Cavinton and vinpocetine which is better. Actovegin or Cavinton: comparison and which is better to choose. Which pills will be better?

Contains active substance vinpocetine 5 mg each. In addition, it contains additional substances.

  • In tablets: talc, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate, lactose monohydrate and corn starch.
  • In the concentrate for infusion: tartaric acid, sodium disulfite, water for injection, benzyl alcohol, ascorbic acid and sorbitol.

Release form

  • Tablets in blister packs with engraving Cavinton white.
  • Solution concentrate for injection (Cavinton IV). Basically colorless liquid.

The recipe in Latin is Cavintonum.

pharmachologic effect

Cavinton tablets - what are they for? The main active ingredient is . Belongs to group cerebrovasodilating agents. LS improves brain metabolism , cerebral circulation , rheological properties of blood. Cavinton has a cerebroprotective effect, significantly reduces the severity of the damaging effect, inhibits the activity of transmembrane calcium, sodium channels, receptors AMRA , NMDA . The drug Cavinton has a potentiating effect on the neuroprotective effect. Vinpocetine increases absorption, improves absorption, metabolism of oxygen and glucose in the brain. The drug is able to shift glucose metabolism to a more beneficial energetic aerobic direction. Stimulates cerebral metabolism and norepinephrine , renders antioxidant , stimulating impact on the noradrenergic system.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Cavinton selectively improves cerebral circulation: increases the cerebral fraction of minute blood volume, reduces the resistance of the blood vessels of the brain, without affecting general blood circulation ( Heart rate , minute volume , HELL , OPSS ). The drug does not cause steal syndrome. Improves blood circulation ischemic , but a viable area of ​​the brain, causing the phenomenon of “reverse steal”. Increases the resistance of brain cells to hypoxia , improves microcirculation , reduces platelet aggregation, resists pathologically high blood viscosity, increases the deformability of erythrocytes, has a blocking effect on the absorption of adenosine red blood cells .

The tablets are absorbed within an hour. It is not metabolized in the intestine. It is excreted in feces and urine in a ratio of 2 to 3.

The concentration of the solution for infusion is therapeutic in plasma in the range of 10-20 ng/ml. It is excreted via the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys in a ratio of 2 to 3.

Indications for use

What is the medicine Cavinton for? The purpose of the drug is extensive. Indications for the use of Cavinton in injections (droppers) and in tablets are general.



Hearing loss due to age-related, toxic and vascular origin, cochleovestibular neuritis, Meniere's disease, dizziness, tinnitus, vasovegetative manifestations during menopause.


Contraindications are severe forms arrhythmias, severe ischemic heart disease, lactation (due to lack of safety data).

Side effect

Side effects are as follows:

The cardiovascular system

Intensification of an existing arrhythmia, possible tachycardia, drop in blood pressure.

Gastrointestinal tract

Dyspeptic disorders, dry mouth,.

central nervous system

Weakness, sleep disturbance, dizziness,. .

Instructions for use of Cavinton (Method and dosage)

Cavinton tablets, instructions for use

The course of drug treatment is on average 3 months (acceptable from 1 to 8). Cavinton is taken after meals, 1 tablet three times a day. When discontinuing the drug, the dose must be reduced gradually over 3 days.

Instructions for using Cavinton in ampoules

Cavinton's solution is administered intravenously via a drip at a dose of 20 mg per 500 ml of saline. solution per day. Intramuscular injections are prohibited. The infusion solution must be used within 3 hours of preparation. Maximum speed instillation is 80 drops per minute.


On this moment information on overdose is limited. It is recommended to rinse the stomach, use Activated carbon and use symptomatic therapy.


The use of the drug Cavinton against the background heparin therapy increases the risk of developing various hemorrhagic complications. Drug solution for injection is incompatible with.

Terms of sale

Requires a prescription.

Storage conditions

Avoid getting hit sunlight. The temperature should be between 15-30 degrees Celsius. The drug should be stored in a place out of the reach of children.

Best before date

No more than 5 years.

special instructions

Cavinton does not have nephro- and hepatotoxic effects. In patients with lactose intolerance, it is necessary to take into account that 1 tablet contains 83 mg of lactose. In patients with diabetes mellitus at parenteral administration the drug requires blood glucose control (the solution contains sorbitol , when administered intravenously, increases the risk of developing arrhythmia, ventricular fibrillation). In case of cerebral hemorrhagic stroke, the drug can be administered parenterally only after the acute effects have subsided (after 5-7 days). The drug is not recommended for use in pediatrics.

There is no article on the drug in Wikipedia.

Cavinton's analogues

Level 4 ATX code matches:

Similar drugs are: Vicebrol , Neurovin , Oxopotin . The price of Cavinton's analogues is often less. For example, a medicine whose name comes from the main active ingredient is significantly cheaper.

Which is better Cavinton or Vinpocetine?

The drugs are absolutely identical. However, Cavinton is considered to be safer than Vinpocetine due to better cleaning from alkaloids.

Which is better Cavinton or Piracetam?

It has a slightly different purpose and is often used in combination with Cavinton to treat problems associated with circulatory and metabolic disorders.

Cavinton for newborns

Alcohol compatibility

The drug is definitely incompatible with alcohol, as it expands blood vessels, as a result of which alcohol is better absorbed, which is very detrimental to the body.

Reviews about Cavinton

Reviews from patients

In general, opinions were divided. Those who have taken the drug say that it helps, but there are statements that no effect was noticed. The advantage is the low price. Side effects have been observed.

Reviews of Cavinton for children

It is important to remember that the drug is contraindicated for children. However, doctors still run the risk of prescribing this medicine. Reviews from parents indicate that when children use the medication, side effects occur, such as irritability and insomnia.

Cavinton price

The price of Cavinton in 5 mg tablets is 220 rubles per pack of 50 pieces.

The price of Cavinton ampoules is 240 rubles for 10 pieces of 10 mg/2 ml, and 330 rubles for 10 pieces of 25 mg/5 ml.

In Kharkov you can buy tablets for 210-230 UAH. Ampoules 10 mg/2 ml No. 10 for 260 UAH

  • Online pharmacies in Russia Russia
  • Online pharmacies in Ukraine Ukraine
  • Online pharmacies in Kazakhstan Kazakhstan


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Cavinton is used to treat patients with cerebrovascular insufficiency. The drug has a positive effect on ensuring sufficient oxygen levels in the brain and promotes the destruction of glucose. Most often, the drug is used when neurological and mental disorders, memory impairment and hypertension.

But what analogues of Cavinton exist, in case it is not suitable for the patient for some reason. In this case, you can use 9 substitutes that are cheaper, but also actively resist the same diseases.


The first analogue of Cavinton presented is Vinpocetine. The instructions say that the medicine has vasodilating, antihypoxic and antiaggregation properties. Vinpocetine is available in the form of powder and concentrate for intravenous administration.

For what diseases should it be taken?

The list of deviations that the melon substitute fights includes the following diseases:

  • brain injuries;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • vascular dementia;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertensive encephalopathy.

Reviews from patients indicate that most often the drug provokes dizziness, headache, dry mouth, heartburn and in rare cases allergic reactions.


The doctor does not prescribe Vinpocetine to pregnant women and mothers during breastfeeding. The number of patients affected by contraindications includes people suffering from hypersensitivity to the components included in the drug and patients with increased intracranial pressure and heart disease.


Cavinton's analogue, Piracetam, is available in tablet form. Each tablet contains 400 mg of the active substance - piracetam. The drug is used to stabilize the structural function of the brain in various pathologies central nervous system.

For what diseases should Piracetam be taken?

Doctors use Piracetam to treat the following diseases:

  • comatose states;
  • with decreased concentration;
  • pathological conditions associated with abrupt cessation of drug use.

In some cases, an analogue is used for children if their performance in school begins to decline.

special instructions

Patients who have blood coagulation disorders should take the drug with extreme caution. Throughout the course of treatment with this analogue of Cavinton Forte, it is advisable to monitor the stability of the kidneys.

Information for women! If a woman is pregnant or lactating, she is strictly prohibited from taking Piracetam.


Cinnarizine is an analogue of Cavinton in tablets. It refers to drugs that act as a blocker for calcium slow channels. It is also used to reduce blood viscosity, increase tissue stability and as a vasodilator.

Who is Cinnarizine contraindicated for?

The instructions for use state that the Cavinton analogue should not be taken in the following cases:

  • V childhood up to 12 years;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • period of breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • with galactosemia.

Side effects

Reviews from patients indicate that the drug most often causes such deviations as a decrease in blood pressure, skin rash, weight gain, headaches, depression or confusion. Each side effect occurs depending on individual characteristics body.


Nootropil is used as an analogue of Cavinton Comfort in tablets. This structural drug is used for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with disorders of the central nervous system. The active ingredient of the drug is Piracetam, its content in tablets is 800 mg.

Indications for use

The use of the drug Nootropil becomes relevant if the patient suffers from the following diseases:

  1. In case of cerebral circulatory insufficiency.
  2. Alzheimer's disease.
  3. To prevent impairment of the memory function of the brain and the perception of newly received information.
  4. Balance problems.
  5. Used as complex therapy for people with speech impairments.

Are there any side effects?

Reading reviews from patients, we can conclude that Nootropil, although rare, causes side effect. It can manifest itself in the form of increased irritability, nausea, headaches, hives, itchy skin, drowsiness and lethargy.

In extremely rare cases, patients have experienced anaphylactic shock or angioedema. But in general, Nootropil is tolerated without any problems.


This analogue of Cavinton should be purchased only after the effectiveness is confirmed by a doctor. It is also worth paying attention to contraindications. According to the instructions, this Cavinton analogue cannot be taken in the following cases:

  • in children under 3 years of age;
  • with chorea;
  • increased psychomotor excitability;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug;
  • at acute disorder blood circulation in the brain.


Fezam is combined analogue Cavinton Forte, whose action is aimed at treating symptoms of various diseases associated with impaired circulatory function in the brain. The medicine is produced in tablet form, their price in online pharmacies is 250-270 rubles, so Fezam is not the cheapest analogue.

Side effects

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • frequent belching;
  • bloating;
  • indigestion;
  • headache;
  • sleep disturbance.

For what diseases should it be used?

Before taking Phezam, it is advisable for the patient to study each indication and consult a doctor. If the drug is suitable for the patient, it will be used to treat the following diseases:

  1. Arteriosclerosis of cerebral vessels.
  2. Insufficient blood circulation.
  3. Traumatic brain injuries.
  4. Stroke.
  5. Hemorrhages in the brain.
  6. Various forms of encephalopathy.

Note! Phezam is also effective in cases of intoxication and diseases of the central nervous system with memory impairment.


Analogs of the drug Cavinton Comforte include another medicine in their list - Mexidol. Like other Cavinton analogues, the drug is available in tablet form and is best able to fight diseases with various forms circulatory failure.

Indications for use

Anyone prescribed Mexidol suffers from the following diseases:

  • encephalopathy;
  • intoxication after antipsychotics;
  • inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity;
  • atherosclerotic brain dysfunction;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • treatment of neurological and psychiatric symptoms;
  • with alcoholism accompanied by withdrawal syndrome.

Who should not take Mexidol?

The medicine should not be used if the patient has serious problem in the functioning of the kidneys or liver, as well as in case of hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug.

As for pregnant women and mothers during lactation, clinical researches have not confirmed the safety of the drug for this category of people, so they should refrain from taking this drug.


Cytoflavin has similar properties to Cavinton. Therefore, the medicine effectively copes with improving brain metabolism. The price of the medicine is 425 rubles. Due to the effectiveness of the product, Russian consumer very often Cytoflavin is chosen when the question arises of what is best to buy to combat vascular encephalopathy.

Side effects

When treating symptoms of various forms of encephalopathy, Cytoflavin can cause side effects such as:

  • labored breathing;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • short-term chest pain;
  • headache;
  • palpating sensation in the nose.


Cytoflavin should not be taken if the patient suffers from hypersensitivity to the drug and during lactation. With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed to people with hyperurecemia, gout and nephrolithiasis.


Analogues of Cavinton Forte have one more drug in their portfolio - this is Trental. It is available in tablet form and as a solution in injection ampoules. The drug belongs to vasodilators. It has a positive effect on microcirculation of angioprotectors and normalization rheological properties blood.

Indications for use

Trental tablets and ampoules are used to combat the following diseases:

  1. Raynaud's disease.
  2. Pathologies of the respiratory system with obstruction.
  3. Gangrene.
  4. Pathological disorders of sexual function due to problems with blood circulation.
  5. Encephalopathy.
  6. Ischemic stroke.


Trental is not advisable for people with poor clotting blood, under the age of 18, with hemorrhagic stroke, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Important! Trental should not be taken if the patient has a retinal hemorrhage.


Tanakan is used by doctors to treat patients with peripheral and cerebral circulation disorders. Active substance medicines are herbal component, which affects the metabolic processes occurring in cells, as well as the vasomotility of blood vessels.

For which diseases should it be used?

Tanakan is actively fighting the following diseases:

  • violations visual functions vascular origin;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • neurosensory deficits of various forms;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • Raynaud's disease;
  • extraneous noise in the ears;
  • dizziness.

What side effects might there be?

In general, Tanakan is tolerated by patients without problems. But in rare cases, abnormalities such as nausea, eczema, headache, dyspepsia, bleeding disorders or abdominal pain may occur.


Cavinton and analogues should be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician. Each attempt to use the drug without undergoing a preliminary examination can serve to aggravate existing diseases.

Cavington and Actovegin are the most commonly used drugs in neurology today. They contain different healing substances, they belong to different groups, however, they are often prescribed as analogues in action. Let's take a closer look at the information about medications to find out which is better to use in practice - Cavinton or Actovegin.

General information about Cavinton

The healing substance of Cavinton is vinpocetine. It is extracted from the small periwinkle plant, from the alkaloid vincamine. In the USA it is recognized as a dietary supplement and in official medicine does not apply. But it is actively used in Eastern Europe.

Vinpocetine is a substance obtained by synthesis. Its effects are similar to those of the field plant periwinkle. In addition to the fact that it is effective for cerebral circulation, it also provides a decrease in pressure, relieves vascular spasms, dilating them.

The medication is good for the heart. Provides its departments with sufficient oxygen. That is why it is so important to use it in complex therapy for people with cardiovascular problems. Helps improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain. Another name for the drug is Bravinton, Vinpocetine. Produced at a Hungarian plant.

Medication forms:

  • tablets (Cavinton - 5 mg and Cavinton forte -10 mg);
  • solution for droppers (ampoules of 2, 5 and 10 pieces).

General information about Actovegin

The healing substance Actovegin is a hemoderivat, which is obtained by extracting it from the blood of calves. The medicine is completely purified from proteins, so it practically does not cause allergic reactions. Indicated not only for patients with cerebral circulation problems, but also for diabetics. Copes perfectly with varicose veins, wounds and ulcers on the body. For this purpose, pharmacy chains sell ointments and gels of the same name.

Pharmacological action of Actovegin

Actovegin forms:

  • gels and ointments;
  • solution for droppers;
  • solution for injection (volume 2, 5 and 10 ml);
  • pills.

Principles of action of drugs

Cavinton activates cerebral circulation. By relaxing the walls of blood vessels and expanding the gaps between them, it promotes greater blood flow, and therefore saturation of the brain with oxygen and nutrients.

In addition, the drug acts as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antiepileptic and neuroprojector agent. Numerous studies show that Cavinton promotes:

  • activation of cerebral blood flow;
  • increasing the level of endothelial functionality;
  • normalization of blood composition.

All of the above properties are important for disorders of the brain. Patients treated with the drug felt much healthier at the end of treatment.

Actovegin helps stabilize blood circulation, ensures blood saturation with oxygen and glucose, and accelerates cell regeneration processes. Therefore, it is widely used in traumatology and burn therapy.

Indications and contraindications

Due to its qualities, Cavinton is widely used in many therapy regimens. The medication has a number of purposes:

After a course of therapy, metabolism is activated, oxygen is intensively supplied to the blood and tissues of the organs and nutrients, the growth and strengthening of blood vessels occurs.

The drug can be used at any age, including children. The tablets are not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers as the harm to the baby is unknown. Contraindications also include: severe arrhythmia and cardiac ischemia.

Actovegin is indicated for:

The medication is indicated for difficult pregnancies and the threat of miscarriage. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. It is prescribed to children only under the strict supervision of a specialist.

Despite the fact that the drug of biological origin seems harmless, it has a number of serious contraindications. Not prescribed for:

  • pulmonary edema;
  • kidney diseases;
  • heart failure;
  • fluid retention.

An obstacle to prescribing the drug may also be a banal intolerance to its individual components. Therefore, in most cases, doctors give a control test injection before prescribing a medicine. This is especially true for children.

Cost of drugs

Actovegin and Cavinton are quite expensive. Many patients point out the price of medications as one of the disadvantages.

Details about the cost of drugs are indicated in the tables below. Prices are taken as average for Russia.

Actovegin price:

Cavinton price:

Instructions for use

The dosage of Cavinton is determined by the attending physician. Treatment lasts approximately two months. According to the instructions for use, the tablets are taken three times a day, one or two at a time. Improvement occurs already in the second week, but you need to drink full course to avoid relapses.

The solution is administered intravenously at the rate of one ampoule per half liter of saline solution. The doctor may increase the dosage at the rate of 1 mg per kilogram of body weight. Therapy is carried out for two to three days. Then the patient is transferred to tablets.

Dosages of Actovegin for children

According to the instructions, Actovegin tablets are taken one or two times a day. To achieve maximum quick results solutions are administered intravenously. At intramuscular injection You have to wait longer for the effect of the medication.

It must be remembered that no more than 5 ml of medication can be administered intramuscularly at a time. When using droppers, it is allowed to administer large quantity solution. On the first day, 10-20 ml is prescribed.

On the second day and throughout the entire treatment – ​​5-10 ml. If a decision is made to administer a medication produced in ampoules through droppers, their contents in an amount of 10-20 ml are mixed with saline or glucose.

Actovegin and Cavinton can be used simultaneously. Medicines contain healing components that differ in their properties and may well complement each other’s properties.

Key differences and effectiveness

Both drugs help improve blood circulation in the brain. But this is where their similarities end; the differences are as follows:

Both medications are quite effective and have many positive feedback. Which drug is better is decided by the treating specialist in each individual case.

Side effects

Side effects when taking Cavinton are extremely rare. They are as follows:

  • blood pressure instability;
  • skin redness;
  • insomnia;
  • drowsiness;
  • migraine;
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • dry mouth.

All of them quickly pass after some time after the start of use.

At Actovegin side effects manifest themselves more acutely, but they are also very rare, these are, in particular:

Interaction with other tools

It is important to consider the compatibility of Cavinton:

Actovegin is compatible with everyone medicines. If we talk about ointments and gels, then you should not smear the products one after another. You need to wait a while and then use next remedy. Other drugs can be used in combination with the medicine.

The only thing is that if we talk about injections, it is not recommended to mix them in one syringe or dropper.

The interaction of both drugs with alcohol is undesirable. When used, the patient's condition may worsen, up to cardiogenic shock. Gain side effects grows exponentially.


Cavinton has many analogues. If the medication is not suitable, medical specialist prescribes use:

The most effective of them is Vinpocetine. The medication improves metabolic processes and blood circulation in the brain. Helps thin blood and supply oxygen to tissues internal organs. Its healing component is vinpocetine. Available in tablet and injection forms.

If Actovegin is not suitable, the use of its analogues is prescribed:

  • Cortexin;
  • Mexidol;
  • Vero-Trimetazidine;
  • Dipyridamole;
  • Noben.

The best analogue is Cortexin. This is a white powder for injection. Basic active ingredient– polypeptide fraction, auxiliary – glycine. The medication improves blood flow, accelerates cell recovery, saturates the tissues of internal organs with oxygen, and ensures the normalization of cholesterol. Indicated for both adults and children.

People often ask this question on the Internet - which is better Cavinton or Vinpocetine? The answer to this is both complex and simple, and it lies in some nuances that I would like to consider below.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacologically Vinpocetine is active substance(international generic name or INN) (and, of course, drugs and, where the dose of the drug is higher than in the standard Cavinton tablet, and). And their pharmacological (vasoactive, nootropic and metabolic) effects are, accordingly, the same. However, there are a few "buts". There are quite a lot of companies (Akrikhin, AKOS, Northern Star and others) that produce their drugs with the active ingredient (INN) vinpocetine. And these drugs differ in their safety and effectiveness profiles.

Release forms and dosage

The release form of vinpocetine and Cavinton is the same - these are tablets with different doses(5 and 10 mg), as well as solution for injection. The company Gedeon Richter, which produces Cavinton, has one, unique in its kind, form - the form of dispersible tablets with orange flavor Cavinton Comfort for patients with swallowing disorders.


The safety of the drug Cavinton, which is original drug, in the author's opinion, is the highest. However, in general, vinpocetine preparations are safe to use.


According to the author’s observation and his personal opinion, Gedeon Richter’s drugs certainly have better efficacy indicators than vinpocetine drugs from other groups. This is also shown in studies evaluating the effectiveness of Cavinton therapy.


The question of price this time does not arise on the side of the drug Cavinton. It is significantly more expensive than its analogues, which, however, does not detract from its other advantages.

Bottom line

Cavinton is a better drug in terms of effectiveness and safety than other drugs with the same active ingredient (vinpocetine). However, Cavinton significantly more expensive than analogues, the difference sometimes reaches 2-3 times (if you compare the drug from the company North Star or Akrikhin and Cavinton, price 60-80 rubles versus 220), which is quite significant, especially in conditions of low social security of the population. The choice of quality or price always remains with the end consumer.

It should be remembered that the drugs have contraindications; you should consult a doctor before using them.