How to get rid of drunkenness (alcohol) yourself forever: how to motivate yourself, diet, review of methods. How giving up alcohol helps you achieve more in business and life

Probably everyone, without exception, has heard about the dangers of alcoholic beverages. Every person knows that alcohol does not bring any benefit and only disrupts the functioning of organs and systems. But such information almost never serves as a reason to give up drinking. And as a result, alcohol becomes a real drug. Today the problem alcohol addiction in our country it is quite acute. But at the same time everything large quantity people are trying to get rid of this bad habit. Let's talk and look at how to quit drinking alcohol forever.

Many people try to reduce their consumption of alcoholic beverages when trying to quit drinking. As a result, they drink, for example, once a week. But such a practice is fraught with breakdowns (for “good” reasons) or an increase in the single dose of alcohol. Therefore, you need to stop drinking immediately and completely.

How to give up alcohol forever?

Choose a day when you completely give up alcoholic beverages. Before this date arrives, do not arrange your last holidays, but gradually reduce the amount you drink and prepare yourself mentally. This way your body will be a little prepared for the upcoming changes.

After date X arrives, be sure to keep the promise you made to yourself and believe that you will definitely succeed. From time to time you will have to fight temptations, and also when covered sharp changes moods. Such emotional fluctuations are explained by addiction and if you survive them, it will definitely pass. You should not follow your desires to drink, they will disappear, but not immediately. Try to prepare for this and train your willpower.

Think often about the fact that giving up alcohol is the most important and correct solution in your life. Don't forget to praise and encourage yourself. At the same time, do not rant in front of your friends when explaining your decision. Just give up drinking, and at first, avoid going to entertainment events.

Throw away any alcohol you have in your home. And also get into the habit: if you want to buy an alcoholic drink, set aside money that you can spend in a separate wallet. After surviving for a month, spend the set aside amount correctly: on fitness, books or some long-desired item.

Try to form in your head new image, set new goals. There should be no place for alcohol in them. Start thinking of yourself as a completely healthy, successful and confident person. Follow a daily routine, wake up early, find an exciting hobby and be sure to spend time in nature (including alone).

Socialize more often with people who don't drink and try to make friends with them. You can get acquainted with this category of the population in gyms and at special “sober” parties. By changing your social circle, you can form new views on life and analyze past actions.

When giving up alcohol consumption, change your diet. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink vegetable juices.

Try to sleep more, this way you will neutralize the manifestations of nervous and vegetative-somatic disorders that appear when you give up alcohol addiction.

IN mandatory take B vitamins in tablets (course).

If you want to drink, eat a crunchy fruit or vegetable, or suck on a hard candy.

Many psychologists advise people struggling with alcohol addiction to have pet. Such animals will become wonderful antidepressants and will help you not to break down in difficult times. Pets also remarkably develop responsibility, increase life expectancy and its quality.

Favorite music will help you cope with stress and the desire to drink. Massages also have an excellent effect. Professional high-quality massage activates blood circulation processes, removes toxins and accelerates detoxification of the body. It's best to book a massage with qualified specialist.

If you just can’t cope with the urge to drink, take a contrast shower. Hardening contrast shower In addition to being a distracting procedure, it will also strengthen the immune system. They should not be carried away only by those who diseased heart. Keep this in mind! For everyone else, sudden changes in water temperature will effectively relieve stress and help reduce cravings for alcohol.


There are quite a few medications that can help treat alcohol addiction. But taking them without consulting a doctor is not recommended. Some drugs cause aversion to alcohol, others reduce the desire to drink, and others reduce the effect of ethanol entering the body. In addition, medications that relieve withdrawal syndrome and eliminating mental disorders that are associated with alcohol consumption.

The most effective and popular drugs for alcoholism are Acamprostat, Colme, Proproten-100, Metadoxil (the instructions and use of each drug before use must be studied personally from the official annotation included in the package!). All of them have contraindications and can have very different side effects.

In some cases, it is simply impossible to successfully quit drinking forever on your own. In such a situation, it is better to seek help - from a therapist, narcologist and psychologist. Properly selected treatment will help you forget about bad habit forever.

Folk remedies

To reduce cravings for alcohol, you can use different herbs and other improvised means. So, the use of peony (evasive peony) gives a good effect. For cooking medicine prepare the rhizomes of this plant and chop them thoroughly. Brew a teaspoon of the resulting raw material with half a liter of boiling water. Boil this remedy for five minutes after boiling, then strain and drink half a glass three times a day shortly before meals.

You can also combine wormwood, St. John's wort and yarrow (twenty grams each). Also use ten grams of caraway seeds and angelica officinalis. Add fifteen grams to the mixture peppermint and five grams common juniper. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water. After ten minutes, strain and drink like tea - a glass three times a day. The duration of such therapy is no more than ten days, and after five days the course of treatment can be repeated.

Many people who drink at some point in their lives come to the idea of ​​giving up alcohol. Frequent libations become a hindrance in life. Because of them, families are destroyed, work performance deteriorates, and too much money is spent on alcoholic beverages.

But most people are not ready to give up alcohol forever without resorting to the help of doctors. They are not sure that they have the willpower to quit alcohol. And in this main mistake. What is needed is abstinence from alcohol, not withdrawal. A person must understand that he does not need alcoholic drinks, and then he can forget about the craving for them.

Why do people get used to alcohol?

Every person who wants to quit drinking must first remember how he became addicted to drinking. More precisely, I trained myself. A person is not born with a craving for a bottle. Moreover, she disgusts him. And to become an alcoholic, you need to go through a long and difficult path.

The road to alcohol addiction is different for everyone. As a rule, it all starts in adolescence. The path to addiction usually looks like this:

This is how dependence on alcohol is formed. Even worse, most people simply don't realize they already have this addiction. They reason like this: if they drink whenever they want, and not every day in the morning, like a drunkard from next door, then they have no dependence. In fact, they have the same problem as a binge alcoholic. They have already lost control of the situation.

Regular return to alcohol over time will lead to the fact that the frequency of alcohol consumption will increase, and all the signs of dependence will appear.

Is it easy to quit alcohol?

People who have forgotten about alcohol will say yes. Those who are just about to quit will say no. Which one is right, the answer is obvious: people who no longer drink. Moreover, neither the degree of dependence, nor the length of alcoholism, nor the quality of the drink influence the refusal of alcohol. Willpower, social environment, financial situation and other factors are also not important. The fact that everyone can give up alcohol is not just empty words; there are more and more practical examples of this every day.

Quitting alcohol begins with awareness of well-known facts:

Listing these factors is not an attempt to intimidate the reader. This is just a desire to show the tip of the problems that everyone who drinks alcohol has to face. Give up the bottle and they will be gone.

Are there any benefits from wine?

Let's say right away that there is none. The exception is the use of alcohol for medical purposes.

When people talk about the benefits of alcohol, then they only contribute to the spread of myths:

These myths help people fall into the alcohol trap. And women have it worst of all, because severe forms alcoholism develops in them much faster than in men.

The alcohol trap is very difficult to identify, as it has its own tricks:

  • A person finds himself at the bottom gradually and does not notice the changes happening to him.
  • Moderately drinking people are not fully aware of their situation. But they no doubt have a feeling that they are trapped, which is simply ignored. After all, it seems to a person that he can stop drinking at any moment.

The main feature of the alcohol trap is postponing solving problems until tomorrow. Moreover, on chronic stage With alcoholism, a person is convinced that there is no solution.

People in our society are sure that alcoholism is a disease that needs to be treated. This misconception prevents us from understanding the essence of the problem. Alcoholism is not what needs to be treated, and its consequences. Even a heavy drinker can give up alcohol in one day if he takes two facts for granted:

  • A huge number of people who have lost control over the amount they drink and have different personal qualities have given up alcohol without any problems. This means that alcoholism is not a serious illness at all.
  • Alcohol is foreign to our body - it gets along just fine without it. Alcoholism is a banal habit that you can simply give up.

How to give up alcohol completely

So, there was confidence in the need to give up alcohol. Next, the first thing you need to do is not choose the right moment: once you decide, you need to do it right away. And this is the main condition for success.

Next, you need to change your thinking. For example, when we tell ourselves that we should never drink wine again, we unconsciously place a marker in our minds of the loss of something. For this reason, you should not forbid yourself to drink, but rejoice in the fact that alcoholic delirium is leaving your life.

This change in thinking is very important initial stage. After all, everything that pushes us to drink alcohol is in our head. No person is forced to drink alcohol. We accustom ourselves to them.

Once a decision has been made, you should never question it. It should be final, and there is no point in reflecting on it. There should be no weighing of pros and cons. . This decision should immediately be perceived as a fait accompli.. Only in this case can you really easily stop drinking.

You should not give up the thought that the bottle has passed away. You won't be able to avoid them anyway. But they should be perceived positively. Any attempts to feel sorry for yourself will lead to defeat. You should be glad that you are already free from this madness.

It is important to relearn how to enjoy simple things without alcohol. The feeling of celebration will not return immediately, because for many years a person has diligently replaced it with false associations. But it will definitely come back.

Under no circumstances should you envy the people around you who drink - they are all ruining themselves. It is better to feel sorry for them, because a person who gives up alcohol has not lost anything, but gains peace of mind, health and a sense of happiness. This is especially important for women. Due to the peculiarities of psychology, it is important for them to be happy.

When giving up alcoholic beverages, a person may want to start again. There is no need to worry about this. If the refusal was conscious, then the feeling will be so weak that it will be forgotten literally in a minute. And in the future it will completely disappear.

Each of us has good and bad days. A person who gives up drinking knows how to get the most out of it have a nice day, enjoy them. At the same time, he understands perfectly well that bad days would be much worse endured without giving up a drink.

There is no need to try to find a replacement for alcohol. It doesn't fill the voids in a person's life, it creates them. This should be understood first of all by women who often try to give up alcoholic beverages through antidepressants.

There is no need to mourn the loss of alcohol. Life goes on, and without alcohol it will only be better, especially since there is no loss. There is only obvious benefit giving up alcohol. People don't understand this who quit drinking voluntarily. They think they are giving up a faithful assistant.

Yes, some men who quit drinking voluntarily actually manage to never return to alcohol again, but after that they cannot call themselves happy. They constantly have to battle an inner demon, which makes them vulnerable. For women, the volitional method of giving up alcoholic beverages is completely contraindicated.

How not to drink in company

You shouldn't change anything in your life. There is no need to avoid usual companies, visits to restaurants and bars. The question immediately arises: how to refuse a glass in company. But you can enjoy communicating with friends without it. If the people around you are truly friends, then they will be happy for a friend who has willpower. But it is better to avoid casual acquaintances who pawn you by the collar. They will subconsciously envy the non-drinker and will do everything to lead him astray from his chosen path.

Should you quit smoking?

Each person answers this question himself. According to many experts, alcoholism and smoking are interconnected. In practice, refusing one bad habit very often leads to subsequent rejection of the other. Moreover, the second refusal occurs much easier and faster, because the person sees the essence of the problem.

Here's what you definitely shouldn't do when quitting tobacco and alcohol - try to reduce your consumption before quitting completely. This approach makes alcoholic drinks even more attractive. The refusal must be unambiguous and irrevocable.

Attention, TODAY only!

Overcoming drunkenness and alcoholism ultimate goal implies a complete abstinence from alcoholic beverages. I would like to think that the next generations will learn to live without alcohol. In the meantime, the problem remains quite acute. A significant proportion of alcoholics need treatment, while others need only their own willful efforts to first minimize the consumption of alcoholic beverages and then get rid of them altogether. Probably, tangible help This may be supported by special rules, which will be discussed below.

If you are not yet abstinent, then it is better to give preference to natural grape wines (including champagne). All kinds of low-grade wines, including “fruit and berry” wines, various surrogates, moonshine, in addition to the harm caused by alcohol as such, are toxic due to all kinds of impurities, artificial dyes, and poorly purified products. Beer is not at all harmless. Many people have developed the habit of drinking beer in huge quantities, sitting for hours with friends in pubs. In addition to the fact that the total amount of pure alcohol after huge portions of beer is quite large (0.5 liters of beer corresponds to 60-80 grams of vodka), we must not forget that beer is very high in calories. Beer regulars quickly get fat, and the walls of their stomachs stretch from beer. Drinking beer too often is the first step towards alcohol abuse. German psychotherapist E. Kraepelin wrote that 45 percent of his patients became alcoholics as a result of drinking beer regularly and a lot.

It is impossible not to mention the settings for correct behavior, for reliable self-control. The famous Soviet psychotherapist Vladimir Levi wrote:

“Some people get outrageously drunk only because they are irresponsible with their behavior. And this irresponsibility consists not only in violating the dose, the rules of snacking, but also in the fact that these people do not want or are not able to carry out advance self-hypnosis, self-tuning, which, at the same concentration of alcohol in the blood, would keep their well-being and behavior at the proper level.”

And now the reader is offered some rules that should help reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages to a minimum.

1. Do not drink any alcohol until you are 25 years old.

Unfortunately, too large number cases this remains not the rule, but only good wishes. Until approximately the age of 25, when the body completes its physiological formation, alcohol can cause irreparable damage to its condition.

Alcohol is especially dangerous during adolescence, during the rapid growth and development of the body. During this period, even small doses lead to extremely undesirable changes in the nervous, endocrine and genitourinary systems.

3. Don't drink on an empty stomach; don't drink when feeling unwell; do not drink if you have to drive, work, or train.

When a person driving a car has 0.8 ppm of alcohol in their blood, the likelihood of an accident with fatal increases fourfold. 0.8 ppm is found in the blood of a person who drank a glass of beer, a 20-gram glass of vodka or half a glass of champagne. Most often, the driver of the car drank at a party or in company. Anyone who drinks with him fully shares moral responsibility for everything that may happen to this person on the road.

4. Strictly control your condition. After the first symptoms of alcohol exposure (excessive looseness, talkativeness), immediately and categorically stop drinking.

5. Remember that nicotine dramatically enhances the effects of alcohol. Remember that in a stuffy room and in hot weather, the effects of alcohol increase significantly. Accordingly, the removal of alcohol from the body slows down under the same conditions. In the cold and in clean air metabolic processes go faster, which means alcohol is removed from the blood faster.

6. Don't drink when you don't feel like drinking. Most often, violation of this very rule ultimately leads to alcoholism. A person should not, under any circumstances, allow someone else’s will to be imposed on him: if he does not want to drink, then neither persuasion nor a falsely understood sense of solidarity should force him. A democratic law should reign at the table: whoever does not want to drink, does not drink.

Following these rules will help you stop drinking alcohol altogether over time.

Practice shows that it is of great help in getting rid of the tyranny of alcoholism. It is especially effective on initial stages alcohol addiction. The lower the degree of a person’s dependence on alcohol, the more successful the impact of auto-training. Therefore, the help of autogenic exercises should be resorted to immediately as soon as a man experiences the fear of getting used to wine. Psychotherapists and narcologists note that the most effective impact of auto-training is on novice drinkers, as well as on experienced alcoholics, immediately after inpatient or outpatient treatment.

I am completely calm, confident and free.

Alcohol doesn't matter to me.

I'm glad to be sober.

Vodka is disgusting. The taste of the wine is disgusting.

I'm glad that alcohol doesn't appeal to me.

A drunk man is disgusting.

I am completely calm and confident in my abilities.

I hate to even think about alcohol.

I am firm and adamant in my aversion to alcohol.

I can handle.

Since a man who begins to succumb to the habit of alcohol noticeably weakens his will, he may not be able to cope with the misfortune that has happened to him. Help can be provided close person fully trusted: wife, mother, father, friend. It is easier to master the above formulas of self-hypnosis together, and the effect of such joint exercises is very significant. There are a huge number of cases where, after two or three weeks of constant self-hypnosis of aversion to alcohol, people developed a strong immunity against the dangerous habit.

Action program

It is set out above in the “six rules”.

It is appropriate to note here that for many men, a program to improve their health should begin with giving up alcohol. Without eliminating alcohol from your life or as a last resort Without minimizing their consumption, they will not be able to take advantage of the tips given in previous articles. Yes and moral attitude drinking man not the type to seriously take up the task of “improving oneself.”

Anyone who has achieved success here should certainly go further: take on board a tool that will consolidate the first success and fill life with new content.

There are situations when alcoholic drinks create a special atmosphere in a company. If you don't drink alcohol, you'll likely feel peer pressure and want to somehow refuse the offer. Perhaps you're worried that people will think you're boring. Before going to a party or other event, think about what to do in advance. If you are offered a drink, you will need to refuse, but be respectful.


Part 1

How to refuse politely and kindly

Part 3

Plan everything in advance

    Take the wheel. If you are going to a party with a group, invite your friends to give them a ride. If you have good reason don’t drink, others will respect your decision. Very few people will decide to offer a drink to someone driving. But if someone does offer, you'll have a great excuse.

    • At the party, chat with the guys who are also driving. To suppress pressure from others, it is important to have many of you.
  1. Tell your friends about this so you have support. Go to this party with a group of friends and tell them in advance that you won't be drinking. If you want, you can tell them the reasons, or you can simply say that you are done with alcohol. Friends can support you if others begin to put pressure on you.

    • Choose friends you trust and who respect your decision. If you have friends who don't drink, invite them to this party.
    • Don't rely only on friends for support. You can spend time at this party without them, so you need to motivate yourself.
  2. Make your preferences known to the party host if possible. To avoid awkward situations, just let the party host know that you won't be drinking. Then the host of the party will tell the guys not to offer you a drink or raise a toast with you. This way, you won't upset your friends and they won't put you in an awkward situation.

    • If you feel pressured, ask yourself the following questions: Why do I want to give in to temptation? What will I lose if I agree to drink? What is more important: momentary pleasure or long-term comfort?
    • Don't let anyone or anything question your beliefs.
  • The reason for this decision is your own business. You don't have to tell these reasons if you don't want to.
  • Follow your feelings. If you feel pressured or lose control of the situation, promise yourself to leave.
  • Don't take persistent offers to heart. Many people view alcohol as a “catalyst” for communication, so they are embarrassed when people refuse to drink with them.
  • Check with the party host in advance to see if there will be non-alcoholic drinks.


  • Good, reliable friends will respect your choice and won't try to force you to drink. You should not associate with people who force you to give up abstinence.
  • Never accept a drink from someone you don't trust or find very strange.
  • If you are a recovering alcoholic, chances are you are not ready to spend time at social events. alcoholic drinks. If you feel like you're about to snap, it's better to find an excuse and walk away from the situation. Nothing is more important than your physical and emotional health.

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I can’t say that we were particularly friendly with alcohol before this, but I believe that I drank more often than the average woman - a Friday party with a couple of serious cocktails, get-togethers with friends on Wednesdays with a bottle or two of beer, and a Sunday dinner with my husband for two glasses of wine are mandatory minimum. It also happened differently, when for several weeks without a drop of alcohol, and sometimes - in a club until the morning and then you can hardly count how much you drank and understand why. Despite my decision, I do not believe that drinking alcohol in moderation is bad and not drinking is good. Everyone has their own path, and an adult has the right to decide which lifestyle suits him best. But the problems I had to face when complete refusal from alcohol, I couldn’t have predicted it a year ago, and even if someone had warned me, I wouldn’t have believed it.

First month

“You know, I don’t drink at all now!” – I told our large group at a mutual friend’s birthday. Everyone took it as a joke and refused to believe it for a long time. After we managed to convince our friends otherwise, the fun began. To say that loved ones were surprised is to say nothing. The first reaction was speculation about my pregnancy and worries about whether I was sick. After I refuted everything, the questions didn’t stop, and for another couple of months someone always wrote or asked in private what kind of trouble had happened to me: “Well, you can tell me the truth!”

Wherever I went, people I knew and didn’t know desperately tried to get me drunk. “I’m not suggesting you get drunk! A sip for my health – does that really count?” Often a refusal was perceived as a personal insult or an invitation to persuade for another ten minutes, which put both me and the interlocutor in an awkward position.

I myself felt strange - having given up alcohol, I was not going to change my usual routine. Also on Fridays I went to a bar and danced at a club, on Wednesdays I met with friends, and on Sundays I had a festive family dinner.

But, with the exception of the last, everything else began to seem impractical - after an hour of being in the bar, I was tired of the noise and wasting time; dancing sober was new and I didn’t like it, I felt embarrassed and constrained; and at get-togethers with friends, I didn’t understand why they were having so much fun if nothing exciting was happening.

It’s not for nothing that people say: “A sober man is no friend to a drunk,” I began to seriously worry about this.

First six months

Contrary to expectations, my parents did not take the news of my giving up alcohol too happily. “How come you don’t drink? No, I like it, but it’s somehow strange. Are you sure everything is fine?” my mother was surprised. However, we discussed this topic only once and never returned. My mother-in-law asked several times if I had ended up in a sect, but after a couple of months she calmed down and, it seems, completely forgot about this point.

It was more difficult at work. My main activity involves frequent short trips and daily hectic feasts there. It is at such events that profitable agreements in our field are concluded and contracts are signed. “Nothing,” I thought, “I’ll pretend.” However, in reality it turned out to be much more complicated.

The remarkable properties of alcohol are its relaxing function, as well as giving courage, if in moderation. Just approach strangers, presenting your project and telling what a wonderful company you are, being in a completely sober mind, is a bunch of blocks and uncertainty that I didn’t even suspect. What contracts have I entered into in the past, and which ones, in fact, is the alcohol in me?

Some potential investors took the initiative into their own hands: “Did something happen to you? You're just so sad and you didn't dance alone today. Perhaps you have doubts about your project?

After three failed trips, I realized that this couldn’t continue. You need to learn to feel comfortable without alcohol. It was decided that while I was “trying to find myself,” my colleague, who had never done anything like this before, would handle business trips.

On top of everything else, in addition to failures at work, relationships with some girlfriends also became tense. They thought that I looked down on them when they were drunk, and anyway, why bother me if I wasn’t that much fun at parties. All this, to put it mildly, was not true, but after several attempts to restore the relationship (based on crazy parties on Fridays) or move it into a more peaceful direction (like sharing coffee or brunch), it turned out that we had common topics for conversation, except for parties , there was no friendship and the friendship faded away. I was very worried and still think that perhaps something could have been done to save our relationship. Fortunately, this did not affect any of my closest friends and we really didn’t care who drank and who didn’t, the pastime remained just as sincere and warm after I myself got used to my new state.

First year

Many articles and recommendations are based on how to get energy for yourself. It seems to me that in modern world, where we have to physically work much less than our ancestors, a person is simply oversaturated with energy and does not know where to put it. Alcohol helps to get rid of it - I drank, danced, got into a fight or started some kind of brawl, the energy splashed out, and in the morning I woke up exhausted and tired, but ready to peacefully go about my routine for some more time.

This may not be true, but after I stopped drinking alcohol, an incredible amount of internal resources appeared in me. I managed to redo everything several times faster than before. There was time left for reading, and for walks, and for myself, which was impossible to imagine before. In the evenings, my husband and I came up with the idea of ​​running - it turned out to be a wonderful leisure time together, we started closer friend to a friend and, undoubtedly, healthier. The energy began to surge.

The lack of Friday parties has also affected the family budget - although not a very large, but pleasant amount of money is saved per month.

The training I took as part of the treatment for aerophobia helped me restore my communication skills, so necessary for work, where we were strongly encouraged to remember ourselves as a child and return to a child’s attitude on the plane. I applied the same principle on business trips - you just need to sincerely enjoy new people, be interested in them, as in childhood, and contact will improve on its own. My friends and I also staged several raids on the city’s nightclubs with different music, where I had to dance under their watchful eye, absolutely sober. The block was destroyed, the complex was defeated, and now this does not seem strange and inappropriate to me, even in unfamiliar company. I stopped being ashamed of myself.

Now my life is not much different from what it was a year ago, and all the changes are undoubtedly positive character. Occasionally I want to come home and have a glass of wine to relax, but I understand that hot bath much more suitable for these purposes. As it turned out, quitting drinking is not an easy decision and even a certain challenge to society, but by accepting it, we become neither better nor worse. But life is gradually changing, acquiring a higher quality level and intensity.