What is better for a baby to sleep in? Where should a newborn baby sleep? How to make sleeping in the same bed safer

Restful sleep a newborn is the most important condition for him. This is both a method of protection and a time of strengthening, growth, a period of peace and rest. Parents are mistaken if they do not attach importance to how to properly lay the baby down and in what position it is better to place the child. Many people wonder whether a newborn must sleep in a crib.

Healthy sleep for a newborn

We would like to immediately reassure all parents: babies, if healthy, sleep very soundly. They cannot be disturbed by ordinary voices and loud, unsharp sounds. Therefore, there is no point in creating ideal silence while the baby sleeps. In addition, the habit of ideal silence, which is extremely difficult to ensure constantly, in the future will not give the child the opportunity to sleep peacefully on the street or in the apartment during the day.

The duration of sleep in infants varies during the first year of life from 18-20 hours in a newborn to 13-14 hours in an 11-12 month old baby.

Putting the baby to bed

Absolutely all parents and close relatives always want to hold their dear newborn baby in their arms as often and as long as possible. Of course, caring hands give the baby a feeling of security and comfort, your calm heartbeat sets a soothing rhythm. But all this is good in moments when the baby is painful or overexcited. The rest of the time it's better to stick to permanent rules.

  • Place a newborn correctly in the same place under the same conditions: only in a crib, or only in a stroller, or only on a sofa, or only in your arms (but then do not be outraged that the child cannot fall asleep in a crib, changing conditions it will be stressful for him), etc.
  • Sing a lullaby or speak in a low, calm, almost monotone voice, avoiding abrupt changes timbre and sound strength.
  • Breastfeeding always ideal before bed: it satiates, the sucking reflex calms, and sometimes tires newborns, it is cozy and calm in the cradle from the mother’s hands.
  • If the baby is not hungry and is used to the pacifier, give him a pacifier when putting him to bed. Satisfying the sucking need, the child calms down.
  • Swimming before bedtime is very good. It perfectly relaxes and prepares you for bed. You can talk to your pediatrician about what herbs can be added to the water if your baby is overexcited or bothered. painful sensations.
  • The room should be clean and ventilated. The air must be saturated with oxygen. The temperature should not exceed +22C, optimal +18C. Such conditions are useful for strengthening the baby’s immunity and restful sleep.

Check out the video “How to put a newborn to sleep”, “8 ways to put babies to sleep”.


IN Lately swaddling has become considered a relic of the past, and few people listen to their grandmother's advice. However, for newborn children it can be useful. After the cramped mother's womb, large space and spaciousness are not comfortable for the baby. Arms and legs are hypertonic. Therefore, loose swaddling will even be useful for your baby. In this position, the baby is calm and warm. However, do not tighten the diaper too tightly so as not to impede the baby's breathing or injure the delicate bones. As the child grows up, he will learn to fall asleep peacefully without swaddling.

Sleeping mode

You can often hear that children confuse day and night: they sleep during the day and are active at night. To avoid this, try not to communicate with your baby at night from the first days: feeding, swaddling, changing a diaper - all in minimal lighting, without emotional appeal or comments. During the day, fill your waking periods with impressions and pleasures as much as possible: conversations, massages, singing, looking at them, toys, etc. Thus, a daily routine, a sleep pattern that is convenient for you and comfortable for the child, gradually develops.

Sleeping in a crib

There is no single rule on how to properly place a newborn in a crib. However, pediatricians are unanimous on several points.

  • The crib should be kept away from heating devices and radiators. central heating.
  • The bed should be warm and cozy for the baby. Therefore, in a poorly heated room, it is better to warm the crib with a heating pad.
  • The side position has the least risk. In the tummy position for a newborn high risk infant mortality syndrome, and in a supine position there is a risk of the baby burping and choking. Therefore, it is better to place the baby on its side, with its back resting on a folded blanket, so that the baby does not roll onto its tummy or back. Do not forget to periodically turn the child over to the other side so that the shape of the head is formed correctly in this position.
  • If the baby shows anxiety, do not rush to pick him up. Talk quietly and calmly, pet him, sing a lullaby, make sure that nothing physically irritates him.

Daytime nap

Many parents are concerned about how to put their child to sleep during the day. There are no separate rules for daytime sleep. It is better to put a 9-month-old baby, just like a newborn, to bed at the same time, following the routine. The child should be well-fed and comfortably dressed. The room has been checked, the bed is not cold. 40-30 minutes before bedtime, communication becomes calm and peaceful.

If something is bothering your baby, carry him in your arms for a few minutes, singing and talking to him gently. Put him in the crib, stroke him, continuing to speak monotonously.

Why doesn't the baby sleep

According to Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky, if the child is healthy, then think about the objective reasons.

  • Perhaps the baby doesn't want to sleep yet. It grows, and the time of wakefulness increases, and the number and duration day dreams is shrinking.
  • The child will not be able to sleep hungry. The baby should eat before bed. It would be correct to give him breast or milk porridge.
  • The baby may be capricious because it is too low or too high temperature air.
  • Can be irritating extraneous sounds And bright light. Make sure that the room is twilight, the glare of light does not fall on the child, and the surrounding sounds are muffled and monotonous.

We wish your baby strong and healthy sleep!

The question of how to put a newborn to sleep is relevant for many mothers. You need to know which sleeping positions are considered safe and in what conditions the baby will be comfortable. Sleep is extremely important for normal development baby, so you need to ensure proper rest.

Conditions for sleeping

The first thing parents should take care of is comfortable conditions in the room. You should definitely check the room before going to bed. The optimal temperature is slightly above 20 degrees. Humidity must be maintained at a level of at least 60%.

The crib in which the child will be placed must be made of safe materials. It must be well polished, because when the baby grows a little, he will grab the bars. You need to choose a mattress that is firm enough and only slightly sag under the weight of the baby. After all, the baby’s skeleton is still very plastic; on a soft surface it can become deformed – and in the future the child may have problems with the spine.

In addition, a hard mattress is necessary from a safety point of view. Even if a newborn accidentally turns over on his stomach (and this sometimes happens even in the first month of life), the flat surface will not block his access to oxygen.

It is better not to use a pillow for small children; it is not necessary. But if you still really want it, then it is better to choose orthopedic pillows, for example buckwheat. They allow the baby to take an anatomically correct position.

Is co-sleeping acceptable?

The question of whether a newborn can sleep with his mother remains relevant for a long time. There is no definite answer here; this should be decided solely by the parents. We must remember the risk of crushing the baby. But most mothers feel great about their baby. This is truly dangerous in cases where the mother has not slept for a long time, for example because the baby is sick.

On to the cons co-sleeping This also includes some changes in the relationship with my husband. But if a mother gets up to the baby several times a night and rocks him to sleep for a long time, then this has a negative effect on her well-being. Sleeping with a baby gives you the opportunity to get a good rest. In addition, there is an opinion that it reduces the likelihood of SIDS. So it's important to weigh the pros and cons for your family.

How should a newborn sleep?

It is important to understand in what position to place the newborn. After all, he cannot change his position on his own. This means that parents need to ensure that the baby sleeps soundly and safely.

The most optimal position is considered to be on the side. It is physiological, and most importantly, the baby will not choke if he burps. In babies gastrointestinal tract They are still developing, the cardiac sphincter is not fully formed, so they burp quite often. To prevent the baby from accidentally turning over, the magazine site recommends placing a rolled up towel under his back. It is also necessary to change the position of the baby from time to time, placing it on the other side to prevent the development of torticollis.

You can also put your baby to sleep on his back. This position is physiological, but there is a risk that the baby will choke after burping after feeding. To avoid this, the baby’s head must be turned to the side, sometimes changing position. You can support your head with a diaper roll.

To ensure that falling asleep goes smoothly, it is important not to miss the moment when your baby wants to sleep. If he takes too long, it will be more difficult to put him down.

Newborns often wake themselves sudden movements hands Swaddling, tight or loose, when the legs remain mobile, will help solve the problem. Modern moms often refuse diapers. Then you need to give the baby a little time: most likely, he will quickly get used to it and stop waking himself up. But this doesn't always work. Some children have to be swaddled for several months to prevent them from waking up every 15 minutes.

Can a baby sleep on his stomach?

The position on the stomach is considered controversial. On the one hand, it is physiological; it is convenient for children to rest like this. This position helps the intestines work, gases pass more easily, making the baby less likely to experience colic. In addition, his muscles become stronger, so that he will begin to hold his head up and roll over earlier than his peers.

At the same time, there is an opinion that the prone position increases the risk of SIDS, although studies have not established a direct connection between this position and infant mortality syndrome. Still, it is better to put the child to sleep in this way daytime when there is an opportunity to look after him. In this case, the following conditions must be met:

  • hard mattress;
  • lack of toys in the crib;
  • sleeping without a pillow;
  • There is no oilcloth sheet in the crib.

How to get your baby to sleep

The baby can sleep sweetly in any position. But sometimes putting a baby to sleep is not so easy, despite his need for rest.

Already from the first month of life, it is worth introducing a ritual, which in the future will help quickly set the baby up for sleep.

  • The baby is bathed; you can add a little infusion of soothing herbs to the water. It is only advisable to consult with a pediatrician and find out which plants are safe for children under one year of age.
  • Then the baby needs to be fed.
  • After feeding, the baby is carried in a column so that the air that he has captured along with the milk or formula comes out. But if the baby falls asleep during feeding, then there is no need to wake him up.

For some children, bathing is exciting. In this case, it is better to postpone it to the morning so as not to disturb sleep.

How to lay down a baby

You can hear many warnings that you should not accustom your baby to holding hands or rocking him to sleep, as it is then difficult to wean him off. Maybe a newborn should fall asleep in his crib listening to his mother’s lullaby, but in practice this rarely happens. Most often, women rock their children to sleep. Later baby can be trained to falling asleep independently, but now it is very important for the baby to feel the warmth of his mother’s hands, to feel safe.

You can carry the baby in your arms and rock him while standing. Sometimes you can adapt to do this while sitting. The fitball is especially convenient - mom can take enough comfortable position. This is important, because rocking a baby often takes quite a long time. The beating of mother's heart and measured movements gradually set him up for sleep. To help you fall asleep faster, you can sing your baby a lullaby or simply hiss, simulating white noise.

You can also rock the baby to sleep in a crib or cradle if he agrees to lie quietly.

If the child is on breastfeeding, then he can fall asleep right on his chest. True, it may be difficult for mom to take the breast and move the little one without waking him up.

Why doesn't the baby sleep?

Even if you follow all the recommendations correctly, getting your baby to sleep is not always easy. No matter what the parents do, the baby continues to cry. This means that he is experiencing discomfort. Most likely, this is colic - a common problem in children in the first months of life. You can ease the pain by massaging your tummy and pressing a warm diaper against it.

There is another situation. The baby does not show any anxiety, he is cheerful, cheerful, active, especially at night. We need to remember how he behaves during the day - he's probably sleeping off. This happens if a child confuses day with night. In this case, it is necessary to gradually shift the bedtime, not allowing the baby to sleep more than normal during the daytime. At first, he may still fall asleep earlier than planned, but the routine will soon return to normal.

If you know how to properly position a newborn, you will be able to ensure proper rest for the whole family. However, you should not expect that the baby will not wake up at night. Most likely, he will want to eat, and he will probably have to be fed several times.

After birth, the baby sleeps almost 24 hours a day, distracted only by food or if he is worried about something. It is not surprising that mothers are often concerned with the question: Is this normal? Maybe a newborn should sleep much less? There are many techniques that you can use to ensure that your baby sleeps peacefully and comfortably throughout the night. We really hope that after reading this article, you will be able to get answers to all your questions regarding your child’s sleep.

How long should a newborn baby sleep?

So, let's start with sleep duration.

How much does a newborn sleep per day?

Newborns sleep 16-18 hours a day, but typically wake up every two hours to eat. This rhythm exhausts adults, but is perfect for a child’s body.

Some newborns are real sleepyheads. They sleep for two to three hours, after which they wake up to eat and go back to sleep. Others cannot sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time. They often wake up, start crying, demanding to be fed, or just lie quietly with with open eyes. All the more unexpected for parents are the moments when they fall asleep.

Three weeks after birth, the interval between feedings of the baby may increase from the usual 2 to 3-4 hours.

Where should a newborn baby sleep?

Now let's talk about where a place should be chosen for a newborn's sleep. In essence, where he sleeps depends only on your own choice.

  1. Some mothers and fathers put a crib for the baby in the next room and put the newborn there immediately upon arrival from the hospital. This is probably not the best solution since you have to get up every now and then during the night to see the baby. Of course, you can install a crib nearby, in your own bedroom - then the newborn will sleep in walking distance from you, and besides, you can be sure at any moment that he is calm, his breathing is smooth and that everything is fine with him.
  2. Quite a lot of parents believe that a newborn should sleep in their bed. This is especially convenient if you are breastfeeding. After all, if your child sleeps separately, then the mother manages to sleep for no more than 2 hours in a row, whereas if the baby is nearby, sometimes you don’t even need to wake up particularly to feed him. If you have determined a place for the child in your bed, then be sure to move the bed, making sure that there are no cracks in it, the baby will not be able to fall through anywhere, and will be completely safe. Lay the baby on his back, remove all unnecessary items from the bed, pillows, Stuffed Toys And so on. Or maybe you can buy a special crib, the side wall of which can be removed and then it begins to form a single unit with your bed.

Each of the above methods has its own advantages. So, if you decide that your newborn should sleep in your bed, then of course you will be able to rest much better. Once you learn to breastfeed your newborn while lying down, you won't even have to wake up to do it. Whereas in otherwise, you will have to get up, turn on the night light, go to the baby and feed him while sitting for the next half hour.

How to teach a child to sleep separately?

You need to understand that sooner or later the baby will have to sleep alone, so you need to be careful when accustoming him to a large bed. And, of course, if you want to be alone with your spouse, a child in bed will disturb you. Pediatricians recommend that when a baby turns six months old, they begin to move him into his own crib. Moreover, the volume of food eaten already allows us to hope that the newborn will sleep for at least 5 or 6 hours, practically without waking up.

To ensure that your newborn sleeps well in a separate crib, remove extra items And bed dress, lay him on his back or on his side, cover him with a blanket and tuck it in so that it covers the baby up to the armpits. If the house is warm, then you can do without a blanket and dress your baby in pajamas with closed legs.

How to sleep properly for a newborn?

None of the methods according to which a newborn should sleep can be considered universal: each of them works under certain conditions and is not suitable for everyone. We will not discuss the advantages or disadvantages of this or that technique. We will try to explain the principle of operation biological clock newborn baby from birth to 12 months. Some people need more time to sleep, others much less. We will try to help you understand the factors that affect your baby's sleep.

How are baby's sleep and feeding related?

If you are wondering how much sleep a newborn should have, pay attention to his diet. Lengthening the interval between feedings is a direct consequence of the rapid development of your son or daughter. Feeding portions become larger over and over again, so it is not surprising that they last for a longer period of time. As a rule, a two-month-old should eat from 7 to 12 times a day, but the intervals between feedings are uneven, so that he can already sleep for several hours at a time.

Baby who can drink large quantity milk per feeding, eats much less often per day than a newborn. Naturally, the intervals between feedings increase, and the baby’s sleep becomes much longer.

How much sleep should a newborn who is not yet 6 weeks old sleep? The longest time for such a baby to sleep is at the beginning of the night. Children fall asleep around eight o'clock in the evening and wake up, as a rule, closer to midnight. Thus, they begin to ask for food at the very time when parents most want to sleep. Maybe, biological rhythms children are formed under the influence of their intrauterine development. When pregnant women go to bed after have a long day, they notice that the fetus becomes more active. Most expectant mothers noticed that their babies were most active late at night. No wonder: when he begins life outside the mother's womb, his rhythms remain unchanged for some time. For most babies in the first six weeks of life, the middle of the night remains the time of greatest activity.

The baby's daily routine directly depends on the amount of milk he receives during feeding. Children who are fed formula milk are not affected by this circumstance, their portion is always the same, while those who are breastfed very often receive more milk from their mother early in the morning than at the end of the day. As a result, the latter begin to feel hungry faster and wake up earlier at night.

A newborn baby spends almost all of its time sleeping. He is still very small and not accustomed to the world around him. Parents must take care of the baby and provide him with a healthy and comfortable sleep. In what position should a newborn sleep? The article will consider the issue of creating conditions for good rest baby.

How to sleep in a crib for a newborn

The baby may feel discomfort in the first days after birth. However, for safety reasons, he is given a separate place to sleep. For these purposes, a standard crib is suitable, in which he can rest for several years.

What should be the position of a newborn during sleep? The baby can sleep in the crib as follows:

  • The most comfortable position is on your back. The head should be turned to the side.
  • You should not cover your newborn with duvets. It is best to wrap it in a thin blanket or sleeping bag.
  • Can a newborn sleep on a pillow? The baby does not need it until the age of 1-1.5 years, so as not to cause spinal deformation.

For proper development The newborn should sleep on a hard surface. She is the safest for him. The mattress must be elastic. If the child buries his nose in it, it will not impede his breathing. Co-sleeping with parents should also take place on a hard surface. After all, the formation of the skeleton and the safety of the baby depend on this.

An important question is the choice of a children's mattress. The material must be hygienic and safe; it is better to use coconut fiber as a filler.

If the mattress is double-sided, then children under one year old need to sleep on its hard side.

Why does my child sleep poorly?

The main problems parents have with their babies are trying to get them to sleep. These include the following:

  1. The baby cannot sleep more than 3-4 hours. He wakes up, cries and goes back to sleep.
  2. It is impossible to put the child to sleep.
  3. The baby wakes up at night and cannot fall back to sleep.

To understand why this happens, it is necessary to understand the structure of nighttime rest. It consists of several phases. Sometimes the baby can be woken up loud noise or bright light. To prevent this, it is necessary to provide him with comfortable sleeping conditions.

How to get good sleep

In what position should a newborn sleep? Before you fully decide on this issue, you need to create comfortable conditions:

  1. The temperature in the newborn's room should be between 18-22 degrees.
  2. The room must be well ventilated. In warm weather it is better to leave the window open. The main thing is not to put your newborn to sleep in a draft and dress him according to the weather.
  3. The optimal humidity in the room should be 60%.
  4. The mother of a newborn will have to face a choice between diapers and undershirts. To the baby, born in summer, you can sleep in a light vest. Newborn in winter time diapers will be needed. A hat is not needed indoors at temperatures above 18 degrees.

You need to create comfortable conditions in the room. To prevent the sun from shining into the baby's eyes, the curtains must be closed.

Which pose to choose

Can a newborn sleep on his back? It is necessary to choose the resting position correctly. A physiologically comfortable position for sleeping is the baby's pose with legs spread apart and arms thrown behind the head and clenched into fists. This position with the head turned to one side is safe and suitable for resting both during the day and at night.

Sleeping on your back

In what position should a newborn sleep? The position on the back is one of the safest and most acceptable for a baby. The baby's head should be turned to the side so that the baby does not choke if he burps.

Many parents practice placing their newborn in this position. The parties in which head turned, needs to be changed. This is done to prevent torticollis from forming. If the baby turns to one side most often, then you can place a diaper folded in several layers under this cheek.

When the baby prefers to sleep towards the light, it is necessary to change the position of the pillow. To do this, alternate the headboard and legs, so the baby is turned towards the window, but at the same time sleeps on different sides. The direction of rotation must be changed constantly: day and night.

Can a newborn sleep on his back? Despite the convenience of this position, this position is not always the most suitable. At increased tone muscles, the child moves his arms and legs, so he constantly wakes himself up. In this case, some mothers use swaddling, but not all babies like the restriction of freedom and therefore are capricious. Then they change their sleeping position. At pathological development hip joints, it is suitable for the baby to sleep on his stomach.

If a newborn is tormented by gases, then this position improves their release. A warm diaper is also placed on the tummy to ease the baby’s condition.

On the stomach

In what position should a newborn sleep? For the full development of the baby, experts advise placing it on the stomach every day, and it is advisable to do this several times. Baby in this position:

  • lifts and holds the head;
  • back muscles are developed;
  • sees the world on the other side;
  • the ability to navigate in space develops.

What is safe posture for a newborn's sleep? When he sleeps on his stomach, his intestinal gases pass normally. This helps improve his condition with colic. It is possible for a child to sleep on his stomach, but only under the constant supervision of his parents. After all, the baby can bury his nose in the pillow and suffocate. SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) may also occur. Typically, the danger increases if the surface under the head is soft. Therefore, babies under 1 year old should not sleep on a pillow; it is usually replaced by a diaper folded several times.

If a newborn sleeps on his stomach, then it is necessary to follow some safety rules:

  1. Place the newborn on a smooth and hard surface.
  2. No foreign objects (toys, clothes) should be left near it.

To control the breathing process, the baby must be under the supervision of parents. If they cannot keep an eye on the baby during sleep, then a less dangerous position should be chosen.

On the side

This position is quite safe for the baby, but it is necessary to prevent the possibility of turning over onto the stomach.

Can a newborn sleep on its side? To do this, the baby is laid down with a cushion of twisted blankets or towels placed under his back. When the baby lies on his side, he presses his legs towards his stomach, which helps the gases escape. In this case, the baby’s hands are in front of his face, and he can scratch himself. To avoid this, parents need to wear a vest with closed hands or special non-scratch mittens. This position is especially favorable for babies who constantly spit up.

When the newborn is positioned on its side, it goes increased load on pelvic bones. This position is contraindicated for babies in the first 3 months, as well as for those with hip dysplasia.

It is imperative to regularly change the position of the baby’s body to avoid the development of torticollis.

How to place your baby correctly

Can a newborn sleep on its side? As we have already said, it is better to lay it on the half-side. This position reduces the risk that the baby will choke when burping, and reduces the load on his hip joints. This position combines the positive aspects of sleeping on the side and back, and also prevents negative consequences.

The child must be placed on different sides to avoid the appearance of torticollis. To avoid confusion, parents can use a hanging toy that is repositioned when the baby’s position changes.

After feeding, it should be as follows: it is best to carry the baby vertically in your arms so that the air comes out. Only after burping can the child be placed in bed on his half-side or on his back, making sure to turn his head at the same time. This way, his sleep will become more sound, and the baby will not be bothered by colic and gas.

A newborn should not be swaddled tightly. You can use a sleeping bag, the baby will be able to move his arms and legs freely. At the same time, it is guaranteed not to open, and the mother will not need to worry that the child will freeze.

If parents cover the baby with a blanket, it should be at chest level.

Within 2-3 months after birth, the mother is recommended to use two positions for sleeping the baby: on the back and on the side. In the first position, you need to turn your head to the side. This is necessary so that saliva and milk mass flow out after regurgitation.

If you decide to place your baby on his side, you need to make sure that nothing interferes with him.

Baby's sleep duration

Newborns include babies whose age does not exceed 1 month. After this period, he becomes an infant.

How long does a newborn baby sleep before one month? The birth process has a stressful effect on the baby, so he needs to regain his strength as quickly as possible. The daily routine of a newborn is as follows:

  • in the first weeks after birth, the baby sleeps for 20-22 hours;
  • the rest of the time, until the month is completed, the baby rests for 18-20 hours, taking short breaks to eat;
  • gradually the duration of sleep decreases to 16-17 hours.

How long does a newborn baby sleep after feeding? If the baby is full and nothing bothers him, then he can rest for 4-8 hours, this depends on the amount of food eaten and the nutritional value of the mother's milk.

Very convenient if most of your sleep occurs at night. This allows not only the baby to rest, but also his parents. To achieve this, pediatricians recommend reducing the duration of daytime sleep.

How long does a newborn baby sleep for up to a month during the day? Babies do not distinguish the time of day very well; most often they wake up at regular intervals in order to eat. But it is worth remembering that every baby is individual.

Is it necessary to rock a newborn?

Many parents believe that the baby should sleep in his own crib. However, some children begin to be capricious, ask to be held and cry. This happens because the newborn is frightened by the world around him. Everything here seems unusual and dangerous to him. The dearest creature at this moment is the mother. In such situations, psychologists recommend picking him up and rocking him to sleep. Feeling the mother's presence and her smell, the baby immediately falls asleep. You should not put your baby straight into the crib. He needs to be given time to fall asleep soundly.

In the first months, he needs to be placed in a crib, which is located in the parents' room. The more time the baby feels his mother’s presence, the higher the chance that he will grow up healthy and balanced.

What will help your child sleep

From the first days of life, most babies quickly fall asleep immediately after feeding or begin to doze already during the breastfeeding period. If this does not happen, then perhaps something frightened the baby or he was overexcited from new impressions.

Most common problems with motion sickness one month old baby does not occur if he does not have any health problems.

Contraindications for various sleep positions

When putting the baby to bed, parents should worry about the safety of the position in which he is located. There are some contraindications:

  1. It is prohibited for infants who have been diagnosed with abnormal development of the hip joints to fall asleep on their sides and back.
  2. Night and daytime rest on the back is prohibited in case of muscle hypertonicity (tight swaddling is recommended) and colic.
  3. The head should not be higher than the body.

For correct formation The baby's spine is placed on a flat and hard surface.


So that the newborn has a strong and long sleep:

  • the bed should be firm and level, a pillow is not required;
  • it is necessary to surround the baby with care and attention;
  • It is imperative to create comfortable conditions for sleeping.

A newborn's sleep lasts up to 20 hours a day, plus or minus 2 hours. It is in sleep that the baby grows, gains strength, and his brain processes the information received. For proper rest, it is important to position the baby correctly and create comfortable conditions in the baby’s room. It is also important in what position the baby sleeps. How should a newborn sleep?

Conditions for good sleep

  • The room temperature is not higher than 22 degrees, but not lower than 18.
  • The room should be well ventilated before going to bed, and in warm weather leave the window open. The main thing is not to place the baby in a draft and dress according to the temperature.
  • The optimal humidity in the nursery is 60%.
  • As for clothes, the mother will have to choose between diapers and vests; it is not advisable to use them together. Komarovsky advises focusing on the time of year. A “summer” baby can sleep in a light cotton vest, and a “winter” baby can sleep in a diaper. As for the cap, if the room temperature is above 18 degrees, it is not required at all.
  • The quality of the mattress is important. It should be moderately rigid and not bend under the weight of the child.
  • It is advisable to close the curtains in the room while sleeping. Do not allow the sun to hit the child's eyes.
Lots of light and fresh air- this is how you can describe it perfect room baby. Of course, it’s better to close the curtains while you sleep so that sunlight didn't hit me in the eyes

One more question: where should the baby sleep? Our mothers were given no choice - the child had to sleep in his own crib. Now parents are given the right to choose. If the baby sleeps peacefully in the crib, wakes up only to eat and falls asleep again - you are lucky, this is best option for the child and his parents.

More often than not, it happens that a mother, after feeding her newborn, does not have time to get to her bed, but the child is already crying and it is difficult to put him down again. In that case, it's worth a try co-sleeping, if dad doesn’t mind making room. You shouldn’t be afraid that the mother will crush the baby in her sleep - her instincts won’t allow it. Mommy's dream is very sensitive.

In the parents' bed, even restless children sleep well and give parents the opportunity to rest. From time to time you should repeat putting the baby in his crib, and when sleep becomes stronger and more peaceful, return to sleeping separately. As a middle option, you can try removing the front side of the crib at night and moving the baby to the parent's bed at night.

What will help a newborn sleep?

Most babies in the first month of life fall asleep immediately after eating or begin to doze while sucking. If the baby is capricious and does not sleep, he needs to be reassured - maybe something hurts, something frightened the baby, there are a lot of impressions.

The best way to put a baby to sleep is to rock him to sleep, it’s best to rock him in your arms or just walk around the room with him. If the baby is too heavy for the mother, you should use a stroller or cradle. Mom can rock while sitting and keep the baby on her lap on a pillow. Most often, putting a month-old baby to bed does not cause problems if he is healthy.

Motion sickness is the most traditional and effective way Help your child sleep peacefully. After falling asleep, you can immediately transfer him to his crib.

Acceptable sleeping positions

The natural position of a baby in sleep is the “frog” pose: lying on the back, with the arms slightly bent at the elbows, the legs at the knees and spread apart, and the head turned to the side. You can also lay the baby on its side or stomach. So how to lay down a newborn? Let's consider the benefits and harms of each pose.

On the back

The “on the back” position is the most acceptable and safe for a newborn (we recommend reading:). At the same time, the baby’s head is turned to the side, thanks to this the baby will not choke if he burps in his sleep. Many parents constantly place their baby only in this position. Be sure to alternate the sides in which the head is turned so that torticollis does not develop. If the baby turns to one side more often, you can place a folded diaper or napkin under the “unloved” cheek, then gradually reduce the layers until the head turns completely. If the baby prefers to sleep facing the light, then change the position of the pillow: at the head, then at the feet - so that the baby is turned towards the window every time, but sleeps on different sides. So, the direction of rotation should be changed every time the baby sleeps, day and night!

On the back - not the only one and not always suitable posture. For example, with increased muscle tone, a baby moves its arms in its sleep and wakes itself up. Sometimes swaddling helps, but many babies do not tolerate restrictions on their freedom and are capricious. Then you should change your sleeping position. Also, when abnormal development hip joint(dysplasia), sleeping on your stomach is suitable. If the baby is suffering from colic in the intestines, or the process of passing gas is difficult when lying on its back, then it is worth putting heat on the tummy (an ironed warm diaper or a special heating pad) to alleviate the condition or change the position to a more comfortable one.

Sleeping on the back is not always the healthiest - sometimes it makes sense to turn the baby onto his tummy or side to solve some problems. physiological problems(abdominal pain, hypertension, dysplasia)

On the stomach

  • learns to raise and hold his head;
  • develops back muscles;
  • sees the world from a different perspective;
  • develops the ability to navigate in space.

In addition, in this position, intestinal gases are best released, which alleviates the condition of colic (see also:). It is possible for a baby to sleep on his stomach, but under constant supervision. The fact is that the baby can bury his face in the pillow and suffocate. That is, there is a risk of SIDS - sudden infant death syndrome. The softer the surface under the baby, the higher the risk, so it is not recommended for babies under 1 year of age to sleep on pillows - place a folded diaper under their head.

If your baby sleeps on his stomach, there are several safety rules to follow:

  • lay only on a flat, smooth surface of sufficient rigidity;
  • Do not leave near the baby foreign objects(toys, pillows, clothes);
  • to control breathing, the child must be in the field of view of the mother or another adult;

You also need to alternate sides on which you place your head in the “on your stomach” position. If you cannot monitor your child during sleep, it is better to choose a less dangerous position.

On the side

This position is quite safe for newborns, but the possibility of turning onto the stomach should be excluded. To do this, the child is placed with a cushion of blanket or towel under his back. Lying on its side, the baby tucks its legs toward its stomach, which helps the gases pass out. The baby's hands are in front of his face and he can scratch himself: to avoid this, you need to wear shirts with closed handles or special non-scratch mittens. This kind of sleep is indispensable for babies who often spit up.

It should be taken into account that in the “sideways” position there is an increased load on the pelvic bones. This position is contraindicated for infants in the first three months of life and for those with hip dysplasia.

It is impossible to say in what position it is correct to put the baby to sleep, because all children are different. Use 2 or 3 options, alternating them, then it will become clear how the baby sleeps sweeter.