Why dream of washing a baby. Why do you dream of washing a little boy?

A baby is the sweetest, sweetest and most helpless creature. Therefore, a dream where a person bathed a child may indicate that he desires superiority. This dream means leadership and control over any situation.

Bathing a child in a dream is a sign that the person has many good qualities and is also inclined towards charitable activities. Soon he himself will help someone get out of a difficult situation. At the same time, this can be both financial assistance and psychological support.

If a baby is bathed in a dream with the help of a soft sponge, then in real life very soon there will be an opportunity to show oneself as a very independent person. Such a dream will “push” a person to the top, where he will have to make important decisions.

If in a dream a person bathes a child with a washcloth, then he will have to make some concessions and be as unprincipled as possible so as not to harm the responsible situation in which he finds himself. Washing in a bath is a sign of caution.

Often those who want to know why they dream of bathing a child are surprised by yet another interpretation. Such a dream may mean that a person has problems maintaining personal hygiene. And sometimes this dream foreshadows unpleasant surprises in real life that will be associated with a trip where a person will be surrounded by unscrupulous tourists or fellow travelers.

If a person diligently washes a child in a dream, then this is a sign that it is time for him to cleanse himself and get rid of the mental anguish that has caused him to suffer for several years.

The procedure of bathing a baby in a dream promises that a person will soon get rid of suffering, since he will be forgiven for his past mistakes or sins. After this, he will understand that he has committed a bad deed, admits his guilt, which will allow him to live with a calm soul and without remorse.

Bathing a child in a dream also means that a way out of a difficult situation will be found.

Sometimes men also have such a pleasant dream, and it promises them success in their work and making a profit.

If minors have such a dream, it means surprises and academic success.

However, in a dream, a person may not bathe a child on his own, but simply witness this process. Such a dream indicates a way out of a dead-end situation that was created by close people or friends (we are talking about work and relationships).

If one of a loving couple dreams of bathing a baby, then this is a sign that they will soon be able to get married, despite difficulties and obstacles. Such a dream promises them joy and mutual strong feelings for many years of life together.

Dream interpretation of bathing a baby

Why dream of bathing a Baby in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream that you are bathing a baby, this means that your conscience will be cleared and you will feel free from the heaviness in your soul. The feeling of guilt that has been tormenting you for quite a long time will finally leave your thoughts thanks to sincere repentance and awareness of your mistakes.

If you dreamed that you were washing your feet, then perhaps a long road awaits you in the near future, an exciting journey that requires preparation.

For business people, washing their feet in a dream can be an omen of the support they will receive from their companions.

For a woman, washing her feet often becomes a sign that she will receive patronage and patronage from a wealthy person who will help her rise in society.

If you dream that you find your feet dirty and decide that they urgently need to be washed, the dream serves as a warning. In life, you can be harmed by the cunning of others and the machinations of ill-wishers who deliberately harm you, preventing you from thriving.

Washing other people's children

Dream Interpretation Washing other people's children dreamed of why you dream about washing other people’s children? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing other people’s children in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Wash yourself.

Take advantage of it

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in the bath means new things.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Loss or harm.

Dream Interpretation - Children

Seeing many children in a dream means worries and troubles. Seeing that a child has fallen means that you will soon have many obstacles in your affairs. Crying children in a dream are a sign of deception and trouble through deceitful friends. Seeing children playing means good news, family peace, and joy. A dream in which you saw that a child is walking without adult supervision means that you may regret that you ignored other people's advice. Playing with them yourself means achieving the desired goal. Seeing a child accompanied by a nanny in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant and relaxing pastime. Babysitting children yourself in a dream is an indication that friends or partners, whose help or support you were counting on, will betray you at a difficult moment. To see a dear child in a dream and be touched - means good news or a new and pleasant acquaintance. For those who are childless, dreaming that they have children is a sign that a happy and prosperous life awaits you. Seeing yourself in a dream as a father (for someone who does not have children) of several small children running around the room and playing is a sign that he will never have children, and his life will be full of troubles and sorrows. Seeing a child in a man’s arms or shoulders in a dream foreshadows the birth of a boy, and if in a woman’s arms, then a girl will be born into the family. However, this dream can only be interpreted in this way by those who are actually expecting the birth of a child. For other people, such a dream predicts troubles and concerns regarding business. Dropping a child in a dream is a sign of failed plans. For parents, such a dream predicts the illness of their child. Hitting a child in a dream means that success awaits you. Punishing a child in a dream is a sign that you should repent of your mistakes. Without this, you will not be able to succeed. Dirty and unwashed children in a dream mean big problems, lawsuits that will unexpectedly fall on your head. Seeing your child sick in a dream means minor troubles and domestic squabbles. If you dream that your child has a high temperature or fever, then great emotional distress or melancholy awaits you. Seeing your child very sick or dead in a dream is a sign of danger looming over your family and your well-being. Often such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes or plans.

Seeing children working or studying is a sign of good hopes for the fulfillment of a wish. Illegitimate children in a dream are an omen of reproaches that others will shower you with. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you have many envious people who are just waiting for the moment to deal with you. Demented children in a dream predict new grief due to failures in business. Hearing a child's conversation (if it does not irritate you) means peace and well-being in the home. If in a dream you are fed up with the chatter of children, then in real life someone will tire you with false promises and their incompetence. For a growing child, seeing how he becomes prettier and changes before his eyes is a very good sign, foreshadowing an increase in prosperity and strengthening of his position. Seeing an empty stroller is a sign of chagrin due to one’s own instability and loneliness; with a baby, it is a sign of help from a faithful friend. Small children in a dream usually mean troubles. But seeing teenagers in a dream portends help and hope. If you dream of unfamiliar teenagers, then such a dream predicts your well-being and successful implementation of your plans. If in a dream you find out that a certain child is your relative, then expect to receive an inheritance or unexpected profit. Having an adopted child in a dream means that you will receive support in your business or someone will offer you to participate in a profitable business. If in a dream you were unable to adopt a child, then your competitors will get ahead of you. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows failure in some kind of transaction. If you dream that you were adopted by rich people, then you will receive the support and patronage of influential people, which will ensure the successful implementation of your plans. See interpretation: baby, child.

Wash a child's hair

Dream Interpretation Wash a child's hair dreamed of why you dream about washing a child’s hair? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a child wash his hair in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing your hair

If you dream that you are washing your hair with shampoo, you will be involved in an unworthy scam just to please someone. If someone washes your hair, you will soon take a secret trip that will give you great pleasure.

To mercy on your part.

Dream Interpretation - Stroking a child's head

To peace in your home.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality. A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing your face with warm water in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come back to haunt the person who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness. If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money.

Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bathtub with a man, this means strong anxiety due to the fear of losing the affection of your loved one.

Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions. Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you. Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration.

Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies.

If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone’s hair or see how others wash it for themselves - you will soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes washing away past needs, troubles, and feelings of guilt.

Washing individual parts of the body means dispelling small delusions.

Washing in clean, clear water means health and success.

Washing in dirty, muddy water means illness, trouble, disappointment in love.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in a dream and getting satisfaction from it is a harbinger of wealth and good luck.

Such a dream foretells that all your sorrows will be washed away by this water and you will be visited by joy and happiness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows changes for the better or new things. If in a dream you wash without hesitation in front of other people, then you should reconsider your lifestyle if you do not want your name to be splashed around every corner. If you dream that you are washing with warm water and it is unpleasant for you, then beware of illness, trouble or imprisonment. Only for sick people such a dream is useful, as it foreshadows their recovery.

Washing in clothes in a dream is a sign of domestic troubles, serious illness or humiliation. Swimming in a large, clean reservoir is a sign of joy, cleansing, and healing of spirit and body. In general, a dream about washing yourself rarely brings good luck. Especially if you wash in an unusual place and experience inconvenience, embarrassment, etc. Usually, after such a dream, you should avoid conflicts at home and at work, and also be more careful with money and protect your property from thieves. In addition, a dream about washing often foreshadows troubles related to money. It is possible that after such a dream you will have to pay your debts. See interpretation: water, bath, soap.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Wash yourself.

Tip of the day: avoid conflicts during this period.

To wash someone or to wash with someone.

Tip of the day: you have a chance to improve your relationship with a loved one.

Take advantage of it

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Head - to move, to recovery.

Washing a rooster - foreshadows a verbal altercation with an official.

Wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Wash your feet - a quick recovery.

Washing your hands means that an old illness is going away.

Comb your hair, wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing - washing with clean water - health, dirty, muddy - illness.

Wash the baby

Dream Interpretation Wash an infant dreamed of why you dream about washing an infant? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing a baby in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality. A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing your face with warm water in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come back to haunt the person who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness. If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money.

Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bathtub with a man, this means strong anxiety due to the fear of losing the affection of your loved one.

Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions. Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you. Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration.

Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies.

If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone’s hair or see how others wash it for themselves - you will soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Chest

The chest symbolizes internal values, the potential that lies within you.

Apparently you haven't found those gems yet? This could also refer to your heart chakra (emotional love center).

Are there areas in your life that you need to open up to love?

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes washing away past needs, troubles, and feelings of guilt.

Washing individual parts of the body means dispelling small delusions.

Washing in clean, clear water means health and success.

Washing in dirty, muddy water means illness, trouble, disappointment in love.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in a dream and getting satisfaction from it is a harbinger of wealth and good luck.

Such a dream foretells that all your sorrows will be washed away by this water and you will be visited by joy and happiness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows changes for the better or new things. If in a dream you wash without hesitation in front of other people, then you should reconsider your lifestyle if you do not want your name to be splashed around every corner. If you dream that you are washing with warm water and it is unpleasant for you, then beware of illness, trouble or imprisonment. Only for sick people such a dream is useful, as it foreshadows their recovery.

Washing in clothes in a dream is a sign of domestic troubles, serious illness or humiliation. Swimming in a large, clean reservoir is a sign of joy, cleansing, and healing of spirit and body. In general, a dream about washing yourself rarely brings good luck. Especially if you wash in an unusual place and experience inconvenience, embarrassment, etc. Usually, after such a dream, you should avoid conflicts at home and at work, and also be more careful with money and protect your property from thieves. In addition, a dream about washing often foreshadows troubles related to money. It is possible that after such a dream you will have to pay your debts. See interpretation: water, bath, soap.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Wash yourself.

Tip of the day: avoid conflicts during this period.

To wash someone or to wash with someone.

Tip of the day: you have a chance to improve your relationship with a loved one.

Take advantage of it

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Head - to move, to recovery.

Washing a rooster - foreshadows a verbal altercation with an official.

Wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Wash your feet - a quick recovery.

Washing your hands means that an old illness is going away.

Comb your hair, wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future SP I Dom, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing - washing with clean water - health, dirty, muddy - illness.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Child

Wash the baby in water

Dream Interpretation Washing a child in water dreamed of why you dream about washing a child in water? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing a child in water in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality. A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing your face with warm water in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come back to haunt the person who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness. If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money.

Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bathtub with a man, this means strong anxiety due to the fear of losing the affection of your loved one.

Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions. Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you. Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration.

Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies.

If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone’s hair or see how others wash it for themselves - you will soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes washing away past needs, troubles, and feelings of guilt.

Washing individual parts of the body means dispelling small delusions.

Washing in clean, clear water means health and success.

Washing in dirty, muddy water means illness, trouble, disappointment in love.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in a dream and getting satisfaction from it is a harbinger of wealth and good luck.

Such a dream foretells that all your sorrows will be washed away by this water and you will be visited by joy and happiness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows changes for the better or new things. If in a dream you wash without hesitation in front of other people, then you should reconsider your lifestyle if you do not want your name to be splashed around every corner. If you dream that you are washing with warm water and it is unpleasant for you, then beware of illness, trouble or imprisonment. Only for sick people such a dream is useful, as it foreshadows their recovery.

Washing in clothes in a dream is a sign of domestic troubles, serious illness or humiliation. Swimming in a large, clean reservoir is a sign of joy, cleansing, and healing of spirit and body. In general, a dream about washing yourself rarely brings good luck. Especially if you wash in an unusual place and experience inconvenience, embarrassment, etc. Usually, after such a dream, you should avoid conflicts at home and at work, and also be more careful with money and protect your property from thieves. In addition, a dream about washing often foreshadows troubles related to money. It is possible that after such a dream you will have to pay your debts. See interpretation: water, bath, soap.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Wash yourself.

Tip of the day: avoid conflicts during this period.

To wash someone or to wash with someone.

Tip of the day: you have a chance to improve your relationship with a loved one.

Take advantage of it

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Head - to move, to recovery.

Washing a rooster - foreshadows a verbal altercation with an official.

Wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Wash your feet - a quick recovery.

Washing your hands means that an old illness is going away.

Comb your hair, wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Dream Interpretation - Wash your face with water

To longevity.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future SP I Dom, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing - washing with clean water - health, dirty, muddy - illness.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream about a child: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. An old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. A child is an attack, a quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child means poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who is nursing a child in a dream expects deception from the person she trusts most.

Nostradamus believed that a child dreams as a symbol of hope and the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

If you see a crying child, know that you are putting your future at risk.

If you were looking for your child in a dream, you will find lost hope.

Dreaming of a child picking flowers signifies spiritual enlightenment.

If you held a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

And here is D. Loff’s interpretation: “As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be related to fear of the obligations of fatherhood.”

Wash the pot lid

Dream Interpretation Wash the pot lid dreamed of why you dream about washing a pot lid? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Wash a pot lid in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cover

Having two trunk lids instead of one in a dream means living in two houses.

A trunk lid in a dream is a sign of the successful completion of some difficult matter. Covering something with a lid in a dream means that you will put an end to some story or sort out your relationship with some person. Covering a kettle with a lid in a dream means that you can say goodbye to your hopes for a better future. Holding a lid in your hands or seeing it in a dream is a sign that you will soon put an end to something.

Dream Interpretation - Pan

A dream in which some kind of pan appears in front of you suggests that in reality you will become entangled in gossip and lies. Putting a pan on the fire means that in reality you will get into a verbal altercation with someone.

If in a dream you cook something in a saucepan or just boil it, such a dream portends well-being and contentment. Stewing something in a saucepan means a lot of trouble and headaches. Salting or marinating vegetables, fish or meat in a pan means illness in close relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Pan

A new saucepan in a dream: may portend some unexpected event in your home. Perhaps someone at home is preparing a surprise for you, or you yourself can surprise your family with your behavior.

If the pan is beautiful and in good working order, the surprise promises to be pleasant.

Too large a pan: a sign that you may have more trouble.

If milk, porridge or broth escaped from a pan in a dream: such a dream warns that excessive emotions threaten to lead to conflict and certain losses in your home.

Cleaning pots from carbon deposits in a dream: it means that some minor quarrel with your family can cause you trouble and leave a heavy mark. After such a dream, it is better to try to avoid negative outbursts.

Dream Interpretation - Pan

You dream of an empty pan - your troubles in reality will be nothing more than vanity; the woman you like will not pay attention to you; you will only kill time and achieve nothing; your hands were empty and will be empty; the soul will be empty - dissatisfaction

The pan in your dream is not empty, something is being cooked in it - you are not satisfied with your life and are active, wanting to achieve a better fate; the dream suggests that your actions are too chaotic, you don’t always think through them in advance, so you often come across locked doors; you may need to take just one step, but at the right moment.

You dream of a saucepan with leftover food - one of two things: you will quarrel either with your wife or with your neighbors; if with his wife, then out of jealousy; if with neighbors, then because of the cleaning schedule for the common area.

Your pan seems to have holes in it - you have a love adventure ahead of you, in which you will not look very heroic; what you would like to hide will become known to the public; They will wash your bones in every possible way.

Dream Interpretation - Cover

If you dreamed that you were removing the lid, very soon you will be told something very important. To make the news pleasant, grate a lemon, eat 3 teaspoons, and bury the rest.

If you dreamed that you were putting a lid on something, in the near future you will have to struggle to preserve what you have already accumulated. To avoid losing anything important at this time, take a small box, fill it halfway with sand, put a few pebbles and put it under your bed.

Dream Interpretation - Pan. pot

The pot contains food.

The pan can be made of metal, glass or ceramic.

Casserole: Contains all the ingredients that keep you alive.

What does your life consist of? We grow a plant in a pot so that it takes root and is where we want it to be.

Shouldn't the project you're currently working on grow? .

Dream Interpretation - Pan

A dream about pots - dirty, crumpled, broken, crooked - is a sign of lies, gossip and discord. Seeing it boiling over a fire means a quarrel. Seeing a pan over low heat or shiny in a dream is a sign of family well-being and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality. A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing your face with warm water in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come back to haunt the person who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness. If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money.

Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bathtub with a man, this means strong anxiety due to the fear of losing the affection of your loved one.

Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions. Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you. Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration.

Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies.

If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone’s hair or see how others wash it for themselves - you will soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Coffin Lid

The coffin lid dreams of illness.

Dream Interpretation - Cover

If a person sees a vessel for honey with a closed lid in a dream, it means that something will be given to him from his god.

Wash the ladder

Dream Interpretation Wash the ladder dreamed of why you dream about washing the ladder? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing a ladder in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality. A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing your face with warm water in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come back to haunt the person who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness. If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money.

Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bathtub with a man, this means strong anxiety due to the fear of losing the affection of your loved one.

Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions. Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you. Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration.

Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies.

If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone’s hair or see how others wash it for themselves - you will soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes washing away past needs, troubles, and feelings of guilt.

Washing individual parts of the body means dispelling small delusions.

Washing in clean, clear water means health and success.

Washing in dirty, muddy water means illness, trouble, disappointment in love.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in a dream and getting satisfaction from it is a harbinger of wealth and good luck.

Such a dream foretells that all your sorrows will be washed away by this water and you will be visited by joy and happiness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows changes for the better or new things. If in a dream you wash without hesitation in front of other people, then you should reconsider your lifestyle if you do not want your name to be splashed around every corner. If you dream that you are washing with warm water and it is unpleasant for you, then beware of illness, trouble or imprisonment. Only for sick people such a dream is useful, as it foreshadows their recovery.

Washing in clothes in a dream is a sign of domestic troubles, serious illness or humiliation. Swimming in a large, clean reservoir is a sign of joy, cleansing, and healing of spirit and body. In general, a dream about washing yourself rarely brings good luck. Especially if you wash in an unusual place and experience inconvenience, embarrassment, etc. Usually, after such a dream, you should avoid conflicts at home and at work, and also be more careful with money and protect your property from thieves. In addition, a dream about washing often foreshadows troubles related to money. It is possible that after such a dream you will have to pay your debts. See interpretation: water, bath, soap.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Wash yourself.

Tip of the day: avoid conflicts during this period.

To wash someone or to wash with someone.

Tip of the day: you have a chance to improve your relationship with a loved one.

Take advantage of it

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Head - to move, to recovery.

Washing a rooster - foreshadows a verbal altercation with an official.

Wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Wash your feet - a quick recovery.

Washing your hands means that an old illness is going away.

Comb your hair, wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing - washing with clean water - health, dirty, muddy - illness.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

A sign of problems that you would like to get rid of.

Typically, such dreams speak of acute dissatisfaction with oneself and reflect forebodings that some of your shortcomings can seriously damage your reputation.

If the water is cool and washing gives you pleasure: such a dream foreshadows quick changes for the good and improved relationships with others.

Washing in hot water: a sign of severe grievances and painful experiences.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Wash - you shouldn’t tell everyone about your love affairs, this will give you an extra reason for gossip.

Washing in the bath means new things.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in water means health and wealth.

Washing in clothes is a disease and harm.

Loss or harm.

Wiping your nose means freedom from hassle.

Dream Interpretation - To wash or to be washed

Your sadness will turn into joy

It's hard to argue with the statement that everyone loves to swim. Water can cleanse the body and rid the soul of negative emotions. It has a beneficial effect on mood and restores the body's strength. A large number of people, if they happen to bathe a child in a dream (dream books interpret the meaning of this dream differently), wonder what this means. In the sections of this article, based on information from various dream books, we will try to reveal the prophetic meaning of this night vision.

General meaning of sleep

According to a large number of dream books, bathing a child in a dream means trying to keep all the events that happen under your control. This procedure, especially if the child cried or did not want to wash in his sleep, often indicates troubles, troubles or grief.

In order to interpret the meaning of this dream as accurately as possible, you should pay attention to some details: the age of the baby, his reaction to your actions, where the plot of the dream unfolded. Of no small importance is the fact that it was in a dream that you washed the child.

Bathing a newborn

For childless people, this dream can promise troubles, misunderstandings and unexpected quarrels. If you see in a dream a baby boy bathing in a solution of potassium permanganate, such a dream may indicate an illness or an unplanned pregnancy.

In the interpretation of dream books, the fact of what gender of baby you are bathing also makes sense. A girl, especially if given to a female representative, often portends disappointment caused by a loved one. the boy you are bathing - to troubles, waste.

If a girl dreamed that her childless young man was bathing her baby in a dream, you can expect an unpleasant surprise from him, which, with a high degree of probability, will lead to separation. If she is the child of a sister, friend or stranger, suddenly troubles will fall on her head.

In the bathroom, sauna or other place

To lift the veil of secrecy over this dream, you should pay attention to the place where the bathing procedure took place.

A dream in which a baby is washed in a bathhouse indicates that the dreamer likes to show off his achievements to others or is haunted by some unfinished business. If a child is bathing in a bathhouse in which there are many other children, a person in the kingdom of Morpheus, faced with problems, simply tries not to notice them.

According to dream books, bathing a child in the bathtub is a mistake that the dreamer will not even admit to himself. Washing a baby in a jacuzzi means a heavy burden of worries.

Bathing a child in the clear water of a pool is considered a favorable omen. Such a dream can promise gain or honor in society. If the dreamer washed someone else's baby in the pool, this is also a good sign - a loved one will get rid of the disease.

Dreams of parents or expectant mothers

For parents who bathe their children in a dream, this dream promises a surprise. In a dream, does a small child, regardless of gender, cry while bathing? This indicates sudden difficulties. A nightmare vision in which a newborn choked or drowned indicates that in real life the dreamer will worry about a rash act he committed. This night vision does not indicate a threat to the child himself.

For a woman preparing to become a mother, bathing a child (dream books confirm this interpretation) in a dream (if she washes him in clean water) promises health. If the water is cloudy, the baby has choked or is covered in blood - all these details predict illness or termination of pregnancy.

Dreams of childless or elderly people

If people who do not have children dreamed that they were bathing a child, this portends troubles or worries. Sometimes such dreams serve as a warning that in the dreamer’s immediate environment there is a person who can humiliate him. In some cases, this night vision may indicate family quarrels or tears.

According to information from some dream books, bathing a child for an elderly woman means worries or starting a new business. Clean and warm water in which the baby is located can be a sign of improved health or good news. It may happen that what has been planned for a long time will come true and hope will illuminate the dreamer’s life path.

As interpretations from a large number of dream books say, bathing a child, small and defenseless, is a symbol of the dreamer’s desire to dominate. A person who sees this dream in reality strives to control all aspects of his life and is able to make a lot of efforts for this.

A caring mother or responsible father may dream at night about how the process of washing their beloved child goes. But often this dream only reflects the parents’ immediate concerns about the baby, and it is pointless to look for a deep, hidden meaning in it.

It’s a different matter when this plot is seen by childless dreamers, or those who have daughters and sons who are completely independent, adults. In this case, such a vision, according to the dream book, serves as confirmation of the desire of the sleeper to completely control the situation. But this is not the only useful and interesting interpretation of the question: why do you dream of washing a child?

Lather up the boy

Do you remember the gender of the baby that you dreamed about in the shower or in the bath? This will help you find out more precisely: why do you dream about bathing a little person?

If it was a boy, then Pastor Loff, in his dream book, indicates that the sleeper will be unusually lucky, and in the near future he can fearlessly take risks, getting involved in even the most dubious, adventurous projects and enterprises.

The man who washed a male baby in a night vision carefully considers a plan in reality. He is completely immersed in the analysis of details and possible consequences. And the smaller the dreamed boy was, the more painstakingly and responsibly the dreamer approaches the details and nuances of his business.

Girl bathing

Why did you dream that you were washing a little girl? Almost all dream books indicate that a sleeping person is a surprisingly collected and consistent nature. One can envy his restraint and ability to keep his emotions under control. Extraordinary circumstances and force majeure will not force him to deviate from his chosen path.

Do you sleep and see yourself washing a girl who is in reality a stranger? This means that while you are awake, try with all your might to influence some people, monitor their actions. The lunar dream book suggests that you need this in order to feel your importance, for self-realization.

The English dream book focuses on what part of the baby’s body is washed in night vision. So, if in a dream you had to wash the butt of a child who relieved herself “in a big way,” then there is clearly an improvement in the financial situation of the sleeping person.

And the more poop there was, the higher the dreamer’s chances of getting rich.

You are trying to take a leadership position in a team, which is why you dreamed that you were rinsing a child’s feet.

But washing a baby’s hair in a dream means that you have to rack your brains over the only correct solution to a serious problem in reality. Did you have to tidy up the manes of several children at once? Then, in reality, several great ideas were born at once, and it was difficult to know which one to focus on first.

In the bath

Interestingly, the place where the baby was washed in a dream is also important for an accurate interpretation. For example, in Tsvetkov’s dream book, washing a child in a bathhouse is a sign that the dreamer is proud of his successes and, without hesitation, willingly demonstrates his talents and achievements.

However, the sorceress Medea suggests that having a baby soar in a bathhouse is dreamed of for someone who is constantly in anxiety because of accumulated, unfinished tasks. But if there were a lot of children in the steam room, then most likely the dreamer takes his responsibilities calmly, and often, like an ostrich, hides his head in the sand when faced with problems and troubles.

In the bathroom

Why dream of washing a child in the bathroom? Did it happen that you made a mistake, but are afraid to admit it even to yourself, the dream book hints. Think, maybe your soul will feel better if you agree that you were mistaken?

But bathing in a luxurious bathtub, with equipment like a jacuzzi, is a sign that the sleeping person is tired of the obligations he once took voluntarily and is now burdened by them, dreams of getting rid of the unbearable burden of worries.

Word to Miller

The famous interpreter of dreams Gustav Miller, explaining why he happened to bathe children in a dream, drew attention to what exactly needed to be thoroughly washed from dirt.

So, if these were children’s legs, then the dreamer thought about how to save his good name and reputation. Pens? Then the sleeping person has desires to start life as if “from scratch.”

Did you wash your grimy face? The dream book prophesies that when you wake up, you will find a question to answer a question that has been troubling you for a long time.

Did you completely immerse the child in the bath, trying to wash the whole body? Then you are a purposeful person, perfectly aware of every step you take.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday 02/27/2019

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. ...

A baby is the sweetest, sweetest and most helpless creature. Therefore, a dream where a person bathed a child may indicate that he desires superiority. This dream means leadership and control over any situation.

Bathing a child in a dream is a sign that the person has many good qualities and is also inclined towards charitable activities. Soon he himself will help someone get out of a difficult situation. At the same time, this can be both financial assistance and psychological support.

If a baby is bathed in a dream with the help of a soft sponge, then in real life very soon there will be an opportunity to show oneself as a very independent person. Such a dream will “push” a person to the top, where he will have to make important decisions.

If in a dream a person bathes a child with a washcloth, then he will have to make some concessions and be as unprincipled as possible so as not to harm the responsible situation in which he finds himself. Washing in a bath is a sign of caution.

Often those who want to know why they dream of bathing a child are surprised by yet another interpretation. Such a dream may mean that a person has problems maintaining personal hygiene. And sometimes this dream foreshadows unpleasant surprises in real life that will be associated with a trip where a person will be surrounded by unscrupulous tourists or fellow travelers.

If a person diligently washes a child in a dream, then this is a sign that it is time for him to cleanse himself and get rid of the mental anguish that has caused him to suffer for several years.

The procedure of bathing a baby in a dream promises that a person will soon get rid of suffering, since he will be forgiven for his past mistakes or sins. After this, he will understand that he has committed a bad deed, admits his guilt, which will allow him to live with a calm soul and without remorse.

Bathing a child in a dream also means that a way out of a difficult situation will be found.

Sometimes men also have such a pleasant dream, and it promises them success in their work and making a profit.

If minors have such a dream, it means surprises and academic success.

However, in a dream, a person may not bathe a child on his own, but simply witness this process. Such a dream indicates a way out of a dead-end situation that was created by close people or friends (we are talking about work and relationships).

If one of a loving couple dreams of bathing a baby, then this is a sign that they will soon be able to get married, despite difficulties and obstacles. Such a dream promises them joy and mutual strong feelings for many years of life together.


Dream interpretation of bathing a baby

Why dream of bathing a Baby in a dream according to the dream book?

If you dream that you are bathing a baby, this means that your conscience will be cleared and you will feel free from the heaviness in your soul. The feeling of guilt that has been tormenting you for quite a long time will finally leave your thoughts thanks to sincere repentance and awareness of your mistakes.


Wash according to the dream book

If in a dream you washed someone or something, pay close attention to this vision. The dream book will help to lift the veil of the future and, perhaps, even avoid major mistakes and problems. But in order to more accurately understand why such a dream is dreamed, familiarize yourself with all the available interpretations.

Wash the animals

If you washed a cat in a dream, this means that in reality you will be able to get some material benefit, which, however, will be very small. According to Grishina, a washed cat can also symbolize a certain person’s dependence on you. Grishina’s interpreter advises not to play with the unfortunate person’s feelings and dot the i’s as soon as possible. Another option for explaining why you dream of washing a kitten is communicating with a hypocritical and unpleasant person. You shouldn't tell him about yourself. This can cause big problems for you. If you dreamed that you were shampooing a dog, get ready to find yourself at an important dinner with very influential and interesting people. Do not miss your chance! Make as many useful contacts as possible.


The modern dream book believes that if you washed a child in a dream, it means that in reality you are trying to control the situation by any means. If it was a girl, it means you are hoping for something. If you dreamed of a boy, feel free to get involved in an adventurous business. There's a good chance you'll get lucky. If in a dream you washed a baby, then you are currently harboring some idea in your head. It is possible that you are going to change your profession, go on a long journey, or tie the knot.


Did you dream that you were bathing a woman? Be prepared for a change in marital status. If you are single, get married; if you are not free, get divorced. The modern dream book recommends meeting such changes with a positive attitude. Shereminskaya gives an explanation of why one dreams of washing a representative of the stronger sex. If the dreamed person was a man, then in real life a very important decision will have to be made. Shereminskaya advises first carefully weighing all the pros and cons and only then starting to act. Washing your own grandmother in a dream means receiving wise advice. If in her place you saw your mother, then in reality you will be able to overcome all difficulties. The universal dream book believes that washing your husband in a dream is a good sign. Your relationship will be filled with warmth and mutual understanding. Washing your father means a long departure from your home. Perhaps you have to go on a business trip.


If you dreamed that you washed your car thoroughly, it means that influential friends will appear. The Wanderer's Dream Book reports that these people will greatly help you in solving all sorts of difficulties. If the car was new, clean and shiny, things at work would go as well as possible.

Housing and furniture

If you washed windows in a dream, then a completely different life will soon begin. The universal dream book promises new acquaintances, impressions, and a change of place of residence. If you dreamed that a staircase was being washed, you might be able to change your position to a more prestigious and respectable one. In this regard, Aesop’s dream book promises an improvement in material condition.

You dream of flushing the toilet if in reality you have to take on the concerns of the well-being of the whole family. The Wanderer's Dream Book recommends being strong and remembering that the happiness of your loved ones is only in your hands. If you dreamed that you were cleaning the toilet, then relationships with colleagues will be complicated. It is possible that you will be to blame for this. If in a dream the toilet was very dirty, then someone will spread dirty gossip in order to darken your existence as much as possible. Miller explains why you dream about general cleaning of the bathroom. Washing a bathtub in a dream means active work. But don’t be upset, Miller’s dream book promises, along with a large amount of work, a significant improvement in your financial situation. Cleaning the refrigerator in your night dreams means in reality having sympathy for a person of the opposite sex. The Dream Book of Seasons recommends not to be afraid to openly express your feelings. This will help you achieve what you want faster. If you dream that you are cleaning a mirror until it shines, it means that in reality you will reciprocate the advances of a persistent gentleman. Washing the sink means clearing your conscience. The universal dream book believes that you will find the strength to openly admit all your mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

If in a dream you put your house in order, then in reality you will finally be able to put your thoughts in order. Wash the door for guests. Scrubbing the ceiling from dirt and dust means an exciting and quite long journey. Did you dream that you were washing the entrance? The Wanderer's Dream Book predicts an imminent departure from his home. The plot in which instead of an entrance you saw a porch should be interpreted similarly. If you dream that you are cleaning your apartment, this means that new impressions will completely take over your mind. Cleaning the walls in the house means a change in social status. Did you wash the surface to a “mirror shine” in your dream? Get ready for a new, respected position. Grishina also gives a description of why one dreams of washing a table. Grishina's dream book promises a magnificent feast. Don't skimp on treats!

Deceased person

The modern dream book believes that preparing a deceased person for burial in his night dreams means receiving valuable advice at the right time from a person who sincerely wishes you well. The universal dream book advises not to neglect useful information. It will help you avoid all kinds of difficulties. Another option for dreaming of washing a dead person is life changes. If you washed the back of a deceased person in a dream, then change your job. If you dreamed about a face, you will make new interesting friends.


The universal dream book is convinced that washing plates and cups in a dream means welcoming dear guests. If you dreamed of forks instead of plates and cups, be careful when communicating with friends. The interpreter predicts the betrayal of a person whom you trust infinitely. If you washed a pot in a dream, it means that the atmosphere in the house will be very friendly and warm. There will be no quarrels or misunderstandings with loved ones. Grishina explains why she dreams of washing a frying pan. A similar plot predicts scandals and quarrels. Moreover, they will arise with strangers. Do you want to avoid conflict? Keep your opinions to yourself. If you dreamed of spoons, then soon you will have a son or grandson. The event will be long-awaited and joyful.


Washing your shoes from dirt in a dream means for an upcoming business trip or trip. Shereminskaya's dream book promises many new impressions and all sorts of joys. If you dreamed of shoes, then you will have to go on a journey accompanied by a representative of the fair sex. Boots seen in a dream promise male company. Another option for explaining why you dream of washing dirty shoes is an attempt to restore a reputation damaged by bad rumors.

Various interpretations

The women's dream book is convinced that washing a piece of meat under running water means finding contact with your enemies. If you dreamed of fish instead of meat, you can safely prepare to receive tangible profits.

If in a dream you saw apples, and they were ruddy and large, then you can rest assured that you are surrounded by good and reliable friends. Washing potatoes in a vision means financial difficulties. Aesop believes that if there was a carpet where the potatoes were, you can forget about need in the coming years. Washing glass in a dream means having complete understanding with your spouse. Agreement will be complete on absolutely all issues. If you dreamed that you were trying to scrape off a bucket, it means that you will be able to find new sources of income. Cleaning a bathhouse in a dream means participating in a dirty business.


Dream Interpretation Swimming, why dream about Swimming in a dream

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when you dream about Bathing:

Bathing – Swimming in clean water means happiness, cold water means health, warm water means a loved one will recover; bathing in a bath is a disease; in muddy water is a hassle; seeing someone bathe is a loss. Swimming in dirty water is dirty business. If you dream that you are bathing in hot water, you will undergo surgery, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Swimming?

See in a dream

Bathing - Bathing in a dream - Bathing in a dream in a marble bath is a joyful surprise, in a zinc bath - it means that it is difficult for you to understand your feelings, in an enameled cast iron - it means progress in business. Taking a shower in a dream means that you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances. Swimming in clean water means a carefree life, in a pond means troubles, in dirty muddy water means accusations. Seeing children swimming means the joy of parents. dive - unfortunately, dangerous self-knowledge.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Swimming in a dream

Bathing - Bathing in the bath - getting rid of illness and anxiety; see in the room - you will take a good, rich wife (husband); in the river - strength and endurance; in muddy water - a slight change in position; warm - benefits; swimming in clothes - prospects for inheritance; wash your feet - have good housekeeping.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Bathing in a Dream

In a dream, why do you dream of Bathing - Swimming in a bath - getting rid of illnesses and worries - to see in the room - take a rich wife (rich husband) - in the room - strength and consistency - in muddy water - a small change, illness, failure - in clear water - health - in warmth - benefit - in clothing - prospects for inheritance - washing feet - good housekeeping

Dream Interpretation Bath, healing – Success in any endeavor


Bathing a small child

Dream Interpretation Bathing a small child dreamed of why you dream about bathing a small child? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Bathing a small child in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing an incongruously small nose, mouth, ear, or any organ of the body in a dream is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Finding yourself in a small house or small room in a dream means that in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Coupe

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small stones - a noble son will be born.

Small fish lay eggs - great happiness and benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

Seeing yourself in hemp thickets portends illness.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

Dream Interpretation - Swimming

For joy or for a visit.

Dream Interpretation - Child


Wash the baby

Dream Interpretation Wash a child dreamed of why you dream about washing a child? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Washing a child in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person.

Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality. A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation.

Washing your face with warm water in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come back to haunt the person who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness. If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money.

Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bathtub with a man, this means strong anxiety due to the fear of losing the affection of your loved one.

Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions. Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you. Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration.

Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies.

If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron.

Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone’s hair or see how others wash it for themselves - you will soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing symbolizes washing away past needs, troubles, and feelings of guilt.

Washing individual parts of the body means dispelling small delusions.

Washing in clean, clear water means health and success.

Washing in dirty, muddy water means illness, trouble, disappointment in love.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Washing in a dream and getting satisfaction from it is a harbinger of wealth and good luck.

Such a dream foretells that all your sorrows will be washed away by this water and you will be visited by joy and happiness. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows changes for the better or new things. If in a dream you wash without hesitation in front of other people, then you should reconsider your lifestyle if you do not want your name to be splashed around every corner. If you dream that you are washing with warm water and it is unpleasant for you, then beware of illness, trouble or imprisonment. Only for sick people such a dream is useful, as it foreshadows their recovery.

Washing in clothes in a dream is a sign of domestic troubles, serious illness or humiliation. Swimming in a large, clean reservoir is a sign of joy, cleansing, and healing of spirit and body. In general, a dream about washing yourself rarely brings good luck. Especially if you wash in an unusual place and experience inconvenience, embarrassment, etc. Usually, after such a dream, you should avoid conflicts at home and at work, and also be more careful with money and protect your property from thieves. In addition, a dream about washing often foreshadows troubles related to money. It is possible that after such a dream you will have to pay your debts. See interpretation: water, bath, soap.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Wash yourself.

Tip of the day: avoid conflicts during this period.

To wash someone or to wash with someone.

Tip of the day: you have a chance to improve your relationship with a loved one.

Take advantage of it

Dream Interpretation - Wash

Head - to move, to recovery.

Washing a rooster - foreshadows a verbal altercation with an official.

Wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Wash your feet - a quick recovery.

Washing your hands means that an old illness is going away.

Comb your hair, wash your face - all sorrows and worries will go away.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future SP I Dom, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child means poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who is nursing a child in a dream expects deception from the person she trusts most.

Nostradamus believed that a child dreams as a symbol of hope and the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

If you see a crying child, know that you are putting your future at risk.

If you were looking for your child in a dream, you will find lost hope.

Dreaming of a child picking flowers signifies spiritual enlightenment.

If you held a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

And here is D. Loff’s interpretation: “As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be related to fear of the obligations of fatherhood.”

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing - washing with clean water - health, dirty, muddy - illness.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream about a child: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. An old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. A child is an attack, a quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Wash

A sign of problems that you would like to get rid of.

Typically, such dreams speak of acute dissatisfaction with oneself and reflect forebodings that some of your shortcomings can seriously damage your reputation.

If the water is cool and washing gives you pleasure: such a dream foreshadows quick changes for the good and improved relationships with others.

Washing in hot water: a sign of severe grievances and painful experiences.


Bathing a child

Dream Interpretation Bathing a child dreamed of why you dream about bathing a child? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a child bathing in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Bathing (ritual), washing

a sign of repentance for one’s sins and fulfilling one’s duty to Allah. If he bathes with cold water in winter, then this is a sign of worries and misfortunes, and if he bathes with hot water in winter, then this is a sign of profits, benefits and healing from illnesses. If he takes a ritual bath to perform Hajj (ihram) or enter Mecca, then this indicates joy, jubilation, meeting with those who have been absent for a long time, and payment of debt. If the sick person bathes and puts on new clothes, then Allah will heal him, if he is a debtor, then Allah will help him pay his debt, if he is in prison, then He will free him from it, if he is worried and alarmed, then Allah will deliver him from worries and worries, if he has not yet performed Hajj, he will perform it, and if he is poor, then the Almighty will enrich him. And if after bathing he puts on old clothes, then his anxiety and sadness will disappear, but he will become poorer. To wash among people means first to achieve good and success, and then to be robbed. To start and not finish swimming in a dream means that you will not achieve your goal in life.

Dream Interpretation - Bathing

Swimming in clean water is a sign of health and success.

In muddy conditions - to failure and illness.

Bathing is a symbol of relationships with others.

Enjoying bathing means peace and harmony.

Experiencing discomfort means dissatisfaction with yourself and others.

Swimming, bathing in the river, in the sea - the same meaning.

Swimming in the bath is a sign of disappointment and minor troubles.

Washing in the river means troubles and paying off debts.

Dream Interpretation - Bathing

Bathing - bathing in a bath - getting rid of illnesses and worries - seeing in the room - take a rich wife (rich husband) - in the room - strength and restraint - in muddy water - a small change, illness, failure - in clean water - health - in warm water - benefit - in clothing - prospects for inheritance - washing feet - good housekeeping.

Dream Interpretation - Bathing

Bathing - swimming in clean water - happiness, cold - health, warm - a loved one will recover; bathing in a bath is a disease; in muddy water is a hassle; seeing someone bathe is a loss. Swimming in dirty water is dirty business. If you dream that you are bathing in hot water, you will endure an operation.

Dream Interpretation - Bathing

If in a dream you swim in a pool, in reality this foreshadows getting rid of illnesses and worries. Swimming in the sea means you will rejoice at your husband’s success, and for a young girl such a dream foreshadows a wealthy groom. Swimming in the river - you will experience strong pressure from your superiors, showing courage and restraint, do not change your principles and interests. Swimming in the lake portends minor changes in your financial situation and in your relationship with your chosen one.

If in a dream you swim in icy water in winter, in real life you will experience incomparable pleasure, which will be unexpectedly interrupted at the very peak moment. Swimming in warm summer water promises material benefits and a cordial attitude from your lover.

Bathing in milk in a dream means wealth and success that await you ahead. If you bathe naked in your dream, this means that you will surrender with all passion to a person much older than you in age. Seeing naked men bathing means that you will have a lot of fans and admirers; if you see naked women bathing, ill-wishers will try to drag you into a scandal or some unseemly deeds.

Seeing a newborn being bathed in a dream foretells a happy solution to their difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future SP I Dom, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child means poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who is nursing a child in a dream expects deception from the person she trusts most.

Nostradamus believed that a child dreams as a symbol of hope and the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

If you see a crying child, know that you are putting your future at risk.

If you were looking for your child in a dream, you will find lost hope.

Dreaming of a child picking flowers signifies spiritual enlightenment.

If you held a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

And here is D. Loff’s interpretation: “As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be related to fear of the obligations of fatherhood.”

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream about a child: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. An old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. A child is an attack, a quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.”

A child is a symbol of troubles, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace, and as a signal of your state of mind in the dream it appears child.

If you dreamed of a crying child, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.

Holding a child in your arms, rocking him to sleep, putting him to sleep - in reality you will be required to work hard, because the path to success will be very difficult.

A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task that will end with benefit for you and will bring moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you will experience inconvenience and discomfort, because you will be doing work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you peace. A crying child in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result. Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy. A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.


Bathing a child in the sea

Dream Interpretation Bathing a child sea dreamed of why you dream about bathing a child in the sea? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a child bathing the sea in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Mora

Among the southern and western Slavs, Mora is a demon who strangles and torments a sleeping person, falling on his chest at night.

Poles and Kashubians believe that if six or seven daughters are born in a row in a family, the last one becomes Mora.

According to Czech beliefs, children born with teeth become Mora, and according to Serbian and Croatian beliefs, children born with a “shirt”, usually bloody or blue, become Mora.

The Serbs believe that Mora is a girl who was born in a bloody shirt, which the midwife burned in a fire.

Serbs and Croats also believe that Mora is the daughter of a Veštica, and also that Moras are children conceived by a woman on a holiday or during her period.

According to Polish beliefs, the girl who produces Mora has two souls - good and evil, while the evil soul flies out of the body of the sleeping Mora and harms people, but Mora herself does not suspect anything.

Mora's demonic properties manifest themselves at night, and the rest of the time she is no different from those around her.

Western Slavs believe that Moras strangle people against their will when their time comes.

According to Bulgarian and Polish beliefs, Moras are the souls of people who died without confession, were buried in violation of the funeral ritual, as well as children of unbaptized or incorrectly baptized infants.

Poles, Czechs and Lusatians also have beliefs about Moras - men.

The Poles believe that Mora is invisible or looks like a vaguely visible human shadow, she has a transparent body, she is thin, bony, and has abnormally long legs, arms, and nails.

According to Serbian beliefs, Mora can take the form of a moth or mosquito, as well as animals associated with the other world: a bat, a cat, a mouse.

Mora climbs onto the chest of a sleeping person, crushes and tortures him, drinks his blood, and sucks milk from women's breasts.

According to some beliefs, there are several varieties of Pestilence: one sucks and strangles people, another sucks the sap of trees, the third sucks vegetables and weeds.

Mora's victim turns pale, withers and soon dies.

Mora can enter a room through any, even the smallest, opening, including a keyhole.

Poles and Kashubians believe that Mora moves in a sieve, on a broom, a wheel from a wheelbarrow, a reel, a spinning wheel (cf.

Spinning wheel) or in a cart with one wheel.

As amulets against Mora, a knife, a needle stuck into clothing, an ax or other iron object, garlic, a belt placed on top of a blanket, bread, and a mirror are used.

To stop visiting Mora, you need to recognize her.

To do this, the person whom Mora is strangling must tell her: “Come in the morning, I will give you bread and salt.”

The first woman to come in the morning will be Mora.

She needs to give what she promised, after which she will no longer come to this house.

You can get rid of Mora by catching the animal she turned into and crippling it.

A newborn with teeth was given a piece of wood in his mouth so that the child’s harmfulness would be transferred to it.

Mora comes from double-minded people.

The Polish pestilence is strangling sleeping people.

The Croats baptized the mora with a fig three times, after spitting on it, which tormented the child.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Seeing a calm sea on a beautiful sunny day foreshadows a cloudless existence in complete prosperity. Stormy sea - to the insult that will be inflicted on you, deliberately choosing the most suitable moment for this.

Flying over the sea in a dream, as if on wings, foreshadows the fulfillment of a dream, but if you fall into the sea, in reality you will lose money or an expensive item. Drowning in the sea - in real life you yourself will find yourself to be the culprit of many of your misfortunes.

Swimming in the sea means risking your health. Sailing the sea on a ship means that happy events await you in reality. If your ship is wrecked on the high seas, this is bad news.

To be left alone at sea, having managed to escape from a sunken ship - such a dream means that ruin and shame await you, and any requests from a friend for help will be met with indifferent silence.

Sailing the sea, taking a trip around the world on a small yacht, means in reality you will suffer significant financial losses. Getting caught in a big storm at sea means that in reality you will show complete failure in business and you will simply be removed from them. Drifting at sea in complete calm - in real life, indulge in an easy and completely harmless hobby. Seeing a ship with bright lights sailing towards you on the open sea is a harbinger of prosperity in everything.

Colliding with an iceberg at sea portends in reality unexpected changes in circumstances caused by the need to postpone anticipated pleasure.

Seeing the distant light of a lighthouse from the sea portends that the path to real success will be open to you in the very near future.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming (in a lake, river, sea)

Getting rid of illnesses and worries.

Imagine yourself happily splashing in clean, fresh, clear water.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Sea - as one dreams of the sea, this person will soon have to live a life like the sea, a restless one. Walking along the shore, on the beach near the sea is a road; looking at the sea - news from afar; sea ​​water is blue, blue - a meeting (usually desirable, pleasant). The sea is clean - you will get rich; health. Sailing by sea means wealth, by ship means useful work.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Sea - The sea, which you see from afar in a dream, suggests that you currently think of sex as something inaccessible and unreal, at least not that you can enjoy it.

In fact, the reason for this idea is your attitude towards your own appearance, which does not give you the opportunity to completely relax and enjoy. A calm sea that you looked at from the coast or from a ship suggests that you lack peace, which you are looking for wherever you can. Soon the situation will change, everything will stabilize, and you will get what you are so missing.

If you dreamed of someone swimming in the sea, the dream has a good meaning - you will be able to help the person you saw solve some problem that he could not cope with. - If in a dream you saw yourself swimming in the sea, this means that at present you feel great, everything is working out for you the way you want it, and the reason for this is a full-fledged sex life, although until now you have not given it doesn't matter to her.

If in your dream you tried to enter a turbulent, raging sea, then expect a night of love that you haven’t had for a long time, and you have completely forgotten that you can make love like that. Don't do anything special for this - everything will happen by itself. Swimming underwater in the sea - you are trying to learn something that you absolutely do not need to know. Your meticulousness will not lead to anything good, and you will only get upset.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Seeing a quiet and calm sea in a dream is a sign of a stop, a delay in business. At the same time, a restless sea in a dream is a sign of obstacles in business and the fact that your business will only come true if you put maximum effort into it.

Looking at the sea means receiving news from afar. Looking through binoculars is a sign of anticipation of important news or a quick solution to a mysterious incident. Dark sea water foretells the receipt of gloomy news, and light sea water predicts that the news will be joyful. Sailing along a calm sea surface and not encountering obstacles on your way in a dream means that you will be rich, healthy and happy. Sometimes such a dream predicts the fulfillment of a wish. Finding yourself in the sea in a dream or falling into it is a sign of loss, loss, and worry. Walking along the surface of the sea as if on dry land in a dream foretells prosperity and good luck in business. Especially for those who are going on a long journey.

For a woman, such a dream foretells that she will be burned by passion. Seeing a storm at sea in a dream means grief and loss. If you see a small ship fighting the waves in a stormy sea, then know that your hopes of taking a certain position in society will fail this time after much effort and effort. Taking a sea cruise in a dream means receiving interesting news. Meeting pirates at sea is a bad omen that warns you of a possible accident on the road. Walking along the seashore in a dream means that soon you will have to go somewhere. See interpretation: ship, water, storm, wind.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

Storm at sea - losses, ruin. Calm sea in cloudy weather - anxiety and excitement about the development of relationships with loved ones. Seeing an island in the sea means unfulfilled hopes for the support and understanding of friends. Finding yourself on an island in the sea means your opinion about someone around you is wrong. Falling into the sea means finding yourself in a difficult situation. Swimming at sea for a long time means you feel that you are alone in your grief. Walking into a calm sea in clear weather for a swim will feel a surge of vitality. Sailing on a ship means overcoming all your doubts and stopping worrying. Seeing ships at sea is a sign of doubt. By the way, the mother of Alexander the Great, while she was pregnant with him, had a dream in which she allegedly became pregnant either from a snake or from a dragon. The dream indicated that she would give birth to a son who would become a great man. If in reality you are ready to tirelessly repeat that children are your very distant future, then look into your dreams, maybe fate is preparing a surprise for you.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

in a dream indicates a strong ruler, and whoever sees the sea from afar will see fear, turmoil and misfortune. And whoever sees that he is standing on the seashore will receive something from the ruler, and sometimes it indicates a groom for a woman. If the sea is cloudy and does not have large waves, this indicates the state and population, if any. And whoever sees that he drank from the sea, and it was not cloudy and was calm, will receive wealth from the ruler as much as he drank water, or will gain a good income. If the sea is stormy and muddy, this means that the one who sees the dream will be faced with destructive severity and danger. If he sees that he is walking on the sea, then he will move to another place, and will also rise in the eyes of great rulers. A calm, transparent sea is a harbinger of happiness and joy.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

The slight sound of the sea heard in a dream promises melancholy and loneliness.

In general, dreams about the sea are quite sad. They indicate the futility of expectations and spiritual emptiness.

But a girl who dreams that she is quickly gliding over the surface of the sea with her lover will have a happy fulfillment of her dream.

If in a dream you saw the sea from afar, then currently you think of love as something inaccessible and unreal.

A dream about a calm sea that you look at from the coast or from a ship indicates that you lack peace. Soon the situation will change, everything will stabilize, and you will get what you so lack.

If you dreamed of someone swimming in the sea, then you can help some person solve a problem that he could not cope with.

If in a dream you saw yourself swimming in the sea, this means that you are currently feeling great. You succeed in everything, your wishes come true.

If in your dream you tried to enter a turbulent, raging sea, then expect a night of love that you have not had for a long time.

Swimming underwater in the sea - do not try to learn something that you absolutely do not need to know.

Dream Interpretation - Sea

The sea is a symbol of infinity and greatness, the element of the unconscious in man.

Dreams about the sea indicate that there comes a period in life when you depend not so much on your own forces as on external ones.

A clear, calm, serene sea, reflecting the luminary - joy, serenity, in-depth contemplation of the world and life.

Stormy sea - the unconscious forces in you are going out of control, causing damage.

Surf with uniform and non-stormy wave impacts - a calm life / time of spiritual growth.

Sea foam in abundance - false hopes.

Falling into the sea is harm, disaster.

The moon among the dark clouds over the stormy sea is a fatal dream for the development of your destiny, something unusual and unfavorable.

A quiet sea with the moon and a lunar path over the sea is peaceful happiness.


Bathing a sick child

Dream Interpretation Bathing a sick child dreamed of why you dream about bathing a sick child? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Bathing a sick child in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future SP I Dom, an unprecedented number of people will be infected, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat. Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Dream about a child: giving birth to a child means wealth. How to dream of an overweight child - these are worries for the good; thin, whiny, worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big hassle. Child - argument, fight. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. An old woman will see the same dream - it foreshadows severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking on piles, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. A child is an attack, a quarrel, troubles. A child on the table comes to life - the death of this child. Many children - anxiety. A child on a man’s shoulders (on korkoshas) means a pregnant woman will have a boy, on a woman’s shoulders a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Coupe

Seeing yourself in a dream in a carriage compartment is a harbinger of separation from loved ones and friends. If no one is traveling in the compartment except you, this is a sign of sad events that will overtake you along the way. Riding in a compartment where a rather motley and cheerful company has gathered portends a successful solution to the matter. Sleeping in a compartment on the top bunk means you will find yourself in an awkward position.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child means poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who is nursing a child in a dream expects deception from the person she trusts most.

Nostradamus believed that a child dreams as a symbol of hope and the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

Seeing a healthy, smiling child in a dream is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

If you see a crying child, know that you are putting your future at risk.

If you were looking for your child in a dream, you will find lost hope.

Dreaming of a child picking flowers signifies spiritual enlightenment.

If you held a baby in your arms in a dream, you will try to find a way out of a difficult situation.

And here is D. Loff’s interpretation: “As the object of your dreams, a child represents something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or is it imposed from the outside.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be related to fear of the obligations of fatherhood.”

Dream Interpretation - Child

A child (child) is a symbol of the continuation of life, but also of troubles and anxiety. If you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that in reality you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you peace. A crying child in a dream means that despite your efforts, you are not getting the desired result. Holding a baby in your arms and rocking it to sleep will require a lot from you, and the path to success will not be easy. A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task, but it will bring you moral and material satisfaction. Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you experience great inconvenience, and you have to do work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they take excessive care of someone or patronize them, then in this case they say: “Seven nannies have a child without an eye.”

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: “Whatever a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry.”

A child is a symbol of troubles, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something is not giving you peace, and as a signal of your state of mind in the dream it appears child.

If you dreamed of a crying child, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.

Holding a child in your arms, rocking him to sleep, putting him to sleep - in reality you will be required to work hard, because the path to success will be very difficult.

A dream in which you feed a child promises you a troublesome task that will end with benefit for you and will bring moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream means that in reality you will experience inconvenience and discomfort, because you will be doing work that you do not like.

Dream Interpretation - Swimming

For joy or for a visit.

Swimming in a marble bath is a joyful surprise.

Taking a shower in a zinc bath - you will soon have the opportunity to get rid of constantly interfering circumstances.

Swimming in clean water means a carefree life.

Swimming in a pond means trouble.

To see children swimming in dirty, muddy water means to the joy of parents, to dive.

Dream Interpretation - Sick

A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune.

A sick person gets up - portends death.

A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death.

A sick person sometimes cries, sometimes laughs - portends recovery.

A sick person riding in a boat portends death.

A sick person singing songs portends great misfortune.

Feeling sick portends a joyful event.

Insects crawl out of a diseased body - you will get the position of charioteer, work related to transport.

Seeing yourself sick is a joyful event.

Another person supports a bedridden patient - a promotion.

Insects crawl out of a diseased body - get a position as a charioteer or a job related to transport.

A sick person climbs onto the cart - a great misfortune.

Insects crawl on a sick body - the disease goes away.

Raking manure into a large pile - portends wealth, material well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Seeing crying children in a dream means poor health and disappointment.

A cheerful, clean child means rewarded love and many good friends. A child walking alone is a sign of independence and disregard for unworthy opinions. If a woman dreams that she is nursing a child, she will be deceived by the one she trusts most.

It is a bad sign to dream that you are picking up your sick child if he has a fever: this dream foreshadows mental suffering and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Sick, going crazy

Dreams about illnesses are generally unfortunate and good only for prisoners and criminals.

A dream in which you are sick is a sign of mental anxiety. However, if you feel physically unwell in a dream and cannot move or do anything, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream also foreshadows unpleasant conversations and worries that will disrupt the usual course of your life. Only for fugitives or criminals does such a dream foretell that they will be able to avoid retribution for their deeds. For young people, the dream predicts that their marriage may be unhappy. For old people, a dream predicts receiving help or support. For a young woman to dream that she is terminally ill, the dream predicts that soon an unusual incident will cause her to be disappointed in her marriage. For other people, such a dream may indicate their addiction to alcohol. A dream in which you visit a sick person predicts that you will soon receive bad news. The dream in which you beat a patient has the same meaning. Caring for a sick person in a dream is a harbinger of imminent happiness and joy. You will help a friend or relative who finds themselves in a difficult situation, and subsequently you will be generously rewarded for this. Seeing your relative sick in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that soon some event will bring discord into your family, and you will experience worry and grief. Sick children in your dream are a bad omen. See interpretation: children.

Going crazy in a dream or experiencing panic as a result of some kind of mental illness means that you should beware of the machinations of enemies who are up to no good. See interpretation: madness. To see a dream in which you are sick with the same disease as someone means that you should be wary of exposure and refrain from participating in risky ventures.


Bathing a baby boy and

Dream Interpretation Bathing a baby boy and I dreamed about why I dream about bathing a baby boy and? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a baby boy bathe in a dream and read below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Boy

If in a dream you seem to have a boy, this is a sign of future wealth and comfort in life. If a boy was born to someone else, such a dream foreshadows the emergence of selfish interest in your relations with your closest relatives.

A handsome boy with a sweet, intelligent expression on his face is a sign of extraordinary prosperity, happiness and all kinds of benefits. If your boy got sick in a dream, it means that in reality he will always have good health and an excellent appetite.

Seeing a crying boy means that you will have reasons to worry about the state of your financial affairs. Seeing boys playing predicts an ambivalent situation for you, when to others you will seem better than you really are, but this will not be to your advantage.

A pugnacious, aggressive boy who has offended your child is a sign of impending troubles and an insidious trick that your imaginary friends are preparing for you. Beating or punishing a boy in a dream is a warning in reality to restrain your feelings in a situation where any inaction is better than any action.

To see a boy hit by a car in a dream means that in reality you will experience fear, fright or anxiety for your family members. A dead boy in a dream is a sign of deep sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

You will suffer. The boy is playing - worry about trifles. The boy is sleeping - internal doubts make you indecisive. The boy is studying - you are suffering because of a mistake you made in the past.

Imagine that a boy runs away and a girl comes (see Girl). Or the boy is actually a girl in disguise.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Little boy - surprise or unexpected news;
for a pregnant woman - rapid labor;
playing with a boy - a bright period is coming in your life, very fruitful spiritually and stable materially;
for creative people - a surge of inspiration;
crying boy - you have to show care and attention to your family, and especially to your loved one;
an unfamiliar boy, and you perceive him as your son - disappointment in love and distrust of members of the opposite sex.
Also see Crying, Children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Gypsies say that seeing a little boy is a sure sign of future success, both in business and family life.

If the boy is older and entering adolescence, this is a sign that hard work will bring you great rewards.

If you dreamed of a little boy, this is a sign of great luck; all your business will go well.

If the boy is 13-14 years old, you will have to try, but the reward will not be long in coming.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

For a woman to see a boy: to money and more property.

To see boys fighting - your friends may involve you in a dirty business.

Students - to successful and profitable plans.

An adult sees himself as a boy - your actions will look childish in the eyes of respectable people.

Dream Interpretation - Babies

Seeing a newborn baby means that a pleasant surprise awaits you in the near future.

If a young woman sees herself as a small child in a dream, she will be accused of indulging in the dissolute pastime of some people.

Seeing a baby being bathed foreshadows a happy way out of a difficult situation.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

A boy - joy, fun - for a woman - money and more property - seeing boys fighting - friends will embroil you in a dirty business - student - happy plans.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

Seeing a lot of boys in a dream is a sign of concern. If you dream that you see a handsome boy, then expect exciting news. See interpretation: children.

Dream Interpretation - Boy

The dream is very favorable, it promises the fulfillment of your desires. Playing with a boy in a dream means finding meaning in life and achieving success in work. If you see yourself as a little boy, the dream foretells peace in the family.

Proponents of the psychological approach believe that everything that a person dreams is nothing more than the work of the subconscious. That is, in other words, if parents have a dream about a child, then, most likely, in reality they worry about their children and the dream reflects their hidden thoughts about this.

What if you dream of washing a child?

Even those who disagree with this position have no choice but to admit that even very calm and confident parents exaggerate in their thoughts every event related to their children. For example, a child has a fever, and the mother is already thinking about a possible terrible illness.

If we interpret the dream where the mother washes the child from the above-mentioned point of view, then it most likely signals that the parents are overly enthusiastic about the cleanliness of their child. A waking mother may worry about what others will think if her baby is dirty and unkempt.

On the one hand, such cleanliness is worthy of praise, but if it goes to the extreme, then it should be stopped. Every parent must accept that a healthy and active child is simply obliged to get dirty with something. You need to wash your child, but you shouldn’t turn it into the meaning of life.

There is also another approach to dream interpretation. Its supporters believe that dreams are messages from space that come to us in the form of symbols and images. The human task is to decipher them correctly and in a timely manner. One may also disagree with this opinion, but how can one explain why even those who do not have them in reality or even in plans dream about children? Dreams are encrypted messages; dream books compiled by specialists will help you decipher them. Some even try to turn to dream interpretation professionals for help.

What does it portend?

If you had a dream where a person washes a child, then most likely this is a signal that he is striving with all his might to become a leader in his team. If a person works, then he probably subconsciously strives to win leadership positions at work, and if a person does not work, then we can talk about leadership in the family. Some women subconsciously cannot come to terms with the role of “neck” in the family and are constantly fighting for the role of head with their own husband. This is wrong, and the dream in which she washes the child may be a message from above.

Such a dream is also a kind of warning that a person should be extremely careful and exercise caution when communicating with unfamiliar people. These people can cause harm, because although outwardly they give the impression of respectable laymen, on the inside they can turn out to be dishonest, even very dishonest people.

From what has been written above, it becomes clear why you dream of washing a child. It is natural to worry about your children, but true care is manifested in the ability to let them grow up in time and without bruises, dirty things and dirty faces.