laterales ventriculi quarti, curving ventrally around the inferior cerebellar peduncles

The two lateral ventricles are relatively large, C-shaped, and unevenly wrap around the dorsal portions of the basal ganglia. The ventricles of the brain synthesize cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), which then enters the subarachnoid space. Violation of the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid from the ventricles is manifested by hydrocephalus.

27. Cerebrospinal and cranial fluid (CSF), its functions. Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

Cerebrospinal fluid (cerebrospinal fluid, cerebrospinal fluid) is a fluid constantly circulating in the ventricles of the brain, cerebrospinal fluid tracts, subarachnoid (subarachnoid) space of the brain and spinal cord. Protects the brain and spinal cord from mechanical influences, ensures the maintenance of constant intracranial pressure and water-electrolyte homeostasis. Supports trophic and metabolic processes between blood and brain. Fluctuation of cerebrospinal fluid affects the autonomic nervous system. The main volume of cerebrospinal fluid is formed by active secretion by glandular cells of the choroid plexuses in the ventricles of the brain. Another mechanism for the formation of cerebrospinal fluid is the sweating of blood plasma through the walls of blood vessels and the ventricular ependyma.

Liquor is a liquid medium circulating in the cavities of the ventricles of the brain, the cerebrospinal fluid ducts, and the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord. The total content of cerebrospinal fluid in the body is 200 - 400 ml. Cerebrospinal fluid is contained mainly in the lateral, III and IV ventricles of the brain, the aqueduct of Sylvius, the cisterns of the brain and in the subarachnoid space of the brain and spinal cord.

The process of liquor circulation in the central nervous system includes 3 main parts:

1). Production (formation) of liquor.

2). Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

3). Outflow of cerebrospinal fluid.

The movement of cerebrospinal fluid is carried out by translational and oscillatory movements, leading to its periodic renewal, which occurs at different speeds (5 - 10 times a day). What depends on a person’s daily routine, the load on the central nervous system and fluctuations in the intensity of physiological processes in the body. The circulation of cerebrospinal fluid occurs constantly, from the lateral ventricles of the brain through the foramen of Monroe it enters the third ventricle, and then flows through the aqueduct of Sylvius into the fourth ventricle. From the IV ventricle, through the foramen of Luschka and Magendie, most of the cerebrospinal fluid passes into the cisterns of the base of the brain (cerebellocerebral, covering the pons cisterns, interpeduncular cistern, optic chiasm cistern, and others). It reaches the Sylvian (lateral) fissure and rises into the subarachnoid space of the convexitol surface of the cerebral hemispheres - this is the so-called lateral pathway of cerebrospinal fluid circulation.

It has now been established that there is another pathway for the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid from the cerebellocerebral cistern into the cisterns of the cerebellar vermis, through the enveloping cistern into the subarachnoid space of the medial sections of the cerebral hemispheres - this is the so-called central pathway of cerebrospinal fluid circulation. A smaller part of the cerebrospinal fluid from the cerebellomedullary cistern descends caudally into the subarachnoid space of the spinal cord and reaches the cistern terminalis.

28-29. Spinal cord, shape, topography. Main parts of the spinal cord. Cervical and lumbosacral thickenings of the spinal cord. Segments of the spinal cord. Spinal cord(lat. Medulla spinalis) - the caudal part (caudal) of the central nervous system of vertebrates, located in the spinal canal formed by the neural arches of the vertebrae. It is generally accepted that the boundary between the spinal cord and the brain passes at the level of the intersection of the pyramidal fibers (although this boundary is very arbitrary). Inside the spinal cord there is a cavity called the central canal. The spinal cord is protected soft, arachnoid And hard shells. The spaces between the membranes and the canal are filled with cerebrospinal fluid. The space between the outer hard shell and the bone of the vertebrae is called the epidural and is filled with fat and a venous network. Cervical thickening - nerves to the arms, sacral - lumbar - to the legs. Cervical C1-C8 7 vertebrae; ThoracicTh1-Th12 12(11-13); Lumbar L1-L5 5(4-6); Sacral S1-S5 5(6); Coccygeal Co1 3-4.

30. Spinal nerve roots. Spinal nerves. End thread and ponytail. Formation of the spinal ganglia. spinal nerve root (radix nervi spinalis) - a bundle of nerve fibers entering and exiting any segment of the spinal cord and forming the spinal nerve. The spinal or spinal nerves originate in the spinal cord and emerge from it between adjacent vertebrae along almost the entire length of the spine. They contain both sensory neurons and motor neurons, which is why they are called mixed nerves. Mixed nerves are nerves that transmit impulses both from the central nervous system to the periphery and in the opposite direction, for example, trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, vagus and all spinal nerves. Spinal nerves (31 pairs) are formed from two roots extending from the spinal cord - the anterior root (efferent) and the posterior root (afferent), which, connecting with each other in the intervertebral foramen, form the trunk of the spinal nerve. See Fig. 8 . The spinal nerves are 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and 1 coccygeal nerve. Spinal nerves correspond to segments of the spinal cord. Adjacent to the dorsal root is a sensitive spinal ganglion formed by the bodies of large afferent T-shaped neurons. The long process (dendrite) is directed to the periphery, where it ends with the receptor, and the short axon as part of the dorsal root enters the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. The fibers of both roots (anterior and posterior) form mixed spinal nerves containing sensory, motor and autonomic (sympathetic) fibers. The latter are not present in all lateral horns of the spinal cord, but only in the VIII cervical, all thoracic and I - II lumbar nerves. In the thoracic region, the nerves retain a segmental structure (intercostal nerves), and in the rest they are connected to each other by loops, forming plexuses: cervical, brachial, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal, from which peripheral nerves arise that innervate the skin and skeletal muscles (Fig. 228) . On the anterior (ventral) surface of the spinal cord lies a deep anterior median fissure, flanked by shallower anterolateral grooves. The anterior (ventral) roots of the spinal nerves emerge from the anterolateral groove or near it. The anterior roots contain efferent fibers (centrifugal), which are processes of motor neurons that conduct impulses to the muscles, glands and to the periphery of the body. On the posterior (dorsal) surface, the posterior median sulcus is clearly visible. On the sides of it are the posterolateral grooves, into which the posterior (sensitive) roots of the spinal nerves enter. The dorsal roots contain afferent (centripetal) nerve fibers that conduct sensory impulses from all tissues and organs of the body to the central nervous system. The dorsal root forms the dorsal ganglion (node), which is a cluster of bodies of pseudounipolar neurons. Moving away from such a neuron, the process divides in a T-shape. One of the processes - a long one - is directed to the periphery as part of the spinal nerve and ends in a sensitive nerve ending. Another process - a short one - follows as part of the dorsal root into the spinal cord. The spinal ganglia (nodes) are surrounded by the dura mater and lie inside the spinal canal in the intervertebral foramina.

31. Internal structure of the spinal cord. Gray matter. Sensory and motor horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord. Nuclei of the gray matter of the spinal cord. The spinal cord consists of gray matter formed by an accumulation of neuron bodies and their dendrites, and covering it white matter consisting of neurites.I. Gray matter , occupies the central part of the spinal cord and forms two vertical columns in it, one in each half, connected by gray commissures (anterior and posterior). GRAY MATTER OF THE BRAIN, dark-colored nervous tissue that makes up the CEREBRAL CORTEX. Also present in the SPINAL CORD. Differs from so-called white matter in that it contains more nerve fibers (NEURONS) and a large amount of a whitish insulating material called MYELIN. HORNS OF GRAY MATTER. In the gray matter of each of the lateral parts of the spinal cord, three projections are distinguished. Throughout the spinal cord, these projections form gray columns. There are anterior, posterior and lateral columns of gray matter. Each of them on a transverse section of the spinal cord is named, respectively, - the anterior horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord, - the posterior horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord, - the lateral horn of the gray matter of the spinal cord. The anterior horns of the gray matter of the spinal cord contain large motor neurons. The axons of these neurons, emerging from the spinal cord, constitute the anterior (motor) roots of the spinal nerves. The bodies of motor neurons form the nuclei of efferent somatic nerves that innervate skeletal muscles (autochthonous muscles of the back, muscles of the trunk and limbs). Moreover, the more distally the innervated muscles are located, the more lateral the cells innervating them lie. The posterior horns of the spinal cord are formed by relatively small intercalary (switching, conductor) neurons that receive signals from sensory cells located in the spinal ganglia. The cells of the dorsal horns (interneurons) form separate groups, the so-called somatic sensory columns. The lateral horns contain visceral motor and sensory centers. The axons of these cells pass through the anterior horn of the spinal cord and exit the spinal cord as part of the ventral roots. GRAY MATTER NUCLEI. Internal structure of the medulla oblongata. The medulla oblongata arose in connection with the development of the organs of gravity and hearing, as well as in connection with the gill apparatus related to respiration and blood circulation. Therefore, it contains nuclei of gray matter related to balance, coordination of movements, as well as the regulation of metabolism, respiration and blood circulation. 1. Nucleus olivaris, the nucleus of the olive, has the appearance of a convoluted plate of gray matter, open medially (hilus), and causes the protrusion of the olive from the outside. It is associated with the dentate nucleus of the cerebellum and is an intermediate nucleus of balance, most pronounced in humans, whose vertical position requires a perfect gravitational apparatus. (The nucleus olivaris accessorius medialis is also found.) 2. Formatio reticularis, a reticular formation formed from the interweaving of nerve fibers and the nerve cells lying between them. 3. Nuclei of the four lower pairs (XII-IX), related to the innervation of the derivatives of the branchial apparatus and viscera. 4. Vital centers of respiration and circulation associated with the nuclei of the vagus nerve. Therefore, if the medulla oblongata is damaged, death can occur.

cerebral ventricles is rare. Once the CSF stops leaking and its pressure is gradually restored (usually a few days to a week or so), the headache disappears. A "spontaneous" low-pressure headache may also follow sneezing or straining, probably due to a rupture of the arachnoid membrane of the spinal cord along the spinal cord.
    ventricular valve. Because PGE relaxes the smooth muscle in the ductus arteriosus in lambs, clinical attempts have been made to administer intravenous PGE to maintain a patent ductus arteriosus in lambs as an alternative to immediate surgery. Such administration of PGE causes a short-term increase in blood flow to the lungs and
    ventricles of the brain. In the differential diagnosis, rabies, Aujeszky's disease, botulism, and self-chewing should be excluded. Immunity. Not formed. Specific prevention. Absent. Treatment. Not developed. Prevention and control measures. Measures to prevent and eliminate the disease include preventing the introduction of the pathogen into the farm with sick minks;

  • brain ventricles, neuroglia, as well as the “ground substance” of the brain, which includes complexes of protein and polysaccharides. Along with substances harmful to the central nervous system, G. e. b. does not allow certain medicinal substances to enter the brain (arsenic compounds, largely antibiotics, antitoxic serums, etc.), which makes it difficult to treat diseases of the central nervous

  • ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord, consists of one layer of prismatic. cells, in some places - from several layers of cells secreting a secret. Astroglia are represented by stellate cells that participate in the formation of the fibrous skeleton of the brain. Oligodendroglia consists of cells - oligodendrocytes, which form the sheaths of nerve fibers. Microglia (Ortega cells) - small

  • ventricles. Located in the chest cavity between the lungs, in front of the diaphragm in the area from the 3rd to the 6th rib, in the plane of the center of gravity of the 2nd quarter of the body. The base of the S. lies at the height of the middle of the 1st rib, the apex is in the area of ​​the 5th-6th intercostal space near the sternum. 3/5 S. is located to the left of the midsagittal plane. Anatomy. S. develops from paired visceral anlages
  • Diagnostics.
    cerebral ventricles reveal diffuse proliferations of mononuclear cells. In the white and gray matter of the brain, against the background of diffuse cell accumulations, lymphocytic peri- and endovasculitis, extensive or focal proliferation of micro and macroglia, demyelination of nerve fibers, and focal necrosis of the white matter of the brain are visible. In case of disease in sheep, extensive changes are observed.
    ventricles of the brain (hydrocephalus); (encephalocelia); splitting of the first vertebral arches (spina bifida). In addition, abnormalities in other organs are possible: absence of eyes (anophthalmia); having one eye (cyclopia); cleft lip; cleft palate; absence of limbs (peramily); absence of a tail; shortening of the tail, etc. Gonadotoxic effect. When studying
    ventricle of the brain, which passes into the central spinal canal. Two pairs of peripheral head nerves extend from the anterior end of the neural tube, and a number of spinal nerves, consisting of dorsal and abdominal pairs, extend from the rest of it. The spinal nerves are mixed, the abdominal nerves are motor. The spinal cord provides the most general connection between the body and the external environment and
  • Stroke
    ventricles of the brain. Note: 1. Early use of antihypoxants and activators of cellular metabolism is possible (nootropil 60 ml (12 g) IV in a stream 2 times a day after 12 hours on the first day; Cerebrolysin 15-50 ml IV drop per 100-300 ml isotonic NaCl solution in 2 doses; glycine I table sublingually; Riboxin 10 ml IV bolus; solcoseryl 4 ml IV bolus. In severe cases 250 ml
  • The human brain is completely unique. It performs a huge number of functions, controlling absolutely all activities of the human body. The complex structure of the brain is more or less known only to specialists. Ordinary people have no idea how many different components form their “biological computer.” The result of dysfunction of even one part can be serious problems with health, behavioral reactions and the psycho-emotional state of a person. One of these parts is the 4th ventricle of the brain.

    In ancient animals, the primary nervous system was formed - the central vesicle and neural tube. During the process of evolution, the central bubble was divided into three. In humans, the anterior one has transformed into the hemispheres, the second into the midbrain, and the posterior into the medulla oblongata and cerebellum. In addition to them, on the basis of the third bubble, internal cavities of the brain, the so-called ventricles, were formed: two lateral ones, a third and a fourth.

    The lateral (left is called the first, right - the second) ventricles are the largest cavities of the brain and contain cerebrospinal fluid. Their walls are formed by adjacent brain structures, such as the frontal lobes, corpus callosum, and visual thalamus. Their posterior parts continue into the occipital lobe.

    The third ventricle is formed by the fornix of the brain, the optic chiasm, and the “plumbing” to the fourth ventricle.

    The 4th ventricle was formed from the posterior wall of the third bladder. It has the shape of a doubly curved parallelepiped. The lower surface is formed from special fibers of nervous tissue connecting the cerebellum and the brain, and there are also pathways from the vestibular apparatus (inner ear) to the base and cortex of the brain.

    The lateral walls contain the nuclei of the cranial nerves from the fifth to the twelfth pairs, which, in turn, are responsible for:

    • facial sensitivity and chewing (fifth pair);
    • peripheral vision (sixth pair);
    • movement of facial muscles, facial expressions, tears, salivation (seventh pair);
    • taste sensations (seventh, ninth and tenth pairs);
    • hearing, sense of balance, coordination of movements of the whole body (eighth pair);
    • voice, its timbre, pronunciation of sounds (ninth, tenth, eleventh pairs);
    • heart rate, regulation, composition and quantity of digestive juices, lung capacity (tenth pair);
    • movements of the head, neck, upper shoulder girdle, chest muscle tone (eleventh pair);
    • work of the tongue (twelfth pair).

    The upper wall of the fourth ventricle is formed in the shape of a tent. In fact, the lateral and superior fornix are elements of the cerebellum, its membranes and pathways, including blood vessels.

    All four ventricles regulate and are interconnected by a vascular network and connecting channels.


    Functional impairment

    Age-related changes such as cerebral atherosclerosis; vascular lesions caused by toxic causes or diseases such as diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, can lead to the death of a large number of capillaries of the choroid and their replacement by expanding connective tissue. Such growths are scars, which are always larger than the original area before the lesion. As a result, large areas of the brain will suffer from deterioration in blood supply and nutrition.

    The surface area of ​​affected vessels is always less than that of normally functioning vessels. In this regard, the speed and quality of metabolic processes between blood and cerebrospinal fluid decrease. Because of this, the properties of the cerebrospinal fluid change, its chemical composition and viscosity change. It becomes thicker, disrupting the activity of nerve pathways, and even puts pressure on the areas of the brain bordering the 4th ventricle. One type of such condition is hydrocephalus, or dropsy. It spreads to all areas of the liquor supply, thereby affecting the cortex, expanding the gap between the grooves, exerting a pressing effect on them. At the same time, the volume of gray matter is significantly reduced, and a person’s thinking abilities are impaired. Dropsy, affecting the structures of the midbrain, cerebellum and medulla oblongata, can affect vital centers of the nervous system, such as the respiratory, vascular and other zones of regulation of biological processes in the body, which causes an immediate threat to life.

    First of all, disorders manifest themselves at the local level, as indicated by the symptoms of damage to those same pairs of cranial nerves from the fifth to the twelfth. Which, accordingly, is manifested by local neurological symptoms: changes in facial expressions, impaired peripheral vision, hearing impairment, impaired coordination of movements, speech defects, taste anomalies, problems with spoken language, secretion and swallowing of saliva. There may be disturbances in the activity of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.

    The causes of dropsy may lie not only at the cellular level. There are tumor diseases (primary from nervous or vascular tissue, secondary - metastasis). If the tumor occurs near the boundaries of the 4th ventricle, then the result of an increase in size will be a change in its shape, which again will lead to hydrocephalus.

    Methods for examining the 4th ventricle

    The method of examining the 4th ventricle of the brain that has the highest reliability is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). In most cases, it must be carried out using a contrast agent in order to obtain a clearer picture of the state of the vessels, the speed of blood flow and, indirectly, the dynamics of the cerebrospinal fluid.

    Positron emission tomography, which is a more high-tech version of x-ray diagnostics, is becoming widespread. Unlike MRI, PET takes less time and is more convenient for the patient.

    It is also possible to take cerebrospinal fluid for analysis through a spinal cord puncture. In the cerebrospinal fluid one can detect various changes in its composition: protein fractions, cell elements, markers of various diseases and even signs of infections.

    From an anatomical point of view, the 4th ventricle of the brain cannot be considered a separate organ. But from the point of view of functional significance, the importance of its role in the work of the central nervous system, its activity certainly occupies one of the most important positions.

    The brain has a complex structure. Let us consider the role of the ventricles in its work, although they are extremely small in size, but play one of the main roles in the vital processes of the central nervous system.

    The ventricles of the brain are one of the main anatomical structures. The ventricles are cavities formed from the brain vesicles, filled with fluid, they are located in the brain. The liquid substance is called liquor - it performs many important functions.

    Four cavities and their location

    Dorsal, covered with membranes, they are divided into hard, vascular, soft. The hard one is located directly under the bones of the skull. The second is called arachnoid. The membrane adjacent to the spinal cord and brain is called pia mater. Between the second and third shell there is a place where it circulates. It performs many important functions. This fluid accumulates in the so-called cavities, which are called ventricles. There are four of them in total, they communicate with each other through special channels. The first and second ventricles (lateral) are located in the cerebral hemispheres, the third and fourth are in the area where the brain stem is located.

    What functions do they perform?

    The spinal cord fluid continuously circulates in the central canal, the space of the ventricles, the role of which is vital, since the liquid medium (CSF) they produce is one of the primary factors that serves to protect the central nervous system.

    In a healthy person, this fluid is no more than 150 ml; it continues to renew throughout the day, regulating pressure.

    What are the functions of spinal cord fluid:

    • gets rid of metabolites that are released by brain tissue;
    • optimizes the liquid environment;
    • protects against impacts;
    • integration of biologically important substances;
    • forms a hydrostatic peri-mental membrane.

    The third ventricle and its special role in the system

    The third ventricle is special, although they all form a single system. If any malfunctions are detected, you should immediately contact a specialist, as serious consequences may occur. The size of this cavity is 6mm in adults, 5mm in children. It plays a huge role in the processes that provide inhibition of the ANS (), and is closely related to visual function.

    Disorders of this ventricle can be fatal, unlike dysfunctions of others.

    Its role is important for the central nervous system. Certain disorders can lead to major problems in the body and, as a result, to disability.

    Important Features:

    • protects the central nervous system;
    • monitors metabolism;
    • regulates the production of cerebrospinal fluid;
    • monitors the normal functioning of the central nervous system.

    Correct, coordinated operation of the liquor system is an important, refined process. If failures occur, this affects the health of adults and children.

    The cerebrospinal fluid is produced with some disturbances, something goes wrong, you need to look at the norm:

    • infants – 5 mm;
    • up to three months – no more than 5mm;
    • child under six years old – 6mm;
    • adult – no more than 6 mm.

    This problem (fluid outflow dysfunction) is more common in children under 12 months. The most common complication is hydrocephalus. This can be avoided by having an ultrasound done during pregnancy, which makes it possible to identify certain abnormalities at an early stage. If the doctor discovers that the 3rd cavity is enlarged, you need to undergo further examination and then be observed by a doctor. Unfortunately, if the ventricle grows in size, bypass surgery may subsequently be required to regulate the outflow of spinal cord fluid.

    There is a mandatory examination of babies at the age of two months by a doctor to exclude problems with the third cavity.

    Violations can be tracked by the following symptoms:

    • constant strong crying;
    • divergence of cranial sutures;
    • head enlargement;
    • the baby does not latch on well;
    • enlarged veins on the head.

    If you track the disease in time and resort to treatment: massage, medications, you can avoid radical interventions.

    In adults, diseases associated with the third ventricle are also diagnosed. A colloid cyst may occur; it is a benign tumor that grows slowly and practically does not metastasize. It affects people mainly after 20 years of age.

    The cyst itself is not life-threatening, but if it begins to grow and interferes with the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid, the following symptoms may occur: vomiting, severe headache, seizure disorders, and vision problems. If the cyst reaches a large size, surgical intervention is indicated to restore normal circulation of spinal cord fluid. After this, all functions are restored, unpleasant symptoms disappear.

    Pathologies and their signs

    Pathologies include the following diseases:

    • asymmetry;
    • hydrocephalus;
    • ventriculomegaly;
    • pathological conditions.

    Ventricular asymmetry. When cerebral cerebrospinal fluid exceeds its quantity, asymmetry occurs. It can occur as a result of a severe bruise, neuroinfection, or various tumors.

    (formation of fluid in the ventricles of newborns). The cerebrospinal fluid exceeds its norm, which leads to a serious condition, that is, hydrocephalus. The baby's head is much larger than usual. This pathology is determined by a visual sign - a downward displacement of the eyes. When conducting diagnostics, it turns out that the index of the first and second cavities greatly exceeds the norm. Boys get sick more often than girls.

    Although this disease most often affects children, hydrocephalus also occurs in adults. Due to the occurrence of a blood clot or tumor, the proper circulation of cerebrospinal fluid may be disrupted. There is a blockage of the canals, which leads to hydrocephalus, which is called closed.

    When the absorption of fluid at the site of the spinal cord into the hematopoietic system is impaired, open hydrocephalus occurs. May occur due to injury or inflammation near the ventricular area.

    If cerebrospinal fluid is overproduced (tumors in the plexus of blood vessels), hypersecretory hydrocephalus occurs - a fairly rare form of hydrocephalus. Occurs when there are disorders in the choroid plexus.

    Three forms of development of Hydrocephalus are considered: acute, subacute and chronic.

    Acute is characterized by rapid development over several days, subacute hydrocephalus makes itself felt after a month, chronic is sluggish, periodically manifesting itself symptomatically.

    This disease is also divided into internal, external, general:

    1. Internal. Development of pathology in the ventricles themselves.
    2. Outdoor. A rare pathology, almost never diagnosed. There is normal volume of fluid in the cavities, pathology is observed in the subarachnoid zone.
    3. General. The cerebrospinal fluid exceeds its volume in the ventricles, in the brain space.

    Symptoms of this disease: the urge to vomit (usually immediately after waking up), various visual disturbances, and a state of apathy. If constant drowsiness is added to this, then this indicates dysfunction of the central nervous system. Therefore, at the first signs, an urgent visit to specialists and a thorough examination, which includes an MRI, are recommended. While the disease is not advanced, it is possible to completely get rid of the disease.

    Ventriculomegaly. A pathological condition characterized by dilation of the ventricular cavities is more common in premature infants. There are somatic and neurological disorders.

    Pathological conditions, affecting the choroid plexuses. Occur due to various infections (meningitis, tuberculosis), tumors. Vascular cysts often occur. Both children and adults get sick. A cyst may appear due to autoimmune dysfunctions in the body.

    When the functioning of the ventricles is disrupted, a person experiences various disorders, as the amount of oxygen supplied decreases. The brain stops receiving the required amount of vitamins and nutrients. Intracranial pressure increases and intoxication occurs. It is often impossible to solve the problem with medications alone and you have to resort to radical methods, including surgery, so symptoms must be monitored in time to prevent trouble.

    The brain is a complex closed system protected by many structures and barriers. These protective supports carefully filter all material approaching the sinuous organ. However, such an energy-intensive system still needs to interact and maintain communication with the body, and the ventricles of the brain are one of the tools for ensuring such communication: these cavities contain cerebrospinal fluid, which supports the processes of metabolism, transport of hormones and removal of metabolic products. Anatomically, the ventricles of the brain are a derivative of the expansion of the central canal.

    So, the answer to the question is what is he responsible for? the ventricle of the brain will be as follows: one of the main tasks of the cavities is the synthesis of cerebrospinal fluid. This cerebrospinal fluid serves as a shock absorber, that is, it provides mechanical protection for parts of the brain (protects against various types of injuries). Liquor, as a liquid, is in many ways similar to the structure of lymph. Like the latter, cerebrospinal fluid contains a huge amount of vitamins, hormones, minerals and brain nutrients (proteins, glucose, chlorine, sodium, potassium).

    Different ventricles of the brain in an infant have different sizes.

    Types of ventricles

    Each part of the brain's central nervous system requires its own self-care, and therefore has its own storage facilities for spinal cerebrospinal fluid. Thus, the lateral stomachs (which include the first and second), third and fourth are distinguished. The entire ventricular organization has its own message system. Some (the fifth) are pathological formations.

    Lateral ventricles – 1 and 2

    The anatomy of the ventricle of the brain involves the structure of the anterior, inferior, posterior horn and the central part (body). These are the largest in the human brain and contain cerebrospinal fluid. The lateral ventricles are divided into the left - the first, and the right - the second. Thanks to Monroe's holes, the lateral cavities connect to the third ventricle of the brain.

    The lateral ventricle of the brain and the nasal bulb as functional elements are closely interconnected, despite their relative anatomical distance. Their connection lies in the fact that between them there is, according to scientists, a short path along which pools of stem cells pass. Thus, the lateral stomach is a supplier of progenitor cells for other structures of the nervous system.

    Speaking about this type of ventricles, it can be argued that the normal size of the ventricles of the brain in adults depends on their age, skull shape and somatotype.

    In medicine, every cavity has its normal values. Lateral cavities are no exception. In newborns, the lateral ventricles of the brain normally have their own dimensions: the anterior horn is up to 2 mm, the central cavity is 4 mm. These dimensions are of great diagnostic importance when studying pathologies of the infant’s brain (hydrocephalus, a disease discussed below). One of the most effective methods for studying any cavity, including the cavities of the brain, is ultrasound. It can be used to determine both the pathological and normal size of the ventricles of the brain in children under one year of age.

    3rd ventricle of the brain

    The third cavity is located below the first two, and is at the level of the intermediate section
    CNS between the visual thalamus. The 3rd ventricle communicates with the first and second through the foramina of Monroe, and with the cavity below (4th ventricle) through the aqueduct.

    Normally, the size of the third ventricle of the brain changes with the growth of the fetus: in a newborn – up to 3 mm; 3 months – 3.3mm; in a one-year-old child – up to 6 mm. In addition, an indicator of the normal development of cavities is their symmetry. This stomach is also filled with cerebrospinal fluid, but its structure differs from the lateral ones: the cavity has 6 walls. The third ventricle is in close contact with.

    4th ventricle of the brain

    This structure, like the previous two, contains cerebrospinal fluid. It is located between the Sylvian water supply and the valve. The fluid in this cavity enters the subarachnoid space through several channels - two foramina of Luschko and one foramen of Magendie. The rhomboid fossa forms the bottom and is represented by the surfaces of the brain stem structures: the medulla oblongata and the pons.
    Also, the fourth ventricle of the brain provides the foundation for the 12th, 11th, 10th, 9th, 8th, 7th, and 5th pairs of cranial nerves. These branches innervate the tongue, some internal organs, the pharynx, facial muscles and facial skin.

    5th ventricle of the brain

    In medical practice, the name “fifth ventricle of the brain” is used, but this term is not correct. By definition, the stomachs of the brain are a set of cavities interconnected by a system of messages (channels) filled with spinal cerebrospinal fluid. In this case: the structure called the 5th ventricle does not communicate with the ventricular system, and the correct name would be “cavity of the septum pellucida.” From this follows the answer to the question: how many ventricles in the brain: four (2 lateral, third and fourth).

    This hollow structure is located between layers of transparent partition. It, however, also contains cerebrospinal fluid, which enters the “stomach” through pores. In most cases, the size of this structure does not correlate with the frequency of pathology, however, there is evidence that in patients with schizophrenia, stress disorders and people who have suffered a traumatic brain injury, this part of the nervous system is enlarged.

    Choroid plexuses of the ventricles of the brain

    As noted, the function of the abdominal system is the production of cerebrospinal fluid. But how is this liquid formed? The only brain structure that provides the synthesis of cerebrospinal fluid is the choroid plexus. These are small villous formations belonging to vertebrates.

    The choroid plexus is a derivative of the pia mater. They contain a huge number of vessels and carry a large number of nerve endings.

    Ventricular diseases

    In case of suspicion, an important method for determining the organic state of the cavities is puncture of the ventricles of the brain in newborns.

    Diseases of the ventricles of the brain include:

    Ventriculomegaly– pathological expansion of cavities. Most often, such expansions occur in premature babies. The symptoms of this disease are varied and manifest themselves in the form of neurological and somatic symptoms.

    Ventricular asymmetry(individual parts of the ventricles change in size). This pathology occurs due to an excessive amount of cerebral fluid. You should know that violation of the symmetry of cavities is not an independent disease - it is a consequence of another, more serious pathology, such as neuroinfections, massive contusion of the skull or tumor.

    Hydrocephalus(fluid in the ventricles of the brain in newborns). This is a serious condition characterized by the excessive presence of cerebrospinal fluid in the gastric system of the brain. Such people are called hydrocephalus. The clinical manifestation of the disease is excessive volume of the child's head. The head becomes so large that it is impossible not to notice. In addition, the defining sign of pathology is the “sunset” symptom, when the eyes shift to the bottom. Instrumental diagnostic methods will show that the index of the lateral ventricles of the brain is higher than normal.

    Pathological conditions choroid plexuses occur against the background of both infectious diseases (tuberculosis, meningitis) and tumors of various localizations. A common condition is cerebral vascular cyst. This disease can occur in both adults and children. The cause of cysts is often autoimmune disorders in the body.

    Thus, the norm of the ventricles of the brain in newborns is an important component in the knowledge of a pediatrician or neonatologist, since knowledge of the norm allows one to determine pathology and find deviations in the early stages.

    You can read more about the causes and symptoms of diseases of the cerebral cavity system in the article enlarged ventricles.

    Many believe that the organs of the central system are the brain and spinal cord, thinking that the brain is a single organ; this is incorrect, since it represents a whole system of organs, each of which performs special controlling, directing or connecting functions.

    The third ventricle is part of the system of organs similar to it and is its integral part, performing certain functions of the entire system, the structure of which must be understood in order to understand its significance in the body.

    The ventricle of the brain is a special connecting cavity that communicates with the same cavities connected into a system, the subarachnoid space, as well as the central canal of the spinal cord.

    To understand what the subarachnoid space (ventricles of the brain) is, you need to know that the head and spinal organs of the central nervous system are covered with a special three-layer meninges, which become inflamed during meningitis. The layer closest to the brain is the pia or choroid, which fuses with it, the top layer is the hard shell, and in the middle is the arachnoid or arachnoid membrane.

    All membranes are designed to protect brain neural tissue from friction against the skull, soften accidental blows, and also perform some secondary, but no less important functions. Between the arachnoid and soft membranes there is a subarachnoid space with liquor circulating through them - cerebrospinal fluid, which is a means for the exchange of substances between blood and nervous tissues that do not have a lymphatic system, removing the products of their vital activity through capillary circulation.

    The liquid softens shocks, maintains the constancy of the internal environment of brain tissue, and is also part of the immunobiological barrier.

    The spinal cord canal is a thin central canal in the center of the gray neural matter of the spinal cord, covered with ependymal cells, containing cerebrospinal fluid.

    Ependymal cells line not only the central canal of the spinal cord along with the ventricles. They are peculiar epithelial cells that, with special cilia, stimulate the movement of cerebrospinal fluid, regulate the microenvironment, and also produce myelin, which makes up the insulating sheath of nerve fibers that transmit neural electrical signals. This is a substance for the functioning of nerve tissues, necessary as a sheath for its internal “wires” through which electrical signals travel.

    How many ventricles does a person have and their structure

    A person has several ventricles, which are connected by channels into a single cavity filled with cerebrospinal fluid among themselves, the subarachnoid space, as well as the median canal of the spinal part of the central nervous system, which is covered with a membrane of ependymal cells.

    A person has 4 of them in total:

    The first and second are symmetrical ventricles, located on both sides of the head relative to the center, called left or right, located in different hemispheres below the corpus callosum, which are the largest. Each of them has its own parts: the anterior, lower, posterior horns, the body, which is its main cavity, and the horns are channels extending from the main body, through one of which the third ventricle is connected.

    The third - the central one is similar to a ring or steering wheel, located between the cerebral visual tubercles growing into it, the inner surface of which also contains gray cerebral neuronal matter with subcortical nerve autonomic centers. The fourth ventricle of the brain communicates with it below.

    Cavity number 4 is located lower in the center between the medulla oblongata and the cerebellum, the bottom of which consists of the pons oblongata, and the vault of the worm and cerebral sails. This is the smallest of all cavities, which connects the 3rd ventricle of the brain with the central canal of the spinal cord.

    I would like to note that the ventricles are not special sacs with liquids, but rather cavities between the internal organs of the brain.

    Additional organs or structures

    On the arch of ventricles numbers 3 and 4, as well as on part of the lateral walls of the first and second, there are special vascular plexuses that produce from 70 to 90% of the cerebrospinal fluid.

    Choroid ependymocytes are branched or ciliated cells of the epithelium of the ventricles, as well as the central spinal canal, which move the cerebrospinal fluid with their processes, and contain many cellular organs such as mitochondria, lysosomes and vesicles. These cells can not only produce energy and maintain a static internal environment, but also produce a number of important proteins into the cerebrospinal fluid and cleanse it of metabolic waste from nerve cells or harmful substances, such as antibiotics.

    Tancits are special cells of the ventricular epidermis that connect cerebrospinal fluid with blood, allowing it to communicate with blood vessels.

    Cerebrospinal fluid, the functions of which have already been mentioned above, is also the most important structure of the central nervous system and the ventricles themselves. It is produced in the amount of 500 milliliters per day, and at the same time in humans its volume ranges from 140 to 150 milliliters. It not only protects brain tissue, creates ideal conditions for them, and carries out metabolism, but is also a medium that delivers hormones to or from the central nervous system organs. It contains practically no lymphocytes that could harm neurons, but at the same time it participates in the protective biological barrier that protects the organs of the central nervous system.

    The blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier is the one that does not allow any foreign substances, microorganisms, or even a person’s own immune cells to penetrate the brain matter; it consists of cerebrospinal fluid and various membranes, the cells of which completely close all approaches to the brain tissue, allowing only necessary substances to pass through. from blood to cerebrospinal fluid or vice versa.


    From all of the above, we can highlight the main functions that all 4 ventricles perform:

    • Protection of the central nervous system organs.
    • CSF production.
    • Stabilization of the internal microclimate of the central nervous system.
    • Metabolism and filtering of everything that should not get to the brain.
    • Circulation of cerebrospinal fluid.

    What diseases can affect the ventricles

    Like all internal organs, the 4 ventricles of the brain are also susceptible to diseases, among which the most common is hydroencephalopathy - a negative, sometimes even terrible increase in their size due to too high production of cerebrospinal fluid.

    The disease is also a violation of the symmetry of the 1st and 2nd ventricles, which is detected on tomography and can be caused by a disruption of the choroid plexuses or degenerative changes for various reasons.

    Changes in the size of the ventricles can be caused not only by hydroencephalopathy, but also by tumor formations or inflammation.

    An increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid may also be due not to its active production, but to the lack of outflow when special openings are blocked due to meningitis - inflammation of the meninges, blood clots, hematomas or neoplasms.

    If any diseases affecting the functioning of the ventricles develop, the person feels extremely unwell, his brain stops receiving the required amount of oxygen, nutrients and hormones, and also cannot fully release its own into the body. The protective function of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier decreases, toxic poisoning occurs, as well as increased pressure inside the skull.

    Treatment of diseases affecting the central nervous system in general and the hollow ventricles in particular requires an immediate response to any abnormalities. Despite their extremely small size, frequently occurring problems cannot be solved with drug therapy alone and it is necessary to use neurosurgery methods, paving the way to the very center of the patient’s head.

    More often, disturbances in the functioning of this part of the central nervous system are congenital and characteristic of children. In adults, problems can begin only after injuries, during the formation of tumors, or as a result of degradation processes provoked by extremely strong negative, most often toxic, hypoxic or thermal effects on the body.

    Features of the third ventricle

    Considering that all the ventricles of the central nervous system are a single system, the functions and structure of the third are not very different from the others, however, deviations in its condition worry doctors the most.

    Its normal size is only 3-5 mm in newborns and 4-6 in adults, while this is the only cavity containing autonomic centers, which are responsible for the processes of excitation and inhibition of the autonomic nervous system, and is also closely connected with the visual center, in addition which is the central receptacle for cerebrospinal fluid.

    His disease has slightly more negative consequences than diseases of other ventricles of the central nervous system.

    Despite the fact that the ventricles of the brain are just cavities, they play a huge role in maintaining the vital activity of the central nervous system, and therefore the entire organism, the work of which they control. Violations of their work lead to an immediate deterioration of the condition, as well as disability at best.