Endometriosis of the uterus: what it is, why it is dangerous, symptoms, signs and treatment in accessible language. Private questions for endometriosis Can endometriosis cause a fever?

» every 10th woman aged 15-49 years faces. For many patients, it sounds like a death sentence, because it often means infertility. However, if the disease is recognized in the early stages, its serious consequences can be avoided.

What is endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disease of the female reproductive system, as a result of which tissues similar in structure to the uterine tissue develop outside the uterine mucosa.

Pathological cells in this disease can grow not only on the genitals, but also on the intestines. This pathology affects the menstrual cycle and the course of critical days. Changes in hormonal balance are also observed.

Sometimes patients confuse this disease and endometritis due to the similarity of names. Their common feature is the connection of pathological processes with the uterine mucosa, but their localization is different. Endometriosis develops outside the uterus, endometritis develops in the mucous membrane of the organ.

A change in a woman’s body temperature can be a sign of a disease, but it is not always given importance and people go to the hospital only when the disease is advanced.

In some sources you can find a statement that the temperature does not change with endometriosis. This is true when it comes to general body temperature, but in the case of the above-mentioned illness, attention should also be paid to basal temperature.

Basal (minimum, generally accepted abbreviation - BT) body temperature is an indicator that is measured immediately after sleep; it is individual for each representative of the fairer sex.

Endometriosis usually causes an increase in BBT, which is especially noticeable in the middle of the monthly cycle. Most often, the increase reaches 37.5, but it should be remembered that this value is also typical for pregnancy.

About 37 can be seen on the thermometer closer to the beginning of menstruation.

Violations of the body temperature regime are individual: some patients experienced sharp, sudden increases in temperature in the middle of the menstrual period, while others had it constantly above the normal value. In both cases, these processes affected the general condition of the fairer sex.

General temperature during illness

The general body temperature in the early stages of the development of pathology remains at a normal level, its indicator changes when foci of the disease significantly affect the body. Fever is the body's reaction to...

If the body of a patient with endometriosis is affected by additional negative factors (hot bath, overheating in the sun, visiting a solarium, physical activity), not only BT rises, but also the total. In this case, the thermometer can rise to 38 degrees or higher.

Such a sudden change in the state of the body is not always frightening, especially if it is possible to quickly normalize it.

General fluctuations in basal temperature in endometriosis

Observations of changes in minimum temperature during the menstrual cycle make it possible to diagnose pathological processes in the early stages.

When a woman’s body is affected by endometriosis, body temperature changes as follows:

  • In the middle of critical days, the body’s BT is at the same level, but it will not be possible to independently determine the individual minimum body temperature without the help of a doctor. The specialist determines it based on the patient’s diary, which she needs to keep for one month. The diary should record daily temperature data.
  • A few days before the menstrual cycle (most often 3-4), the body’s BT decreases slightly (sometimes the thermometer shows below 37).
  • During the cycle, the minimum level increases again, while the woman’s condition worsens due to headaches and weakness throughout the body.
  • After the end of the critical days, the minimum temperature data is normalized until the next cycle.

Measuring basal temperature requires a more serious approach than general temperature; the following rules must be followed.

  • Before taking measurements, you need to check the thermometer, it must show the data accurately;
  • measurements must be taken with one thermometer;
  • the required time for measurement is 5-10 minutes;
  • the measurement should be carried out every morning immediately after sleep (its duration should be at least 5 hours;
  • the temperature is determined on an empty stomach at the same time (any time difference, even half an hour, is unacceptable);
  • measure it rectally or vaginally, but in any case the method cannot be changed throughout the entire observation period;
  • accurate data is possible only under conditions of complete rest, so the thermometer is placed before bedtime so as not to make sudden, active movements in the morning;
  • It is necessary to maintain a sleep schedule (at least 6 hours).

Violation of the listed requirements will lead to distortion of the data, which means they will interfere with the correct diagnosis. Therefore, for any deviation from the rules, make a corresponding note in your diary.

Please note factors that may affect the minimum temperature:

  • various diseases, inflammatory processes;
  • stressful situations;
  • shift work;
  • alcohol and smoking;
  • some medications;
  • change of time zones (during travel, moving);
  • insomnia;
  • overheating, changes in overall body temperature.

Basal temperature chart for endometriosis

If the body is not affected by disease, during the menstrual cycle the minimum temperature indicators change according to the following schedule:

  • During menstruation (from the first to the last day), the basal temperature gradually decreases from 37 to 36.3-36.5.
  • At around 36.3-36.5 the indicator remains until the middle of the cycle.
  • The maturation of the egg provokes a rise in the thermometer to 37.1–37.3 ° C, at which about three days remain, at which time the egg leaves the appendages.
  • In the second half of the monthly cycle, another increase in temperature is observed, after which its value is 37-37.5 ° C. It lasts for 12-14 days.
  • Three to four days before critical days, the temperature is within 36.9-37 °C.

Pay attention to the temperature jump between the two phases of the menstrual cycle, it should be at least 0.4 degrees (this is due to changes in hormonal levels).

Endometriosis should be suspected if the temperature drops (normalizes) at the end of the cycle, in the first days of menstruation it rises to 37 degrees, and then to 38 and above, after the end of menstruation this figure will be normal again.

With such a jump, patients also feel a general malaise; in no case should this condition be ignored.

Additional symptoms

Changes in temperature are a clear sign of endometriosis, if a woman is also bothered by the following symptoms:

  • bleeding not associated with menstruation;
  • severe pain during menstruation;
  • pain during intimacy;
  • spotting;
  • increased urination;
  • pain and heaviness in the pelvic area;
  • infertility;
  • intoxication (nausea, chills, vomiting);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the stomach.

Careful observation of women over their body and regular visits to the gynecologist is a mandatory measure for the prevention of the disease and its treatment.

Temperature during endometriosis will help the attending physician diagnose the disease at an early stage and begin treatment. A woman needs to keep a measurement diary in which she will note her daily temperature readings. The attending physician, after analyzing the result, will help make a diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment. Thanks to timely treatment, the development of consequences can be prevented.

Endometriosis is a serious pathology

Endometriosis is a common female disease. Early diagnosis facilitates easy treatment and recovery, as well as preventing the development of complications.

A gynecological pathology in which cells of the uterine mucosa are located and develop outside of the uterus is called endometriosis. Such cells can be found on the genitals, bladder, spread to the intestines, and postoperative scars. Such lesions affect hormonal changes in the menstrual cycle, after its completion they are destroyed.

Experts cannot name the exact reasons for the development of the disease.

The main factors include: abortion, gynecological operations, heredity, the use of intrauterine contraceptives, hormonal changes, and disorders of the immune system.

Do not confuse the concepts of endometritis and endometriosis. They are similar only in that they are associated with the mucous membranes of the uterus and can lead to the development of infertility. Endometritis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the uterine mucosa itself.

Thanks to various signals coming from our body, we can determine the presence of a particular disease in the body. Paying attention to your health will help you cope with any illness and prevent the development of complications in the body.

Endometriosis may have the following symptoms:

  • painful menstruation;
  • pain in the pelvic area;
  • spotting;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • frequent urination;
  • intermenstrual bleeding;
  • characteristic changes in basal temperature;

Monitoring changes in basal temperature during different periods of the cycle will help the doctor correctly diagnose and prescribe the necessary treatment, which will bring the most effective results in the early stages of the development of endometriosis.

In order to monitor changes in body temperature, you need to keep a temperature diary and consult a doctor. Using calculations, a specialist will help you determine your individual body temperature, because each body has its own normal temperature. Observational data will help determine the presence of many inflammatory diseases.

Possible temperature changes with endometriosis:

  1. The temperature in the middle of the cycle should be stable and not exceed normal values.
  2. With endometriosis, a few days before the onset of menstruation, the temperature decreases slightly. By the beginning of menstruation, the basal temperature may become less than 37 degrees.
  3. In the presence of the disease, menstruation is characterized by general weakness, headache and other symptoms. During this period, the basal temperature will rise above 38 degrees.
  4. After the end of menstruation, the temperature will return to normal. With the onset of the next menstrual period, the basal temperature will begin to change again.

It happens that changes in temperature may be due to the presence of another inflammatory disease, if endometriosis is not confirmed.

Therefore, every woman should keep a temperature diary to maintain normal health.

In some cases, the disease may be asymptomatic, so regular preventive examinations by a gynecologist, ultrasound, and test monitoring are necessary.

One of the most severe complications is infertility; endometriosis is diagnosed in every second patient suffering from infertility. But also with this disease, anemia and neurological disorders may appear. In an advanced form, endometrioid tissue can develop into a malignant tumor.

Often, a woman suffering from endometriosis experiences pain during sexual intercourse. To cope with this unpleasant situation, it is necessary to explain to your sexual partner that the problem is not with him, but with a serious illness that can harm women’s health. Choose a position in which you will enjoy sexual intimacy.

A timely and correct diagnosis will give a woman the opportunity to live a normal life and give birth to a healthy child.

At this stage of its development, medicine cannot cure endometriosis; it can only stop the proliferation of pathological cells and reduce pain.

To achieve the best results, a woman should see a doctor as early as possible and follow his recommendations. Successful treatment increases the chance of pregnancy to 70%.

2013-02-15 07:42:15

Olesya asks:

I was diagnosed with endometriosis of the uterus. Symptoms: pain during intercourse, temperature 37.2 but not always, headache in the evenings; pain during menstruation in the rectum. They did an ultrasound and confirmed it. At a paid clinic I took smears and blood from a vein (including sterility testing) for infections. Papilloma virus No. 31.33 was identified. I was prescribed expensive immunostimulating pills and CO pills. I drank it away. But I had a severe migraine from KOs and stopped taking them (I drank them for about 5-6 months). I was no longer tested for papillomavirus. The pain during sexual intercourse disappeared. And as soon as I stopped taking immunostimulants, the temperature rose to 37.4. It lasted for three days. Then she disappeared. And there are no more symptoms today. More than half a year has passed. So maybe there was no endometriosis, maybe it’s something else? By the way, interestingly, my husband was not diagnosed with the virus.

Answers Purpura Roksolana Yosipovna:

To assess the situation today, undergo a control ultrasound after your period. It is very difficult to say virtually whether there is endometriosis or not. Papillomovirus manifests itself when the immune system is weakened, so it is not surprising that my husband was not diagnosed with it. When the virus entered his body, he could immediately eliminate it. Have you undergone treatment, and no cervical pathology (erosion) was detected during an examination by a gynecologist? If not, then everything is normal.

2012-07-13 15:05:47

Olga asks:

I have several diagnoses: chronic pancreatitis, gastrodeudenitis, autoimmune thieroditis, subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH periodically increases), endometriosis of the uterus, an anechoic follicle in the left ovary, menstruation was disrupted for four years, micro pituitary adenoma, the sella turcica began to deviate to the right, encephalopathy, external hydrocephalus in front of it are parts of the brain, now diffuse cystic mastopathy with elements of fibrosis. Sometimes they treat pancreatitis alone, although I have never been diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’ve only had one birth and one abortion a long time ago. I am 46 full years old. Lately there has been very frequent tearfulness and weakness, my blood pressure is jumping, but there are no headaches, I am very responsive to changes in weather (crying). My vision has gotten worse, but there are no problems, it’s like there’s a veil before my eyes, I’ve started to lose weight, my appetite and interest in life have decreased. What would you recommend? In the morning after sleep, the temperature rises and continues like this until the evening for at least 4 years. I visited many doctors. Prescription only: eutirox 25 mg, take up to 2-3 tablets with food and that’s it. For pain, nosh-pu. And nothing more. Life has become not a joy. Tell me how scary the diagnosis of FOM with an element of fibrosis and remnants of glandular tissue is.

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

It’s not scary, the most important thing is to approach its treatment correctly. Regarding the rest of the pathology, I would like to see more honey. documentation, tests and instrumental examinations performed, you can send me by email - [email protected]

2011-01-28 11:36:08

Olena asks:

Good afternoon! I have this question. I had the procedure of artificial insemination 2 times. In Germany. I still live here. I had it done in a clinic where my gynecologist, the doctor’s husband, was a urologist, recommended. In general, I was sure that I was going to a good specialist. I explained to him that 10 years ago I was operated on for endometriosis in Ukraine (both ovaries, tubes were clean). I felt good for 10 years. I got married, came to Germany, fell ill with inflammation in the first 2 weeks. I went to the doctor, I came across a Ukrainian woman from Vinnitsa. And that’s where my problems began. She prescribed only 3 tablets, which are for thrush and fungi, no antibiotics. I have to make my next visit wait 4 weeks, during this time there was a severe attack of pain during my period. About 2.3 hours, I was knocked down by the load. My doctor was on vacation in Ukraine. At the appointment in January, I told her everything, she didn’t even look at the ultrasound, She said that in Germany my stomach often hurts from intestinal flu, like there is such a thing here. I was surprised that they didn’t look at me at all. But there was no more pain and I calmed down.
(The fact is that before the first operation I did not have severe pain at all, although there were cysts). Then in February, during my period, I again had an attack of severe pain, I went straight to her. The doctor looked and found a cyst. She said that it was endometriosis , comes into contact with the intestines and it causes pain. I was prescribed antibiotics, the cyst shrunk by only 0.5 cm. About 1 cm remained. Then I was prescribed birth control, the doctor said that they also help with endometriosis. At the same time, I kept telling her , that I have a question about the child. A year has passed, the doctor said that the cyst still remained about 0.7 cm. But after taking birth control, my pain went away. I thought that only IVF would help me get pregnant, because... age is already running out. The woman, a gynecologist, left for Ukraine for good. Another doctor looked and said that there was no endometriosis, no cysts, everything was fine. At the IVF center, the doctor said that a testing laparoscopy is not needed, IVF can be done. During the first stimulation, the ovaries did not respond sufficiently. During the second stimulation (more dose), they received 1 embryo. During the support, I did not feel very good, like something was wrong the uterus occurs, at night there is a voluntary orgasm, after which there is severe pain. Then my period came. I checked with my gynecologist, he said that everything was fine, there were no cysts. But the tests showed inflammation. These tests came by mail, they came with a prescription for suppositories, At that time I was not at home for 3 weeks, I didn’t read the letter. When I arrived home, we went back to the center for IVF. I again asked the doctor at the center if maybe I still needed a laparoscopy, he got angry and said no. At the last IVF stimulation dose was again increased to 5 pieces per day Merional. During stimulation and in the first week of support with Brevactide, I did not have any special sensations. But in the last week I became very ill. In the evening the temperature rose to 38, I sweated at night, mostly under the chest, radiating pain in the abdomen, unable to sit down or stand up, and also pain during urination. We called the center, the girl answered that nothing bad could happen, you must make an appointment with us, otherwise go to your doctor at your place of residence. I saw the doctor when my period had already started, on the 2nd day. He saw my lump 6 cm on the side where the cyst was a year ago and was urgently admitted to the hospital. I was injected with an antibiotic. Some kind of pink water began to come out on the pads. I was sent to another clinic for a consultation, where they saw that this formation on the left was not a cyst, but water in the pipe. I read it on the Internet. that during support a lot of water can form against the background of the hormone. I probably needed to move more so that everything would come out during menstruation, but I didn’t have the strength because of the temperature, half of my hair came out. My immunity had dropped so much. In addition, on the left under the breast, where the skin was sweating a lot 2 days before my period, I saw lumps. I thought it was a reaction to a hormone. And then it turned out that it was stage 1 herpes. I know that 90% of the population has herpes in the blood. But It hasn’t shown itself in any way for me before. Now I have a question about surgery. They say that if IVF is repeated, the tubes need to be removed. But it seems to me that this procedure is not suitable for me. I’m just afraid of it now. I would like to restore the health of my tubes and generally improve my health and try to get pregnant naturally. How possible is this? Should there be separate specialists who restore pipes, or can every doctor do this, who operates? Is what happened to me a consequence of overstimulation? Maybe my ovary was still sick after the cyst and this gave inflammation to the tubes, or the inflammation was already there after the first IVF, and then it worsened. In general, I was treated with only 8 days of antibiotics and 6 days of suppositories. That’s it... now I drink herbs myself and must make a decision about surgery. How can you comment on what to advise. Thank you. P.S. And I also wanted to add that here they do not provide information or simply do not identify which bacteria cause inflammation. I tried to find out, they say it’s just inflammation. But The doctor did not suggest that I do separate tests for infections. When I received a letter about inflammation after the first IVF, it did not indicate what exactly it was, although a prescription was included. Such a system.

Answers Silina Natalya Konstantinovna:

Elena, if after the correct course of treatment the hydrosalpinx does not go away, laparoscopy is necessary. It is difficult for me to comment on your situation, since I do not see your medical history. Try using the PCR method to test for certain infections. In addition, you will need to undergo several courses of immunotherapy before IVF (which Germany does not practice).

2008-10-20 14:26:27

Natalya asks:

Hello! I am 31 years old. I have endometriosis after a surgical scar on the anterior abdominal wall. At the age of 21, I had a ruptured cyst on the right ovary, histology confirmed endometriosis. At the age of 22, a cyst of the left ovary was diagnosed with endometriosis during laparoscopy. At the age of 23, due to peritonitis, the right and left ovaries were removed along with the tubes. The pain continued and she took hormonal medications. At the age of 29, removal of the uterus from the uterus, histology showing endometriosis of the uterus and cervix. underwent a course of hormonal therapy. After 3 months, lumps appeared along the scar. Over the course of 2 years, I had 18 surgeries to remove endometriotic scars. Blood hormones show elevated estradiol and lutropin. I completed the full course and am currently taking danazol 400 mg and a supporting vitamin complex. I have been to all the specialists, but they just shrug their shoulders, saying that we need to do another operation in the abdominal cavity to check whether there is a piece of the ovary left there; an ultrasound does not show anything. What should I do if you can answer. with my hemoglobin 138, I now have 75-95, they had a blood transfusion but it will not rise. A constant increase in blood temperature to 37.7, but if compaction begins to reach 40. Blood and urine are sterile. AIDS, Australian, RV, tank. cultures are negative. Help.

Answers Kaliman Viktor Pavlovich:

Good day, Natalia! I don't think that subsequent operations will improve your condition. Therefore, it is better, in my opinion, to refrain from surgery for endometriosis. Try triptorelin 3.75 mg. If this does not give any improvement, contact a highly professional doctor for examination and prescribing the maximum possible etiopathogenetic treatment.

2015-07-09 22:40:33

Anna asks:

Hello! I have had the problem of bleeding since I started my period when I was 11 years old. My periods came at the wrong time and lasted for a whole month, then they didn’t come for about 10-12 days and started again. The doctors shrugged it off; there were cysts that went away with treatment. Then constant inflammation, at the age of 18 I was diagnosed with external endometriosis of the cervix and multifollicular ovaries, I was often in the hospital with inflammation, then water began to appear. They didn’t insist on curettage, they treated me with hormonal contraceptives, approximately the same treatment lasted for 5 years, I became overweight 18 kg. The skin is very oily all over the body and everything is hairy, legs, arms, neck, live, chest. I never donated blood for hormones; I was told that everything was already visible and there was no point. I am 23 years old and my cycle has not yet recovered. I changed the city and the doctor, and more than a year ago I had a curettage performed to stop the bleeding and submit it for analysis. Based on an ultrasound, they diagnosed sclerocystic ovaries, endometrial hyperplasia, a capsule on the ovaries of about 3 mm. The war began and the hospital did not work, everything went by itself, but I still took hormones. We often slept in a damp basement, and not so long ago I was able to leave this zone, I quit hormones because I took them for a very long time, my periods were canceled, then they didn’t come for 70 days and they started, lasted about 12 days, ended and After 12 days, bleeding began, it was very strong, I thought that oxytocin (3 days), dicinone would stop everything and only then would I see a doctor for a thorough examination. There was heavy bleeding for 3 days and nothing helped, then I started drinking Femoden again and on 10, 07, 15 the bleeding stopped, but there was dark brown discharge and the temperature did not drop at 37.5. I made an appointment with a private doctor, but there is a long line and I’m afraid that I will get worse. What could this be? Help with advice, I will be very grateful

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

In regular antenatal clinics, in addition to appointments based on registration, appointments with women simply living in the area are possible. Therefore, do not be shy, have courage, even arrogance, and come to the reception. In addition, emergency assistance is always at your disposal and ambulance services have not yet been cancelled. You need to be examined, examined, and treatment prescribed: outpatient or hospitalization. Perhaps there is scleropolycystic disease, perhaps there is endometriosis, which can give a temperature of 37.5, but you still need to be examined by a doctor - a surprise is possible.... Come for an appointment at the antenatal clinic.

2014-11-16 20:44:29

Tatiana asks:

Good afternoon, dear doctor. I am 45 years old. In August, thrush started. I took 4 tablets of 150 mg fluconazole. with an interval of 5 days. After taking the first tablet, itching began in the anus. After some time, pain began in the left side and somewhere else deep in the vagina. Temperature 37.1. I contacted a gynecologist. I passed all tests for all infections using the PCR method, as well as a general smear for flora twice. Nothing was found, only thrush (SOOR. Leukocytes Cer b Vag, jktt 60. Antibiotics were prescribed: cefotaxime for 7 days, metronidazole, nystatin suppositories, nystatin tablets, fluconazole 150 every other day for 4 days. Then Sumamed. Isoprinosine, then acylact. After some time fever, pain again. Liquid discharge began. During examination, the gynecologist again spoke about some kind of inflammation. He took a smear again, prescribed aloe and thymalin. Another plus for everything was prescribed duphaston for endometriosis from the 16th to 25th day of the menstrual cycle. The analysis again showed thrush. Itching in the anal area for 2.5 months already. It turns out that acylact caused an even worse thrush since it still has not healed. I went to another gynecologist. She prescribed Orungal (itraconazole), a Zalain suppository once. An ultrasound showed the endometrium was 12.3 mm, a node along the anterior wall of the uterus 19x36mm, subserous throughout the myometrium, hypoecogenic interotic nodes up to 15 mm (sorry for errors). Conclusion: uterine fibroids 6-7 weeks in combination with internal endometriosis, endometroid heterotopia in the myometrium. The doctor admits you to the hospital. Identify the cause of pain on the left. Dalle suggests laproscopy for uterine curettage. How I understood. Do you think it’s worth doing all this, or is it better to remove the uterus right away? Or conservative treatment with hormones. And what to do with thrush. After taking itraconazole for 3 days at a dose of 200 mg once, the itching in the anus began to be felt less. And yet, how many days should I drink? I was prescribed 3 days further, once a month for 6 months. Or should I drink it for 6 days? Thank you in advance for your response. I'm desperate. This has been going on for three months now. No strength.

Answers Serpeninova Irina Viktorovna:

Tatyana, good afternoon! I am a supporter of conservative treatment of uterine fibroids (esmya, introduction of Mirena). And to identify the cause of the itching, donate the tank. culture for flora and sensitivity to antibiotics and examine and treat your sexual partner, because A very common cause of relapse is inadequate treatment of the sexual partner.

2011-08-20 19:20:30

Elena asks:

Hello! On July 13, I underwent laparoscopic surgery to remove endometrioid cysts from both ovaries, dimensions before surgery: right ovary - 5.7 * 4.1 * 3.3; left - 5.3*4.5*4.8. Janine was prescribed 3 months after the operation, plus a post-operative ultrasound and blood and urine tests. I took the tests 14 days after the operation, the urine was normal, there was a high level of soya in the blood (21), a week later a repeat blood test was normal. Immediately after the operation, on the 2nd day, spotting began, I was warned that this could be the case, it lasted 6-7 days, not very heavy, like discharge, not menstruation. My gynecologist said that this is ovulatory discharge, and I should wait for my menstruation on schedule. My period should have started around July 26-30, since my cycle can be 28-32 days. I was waiting for my period, but only on August 5 did at least some sign of spotting appear, that is, the cycle lasted 38 days. Why is there such a delay, post-operative stress for the body? Before the operation, my menstruation was also very scanty, on August 5th I started to smear a little and calm down, that is, I didn’t bleed like during normal menstruation, I just smeared a little and that’s all, but I had to start taking Zhanine from the first day, I hesitated whether it was menstruation or not, and I finally started taking it on August 5th, and in the following days it just smeared and didn’t bleed. What is the reason for this, since the ovaries were now without cysts? About 2 weeks after the operation, I began to notice the temperature only in the evenings up to 37.3, in the morning the usual 37.4-37.8, now (as of August 20) the temperature rises in the morning to 37.1. What is the reason for this temperature for the past 3 weeks, I told my gynecologist, she says that it could be post-operative. reaction. I had an ultrasound on August 17, a month after the operation, the ovaries were normal. sizes: right - 1.8 * 2.7, left - 2.4 * 2.8; conclusion: diffuse enlargement of the uterus, condition after surgery, the body of the uterus is deviated posteriorly, dimensions 6.2 * 5.0 * 6.2, internal the structure is heterogeneous due to the uneven distribution of signals, the uterine cavity is not expanded. Why is the uterus so enlarged, maybe my post has something to do with this. temperature? Magnetic resonance. Tomography before the operation showed that the uterus was of normal size, normal location (anteversio), 9.1 * 4.5 * 5.6 together with the cervix, the zonal structure of the uterine walls was preserved, the endometrium was well differentiated, corresponding to the menstrual phase. cycle (it was the 34th day of the cycle), the transition layer of the myometrium is unevenly thickened, max. transverse size 0.3 cm, its contours at the border with the myometrium are unclear, internal. the contour (at the border with the endometrium) is clear and even. The postoperative discharge also says that the uterus is normal. size and shape, normal color, mobile, no endometriosis in the uterus, the tubes are fine, that’s what the endoscopist who operated on me told me. Please tell me what could be causing the diffuse enlargement of the uterus (maybe with taking Zhanine, I have no special contraindications) and what to do about it? I’m not sexually active now, after the operation either, I didn’t really strain myself after the operation, I didn’t lift anything heavy. Thank you very much, Elena

Answers Klochko Elvira Dmitrievna:

Good afternoon. This condition is possible after surgery. Recovery takes about 3 months. Janine, drink according to the scheme. It suits you - only a smear on 1 package is possible - continue drinking and don’t quit. Zhanina's uterus will shrink in a couple of months.

2008-01-07 22:36:32

Tatiana asks:

Hello! I was questioned about endometriosis back in school. Over the past two years, I have had cervical erosion cauterized twice; the third time I refused because I had not given birth yet. The problem is that I am now treating endometriosis with progestogens. My treatment is ending, but I have several questions and cannot clarify them with the gynecologist. Firstly, I have had a temperature of 37 - 37.1 every day for several years now. No one can give me an objective reason, although I was examined by all doctors. In addition, every time I visit the gynecologist, they discover some kind of inflammatory process. Every time I treat it carefully (taking antibiotics, suppositories and everything they say), but when I come to the gynecologist again, they tell me that the old inflammation has gone away, but a new one has appeared. Analyzes show entirely nonspecific bacteria. The problem is that in just a year I took and injected a bunch of antibiotics and used a bunch of suppositories. However, the temperature does not go away and neither does the inflammation. I really want to get pregnant, but at this temperature it’s impossible. Taking progestogens had no effect on the temperature. I’m 26 and, in theory, I should already be pregnant. I tried to be treated by different doctors, but, alas, the effect was the same. Tell me what to do?

Many diseases of the female reproductive system go unnoticed for a long time, as they have subtle symptoms. Women blame even disruptions in the menstrual cycle on stress, overwork and other physiological factors. But it is impossible not to notice a periodic increase in temperature without obvious reasons. And it is this symptom that often helps diagnose such an unpleasant disease as endometriosis.

But not all women know that basal temperature with uterine endometriosis can increase and do not always report this increase to their gynecologist.

Description of the disease

Endometriosis of the uterus is a disease in which endometrial cells spread and begin to develop outside the inner layer of the uterus. It happens that not only the organs of a woman’s reproductive system suffer from pathology, but also the intestines, bladder and others.

The exact causes of uterine endometriosis are not known. But for the disease to appear, there must be an imbalance of sex hormones and disturbances in the functioning of the immune system. Only under such conditions will endometrial cells be able to spread beyond the inner layer of the uterus and gain a foothold in a new location. Factors provoking the appearance of the disease are:

  • various gynecological operations that violate the integrity of the uterus, including abortions;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • overweight.

The main symptom of uterine endometriosis is disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Most often, the duration of discharge and its intensity increase. There are also often pain sensations that intensify before the onset of menstruation. The question: can there be a temperature with endometriosis is not simple. The fact is that many doctors say that body temperature does not increase with endometriosis of the uterus. But usually we are talking about general indicators. But at the same time, do not forget about the basal temperature, which can change.

What is basal temperature?

Basal body temperature is the minimum value to which a woman’s temperature drops during rest or sleep. Since it is measured rectally, you can also find the name rectal, which does not accurately reflect the essence. You need to know that basal temperature is individual for each woman and changes during the menstrual cycle.

Therefore, in order to be able to track any deviations from your normal basal temperature, you need to know the values ​​that correspond to the norm. Usually, all changes are monitored by those women who are trying to conceive a child, because by basal temperature you can quite accurately determine the moment of ovulation.

If a woman does not suffer from endometriosis, then the graph of changes in basal temperature is approximately as follows.

  1. During menstruation, the basal temperature gradually decreases and by the end of the last day of discharge it can reach a value of 36 degrees.
  2. The temperature remains at this value until the middle of the cycle.
  3. During the maturation of the egg, the indicator increases and remains this way for 3 days. The basal temperature at this time is about 37–37.3 degrees.
  4. After the egg is released, the temperature should rise a little more and reach a value of 37.5 degrees. This value lasts about 2 weeks.
  5. Before the onset of menstruation, different women have temperatures ranging from 36.9–37 degrees.

It is necessary to pay attention that between the two phases of the cycle there must be a temperature jump of at least 0.4 degrees, as this indicates the normal functioning of the hormonal system.

Disturbances in the normal cycle of changes in basal temperature can indicate the onset of the disease much earlier than the appearance of other symptoms. Therefore, it is advisable for women at risk to constantly keep a diary with a graph of their indicators.

The disadvantage of this method of early diagnosis of uterine endometriosis is that to obtain reliable results it is necessary to carry out measurements for at least several months. And taking measurements every morning at the same time for at least 2-3 months in a row is quite difficult for a woman leading an active lifestyle.

Changes in basal temperature with endometriosis

There is practically no increase in general body temperature with endometriosis of the uterus. Only if at such stages of the disease, when the tissue has grown too much and causes inflammatory processes in the body. Can there be an elevated temperature with endometriosis in other cases? Maybe if the body of a woman with this disease is affected by some negative factors, such as solarium, prolonged exposure to the sun, excessive physical activity. In this case, the overall temperature can rise to 38 degrees or even more.

Changes in basal temperature with uterine endometriosis are usually cyclical and depend on the stage of the menstrual cycle.

  1. 3–4 before the start of menstruation, a woman’s basal temperature decreases. In each case, this value will be individual, but on average at the beginning of menstruation it will be about 37 degrees.
  2. During the onset of discharge, basal temperature also rises in healthy women. However, with endometriosis, the maximum value is much higher than normal and often exceeds 38 degrees.
  3. After the end of menstruation, the basal temperature returns to normal, and then the cycle repeats again.

If you notice such jumps in your basal temperature, you should contact your gynecologist. After all, such a symptom can indicate both endometriosis of the uterus, pregnancy, and some kind of inflammatory process in the body.

Additional symptoms

The fact that the basal temperature begins to rise is not the only symptom by which one can suspect the presence of uterine endometriosis, since there is an increase in values ​​during pregnancy or other factors. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following symptoms.

  • Bloody spotting that appears at unusual times in your cycle.
  • Pain during menstruation or during sex.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the pelvic area, which resemble a feeling of heaviness due to intestinal dysfunction.
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or excretory system.
  • Signs of general intoxication of the body.
  • Inability to conceive a child.

A woman’s attentiveness to the processes occurring in her body will help to detect unpleasant symptoms in a timely manner.

Correct temperature measurement

In order for the temperature that increases with uterine endometriosis to be measured correctly, certain conditions must be met. This is important for obtaining reliable data and can facilitate diagnosis.

  • For measurements, you need to use a well-functioning thermometer; it is better to check the accuracy of its readings in advance.
  • Measurements must be taken every morning, including weekends, and preferably at the same time.
  • Do not eat or drink any drinks before taking measurements.
  • It is better to leave the thermometer on the bedside table in the evening, as unnecessary movements before measuring the temperature can distort the result. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude even unnecessary hand movements.
  • A woman's night's sleep before the change should last at least 6 hours.
  • Basal temperature can be measured rectally or vaginally. But you can select the measurement method only once, and continue in the future as well.
  • The thermometer should be held for at least 10 minutes.

All obtained values ​​should be recorded in a notebook or notepad. This will help the treating gynecologist track all changes and make the correct diagnosis. If any condition was violated, then an appropriate entry should be made.

You should also know that there are factors that can influence basal temperature readings.

It is necessary to take into account their presence and report them to the gynecologist or note them in your diary.

  • Chronic diseases and inflammatory processes.
  • Taking certain medications.
  • Change of climate or time zones.
  • Smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • Insomnia and lack of sleep.
  • Variable work schedule, including night shifts.
  • Stress.
  • Overheating of the body.

What to do if your basal temperature starts to rise?

First of all, you should definitely visit a gynecologist and find the cause of such changes. In this case, the gynecologist will prescribe additional diagnostics and, if necessary, prescribe treatment. Treatment varies depending on the stage of endometriosis, symptoms that appear, and other factors. It happens that medication is enough for treatment, while in other cases surgical treatment is required.

During the entire course of treatment for endometriosis, you cannot use mud therapy, warm up the pelvic area using various methods, take a hot bath, or increase body temperature in other ways. All this can lead to complications, such as increased inflammatory processes occurring in the body.

If the basal temperature is unstable, or before the onset of menstruation the indicator decreases slightly, and during discharge it rises to 38 degrees or higher, then all this can signal endometriosis. Therefore, you should visit a gynecologist and undergo all the necessary examinations. After all, timely diagnosis and adequate treatment will help to significantly reduce possible complications from the disease.

Endometriosis is a disease associated with the formation and proliferation of tissue functionally and morphologically similar to the endometrium. This pathological process can occur in any tissue of the female body, but most often it “invades” the genitals. In terms of prevalence, endometriosis ranks third in the list of gynecological diseases. It is not surprising that women are actively interested in information about this disease. Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions.

Why is endometriosis dangerous?

Endometriosis is an insidious disease that can be asymptomatic at the initial stage, but later lead to serious consequences. A symptom of this disease quite often is infertility. Moreover, the specific causes and risk of infertility are individual in each case. Only an experienced gynecologist can correctly determine the diagnosis, since the disease is difficult to recognize and even more difficult to treat.

There is also a possibility of degeneration of endometrioid tissue with malignancy of the process. Therefore, if you have any suspicions, you must contact a gynecologist and follow all his further recommendations and instructions.

Temperature with endometriosis

A general increase in temperature is not typical for this disease. But with a long course of the disease, when the lesion is extensive, an increase in temperature is possible - this is how the body reacts to pain.

But, if a woman controls her basal temperature, then she may notice deviations from the usual schedule, indicating the presence of endometriosis or another gynecological disease. The deviation looks like a jump in basal temperature on menstrual days above the permissible level of 38 degrees.

Difference between endometritis and endometriosis

Both names are derived from the word endometrium, meaning the lining of the uterus. This is where their similarities end. These are completely different diseases, although both can lead to infertility.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the mucous tissue (endometrium), and endometriosis is the formation of new tissue, similar in properties to the endometrium, in places where it should not be.

There are also two important differences between these diseases for women:

  • Endometriosis is a severe, little-studied pathology, but not contagious, and endometritis is an inflammatory process, which in some cases is caused by a sexually transmitted infection.
  • Endometriosis is practically incurable, but endometritis can be eliminated forever after proper treatment.

Discharge from endometriosis

Female discharge in this disease is quite characteristic and, based on their description, a gynecologist can make a preliminary diagnosis:

  • Menstrual bleeding becomes very heavy and changes its color to rusty brown;
  • In the middle of the cycle (between menstruation), a woman may be bothered by brown discharge from the genitals, the so-called “daub”;
  • If the endometrium grows into the muscle mass of the uterus and affects the lymph nodes, a watery discharge with an unpleasant, pungent odor may begin.

Video: office hysteroscopy in a 23-year-old patient with heavy discharge during and between periods, who suffered two early miscarriages and a missed abortion.

Similarities to adenomyosis

Adenomyosis is essentially a special case of endometriosis; it is formed in the muscular body of the uterus and its second name is genital internal endometriosis.

Adenomyosis most often affects middle-aged (35-40 years old) women who have already given birth, and often one woman is diagnosed with both adenomyosis and endometriosis.

Is it possible to cure endometriosis?

Unfortunately, you can get rid of this sore forever only with the onset of menopause. Drug therapy only stops the growth of pathological tissues and relieves pain. Even surgery does not guarantee complete recovery.

However, a timely diagnosis and qualified treatment allow a woman to live comfortably and even bear and give birth to a child.

Currently, doctors offer women with this disease the Mirena hormonal spiral. It is designed for a period of 5 years and during this time it releases hormones into the woman’s body every day. As a result, it is possible not only to slow down the pathological process, but sometimes to reverse it.