The child is cutting his first teeth, symptoms. Late teething in babies. Timing of teething in children

Teeth formation occurs in the womb. The first rudiments of milk teeth appear at 7 weeks of pregnancy, and permanent ones at 17. Teeth begin to grow in infants at 6 months of age.
Teeth erupt in pairs. The baby reacts sharply to the ongoing process. He develops general malaise, which is considered quite normal for such a condition. Not knowing how to react to the changes occurring in the mouth, the baby begins to cry or scream. But does everything have to happen this way? What signs signal to parents that the first tooth is just around the corner?

First signs of teething

Parents must remember that all children are different. Each organism has its own individual characteristics. How can you tell if your baby's restlessness is causing teething? The first signs of teething appear less than a week before the start of the process. They end immediately after the incisor appears through the mucous membrane of the gums.

The baby may experience swelling or slight swelling of the gums at the site where the tooth appears. The child often becomes irritable. His appetite worsens or he completely refuses to eat. There is increased salivation. The baby begins to bite everything in order to relieve the itching in the gums.
Sometimes a rash appears on the chin, in the mouth, and on the chest. This is due to the intense secretion of saliva, which irritates delicate skin. Often, many mothers can observe sleep disturbances in children.

There are additional signs of the appearance of the first incisors. They are less common, but they are worth paying attention to.

Watch a short video about your baby's first teeth

When can parents expect their first teeth?

Already at birth, a baby has 20 follicles of baby teeth and 16 rudiments of molars (permanent) inside the upper and lower jaws. The formation of the remaining 16 primordia occurs later. Statistics show that most often the first teeth appear at six months of age. Experts call this date optimal. But the appearance of baby teeth 6 months earlier or later than this date is not considered a deviation.

The sequence of appearance of incisors, canines and molars may also differ from child to child. Only unpaired appearance is considered a deviation.

Let's consider the average statistical standards presented in the table and in the photo.

There are no ways to speed up teething.

Why is there a delay?

Illnesses of a woman during pregnancy can lead to delays and lack of space for teething. Treatment in such cases is carried out purely individually for each child. The specialist examines the baby’s dental system and prescribes an X-ray analysis. Other factors can also have a negative impact:

  1. neonatal sepsis
  2. pneumonia and recurring acute respiratory infections
  3. prematurity or postmaturity
  4. artificial feeding
  5. Rhesus conflict
  6. convulsions
  7. intestinal toxicosis

What else remains to be faced?

Teething can not only please parents, but also upset them. Pathologies during pregnancy or during childbirth can cause enamel hypoplasia in infants. The disease is the formation of horizontal grooves or stripes or spots. Pathology is determined visually. An example of it is shown in the photo below.

How to keep your first incisors healthy?

The enamel of baby teeth is porous and rough. It contains a small amount of microelements. Insufficient oral care for your baby will lead to the development of multiple caries. Not many people know what hygiene measures a baby needs to take.

Maintaining a child's smile requires regular dental check-ups. The baby's first visit to the doctor should take place at 12 months. During a routine examination, the doctor determines how the gums are formed, how the joint works, and what condition the frenulum of the tongue is in.

If it turns out that your teeth are healthy, then you need to visit a specialist once a year. If there are any problems, then a scheduled visit to the dentist should be carried out at least once every 6 months.

Should you brush your first teeth?

Brushing teeth for a baby is a useless procedure. It doesn't make any sense. For children of this age, oral hygiene means something else:

  1. checking the oral cavity for food debris
  2. not eating right before bed
  3. presence of humid air in the room

A young mother should wipe her incisors with sterile gauze every day after evening feeding. And later, when the baby grows up, you need to teach him to rinse his mouth after every meal.

To strengthen and maintain the condition of baby teeth, you can introduce dairy products into complementary foods and take vitamin C. It is recommended to discuss this point with your pediatrician.

In those cities and countries where the climate is cold and harsh, the physiological process under discussion begins later and lasts longer. This is due to a lack of vitamin D. For full development, such children are recommended to take vitamin D.

How can I help my child?

It is common for young mothers to worry about the life of their baby. Loud crying is like an alarm bell that requires you to find a way out of the situation. Special teethers will help make teething easier. They are designed to take into account the persistent desire of infants to put everything in their mouths. The teether is an elastic rubber toy. They come in a wide variety of forms.

If parents don’t know which teethers their child will like, they should pay attention to those with water. The toy is placed in the refrigerator, the water freezes. Chilled rings, fish, hippos or pretzels relieve discomfort, itching and pain. The teether can be seen in the photo.


To facilitate the teething process, many parents are ready to use painkillers. But not everyone thinks about the fact that for greater profitability, many pharmaceutical companies add dyes and flavors to children's medications. Such medications can be dangerous for infants. The baby's body is prone to allergies.

To avoid or minimize an allergic reaction, it is better to use pain-relieving gels. They relieve swelling and reduce pain. The use of gels should be carried out after consultation with a doctor.

Cautions to be aware of

  1. Do not press on the gums of infants. This increases the risk of infection entering the child’s body. An adult can also accidentally cause physical harm to a baby.
  2. You should not give your baby objects from which a piece could break off. Even the smallest incisor can bite a carrot, apple or bagel. If it is not possible to purchase a teether and you have to use the old method, you should not leave the child alone
  3. It is necessary to ensure the sterility of pacifiers and children's toys
  4. If teething occurs during the period of the next vaccination, then vaccinations should be postponed until a more suitable period.
  5. Increased salivation can lead to the loss of large amounts of fluid. Therefore, it is so important to give the baby water or tea at the first signs of the appearance of baby incisors.

At different periods of a child's life, parents face different problems. After all, the human body is unpredictable and always capable of presenting surprises.

While an adult can talk about what worries him, a small baby can only attract attention by crying.

One of the most painful, and at the same time, long-awaited surprises is the eruption of the first teeth in children. This can be considered the first step towards growing up and at the same time a serious test for the baby and parents.

Symptoms of teething in infantsV can be confused with other diseases, so it is important to know what to look for in order to be confident in the diagnosis.

You need to calm down right away because There are no exact terms for the appearance of teeth in children.. Everyone is born with a small individuality, with different genetics and characteristics of the functioning of the body. Even if twins are born, this does not mean that their teeth will appear at the same time.

Statistical analysis made it possible to find out - On average, the first teeth erupt around six months of age. , and by the age of one year there may be about 6-8 of them. But these are just averages. There are many exceptions to the rule, when the first teething symptoms in infants begin to appear only at the age of one year, and this can be considered the norm.

All in all, the final formation of the dentition should end by 13-15 years of age .

Besides, The appearance of teeth is also influenced by multiple other factors:

  • climate in the country of residence;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • concomitant diseases associated with the child’s endocrine system;
  • saturation and balance of nutrition;
  • correct actions in caring for the baby.

The order of teething in infants

If the teeth are significantly behind in their appearance, pay attention to whether the child has diseases such as rickets(develops with a lack of vitamin D) or edentulous (absence of tooth buds).

General eruption scheme(which, we emphasize, is not final, but only indicative) looks like this:

Child's age (months)

Teeth you can expect

First medial incisors (lower)

First medial incisors (upper)

Second lateral incisors (upper and lower)

First radicals (upper)

First molars (lower)

Upper canines


Lower canines

Second molars (lower)

Second molars (upper)

Dentists insist that the age of teething is not particularly important, assigning a significant role to their sequence.

The indicated factor will determine the correct placement and the absence/presence of dental pathologies.

Don't confuse teething with illness

Very often, the first symptoms of teething in first-born infants are similar to the symptoms of some diseases, and parents are often left confused, not knowing how to cope. Let's try to find out the characteristic features of the process of teeth appearing in babies.

  • Dental gums are deep red and characterized by swelling, which after some time is replaced by whitening (teeth showing through the gums).
  • The child's saliva is released very intensely and abundantly. This process will end by the appearance of the tenth tooth. As a rule, copious saliva pours out of the baby’s mouth due to the still imperfect swallowing reflex.
  • The child literally puts everything in his mouth and tries to chew, feeling that his gums are itching. In this situation, there is help in the form of special teethers that need to be cooled and allowed to be chewed by the child. This also helps fight pain.
  • Appears quite often refusal to eat due to loss of appetite. The solution may be to offer a wide variety of food: from pureed food to food that can be chewed. The child must choose for himself.
  • The child is capricious and sleeps very restlessly. Scientists say that an adult cannot bear the pain characteristic of teething. Therefore, parents should be very attentive and patient during this period of the baby’s life.
  • Diarrhea and constipation, and they can occur alternately. Think about what the child might have eaten. If nothing like that, then most likely the reason is teeth.
  • Temperature increase body, sometimes up to 39°C and more. To determine that this is really a tooth fever, coat your baby’s gums with a special gel to relieve pain. If it starts to decline, it’s teeth.
  • Possible cough and nasal congestion. These symptoms of teething in infants occur due to swelling of the baby's nasopharynx. It’s easy to check whether this is a dental manifestation - after eruption the symptoms go away.
  • Allergic manifestations on the body. It is important to remember what the child or mother (if breastfed) ate. Do not include new foods in your diet during teething to ensure the diagnosis is correct.
  • Stretching ears and rubbing cheeks. Painful dental syndrome in some children extends to the ears and cheeks, so they tend to intensively stretch their ears and rub their cheeks.
  • Facial irritations. They arise due to excessive secretion of saliva and its flow onto the chin. The skin turns red and thickens. Wash your baby’s face more often, lubricate it with rich cream, and the indicated symptom can be avoided.

All the process of teething is a very difficult job for a small organism , therefore, the child’s immunity decreases sharply during these periods.

Observe your child with keen attentiveness so that you can help him in a timely and correct manner.

Symptoms of teething in infants that should cause concern

Not everything always goes according to the appropriate plan. There are situations when parents need to take additional measures, and this must be done in a timely manner. In particular, you need to start worrying by observing the following symptoms of teething in infants:

  • eruption period firstborns in the baby's mouth deviated from the norm for more than 2-3 months(in any direction);
  • the optimal sequence of teeth appearance is disrupted, the absence of any of them;
  • improper tooth formation;
  • the appearance of a tooth outside a certain dental arch;
  • the appearance of teeth while still in the womb.

Conditioned features are usually not the norm and require immediate contact with a specialist to establish objective reasons.

Help a child

Teether relieves baby's teething pain

Teething is not a disease, but it is a very worrying process for babies and parents. Remember, dear parents, that you cannot cure this. Just be patient and help your baby pass this test.

Today, many different methods have been developed that can relieve the symptoms that characterize painful teething in infants. Provide your child with “dental aids”:

  • Teether There are different ones: liquid and gel based. They are cooled in the refrigerator and given to the kids to chew on. The cold effect reduces pain and itching in the gums. It is necessary that there are several of them in the house. When some are in the refrigerator, others are in action.

  • Nipples. One of the first aids. After all, many kids spend most of their time with this item. Don't take it away because the pacifier is also a dental aid.

  • Special brush-finger. The newest means of helping your baby, which is very popular among mothers today. This brush not only helps reduce pain, but is also a means of oral care.

  • Gauze swabs. The most democratic means. A swab soaked in cold water also helps fight pain and itching, while at the same time clearing the mouth of pathogenic bacteria.

A finger toothbrush not only cleans your baby’s teeth, but also massages the gums, relieving pain.

The baby will be very grateful for the helpers and will definitely thank you with an incomparable smile, at first toothless, but then all 32.

Armed with the necessary knowledge, when the time of trial comes, moms and dads will always be able to provide appropriate care to their baby. Be adequate, do not succumb to deep emotions that will plague infants during painful teething symptoms, because panicking can only cause even more harm. Be patient, stock up on help, and develop a beautiful and unique smile in your children.

Find out now about the most useful drug Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). For colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

Parents have a lot of troubles with a baby in the first year of life, much of which is related to the appearance of teeth in the baby. When teeth are being cut, the child experiences discomfort and needs increased attention from adults.

During this period, children experience various types of ailments, sleep and appetite are disturbed, and behavior changes. Kids are capricious and often keep their parents awake at night. It is important for adults to be patient and help their child get through a difficult time without unnecessary pain and anxiety.

Symptoms of teething

In the baby’s gums there are tooth germs, which gradually develop and move “out”. From the moment of the first progress until the appearance of the tooth, about two months pass. Considering that in most cases, the first teeth appear in six-month-old babies, the first symptoms appear in the fourth month of the baby’s life.

It is important to know that for a number of reasons, teeth can erupt prematurely - at 3 or 4 months, so it is worth monitoring the corresponding symptoms and learning to distinguish them from the symptoms of diseases from the second month of the baby’s life.

How can you tell if your baby is teething? There is a set of characteristic signs, but not all of them will necessarily appear in one child. If a child is teething, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Body temperature suddenly rises to 38-38.5 degrees or higher. You should call a doctor to your home, who will prescribe an antipyretic and examine the baby for diseases.
  • The gums become swollen, and in the places where the teeth advance, the color of the mucous membranes becomes dark red. If the baby does not allow his parents to perform a thorough examination of the oral cavity, show him to a specialist.
  • When a child is teething, salivation becomes noticeably more active.
  • A wet cough is observed due to abundantly produced saliva, which enters the larynx (mainly in a lying position).
  • A slight runny nose appears, associated with an increase in mucus production in the nasal cavity, it lasts 3-4 days.
  • The stool becomes liquefied because the baby swallows a lot of saliva and stimulates peristalsis. The number of bowel movements during the day practically does not increase.
  • Salivation can provoke regurgitation and cause vomiting.
  • Children have a desire to put into their mouths all objects that come to hand - they try to chew their fingers, toys, a corner of a diaper or blanket, etc. This is due to itching in the gums.
  • They are getting worse.

Take a closer look at how the child behaves. Against the backdrop of the appearance of the first teeth, his general health worsens, his appetite decreases, sleep becomes restless, during the daytime the baby is either excitable and hyperactive, or feels lethargic and capricious, constantly asking to be held. When infants' teeth appear on the surface, the gums are injured, causing pain. At this time, babies cry especially a lot and sleep little, and they may develop bad breath.

These symptoms are characteristic of a number of diseases, including serious ones, so you should not “attribute” all the baby’s ailments to teeth. You need to understand in what cases it is necessary to call a doctor.

How do you know if a baby’s poor health is due to illness or due to teething? Immunity in newborns decreases as the first teeth appear, which increases the risk of getting sick. Let's look at how the symptoms differ:

Cough during teething is a reflex associated with mechanical irritation of the larynx with copious saliva. The child simply clears his throat from time to time. If the cough intensifies over the course of two days, interferes with eating and sleeping normally, and is accompanied by shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, this is associated with an infectious disease or inflammation of the respiratory tract.

A mild runny nose due to teeth is characterized by clear, liquid discharge from the nose, but the baby feels fine. If an infection enters the body, the mucous discharge becomes thicker, acquires a yellowish or greenish tint, and a runny nose lasts more than 4 days.

When teeth come through, the temperature rises sharply and goes away in a day or two. It is easy to bring down; in addition to the temperature, there is no obsessive cough or other signs of a cold. If you have excessive nasal discharge and other characteristic symptoms of a cold, you should call a doctor.

Stool liquefaction due to swallowing large amounts of saliva is not dangerous for the baby. The infection manifests itself as severe stomach upset accompanied by diarrhea. If there is blood or mucus in the stool, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this is a sign of digestive diseases.

Children with weak immune systems during the period when their first teeth appear have an increased risk of developing oral diseases:

  • – manifests itself in the form of wounds and ulcers on the mucous membranes;
  • Thrush – a whitish coating appears on the tongue and gums (fungus develops), which causes itching and pain.

To avoid such problems, a nursing mother’s nutrition should be complete, since breast milk is a source of substances necessary to strengthen the baby’s immune system.

What time do teeth start cutting?

The timing of the appearance of the first tooth varies greatly - a baby can acquire one as early as three months or go toothless for almost a year. But the average age is 6 months.

It is important to know at what months a normally developing child becomes toothy. If a one-year-old baby is completely missing teeth, this is a reason to undergo examinations to identify possible developmental pathologies. The causes of toothlessness include:

  • birth premature;
  • weak immunity;
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • nutrition poor in nutrients, late introduction of complementary foods;
  • absence of tooth germs (edentia);
  • rickets.

If a child's teeth grow at 4 months, this is considered early. In this case, the premature development of tooth buds is associated with the fact that during pregnancy the baby’s mother took vitamins and minerals in large quantities.

Even earlier teething in newborns (up to 3 months) indicates a possible disruption of the endocrine system - the child is prescribed a comprehensive examination.

It is useful for young parents to know which teeth are cut first, and at what age the child will acquire a “basic set”.

The diagram will help you understand how teeth cut in children from six months to three years. By one year the number of teeth ranges from 2 to 8, by three years – up to 20.

The table shows the deadlines that are considered to be the norm. But in practice, the order in which teeth appear may be different. This is not a cause for concern if teeth that appear at the wrong time grow in pairs. Violation of paired eruption requires a visit to a specialist - this may be due to the absence of a tooth germ or other problems.

Even if a child’s teeth are cutting according to plan, a one-year-old baby needs to be taken to the dentist for a routine examination.

Help a child

A cutting tooth causes discomfort to the baby, especially when sharp fangs with uneven edges pass through the gums. When the teeth of the upper row begin to cut, the child often experiences this - this is due to swelling of the upper jaw, which spreads higher and provokes inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity.

If a baby teethes two pairs of teeth at the same time, his body experiences increased stress and may react with severe discomfort. Against this background, immunity decreases and care should be taken not to catch an infection.

When teeth are being cut, how can you help your child? Parents can ease their baby's condition by using the following tips:

  1. An infant should receive his mother's breast upon request - this calms him, reduces pain, and gives him a feeling of security.
  2. Special embossed teething toys made of safe material will help reduce itching in the gums and speed up the process of teeth appearing. For more information on how to choose the right teether for a baby, read the article at the link.
  3. Massage will help reduce pain in swollen gums. To do this, the mother should thoroughly wash her hands with soap and gently massage the child’s gums with a piece of sterile bandage soaked in chamomile decoction, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. During the massage, you should not apply too much pressure so as not to cause unnecessary pain.
  4. The gums are wiped with a soda solution - add 1 teaspoon of soda to a glass of warm boiled water and completely dissolve.

Cough and runny nose, which may accompany teething, do not require special treatment. A high temperature is brought down with a drug prescribed by the pediatrician during the examination of the child.

If you are teething, how to relieve pain? You should not choose a painkiller on your own based on advertising or advice from friends. The medicine should be prescribed by a doctor after examining the baby. The specialist focuses on the child’s age and current health, taking into account the presence of contraindications and the condition of the oral cavity.

Drugs that provide pain relief during teething are available in various forms:

  • syrup (usually a general remedy based on ibuprofen or paracetamol);
  • topical dental gel.

An erupted tooth disrupts the integrity of the mucous membrane and opens the gates of infection. It is important to carefully monitor oral hygiene and regularly rinse rattles and teethers with boiled water. After the first teeth appear, you should start brushing them with a special brush and gel paste for children over 0 years old without abrasive particles, which have a bactericidal effect.

Common Mistakes

Babies suffering from teething discomfort often have problems when their parents follow some popular advice.

"Freeze" A cooled object or product will help relieve discomfort in the gums, but its effect is short-lived. In this case, the child runs the risk of getting a cold in the throat, and in addition to pain in the gums, a sharp deterioration in well-being will be added.

Biscuits instead of a teether. Stale bread and dry cookies can scratch inflamed gums, increasing pain. The baby may choke due to crumbs getting into the respiratory tract. For a child over 6 months of age, smooth dryers that will not crumble are more suitable.

Soda instead of solution. It is unacceptable to use soda not dissolved in water to treat gums. The procedure will harm the baby and give him an additional portion of discomfort due to the specific taste.


The baby's capricious behavior and poor sleep at night have a strong impact on the parents, especially the mother, who is next to the baby around the clock. Many people experience a loss of strength, begin to get irritated and nervous.

No matter what, the mother needs to behave calmly and affectionately with the baby. Tactile contact with the child, if possible, helps to cope with problems.

In children aged 1.5-3 years, during the period of teething, psychological vulnerability increases sharply. If you notice symptoms of new teeth appearing, reschedule your planned activities to wean your baby off a pacifier or diaper, otherwise your baby will experience double stress.

Pay close attention to your child’s menu - exclude foods that irritate or can damage the mucous membranes (sour berries and fruits, crackers, etc.), check the temperature of food and drink, since inflamed gums are sensitive to hot.

It is necessary to help the baby during the period of teething and pay special attention to him. Communicate more with your child, play, read books, sing songs. When children feel protected, their body copes with problems more easily.

One of the most significant events in a family with a child under one year old is the appearance of the first tooth. Parents proudly accept this fact as an undoubted sign of the baby’s growing up. But every mother should be prepared for the fact that teething is a painful process for the baby, often accompanied by a rise in temperature. In this article, we will teach you to recognize the signs of teething and tell you how to help your baby cope with painful sensations.

When can I expect my first tooth?

Teething is the process of teeth emerging from the gums as a result of growth. Typically, teeth begin to emerge around 6 months of age and finish appearing around 3 years of age. For some children, this process may begin as early as 3 months, while for others only at the age of one year, but this has absolutely no effect on the physical and mental development of the baby. For example, girls usually develop teeth earlier than boys. Advice from Nutrilon®: If your baby still has no teeth by 12 months, bring this to the attention of your doctor. Sometimes late teething turns out to be a congenital property, but it is better to consult a pediatrician once again.

Approximate order of teething:

Central incisors on the lower jaw – from 3 months

Incisors on the upper jaw – 6-9 months

Lateral incisors on the upper jaw - by about 10 months

Lateral incisors on the lower jaw - by 11-12 months.

Typically, by the age of 1 year, babies have 8 teeth. We remind you once again that a smaller number of teeth by this time is not a developmental deviation.

First molars on the upper and lower jaw – 12–15 months.

Fangs are cut after 18 months. The nerve responsible for the movement and reactions of the upper part of the face passes through the area where these teeth are located. Therefore, teething is most often the most painful for a child.

By the age of 2, there are 8 teeth on each jaw.

By 3 years – 10 teeth. 20 teeth are a complete set of baby teeth, which begin to be replaced by molars at 7–9 years of age.

Nutrilon® Tip: Don't worry if your baby's baby teeth are positioned asymmetrically. There's nothing wrong with that! After your baby's first 16 teeth grow, they will begin to move into the correct position when chewing food.

Signs of teething:

Swelling and redness of the gums. The first sign of teething soon is redness and swelling of the gums. A few days before the tooth appears, you can “tap” it in the gum with a spoon or palpate it.

Increased body temperature often becomes the first sign of teething.

Increased salivation and itchy gums. The child puts everything in his mouth: toys, pacifier, fingers; some may even chew the bars of their crib. The child more often demands the breast or a bottle of milk. Either he can or bottles because his gums hurt.

Indigestion, loss of appetite.

Infectious diseases. If the baby’s immunity is weakened, infectious diseases may develop faster as teething occurs.

Pain in the ears and nose. The organs of the face are interconnected, therefore, especially with reduced immunity, pain can spread to the ears and nose. A child touches his ear and may develop a runny nose.

Redness of the cheeks.

Changing the baby's behavior. The child becomes nervous, sleeps poorly, screams at night.

How to help your baby teething?

Teething often causes discomfort in the child: he becomes restless and irritable. Children are usually most tormented by the appearance of their first teeth, since they are not yet accustomed to this sensation. It is worth remembering that the pain threshold in children is different, as in adults. For some, teething is more painful than for others. You can help your child relieve pain by following our recommendations.

Tips for relieving your child's condition

Talk to your doctor about how to relieve pain. He may prescribe painkillers and medications to reduce fever. You can also purchase special gels for teething at the pharmacy.

Give your baby a teether. A baby silicone teething ring that he can chew on will help relieve the pain. It's good to cool it in the refrigerator first. You can give your child a cooled terry cloth to chew on.

Protect your baby's skin. Apply a barrier cream to your child's chin, neck, and chest to reduce skin irritation in areas of the body that come into contact with saliva.

Massage your gums. It can be carried out with pain-relieving gels, oils (chamomile, clove), a piece of ice wrapped in a cloth.

Compresses. You can apply compresses with herbal decoctions (chamomile, oak bark) to the gums.

With the advent of a new member in the family, other relatives and parents themselves have new questions and tasks. Upon returning from the maternity hospital, the new mother is concerned about where her baby will sleep, what he will eat and whether everything is normal with the baby’s health. After receiving answers to these questions, a new problem arises: colic in a sterile intestine. With the disappearance of this symptom, another concern appears - the baby's teeth. It is about them that will be discussed further. You will find out the main symptoms of teething. You will also be able to get acquainted with effective ways to help. It is also worth mentioning the timing of teething in babies and what this or that deviation from the established time indicates.

Baby's teeth

Before finding out the established timing and symptoms of teething in babies, it is worth finding out some information about the formation of these bone formations. During pregnancy, the formation and development of all organs and systems of the child occurs. Teeth are no exception. Their rudiments appear already in the second month of pregnancy. During this period, the woman does not yet feel any movements and does not have a large tummy. However, her baby has already decided on the order of teething.

Around the middle of pregnancy, another important stage in the development of this system occurs. The fetus develops the rudiments of permanent teeth, which will appear only after 5-8 years. Most children are born without these formations. However, medicine knows of cases where teething in babies (with no symptoms) began already in the womb.

Baby teeth

Babies develop them long before mom or dad can spot the incisor. These formations are called milk due to the fact that they are mainly shown during breastfeeding (or artificial) feeding. It is worth noting that the symptoms of teething in babies are always different. They may be absent altogether or have a blurred clinical picture.

By the age of three, a child should have a full set of baby teeth. There are only 20 of them. Most often they appear in pairs and almost simultaneously. Doctors say that no more than one month should pass between the eruption of similar teeth. Otherwise, we may be talking about some violations.

Timing of teething

So, you already know how many baby teeth a child should have. Some babies can boast of their first incisor at the age of three months. While others acquire these formations only at the end of the first year of life. Everything is very individual. However, there are generally accepted dates for teething in babies. Let's look at them.

  1. The first group of lower incisors appears between 6 and 9 months. However, sometimes mothers discover anterior medial formations already at 3-4 months of the child’s life.
  2. The upper incisors go almost immediately after the lower ones. The period of eruption in this case ranges from 7 to 10 months. If the lower teeth come out at 8 months, then the appearance of the upper ones should be expected at about 9 months.
  3. The second incisors (lateral) appear superiorly first. This happens approximately from 9 to 12 months of a child’s life.
  4. Immediately after this, the lower pair of lateral incisors appears. The period is set at 10-12 months.
  5. The next to make themselves known are the upper molars. They appear earlier than fangs. This is a feature of the normal development of the baby's jaw. This process occurs from 12 to 18 months of the baby’s life.
  6. The lower pair of molars doesn't take long to appear either. They cut through almost immediately after the upper ones. However, the time range for this is from 13 to 19 months.
  7. The time has come for the fangs to appear. The parents discover the top pair first. It erupts between 16 and 20 months.
  8. Immediately after this, the lower symmetrical teeth make themselves felt. These canines appear at approximately 19-22 months.
  9. The second to last pair are the second molars. They appear first on the lower jaw and have an eruption period of 20 to 33 months.
  10. The last teeth to emerge are the upper molars. This can happen between 24 and 36 months of the baby's life.

Can there be deviations from the established deadlines?

No parent can speed up or delay the process of teething in their child. The order in which these bone formations appear is determined in the womb. However, there may be pathologies in which there is a strong shift in eruption.

If you notice the early appearance of teeth (between the ages of one and three months), this may be the result of a variety of diseases of the endocrine system. In this case, it is worth getting examined as soon as possible. Perhaps the early appearance of teeth is an individual feature of your baby. However, it is worth making sure that the problem really does not exist.

If the baby has not developed teeth by the end of the first year of life, then you should also be a little concerned. It is worth noting that most new mothers begin to sound the alarm at the age of 7-10 months. However, this is absolutely unfounded. A clear indication for examination is the fact that at least one tooth is missing at the age of 12 months in a child. Most often, delays in teething are associated with a lack of calcium and vitamin D, which in turn can be caused. Also, diseases of the thyroid gland can have an inhibitory effect on teething in children.

Another deviation from the generally accepted timing of teething is their incorrect order. Often mothers take this fact as an individual characteristic of the body. In fact, this consequence arises as a result of a failure of intrauterine development. If the expectant mother suffered any illness or led an unhealthy lifestyle during the period of teeth formation, then you should not be surprised at this phenomenon.

In some cases, teething in babies (symptoms will be described below) can occur simultaneously. In this case, for example, not two, but four or more incisors come at once. Of course, this fact somewhat shifts the generally accepted deadlines. However, this is not considered a pathological deviation from the norm.

Teething in babies: signs

Most often, the appearance of the first incisors and their subsequent neighbors is not asymptomatic. In most cases, signs appear several months before this exciting moment. Mom and dad look into the baby's mouth every day to find the first tooth. However, this may not happen for a long time.

Teething symptoms in babies often begin when colic ends. One unpleasant moment follows another. In most cases, this is expressed by the child’s anxiety, poor appetite and sleep, irritation and itching of the gums, and so on. It is worth noting that the symptoms of teething in a child at one year of age are practically no different from those at three months of age. However, observant mothers may notice that with age the baby begins to show his anxiety a little differently. So, let's look at the most popular symptoms of teething in babies.

Restless behavior and unexplained crying

Symptoms of teething in a child (4 months and older) are almost always expressed as anxiety. The baby suddenly begins to cry and behave differently than he did a few minutes ago. Also, the pain from teething may not be sharp, but increasing. In this case, the baby may whine for a long time and behave irritably.

It is worth noting that this phenomenon can be a sign of any other disease, for example, fever or headache, accumulation of gases in the intestines or simple hunger. Before providing first aid to your child, you should make sure that these are teething symptoms. In addition to restless behavior and crying, babies may exhibit other signs.

Itching and irritation of gums

Symptoms of teething in children under one year of age are almost always accompanied by itching of the gums. The baby constantly wants to chew something. Everything that falls into the baby's hands ends up in his mouth. A child can taste toys, his own clothes, a pacifier chain, and so on.

Remember that nothing dirty should get into the baby's mouth. Otherwise, this is fraught with the development of infection or inflammation. Itching from the gums can be relieved with the help of modern medications: ointments, gels, rectal suppositories and syrups. However, only a medical professional should prescribe medications.

Increased body temperature

Teething symptoms in babies may include a fever. However, any increase should not be attributed to this particular sign. When teeth appear, the thermometer mark may be at 37.2-37.5 degrees. If your child has a fever and the thermometer shows 38-39, then you should be concerned and do not blame everything on teething.

Appears immediately when the gums are injured and subsides immediately after the formation appears. Such a symptom should not accompany the child for more than one week. With this thermometer value, antipyretic drugs can be used, but it is not recommended.

Increased salivation

Symptoms of the eruption of the upper teeth, as well as the lower ones, can be expressed in the form of excessive salivation. However, this is not always an accurate sign of the imminent appearance of bone formation. Babies under one year old do not have the skill to swallow saliva. That is why the accumulated liquid flows out.

Also, excessive drooling can occur when the child is hungry. Most often, this symptom does not appear on its own. There are definitely accompanying symptoms of teething in a child.

External sign

Every mother, having discovered suspicious signs, looks into the child’s mouth to assess the condition of the gums. If the mucous membranes are swollen and red, then these are obvious symptoms of teething in a child. You can see photos of irritated gums in the article.

In addition to redness and swelling, you can find a white or red stripe. In the first case we are talking about a tooth. If the strip on the gum is red or even purple, then the incisor is still trying to break through the mucous membrane.

Restless sleep

Teething symptoms in babies aged 5.5 months and later may manifest as sleep disturbances. It is worth remembering that this sign can also occur with neurological abnormalities. If your baby doesn’t sleep well from birth, often wakes up and cries, then you shouldn’t blame everything on teeth. Contact a neurologist or pediatrician to find out the cause of your concern.

If a previously calm baby suddenly begins to cry at night and asks for another portion of mother’s milk, then we can talk about the imminent appearance of a tooth. At the same time, after breastfeeding, babies do not so much eat as they simply chew the nipple. This helps them calm down and fall asleep, but it can be very unpleasant and painful for mom. Many babies refuse pacifiers at this point.

It is worth noting that most often a child’s teeth bother him at night. During the day, the baby behaves as usual and does not show any other signs. You can help your baby in this case with any children's painkillers. This includes Nurofen syrup and suppositories, Cefekon suppositories, Nise tablets, and so on. Many mothers use a variety of gels. However, their effect wears off quite quickly, and the use of the drug is often prohibited.

Decreased appetite

Teething symptoms in children (4 months and later) may include refusal to eat. It would seem that just yesterday your baby was happily eating the food offered, but today he is already refusing a spoon. If there are no additional signs of any disease, then this may well be a symptom of teething.

Often children refuse any complementary foods and constantly hang on their mother’s chest. It is worth noting that with natural feeding, it is much easier for a child to tolerate this condition. Do not deny your baby a portion of milk, and of course, you should not scold him because the baby does not want to eat.

Changing the stool

Teething symptoms in children may manifest as changes in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Since babies at this moment prefer to consume liquid food (usually mother’s milk or formula), a slight dilution of the stool occurs. Remember not to confuse obvious diarrhea with this sign of teething. If a child starts vomiting and has a fever, this is a clear symptom of an intestinal infection.

Liquefied stools during teething occur no more than three times a day. At the same time, the baby is not bothered by abdominal pain and fever.

Infection or disease

Symptoms of teething in a 7-month-old baby can be expressed in the form of an infection. This happens for the following reason: at this age, the baby is no longer limited to communicating with his mother. He can communicate with other children and go for long walks. During teething, the baby's immunity decreases. This is completely normal and does not require any intervention. However, upon contact with an infected person, the baby can get a virus or infection. Due to the lack of normal protective function of the body, inevitable infection occurs.

It is worth noting that almost half of all children experience infection during teething. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the baby tries to taste everything. Children often become infected with stomatitis or other bacterial infections during this period.

How to correctly recognize the symptoms of teething in infants?

If you notice the above signs, but are not sure that these are really teeth, then visit a doctor. You can contact your pediatrician, pediatric dentist, or neurologist. Describe the child's problem. A healthcare professional will need only one look at your baby's gums to tell whether teething is occurring or not.

In some cases, such a consultation will be able to prevent various problems, since the indicated signs are not always exclusively a symptom of the imminent appearance of teeth.

If you have become parents for the first time, you will probably be able to easily recognize the symptoms of teething in your child. Remember, in order for the incisor to emerge from the gums, it needs to go a long way and make its way. The first signs of a child’s anxiety may appear as early as 2-3 months before teething. If a baby has two or three pairs at the same time, then all the above symptoms can be very pronounced. In this case, the baby does not feel local pain in the area of ​​one tooth, but unpleasant sensations spread throughout the jaw.

Is there any way to relieve the symptoms of teething?

If your child behaves very restlessly, then you should use some tips. All your actions should be aimed at alleviating the baby’s condition.

  • Don't swear or shout. Be patient. It is much more difficult for the child now than for you.
  • Use different medications as needed. Remember that many children's antipyretic drugs are also pain relievers. You should not get carried away with such treatment. Do not use the same product for more than five days.
  • Massage your child's gums. Remember that your hands must be sterilely clean and your nails neatly cut. Now you can buy special finger brushes in pharmacy chains. They are made of high-quality silicone and do not have a harmful effect on the structure of the mucous membrane.
  • Give your baby a teether. This accessory can be purchased at any children's store. Remember that it must be thoroughly disinfected before use.
  • Offer your child a bagel. If the baby is already eating complementary foods or adult food, then you can give him a bagel or cracker. During the meal, he will be able to massage his itchy gums and feel relief.
  • Wash your baby's hands regularly. To avoid infection and deterioration of the baby’s well-being, you should wash his palms as often as possible. A teething baby's fingers are in his mouth all the time.
  • Wipe your face with a napkin. Due to excessive drooling on the chin and neck area, the baby may develop a rash. This is another sign of teething. This is all due to the fact that drool secreted irritates the delicate skin of the face. If you regularly wipe the area with a cleansing wipe, you can avoid this symptom.

Summing up and a short conclusion of the article

So, you now know the timing and signs of teeth appearing in babies. Remember that all children are different. You shouldn’t look up to the development of your neighbor’s baby or your friend’s child. In some cases, symptoms of teething in children (4 months and older) may be completely absent. This does not indicate any deviation. Quite the opposite. You should be glad that your baby does not experience discomfort from this process.

If complaints and signs of teeth appearing soon, you should gain strength and follow the above rules. If necessary, seek help from your pediatrician. Remember that teething is inevitable. All babies experience this process, most of whom experience discomfort. Easy teething for your child and good health!