Polyp in the uterus: treatment without surgery is possible and does not require special knowledge in the field of medicine. Effective folk recipes for the treatment of polyps in the uterus


A uterine polyp is a benign neoplasm on the mucous membrane, which consists of endometrial cells. The diagnosis is popular among patients 11-55 years old. It may appear regardless of age and additional diseases. Often the disease is asymptomatic and discovered by chance. However, pay attention to a number of symptoms that accompany a polyp in the uterus:

  • yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • painful periods;
  • pain;
  • cycle failure;
  • pain after intercourse;
  • anemia;
  • infertility.

Having consulted a doctor with such symptoms, it is possible that a polyp may be detected. What to do next? Is the only way to get rid of a polyp surgical? In fact, there are effective folk remedies for polyps in the uterus that you can try before agreeing to surgery.

Herbs for polyps help relieve inflammation and normalize hormonal levels. Some plants contain phytoestrogens, which have a positive effect on the hormonal state of a woman’s body. Below are just a few recipes that help treat polyps.

  1. Celandine. It will be useful to collect the grass yourself in ecologically clean areas during its flowering period. The volume of collected herbs should fit freely into a liter jar. That is, without pressure. Preparation: rinse the grass well and pour in a liter of boiling water. Wrap the infusion in a blanket and leave for 4 hours in a dark place. After time, drain the infusion and strain. If it is impossible to use fresh herbs, then take dry herbs at the rate of one spoon per liter. The course of admission is two weeks. How to use? Start taking 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Then increase the portion of tincture to 3 large spoons.
  2. The herb boron uterus is simply irreplaceable for gynecological problems. It contains phytoestrogens, relieves inflammation, stops bleeding. For polyps, the infusion of the herb helps in the resorption of tumors and has an antibacterial effect. How to cook? In proportion 1:1. That is, for one large spoon of herb, a glass of water. Pour everything in and let it rest for half an hour. Afterwards, the infusion should be strained, preferably through cheesecloth. How to use? Half a glass in the morning and evening before eating. Do not use the infusion during menstruation. Take a break. The course of admission is 14 days.
  3. Wintergreen herb is an excellent anti-inflammatory bactericidal agent. It has a healing effect on the uterine mucosa, which is affected by polyps. For oral administration, prepare a decoction. How? Take dry grass and boiling water at the rate of 1/1. One glass per tablespoon. In a warm, dark place (it is better to use a thermos), let it brew for 2 hours. Then decant. How to use? Half a glass three times a day after eating and resting for 20 minutes. The course of admission is a full month.
  4. Hemlock tincture. This is a rather dangerous method, since hemlock contains toxic substances. This herb is used to treat cancer. It is also very effective for treating polyps. Be careful and follow all proportions and recommendations exactly. Method of preparation: collect the grass yourself during its flowering period. Pick leaves, flowers, stems. Wash the collection well and chop thoroughly. Prepare alcohol tincture in proportion 1/3. For one part herb, three parts 70% alcohol. Place in a dark place for 14 days. Afterwards, strain well and start drinking 2 times a day for 40 minutes. before breakfast and dinner. Start with 1 drop of tincture per 50 ml of liquid. Every day, increase the number of drops, reaching 30. Then take a break for a week and repeat the course 2 more times.
  5. Viburnum prevents polyps from developing into cancer. For this it is very good to eat fresh fruits. So, start eating viburnum for 30 days. Eat 3 berries per day, but eat them one at a time. One after another, chewing scrupulously. If you can’t find fresh viburnum, you can use frozen one, but the result will be worse.
  6. Blackcurrant and rose hips are excellent at fighting polyps. To do this you need to prepare a decoction. The proportion is 1:3:2, where currants, rose hips and nettles are respectively. Mix the mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and heat in a water bath for up to 15 minutes. Then cover and let stand for 40 minutes. Strain and drink 250 ml 4 times a day. Course – 1 month.

Tampons for polyps are effective because they have a local effect on the problem. Reviews about the use of a tampon with folk remedies are only positive. Let's look at some effective examples.

  1. Tampon with garlic. Although the product is effective, it is not suitable for every patient. The problem is the pain threshold. It is different for each person, and garlic in its pure form can cause discomfort to the mucous membranes. If you made a tampon, inserted it, and felt pain and itching, it is better to take it out. How to prepare a tampon? Pass a clove of garlic through garlic crush and wrap in gauze. Place before bed for 10 days. Interrupt during menstruation. If you have discomfort, then coat the whole clove with sunflower oil and insert completely.
  2. Tampon with onions and milk. Take 2 liters of sour milk and an onion baked in the oven. Chop the onion. Insert a crumpled onion tampon and walk all day. Then make another tampon: chop the onion and add grated laundry soap. Prepare a mixture in a 1:1 ratio. Insert this tampon the next day: morning and night. The next day you need to use sour milk. Prepare cottage cheese, add aloe and honey. Mix, place in a tampon and leave overnight. Repeat the next day. Usually these three tampons are enough to cure the polyp. If 3 times does not help, continue until it disappears.
  3. Mumiyo. This miraculous natural component completely eliminates the polyp and eliminates the risk of recurrence. To make a tampon from mumiyo, you need to prepare 2.5 g of mumiyo itself and 100 ml of water. Dissolve thoroughly. Soak a gauze swab in this liquid and insert overnight. In the morning, remove and wash well. The course of admission is 1 month. During menstruation, you should stop using tampons.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil. This healing oil is excellent for gynecological diseases. You can buy oil at the pharmacy, but it’s better to make it yourself. How? There is nothing complicated about this. Squeeze juice from a kilogram of berries. Mix the cake with regular oil. For one part of the cake take 1.5 parts of oil. Leave in a dark place for 21 days, stirring occasionally. A homemade cotton wool gauze swab is soaked in this oil and left overnight for 14 days.
  5. Propolis. The gifts of beekeeping are a storehouse of useful components for women's health. For tampons against polyps, mix propolis and warm water until it turns into a paste. Apply the mixture to a cotton-gauze swab and leave overnight for 3 weeks. During menstruation, interrupt the course.

Douching can enhance the effect of taking tinctures and decoctions. Sometimes women use decoctions, tampons and douches in combination to enhance the effect.

  1. Decoction for douching for polyps. Take oak bark, sage (leaves), yarrow and rosemary (leaves) in a ratio of 4:2:2:2, respectively. Grind everything well and mix. Next, pour the mixture with 100C water and quickly put on fire. Bring to a boil and immediately turn the temperature down to low. Let it simmer for half an hour. Then cool the broth and strain. You should douche with this decoction every day for at least a month.
  2. When douching, celandine has local healing and antibacterial properties. To prepare the solution, take a large spoon of herbs and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Cool and douche overnight.
  3. Hemlock. This decoction is taken orally. Its healing properties are described above. But it is also used effectively for douching. To make the solution, take one spoon of herb, add 200 ml of hot water and boil. Afterwards, cool and pour in 0.5 liters of water. Douche with this solution 2 times a day for a month.
  4. Shiitake mushrooms are sold already dried. You don't need to assemble them yourself. Their healing properties for a woman’s body are legendary. These mushrooms help well in the fight against polyps. So, grind 30g of mushrooms into powder. Pour 0.5 liters of water and leave to rest for 14 days. After infusion, use for douching once a day.
  5. Vinegar is useful for polyps because it changes the acidity in the vagina, which stops cell growth. Preparation: 2 tbsp. dilute vinegar with one glass of water at room temperature. Use such douching every day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. In parallel, other methods of treating polyps in the uterus can be used.

Of course, the best treatment is preventing the disease. To avoid polyps, remember the following rules.

Endometrial polyps in the uterus are benign neoplasms that arise on the surface of the endometrium, covering the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. The causes of the pathology are quite different, so no woman is immune from the disease. Therefore, the main thing is to detect the problem in time and begin to treat it. Treatment with folk remedies will speed up recovery and you may be able to do without surgery.

Endometrial polyps in the uterus: treatment with folk remedies without surgery

In fact, natural sources (herbs, minerals, bee products and plants) have some contraindications, but at the same time they are healthier and safer. For example, when compared with medications that are unpredictable in relation to adverse reactions.

Therefore, if you can still try to treat endometrial polyps in the uterus with folk remedies, you should try, and if the tests are unsuccessful, remove the polyp through surgery.

There are many recipes for treating endometrial polyps in the uterus using traditional methods without surgery. You can prepare special decoctions and infusions for drinking. Also do douching and insert tampons soaked in the medicinal mixture.

Traditional methods of treatment can be used in combination with drugs that have homeopathic properties and with drug therapy. Medicinal herbs have a much lower percentage of adverse reactions than pharmaceutical medications.

Of course, you will have to wait longer for the effect of traditional treatment than from traditional medicines, and if you choose the wrong prescription yourself, there may be no result at all.

If the polyps are not large and the woman does not experience bleeding, you can use folk remedies.

Traditional treatment: red brush and hogweed

Do not forget about such effective female herbs as boron uterus and red brush. They are used in folk medicine to treat many gynecological problems in women and are famous for their effectiveness.

These plants are considered natural sources of estrogen. To treat uterine endometrial polyps, alcohol and water infusions are used.

Vodka tincture recipe:

  • take 30 g of dried boron uterus grass and pour in 300 ml of vodka;
  • pour into a thermos, close, leave for 30 days;
  • take 1 tsp 3 times a day before meals, the medicine must be diluted with water;
  • treatment is 30 days.

Taking this infusion can be alternated with treatment with a red brush.

Red brush infusion:

  • take 20 g of dry grass, pour 1 faceted glass of boiling water;
  • wrap in a terry towel and leave, strain twice before use;
  • take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. before the main meal.

Universal means for oral administration

You can treat polyps by using herbal infusions to drink; there are plenty of them. The main thing is to choose the right medicinal herbs so that the treatment of pathology is effective.

Universal healing decoction:

  • 2 d.l. lingonberries;
  • 3 d.l. dried finely chopped nettles;
  • 3 d.l. rose hips, chopped.

All ingredients must be mixed and poured with 1 cup of boiling water. Leave for 4 hours in a dark place. Take 2 times a day, 250 ml.

Fragrant decoction:

  • you need to take 3 parts of viburnum tree bark;
  • angelica root, boron uterus, cinquefoil, 2 parts each;
  • 1 part each nettle, cinnamon and caraway seeds.

Pour two dessert spoons of the mixture with 0.5 liters of boiling water. Place in a water bath and leave for about half an hour. Then strain 2 times and carefully squeeze out the pulp. Be sure to take 30 minutes before meals, 4 times a day.

Attention! Drink this decoction only from the second phase of the menstrual cycle. During prolonged discharge, this recipe has proven itself to be the best. The course of treatment is no more than 3 months.

Effective tincture based on golden mustache:

  • 50 g golden mustache;
  • 0.5 vodka.

Grind the golden mustache finely and fill it with vodka. Leave in a dark place for 10 days. Take 2 times a day, add 15 drops of the mixture to water. Treatment should last about 1 month, then you need to take a break for 2 weeks. You can completely get rid of endometrial polyps in the uterus after 5 courses of therapy.

Treatment with folk remedies: effective products

Celandine is considered a fairly effective plant for the treatment of various neoplasms. Endometrial polyps in the uterus should be treated by douching or oral administration.

Medicinal infusion:

  • take fresh herbs, select the best ones and chop them;
  • take a 2-liter thermos and put the raw materials there;
  • pour boiling water and leave in a dark place for 14 days;
  • Afterwards, strain 2 times, pour into a glass container and store in the refrigerator.

Treatment regimen using celandine: for the first 7 days, drink half a teaspoon. in the morning on an empty stomach. On the 8th day and the following week, a full teaspoon. Then one dining room at a time. The next 7 days of the week, 2 tablespoons. After the course, reduce in the reverse order upon completion of treatment.

Also, another effective treatment for endometrial polyps with folk remedies is the beekeeping product propolis. It can be used externally and internally. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to chew a small piece. At night, insert a tampon: dilute 5 g of propolis in 100 ml of boiling water, moisten the tampon in the mixture and insert deeply into the vagina.

Pumpkin seeds for the treatment of pathology. You need to take 7 hard-boiled chicken yolks, fresh seeds and 2 cups of vegetable oil. The seeds need to be finely chopped and mixed with the yolks. Then add oil and stir to form a thick paste. Then put the mixture in a water bath for half an hour. Take 1 tsp. for 5 days on an empty stomach. The course must be repeated until complete recovery. Store the medicinal mixture in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Douching can be done with herbal decoctions based on oak bark, sage, yarrow and rosemary. Douche every day. You can also use nettle, oak bark, chamomile and knotweed. Dry powder of shiitake mushrooms can be used for douching in the morning and before bed for 10 days.

To treat polyps using vaginal tampons with onion and garlic. Simply grate the garlic and bake the onion in the oven. You need to insert medicinal tampons for 7 days, then take a break for 2 weeks. Duration of therapy is 3 courses. To enhance the medicinal properties of onions, you can add grated laundry soap to the gruel.

Polyps can be treated using folk remedies after prior consultation with a doctor, who will prescribe the correct prescription. And also, if there is no need for surgery. It is quite possible that you are one of those who will be able to avoid surgical treatment.

Article outline

Uterine polyp, as a gynecological disease, is quite common. If detected early in the early stages, the disease is easily treatable. In most cases, the problem can be dealt with using alternative medicine. But it is important to understand that treatment of uterine polyps without surgery with folk remedies is possible only after consultation with a gynecologist and under medical supervision. Even if you decide to use one of the recommended methods, it must be approved by a qualified specialist. Regular examination will help evaluate the result of therapy and change tactics in time if necessary.

General concept of polyps, their types and treatment methods

A polyp is a benign neoplasm with a clear localization. Depending on the location, polyps are distinguished:

  • cervix;
  • her body;
  • endometrium;
  • placenta.

The reasons for the formation of polyps in the uterus are not fully understood. The main risk factors include:

  • hormonal disorders (most often – excess estrogen);
  • chronic diseases (inflammatory, infectious);
  • endometrial diseases;
  • trauma (during childbirth and abortion);
  • systemic diseases: physical inactivity, hypertension, diabetes;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • taking antitumor drugs.

Among all the reasons, the main one is considered to be hormonal. There are two types of uterine polyp: on a thin or on a wide (like a mushroom) stalk. There is also a classification based on cellular structure (fibrous, glandular, etc.). Regardless of the type, treatment is possible without surgery. And it can be carried out using folk remedies; the effectiveness of such methods has been tested and proven (numerous reviews confirm this fact).

Despite the fact that the risk of degeneration into a malignant neoplasm is quite small (only 2% of cases), after identifying a polyp, the doctor must send the tissue for histological examination. This helps determine the patient’s management tactics. Benign polyps in the uterus can be treated without surgery. If cells have degenerated into malignant ones, the tumor must be removed (read more about removal methods).

Often the disease occurs asymptomatically, so it is important to undergo regular preventive examinations in order to detect and begin treatment in time. Signs of development may be:

  • any discharge (bloody, whitish, purulent or mucous);
  • pain caused by high uterine tone;
  • bleeding between periods or heavy bleeding during it;
  • cycle disruption;
  • anemia and symptoms accompanying it;
  • problems with fertilization (infertility) and pregnancy (threatened miscarriage or miscarriage).

Any of these symptoms is grounds for contacting a gynecologist for consultation. Treatment with any folk remedies on your own is not advisable; in such cases, the patient cannot assess its effectiveness. There is a risk of simply relieving the symptoms but leaving the problem unresolved. As a result, the disease will be advanced and treatment will not be possible without surgery. Folk methods at a later stage are not used as an independent method, but can be included in the general course.

Treatment of the polyp is prescribed by a doctor; traditional medicine in this case actively uses so-called traditional methods (herbal medicine, physiotherapy). In this case, the reviews of doctors and patients are the same. Therapy using herbal preparations, decoctions, infusions, and oils is considered an effective treatment for polyps. Doctors recognize the effectiveness of herbal medicine and recommend it for this pathology.

Will folk remedies help, and what is their effect?

Patients who have been diagnosed with polyps in the uterus are interested in whether surgery can be avoided. Let's consider possible options for eliminating this gynecological problem.

  • Traditional methods of treatment are chosen if there is no risk of developing anemia due to severe bleeding or other threatening symptoms.
  • If the disease is infectious in nature, then therapy is carried out using antibiotics.
  • In case of serious hormonal imbalances, hormone therapy is used, which can be combined with herbal medicine.

In such cases, you can do without surgery and cure the polyp in the uterus using therapeutic methods. Surgical interventions are resorted to if benign cells have degenerated into malignant ones, therapy has been ineffective and the disease has progressed. The threat of miscarriage or a risk to the health and life of the patient (for example, significant blood loss) are also grounds for surgery.

But in most cases, especially in the early stages, therapeutic methods are used, including the treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies. This is confirmed by numerous reviews of the effectiveness of such techniques and their recognition by traditional medicine. As a result of the use of herbal remedies, infusions and decoctions, a complete cure occurs.

Plants (herbs, berries, pine needles, mushrooms, etc.) with certain properties are selected for the course. Since therapy consists of relieving inflammation, normalizing hormonal levels, relieving gynecological symptoms (stopping bleeding, relieving spastic pain), etc., plants with appropriate properties are selected. Many of them have a bactericidal effect; tannins are valued when douching.

That is, the selection of a herbal medicine is important, taking into account the clinical picture of a particular patient. Entrust this to a specialized specialist to achieve a complete cure.

When a uterine polyp is detected, patients are interested in how to cure the disease with the least harm to the body. The prospect of using hormonal drugs often frightens women, and they look for alternative methods. In this case, herbs and plants will be a fairly effective way. If the doctor decides to do without surgery, it means that pathological processes were identified in time.

How to treat uterine polyp with herbal remedies? There are quite a few recipes that can be used for this diagnosis. If one of them turns out to be ineffective (this is determined during a follow-up examination and ultrasound), then you can change tactics.

Therapy without hormones can be longer but still effective. The patient’s body does not suffer from the use of herbal medicine, so there are many supporters of such methods. An experienced gynecologist will help you choose the best option.

Recipes with celandine

Celandine for polyps is recommended as a reliable and proven remedy. It can be used for oral administration and for douching. You can use each method separately or combine them. First you need to properly prepare the infusion. To do this you will need:

  • Chop 1 cup of freshly picked herbs and place in a thermos (can be in a jar with a tight-fitting lid);
  • pour boiling water over it (if in a jar, wrap it up so that the heat is retained as long as possible);
  • leave for 10 – 12 hours;
  • then strain and place in the refrigerator.

The course for treating polyps with celandine may vary. It is best to choose the 6 week option. First, take half a teaspoon every day in the morning, and second, take a full teaspoon. From the third week - 1 tablespoon, during the 4th - 2. Then reduce the dosage to a teaspoon. Usually this course is enough for complete recovery. If the polyp has decreased in size but has not completely resolved, repeat the course after 2 to 3 weeks. The same solution can be douched (together with oral administration or as a separate method).

Remember that celandine is a poisonous plant, so an overdose can be dangerous.

If you don't feel like drinking celandine, you can try a decoction of geranium. For this, a special variety is taken - flat-leaved geranium. Drink a glass of decoction from this plant twice a day, only freshly brewed.

The course can be long or short (if the dynamics are positive, until complete recovery). Recommended recipe for polyps:

  • take 2 tbsp. spoons into a glass of water and bring to a boil;
  • keep on low heat for 5 minutes after boiling;
  • After that, leave for 30 minutes, strain and drink.

For uterine polyps, geranium serves as an excellent substitute if celandine is contraindicated for some reason (for example, due to individual intolerance).

You need to take it in the form of an infusion every day for 2 weeks, half a glass in the period between menstruation.

  • take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dry plant;
  • pour boiling water (1 glass) and leave for half an hour;
  • strain and drink half, leaving the other for the evening.

With the help of wormwood, you can cure a polyp in the uterus without surgery. In this case, we are talking about local use (tampons, douching, lotions).

How to make a decoction yourself? It is not difficult:

  • 1 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water;
  • infuse for 10 minutes and strain;
  • used twice a day and situationally immediately after sexual intercourse.

In some cases, you can use a mixture of plants; aloe, birch buds and hot red pepper along with seeds are added to wormwood. This mixture is taken orally.

This plant can also be used for both external and internal use.

The infusion is prepared as follows:

  • dry crushed leaves (1 tbsp) are poured with a glass of boiling water;
  • You need to leave for 2 hours, then strain.

Taken daily after meals three times a day (every 20 minutes), the course is designed for a month. For topical use: douching once a day at night.

Let's find out how you can treat polyps in the uterus using hemlock. When choosing this method, you should be careful, since hemlock is a poisonous plant. The body must be accustomed to it gradually; the finished tincture should not be used in its pure form. Add one drop to water (half a glass is required) and increase the dosage daily to 30 drops. Take twice a day before meals (40 minutes). Then a week's break will be required, after which the tincture is resumed according to the same scheme. Course – 3 cycles.

This method is quite effective and will help you recover without surgery; it is even used in the treatment of oncology.

To properly prepare the tincture you will need:

  • during the flowering period, collect stems, leaves and flowers, wash them and chop them;
  • pour the resulting mixture with alcohol (70%) in a ratio of 1:3;
  • place in a dark place for 2 weeks;
  • Strain the prepared tincture.

As folk remedies for polyps, you can use various tinctures of berries and root vegetables. For this purpose, plants with the desired properties are also selected. The recipes are quite simple, and the ingredients are available, so you can prepare the medicine yourself.

Blackcurrant and rosehip infusion

For preparation you will need:

  • currant berries (1 tsp),
  • rose hips (3 tsp),
  • nettle leaves (fresh, 2 tsp).

All ingredients are mixed, poured with boiling water (0.5 l), and cooked in a water bath for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. The finished broth is infused for 40 minutes. and filter. Course: month, daily, 0.5 tbsp. 4 times a day after meals.

To remove identified polyps in the uterus using folk remedies, you can use viburnum. It must be chewed thoroughly (each berry one at a time), as the juice has healing properties. Fresh berries work best, but you can eat fresh frozen ones if necessary.

Canadian goldenseal

Canadian goldenseal in the form of a decoction is used for douching, which is prepared from the grated root of the plant. The resulting mass is poured with boiling water (1 tablespoon per glass of water) and left for 30 minutes. Then express and use the entire volume (daily procedure until complete recovery).

To get rid of polyps in the uterus without surgery, use regular onions. To do this, the onion in the husk is baked in the oven until completely softened. The peeled mass is crushed, wrapped in a sterile bandage, and used as a tampon at night every day for a month.

As an alternative to this option, there is another recipe: raw onion is grated and mixed with honey to avoid burning. The mixture is applied to a tampon and left overnight (course is 10 days, repeated if necessary).


Garlic tampons are a fairly popular method for detecting polyps in the uterus. It can be used alone or with olive oil (if a burning sensation occurs). 1 clove of garlic is crushed and wrapped in several layers of bandage; this tampon is placed overnight. As reviews of garlic tampons testify, one course every 10 days is enough to cure.

Treatment of polyps with folk remedies can be carried out independently (after consultation with a doctor) using decoctions for douching. Most of the plants recommended for this diagnosis have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties, some have hemostatic properties. Tanning properties when applied topically provide a lasting therapeutic effect.

That is why treatment of uterine polyps with traditional methods leads to stable remission (recovery). The advantages of herbal remedies for topical use include:

  • no side effects
  • the ability to choose another product that is safe for the body with similar properties if necessary (for example, for allergies);
  • good compatibility with drug treatment (douching with celandine for polyps can be combined with hormonal drugs).

For douching, you can use not only celandine tincture. Calendula for uterine polyps is often used in preparations. Its flowers have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties; the ability to heal wounds and tone the uterus (helps in regulating the cycle) is also valued. There are different collections for douching; they usually use sage, yarrow, oak bark, thyme, chamomile, lemon balm, chestnuts, nettles and other plants.

Other decoctions

Folk remedies for the treatment of uterine polyps are quite diverse, and herbal remedies occupy a leading place in them. This is explained by the properties of plants necessary to combat this pathology. Availability and effectiveness are a good combination, so there are many recipes for various infusions, tinctures, decoctions, juices, they are used internally or topically.

A tincture of golden mustache (fragrant callisia) in alcohol helps a lot for uterine polyps. I recommend it for infectious pathologies. To prepare you will need:

  • 50 plant joints;
  • 700 ml vodka.

You need to insist for 2 weeks, when taking (twice a day) dilute 20 drops with water. It is taken in a course of 5 cycles of 35 days with a break of 15 days. Another dosage regimen is to gradually increase the dose of tincture, from 10 to 25 drops (one is added every day, dissolved in 3 tablespoons of water). Then there is a reverse decrease (-1 drop to 10). After a 10-day break, the scheme is repeated 4 more times.

The hogweed queen has proven itself well. The crushed dry plant is poured with boiling water in the proportion of 1 tbsp. spoon per glass. Let it sit for half an hour and filter. For 2 weeks you need to drink half a glass daily before meals, twice.

Herbal and berry infusion

We have already mentioned the effectiveness of herbal and berry infusions (from rose hips, currants and nettles). This is not the only recommended option; you can use other recipes.

Red brush

The red brush for polyps can be used as part of a collection (Father Klimushko's Herbal Collection) or as an independent remedy. 20 grams of dry herb is poured with boiling water, infused and filtered. Take 1 tbsp three times before meals. spoon for 2 weeks.

The healing properties of spruce and pine needles have long been known; the availability and effectiveness of this remedy make it popular. To prepare an infusion or decoction you will need crushed pine needles. In the first case, take 6 tbsp. spoons of pine needles, pour boiling water (0.5 l) and leave for 12 hours. You need to drink a tablespoon before meals. In the second, take 1 tbsp per liter. spoon, boil for half an hour and leave for 3 hours. Drink half a glass daily for 20–30 days.

Nettle and knotweed

Nettle and knotweed, due to their properties, are included in various mixtures and decoctions. The simplest recipe is recommended for external use (douching twice a day for 2 weeks):

  • knotweed, nettle and chamomile (5, 3 and 1 tablespoons, respectively) are crushed;
  • The mixture is poured with boiling water (1 l), boil for 5 minutes. and cools down

Sea buckthorn oil is used quite often when polyps are detected in the uterus. The easiest option is to purchase ready-made oil at the pharmacy and soak a tampon with it.

Leave it overnight for 2 weeks. You can make your own butter from 1 kg of berries (you need to squeeze the juice out of them) and sunflower oil. Juice and oil are mixed in a ratio of 1:1.5 and left in a dark place for 3 weeks. As practice shows, folk remedies with sea buckthorn against polyps in the uterus are quite effective.

Pumpkin seeds for uterine polyps are taken orally. To do this, prepare a mixture of:

  • 7 hard-boiled egg yolks;
  • 6 tbsp. spoons of powder into which pumpkin seeds are ground;
  • 0.5 liters of sunflower oil.

All ingredients are mixed and kept in a water bath for 20 minutes. Take 1 tsp of the cooled mixture. on an empty stomach daily according to the scheme of 5 days of treatment, 5 days off.


The healing properties of mumiyo have been known since ancient times. For this pathology, you can use both pharmaceutical and natural remedies, internally or topically. You need to drink mumiyo daily for 20 days on an empty stomach, 0.5 g, washed down with grape juice or milk. A mixture of 2.5 g of mumiyo and 100 ml of water is applied to the tampon, the course is 1 month.

The following recipes are the most popular for polyps. Their effectiveness has been tested and proven. Some plants may be prescribed in other proportions and combinations. In addition to those described, there are a number of traditional methods recommended for this diagnosis.

Taking medications can be combined with unconventional methods or prescribed as the main course. The choice of drug depends on the causes of the pathology. Most often we are talking about hormone therapy, since the disease is caused by excess estrogen.

Hormonal treatment involves identifying the causes of changes in hormonal levels and prescribing medications to normalize them. For these purposes the following can be used:

  • combined oral contraceptives;
  • gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists;
  • gestagens.

It is worth noting that hormone therapy is more often used after surgical treatment, and some herbal remedies can completely replace some medications. Many of them are able to normalize hormonal levels or contain natural analogues of hormones.

Only a doctor can prescribe a hormone therapy regimen; self-medication in such cases is unacceptable.

Physiotherapy for uterine polyps is an auxiliary method. It successfully complements traditional and non-traditional methods. Doctors recommend using:

  • magnetic therapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • hydrotherapy;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • electrophonophoresis, etc.

Physiotherapeutic techniques are used according to indications, in accordance with the symptoms and clinical picture.

In each specific case, a method is chosen that will help relieve symptoms and improve the quality of treatment.

When choosing a way to combat this pathology, it is worth remembering that the same medications (including herbal remedies) can both help and harm. Some medicinal plants cannot be used during menstruation and bleeding. Often, a break of several days is deliberately made during the course of treatment. Douching during menstruation is not effective and is contraindicated. The cellular structure (fibrous or glandular) matters.

Herbal medicines, like any medicine, have their contraindications. Therefore, it is not recommended to self-medicate. At best it will not help, at worst it will harm. Since diabetes or obesity may be comorbidities, appropriate diets should be followed. It is not recommended to consume fatty and spicy foods and alcohol.

Polyps are a pathology that occurs in many women. It is believed that the most effective way to recover is to have surgery to remove them. It is important to understand in what cases treatment of polyps without surgery is possible.

There are many folk remedies used for this disease. A woman should understand that if a polyp in the uterus has been diagnosed, treatment without surgery is possible.

Education depends on the growth of the endometrium. This mucous membrane consists of several layers, one of which is renewed monthly. Growths on the functional layer are called polyps.

Neoplasms can come in different sizes and shapes. The structure of the polyp tissue differs in histological characteristics, although externally they may have a similar appearance. Most often, growths are found on the stem, but they can also be on a solid base.

Simultaneously with the growth of the endometrium in the uterus, the polyp continues to grow. This process is controlled by estrogen, which predominates in a woman’s body in the first half of the cycle.

Located in the cervical canal, also requires treatment. Some types of such growths can become malignant, so it is important to correctly identify the pathology and determine its type.

Formations can be single or multiple. When there are many of them, a diagnosis of polyposis is made.

Symptoms of the disease

Often the formation of endometrial polyps is asymptomatic. While the growths are small, the woman does not experience any discomfort at all. Changes in well-being may occur if, in addition to polyps in the gynecological area, there is a concomitant disease.

As the pathology progresses, polyposis causes more noticeable symptoms. It is important to visit a doctor rather than try to diagnose yourself, as the symptoms resemble many other diseases. A woman may notice:

  • long, heavy periods;
  • brown spotting after sexual intercourse;
  • pain during sex;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • leucorrhoea from the vagina.

Against the background of prolonged and heavy bleeding, the clinical picture of anemia develops. Women complain of dizziness, general weakness, and pale skin. However, most often such symptoms are attributed to fatigue, hard work and individual characteristics of the body.

Pain during sexual intercourse most often occurs with large tumors or in cases where a polyp has formed in the cervix. The cervical location in most cases leads to injury, causing discomfort and bleeding due to damage to the blood vessel of the growth.

Often, uterine polyposis is diagnosed accidentally during a routine visit to the gynecologist. That is why every woman should understand that regular examination is the key to maintaining health.

Causes of pathology

The reasons for the growth of tumors in the uterine cavity or on the cervix are not reliably known. Based on long-term studies, doctors were able to identify several predisposing factors.

The growth of a polyp, which many try to cure with folk remedies, may be due to reasons such as:

  • inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system;
  • infections in the genitals;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • injuries sustained (for example, during the birth of a child or an abortion);
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • endocrine disorders, including diabetes;
  • vascular diseases, in which there is a tendency to their proliferation;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • metabolic disorders.

The development of pathology can begin as a result of the use of incorrectly selected hormonal drugs. Since large-scale hormonal changes begin in a woman’s body after the age of 40–45, polyposis develops most often during this period. Hypertension and diabetes are predisposing factors.

Complications without treatment

Although polyps in the uterine cavity may not cause any discomfort to a woman for a long time, this pathology poses a danger to health and life. The risk is associated with the tendency of some forms of growths to malignancy, as well as disruption of the normal function of the uterus.

The growth of a polyp without adequate treatment can lead to such adverse consequences as:

  • infertility and pregnancy pathologies;
  • bleeding;
  • malignant degeneration;
  • susceptibility to infectious diseases.

Polyps can grow and increase in size. When the tumor in the uterus is large, it interferes with the process of fertilization and subsequent implantation.

If the polyp occupies a large part of the endometrium, the fertilized egg may not find a suitable place for implantation, and miscarriage occurs at an early stage.

If pregnancy does occur, there remains a high risk of spontaneous abortion, since the growing fetus requires more and more space, which is occupied by the polyp. Due to the formation, the uterus may become less distensible.

The likelihood of premature placental abruption increases. When this temporary organ does not adhere tightly to the walls of the uterus, the nutrition of the growing fetus becomes weaker, hypoxia occurs, which can also lead to miscarriage or severe congenital disorders.

Bleeding is an unpleasant symptom that can worsen a woman’s quality of life. In severe cases, death can occur.

As the tumors grow, new blood vessels may appear. When they are damaged or during menstruation, a large number of connections break, which leads to heavy bleeding.

Uterine bleeding can sometimes be diagnosed only by symptoms of anemia, and in general, women often do not pay attention to the presence of blood in the urine.

The risk of developing cancer is low, but for some types of polyps it is significant. Degeneration is most likely with the adenomatous type of neoplasm. In 1.5% of cases, a malignant process develops. The bleeding becomes even more profuse.

The type of neoplasm can only be determined by histological examination. Hormonal imbalance and endocrine diseases increase the risk of malignancy.

Normally, a healthy woman has factors in the uterine cavity that protect her body from infection. A sterile environment is created. However, polyps built from connective tissue lack such protection. Pathogens that have penetrated into them create a focus of constant inflammatory process. Women are diagnosed with inflammation of the appendages, ovaries and fallopian tubes.

Drug therapy

Endometrial polyp can be treated with medications if there is no risk of malignancy of the process and the pathology is at an early stage. Properly selected drugs can stop the growth and increase in size of the tumor. With the help of such therapy, the doctor seeks to eliminate the symptoms and alleviate the woman’s condition.

Treatment may include the use of drugs such as:

  • hormonal oral contraceptives;
  • suppositories for polyps;
  • gestagens;
  • iron supplements;
  • vitamins.

With some medicinal formulations, the doctor may recommend douching. This therapy cannot be used without the prescription of a gynecologist, since the procedure is not acceptable for all polyps.

Homeopathic therapy for the uterus is applicable if prescribed by a doctor. It is not the main method, it is used only as an auxiliary measure. Self-medication can be dangerous, although these drugs do not cause adverse reactions or allergies.

If a bacterial infection has joined the process, the doctor will prescribe the use of antibiotics. The choice of drug and determination of dosage should not be done independently. Such medications are also used for sexually transmitted infections.

More serious procedures, including, are performed under the control of a hysteroscope. It is introduced into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal. Thanks to the video camera, the doctor can carefully examine the condition of the tissues and the nature of the growths, take a biopsy or remove the tumor.


Many women want to cure a uterine polyp without surgery, at home, using simple folk remedies. Most often, surgical treatment is considered the most effective. You can use gentle methods in the following cases:

  • the pathology has not progressed too much and there is no risk of severe bleeding;
  • there is no associated infection and no need for antibiotics;
  • There is no strong hormonal imbalance.

If the pathology of the uterus is caused by unstable hormonal levels, the doctor will select an oral contraceptive that can be combined with treatment with folk remedies. In addition to these methods, physiotherapy can be used. Gradually, the endometrial tissue will return to normal, and the polyp will begin to regress.

Treatment with herbs and plants

The use of herbs allows you to cope with polyposis with the least harm to other body systems. Side effects are rare, although the risk of an allergic reaction to various components remains.

The procedures must be carried out over a long period of time and regularly. Such treatment will take longer than taking hormonal drugs, but the benefits to the body and effectiveness will be higher.

Use of celandine

The product is used internally and for douching. Celandine for uterine polyps is prepared as follows: grind a glass of raw material and pour boiling water, insulate, leave for 10 hours, strain. Must be stored in the refrigerator.

Treatment lasts 2 months. During the first week you need to take 0.5 teaspoon, in the second week the dose is doubled, in the third - one tablespoon, in the fourth - two. From the following weeks, the dosage is gradually reduced. If the polyp has not disappeared completely, but only decreased, the treatment should be repeated.

Using a hog queen

Borovaya uterus for polyps is another effective remedy. Formulations with this plant are best used internally. To prepare homemade medicine you need:

  • brew a tablespoon of dry herbs and leave for 30 minutes;
  • strain and divide into 2 portions.

In the morning and evening you should drink 0.5 glasses. The duration of treatment is agreed with the doctor.

Uses of wormwood

This herb is used topically. Infusions of wormwood are used in the form of a tampon and for douching. Procedures must be regular, only then can effectiveness be seen.

You can prepare the composition like this:

  • a spoonful of crushed raw materials is poured into a glass of boiling water;
  • infuses for 10 minutes.

Apply twice a day. If you have had sexual intercourse, douching should be done afterwards.

Uses of chamomile

Chamomile has powerful anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Therefore, flower infusion should be used for douching and as a basis for intimate hygiene.

Tinctures on berries and root vegetables

Medicinal compositions can be prepared using the following berries:

  • currants;
  • rosehip;
  • viburnum.

A few spoons of the raw material are poured with boiling water, boiled for 10–15 minutes, and then taken orally. Duration of use is a month. Every day there should be 4 doses of tincture.

A polyp in the uterus can be eliminated using root vegetables. Onions and garlic have beneficial effects.

A medium-sized onion should be baked in the oven, then wrapped in a bandage and placed in the vagina overnight. Procedures are carried out every day for a month.

Tampons with crushed garlic are a method that allows you to get rid of polyps in just 10 days. To reduce discomfort and burning, you can add a few drops of olive oil.

Treatment method with mumiyo

When polyps grow, you can cope with the pathology without surgery using mumiyo. The product is used topically, in the form of lotions or internally.

You can eliminate polyposis without surgery in the following way:

  • take 500 mg mummy daily on an empty stomach;
  • place tampons with a solution (at the rate of 250 mg per 100 ml of water) into the vagina.

Treatment lasts a month, after which diagnostics are needed. The effectiveness of the method has been proven in practice.


It is important to remember that any treatment method can cause individual unpredictable reactions. To avoid complications, you should consider the following points:

  • if bleeding occurs, you need to stop treatment;
  • a delay may indicate pregnancy, during which the use of most methods is prohibited;
  • frequent douching can lead to disruption of the vaginal microflora and dysbacteriosis;
  • Douching should not be done during menstruation.

To avoid adverse reactions, it is best to consult a doctor before any treatment. It is better to stop therapy during menstruation.

Prevention of polyps

You can protect the uterine canal from the formation of polyps using simple steps:

  • avoid hypothermia;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • monitor hormonal levels;
  • treat sexually transmitted infections in a timely manner;
  • Healthy food.

It is important for women to visit a gynecologist periodically. It is prohibited to take hormonal or other medications without a doctor’s prescription, as this can cause serious harm to the body and provoke the growth of tumors in the uterine cavity.

Treatment using traditional medicine requires patience and organization from a woman. Procedures must be regular, agreed with the doctor. After a full course of therapy, it is important to undergo a re-examination to ensure that there are no growths in the uterus.

In some cases, when the disease is advanced, surgical removal of polyps is required. If the disease is detected in time, then conservative therapy in combination with folk remedies can lead to complete recovery without surgical intervention.

Polyps: what are they?

Polyps are tissue growths on the mucous membrane of the uterus itself, the cervix and, less commonly, the vagina. In appearance, they resemble nodular formations on a stalk. Their size ranges on average from 0.2 to 5 cm. Uterine polyps are benign and can be successfully treated. More often, these neoplasms occur in mature and elderly women, especially in those who suffer from excess weight and hypertension.

The picture shows a polyp located directly in the body of the uterus


The peculiarity of this disease is that most often it is asymptomatic. It is possible to detect a polyp through a regular examination by a gynecologist. This fact suggests that even a healthy woman needs to visit a doctor regularly (at least once a year) for preventive purposes.

If the polyp is actively growing, this leads to disruption of the functioning of the affected organ and entails the appearance of certain complications. They can be identified by the following symptoms:

  • heavy bleeding during menstruation;
  • spotting throughout the menstrual cycle;
  • bleeding after sexual intercourse;
  • change in the duration of the menstrual cycle;
  • inability to conceive a child;
  • miscarriages.


Currently, medicine finds it difficult to answer the question of what exactly causes the appearance of uterine polyps. However, there are a number of factors that can create a favorable environment for their education and further growth. These include:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • inflammatory processes of the pelvic organs;
  • intrauterine manipulation;
  • use of oral contraceptives.

Uterine polyps pose a serious threat to a woman's health. If the disease is neglected, it can lead to cervical cancer, infertility, and hormonal imbalance.

Traditional medicine against polyps in the body and cervix

Due to possible complications, treatment of polyps should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in accordance with the prescribed recommendations. To help the body cope with the disease more quickly, the use of gentle folk remedies containing natural ingredients is allowed.

How to cure with herbs and plants

A decoction for douching based on medicinal plants will help normalize hormonal levels and help relieve inflammation. The composition of the healing collection includes:

  • yarrow herb - 2 tablespoons;
  • rosemary leaves - 2 tablespoons;
  • sage leaves – 2 tablespoons;
  • oak bark - 4 tablespoons.

Dry and chop all of these ingredients. An enamel container is best suited for preparing the decoction. The collected components need to be poured into a bowl, add 2.5 liters of hot water and put on the stove. When the broth begins to boil, reduce the heat and leave the product to simmer for another 30 minutes under the lid. It is important to stir it periodically. After half an hour, remove the broth from the heat and leave until it cools completely. Then express using gauze. For douching, you need to use the resulting product 2 times a day. Duration of treatment – ​​3 weeks.

Celandine will help with uterine polyps. It is better to collect it yourself during the flowering period. Moreover, choose places where grass grows away from dusty roads and highways. You will need to collect enough celandine to fill a liter jar to the top without compacting it. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over the washed grass, cover it with a towel or warm scarf and leave it like that for 4 hours. After this time, the infusion will need to be decanted. If it is not possible to use a freshly harvested plant, then it is permissible to take a dry one. In this case, the infusion is made at the rate of: 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials per 1 glass of boiling water. You can take the medicine orally 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. Then a week break is taken, after which it is recommended to repeat the course. The peculiarity of use is that you need to start taking it with small doses - 1 teaspoon. Gradually, the amount of medicine must be increased, bringing the single dose to 3 tablespoons. This infusion is suitable not only for oral administration, but also for daily douching. Procedures can be carried out within 3 weeks immediately after the end of menstruation.

The powerful bactericidal effect of celandine allows it to be used in the fight against disease

For oral administration, it is recommended to use a decoction of flat-leaved geranium. This remedy has an antimicrobial, hemostatic effect, and also calms the nervous system, which has a positive effect on the healing process. Prepare a decoction: take 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves of the plant and pour a glass of water. Put on gas, bring to a boil and simmer under the lid for 5 minutes after that. After removing from heat, leave covered for half an hour. The finished product must be strained before use. A decoction of geranium is taken 2 times a day, 1 glass, until complete recovery, that is, until the polyp disappears.

For evening irrigation of the vagina and preparation of tampons, a medicine prepared from a herbal collection is suitable. It includes:

  • yarrow herb – 100 g;
  • oak bark – 100 g;
  • chamomile flowers – 50 g;
  • calendula flowers – 50 g;
  • plantain leaves – 50 g;
  • cinquefoil herb - 50 g;
  • sage leaves – 100 g;
  • snakehead root – 50 g.

All components must be dried and crushed. They must be mixed thoroughly. To make a decoction, you will need 2 tablespoons of the collection and 0.5 liters of hot water. Fill the herbal mixture with water, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Leave to simmer for another 7 minutes, then remove. The cooled product must be strained. It must be used warm. Tampons prepared using this decoction can be left in the vagina overnight. Carry out procedures until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

A valuable assistant in the treatment of uterine polyps is the boron uterus plant. A drink made from this herb normalizes hormones, helps relieve inflammation, and has a bactericidal effect. To get a healing potion, you need to pour 1 tablespoon of dry crushed plant into a glass of hot boiled water and leave for 30 minutes. Then the drink needs to be strained. This remedy is taken 2 times a day before meals, 1/2 cup. The course of treatment is 2 weeks. It is not advisable to use this infusion during menstruation.

Borovaya uterus is popularly deservedly considered a female miracle herb, because. helps cope with many diseases, including polyps

To stop bleeding and relieve the inflammatory process of uterine polyps, use a tincture based on wormwood. To receive the medicine you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of dry ground wormwood herb;
  • 1 teaspoon of birch buds;
  • 1 medium aloe leaf, minced;
  • 1 medium red hot pepper.

These components are placed in a glass container, 500 ml of vodka is poured on top and kept for 10 days in a dark place. The infused product must be strained before use. Take this way: 1 tablespoon of infusion is diluted with 3 tablespoons of water and consumed 20 minutes before meals. Use 3 times a day for a month. Then you need to take a break for 1 week, after which treatment is resumed.

An infusion based on wintergreen heals the mucous membrane and has bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be used both for oral administration and for warm vaginal douching. To get a decoction, you need to take 1 tablespoon of dry crushed leaves of the plant and add 1 cup of boiling water. It is better to infuse the product in a thermos for 2 hours. The finished infusion must be decanted before use. You need to douche with this remedy before going to bed every day for a month, taking a break during menstruation. You need to take 1/2 cup orally 3 times a day 20 minutes after meals for a month.

A powerful healing effect is achieved by using hemlock tincture. This is explained by the presence of toxic components in the plant that can stop the growth of the formation. Hemlock is widely used even in the treatment of cancer. This medication should be taken with great caution, never exceeding the recommended dosage. Method for preparing the tincture: you will need to collect the leaves, flowers and stems of the plant during the flowering period. Rinse everything thoroughly and chop. Next, mix the resulting raw materials with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:3. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. Decant before use. You need to take the medicine 2 times a day 40 minutes before meals. You need to gradually accustom your body to using the tincture. Initial dose: 1 drop of the product, diluted in 50 ml of water. Every day you need to add 1 drop, reaching a maximum of 30. Treatment is carried out for a month. Next you should take a break for a week. Then repeat the course 2 more times.

How to treat with tinctures of berries and root vegetables

An effective remedy in the fight against polyps is a decoction of black currant and rose hips. It is prepared with the addition of nettles. Recipe: Mix 1 teaspoon of currant berries, 3 teaspoons of rose hips and 2 teaspoons of chopped fresh nettle leaves in an enamel bowl, add 500 ml of boiling water and place in a water bath. Heat for 15 minutes, stirring regularly. Remove from heat, cover and let stand for 40 minutes. Then express. Take orally for 1 month 4 times a day before meals, 0.5 cups.

Viburnum will prevent the degeneration of polyps into malignant formations. To get the healing effect, you need to eat fresh berries. Every day for 1 month you need to eat 3 handfuls of berries individually, that is, one after another, chewing thoroughly. In this case, the juice obtained from them will be dosed into the stomach and better absorbed. If it is not possible to get fresh berries, you can use dry or frozen ones, but the effect will be weaker.

Fresh viburnum berries prevent the malignancy of polyps

Goldenseal will help stabilize the menstrual cycle and stop the bleeding that often accompanies polyps in the uterus. The infusion obtained from this plant is excellent for douching. You can get it as follows: pour 1 tablespoon of rhizome grated on a coarse grater with 1 glass of boiling water, cover with a lid and leave for 30 minutes. Strain the finished infusion through gauze. You need to douche every evening until complete recovery.

Onions are used to prepare tampons in the treatment of polyps. Before use, it must be placed in the oven and baked in the husk until the fruit is soft. Then the onion needs to be peeled and chopped. Wrap the resulting mass in a sterile bandage. Place in the vagina overnight. It is recommended to be treated in this way for a month. You can try using onions raw, for this you need to finely chop them. If a burning sensation occurs, you must stop using this product to avoid burns to the mucous membrane.

Numerous reviews from cured women indicate that tampons prepared with garlic are very helpful in treating polyps. In order to make a tampon, you need to take 1 clove of garlic, squeeze it through a press and wrap it in several layers of bandage. In this form, place it in the vagina and leave it overnight. Repeat the procedure for 10 days. It is noteworthy that this remedy is not suitable for every woman. Everyone's sensitivity threshold is different, so if itching and burning occurs when inserting a tampon, then it is better to remove it. In such cases, it is better to use a whole clove of garlic, carefully peeled and undamaged (so that no juice is released). It should be lubricated with natural vegetable oil and inserted into the vagina like a candle, leaving it overnight. The recommended number of procedures is 10.

Pumpkin seed will help relieve symptoms

A remedy prepared according to the following recipe will help get rid of polyps:

  1. Pumpkin seeds need to be ground in a coffee grinder so that the output is 6 tablespoons of powder.
  2. Hard boil 7 chicken eggs, remove the yolks, and mash.
  3. Mix pumpkin powder with yolks and add 500 ml of natural vegetable oil.
  4. Place the composition in a water bath and simmer for 20 minutes.
  5. Cool.

The finished product should be taken 1 teaspoon once a day on an empty stomach. The scheme is as follows: 5 days on – 5 days off. This should be continued until the medicine received is completely used up.

Treatment method with mumiyo

The use of this natural component not only helps to get rid of polyps, but also reduces the risk of recurrence of formations in the future. For oral administration, it is advisable to use a natural remedy rather than a pharmaceutical one. The recommended dose is 0.5 g of mumiyo daily on an empty stomach for 20 days. You should take the medicine with warm milk or freshly squeezed grape juice. It is recommended to repeat the course of treatment after 10 days.

You can also use mumiyo to make vaginal tampons. Method of preparation: 2.5 g of the substance must be diluted in 100 ml of boiled water. Moisten a cotton-gauze swab with this liquid and place it in the vagina and leave overnight. The treatment period is 1 month.

Sea buckthorn oil

This valuable product is great for making tampons. You can buy oil at a pharmacy or make it at home. To prepare your own healing remedy, you need to take 1 kg of sea buckthorn berries and squeeze the juice out of them. Mix the remaining mass with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:1.5. Place the mixture in a dark place and leave for 3 weeks, stirring occasionally. The finished medicine is used to impregnate a tampon, which is then inserted into the vagina. The procedure must be done before bedtime. Leave the tampon on all night. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Reviews of folk remedies

I want to tell you how I cured polyps in the uterus. In July 2009, an ultrasound showed the presence of a polyp. The doctor immediately sent me for curettage. He said that polyps cannot be treated with anything. I refused. I found information that celandine cures all polyps. I made an infusion for 1.5 months (2 tablespoons (with top) of dry celandine pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave for at least 2 hours. Strain) I drank 0.5 cups 30 minutes before meals according to the scheme: drink 5 days, 2 - break. In the evening, before going to bed, I douched with the same infusion. Yesterday I went for an ultrasound - and, thank God, there is no polyp! The doctor didn't even believe it! I wish everyone recovery. I will be glad if my treatment recipe is useful.

As a rule, the diagnosis of “polyp” is confirmed 5 days after menstruation; I recommend treatment with the help of alternative medicine. I treated it with garlic, take a medium clove, crush it in a garlic press, I grated it on a plastic grater and wrapped the resulting pulp in gauze. It is rolled up like a tampon and inserted at night; at first it starts to burn, so you can wash the outer mucous membranes. It is better to use panty liners during this procedure, as mucus and fluid may come out. The recommended course is 30 days, but I did it 3 times, a week later I went for an ultrasound, the polyp was not confirmed.

To get rid of uterine polyps, you need to bake an onion on the first day in the morning over low heat or in the oven, peel it, crush it, then place the resulting pulp in a bandage folded in 2-3 layers, make a tampon and insert it into the vagina. In the evening, replace with a tampon with a mixture of finely chopped raw onion and grated laundry soap. Mix onion and soap in a 1:1 ratio. Use the same tampons the next morning and at lunch. In the evening, add crushed aloe leaf and a little honey to fresh cottage cheese, mix, make a tampon with the mixture and place it in the vagina overnight. Place the same tampon in the morning of the next day, at lunchtime and at night. Stop treatment at this point. The polyps will resolve. Verified.


When treating polyps in the body and cervix, the use of folk remedies is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. It is strictly forbidden to use mumiyo for people with malignant tumors. We should not forget about individual intolerance to individual components that make up a particular drug.

Table: Contraindications to the use of medicinal plants

The appearance of polyps both in the uterus itself and in the cervix should not be ignored. Unfortunately, such growths are prone to degeneration into malignant formations. To protect yourself, you need to regularly visit a gynecologist. If polyps are detected, they must be treated immediately. By observing the required dosages and maintaining the duration of the recommended course, you can not only get rid of polyps, but also eliminate the risk of relapse, as well as strengthen the body and improve immunity.

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Cherry tinctures: folk recipes for tasty treatment

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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can it be considered a substitute for medical consultation with a specialist in a medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For questions of diagnosis and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining their dosage regimen, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Effective folk recipes for the treatment of polyps in the uterus

A uterine polyp is a benign neoplasm on the mucous membrane, which consists of endometrial cells. The diagnosis is popular among patients. It may appear regardless of age and additional diseases. Often the disease is asymptomatic and discovered by chance. However, pay attention to a number of symptoms that accompany a polyp in the uterus:

  • yellow discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • painful periods;
  • pain;
  • cycle failure;
  • pain after intercourse;
  • anemia;
  • infertility.

Having consulted a doctor with such symptoms, it is possible that a polyp may be detected. What to do next? Is the only way to get rid of a polyp surgical? In fact, there are effective folk remedies for polyps in the uterus that you can try before agreeing to surgery.

Herbal treatment

Herbs for polyps help relieve inflammation and normalize hormonal levels. Some plants contain phytoestrogens, which have a positive effect on the hormonal state of a woman’s body. Below are just a few recipes that help treat polyps.

  1. Celandine. It will be useful to collect the grass yourself in ecologically clean areas during its flowering period. The volume of collected herbs should fit freely into a liter jar. That is, without pressure. Preparation: rinse the grass well and pour in a liter of boiling water. Wrap the infusion in a blanket and leave for 4 hours in a dark place. After time, drain the infusion and strain. If it is impossible to use fresh herbs, then take dry herbs at the rate of one spoon per liter. The course of admission is two weeks. How to use? Start taking 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. Then increase the portion of tincture to 3 large spoons.
  2. The herb boron uterus is simply irreplaceable for gynecological problems. It contains phytoestrogens, relieves inflammation, stops bleeding. For polyps, the infusion of the herb helps in the resorption of tumors and has an antibacterial effect. How to cook? In proportion 1:1. That is, for one large spoon of herb, a glass of water. Pour everything in and let it rest for half an hour. Afterwards, the infusion should be strained, preferably through cheesecloth. How to use? Half a glass in the morning and evening before eating. Do not use the infusion during menstruation. Take a break. The course of admission is 14 days.
  3. Wintergreen herb is an excellent anti-inflammatory bactericidal agent. It has a healing effect on the uterine mucosa, which is affected by polyps. For oral administration, prepare a decoction. How? Take dry grass and boiling water at the rate of 1/1. One glass per tablespoon. In a warm, dark place (it is better to use a thermos), let it brew for 2 hours. Then decant. How to use? Half a glass three times a day after eating and resting for 20 minutes. The course of admission is a full month.
  4. Hemlock tincture. This is a rather dangerous method, since hemlock contains toxic substances. This herb is used to treat cancer. It is also very effective for treating polyps. Be careful and follow all proportions and recommendations exactly. Method of preparation: collect the grass yourself during its flowering period. Pick leaves, flowers, stems. Wash the collection well and chop thoroughly. Prepare alcohol tincture in proportion 1/3. For one part herb, three parts 70% alcohol. Place in a dark place for 14 days. Afterwards, strain well and start drinking 2 times a day for 40 minutes. before breakfast and dinner. Start with 1 drop of tincture per 50 ml of liquid. Every day, increase the number of drops, reaching 30. Then take a break for a week and repeat the course 2 more times.
  5. Viburnum prevents polyps from developing into cancer. For this it is very good to eat fresh fruits. So, start eating viburnum for 30 days. Eat 3 berries per day, but eat them one at a time. One after another, chewing scrupulously. If you can’t find fresh viburnum, you can use frozen one, but the result will be worse.
  6. Blackcurrant and rose hips are excellent at fighting polyps. To do this you need to prepare a decoction. The proportion is 1:3:2, where currants, rose hips and nettles are respectively. Mix the mixture and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and heat in a water bath for up to 15 minutes. Then cover and let stand for 40 minutes. Strain and drink 250 ml 4 times a day. Course – 1 month.

Treatment with tampons

Tampons for polyps are effective because they have a local effect on the problem. Reviews about the use of a tampon with folk remedies are only positive. Let's look at some effective examples.

  1. Tampon with garlic. Although the product is effective, it is not suitable for every patient. The problem is the pain threshold. It is different for each person, and garlic in its pure form can cause discomfort to the mucous membranes. If you made a tampon, inserted it, and felt pain and itching, it is better to take it out. How to prepare a tampon? Pass a clove of garlic through garlic crush and wrap in gauze. Place before bed for 10 days. Interrupt during menstruation. If you have discomfort, then coat the whole clove with sunflower oil and insert completely.
  2. Tampon with onions and milk. Take 2 liters of sour milk and an onion baked in the oven. Chop the onion. Insert a crumpled onion tampon and walk all day. Then make another tampon: chop the onion and add grated laundry soap. Prepare a mixture in a 1:1 ratio. Insert this tampon the next day: morning and night. The next day you need to use sour milk. Prepare cottage cheese, add aloe and honey. Mix, place in a tampon and leave overnight. Repeat the next day. Usually these three tampons are enough to cure the polyp. If 3 times does not help, continue until it disappears.
  3. Mumiyo. This miraculous natural component completely eliminates the polyp and eliminates the risk of recurrence. To make a tampon from mumiyo, you need to prepare 2.5 g of mumiyo itself and 100 ml of water. Dissolve thoroughly. Soak a gauze swab in this liquid and insert overnight. In the morning, remove and wash well. The course of admission is 1 month. During menstruation, you should stop using tampons.
  4. Sea buckthorn oil. This healing oil is excellent for gynecological diseases. You can buy oil at the pharmacy, but it’s better to make it yourself. How? There is nothing complicated about this. Squeeze juice from a kilogram of berries. Mix the cake with regular oil. For one part of the cake take 1.5 parts of oil. Leave in a dark place for 21 days, stirring occasionally. A homemade cotton wool gauze swab is soaked in this oil and left overnight for 14 days.
  5. Propolis. The gifts of beekeeping are a storehouse of useful components for women's health. For tampons against polyps, mix propolis and warm water until it turns into a paste. Apply the mixture to a cotton-gauze swab and leave overnight for 3 weeks. During menstruation, interrupt the course.


Douching can enhance the effect of taking tinctures and decoctions. Sometimes women use decoctions, tampons and douches in combination to enhance the effect.

  1. Decoction for douching for polyps. Take oak bark, sage (leaves), yarrow and rosemary (leaves) in a ratio of 4:2:2:2, respectively. Grind everything well and mix. Next, pour the mixture with 100C water and quickly put on fire. Bring to a boil and immediately turn the temperature down to low. Let it simmer for half an hour. Then cool the broth and strain. You should douche with this decoction every day for at least a month.
  2. When douching, celandine has local healing and antibacterial properties. To prepare the solution, take a large spoon of herbs and pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours. Cool and douche overnight.
  3. Hemlock. This decoction is taken orally. Its healing properties are described above. But it is also used effectively for douching. To make the solution, take one spoon of herb, add 200 ml of hot water and boil. Afterwards, cool and pour in 0.5 liters of water. Douche with this solution 2 times a day for a month.
  4. Shiitake mushrooms are sold already dried. You don't need to assemble them yourself. Their healing properties for a woman’s body are legendary. These mushrooms help well in the fight against polyps. So, grind 30g of mushrooms into powder. Pour 0.5 liters of water and leave to rest for 14 days. After infusion, use for douching once a day.
  5. Vinegar is useful for polyps because it changes the acidity in the vagina, which stops cell growth. Preparation: 2 tbsp. dilute vinegar with one glass of water at room temperature. Use such douching every day until the unpleasant symptoms disappear. In parallel, other methods of treating polyps in the uterus can be used.

Of course, the best treatment is preventing the disease. To avoid polyps, remember the following rules:

  • do not start inflammatory processes;
  • use barrier contraception;
  • take the correct hormonal birth control;
  • don't have abortions;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • try to avoid places with poor environmental conditions;
  • go to the gynecologist regularly;
  • eat healthy food.

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Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies

Good day! Before reading recipes for treating diseases with medicinal plants, infusions, various drugs (ASD, peroxide, soda, etc.) at home, I’ll tell you a little about myself. My name is Konstantin Fedorovich Makarov - I am a herbalist with 40 years of experience. When you read the article, I advise you to take care of your body and health and not immediately begin the treatment methods described below, and now I’ll tell you WHY! There are a lot of medicinal plants, drugs, herbal teas that have proven their effectiveness and have many good reviews about them. But there is a second side to the coin - these are contraindications for use and concomitant diseases of the patient. For example, few people know that hemlock tincture cannot be used during chemotherapy or that when using other drugs, an exacerbation of the disease occurs and you may become confused. Because, so as not to harm yourself, it is better to consult a specialist or your doctor before using various treatment methods. Good health to you and get treated correctly.

My Odnoklassniki page, add me as a friend - ok.ru/profile/.

From the article you will learn how to get rid of uterine polyps:

  • hog queen and red brush
  • garlic and onions
  • celandine grass
  • propolis
  • fraction ASD-2
  • pumpkin seeds

Treatment with hog uterus and red brush

Effective treatment of uterine polyps with boron uterus is due to the fact that this plant is a source of natural phytohormones. For medicinal purposes, an alcohol tincture or water infusion is used.

Tincture of boron uterus in vodka:

  1. Pour 30 grams of dried herb with vodka, in a volume of 300 ml.
  2. Seal the container and leave for a month in a dark place.
  3. Take a teaspoon of tincture three times a day before meals, and the medicine is diluted with drinking water.
  4. The duration of treatment is 30 days.

Another plant has been successfully used to treat ailments (especially female ones), this is the red brush herb. Traditional treatment of a uterine polyp with a red brush is recommended, alternating with courses of taking the boron uterus. Also read about the treatment of menopause with the hog uterus.

Red brush infusion:

  1. Pour 20 grams of dry raw material into a glass of boiling water.
  2. Wrap in a towel and let it brew. Then strain.
  3. Drink one tablespoon of plant infusion three times a day before meals.

An infusion of boron uterus herb is prepared in a similar way. Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies is necessary one at a time - first one infusion for 14 days, then the next 14 days. In this case, it is advisable, during the period of taking herbs internally, to douche every evening with an infusion of boron uterus, which is diluted with warm water 1:4.

Treatment with garlic and onions

The traditional treatment of cervical polyps with garlic gives good results. To do this, treat according to the following prescription:

  • Peel a large clove of garlic and grate it on a fine grater.
  • Wrap the resulting puree in gauze and tie with thread.
  • Gently insert the tampon into the vagina before bed and leave it until the morning.
  • Perform the procedures every evening for one month.

Onions cleanse the mucous membrane well and relieve inflammation, so treating uterine polyps with onions gives positive results:

  • Wash the onion and bake it in the oven until soft and translucent.
  • Mash into pulp and cool.
  • Place a teaspoon of the resulting raw material in gauze, form a tampon, and tie it with a single thread.
  • The tampon is placed before bed every evening for a week.
  • After a 10-day break, repeat the procedure.
  • The duration of treatment is three courses.

To enhance the healing effect, some traditional healers recommend adding a teaspoon of ordinary laundry soap to the onion pulp, which is rubbed on the finest grater.

Treatment with celandine herb

Celandine is one of the folk remedies that is used to eliminate various tumors in the body. It is recommended to treat polyps in the uterus with celandine by douching the infusion and using it orally.

Infusion of celandine:

  1. Grind the fresh plant, select one glass of raw materials and place it in a 2-liter thermos.
  2. Pour boiling water to the top and leave to steep for 10 hours.
  3. Strain, pour into a glass jar and place in the refrigerator for storage.

Take the infusion according to the following scheme:

  • The first seven days - drink half a teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach.
  • Next seven days - one teaspoon.
  • Next week - take one tablespoon.
  • Another week - two spoons, and then also reduce the dosage in the reverse order to one teaspoon per dose.

You need to douche every evening with the prepared infusion.

Treatment with propolis

To treat polyps, you can use propolis both internally and externally:

  • In the morning, it is recommended to place a small piece of propolis behind your cheek on an empty stomach, or simply chew it.
  • Before going to bed, put tampons on: dissolve 5 grams of propolis in 100 ml of boiling water, moisten the tampon in the product and insert it into the vagina.

Treatment of ASD with the second fraction

Treatment with ASD in the second fraction dissolves polyps in the uterus. The drug is taken orally according to the following scheme:

  1. Twice a day, dissolve 1 cube of ASD-2 in 50 ml of drinking water.
  2. After five days of taking it, take a break for three days.
  3. Repeat the course three more times, and then interrupt treatment for a month.
  4. And then repeat the whole cycle all over again.

Treatment with pumpkin seeds

Treatment with herbs and various folk remedies will help remove the uterine polyp. Such remedies include pumpkin seeds with egg yolk.


  • Grind pumpkin seeds (6 tbsp) into flour.
  • Mix with boiled yolks (7 pcs.) and vegetable oil (0.5 l).
  • Keep the composition in a water bath for 20 minutes, cool and place in the refrigerator.

Take a teaspoon every morning for five days, then take a five-day break, and take again intermittently until all the remedy is gone.

Individual course of treatment with herbs and tinctures for polyps and cysts from herbalist K. F. Makarov

Composition of the treatment course:

1. Collection of Medicinal Herbs “Polyps, cysts, benign tumors” - 9 packs.

2. Shiitake mushroom tincture - 6 bottles.

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14 comments and reviews about Treatment of uterine polyps with folk remedies

Good afternoon uv! Do you think that if you have a polyp or cyst on the cervix, you can try drinking tincture of boron uterus? Best regards OG

Good afternoon. Write to the contacts at the bottom of the site, I will try to help.

Good afternoon I have polyps in the cervix, I don’t know the size yet, but for a couple of months now I’ve been drinking a teaspoon of gelatin every morning. Is it possible to use protein for a polyp? I need it for osteoarthritis. The gynecologist says it needs to be removed, but I don’t want to have surgery. Can you advise me what to do? Thank you. Best regards, Lilia

I am 31 years old. Doctors discovered a uterine polyp (endometrial polyp) and two subserous nodes (11x15, 84x47) on the uterus.

There are no children, doctors say the polyp is to blame.

I don’t want to have surgery to remove nodes or cleaning to remove a polyp.

Now I myself drink a decoction of boron uterus 3-4 times a day, about half a glass. Morning and evening, one teaspoon of black cumin oil. I thought about the advisability of drinking hemlock tincture.

Please advise a treatment plan.

Hello! I'm 25 years old! A couple of years ago I had cysts removed on my ovaries, a year ago I had a miscarriage (at 9 weeks). Within a year after the miscarriage, we tried to get pregnant, it didn’t work out, I went to the doctor, had an ultrasound (including for ovulation), according to the tests there was nothing wrong, they took an aspirate of the uterus and diagnosed it with suspected polyps. I made an appointment on April 29 for a hysteroscopy, but I already had two operations. The doctor I went to to make an appointment for a hysteroscopy performed the previous two operations on me, he told me not to rush with the hysteroscopy, he told me to take birth control pills, that perhaps the polyp would resolve on its own! What should I do? I don’t have kids yet, but I really want to! Thanks a lot in advance!

hello, go see matron if you live in Moscow, it helps.

Hello. I am very glad that I found your page. I hope that you can help me. The gynecologist identified a polyp in my cervical canal. She suggested surgery, but I don’t want to do it. I would like to be treated with herbal medicine. I read recipes from your messages boron uterus. I’ve been taking it for a couple of months now. And today a strong blood clot came out. I would like to know from you what I should do and how to properly treat further. I hope for your help.

Hello! Please tell me what herbs I need to take (can I order them from you?) for the following problem. My husband and I have been planning a child for almost a year and a half, the doctors didn’t find any particular obstacles, but today we discovered by ultrasound 2 glandular polyps on the back wall of the uterus and 55 ml of antisperm antibodies in the blood. Please tell me whether this can prevent conception and how to remove polyps. At the same time, my estrogens are slightly elevated. Thank you!

Please help me..

During a professional examination with a gynecologist, I was found to have:

1. On examination - a polyp of the cervical canal of the cervix.

2. On transvaginal ultrasound - a polyp of the body of the uterus (endometrium) with a vascular pedicle 14 by 6 mm, cysts of the right ovary up to 25 mm, dominant follicle of the left ovary up to 18 mm, cysts in the cervical canal up to 6 mm.

3. Urogenital smear - inflammation was detected.

4. Biocenosis of the urogenital tract (for 13 sexually transmitted infections) - Ureaplasma spp. was identified. 5.9 (1.1-1.5%).

5. Ultrasound of the mammary glands - fibrocystic mastopathy, fibroadenoma of the left mammary gland 11 by 6 mm.

Please tell me:

1. Do I need to donate blood for hormones? (I read that polyps and cysts grow against the background of hormonal disorders). If necessary, then the dynamics of which hormones are necessary in my case?

2. Could ureaplasmosis cause the growth of polyps and cysts? Is it possible that after treatment of ureaplasmosis, polyps and cysts will resolve?

3. Is it possible to cure cysts and polyps without surgery? (gynecologists recommend that I do a hysteroscopy after treatment for ureaplasmosis... but I really hope it will be cured with folk remedies).

4. My husband does not have ureaplasmosis. And they found it in me. Is treatment necessary for just me or both?

I have been complaining for many years about heavy and painful menstruation in the first 2 days, duration 4 days, cycle on average 24 days. And it bleeds after sexual intercourse, sometimes aching pain in the lower abdomen. There were no abortions, only births took place in 1998.

Thank you in advance for your answer and possible treatment regimen for me.

In 1997, at the age of 18, I caught a cold; I was put to sleep on the cold ground in mid-August, in the forest.

Since I was 18 years old, and maybe even earlier, I periodically experienced disruptions in the menstrual cycle. At the age of 18, I didn’t have a period, first for 3 months, then for another 3 months. Since then, there have been periodic delays from 10 days to a month or two.

In 2000, I was in a car accident and lost consciousness. The entire blow fell on the left side.

In 2008, 6 years ago, a tumor measuring 2.5*3 cm (approximately) appeared on the forearm. Then lumps measuring 0.5 cm began to appear in different places: on the thumb of the left hand, on the index finger, in the area of ​​the collarbone, between the ribs (about 1 cm).

Doctors question neurofibromatosis. The diagnosis has not been confirmed.

All the tumors appeared on the left side of my body.

Also, in 2012, I was diagnosed with a cervical polyp, also on the left. Also thrush. a polyp also formed on the left side!

Please tell me, if possible, what can I do in this situation?

I am 43 years old, I have a cervical polyp. in 2009 there was a frozen pregnancy on histology, they wrote *polyp*, which my gynecologist was very surprised by, in 2010 my daughter was born, after which I went to the gynecologist for a routine examination every six months, in 2012 I started having irregular periods - I went to see to the doctor - *no problem - working with a computer, ecology*. In 2013, she saw a cyst on her cervix and told me *nothing wrong*. This year I went to another gynecologist, I haven’t had my period for half a year now. The doctor sends it for removal - I’m very afraid. Tell me, is it possible to be cured without surgery? I started drinking boron uterus, celandine, and douching with celandine. Thank you in advance.

Hello. I am 29 years old. I have a second husband, I haven’t been able to get pregnant for 7 years. We separated from the first one and immediately had a daughter. Most likely the reason is me. Doctors diagnose infertility, a polyp in the uterus, adhesions, partial obstruction of the tubes, a cyst (this is based on ultrasound). I checked my hormones a long time ago, everything was normal. I drank boron uterus and gynecological preparation, and put in Chinese tampons. The improvement is felt. I want to try hemlock. What do you advise? Will hemlock tincture help?

Good day. I have the following problem: in 2011, I had a hysteroscopy, as a result of which a polyp of a glandular structure was removed from the uterus. After 1.5 years, signs of a polyp in the uterus began to appear again (dark discharge during the cycle), I did an ultrasound 2 times, nothing was diagnosed. The doctor questioned chronic endomitritis and insisted on an endometrial biopsy. They did a biopsy, but the diagnosis was not confirmed. But during the biopsy, the doctor pulled out a piece, which, as histology showed, was a polyp. For 3 months after the biopsy, the discharge did not bother me, but in April 2014 it all started again. According to the results of the last ultrasound dated 02/10/14, the data is as follows: The uterine cavity: not dilated, in the cavity there is an isoechoic focal formation measuring up to 11x9x7 mm (it was the 8th day of the cycle). The doctor insists on immediate removal, but judging by how quickly they appear again, I don’t really want to disturb the uterus again. Please help me, maybe some of the traditional medicine methods will help me? I'm 26 and haven't given birth. I'm really looking forward to your answer. Thanks in advance

Hello! I’m 25 years old, I haven’t had any surgeries or interventions in the uterus, I have an endometrial polyp. I haven’t given birth and my husband and I really want a child (I’m afraid to have surgery, I don’t know the size yet, what’s the best option to deal with the polyp.