When does the spring call end? Who is considered a draft dodger? What the military registration and enlistment office has the right to do outside the spring conscription deadlines

Fulfilling a constitutional duty. According to the Federal Law “On Military Duty,” citizens of the country aged 18 to 27 who permanently reside on its territory are subject to conscription into the army. Non-residents are not subject to conscription and are not even included in the military register. From January 1, 2008, the service life became equal to one year.

There is an opportunity to perform alternative service. But its period exceeds 12 months and is equal to 18-21 months. This right is given only if there are special indications.

Persons who graduate from military departments become officers and are enlisted in the reserves.

When a young person turns 17, he must mandatory pass the medical checkup. A commission of doctors examines the young man, identifies diseases, pathologies and makes a verdict on whether he is fit for service or not. If he is fit to serve, then he is given registration certificate. At the age of 18, a young man receives a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. Next he will have to go through a repeat medical commission. Are revealed possible reasons deferments. Higher and intermediate professional educational establishments provide a deferment to a young person for the duration of his studies; this rule does not apply to correspondence students. If there is no evidence not to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, then the guy is informed of the date and time when he will need to report to the military registration and enlistment office with his things.

Conscription Day

On the day of conscription, the guy must come with everything he needs to the regional military registration and enlistment office. All conscripts are sent by bus to the central collection point. Another medical commission is being held there. Only healthy and strong young men should enter the army. Next, representatives of military units communicate with the conscripts, talk about everyday life in the army, what they need to prepare for and what they absolutely cannot do. Everyone is issued a private uniform. Items that cannot be taken with you to the unit are confiscated and sent by mail to your home address. If for some reason a private is not assigned to a unit, he will live at the recruiting station for some time.
It happens that after the third medical commission, the young man medical indications declared unfit for duty and sent back home.

Spring call

In 2014, the spring call begins on April 1 and lasts 3 months until July 15. And the autumn call is from October 1 to December 31. According to Defense Minister Shoigu, the number of conscripts will significantly decrease by tens of thousands of people. The ranks of the armed army will be replenished by contract soldiers. This will allow military registration and enlistment offices not to chase after those who want to avoid serving. And also there will be no forced recruitment of young men due to a lack of mobilization

Spring call 2016

Call for conscript service to the army in Russian Federation is carried out in two stages, which are traditionally called autumn and spring conscription. These events are named after the time they begin.

Spring conscription dates in 2016

Let's figure it out, when does the spring conscription begin in 2016? As last year, conscription commissions will begin their work on the first day of conscription. The beginning of the spring conscription and the end date are given below. Thus, in 2016, the deadlines for conscription into the army remained unchanged.

When does the 2016 spring conscription begin?

All guys of military age in this moment, without a doubt, the question of concern is when the spring conscription for military service in the army begins in 2016. According to the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation, this year, as well as last year, spring conscription begins on April 1. For some, this date is associated with humor and fun, but not for young conscripts and their relatives. As a rule, the start date of the spring conscription is already the date of the first medical commissions at the military registration and enlistment office. Now you know what date the spring conscription begins.

When does the spring call end?

Unlike the autumn conscription, which lasts on average 91 days, the spring conscription lasts 15 days longer, that is, 106 days. In other words, the 2016 spring draft ends July 15. In this regard, university graduates who have successfully defended theses, you must remember that they have a valid deferment until August 31st. However, everywhere, newly minted specialists/masters/bachelors are given summonses precisely during the spring draft, usually at the beginning of summer.

Spring conscription 2016, conscripts' service life

Surely, many guys heard about increasing the service life to 1.8 years in 2016, but the actively disseminated information in the media on this topic, these rumors turned out to be someone’s invention. The young men who will be drafted into the army in the spring conscription of 2016 will serve 12 months(1 year) despite all the rumors about changing the service life.

Innovations in the spring conscription 2016

This year, each conscript will receive a so-called travel bag - a unified stylish bag with personal hygiene products, which will certainly increase the comfort of service and simplify the answer to the question "What to take with you to the army?" Now every serviceman will have a set of shaving accessories, a manicure set and a considerable set of useful little things. As before, recruitment into scientific companies is underway, however, to enter these units it is necessary to go through a competitive selection due to the limited number of places. Also new for the 2016 spring conscription is the introduction nap for conscripted military personnel.

Exceptions to recruitment deadlines

According to the provisions of the federal law “On military duty and military service" there are certain exceptions in the terms of conscription for certain categories of Russians. Let us dwell in detail on each of these exceptions.

For citizens living in certain areas of the far north, reduced conscription periods apply. In this case, conscription begins 1 month later than in other regions of the Russian Federation. You can find out whether a particular region is classified as a region of the far north in the regulatory documents of the Russian Federation. So the spring conscription in such regions begins on May 1. When does the 2016 spring conscription end for citizens living in the northern regions of Russia? The conscription ends on the same date as in other regions of the Russian Federation, that is, July 15.

Another category of citizens for whom exceptional deadlines for spring conscription apply are teaching staff/teachers working in educational institutions. For such citizens, the spring conscription period begins on May 1 and ends on July 15. But in autumn call teachers/educators are not called upon at all.

The last category of citizens with special terms for conscription into the army are residents/workers of the sphere Agriculture. The spring conscription does not apply to these citizens; they can only be called up for service in the fall during the autumn conscription, which begins for them on October 15, unlike all other citizens, for whom the autumn conscription begins on October 1.

What does the spring call include?

The concept of conscription is extremely important, and the conscript must know what this process involves. So the first and, in fact, determining the outcome of the next stages is such an event as a medical examination of a young conscript at the military registration and enlistment office.

Next, a meeting of the regional draft commission takes place, at which, based on the results of the medical examination, a decision is made on the fate of young man regarding military service. Thus, a young man can be sent to serve, exempted from conscription, or summoned for a second medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office in six months due to temporary health problems.

If a decision is made to call up a young man for the spring draft, he will be issued a so-called combat summons, that is, a summons to be sent to military unit for service.

In practice, conscripts are given a summons to join the army immediately after a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, if the young man is declared fit for health reasons. IN in this case the decision of the draft commission is formalized “retrospectively”, which is naturally a violation current legislation Russian Federation, but this violation is widespread.

Another popular violation of the rights of conscripts is the holding of the above-mentioned conscription events outside the spring conscription deadlines. The key concept here is “terms of recruitment”. The results of activities carried out outside these deadlines do not have legal force, which means that on their basis it is impossible to recognize a young man, for example, as fit for military service. If a young man is called for medical examination in January, such a call is illegal, and the military registration and enlistment office employees are well aware of this. In this case, it is not worth appearing for this medical examination. The court will be on the side of the conscript in the event of an attempt to hold the young man accountable for not appearing at such an event outside the terms of the call.

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The autumn draft lasts less than the spring one, so it is especially important for recruits to know the dates of its start and end. Only during this period, military commissariats, conscription commissions can carry out conscription activities for military service. The start date of the call is established by law, it can be found in Article 25 Federal Law"On military duty and military service", which is devoted to the timing of recruiting activities in the spring and autumn periods. The draft itself begins on the basis of a special decree of the President of the Russian Federation, however, the date of the start of the autumn draft campaign in this decree always coincides with the designated norm of the law.

When is the autumn conscription for the bulk of conscripts held?

The general rule is that the autumn conscription begins on October 1 and lasts for three months, that is, until December 31 inclusive. It is during this time period that all conscription activities are carried out; their conduct at any other time is illegal. Usually, the above-mentioned deadlines for the autumn conscription are strictly observed, although the president has the right to increase its duration if the planned targets are not achieved. He practically does not use this right, since in most cases there is no need to change the timing of the relevant procedures.

Special dates for autumn conscription

The beginning of the autumn conscription may be shifted by a certain number of days for certain categories of persons obliged to serve in the army. This is due to objective reasons, which are reflected in the said article of the law. Thus, the autumn conscription for residents of some regions of the Far North begins on November 1, the same rule applies to a number of territories equated to regions of the Far North.

If a citizen of military age lives in rural areas, is directly engaged in sowing, harvesting, then the autumn call for him starts only on October 15. All others are required to appear at the military commissariats on the agenda in accordance with general rules.

It should also be remembered that many military registration and enlistment offices send summonses to citizens in advance, while the date of appearance in such notifications is indicated within the period of the draft campaign. Such distribution is legal, since no recruiting events are held before the start of the autumn draft.


  • Who is eligible for a deferment?

When does the autumn conscription take place? In Russia, conscription for military service in accordance with the current Art. 25 of the Federal Law "On military duty and military service" is held twice a year: in spring and autumn. The spring conscription period is from April 1 to July 15. But it has its own characteristics.

Male citizens who live in the regions of the Far North are called up from May 1 to July 15. If a person has a pedagogical education and works in his specialty, then the call for him will begin on May 1 and end on July 15. But rural residents are not taken away in the spring, especially if they take part in sowing work.

There are some nuances. All procedures that are carried out as part of attracting a conscript to serve are carried out during the period of validity of the order. If a conscript receives a summons for a medical examination before the specified period, he has the right to appeal it to judicial procedure. If the date on the agenda does not correspond to the period of the medical examination, this is considered a violation. In 2015, the term of service in the ranks of the armed forces is 12 months.

When does the fall season start?

The fall conscription period runs from October 1st to December 31st. However, there are exceptions that are set in certain regions.
In the Far North, the period for passing a medical examination begins on November 1 and ends on December 31.
For persons who have a pedagogical education and work in educational institutions, there is no conscription for military service.
Until what date does the work of the medical board in rural areas continue? If a citizen takes part in sowing or harvesting work, he is called up from October 15 to December 31.

Thus, the spring and autumn call have significant differences. So, for example, a resident of a rural area can be called up only in the fall, and a teacher - only in the spring. However, medical commissions begin their work on September 1. Preparation in the military registration and enlistment offices for the medical examination begins in the summer. Before appearing for a medical commission at the military registration and enlistment office, you should go to the clinic and be examined, and also prepare a package of documents that are indicated in the Schedule of Diseases. You can find information about this in the Military Registration Office.