Alzheimer's disease questionnaire. Alzheimer's disease. Tests to determine the disease in the early stages

An Alzheimer's disease test is a test to determine whether a person is susceptible to the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. What is Alzheimer's disease - is it similar senile dementia, formed against the background of degeneration of brain tissue. When some of the neurons responsible for a person’s cognitive abilities gradually move from an active to a passive state.

What happens to a person during illness

When a person falls ill with Alzheimer's syndrome, as a rule, any mental work begins to be difficult for him, he becomes more forgetful and less capable of independent life. Therefore, to prevent this from happening or in order to prevent further development Alzheimer's disease in the menu of a person, especially those who have lived to the age of 60, should contain the following products:

  • Vitamin complexes or nutrition with a predominance of foods with vitamin B.
  • Varieties of fish of marine origin.
  • Iodine-containing food products or vitamins replacing them.
  • Some varieties of nuts.

The question is why exactly after 60 years of age? The thing is that with age, especially in the elderly, brain cells begin to function worse. Accordingly, in the absence of proper attention to the brain, its cells under the influence of negative external factors, stressful situations or they become depressed more quickly negative influence than young people. This is due to the fact that brain functions in older people recover more slowly, and even then they can easily go into a passive state.

But not everything is so dire; it is possible to help a person before his memory due to Alzheimer’s begins to be negatively affected by the disease. For this case, there are tests for Alzheimer's disease that help delay the problem of mental retardation for several more years.

Test for relatives of the patient

You can determine that a person has Alzheimer's syndrome at home using the following test:

  • Can the patient carry out his previous activities and do what he loves?
  • Does he deal with financial affairs independently: pays for public utilities, enjoys bank cards, account.
  • He goes to the store himself to buy the goods he needs without a preliminary list.
  • How capable is he of playing intellectual games and solving intellectual problems.
  • Does he take an active part in preparing family dinner?
  • Are you able to old man tell what happened to him yesterday or today.
  • Does he always remember and celebrate his name days and those of his closest relatives?

  • Does he know the dates? national holidays and timing of taking prescribed medications during treatment.
  • Can he read a book and retell what he read or watched on TV from his point of view?
  • How independently does he move? public transport, buys tickets, gets to the place.

For all these test questions a person with normal brain activity, behaves with positive side. If the patient has difficulty answering any of these questions or is generally unable to do so, then it is quite possible that a period of dementia has begun. What may suggest about Alzheimer's disease if this was not observed before the disease.

Word memorization test

As a rule, to suspect a person has Alzheimer's disease, it is enough to conduct a test on him that includes several words of the same group. What needs to be remembered and reproduced immediately after they are pronounced or after a few minutes. Strictly based on the following rules:

  • The list should be made up of 5 words intended for memorization.
  • After each correct answer, before or after a 5-minute break, compare the answers on a 5-point scale. If everything is normal, the answers should be equal to 9-10 points, less likely to suspect the possibility of memory deterioration due to dementia.
  • The use of hints if the patient, during playback, did not remember everything, but only part of what he saw or heard. For example, the use of a generalized hint if the patient cannot remember one word from a group of listed types such as an object, a fruit or a vegetable.

And the second version of the hint, showing answers based on pictures to choose from. Where the patient must point to the correct image or select the correct answer from the spoken words. If in both cases the patient is unable to correctly navigate, suspicions of Alzheimer's disease are positive.

Alzheimer's disease test

With the coming old age due to natural phenomena human brain and the central nervous system gradually undergo some changes, which negatively affects a person’s memory. To detect Alzheimer's disease, tests can solve the problem by making some observations to distinguish this disease from signs of senile dementia.

What to look for when testing for Alzheimer's disease:

    1. A person is unable to remember the events that happened to him.
    2. Rarely remembers events from his past life.
    3. If a person has Alzheimer's, he is unlikely to be aware of his poor memory.

  1. With Alzheimer's, a person speaks slowly. Since it is constantly repeated when pronouncing words, often forgetting the names of nouns, replacing them with indicating pronouns such as this, that, this.
  2. Loss of ability to read and write.
  3. The patient is unable to plan independently own actions, decisions.

It is a specific questionnaire, and not some simple questionnaire, that makes it possible to clarify whether an elderly person has a deviation in cognitive abilities. That is, to find out whether he is sick, healthy, or has only a slight deterioration. In addition to the above, there are other tests carried out at home to check the patient for signs of the disease. When you suspect dementia, it is better to go to the doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

Unfortunately, in Lately Alzheimer's disease, which is characterized by the gradual loss of cognitive functions in patients, has become widespread in Russia. Due to the seriousness of the disease, many people are concerned about how to prevent the development of the disease, but for starters, just find out about the impending illness. To do this, it is not enough to simply pass a test for Alzheimer’s disease, which can be found everywhere on the World Wide Web; it is also necessary to undergo an examination by a specialist. But first things first…

Alzheimer's disease (commonly known as senile dementia) is characterized by the gradual loss of simple functions (use of cutlery, personal hygiene products), memory, acquisition of a passion for collecting (accumulation of garbage at home, often found on the street), etc. P.

As the disease progresses, a person loses his usual way of life and gradually turns into a “vegetable”. Therefore, it is extremely important to recognize the symptoms of an impending disease in advance in order to prolong the life of a potential patient.

What tests are indicated?

For diagnostics of this disease Experts recommend using tests for Alzheimer's disease aimed at checking a person's cognitive abilities and memory.

So, such tests include:

  1. Neuropsychological testing.
  2. Mini-psychological testing.
  3. Drawing tests.
  4. Tests with hidden text.

Neuropsychological testing

This type of testing is carried out by a specialist at the reception. Usually, A complex approach guarantees production preliminary diagnosis 5–7 years before the exacerbation of the disease situation.

With the help of such testing, a neurologist determines possible changes abstract thought process and qualitative criterion of attention.

Mini psychological test

This test, like the previous one, is carried out in a hospital setting and consists of small situational tasks that the patient is asked to solve, in particular:

  • modeling a problem situation and monitoring the patient’s solution;
  • attentiveness check;
  • examination mathematical abilities potential patient and his reading skills;
  • testing the patient's memory abilities (short-term and operational).

The point is that on initial stage development of the disease long term memory the patient functions much better short-term and operational, for this reason there is no point in testing it.

The mini-test includes a technique for showing the patient pictures with abstract drawings in which hidden figures (girls, children, faces, etc.) can be distinguished. As a rule, a sick person will not be able to find among the bizarre figures what the doctor asks for or does it with big amount errors.

Can you see 10 faces? Do you see three girls? Do you see the baby?
Can you see the face? Do you see a couple in love?

Drawing tests

This test is also carried out in inpatient conditions, but this does not mean that the patient or his relative cannot pass it on their own at home. Drawing tests for Alzheimer's disease most fully reflect the degree of development of the disease and even allow one to determine the approximate lesion.

The most revealing is the clock test. The essence of the test is simple: the patient is asked to draw a drawing of a clock with a dial and hands on a piece of paper, and after the task is completed, the resulting drawing is analyzed.

Moreover, the patient is indicated the time that needs to be depicted, for example: “draw a round clock with numbers that show half past two.”

For healthy person the check will not cause any difficulties, but for a patient suffering from cognitive disorders, this task may be impossible.

The results are assessed on a 10-point scale, where 10–9 points means the absence of pathology.

After basic testing and understanding of the problem, the patient’s task is simplified. The doctor or testing person suggests drawing arrows on the drawn dial. If the arrows are drawn correctly, most likely there is dementia of the frontal type or with lesions subcortical structures. In the case of Alzheimer's disease, the patient is unable to draw a clock or correctly draw the hands.

Hidden text test

The hidden text Alzheimer's disease test can also be done at home. The patient is offered several texts of the same type. Thus, a text consisting only of the letters M will contain one or more letters N, which the patient is asked to find.

Find three letters N Find three letters C Find three numbers 6

Below are options for similar texts; try to find the hidden letter yourself without using the mouse cursor.

What did they come up with in the UK?

The UK is one of the pioneers in the study of Alzheimer's disease and this explains the concern on the part of scientists for the relatives of potential patients. They developed a special questionnaire of 21 questions. By honestly answering the questions in this brochure, a person will be able to understand whether it is worth sounding the alarm or not.

In addition to the above, to determine the presence of the disease, a test is used that is based on testing a type of memory called conceptual priming. We invite you to familiarize yourself with this test.

The test is not aimed at speed, but at the quality of execution and the number of words remembered. For a healthy person, the better he understands the structure of a word or reflects on the nature of its origin, the higher the result (the number of words remembered). At the same time, people suffering from senile dementia are unable to remember words that they have technically analyzed or thought about their origin.

So, tests to determine Alzheimer's disease are important at an early stage of identifying the disease, and it is worth periodically conducting mini-checks on yourself or elderly relatives. Undoubtedly, you should not overuse such testing either, as it may cause confusion among the subjects.

And most importantly - timely appeal to specialists, if there is the slightest suspicion of insidious disease. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Pathology is a disorder of the brain, which leads to memory impairment, intellect, and loss of self-care ability. Patients aged 50-60 years are at risk. Early diagnosis diseases will help slow down degenerative processes and prolong a person’s life.

Testing principles

In Alzheimer's disease occurs degenerative changes V nerve cells, which are responsible for transmitting impulses between brain structures. As a result, irreversible deterioration develops cognitive processes: attention, memory, speech, thinking, perception. The patient gradually loses the ability to self-care.

One of the methods for diagnosing pathology is special tests. Using simple questions and tasks, doctors and relatives can determine the presence of the disease and the degree of damage to cognitive processes in the patient’s brain.

Depending on the type of test, it can be taken at home, in a hospital, or online.

Indications for testing

The need for testing is determined by the presence of signs of illness. TO early manifestations Alzheimer's disease following symptoms:

  • loss of long-term and short-term memory;
  • slowing of motor functions and reactions to information;
  • lack of ability to solve problems and plan;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • loss of interest in work, loss of professional skills;
  • filling memory gaps with fictitious events;
  • thinking disorders;
  • hallucinations, delusions;
  • increased anxiety, depression;
  • violation of self-care skills.

Questions for relatives

Relatives may suspect the disease in a patient. A special questionnaire will help household members determine the manifestations of dementia (dementia). Each statement must be answered: yes/no. If there is at least one denial, you need to contact a neurologist. Sample questions:

  1. Is a person capable of fulfilling his professional activity at the same level.
  2. Can he make adequate decisions regarding family issues and pay bills?
  3. Is he able to make purchases on his own?
  4. Are his mental abilities still intact (solving problems, crossword puzzles, participating in intellectual games).
  5. Can a person remember what happened a couple of days ago?
  6. Does he congratulate loved ones on holidays on time?
  7. Doesn't he forget about the need to go healing procedures, take medications.
  8. Does a person read books, newspapers, or watch TV shows? Can he retell their content?
  9. Is he able to get to the indicated stop and return back on his own?

Popular tests for Alzheimer's

To diagnose the disease, psychological and medical research. A number of tests are suitable for self-check patients, others involve hospital conditions. The techniques will help determine the risk of pathology and differentiate it from other disorders.

Clock face

The subject is asked to draw a clock on a piece of paper and indicate a specific time as accurately as possible. Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed if a person scores less than 9 points. Criteria for evaluation:

Points Features of the drawing
  • accurate display of the dial;
  • correct placement of arrows.
9 Minor errors in the drawing
8 Deviations from the required time of the minute or hour hand
7 The directions of both arrows are incorrect.
  • disorderly arrangement of arrows;
  • indicating time in a different way.
  • reverse sequence of numbers;
  • violation of the distance between them.
  • lack of numbers in the hour circle;
  • their image is outside the boundaries of the picture.
3 All symbols are located outside the dial
2 The patient tries but is unable to follow instructions
1 The subject does not complete the task.

Memorizing words

An Alzheimer's disease test helps to suspect the development of dementia in a patient. It can be carried out at home or in a hospital. The subject is offered to read or is told a list of any 5 words. A person must remember them, reproduce them immediately and after 5 minutes. The patient is warned about the conditions of the test in advance.

For each correctly reproduced word, 1 point is awarded. Normally, a person should score 9-10 points.

A smaller number indicates a risk of developing the disease. If the subject cannot remember one word, 2 hints should be given. First, indicate the category to which it belongs. If there is no result, you are asked to select the desired word from 3 others. If the prompts are ineffective, a suspicion of Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed.

Other testing methods

For accurate diagnosis the patient needs to undergo several tests. Tests for dementia:

  • Psychological. The test involves performing several simple tasks to simulate a situation, test the patient’s mathematical abilities, attentiveness, and memory. The technique involves showing the subject abstract pictures with hidden figures. A patient predisposed to Alzheimer's disease will make many mistakes or fail to distinguish the necessary silhouettes.

Among the common acquired diseases in which mental and other types of functions are disrupted is called senile insanity.

Anyone can be susceptible to illness if not taken care of preventive measures.

A test for Alzheimer's disease will help determine whether there are signs of dementia or not.

One of best tests on Alzheimer's

This test is considered one of the best tests for Alzheimer's. It is advisable to carefully read the entire text to the end. Take your time, find a pattern, and then the second or third time you will simply swallow the text with your eyes. This is the property healthy brain. So, go for it!

94NN03 S006Shch3NN3 P0K4ZY8437, K4KN3 U9N8N73 LYNY3 83SHN M0ZH37 93L47ь N4SH R4ZUM! 8П3Ч47ЛяШН3 83ШN! SN4CH4L4 E70 6YL0 7RU9N0, N0 S3YCH4S N4 E70Y S7R0K3 84SH R4ZUM CHN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SKN, N3 Z49UMY84YASH 06 E70M. G0P9NSY. LNSH 0PR393L3NNNY3 LYU9N M0GU7 PR0CHN747ь E70.

Did you read it easily? - There are no signs of Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's disease can develop in any older person

Before you begin to fear for your mental state, you need to understand what senile dementia is and what factors influence the development of the disease. According to experts, dementia is a group mental illness, similar in their symptoms. About 60% of people suffering from certain symptoms: loss of memory, reasoning, etc., develop Alzheimer's disease. Degenerative processes occur in the brain, during which a person ceases to exist normally.

Important: to prevent pathology, preventive measures are important, since treating the disease itself is very difficult. In most cases, it is only possible to stop conditions in which there is a danger to the life of the patient and those around him.

For early diagnosis purposes, there is an online Alzheimer's disease test. It is enough just to answer the questions posed, created by leading experts in psychiatry, and it will be clear whether you should consult a doctor.

Causes of acquired dementia

There are many factors contributing to the development of dementia. The main ones include:

  • head injury;
  • neoplasms in the brain;
  • stress, depression, mental overload;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • menopause in women;
  • physical overload.

Smoking and drinking significantly affect a person’s mental process. alcoholic drinks, drug addiction.

With these and other factors, beta-amyloids are deposited in the neuron chain, disrupting the transmission of impulses between cells. Because of this, they are unable to function normally and die. Tau proteins appear in the affected areas, expanding the area of ​​damage, starting from the temporal regions, the frontal lobe, which causes brain atrophy.

Alzheimer's disease may begin due to head injury

Symptoms of senile dementia

The first signs of senile dementia appear at the age of 50-60 years. Identifying a disease whose symptoms may resemble other mental illnesses is quite simple if you pay attention to the following points.

  1. Memory loss. A person cannot remember where he put this or that thing or object. Out of forgetfulness, he may hide slippers, a hat, or glasses in the oven or refrigerator and be indignant that this is the work of someone else. To minimize the number of absurd situations, most people with dementia take notes on what “speaks” about something else. good condition reason.
  2. The reaction is inhibited, slowed down motor functions. The patient has difficulty perceiving information and “chews” it for a long time.
  3. With dementia, a person cannot plan anything or solve problems.
  4. Fatigue occurs quickly. Household chores that once brought pleasure become routine, a waste of time.
  5. Favorite work, in which the patient previously showed impressive abilities, becomes uninteresting. Moreover, he forgets the basics of the craft to which he devoted years.
  6. With the progression of the disease and the onset moderate stage, a person suffering from dementia experiences memory lapses, in some cases he makes up for them with fictitious fantasies.
  7. Violated mental function, the ability to create logical chains and analyze situations. During a conversation, the same phrases, sentences, and ideas are repeated.
  8. The patient is sloppy and may not dress appropriately for the weather.
  9. Often, with senile dementia, a person forgets basic rules: turn off the heating boiler, gas stove, electricity, water.
  10. At severe conditions Hallucinations and delusions occur.

Important: after the onset of the disease, it takes 10 to 20 years for the main disease to become associated with somatic conditions, because of which the patient dies. It is for this reason that there is a test for Alzheimer's disease that everyone who does not want to turn into a person suffering from insanity must take.

How to choose a test

There are a lot of sites on the Internet with information about senile dementia and other types of mental disorders. They feature questionnaires created by leading experts. Thanks to the answers, you can diagnose mental health problems in time and take preventive measures. Psychological questionnaires allow us to identify the level of impairment of such functions as memory, the ability to perceive others and the environment, attention, and practical skills. Picture tests for Alzheimer's disease are used to differential diagnosis to distinguish senile dementia from diseases such as mental retardation, schizophrenia, etc. This also includes "Clock" test, a simple, fast and convenient way to determine susceptibility to dementia.

Alzheimer's disease can be detected using special tests.

Clock test for Alzheimer's disease

It is necessary to draw a regular clock on a sheet of paper indicating the time, for example half past one. Then the specialist checks the accuracy of the work performed on a 10-point scale.

Approximate drawing

Number of pointsWhat should be in the picture
10 The hands are positioned correctly, the dial is accurately reflected
9 Minor errors in clock reflection
8 One of the hands (minute, hour) has deviated from the indicated time
7 Arrow directions are shown incorrectly
6 The hour hands are in a disorderly position, the time is indicated in a different way
5 The numbers on the watch dial are displayed incorrectly (reverse order, incorrect distance between numbers)
4 Some numbers are missing or displayed outside the hour circle
3 All numbers are outside the dial
2 The patient is unable to complete the task, but tries
1 There are no attempts to complete the task

If a result below 9 points is noticed, then there is every reason to state the development of dementia.

People suffering from Alzheimer's disease need support from relatives

Questionnaires for relatives

To determine whether a family member actually suffers from senile dementia, there is a test for their loved ones. They should answer the following questions:

  • Is the person able to continue his career at the same level as before.
  • Can he deal with family and financial matters?
  • Can the patient shop in stores on his own?
  • Have you retained your ability to solve problems and participate in intellectual hobbies?
  • Is he able to prepare food and tea for himself?
  • Can he remember the events that happened today, yesterday, and the day before yesterday?
  • Doesn’t he forget about memorable days, does he congratulate loved ones on time?
  • Does he remember to take medications or undergo procedures?
  • Does he watch his favorite programs, read books, newspapers and can retell their contents.
  • Will he be able to get to the indicated stop and return home on his own?

Important: if there is at least one negative answer, the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease can already be made.

Prevention of senile dementia

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure insanity. The disease progresses and leads to a disastrous outcome. Relatives and friends should be patient and wise, create comfortable conditions for a person suffering from age-related dementia. And for those who still have time to minimize mental disabilities at age or avoid the disease altogether, it is necessary to think about their lifestyle.

Preventing dementia can help minimize future harm

Healthy eating, lungs physical exercise, hobbies that develop motor skills, pleasant emotions, contacts with friends, relaxation, and avoidance of stress will help maintain mental sobriety in old age.

ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE TEST Have you often forgotten words, names, titles? It’s on the tip of your tongue, but it never comes to mind. These may be symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. And the older you are, the more likely it is that this is true! Alzheimer's disease is a gradual destruction of the brain's neural pathways, which first affects short-term memory and the ability to learn new information, and subsequently long-term memory. Symptoms can be very different: difficulty solving problems, problems with oral and written communication, problems recognizing places, people, and restoring the sequence of events. But the worst thing is that a person does not understand his condition, he does not realize that he is sick. In addition, relatives often attribute Alzheimer's symptoms in a sick person to senility or just old age. For most people, to determine the origin of an object or its structure, they must think about the word itself. People with Alzheimer's disease, on the other hand, do not remember words that they had to think about the meaning of, or words that they simply analyzed in terms of syllable structure. TEST 1 Quickly, within 1 minute, name ten names starting with the letter A or B. Then, within 1 minute, name 10 pets. And after that, read the text from the sign: 94НН03 С006ШЧ3НN3 П0К4Зы8437, К4КN3 У9N8N73ЛНИ3 83ШЧN М0ж37 93Л47ь Н4Ш Р4ЗУМ! 8П3Ч47ЛяШН3 83ШN! SN4CH4L4 E70 6YL0 7RU9N0, N0 S3YCH4S N4 E70Y S7R0K3 84SH R4ZUM CHN7437 E70 4870M47NCH3SKN, N3 Z49UMY84YASH 06 E70M. G0P9NSY. LNSH 0PR393L3NNNY3 LYU9N M0GU7 PR0CHN747ь E70. The fact is that with this test we tested your brain's ability to think abstractly. The damaged brain of Alzheimer's disease often turns off this ability, and people cannot name, for example, the names of people they cannot see or cannot read what is written in such a “cipher.” What age do you think people suffer the most from this disease? Most often, this disease actively manifests itself after 65 years, but early symptoms may well appear at 40! They are not noticeable either to the patient himself or to his environment. How long do you think it can take from the early symptoms of the disease to the point where a clear diagnosis is already made? 10 years! TEST 2 You will need a jar of peanut butter and a ruler. Smell it with your left nostril at a distance of 23 cm, while closing your right nostril with your finger. With this test you can check if you have primary symptoms Alzheimer's disease. Why do you think the dough needs peanut butter? It was chosen by scientists because it is clearly recognized by the human olfactory nerve; it is very difficult to confuse this smell with another. And degradation of the olfactory nerve is one of the first signs of the disease. In addition, you only smelled through your left nostril, because it has been proven that a person with Alzheimer's loses their sense of smell in the left nostril much faster than in the right. Unfortunately, today there are no drugs that can cure Alzheimer's disease. But you can try in every possible way to prevent the disease. The main rule is to keep the gray matter of the brain working and keep your body active. You can read books, learn poetry, solve crosswords, run, go to holidays like this. And then you will be much less likely to get sick.