The child has bright pink cheeks. Red cheeks in a child: causes and possible causes for concern

Redness of the cheeks is such a common complaint that this problem can be safely placed in one of the first places among the problems of the first year of a child’s life. Evgeniy Komarovsky advises considering several main causes of this skin phenomenon.


The most common cause of red cheeks in a child is not an allergic reaction to a particular product, as mothers and grandmothers think. Redness is the body's reaction to overfeeding. Komarovsky claims that this is an external manifestation of the internal process that takes place inside the baby when he is given more food than he is able to digest.

There are not many enzymes accumulated in a child’s body, and therefore the remaining undigested food simply rots in the intestines and is passed out with feces. During the process of decay, decay products enter the blood through the intestinal wall, which turn the baby’s cheeks red.

Artificial children are the most susceptible to overfeeding. While their peers, who feed on their mother's milk, diligently suck their lunch from their breasts, they naturally develop a feeling of satiety. A baby who eats from a bottle doesn't have to work as hard to suck the formula out, so he eats faster. The feeling of fullness will come only 10-15 minutes after the end of the meal, as a result, the child will always suck out an excess amount that he cannot digest.

Komarovsky sees a solution in buying nipples for bottles with a very small hole, then the baby will have to work hard before he eats the amount of formula allotted to him.


If your cheeks turn red with enviable regularity and you still cannot trace the food product “culprit” for this problem, Evgeniy Komarovsky recommends considering the option of contact allergy. Naturally, not independently, but in friendly tandem with an allergist. With such an unpleasant phenomenon, the cheeks may not only turn red, but also become covered with a rash or crusts. In this situation, the worst enemy of mother and baby is chlorine. You need to go through your entire supply of household chemicals and, without a doubt, throw away everything that contains even the slightest hint of chlorine.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you more about allergies in the video below.

Remember that tap water is also chlorinated for disinfection, and therefore a child prone to contact allergies should be bathed in boiled water. All washing powders, including adults, should be replaced with hypoallergenic detergents for washing children's clothes. Everything should be washed with them - from children's T-shirts to parents' bed linen. Always have a robe of natural fabric, washed with baby powder, at the ready, which you should ask everyone who wants to hold the baby to wear (after all, it’s not known what your grandmother or your friend washes their clothes with at home!).

After washing, all items should be rinsed in pre-boiled tap water. You should look carefully at all toys, and with a merciless hand get rid of those that have a specific chemical smell, large soft toys, or accumulate a lot of dust. You should leave only high-quality toys that can be easily wiped with water and baby soap every other day and dried.


The effect of food on red cheeks should also not be underestimated, says Komarovsky. This is how an allergy to cow protein often manifests itself. In mixtures, especially adapted ones, manufacturers have “neutralized” it. But pasteurized milk, which is sometimes given to children after six months, may well cause an inadequate reaction of the body. A protein that is initially foreign to the child’s immune system is called an antigen protein. Not only is it not digested, but the body begins to produce antibodies to it, which results in red cheeks.

In this situation, Komarovsky advises replacing cow's and goat's milk with infant formula according to age (No. 1 up to 6 months, No. 2 - from six months), if there is severe redness, you can give the child sorbents (Enterosgel, Polysorb, etc. .).


Respiratory allergies most often manifest as a runny nose or allergic conjunctivitis, however, sometimes it is accompanied by redness of the cheeks and chin. In this case, you need to eliminate the source of the allergy as soon as possible and consult a doctor for clarification of further actions. As a rule, according to Evgeniy Komarovsky, it is enough to simply eliminate the allergen.

Atopic dermatitis

If the cheeks turn red, and other parts of the body also turn red, and this happens often, then one can suspect atopic dermatitis, which is popularly mistakenly called diathesis. It usually manifests itself as a result of exposure to both internal and external factors. In other words, the antigen protein acts from the inside, and some irritating factors (such as chlorine in water) act from the outside.

To correct the situation, you must definitely consult a doctor, as well as eliminate external irritants (using the methods described above) and adjust your diet. In some cases, symptomatic treatment with antihistamines and hormonal drugs may be necessary.

According to Evgeny Komarovsky, diathesis goes away with age in the vast majority of young patients. As immunity develops, as the digestive system and metabolic system are “debugged”.

  • Do not overfeed. Let him eat less, it will be better absorbed.
  • Avoid contact with chlorine and “adult” detergents and washing powders.
  • Medications for contact allergies should only be used as prescribed by a doctor, so as not to further harm the child. If red cheeks do not bother you too much, it is better not to use medications at all. If it is very itchy and the child constantly scratches it, you can use Fenistil or undergo a course of treatment with hormones, if the allergist, after conducting classical tests, deems it appropriate.
  • Do not give cow's or goat's milk.
  • A child with such a problem does not need to buy bright T-shirts, hats and pants. Textile dyes quite often cause contact allergies in particularly sensitive children. The best choice in this situation is white shirts and pants.
  • It is necessary to create optimal conditions in the house for the child. Air temperature - 18-20 degrees, air humidity - 50-70%. It is necessary to ventilate the room more often and do wet cleaning. Do not allow your child to overheat and sweat. Sometimes these measures alone are enough to stop your cheeks from turning red.
  • Children who tend to react with red cheeks should not be given a lot of medications.. Antibiotics, antivirals, cold drops and cough syrups - all this can provoke drug allergies. Therefore, medications are given to such children only in exceptional cases, strictly as prescribed by a doctor.
  • If a child’s cheeks turn red, and all of the above reasons are not confirmed, this can only mean that the allergen could not be found. Pay attention to this: fish food, aerosols, mom and dad's perfumes, insect repellents, domestic cats and dogs, house dust, plants, especially flowering ones, nuts, raisins, covering furniture in the apartment.
  • It is necessary to monitor bowel movements. A child with a tendency to red cheeks should not have constipation. An empty intestine greatly alleviates the condition of any type of allergic reaction. If constipation occurs (especially children who are on

Young children are prone to various diseases due to the fact that their immune system is just beginning to develop. The task of parents is to protect, take care of the diet, and quickly respond to changes in the behavior and well-being of the baby. For example, one of the common problems in childhood is allergies. The symptoms are immediately pronounced: rashes, itching, peeling of the skin and red cheeks in the child.

The reasons for such manifestations are not always associated with the above ailments. Some mothers mistakenly believe that blush is a sign of health, and there is nothing wrong with this condition. It is necessary to understand that peeling, bright capillary veins and pimples do not appear in a vacuum. Pediatricians do not recommend leaving the situation to chance, especially if the child has a fever and rough skin.


An allergic reaction is the most common factor that causes unpleasant and varied manifestations. It mainly affects infants and children under 3 years of age. Parents notice the child has red, rough cheeks, and this is accompanied by swelling, lacrimation, cough, rashes on the body, dryness and paleness of the skin.

In order to avoid the appearance of diathesis that occurs against the background of allergies, it is necessary to identify the true cause and eliminate it. Let's consider the most common factors that provoke a reaction:

  • Dietary diathesis causes red cheeks in a child. Komarovsky (doctor) claims that often the culprits are the parents themselves, who overfeed their child. Activated carbon and warm drinks will help eliminate the phenomenon.
  • Drug allergies (synthetic additives, antibiotics).
  • Reaction to the vaccine.
  • Contact dermatitis (clothing, household chemicals, cosmetics, animal hair).
  • (polluted environment).

When faced with such a pathological problem, parents should definitely send their child for examination. Diagnostics will help identify a hyperreaction, and subsequently the doctor will prescribe competent therapy. Remember that this is a chronic condition that cannot be cured; it can be maintained in a latent form (remission).


You need to know that most viruses provoke characteristic symptoms. Diseases such as rubella, scarlet fever, erythema and measles contribute to the appearance of red cheeks in a child. Komarovsky reports that similar diseases are observed in children from 3 to 10 years old.

According to the doctor, you should not stuff yourself with antibacterial agents without a prescription from a specialist. It is necessary to create the most comfortable conditions so that the body can fight viruses on its own: do not force people to eat, provide plenty of fluids and clean air with 60% humidity. It is forbidden to steam your feet, wrap them up, or load them with fatty foods.

lupus erythematosus

Why does the child have a red cheek, weakness and a high temperature of up to 40 o C? This may be a sign of a dangerous disease such as lupus, which is a disorder of one's own tissue that leads to damage to internal organs. It begins acutely, redness is noted on the cheeks and bridge of the nose.

Rashes on other parts of the body, resembling small scaly spots, are possible. Emergency medical care and comprehensive treatment are required. In the absence of adequate therapy, dangerous complications arise (pathologies of the heart, joints, lymphatic system, kidneys).

Roseola, or three-day fever

The incubation period is 5-15 days. It is characterized by an increase in temperature to 39 o C, convulsions, while neither cough nor runny nose is observed. After a few days, bright pink spots appear all over the body. As you understand, red cheeks in a child do not always indicate good health. The causes of the disease are herpes viruses of the 6th and 7th types.

Atypical redness and rashes

It is impossible to briefly list all the irritants and diseases that cause such a reaction on the part of the child’s body. These could be adapted milk formulas, heat exchange disorders, or genetic pathologies. Sane mothers will immediately visit the pediatrician, especially if the child is 5 months old. Red cheeks with a rough crust are not the norm.

This may be a suspicion of heart disease or liver dysfunction. An ultrasound, x-ray and blood sampling are urgently required. There are countless painful conditions that are accompanied by such clinical manifestations: meningococcal meningitis, viral hepatitis, pneumonia, bacterial sepsis, gastrointestinal disorders, eczema.

What to do?

First of all, it is necessary to identify the allergen. Without diagnostic measures, it will not be possible to solve this problem and eliminate the symptoms. The longer you put off visiting a doctor, the deeper the disease takes root. You should be wary of your child's constantly red cheeks. The reasons should be looked for immediately and not rush to use antiviral and antiallergic medications.

If itching and flaking occur, you can use folk remedies: tea leaves, herbal decoctions, soothing baby lotions. It is advisable to exclude harmful foods from the diet (flour, sweet, smoked). If the baby is fed breast milk, then the mother should analyze the menu. Ensure maximum cleanliness in the room, do wet cleaning and vacuuming more often.

So we found out why the child has a red cheek and what are the reasons for this phenomenon. Let your children blush just from walking and laughing - be healthy!

When the baby's cheeks turn red, it worries the mother. Especially if the redness of the cheeks is quite abundant and intense. But often inexperienced parents try to treat not the cause, but only an unpleasant symptom, forgetting how important it is to carefully understand the situation in order to prevent its recurrence in the future.

Causes of red cheeks in a child

Redness of the skin on a child's face can have several causes. The most harmless thing that can happen is chapping and freezing. Usually, redness of a baby’s nose and cheeks after a long walk in frosty weather is associated precisely with the influence of cold and wind. In this case, after returning home, the little one’s cheeks and nose very quickly acquire a healthy pink color. Another possible cause of redness of the facial skin in a child is overheating. Moreover, due to excessive care of parents, overheating in children can happen not only in summer, but even in winter. After all, often the weather outside is not so severe as to dress the little one in a fur coat and several sweaters, as some mothers and grandmothers do. And when parents don’t know, such unpleasant situations happen. But all this is very easy to fix. The main thing is that adults pay attention to their mistake in time.

There are also other reasons for redness of a child’s cheeks, which are fundamentally different from the reasons mentioned above. This could be an allergic reaction of the body to medications taken or, for example, a response to the chemical components of the washing powder that was used to wash children's clothes, as well as an allergy to food. The main symptom of any allergy is redness of the baby’s cheeks and chin.

In order to understand what exactly your child is suffering from, remember what he recently ate and drank, where he played and what he came into contact with. Start eliminating all possible causes of redness in order. First of all, the next time you go for a walk, check your child's clothes to make sure they are not too hot. Apply rich cream to your baby's nose and cheeks to prevent possible chapping. If the skin is still red, begin to control your baby’s diet, eliminating all foods that may cause allergies.

If all else fails, be sure to visit your pediatrician. He or she will be able to more clearly determine the cause of the redness and will prescribe a treatment for the red spots on the skin to relieve irritation and soothe the skin. In addition, the doctor may prescribe medication for the child to treat diathesis. In order for the redness to disappear, it is very useful to make baths at home with the addition of chamomile, string, dandelion, as well as wheat bran and rowan. It is very important to ensure that the baby does not scratch the area of ​​redness. If he still constantly touches his face, you need to at least make sure that his hands are clean, because dirty fingers can introduce infection into the wounds.

Redness of the cheeks in a baby

When a baby develops redness on the skin, the mother should urgently reconsider her diet. You need to remove everything red from it, citrus fruits, cow's milk, fish, honey, eggs , poultry, chocolate, poo, spices, as well as products containing dyes and preservatives. In addition, you need to be more vigilant about the milk formula that you give to your baby. Due to mixtures (often milk with cow's milk), many children suffer from diathesis. If an allergic reaction occurs in a child, the formula must be replaced (from milk to dairy-free or simply change the brand). If the redness of the baby's cheeks does not go away, you need to think about what allergen he may come into contact with. Perhaps you started using a new powder for clothes, or bought your child a new bright toy. Redness on a child’s cheeks may also be caused by improper... Too much complementary food may well provoke an allergic reaction. Older children often suffer from allergies due to the consumption of low-quality store-bought juices and purees, which contain foreign additives.

When redness on the skin occurs in a baby, you need to try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Since very soon the child becomes restless and stops sleeping and eating normally. To relieve irritation in infants, areas of redness are lubricated with medicated baby cream. But at the same time, parents should try to accurately identify the cause of the redness. If you cannot figure this out on your own, you need to consult a doctor. Despite its apparent harmlessness, redness of the skin itself is not normal. It continues to bother the baby until the parents take appropriate measures.


Causes of redness of the cheeks and chin in a child, especially in the evening. Atopic dermatitis, allergy, virus or reaction to teething - how to understand what exactly to treat and how to help your child.

“This is the second autumn-winter I notice that the child’s cheeks and chin are red, especially in the evening. We walk every day, after a walk at home the redness subsides, and in the evening it becomes stronger.” Common situation?

Reason 1. Dry, hot air in the room, especially during the heating season. As a rule, the cheeks and chin become red every evening, and subsides after swimming. The heat in the room can cause your child to overheat.

Solution: Ventilate more often and turn on the humidifier, keep the humidity at least 50%. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can hang a wet towel on the radiator or place a container of water next to the radiator.

Reason 2. Teeth are being cut. Usually the cheeks and around the mouth become red.

Solution: It will go away on its own when the tooth comes out.

Reason 3. The child came home from the cold. Frostbite of the tender cheeks is also possible (when the redness does not go away for a long time after frost).

Solution: During the cold season, use protective creams. Apply them not just before the walk, but 30 minutes before, so that the cream has time to be absorbed.

Reason 4. Regular redness of only the cheeks in the evening against the background of normal body temperature and clean skin can be a natural temporary skin reaction due to:

  • increased skin sensitivity in children during the first 2 years of life;
  • easily expanding skin vessels that react to friction, cold, wind, overheating, sun, washing powder, physical activity of the child;
  • The tone of the parasympathetic nervous system increases, this explains the redness in the evening.

Solution: tactics are wait-and-see and watchful. You can use moisturizing baby creams.

In most cases, this vascular skin reaction goes away on its own by 1.5-2 years of age without consequences.

Reason 5. Diathesis, food allergy. Most often it manifests itself in the form of spots or pimples on the cheeks and body; in young children, the bottom also turns red (it is by this sign that one can distinguish a food allergy from any other allergy).

A formula-fed baby may be allergic to formula.

Foods that cause allergic reactions in a child (breastfed mother's food):

  • red and orange fruits and vegetables;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • cow's milk;
  • herbs, spices;
  • eggs;
  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • any products containing emulsifiers;
  • confectionery;
  • smoked meats;
  • condensed milk and other products containing palm oil;
  • citrus.

If you introduce complementary foods, try to keep a food diary and write down all new foods there. One product is administered for a week.

Solution: We apply Bepanten or baby cream to the reddened areas, exclude products that cause allergies from the child’s diet, and in case of breastfeeding, we normalize our own nutrition.

The problem of red cheeks in the autumn-winter period is a problem for every second child. If only your cheeks and chin are red, without dry skin or roughness, you are most likely teething, your cheeks turned red in the evening after walking in the cold in winter - you have frostbite. Food allergies will definitely be on the butt.

Most often we are talking about allergic (atopic) dermatitis. When the cheeks turn red and become rough, the redness comes and goes, but the dryness remains. Locations of damage:cheeks, chin, arms, legs, and everything is clean under the diaper!

In most cases, the problem is in the functioning of the intestines (the immature children's liver is not able to produce enough enzymes to digest all the adult food that we are trying to feed the child), the rash was preceded by an intestinal infection or some other disease that disrupted the intestines. Thus, fermentation begins to occur in the intestines, putrefaction and toxic substances are absorbed through the intestinal walls into the blood. Toxins are removed from the blood through sweat and urine. Particles of sweat, reacting with powder on clothes, synthetics, low-quality soft toys, etc., cause redness and itching on the skin.

Based on all of the above complex treatment is required:

  • turn to gastroenterogol, restore flora and eliminate problems in the intestines;
  • apply moisturizing creams or ointments to the affected areas; for dry skin, baths with wheat bran have a good effect.;
  • do not overload the intestines (do not overfeed!!!, give healthy homemade food). If we are talking about an infant, the mother should monitor her diet; if she is bottle-fed, adjust the formula and its concentration;
  • during periods of exacerbation, exclude all allergens;
  • do not let the child sweat a lot (ventilate), humidify the air during the heating season, swim infrequently and preferably without chlorine in the water, so as not to dry out the skin even more, give plenty of water;
  • wash children's clothes and bed linen, wear cotton underwear.

Solution: eliminate the allergen.

Reason 7. Disease. Infectious diseases (erythema infectiosum, roseola). Redness of the cheeks in combination with sharply pale lips and the tip of the nose are characteristic symptoms of pneumonia. They are accompanied by lethargy, decreased appetite, fever, and rapid breathing. As the temperature rises, the cheeks also turn red.

Solution: consult a doctor.

Allergic diathesis is not always an allergy...(from the Rusmedserver portal)

This happens because in children of the first year of life the protective function of the intestine is reduced. The fact is that at this age, insufficient digestive enzymes and protective antibodies are produced and the permeability of the intestinal wall is increased. The combination of these age-related characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract of children leads to the fact that under-digested food components, primarily proteins, are easily absorbed into the bloodstream. These large fragments of molecules have pronounced antigenic properties, i.e. trigger a chain of allergic reactions.

Any allergic reaction begins with the production of special antibodies belonging to the class of immunoglobulin E (IgE). Contact of the allergen with these antibodies leads to the release of histamine, a substance that causes vasodilatation, tissue swelling, itching, etc. In children of the first years of life, the release of histamine from blood cells can be caused not only by IgE antibodies, but also by many other substances and even due to external factors (for example, cooling).

In addition, the sensitivity of the tissues of infants to histamine is much higher than that of older adults, and its inactivation (neutralization) is noticeably reduced. From the above, it is clear why it is incorrect to equate allergic diathesis with a typical allergic reaction: if the basis of allergies is precisely an abnormally strong reaction of the immune system (the production of antibodies to substances that are actually safe and should not normally stimulate an immune response), then in allergic diathesis, the main role in the development of an allergic reaction is played by age-related characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract and histamine sensitivity.

The manifestations of typical allergies and allergic diathesis may be similar, but they have a different development mechanism. Accordingly, the approach to solving the problem should be different. Only a third of children with allergic diathesis have elevated levels of IgE in the blood. That is why the manifestations of diathesis depend on the dose of allergens received: only a relatively large amount of food eaten leads to the development of skin reactions, among which manifestations of atopic dermatitis are most often observed. And only in some cases, tiny amounts of the allergen lead to severe allergic reactions.

The rosy child's face evokes universal affection. But parents are not happy if the baby’s cheeks turn red for unknown reasons. Moreover, these reasons can be completely different. This article will talk about the main ones and answer the main question: what should parents do in this case?

Provoking factors

Conventionally, two groups of them can be distinguished:

  • natural- when redness of the cheeks is a normal reaction of the body. They do not pose a danger, and the redness will soon go away on its own;
  • pathological- when a child’s red cheeks signal that a problem has arisen. Then they should be considered as a symptom of the disease.

Let's look at both groups of factors in more detail.

Natural causes

1. Prolonged physical activity. The child runs, jumps, plays sports - in a word, makes physical efforts. Blood circulation increases, resulting in a blush on the face.

2. Teething. How these two phenomena are related is a mystery, but the fact remains: many babies’ cheeks turn red during the period when another tooth is cut. Moreover, beauty does not depend on nutrition and other factors; it appears literally out of nowhere and disappears as soon as the tooth erupts.

Pediatricians shrug their shoulders and ask whether there really could not have been exposure to allergens during that period of time. There is an opinion that this is due to a general decrease in immunity against the background of teething; the skin becomes more susceptible. Or that the child is nervous due to constant pain in the mouth and the excited state provokes redness of the cheeks. Nobody knows for sure. However, many mothers have faced and continue to face this.

3. Mechanical irritation cheek skin in contact with rough surfaces. For example, when a child’s scarf rubs and other similar situations.

4. Overheat. Indeed, if a child is hot, his cheeks turn red. And sometimes not only they, but the whole face.

5. Weathering: if the cheeks are chapped, the skin will not only be red, but also dry and rough to the touch.

6. Fresh air(if it’s not hot outside) it always works magically: after a walk, the children have a healthy glow on their cheeks. This is a completely natural phenomenon, especially if it is winter outside and the air is frosty.

Pathological causes

A child's red cheeks indicator of health problems. Unfortunately, this may be the case. This symptom may indicate that there are:

1. Disturbances in the digestive system. Here it is usually either overeating, either in difficulty defecating.

The first problem is mostly typical for bottle-fed babies. After all, sucking formula from a bottle is much easier than sucking milk from a mother’s breast. Therefore, with the mixture the process goes faster.

However, the feeling of fullness does not appear immediately, but 10–15 minutes after eating. Only then does the brain give a signal that the child is full. Until this moment, the baby, especially if he has become very hungry, eats with great enthusiasm. As a result, he eats more than necessary. The body processes exactly as much as it is capable of. The remains of undigested food rot or ferment in the intestines and are then excreted from the body in feces. During decay, decay products enter the bloodstream, causing the cheeks to acquire a reddish tint.

As for difficulties with bowel movements, the mechanism for the appearance of beautiful cheeks in this case is the same as with overfeeding. Feces that do not leave the body on time release toxins and they enter the bloodstream. Redness of the cheeks is a response to the appearance of toxic substances. This happens with both artificial and breastfeeding (although in the first case the number of children suffering from constipation is greater).

2. Increased blood pressure. This pathology in children is extremely rare and is a consequence of diseases of the kidneys, heart, brain or thyroid gland. Requires careful examination and further treatment.

4. Infections. Redness on children's cheeks is sometimes one of the signs of a number of infectious diseases, for example:

  • pneumonia;
  • rubella;
  • measles;
  • scarlet fever;
  • roseola;
  • erythema infectiosum;
  • bacterial sepsis;
  • meningococcal infection.

It is worth keeping in mind that another clear symptom of infection is an increase in body temperature. If adults discover a combination of symptoms such as hyperthermia and red cheeks in their child, they should call a doctor.

5. The most common cause of red cheeks in children is allergic reaction. Main types:

  • contact;
  • food;
  • medicinal;
  • respiratory.

Contact Allergy occurs after direct exposure to an allergen. For example, children's cosmetics, diapers, household chemicals, residues of washing powder on clothes, toys of dubious quality.

Food Allergy is an increased immune response to a certain food product. And usually sweets, eggs, whole milk, honey, citrus fruits, exotic fruits, brightly colored fruits (especially bright red) act as irritants. The body reacts to the presence of these products both in the child’s personal menu and in the diet of the nursing mother. And such a reaction can occur to infant formula; this also applies to cases of food allergies.

Medicinal the form most often appears when using nasal drops, cough syrups, antibiotics, immunomodulators, and vitamins. Therefore, always give new medications with caution, carefully monitor how the child’s body tolerates them. Do not give medications unless absolutely necessary, do not self-medicate.

At respiratory types of allergic reaction include runny nose, nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, as well as watery eyes and inflammation of the eyes. The cheeks and chin may become red. Main irritants:

  • flowering plants;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • perfumery;
  • household chemicals;
  • dust;
  • varnishes, paints, solvents.

6. If not only the cheeks, but also other parts of the body turn red and this happens systematically, then the issue may be atopic dermatitis, it is also mistakenly called diathesis. The disease manifests itself as a result of the influence of internal and external causes: the antigen protein stimulates the immune response, and irritating factors (each has its own) act externally. It must be said that with age, in most children, the disease goes away, as the work of all body systems is adjusted (especially the immune, digestive and endocrine).

What to do if your baby has red cheeks

The main advice to parents is not to panic, but to take this as a signal from the child’s body. If the phenomenon recurs often or does not go away for a long time, it is better, of course, to consult a pediatrician about this. He will examine the baby, help identify the cause and prescribe treatment, which will depend on the diagnosis.

What parents can do on their own:

  • If there is any suspicion of infection, show the child to a doctor as soon as possible;
  • stop overfeeding your child. Monitor the volume of portions: it’s better to let the baby eat less, but more often, this approach helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • eliminate potential irritants in the form of chlorine, as well as similar “heavy” detergents and laundry detergents;
  • use medications for allergies only with the permission of the pediatrician, so as not to further harm the child. If the redness does not cause any particular discomfort, do not give medications at all;
  • if the child scratches his cheeks, use fenistil;
  • do not give whole milk, replace with age-appropriate formulas or fermented milk products;
  • do not buy bright underwear; it often causes a reaction among allergy sufferers;
  • carefully monitor the home microclimate. “Weather in the house” is extremely important for any child: air temperature is 18–23 degrees, humidity is 50–60%. Regularly ventilate rooms and do wet cleaning. Do not overheat the baby, make sure that he does not sweat;
  • Avoid constipation in your child. With any type of allergy or inflammation, it is easier for him when the intestines are not loaded. If there is a problem, solve it with your baby’s doctor. Now there are a lot of means, including quite gentle ones.

Important: if you do all of the above, but your cheeks are still red, it means that you couldn’t determine the irritant, the problem is something else. Pay attention to little things like:

  • aerosols at home (air freshener, for example);
  • toilet water from parents or other family members;
  • cats, dogs, other pets;
  • food for aquarium fish;
  • dust;
  • flowers;
  • carpets and other floor coverings;
  • nuts, raisins in the diet.

Do not use folk remedies for treatment - pediatricians unanimously advise. The fact is that the child’s body can itself restore the functioning of all the processes occurring in it, and the problem of red cheeks will disappear over time. However, “healing” with folk remedies, which countless relatives try on the child, can make itself felt even when the child grows up. And this is not counting the most ingenious of recipes, which can cause much more harm than atopic dermatitis or allergies.

Many young parents consider red cheeks a sign of a child's health. But do not confuse a healthy blush with pathological manifestations. Treat your baby carefully and don’t wait for everything to go away on its own. If you suspect any abnormalities in the body, it would be a good idea to consult a pediatrician.