What is responsible for memory. Which part of the brain is responsible for memory. Structure of the telencephalon

We often ask ourselves questions and try to find answers to them: Why does my life turn out this way and not otherwise?
Why am I so lonely and there is no man or woman close to me?
Why do I chronically have no money, no matter how hard I try?

There can be a lot of such questions and usually there are a lot of them.

Any thinking and attentive person will try to understand, first of all, himself, if something in his life is not really turning out the way he wants. You can do this on your own - read books, watch movies, chat with friends. As you know, the path is long and not always 100% successful.

There is one simple option - you can simply seek help from a psychologist. It will be one hundred percent effective, fast and easy!

What's happened psychological problem and where does it come from?

The reasons for all our failures, dissatisfaction, and discomfort lie in our psyche. Any external factors They simply make this or that situation worse. If a person works hard on himself, he manages to change himself, his attitude towards the world, but dissatisfaction with life still remains - then most likely the reason is definitely psychological - from the section of depth psychology.

If you are trying to find answers to questions, you are on the right track. And a psychologist, like no one else, can help you become satisfied with yourself and your life. It is enough to put in effort, time and competence and the problem will be solved.

Typically, a psychological problem arises when a person has an unconscious internal fixation on some object or subject, as if connected (in the opinion of the person himself) with achieving the desired goal. And any person has only two types of desires - either to get something (to have, to be, to become, to realize, to possess, etc.), in other words, “the desire for...”, or to get rid of something (to run away, destroy, leave, push away, free yourself, etc.), in other words, “desire from...”. If this is not achieved in any way, a problem arises.

Often the problem is twofold. Those. on the one hand, a person unconsciously strives for his goal, but cannot achieve it due to internal psychological reasons(complexes, unconstructive behavior, stress, lack of skills, etc.). On the other hand, for the same internal psychological reasons, he is afraid to achieve his cherished goal (someone or something threatens punishment for attempting a solution). Moreover, in many cases this mechanism occurs unconsciously or, in best case scenario, half-consciously.

Intrapersonal conflict– conflict within the psychological world of the individual. A clash of conflicting desires, goals, ideals.

Psychological trauma– mental damage after strong experiences. This could be stress, divorce, death of a loved one, danger to life, etc.

Frustration - a state of experiencing failure. It is accompanied by irritability, anger, and depression.

Neurotic reactions and conditions – fears, anxiety, worry, phobias. They arise as a reaction to a difficult life situation.

Costs of education – training in certain psychological emotions, parental restrictions, complexes, stereotypes.

Psychosomatic disorders – physiological and physical disorders caused by certain emotional states.

Existential problems and problems of self-realization – worries about the correctness of your choice of life path. The desire to find the meaning of existence.

Interpersonal conflicts - conflicts with other people. Family conflicts (problems with children, infidelity, divorce), conflicts at work, conflicts with friends and finally conflicts with complete strangers.

As you understand, the topic of this article will be devoted to finding effective ways to help solve the problem. Many people simply immerse themselves in the problem, making it even bigger. It's something like a sore. Imagine that you have a sore on your arm that does not heal because you scratch it. In addition, it not only does not heal, but becomes even larger. And some people, without having problems, invent them. You can read about this in the article - It is described in detail there.

How to solve a problem?

You know what Laura Silva says: “Either solve your problems or stop whining.”. So the first step to solving a problem is to renounce the problem. That is, you don’t dive into it headlong, don’t ask questions: “Well, why did this happen to me?”, “How can I solve this problem?”, “Why do I always... why do I?” and so on. Instead, you begin to view the problem not as your own, but as someone else’s. You've probably noticed how skillfully we solve other people's problems. They are not ours, they don’t hurt us, they don’t evoke bad emotions, you remain cool and sober, which means problem solving comes to you very quickly and in several options.

Many people think that only they have problems, and others do not. The fact is that our whole life consists of choices, decisions and, of course,... You can't hide from them anywhere. It's just that some have more of them, while others have less. It also depends on the person, on his view. After all, what some consider problems, others think are problems. Luck because now you can do such and such. As the saying goes: . So second step to solving problems will become A New Look to these problems.

Let's look at an example. For example, someone was fired from their job. What do most people do? At first they are indignant, swear, insist that they were treated unfairly, lash out at loved ones, and bite their nails. This normal reaction. In my opinion, this needs to be done. But what happens next? Time passes, and the person, instead of solving his problem with unemployment, begins to lie on the couch with a beer in front of the TV and mentally resent that he was treated poorly. This is the same sore that does not heal because he scratches it. Then the problem really becomes a problem.

What does the minority do? They analyze what happened with cool head, then ask themselves the question: "What can I do to solve this problem", “How can I solve the problem in the best way for me?”. Then they search for options and what happens is they find new job, which in many ways better than that one, from whom they were fired, or they open their own business and start working for themselves. And when you work for yourself, no one can fire you. In short, in this way people find new opportunities that they had not seen before. For them, the black streak really becomes a takeoff. And all because they think about solving problems, and do not delve into what happened.

So if something happens to you, first calm down, and then, with a cool head, start asking yourself moving questions: "How to solve a problem?", “What do I need to fix the situation?”, “What can I do now to get out of this impasse?”. As I said, the answer will definitely come to you. By the way, here is an article for you - It talks about how failure becomes success.

So, we got acquainted with the first two methods, namely: detachment from the problem and asking ourselves advancing questions. They're boring as hell, so now let's move on to the heavy artillery.

How to solve a problem?

So, as you understand, to solve problems, you first need to calm down emotionally. But how to do this, because emotions simply overflow? This is where they will help us!!! I am not kidding. It is at the alpha level that all problems are solved, restrictions are lifted, and all diseases are cured. If you don’t believe me, you can read the article -. There Laura talks about how meditation effectively helps solve problems. I strongly recommend you read it. Get a lot of impressions.

So!!! The first thing you should do is sit yourself down on the sofa. This is not so easy to do, because thoughts about the problem are simply teeming in your head. So this is the most difficult step. Here I advise you two options: the first is to wait until the emotions subside (then it will be easier for you to sit on the sofa), the second is to take a warm bath and lie down there. For some reason, we always get into a warm bath willingly. It is the second method that I offer you. Just in the bath or under the shower you can relax as much as possible. And it is at this moment that non-standard ideas for solving problems may come to you. As Einstein said: "Why is everyone the most good ideas come to me while showering?”. Just don’t take it literally, otherwise it turns out really funny!!!

So, you managed to relax, however, to solve the problem you should stay at the alpha level for as long as possible. The solution to the problem does not come immediately (although anything can happen). Therefore, I recommend that you download a special sound that contains alpha tempo rhythms. You can download it by going to the article -. Also, I recommend that you visit the pages - and. All this will help you relax as much as possible. If you do this, then consider that you have solved your problem.

The following powerful problem solving method that I will give you will definitely help you solve the problem. Only a few know about it, and you are lucky that you are on this page. In combination with the above tips, there will not be a single problem that you cannot solve. This method is called -. I already wrote about it, you can read it. This method takes a lot of time, and its effectiveness cannot be overestimated. You just take an A4 sheet of paper, write a question at the top of the sheet: “How can I solve the problem associated with...” and write down all the thoughts that pop into your head. I don't care what you write there. You can write absolute nonsense. The main thing is to answer the question and write without stopping.

This method helps to disable logical thinking, increases focus many times, connects. The main thing here is to write and write without stopping. The solution may emerge in five hours, or even longer. The main thing is not to give up!!! Thus, you will find solutions to any problems, any difficulties.

Finally, I want to tell you that it will be better if you "problem" replace with a word "situation". Word "problem" very poorly perceived on a subconscious level, causes black colors, discomfort. Here's the word "situation" is perceived much more pleasantly than a word "problem". Such a replacement will also help you solve problems in the best possible way.


  1. Changing the word "problem" on word "situation".
  2. We renounce the problem (we perceive it as not ours).
  3. Relax as much as possible (go to alpha level).
  4. We take a piece of paper and ask a question "How to solve a problem?", A “How to solve the situation?” and write everything that comes to mind.

Well, good luck to you in solving problems..., situations.

how to solve a problem, problem solving


Problems in life arise in the life of every person all the time, but, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to cope with them. There are those who prefer to stand quietly in a trench rather than a heroic battle, waiting for the enemy to leave on his own or for someone to come to their defense. This position is fundamentally wrong, and this approach to problems must be decisively combated.

How, instead of hiding from them or waiting for someone to solve them for us, experts in human psychology know. Due to the increase in general stress modern life psychologists willingly share with others valuable advice to overcome life's difficulties. They all agree that every person should, at all costs, learn to independently solve problems that arise.

Identify a specific problem and its importance

A problem can be considered the loss of keys and dismissal from work, tooth loss, and Sometimes a person can classify as a problem a life situation that he has never encountered and which forces him to take actions that are unusual for him, knocking him out of his psychological comfort zone. Therefore, before driving yourself into stress, it is worth considering whether the problem is far-fetched.

In the same time existing problems It is important to clearly highlight. You may even have to make a list listing them. The next thing to do is to determine the weight and urgency of solving each problem. It is important to understand which ones should be resolved first and which ones can wait. You should not rush to solve everything in one fell swoop, as you may simply not have enough strength for this, and the quality of such a solution is greatly reduced.

Develop the Right View

After the true problems have been identified and the order of their resolution has been lined up, it is necessary to move on to the next step - the formation the right view on them. Of course, the complexity of situations varies, however, before you begin to resolve each of them, you need to think about what useful things can be learned from it. It sounds strange? Not at all.

Solving every problem requires you to demonstrate one or several qualities at once. Means, positive thing each of them can be considered the development or training of certain character traits. In addition, in difficult situations we can become more active and quick-witted, we learn to think and behave outside the box. According to scientists, leaving the psychologically comfortable zone is the best way for a person to personal growth.

Calm your emotions and make a plan

Before solving problems, you need to pacify your emotions. Panic and anger do not allow us to soberly assess the situation and our actions; under the influence of feelings, we tend to act illogically. Almost everyone who has at least once made a decision based on emotions immediately and later regretted it more than once.

To solve successfully different problems in life, you need to make up detailed plan of your actions. It is worth starting to compile it immediately after emotions have subsided and the ability to think sensibly and rationally has returned. Do not forget that a plan to overcome a problem is just an outline consisting of proposed actions. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the fact that it will have to be adjusted. Moreover, this can happen both before the start of its implementation and during it.

Confront the fear of failure

Often the biggest obstacle to how to solve problems is fear. It paralyzes and prevents you from seeing clearly what is happening. Usually, our greatest fear is failure; we are afraid that the plan we have drawn up will turn out to be a complete failure or that additional problems will arise. unexpected difficulties. How to solve the problem associated with your own fear?

First, try not to get hung up on the idea that something won't work out. Drive away these thoughts like your most terrible enemy. There is only one way to overcome fear - by accepting it and doing what you are afraid of. Try to imagine in the opposite direction. Imagine that everything worked out for you, feel in your imagination the taste of success and the satisfaction that you have achieved your goal and the problem is left behind.

To understand how to solve problems yourself, in some situations it would be useful to talk about what is tormenting you with those you trust. Sometimes this alone can help, because while you present the whole essence of what is happening, highlighting the main thing and trying to convey it to the listener in an understandable language, everything will also become clearer in your head and fall into place. It is possible that after this a decision will suddenly dawn on you.

If this does not happen, then close person, whom you have dedicated to the essence of your problem, firstly, can help you emotionally, and secondly, can give you loving and compassionate advice. It would be especially good if this person had ever encountered similar problem. Or maybe you can find someone who can provide practical help?

Picture your downfall

A great psychologist advises to get rid of panic fear before failure, look it straight in the eye. In other words, you need to believe in success, but at the same time clearly understand that no one in this world is completely immune from anything. Why think about failure, isn't it discouraging?

Dale Carnegie explains this by saying that in a problematic situation, a fiasco for many means the end of life. They are terrified even for a moment to imagine that everything will end in the worst way for them, and they have no idea how they will live after that. According to the psychologist, having thought through our actions in advance if everything does not go as we hope, we protect ourselves from panic fear of such a turn of events and will not be completely confused if everything happens.

Assess the problem globally

When you need to solve a problem, try to look at it from a different perspective. For example, if you have nothing to wear, look at your problem through the eyes of a legless cripple. And if you are upset because you quarreled with your husband, look at your problem from the perspective of a recently widowed woman. If you are not satisfied with the quality of your life, go to the cemetery. A bit gloomy? Believe me, this will help move your problem at least a little from the central place in your life.

Or you can try this - look at the Earth, at yourself and at your problem from space. Can you imagine how small she will seem then? Imagination, it turns out, can be used in such useful purposes. Also, when a problem that has arisen puts too much pressure on us, we can try to imagine how we will remember it in a year or five years. Maybe then it will turn into a funny story from life that we will amuse our friends with?

Don’t forget about rest and don’t “saw sawdust”

Psychologists who know better than others how to solve problems with the least possible losses for themselves advise not to forget that the body always needs rest. Experiencing stress, which absorbs the lion's share of the energy produced by the body, a person loses strength. Adequate physical and emotional rest will help increase their number.

Particularly weakening a person is constant regret about something that caused the problem or prevented it from being successfully overcome. You shouldn’t “saw sawdust,” that is, return your thoughts to the past again and again in order to properly regret it. This doesn't make any sense. If your pressing problem concerns something that cannot be changed in any way, try to distract yourself from it and not constantly scroll through it in your head. You will no longer influence what happened, but your thoughts greatly influence what can happen to your health.

Armed with expert advice, you can safely fight your problems. It would be foolish to expect some kind of miraculous end to this fight, but thanks to the right approach problems will be solved much easier, you can count on that without a doubt. Remember, everyone is capable of solving their problems on their own, and no one is assigned to do this dirty work for you.

How to solve the problems that arise in our lives? Ancient scriptures, no matter how incredible it may sound, tell us that any problem can be solved, you just need to treat this problem correctly and not fall into the victim state. Problems in our lives are tests that are given by fate so that we pass them with dignity and learn our lessons. Only then will our lives change for the better and sparkle with bright colors.

The problems can be compared to the tasks that teachers asked us at school. In order to solve the problem, we had to make a lot of effort, waste our time, look for solutions, but if we succeeded, then the reward was praise from the teachers and a good mark in our diary. But if we came to class with an unsolved problem, we received a bad grade, blushed in front of the class, teachers, parents, and in the end we were still forced to solve this problem.

The same system works in adult life. It’s just that other teachers set tasks for us - fate and higher power, and our decision depends on their decision future life. Here we won’t be able to copy homework, like we did at school, lie or cheat, until the problem is solved by us, it will be repeated in our lives again and again, so many times until we finally sit down to solve this life problem . But don’t be afraid, any problem, like a school problem, has its own algorithm for solving and in order to understand, how to solve any problem, you just need to learn this algorithm. So,

Problem solving algorithm:

  1. Accept the problem in your life. Most main secret The solution to a problem is acceptance. As long as we deny the problem, pretend that it does not exist, or admit its existence, but struggle with it with all our might, it will remain unresolved in our lives. Accepting does not mean reconciling, accepting means accepting the idea that this problem may remain with us in the future, but at the same time we will not become less happy. It is this state that is the key to solving the problem. If we cannot even admit the thought that everything will remain this way and this thought causes suffering in us, it means that in our subconscious lies a hidden , which will not let the problem go away from our lives. Only after we have achieved internal acceptance can we move on to the next point of the algorithm “ how to solve any problem».
  2. Thank the problem. The first thing we should feel on the way to solving our problem is this problem for appearing in our lives. Yes, not sadness, not hopelessness, not resentment, not fear, but gratitude. After all, it is thanks to problems that we improve, develop, and become spiritually enriched. This is an opportunity to understand what we did wrong earlier in our lives, what caused this trouble, and in other words, to work on the mistakes of our past.
  3. Consider options for solving the problem. That is, do what we are used to doing first. This needs to be done, but not in the first place, but based on this algorithm – in the third place. Analyze what options there are for solving this problem, and what consequences each of them will lead to. Then, using the process of elimination, you need to choose the most suitable option and act.
  4. Change your attitude towards the problem. If there are no solution options at all and the situation seems hopeless to us, then we need to change our attitude towards this problem. After all, we know that everything is in our heads. What is for us big problem causing suffering may seem like a mere trifle to another person. Therefore, if the problem cannot be solved, then there is always a backup method, an answer to the question of how solve any problem- change your attitude towards her. We need to understand that we created this problem in our lives ourselves, and since we created it ourselves and are not able to solve it, it means that this problem is simply necessary for us during this period of time. And if so, then this is not a problem at all :)

With love, Yulia Kravchenko

If you have any questions while reading the article, you can ask me

Every day, each of us is faced with all sorts of tasks, difficulties and problems, the solution of which requires huge amount mental, energy, time and sometimes financial costs. Most problems need to be resolved urgently and extremely.

Each individual problem may have its own level of complexity and significance. So, simple problems it is quite possible to resolve without having special knowledge and skills, and more complex ones can only be dealt with if specific information is available.

But, be that as it may, there are some fundamental principles, guided by which a person can cope with any difficulties that arise in his life. life path, and it doesn’t matter at all what sphere of life they relate to: business, work or interaction with other people. In addition, these principles will help not only resolve problems, but also do so with minimal investment of time and effort.

And in this article we want to introduce you to precisely these principles.

Principle one: the problem must be understood

First of all, the problem you have received must be understood, i.e. you need to clearly define for yourself what its essence is, and what you are dealing with in general. You must come to the understanding that, by and large, the problem is simply a difficult situation or some unpleasant circumstance, and, as they say, something needs to be done about it.

Think about what caused the current situation, which of your actions turned out to be ineffective or erroneous. It is important to find out the cause, which will help avoid recurrence of the problem in the future. Next, try to think ahead and clearly determine what the consequences of the problem may be. And only after you have an objective vision of the situation, will you have the opportunity to resolve the situation.

Principle two: you cannot solve all problems at once

It often happens that problems pile up en masse: several problems may pile up at one moment, or it may happen that problems simply accumulate. Always remember that problems, firstly, need to be solved as they arise, and, secondly, not allowed to accumulate, otherwise this can aggravate the situation and create a serious emergency.

If this could not be avoided, then you should not allow the syndrome to appear, and start trying to solve all the accumulated problems overnight. Solve your problems one by one: first, write them all down on one sheet of paper, then prioritize, assessing the importance and urgency of solving a particular problem. After this you will have ready plan to overcome difficulties. And in mandatory solve problems one at a time, focusing on a specific goal.

Principle three: act according to plan

The basis of successful activity is almost always an action plan. And problem solving is successful activity in all its glory.

Once you have a list of your problems and you know what needs to be addressed first, what needs to be addressed second, etc., break down the solution to each problem into several steps. Try to “cut the elephant into pieces” by dividing the problem-solving process into separate steps.

Let getting rid of an unpleasant situation become for you exciting game to which you have step-by-step instruction. Stick with it and don’t doubt that there is only one winner in this game - you.

Principle four: get rid of fear

Very often, fear gets in the way of solving problems. It even happens that a person is afraid to even write his problems on a piece of paper, so as not to face the real state of things. But, as you know, the only way is to meet him halfway.

Stop being afraid and thinking that something terrible is happening. Calm down and have a positive outlook. Start to imagine the problem in a different way - so that it becomes for you not a reason for despair, but an incentive for development. And don’t forget that what separates successful people from losers is their thinking. Challenges are an opportunity for them to become stronger. Allow yourself to become a successful person.

Principle five: learn from the experience of other people

Believe me, you are not the only person in the world who has problems. And many people have problems that you never dreamed of. But this does not at all diminish the importance of your problems, because... These are YOUR problems, not “someone else’s.”

However, you can use the experience of other people to solve your problems. How to recognize him? Yes, very simple. You can ask any of your friends, family or acquaintances if they have encountered your situation. You can ask your questions online and come across helpful sites, articles, or forums. You can even find a movie where a person solves problems and try to put into practice the methods from the movie.

As you can see, there are opportunities, and they are all around you. Your task is to see these opportunities.

Principle Six: Stay Calm

Decisions made based on emotions can often lead to negative results. Understand that when it comes to problem solving, impulsiveness is not the answer. This does not mean that you need to put your fist to your head and become a philosopher of your life, but you need to approach the resolution of your difficulties wisely, and this means that, first of all, you need to remain calm.

This also includes the fact that there is no need to be very upset, sad and grieving because of problems. Problems are a part of life, and they, like joys, tend to pass, they are simply perceived painfully by us. So treat troubles as a new turn on your path, and remember that a black streak will definitely be followed by a white one.

Principle seven: do not neglect support and help

Sometimes people, when faced with problems, try to solve everything only on their own, because... either they don’t want to let someone in on their affairs, or they are afraid of appearing in front of someone in an unfavorable light, or for some other reason. However, there are problems that can only be dealt with together, because family or friends can help with advice, carry out some errands, use their connections, etc.

For this reason, you should not neglect the support of others, and your reputation can be relegated to the background for a while. Of course, you shouldn’t humiliate yourself, but you can and should turn to someone for help if necessary.

Principle eight: do not increase problems

When faced with problems and thinking about ways to solve them, you need to try to calculate all possible prospects. The fact is that rash actions or “vague” ways to resolve a problematic situation can be potentially dangerous. In other words, they can give rise to other problems, which should not be allowed under any circumstances.

Always think beyond the long term, calculate your options several times and think about your every step. This is where the popular truth: “Measure twice, cut once” is most suitable.

Principle Nine: Take Action

Actions are the basis of any result. If you don't act, nothing will happen. Based on this, you must understand that if you just sit, do nothing and wait for the problems to resolve themselves, at best you will remain in the same situation, and at worst, the problems will worsen and cause other problems and fuss.

Planning alone is also not a solution, because, in fact, it is a theory. Once a plan is made, you need to take action and start attacking your problems. And the more decisive your actions are, the weaker the opposition to troubles will be.

Principle ten: believe in yourself

And the last thing I would like to say is that you always, everywhere and in any situation, no matter how difficult it may seem, must maintain faith in yourself and your strength. You must be above circumstances, even if they do not depend on you. You must perceive yourself as the master of your life. You must not just believe, but know that after solving problems, a new turn awaits you on the path to a bright future and life with fewer problems.

And one more thing: stop calling problems problems, because this alone makes a person begin to perceive what is happening in gloomy tones. Let problems become simply situations or circumstances that require a little more attention from you.

HOW DO YOU DEAL WITH PROBLEMS: Are you able to solve your problems effectively? How stress-resistant are you? How do they generally affect you? difficult situations? To answer these questions, as well as understand which qualities help you cope with difficulties and which ones hinder you, we invite you to take our self-knowledge course, from which you will learn enough about yourself to start working on yourself and learn to perceive everything that happens with your head held high. Go ahead and start getting to know yourself

We wish you success and perseverance!