If the cat's stomach is swollen. Why does a cat have a large and hard belly: causes and treatment

Outdated veterinary data indicate that predatory animals do not suffer from dysbacteriosis. The version could have a right to life if domesticated cats and dogs supported natural look life and nutrition. Bloating in a cat due to excessive gas formation, an unpleasant, often painful illness that can “pursue” an animal throughout its life. But you won’t be happy to know that “gas” is the most “harmless” cause of bloating; more details below.

Cats are not known for their love of new things. taste sensations, but can still eat an unusual product with an attractive smell. Products containing easily broken down carbohydrates (dough, sugar, potatoes, corn) that react with stomach acid begin to “ferment.” During fermentation, bacteria release gas, which in turn fills the stomach and intestines.

On early stage, noticeable swelling abdominal cavity, upon palpation the cat shows discomfort, but nothing more. Put your pet on a diet and eliminate the food that caused bloating as determined by elimination. The following remedies are suitable for home treatment:

  • Hilak Forte or its equivalent– 5 drops 1 time per day per 4–5 kilograms of adult cat weight.
  • Children's anti-bloating medications such as Espumisan– calculate according to human instructions, focusing on weight.
  • Smecta, Enterosgel.

If there are no positive trends, contact your veterinarian! To exclude more serious illnesses, it is necessary to conduct a course of deworming, take a blood and stool test, and conduct an x-ray and ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Note! Usually, slight swelling passes without intervention, provided that the product that caused the fermentation is excluded from the diet.

Read also: Heart defects in cats: congenital and acquired

IN health threatening situations, the following symptoms appear:

  • "Painful" stomach. The abdominal cavity is greatly distended, the lower ribs are spread apart, and the skin is stretched.
  • Vomiting. The presence or absence of vomiting; in the second case, the situation is worse.
  • Abundant flow of saliva– the animal constantly swallows, the chin may be wet.

There is no need to panic, but monitoring the animal’s condition is extremely important. In case of complications, the stomach changes its location in the abdominal cavity or rotates around its axis. The condition is called gastric volvulus. All organs and tissues located below those transferred blood vessels, are deprived of nutrition and quickly die, as a result: necrosis, shock and death. Stopping the process is possible, but requires immediate surgical intervention.


Animal that did not pass preventative treatment more than 3–12 months, guaranteed to be affected by worms. The only question is their number and size. In kittens born on the streets, by the age of one month, severe bloating is observed in the abdomen, due to the active reproduction of parasites that “huddle” into a ball. An adult animal can also carry hundreds of worms, which multiply, grow and take up more and more space, stretching the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Very often, having decided to take a fluffy animal into the house, small miracle, people are not fully aware of their responsibility. Due to incorrect actions on the part of the kitten's owners, the animal may develop health problems or simply feel unwell. One of the most common diseases in young kittens is gas formation.

The causes may be different. Therefore, new owners should study more carefully possible consequences wrong actions. So, why does a kitten have a bloated belly? There are quite a lot of options. Let's look at them now.

Improper animal nutrition

Unfortunately, most people do not think that the stomachs of small kittens are not adapted to the food that adult cats eat. In this case, tiny pets can be compared to newborn children. However, they are in no hurry to feed babies with the everyday food of adults, but with kittens the situation is different. Exactly poor nutrition- this is the reason for what happens to the kitten. After all, food simply is not digested in their small stomach.

This problem can be solved very simply. These days, taking care of fur babies has become much easier. The stores sell a huge amount of all kinds of food that are designed for the age of the animals.

Constipation in a kitten

Constipation can also be caused by poor diet. Determine what big belly The kitten became pregnant precisely because of the accumulation of feces, quite simply. If the cause of bloating is constipation, your pet's stomach will be hard and dense.

In this case, it is recommended to purchase special medications that can eliminate the cause of bloating. You can also do it for a kitten light massage, rubbing the stomach with smooth circular movements. Another good option for eliminating constipation is feeding the animal fermented milk products, which will facilitate easier excretion of feces.

Binge eating

Why does a kitten have a bloated belly? Due to overeating. It is very simple to understand that the stomach is swollen for this very reason. All you need to do is watch your pet. If the animal moves little and sleeps almost the whole day, this means that the problem arose due to overeating. Overfeeding kittens can cause not only a decrease in activity, but also constipation.

Dealing with the problem of overeating is easy. In order for the kitten to receive the right amount of food and vitamins, portions should be prepared correctly. Food should not sit in a bowl 24/7. To calculate correctly required amount food, you can contact specialists.

Worms in a pet

Gas formation

Why does a kitten have a big belly? The reason for this may be gas formation. However, this phenomenon is temporary and, as a rule, goes away on its own when the kitten goes to the toilet. You can also help your small pet and try to give him some activated carbon. To determine that an animal has gas formation, you need to lightly click your finger on the tummy. If the sound is loud, then most likely the problem is in the gases.

Serious diseases of internal organs

So, the kitten has a big belly. Why does this happen? If your pet is eating properly, but its tummy is still swollen, this may indicate serious illness. It is impossible to determine such a disease by eye. Therefore, pet owners must take their kitten to the veterinarian.

So, the cause of bloating can be serious problems with liver malignant tumors, malfunction pancreas, as well as abnormalities immune system. In addition, the kitten may become bloated. But in this case, not only the pet’s stomach will show discomfort. The kitten itself will become fat and gain significant weight.

Of course, this is not the entire list of possible causes of bloating in a kitten. Full picture can only be seen by an experienced veterinarian with special equipment. So, if the animal has become lethargic and drowsy, you should pay attention to this and immediately consult a doctor.


Why does the kitten have a big belly, but he himself is thin? One of the most dangerous problems that causes bloating is ascites. In this case, the kitten suffers from the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity. Peritonitis is very dangerous and requires immediate medical intervention.

What to do if a kitten has What to do? It is necessary to determine whether the pet actually has ascites. To do this, it is recommended to pick him up and hold him for a while. vertical position. If the animal’s figure resembles a pear (which occurs as a result of liquid flowing down), and after lowering the kitten’s belly again looks like a ball, then there can be no doubt. Therefore, do not hesitate, go to the doctor.


Now you know why a kitten experiences bloating and gas. The reasons may be different. The main thing is to correctly identify the disease. Some problems can be dealt with on your own, while others will require medical intervention.

In any case, people who want to have a sweetheart pet, you should understand that this is a huge responsibility. Therefore, before adopting a kitten, you should learn more about proper nutrition and caring for babies, and only then getting a pet. The right approach can help new owners protect the animal from most of the diseases listed above.

People who eat a lot of food at once may often feel an uncomfortable accumulation of gas in the stomach.

This condition is called bloating. Cats, like many other animals, also have this problem.

The main symptoms of a bloated abdomen in a cat:

  • The pet's belly has increased in size.
  • Urge to vomit.
  • Profuse drooling.

What causes bloating?

Bloating in cats occurs due to air and gas that accumulates in the animal's stomach. This is what makes it bloat. As a rule, a small accumulation can go away on its own. The unexpected occurrence of accumulations can turn the stomach inside the abdominal cavity (gastric volvulus), thereby disrupting normal blood flow and leading to tissue necrosis. This is quite rare, as cats rarely suffer from bloating, but pet owners should nevertheless be aware of the possible problems.

Bloating may be a symptom of a more serious condition. The most common cause of indigestion is obesity. Other possible reasons: ascites (fluid accumulation), tumors, liver diseases, infectious peritonitis, pyometra, immune system failures, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

If your cat's stomach is swollen and the cause cannot be determined, be sure to consult a veterinarian.

Remedies for preventing bloating

If your cat loves yogurt, be sure to give her this treat. Yogurt improves digestion and is an excellent remedy prevention of gas formation. A quarter teaspoon per day will be enough.

Digestive enzymes are another one effective method normalization of digestion. They are sold at any pet store. Before adding some enzymes to your cat's diet, be sure to read the label instructions.

Provide your pet with fractional varied diet. Try to feed the animal often, but in small portions, this significantly improves digestion.

Treatment of bloating in cats

When treating bloating, you need to completely change your diet. If you have given your cats dry food, replace it with fatty foods. Dry cat food promotes education huge amount water in the stomach and subsequent sudden bloating. Try to feed your pet only healthy homemade food.

You can normalize the functioning of your cat's stomach medicinal plant chamomile. For a long time it has been used for diseases associated with digestion. Half a teaspoon of chamomile decoction per day will be enough to normalize digestion.

In domestic cats, bloating may occur due to sedentary lifestyle life. Follow physical activity your pet, play outdoor games with him.

When a cat's stomach is swollen, he needs urgent help. This condition is dangerous for the animal, not only by impaired mobility, but also by changes in work internal organs. In order to carry out timely and competent therapy, it is necessary to immediately determine the exact cause unpleasant phenomenon. This is best done by a veterinarian, and it is he who should be contacted if problems with your pet’s health arise. If a cat's stomach suddenly becomes swollen, the situation requires immediate veterinary attention.


The erroneous opinion that bloating in a cat is a nonsense disease that will go away on its own as it appeared, can result in tragedy and death of the pet.

Regardless of what caused the disorder in the cat’s condition, if her bloating does not go away for more than a day, or if the disorder is accompanied by additional symptoms, you need to urgently go to veterinary clinic. You should not delay therapy, because for many diseases, the later it is provided, the more difficult it will be to restore your pet’s health.

When is self-medication possible?

Treat bloating in a cat without attracting veterinarian is possible only if there is simple flatulence in which there is no manifestation of any other disease. In other cases, an immediate visit to a veterinary clinic is necessary. Answering the question of what to do if a cat’s belly is swollen, we can advise the following::

  • Hilak Forte - Give 1 drop per 1 kg of weight once a day, until complete recovery;
  • Smecta;
  • Enterosgel;
  • Children's espumesan.

All 3 drugs are selected in a dosage that is calculated based on the weight of the pet.

A cat has a bloated belly dangerous condition and the reason for it must be revealed. This is often a symptom of a serious injury. The problem should be resolved with the involvement of a veterinarian. If the cat begins to bloat before our eyes, and there is no urinary retention, it is necessary to give medication for allergies, since this is most likely it. As soon as the attack subsides, the size of the abdomen will return back, and everything will be normal.