Good sleep is the cure for all diseases. The best medicine is sleep

The development of civilization, and especially the achievements of scientific and technological progress, on the one hand helps to save time, on the other hand, we ourselves, our body must meet the new pace, the new demands of life. In such conditions, a person begins to experience a lack of energy.

Most effective method eliminating its deficiency is a dream. But modern people They stopped appreciating this gift and using it as an opportunity for self-healing, which inevitably led to sleep disorders and the spread of related diseases.

However, you should not immediately go to the doctor for miracle pills. There are some simple, time-tested tips that will help you overcome insomnia and regain your strength.

It became known that the first half of the night is dominated by deep sleep, and the second half of the superficial phases of sleep are dominated by dreams. The first half of the night serves to restore the body, the second - for mental integration.

During the night we experience from 4 to 5 stages of sleep, each lasting about 90 minutes. Towards the end of the night, the phase of superficial sleep, or the dreaming phase, begins. If the alarm clock rings while the person is in phase deep sleep, then he will wake up feeling overwhelmed.

And if this is the dreaming phase, then waking up will be pleasant, with the feeling that you have had enough sleep. The consequences of how you wake up can affect the day ahead.

It's better if the sleep lasts 7 or 8.5 hours. Anyone who follows this rhythm not only sleeps better, but also lives easier.

Paradoxical as it may seem, do not deny yourself the desire to lie down during the day (if, of course, such an opportunity arises).

Contrary to popular belief that an afternoon nap is a manifestation of laziness, scientists have proven that this is an innate need of the body. At noon, every person experiences a state of low energy, which peaks at 1 p.m.

Research has found that nap- good and healthy, it sharply reduces the likelihood of a heart attack and significantly increases life expectancy. Just 20-30 minutes is enough to get a boost of energy until the evening.

But too much daytime sleep leads to absolutely opposite consequences: lethargy, drowsiness, and decreased performance.

During night sleep, the night hormone is produced - melatonin. It's enough high level provides deep, good sleep, which makes this hormone unique sleeping pills. In addition to its soporific properties, melatonin is also an active antioxidant.

It promotes prevention premature aging, increases the body's resistance and inhibits the development of certain types of tumors.

If due to sleep disorders protective factors do not work, this leads to illness. The most common source of interference with melatonin production is excessive artificial lighting.

As soon as we enter the phase of good deep sleep, the pituitary gland begins to work, which releases a large number of growth hormone. But it is useful not only for children; in older people, instead of growth, it stimulates recovery processes.

Under the influence of growth hormone we feel very good at night, which once again suggests that the night is the fountain of youth.

To fall asleep, it is good to use natural sleeping pills, which have been known since ancient times.

Hops, lemon balm, lavender, passionflower and valerian are used as natural sleeping pills. They have a mild effect and can be recommended to almost everyone. They are used in the form of tea or aromatic bath additives.

Cup warm milk with honey is also a good sleep aid in the arsenal traditional medicine, and on the contrary, a large meal is not recommended under any circumstances.

Due to overload digestive tract The quality of sleep decreases dramatically and also prevents the release of sufficient amounts of growth hormone.

One of the most enjoyable natural remedies for falling asleep is a pillow with herbs, the filler of which is hops and lavender in equal proportions. The effect of such a pad, without losing its effectiveness, lasts for at least 5 years.

Follow these simple tips, and you will find healthy and restful sleep, which is the key to the success of your future daytime endeavors. Do not neglect sleep, sleep well and correctly, because sleep is the best cure for all diseases.

Each of us has repeatedly heard that “When you sleep, a person grows,” “The morning is wiser than the evening,” “Sleep heals,” and much more. But hardly anyone thought about their meanings, why they said and say so today. The answer is quite simple - these are true statements that have been tested by time.

According to latest research, in our busy Everyday life people started going to bed later. Some people sit up at night playing video games, others simply “live” in in social networks, checking messages and chatting, and there are people who like to watch TV until late. Electronic devices tempt us with 24/7 availability.

Therefore, if you are still sitting in front of the computer or TV while everyone is sleeping, or simply suffer from insomnia, read the following interesting myths and facts about sleep and draw your own conclusions.

Sleep is the best medicine!

“Our new bedtime habits are conditioning our bodies to sleep less.”
Fact. When the brain is working, the Internet and television increase its activity, but before bed it should be just the opposite. For example, playing video games at night produces a stress hormone in our body - cortisol, which blocks the sleep setting. We need to be calm before going to bed, for this we need to stop solving difficult dilemmas before going to bed!

“The light from the bedside lamp is soothing.”
Myth. If you want a restful, healthy sleep, try turning off all lights. A small amount of Night light is enough to signal the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls some of the sleep-related activities caused by the sleep hormone melatonin.

“The last stage of sleep is harmful to health.”
Myth. The deep phase of sleep, during which the body is completely restored, solely and completely depends on biological clock each individual personally. If you are used to going to bed early, this does not mean that those who go to bed later have delayed sleep phase syndrome.

“A person’s sleep cycle changes throughout life.”
Fact. This is due to nature and natural development. Over the years, a person begins to wake up earlier, deep phases sleeps become shorter and occur less frequently. This should not be compensated for more long sleep, because it is important not to overdo it, which can also be harmful. According to researchers, healthy sleep lasts seven hours. 5 hours of sleep is too little, and 9 hours is too much, so it’s better to choose a middle ground.

“Sleep restores the body's cells and clears the mind.”
Fact. During sleep, the body produces substances that promote cell renewal and wound healing, promote metabolism, and improve the ability of self-preservation. English scientists have found that good sleep actively “cleanses” mental by-products produced during the day in nervous system. Eliminating these toxins is important because they are associated with susceptibility to Alzheimer's disease and all neurological disorders.

Take care of your sleep with the same diligence with which you, for example, monitor new diets and weight loss methods, because long absence sleep also increases the risk of obesity.

Good night!

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With rare exceptions, an adult needs to sleep about 8 hours a day. It doesn’t matter to your body that throughout your life you spend a third of your allotted time sleeping. “You can’t do everything over,” and if you don’t constantly get enough sleep, then over time you will have less and less energy left for heroic deeds. And doctors write entire dissertations about the benefits of night sleep for the female body.

Healthy sleep – this is a rest for the whole organism, both for physiology and for mental level. Sleep is the best cure for stress. In a dream, a person is immersed in another reality and is in a relaxed state, which relieves the brain as much as possible. Consciousness seems to float in weightlessness, allowing the psyche to take a break from the usual stress. At the same time, sleep is normal physiological state, in contrast to similar ones, such as hypnosis, suspended animation or fainting. It happens in a dream full recovery everyone physiological functions body and a surge of vitality. Almost after sleep healthy man feels cheerful and full of energy, allowing him to begin solving both new and accumulated tasks with renewed vigor. It’s not for nothing that people have a saying that “the morning is wiser than the evening.”

Sleep and feeling tired

Sometimes people, especially pensioners, complain that they... This often happens because good night The body needs to feel tired, but at the same time not become overtired during the day. This is true, because when we have exhausted all our strength and are physically tired, the body itself will demand that we give it rest, and sleep will be sound. At the same time, if your workload during the day was excessive, sleep may recede, and you toss and turn half the night trying to relax. In this case, if the overload was mental or emotional, you should try to switch your consciousness to some pleasant memories. If you are unable to sleep after physical overload, sometimes a walk in the fresh air helps.

Eating before bed

Try to go to bed about 2-3 hours after your evening meal, so that the body has time to cope with the digestion of food and does not fall asleep while the stomach is working. During sleep, all processes slow down, and undigested food lingers in the stomach. At the same time, the stomach works and energy is spent on this work, instead of being accumulated. It takes about 3 hours to digest heavy food, which is why it is recommended not to overeat at night. If you are used to having dinner late at night, eat something bulky but light, such as fresh vegetables or fruit puree. This is very important point, since eating immediately before bed not only causes insomnia, but also contributes to the deposition of fat on the sides and tummy.

What time of day is best to sleep?

You must sleep at night, in the absence of sounds and in the dark, in this case you will not be distracted, thanks to which sleep will come quickly and very easily. A person can sleep in any environment, but it has been clinically proven that if there is external stimuli During sleep, a person continues to experience stress, gets less sleep, feels less rested in the morning, and ultimately ages faster. If work does not allow you to sleep at night, and you have to reschedule sleep daytime, then you need to organize your routine so that you sleep at approximately the same time. It is very important to arrange a place to rest in the dark, curtain the windows with black curtains or wear a blindfold. The most harmful thing is to sleep either at night or during the day. Everyone gets lost biological rhythms and we age faster. Over the course of many years of sleep studies, doctors have come to the conclusion that female body It is generally not suitable for night work and wears out faster.

In order to have a good rest and sleep, you need to sleep at open window, this will give the brain the opportunity to absorb oxygen well and enrich the cells with it. Healthy sleep not only invigorates, but also maintains immunity at the proper level, general health and beauty, since it is at night, during sleep, when the muscles are relaxed and not working, that blood supply and lymph flow improves.

Every cell of your body rests and is nourished with oxygen and other necessary elements. Only during sleep, from about 2 a.m. to 5 a.m., the human body produces the hormone melatonin, which helps increase both physical and mental endurance, regulate blood pressure, improve brain function, and prolong life.

Target: Introduce children to sleep hygiene, expand their horizons and vocabulary.

Tasks: Expand children's knowledge about the benefits of sleep; encourage fulfillment

daily routine.

Guys, I want to start our conversation with the words of A. S. Pushkin “I sing a dream - priceless gift Morpheus."

Our conversation is dedicated to sleep. Guess the riddle: “What can you see from eyes closed? (children's answers). People have written many riddles about sleep. Let us read them and guess them.

1).Every evening a good Dwarf

He comes to us in a warm Home.

He will put the boys to bed

Keeps watch at the cribs.

Adjusts the blankets.

We are happy for the guest.

The guys are waking up

Runs away without looking back!

2). He closed his eyes and snored,

The cat seemed to fly into the abyss,

And he sees the sleeping one

Purring, sweet

Guys, think and say, “What is a dream, as you understand?” (children's answers).

Since ancient times, people have thought about this issue, and to this day scientists cannot give an exact definition of sleep. Each of you knows that if you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to be absent-minded in class, have trouble thinking clearly, and yawn. After all, children need to sleep a lot in order to replenish the energy they spent during the day running and playing. After an active day, not only the muscles get tired, but also many other organs: lungs, heart, liver. The brain especially needs rest so that it can work well and actively the next day. Remember, when we learn a poem, we don’t remember it well, we already do this and that and we draw a picture before our eyes. And in the morning I read it once, twice and told him why? Yes, because the brain was rested. When you sleep, your bones also rest, thanks to this they grow better; it’s not for nothing that they say that children grow better in their sleep.

In the evening, when you are told it’s time to go to bed, we are getting ready for bed, you don’t want to go to sleep, you want to do some other business of your own, you start arguing and being capricious. This is very stupid and now you will find out why? But adults know that a child needs a lot of sleep and rest in order for him to grow up healthy. And parents - adults know that children who sleep little often get sick.

Scientists studying the effect of sleep on human health have developed 9 rules that must be followed.

Rules for healthy sleep.

1. Before going to bed, take a quiet walk, take warm shower or wash your face, brush your teeth, wash your feet, prepare your bed.

2. You need to have dinner 1-2 hours before bedtime, do not eat at night, otherwise your stomach will have to digest food instead of sleeping peacefully.

3. Sleep in complete darkness, in the dark and in silence you can quickly fall asleep.

4. Sleep in a ventilated room, with the window open.

6. Sleep on a flat bed. High pillows and soft mattresses lead to curvature of the spine.

7. Be sure to go to bed and get up at the same time. This is recorded in our daily routine. Let's use a clock model to show what time you go to bed and what time you get up in the morning. How many hours do you sleep?

8. You can’t watch scary movies or read exciting books before going to bed; all this disturbs your sleep and makes it very difficult to fall asleep.

Guys, let's check what you remember from what was said. (children's answers)

Let's read the proverbs and explain what they say.

A pillow is your best friend.

Sleep is better than any wealth.

Sleep is the best medicine.

Guys, what words do you say when you go to bed? What do they tell you in response? (children's answers)

Mothers and grandmothers sing bedtime songs to little children. What are their names? How are they sung? Why? (children's answers)

Guys, want to know something almost no one knows about? Do you know that you can learn about your character not only by how you behave at home, at school, but also by the position in which you sleep. If you don't believe me, let's check it out.

How many of you like to sleep in a curl? – curled up like a cat, such people love to be looked after by someone stronger than themselves, these people are capable of doing good, kind deeds. And at the same time, they are prone to misdeeds, but they are afraid to be held accountable for their misdeeds.

How many of you like to sleep on your stomach with one leg tucked under? – such people are not late, they manage to do everything everywhere.

Who sleeps on their back with their hands behind their head? – It’s easy to communicate and make friends with such people.

Who sleeps on their side with their legs slightly tucked into their knees? – such people are obedient, do not like to argue, are not picky about food, and easily adapt to different conditions, resourceful, decisive and courageous.

You see how much information we have learned about sleep.

Do you know how it became known that when we sleep, we dream? Doctors were able to find out with the help of a device called an electroencephalograph - this device receives and records brain signals. Many small wires - electrodes - are attached to a person's head at one end, and at the other end each wire is connected to a device that receives brain signals when a person thinks. Looking at the recording, the doctor sees when the brain is actively working and when it is inactive. This is how it was discovered. That in a dream the brain is constantly working.

Not only people, but also animals see dreams. A cat, for example, in a dream can meow pitifully or wag its tail, but at the same time sleep.

What is the meaning of children's sleep?

What else have you learned?

When we sleep, our organs continue to work. The muscles and the heart muscle rest so that we can be strong in the morning; The lungs supply oxygen to the tired tissues of our body. That's why we wake up full of energy. But for this, sleep must be healthy, in order for it to be this way, you must adhere to the rules that we met today.



"Sleep is the best medicine."

Target: Introduce children to sleep hygiene, expand their horizons and vocabulary.

Tasks: Expand children's knowledge about the benefits of sleep; encourage fulfillment

daily routine.

Guys, I want to start our conversation with the words of A.S. Pushkin “I sing a dream - the priceless gift of Morpheus.”

Our conversation is dedicated to sleep. Guess the riddle: “What can you see with your eyes closed?” (children's answers). People have written many riddles about sleep. Let us read them and guess them.

1 ).Every evening good Dwarf

He comes to us in a warm Home.

He will put the boys to bed

Keeps watch at the cribs.

Adjusts the blankets.

We are happy for the guest.

The guys are waking up

Runs away without looking back!

2). He closed his eyes and snored,

The cat seemed to fly into the abyss,

And he sees the sleeping one

Purring, sweet

Guys, think and say, “What is a dream, as you understand?” (children's answers).

Since ancient times, people have thought about this issue, and to this day scientists cannot give an exact definition of sleep. Each of you knows that if you don’t get enough sleep, you tend to be absent-minded in class, have trouble thinking clearly, and yawn. After all, children need to sleep a lot in order to replenish the energy they spent during the day running and playing. After an active day, not only the muscles get tired, but also many other organs: lungs, heart, liver. The brain especially needs rest so that it can work well and actively the next day. Remember, when we learn a poem, we don’t remember it well, we already do this and that and we draw a picture before our eyes. And in the morning I read it once, twice and told him why? Yes, because the brain was rested. When you sleep, your bones also rest, thanks to this they grow better; it’s not for nothing that they say that children grow better in their sleep.

In the evening, when you are told it’s time to go to bed, we are getting ready for bed, you don’t want to go to sleep, you want to do some other business of your own, you start arguing and being capricious. This is very stupid and now you will find out why? But adults know that a child needs a lot of sleep and rest in order for him to grow up healthy. And parents - adults know that children who sleep little often get sick.

Scientists studying the effect of sleep on human health have developed 9 rules that must be followed.

Rules for healthy sleep.

1. Before going to bed, take a quiet walk, take a warm shower or wash, brush your teeth, wash your feet, and prepare your bed.

2. You need to have dinner 1-2 hours before bedtime, do not eat at night, otherwise your stomach will have to digest food instead of sleeping peacefully.

3. Sleep in complete darkness; in darkness and silence you can quickly fall asleep.

4. Sleep in a ventilated room, with the window open.

6. Sleep on a flat bed. High pillows and soft mattresses lead to curvature of the spine.

7. Be sure to go to bed and get up at the same time. This is recorded in our daily routine. Let's use a clock model to show what time you go to bed and what time you get up in the morning. How many hours do you sleep?

8. You can’t watch scary movies or read exciting books before going to bed; all this disturbs your sleep and makes it very difficult to fall asleep.

Guys, let's check what you remember from what was said. (children's answers)

Let's read the proverbs and explain what they say.

A pillow is your best friend.

Sleep is better than any wealth.

Sleep is the best medicine.

Guys, what words do you say when you go to bed? What do they tell you in response? (children's answers)

Mothers and grandmothers sing bedtime songs to little children. What are their names? How are they sung? Why? (children's answers)

Guys, want to know something almost no one knows about? Do you know that you can learn about your character not only by how you behave at home, at school, but also by the position in which you sleep. If you don't believe me, let's check it out.

How many of you like to sleep in a curl? – curled up like a cat, such people love to be looked after by someone stronger than themselves, these people are capable of doing good, kind deeds. And at the same time, they are prone to misdeeds, but they are afraid to be held accountable for their misdeeds.

How many of you like to sleep on your stomach with one leg tucked under? – such people are not late, they manage to do everything everywhere.

Who sleeps on their back with their hands behind their head? – It’s easy to communicate and make friends with such people.

Who sleeps on their side with their legs slightly tucked into their knees? – such people are obedient, do not like to argue, are not picky about food, easily adapt to different conditions, are resourceful, decisive and courageous.

You see how much information we have learned about sleep.

Do you know how it became known that when we sleep, we dream? Doctors were able to find out with the help of a device called an electroencephalograph - this device receives and records brain signals. Many small wires - electrodes - are attached to a person's head at one end, and at the other end each wire is connected to a device that receives brain signals when a person thinks. Looking at the recording, the doctor sees when the brain is actively working and when it is inactive. This is how it was discovered. That in a dream the brain is constantly working.

Not only people, but also animals see dreams. A cat, for example, in a dream can meow pitifully or wag its tail, but at the same time sleep.

What is the meaning of children's sleep?

What else have you learned?

When we sleep, our organs continue to work. The muscles and the heart muscle rest so that we can be strong in the morning; The lungs supply oxygen to the tired tissues of our body. That's why we wake up full of energy. But for this, sleep must be healthy, in order for it to be this way, you must adhere to the rules that we met today.

Sleep is not only a way to get extra energy, but also an opportunity to relieve stress. existing reality. Due to circumstances, it happens that very often we find ourselves deprived of such an opportunity, without thinking about what this threatens us with. And this threatens us a huge amount problems that are better prevented than dealt with.


What you need for good sleep

Until recently, it was believed that the need for sleep decreases with age, but this is not true. Research has proven that from the moment of puberty, a certain sleep norm is established. For good sleep certain conditions are required:

You should try to go to bed at the same time, and you should not overeat at night;

Physical and mental work should be stopped an hour before bedtime;

A short walk in the fresh air will be good.

If in Lately you are dealing with chronic lack of sleep, you need to know that the consequences will not take long to arrive! To sum up, we can say that a well-rested person feels very light and is in good mood, radiating joy!