Intellectual game “What? Where? When? Host: Question from - black box. depends on the height of the snow line


Scenario of pedagogical council - intellectual game

"What? Where? When?"

On the topic “Speech development in preschool children”

senior teacher

Barakhoeva Elena Leonidovna

Intellectual game “What? Where? When? "

Topic: “Speech development in preschool children.”


Increasing the competence of teachers in the field of children's speech development;

Formation of positive communication skills of teachers, ability to work in a team.

Methods for activating teachers:

Blitz tournament (warm-up) – brainstorming method;

Answering questions is a method of discussion;

Solving a themed crossword puzzle.

Game props: a top with an arrow, a playing field, envelopes and game cards with tasks, a black box, a musical recording “Wild Horse”, an easel, a magnetic board with numbers.

Progress of the teachers' council.

1. Opening speech by the senior teacher.

Dear teachers, work on the speech development of children should occupy one of the central areas of activity of kindergarten teachers, since preschool age is the most favorable period for the development of speech communication in children, the development of speech occurs in close connection with the development of the child’s thinking, his awareness of himself and the world around him . Speech development is the main indicator of a child’s mental development.

The main goal of speech development is to bring it to the norm defined for each age stage. The development of speech and verbal communication of preschoolers in kindergarten is carried out in all types of activities, in different forms, both in special speech classes and outside of class, during games, reading fiction, etc.

2. Intellectual game “What? Where? When? »

Ved: (senior teacher): Dear colleagues! Today I bring to your attention one of the non-traditional forms of methodological work with teachers - the intellectual game “What? Where? When?".

(Music from the program sounds).

First, we will select a team of experts, and for this we will conduct a warm-up. You will be asked questions; whoever answers the question correctly first goes to the gaming table.

Blitz tournament: Questions for erudition and ingenuity.

1. He walked, but did not wear his shoes. I decided to help him, but I only made it worse; Now he can’t even walk with my help.

2. You are the captain of a plane flying from Moscow to New York, with a stop in Amsterdam. How old is the pilot of the plane?

3. A person has one, a cow has two, a bear has none.

4. How to write “dry grass” in four letters?

5. The harder it is hit in the right place, the better it performs its function.

6. Who swims faster - a duckling or a chicken?

7. What remains in the box if the matches are taken out?

(Teachers who answered correctly take their places at the gaming table).

The presenter represents a team of experts.

Players are asked to choose a team captain.

Vedas: the rules of our game are as follows: Experts choose a question by spinning the top. One minute is given to think and discuss the question, then the captain or any of the players gives an answer. In case of difficulty, experts can seek help from the hall.

Ved: I announce the 1st round.

Ved: So, the head of the kindergarten is playing against the experts.

Head: Dear experts, it is known that preschool age is a period of active acquisition of spoken language by a child, the formation and development of all components of speech (phonetic, lexical, grammatical).

Question : What are the main tasks of speech development in preschool age?

Discussion of the question, experts give the answer.

Ved: Attention! Correct answer.

Head: The main tasks of speech development in preschool childhood are:

A). Education of sound culture of speech;

B). Enrichment and activation of vocabulary;

IN). Formation of grammatical structure of speech;

G). Teaching coherent speech.

2nd round. (The top is spinning, music from the program is playing).

Ved: In this round, an educational psychologist plays against experts.

Question: From the proposed words, make up antonymic groups, including words with opposite meanings:

1. Truthful. 2. Export. 3. Micro. 4. Vanguard. 5. Careless. 6. Eccentric. 7. Import. 8. Loose. 9. Swift. 10. Skinny. 11. Sloppy. 12. Objective. 13. Macro. 14. Diligent. 15. Dense. 16. Transparent. 17. Rearguard. 18. Well-fed. 19. Neat. 20. Subjective. 21. Slow. 22. Deceitful. 23. Concentric. 24. Muddy.

Correct answer!

3rd round. (The top spins, music sounds).

Ved: Attention! Black box! (Black box is brought in)

Ved: Previously, this item was lead. The trouble is that he got his hands very dirty. It has gone through the stage of updating and refinement. It is now used by adults and children. What's in the black box?

(A minute to think about it). Music is playing. Experts answer the question.

Ved: Attention! Correct answer.There is a pencil in the black box.

4th round. (The top is spinning, the music “Wild Horse” from the program is playing).

Ved: So, the senior teacher plays against the experts.

Art. Vos: Dear experts! Our speech is enriched by “catchphrases” - quotes from famous works.My question: Answer who these words belong to.

1. Happy hours are not observed. (Griboyedov)

2. Yes, there were people in our time. (Lermontov)

3. Man – this sounds proud. (Bitter)

4. Why are you laughing? You're laughing at yourself, gentlemen! (Gogol)

5. Russia cannot be understood with the mind, nor can it be measured with a common yardstick. (Tyutchev)

6. And eternal battle! Rest only in our dreams. (Block)

(A minute for discussion, answer from experts).

Ved: Attention! Correct answer.

5th round. (The top is spinning, the music “Wild Horse” from the program is playing).

Ved: The mother of our kindergarten student is playing against the experts.

Question. Dear experts! My child attends the preparatory group of the kindergarten. I would like to know what are the requirements for the speech of kindergarten graduates?

(A minute to think, experts answer the question).

Ved: Attention! Correct answer.According to the program, the following requirements are imposed on the speech of a kindergarten graduate:

Knowledge of literary norms and rules of the native language;

Fluency in vocabulary, grammar, phonetics when expressing your thoughts and composing any type of statement;

Development of a culture of communication;

Ability to communicate with adults and peers (ability to listen, express thoughts);

Knowledge of the norms and rules of speech etiquette, the ability to use them depending on the situation;

Basic literacy skills.

Competition for the best player from the audience.

Ved: While the experts have a short break, I want to hold a competition for the best player from the audience. You are offered the crossword puzzle “Oral folk art in the system of speech development of a preschool child.” The winner is the one who solves the crossword puzzle correctly.


1. Oral folk art, “folk wisdom” (folklore)

2. A short allegorical, moralizing story, poem (fable)

3. Conversation between two or more people (dialogue)


2. Russian folk epic song based on real events (Bylina)

4. A narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces (fairy tale)

5. A short, funny, cheerful story with a witty ending on a topical topic (anecdote)

Extra round. Blitz questions. (15 seconds per question)

Who will be responsible?

Ved: Dear experts, you must answer what forms of work are used when teaching children coherent speech?

Answer. Retelling, description of toys and story pictures, storytelling from experience, creative storytelling.

Ved: At what age group does work on teaching children monologue speech begin?

Answer. From the middle group.

Ved: Name the leading technique in the middle group used when composing a story based on a picture.

Answer. An example of a teacher.

Attention, the correct answer!

Final task.

Dear experts! I bring to your attention Methods of speech development. Determine which of them are Verbal, Visual, Practical.

Attention, the correct answer!

Let's sum up the game!

And now the winners are awarded, the team is awarded Medals!

Choose the best player -prize Big crystal owl!

Choose the best question -Small Crystal Owl prize!

Ved. : Dear experts! You did a great job. I hope that the proposed topic was interesting and that the information you received today will be useful to you. Many thanks to all participants in the game.

The game is aimed at developing in children the ability to implement existing knowledge by activating logical thinking.

Goals: improvement and consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired earlier, development of cognitive activity, ability to implement existing knowledge, development of interest in working in groups together.

Progress of the lesson:

IN. Guys, do you like to play?

What games are your favorite?

What games do you play at home?

Today we will also play the game “What? Where? When?". Look at our playing field, it is divided into sectors of different colors. And on each sector there is an envelope, and in the envelope there is a question. These questions came from fairy-tale characters and we will need to answer them. For the correct answer you get one point. Each team will take turns spinning the top with the arrow. Where the arrow points, we will answer that question. We divide into two teams, come up with a name, and choose a captain. Now everything is ready and you can start.


1 . Question from Cinderella.

Fill in the missing numbers in forward and reverse order.

1 2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 18 19 20.

20 18 17 16 14 13 12 11 9 8 7 5 4 3 1.

2 . Quest from the Tin Woodman.

Make letters from individual parts.

Picture 1

Little Red Riding Hood is coming, and the Wolf is meeting her.

Wolf (smiles widely). Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! How are you doing? Long time no see!

Little Red Riding Hood. Hello Wolf! Oh, what teeth you have! So snow-white!

Wolf. I don't eat anyone now. Only vegetables and fruits! And “Cedar Balsam” is always with me. Beaver gave it! The teeth will be white and the rabbits will be whole! Well, I'm off, hello grandma! And this is a gift from me to you! (Gives her a tube of toothpaste.)

Little Red Riding Hood (reads on the tube):

Don't be surprised today
You are a wolf's teeth,
Take the snow-white one
“Cedar balm”
And live with a smile.


Thank you, Wolf! (leaves).

3 . Question from Thumbelina.

Game "Fourth wheel". From the pictures presented, determine what is superfluous.



Cornflower, Lily, Chamomile, PEAR.


Figure 3

4 . Question from Carlson.

Encrypted words. From the proposed names of objects, select the first sound. And from the first sounds received, make up a word and name it.



Figure 4

Musical pause.

IN. And now there is a musical break. A physical session is being held.

“Like Snow on a Hill” by I. Tokmachov

Like on a hill - snow, snow,
(Children stand in a circle, in the center of which there is a “sleeping bear”;
hands gradually rise up - inhale).

And under the hill - snow, snow,

And on the tree there is snow, snow,
(They stand up again and raise their hands - inhale).
And under the tree there is snow, snow.
(Squat, lower your arms - exhale).
And a bear sleeps under the snow.
Quiet, quiet... Don't make noise!
(They run in a circle on tiptoe.
At the last words, the “bear” wakes up and rushes to catch the children).

5. Logic problems from Dunno.

Four rabbit ears are visible from behind the fence. How many hares are there behind the fence?

How many strawberries are there in an empty glass?

There are 3 apples ripened on the birch tree, and 2 on the oak tree. How many apples are ripened?

How many floors are there in a 5-story building?

What's longer: a week or a month?

Which figure has neither beginning nor end?

6 . Question from Winnie the Pooh.

Arrange the given pictures into three groups. This is a task to classify wild, domestic animals and birds. There may be: fox, wolf, badger, elk, squirrel, hedgehog, wild boar, hare, cat, dog, pig, horse, cow, rabbit, sparrow, crow, tit, crossbill, starling, magpie, bullfinch, rook.

Seryozha sits and thinks out loud.

Why is it snowing? Where does it come from? Why does day give way to night? And why…? What for…? But as…? Do polar bears eat penguins?

Masha comes in.

Polar bears don't eat penguins!

Because polar bears live at the North Pole, and penguins live at the South Pole!

How do you know everything?

I read books! If you want to know a lot, achieve a lot, you must learn to read!

7. Literary quiz from Pinocchio.

What made Sleeping Beauty fall asleep?

What did Pinocchio sell to get into the theater?

What did Cinderella's carriage turn into at midnight?

What did the old man ask the goldfish for the second time?

Who came to the three bears' house?

Who really was the ugly duckling?

Who did the bun run away from?

How did a mouse break an egg?

8 . Question from the Snow Queen.

Solve examples.

Figure 5

Summary of the lesson.

Well, our game has come to an end. Scoring. Despite the results of the game, there are still no losers. Both teams are awarded with memorable diplomas and sweet gifts. I hope you enjoyed answering questions from fairy tale characters. We will definitely play again. Summary of a lesson on the social and moral education of preschoolers with elements of speech development. Topic: "Learning to be polite!"
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Lanshina Svetlana Alekseevna,

teacher of the second qualification category

MADO "Kindergarten No. 37" in Tobolsk

Target: updating the problem of preserving and strengthening children's health. Increasing the competence of parents in shaping a healthy lifestyle for children, a negative attitude towards bad habits; combining the efforts of the kindergarten and the family in the formation of healthy habits in children; develop the skill of positive communication between parents and the ability to work in a team.

Materials and equipment: a top with an arrow, a playing field, a tape recorder with a recording of the musical accompaniment of the program “What? Where? When?”, black box, video recordings of questions, crossword puzzle “How to become a Little Girl”, easel, magnetic board, magnets, colored palms cut out of red, blue and yellow cardboard, owls, tray, cards with images of roses, weeds, format sheet A3, which depicts the stems and leaves of roses, a waste basket.

Progress of the event:

Leading: Good evening, dear parents! Today we are starting the winter series of the game “What? Where? When?". But before we begin, let's say hello to each other. But it needs to be done like this: if I raise a red palm, I need to shake hands, if I have a blue palm, I should pat him on the shoulder, if I have a yellow palm, I should shake hands (touch) their backs.

(Parents move to the music. The presenter raises one of three palms)

Leading: Children's health is an absolute value and includes three components - biological, psychological and social. Recently, the health status of preschool children has caused justified concern. The number of healthy preschoolers has decreased fivefold and constitutes only about 10% of the number of children entering school. Both parents and educators want to see their children healthy, cheerful, and physically well developed.

As you may have guessed, our conversation today will be about developing healthy habits in children.

Our game is dedicated to the theme “Our true friends are good habits”

So, I want to introduce the experts:

(music from the program “What? Where? When?” plays)

Leading: So, the kindergarten nurse is playing against the experts.

Nurse: Dear experts, it is known that taking care of the health of preschool children is the main task of adults. Question: What helps a person to be healthy? What habits should a child develop?

(The top is spinning, the music “Wild Horse” from the program “What? Where? When?” plays.)

Leading: Dear experts, I bring to your attention the “Blitz Tournament”. Answer the questions using one of the given answer options.

1. How often should you change your toothbrush?

Once every two years;

Every 3-6 months;

As soon as she takes on a shabby look.

2. What protects you least from colds and flu?

Frequent hand washing;

Influenza vaccination;

Avoid walking in cold weather.

3. How often do you need to rest your eyes if you use a computer, read, or do things that require visual attention?

Each hour;

Every half hour;

Every 10 minutes.

4. What is the optimal distance from the screen when working with a computer?

From 50 cm or more;

5. How to breathe correctly?

Neither option is worse or better than the other.

6. Which water is more dangerous for health?

Cloudy tap water;

Supplied through lead pipes;

With added fluoride.

7. What provides the best protection in a car accident?

Seat belts;

Inflatable pillow;

Seat belts and airbags are equally effective.

(The top is spinning, the music “Wild Horse” from the program “What? Where? When?” plays.)

Leading: attention "Black box"

(the music “Black Box” from the program “What? Where? When?” plays, the assistant brings in the black box)

Leading: The ancient Greeks said: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.” The Russian people have a lot of proverbs and sayings about health. What are they talking about?

(parents are given fragments of proverbs, each of which is written in a certain color, each of which they must assemble from parts a proverb about health)

Options: “Health is more valuable than gold”, “No amount of money can buy health”, “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”

(The top is spinning, the music “Wild Horse” from the program “What? Where? When?” plays.)

Leading: So, the mother of a kindergarten student, Ekaterina Anatolyevna, is playing against the experts. Attention to the screen!

(video question: Dear experts, my child loves to go to kindergarten. But due to frequent illnesses, we are forced to stay at home. Please advise: what types of hardening can be used at home).

Leading: You are given a minute to think.

Experts answer the question.

Leading: Attention, correct answer. In kindergarten, hardening is carried out under the guidance of medical personnel, and at home - according to recommendations received in kindergarten and in the clinic.

A set of hardening procedures is compiled taking into account the child’s health status, his physical fitness and the capabilities available to the kindergarten and family.

At home, you can use the following types of hardening: air, water and solar procedures:



Air baths;

Ventilation of the room;


Walk in the fresh air, etc.

(The top is spinning, the music “Wild Horse” from the program “What? Where? When?” plays.)

Leading: It's time to relax, parents are invited to the circle.

(small excerpts of dance music “Polka”, “Dance of the Little Ducklings”, “Lambada”, “Teddy Bear and Doll Stomp Loudly” are played in turn. Parents perform dance moves to the music.)

(The top is spinning, the music “Wild Horse” from the program “What? Where? When?” plays.)

Leading: So, kindergarten student Yura P. is playing against the experts. Pay attention to the question!

(video question: Do children have to follow a daily routine? And why do we need to follow it?)

(music sounds “What? Where? When?”)

After a minute of reflection, experts answer the question

Leading: And now we will hold a competition for the best player from the audience. Who can solve the crossword puzzle faster?

1. A branch of medicine that studies the conditions for maintaining health, as well as a system of actions and measures aimed at maintaining the body clean and healthy;

2. The body's immunity to pathogens;

3. The state of a person full of strength and energy;

4. A set of preventive measures to increase the body’s resistance to the effects of external adverse conditions;

5. a set of measures to increase the body’s resistance to the effects of external adverse conditions;

6. A device that allows you to master a complex set of exercises that promote the development of strength, speed-strength and speed qualities, as well as endurance;

7. Medicinal mixture saturated with oxygen;

8. A set of exercises that promote health and general physical development;

9. Organic substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

(after the presenter announces the correct answers, the winner is chosen)

Leading: Dear experts, the intellectual game “What? Where? When?". I propose to summarize our meeting and complete the final task.

Experts are given a tray containing cards with pictures of flowers (weeds and roses).

Leading: Think about and write down good habits on cards with pictures of roses, and bad habits on cards with pictures of weeds.

(music sounds “What? Where? When?”)

Leading: Now tell me what happened. What healthy habits will you form in your kids first?

(experts name their options. The assistant collects roses and glues them onto an A3 sheet of paper, which shows a vase, stems and leaves of roses. The result is a collage in the form of a bouquet of roses)

Now list the bad habits that you did not want to observe in your children.

(experts name variants of bad habits on cards with images of weeds. The assistant puts these cards in the trash bin)

(music sounds “What? Where? When?”)

Leading: Dear experts, you coped with the task perfectly. I hope that the proposed topic was interesting.

In conclusion, I ask you to stand in a circle. Close your eyes, relax, listen to your inner world. Tell me in one word what emotions and sensations this game evoked in you. Many thanks to all participants. I want to give you small souvenirs “Owl” - a symbol of wisdom.

OGOBU "Children's Home No. 2"

Career Guidance Game

" What? Where? When?"

Social teacher: O.I. Tatunets


activate self-knowledge: encourage self-education, self-development, self-education.


1. Expand students’ knowledge about the world of professions;

2. Create positive motivation for choosing a profession.

3. Foster a sense of collectivism in the game.

Leading: Hello, dear viewers, we are pleased to welcome you to the game “What? Where? When?" (game screensaver)

2 teams will participate in the game.

And I want to introduce to you the team ______________, led by captain _____________, and the team ______________ captain_________________

Captains, introduce us to your teams (player name and brief description).

The teams are introduced and we move on to the next stage of the game.

I ask the teams to take their places.

There are envelopes with questions on the gaming table.

Team representatives will take turns spinning the top and choosing a question. These could be questions about the history of the profession, about the contents or tools of labor, about famous people.

Rules of the game:

1. 1 minute is given to discuss the issue.

2.For each correct answer you get 1 point.

3.No points will be counted for an incorrect answer.

4. There are envelopes with blitz questions on the table - these are 3 questions, 30 seconds are given to think about the answer.

5. The treble clef means a musical break.

6. Information pause.

7. Pause - a game with the audience.

Jury submission: _______________________________________________


Whoever guesses the riddle first will have the right to be the first to spin the top.

What rocks can you not find in the sea? (Dry)

The team captain is the first to spin the top ___________
Leading: First envelope

Blitz Task:

1. Who plays at work and receives wages rather than a reprimand for it? Actors.

2. Which driver looks down on the ground? Pilot.

3. What was the profession of the cartoon characters Chip and Dale? Rescuers.

Leading:The black box question. Bring in the black box.


This box contains tools used in the work of a musician, steelmaker, and doctor. Attention question? What's in the box?

Answer: spoon. Lodge musicians; the doctor checks the patient’s pharynx at home with a regular spoon; Steelworkers take a sample of steel with a special spoon.

Leading:Video question:

What professions are there in the world?
There are many of them, there is a sea of ​​them, you simply can’t count them:
Teacher, driver, doctor, lawyer,
Politician, official and bureaucrat,

Accountant, banker, composer, poet,

Lawyer, hairdresser, newspaper delivery guy...
There are many of them, there is a sea of ​​them, you simply can’t count them!
All the important professions in the world are there!

Attention question: What are the 5 main types of occupational classifications? Answer: 1. Man - nature 2. Man - technology 3. Man - man 4. Man - sign system 5. Man - artistic image

Leading:We haveinformation pause

Leading: In one of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tales, the queen tried to find out the truth about herself by turning to a magic mirror: “Light, my little mirror! Tell me and report the whole truth..."

As part of professional selection, the role of a mirror from a fairy tale is often assigned to psychological tests. Many people think that all they have to do is take a special career guidance questionnaire, fill it out, and, as if by magic, you will receive an answer to the question - what profession to choose

The floor is given to a specialist from the career guidance and vocational training department of the employment center who conducted tests with students. And now we would like to know whether the predictions regarding the upcoming choice of profession came true? (word to the specialist of the central control center).

Leading: we have a simple question

Which king knew 14 crafts? Name the king and at least 6 crafts,

which he owned.

Leading:Answer: Peter 1

Leading:Simple question:

“Our job is to bring joy to people.”

One proverb compares this profession to the profession of a doctor.

Answer: Cook, proverb: “A good cook is worth a doctor”

Leading: Question - with takeaway:

A scalpel, cucumber, cologne and scissors are carried out on a tray. Representatives of which profession used these tools in their work?

Answer:barber. He used these items while shaving and cutting clients' hair (a cucumber on the cheek).

Presenter: Game with spectators: I will name you professions in the masculine gender, you must name the same profession in the feminine and vice versa.

She is a ballerina, he is... (answer: dancer)

She is a flight attendant, he is... (steward)

She is a nurse, he is ... (nurse)

He is a doctor, she is ... (doctor)

He is a diver, she is ... (diver)

He is a gymnast, she is ... (gymnast)

He is a poet, she is ... (poetess)

He is a plasterer, she is ... (plasterer)

He is a cook, she is... (cook)

He is a tailor, she is ... (dressmaker)

Presenter: Question from - black box

These tools have the same name, but they are used in the profession of molar plasterer and ENT doctor. Name these items?

Leading: Answer: construction and medical spatula.

Presenter: The team got - Blitz question 2

What was Giuseppe's profession in Alexei Tolstoy's fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio”?


What medical specialty did Doctor Aibolit have?


In Charles Perrault's fairy tale, what profession did the person save Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother?


Host: Dear experts, a question about taking away. Bring in items

Cereals, a check, a weight, and a pack of wet wipes are brought out on a tray. Representatives of what profession use these items in their work?

Host: Answer: seller.

Host: And we have a musical break (a medley of songs).

Host: And we continue the game.

Video question: from Anastasia U.

This is a condition of a mathematical problem, and now attention to the question - what three conditions must be met when choosing a profession?

Attention answer: I want, I can, I need.

Leading issue

We were returning from the field at sunset,

The cold air smelled like vigorous sweat,

Each one had a weather-beaten swaying on their shoulders

Rake shirt.

Presenter: Attention question - Name the profession of the person who wrote these lines.

Answer: (Poet)

Leading: Spin the top and you get a simple question

Attention question: Who cooks besides the cook? A minute has passed.

Answer: Welder.

(Preliminary results) proverbs about work.

Leading: And while the jury is summing up the results, I suggest you watch the video report on excursions to enterprises and educational institutions of the city.

Presenter: The jury has summed up the results and are ready to announce the results. Team awards.

Reflection: Did you guys like our game? What is your question?

more interesting look? Were there any difficult questions?

Thanks for playing.

Target: Generate interest in fairy tales
-To form the personal qualities of children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team.
-Develop curiosity, communicative, coherent speech in children;
-Learn to answer questions;
-Cultivate interest in different types of activities and creativity.
Equipment: game table, top, questions in envelopes, black box, badges, stand with numbers, tablecloth.

Croupier: Hello dear guests, fans and participants of the game!
We are pleased to welcome you to our elite club “What? Where? When? "!
Today Fairytale Heroes are playing against the “Experts” team.
Let me introduce you to the “Connoisseurs” team. I will call the name and surname of the expert, and he will take a seat at the gaming table. …………….
(Children take their places behind the playing field to the music - the team captain is the last to introduce himself.)
Now listen rules of the game:
Dear experts, you see, on the gaming table there is a top with an arrow, and there are envelopes with questions. Each envelope contains a photo of the person who sent the question to the experts. The team captain spins the top. Which envelope the top arrow points to, we open that envelope and read the question. The expert next to whom this envelope lies answers the question. If the top arrow points to a sector where there is no envelope with a question, take the nearest envelope with a question clockwise. Experts must answer all the questions that are in 10 envelopes. For each correct answer, experts are given 1 point. The team that scores the most points wins. The results after each round will be posted on the scoreboard.
Dear experts, you have listened to the rules and now it’s time to start the game.
1 Round
Let's start the top. The team captain spins the top. ( Music).
Plays against you….. Answers the question……
Attention question: Who came to the house of the three bears, and what is the name of this fairy tale?
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. In the fairy tale “Three Bears,” a girl (Masha) came to the house of the three bears. The score is 1:0 in favor of the experts (fairy-tale heroes). ( ).
2 Round

Attention black box (taking out the black box to the music).
I'm going to the Tauride Garden
Jumped over the fence
And she rushes after me,
And she bites like a wolf.
Attention question: Who bit the fairy-tale hero like a she-wolf in the fairy tale “MOIDODYR”? What's in the black box?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer ( opens the drawer and takes out a washcloth).
Score…………(Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard)
3 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Musical question. (A fragment of the song is played).
Attention question: Who sings this song?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
Listen to the song fragment again. ( A fragment of the song is played).
I repeat the question: Who sings this song?
Expert's answer: ………..
Croupier: And now the correct answer. This song is sung by Winnie the Pooh.
Check ………..…………..( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard)
4 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, of course you all know the fairy tale “Cinderella, or the Glass Slipper.” Do you know what Cinderella's carriage turned into at midnight?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: What did Cinderella's carriage turn into at midnight?
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Cinderella's carriage turned into a pumpkin at midnight.
Check ………..…………..( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
5 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Your home in winter, in the cold
She made it out of ice
But the house stood fine in the cold,
In the spring it turned into a puddle.
The bast house was built by a bunny.
Now, experts, remember
Who deceived the hare?
And kicked him out of the hut?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Fox
Check ………..…………..( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
Musical pause.Physical education is performed.
6 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, remember the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen”. Answer the question: How did the mouse break the egg?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question: How did the mouse break the egg?
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The mouse ran, waved its tail, the egg fell and broke.
Check ………..………….. (
Round 7
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, listen to “Mix of Fairy Tales” i.e. an invented fairy tale, where there are characters from different fairy tales, and you need to guess which fairy tales these characters are from?
“...Kolobok rolled along the path and saw a hut standing in front of him. Kolobok knocked and asked: “Knock, knock, knock!” Who lives in the mansion? “I am a little mouse, I am a frog, a frog. And who are you?"
So the question is: What fairy tales are these characters from?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Fairy tales "Kolobok", "Teremok".
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
Round 8
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, name the heroine of a Russian folk tale who grew up in her grandfather’s garden?
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question:
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. The heroine of a Russian folk tale, who grew up in her grandfather's garden, is a turnip.
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
9 Round
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Dear experts, in which fairy tale a girl, looking for her brother, turns to a stove, an apple tree, and a river with jelly banks for help.
You have 1 minute to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. In the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”, a girl, looking for her brother, turns for help to a stove, an apple tree, and a river with jelly banks.
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).
Round 10 - BLITZ
The team captain spins the top. (Music).
………… is playing against you. Answers the question…………..
Question No. 1. Dear experts, name the fairy-tale character who said the following words in the fairy tale:
I'll sit on a tree stump
I'll eat the pie
children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Expert's answer: ……….
Question No. 2. Dear experts, name the fairy-tale hero who dipped his tail into the hole and sang: “Catch, big and small fish.”
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Wolf.
Question No. 3. Dear experts, name the fairy-tale hero who flew on a mortar, lived in a dark fairy-tale wilderness, in a hut on chicken legs.
You have 20 seconds to discuss the answer to the question. ( children discuss the answer).
I repeat the question.
Expert's answer: ……….
Croupier: And now the correct answer. Bear.
Check ………..………….. ( Music - the score is posted on the scoreboard).

Dear experts, all tasks have been completed. All questions have been answered and it’s time to take stock. .......
The dealer announces the winners to the music
The dealer congratulates the winners.
Dear experts, I wish you to always be friends with fairy tales.