Why does mucus come out with feces? Causes of mucus discharge from the rectum. Yellowish spots in stool

Mucus in the stool is not always a symptom indicating the presence of a pathological process in the body. A small amount of it is always observed in feces.

This is a consequence of the presence of dead epithelial cells in the body, resembling light or transparent jelly-like discharge, which are removed from the intestines during bowel movements.

The presence of mucus contributes to the normal functioning of the intestines; its lack causes disruption of its patency and is accompanied by constipation.

Due to prolonged stool retention, toxic substances, which are waste products of pathogenic microorganisms, are not removed from the gastrointestinal tract and enter the blood. In addition, the delicate intestinal mucosa is exposed to the destructive effects of toxic components.

The appearance of a large number of such secretions in the feces indicates serious problems associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Reasons for exceeding the permissible amount of mucus

Factors that can provoke active mucus secretion are quite diverse.

Among the most common are:

  • prolonged fasting;
  • sudden change in food products;
  • drinking raw drinking water from random sources;
  • colds and infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by copious sputum production;
  • dietary nutrition, which involves daily consumption of decoctions of oats and flax seeds;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, which causes digestive problems accompanied by constipation, diarrhea, bloating, and increased gas production;
  • hypothermia, which causes inflammation of the pelvic organs and anal area.

Paying attention to your health helps eliminate or prevent negative manifestations.

Diseases that cause mucus secretion

The appearance of impurities in the stool of an adult is in most cases associated with various diseases of the digestive system. Depending on the nature of the pathology, different types of mucous discharge appear.

Among the most common diseases it should be noted:

  1. Intestinal infections of a bacterial or viral nature. These are dysentery, colitis, enteritis, typhoid fever. These pathologies are a fundamental factor predisposing to an extremely active process of mucus secretion in the feces. This occurs due to increased secretion of glands and the removal of dead pathogenic bacteria, viruses and leukocytes from the body during the act of defecation. In addition to mucous discharge, symptoms such as intense abdominal pain, diarrhea, high fever and weakness are observed.

  2. Lack of normal intestinal microflora - dysbiosis causes digestive disorders, resulting in the appearance of jelly-like clots and undigested food fragments in the stool. Factors such as alcohol abuse, smoking, stress, poor diet, as well as antibiotics and hormonal drugs taken without a doctor’s prescription act as a trigger for dysbiosis. The most noticeable symptoms, besides excessive mucus secretion, are frequent migraines, susceptibility to respiratory diseases and the likelihood of skin rashes.
  3. Worm infestation. If there are worms in the intestines, mucus may also contain blood impurities. The patient has no appetite, stomach pain often occurs, digestion is upset, and anemia develops.
  4. Pathologies of the respiratory organs. Clots of mucus in feces during bowel movements are observed during respiratory diseases. Their shade varies from white and yellowish to brown. Mucus, produced in excess quantities during illness, enters the stomach, so its streaks are a common occurrence during viral infections, influenza, and acute respiratory viral infections. It should be noted that in this case there are no signs of dyspepsia, and the appearance of mucus stops on its own as you recover.

  5. Polyps and hemorrhoids. Such formations on the intestinal walls provoke the occurrence of long-term constipation, accompanied by intense painful sensations in the anal passage during the passage of feces. The inflammation characteristic of this disease leads to the formation of mucus, which is released along with the feces.
  6. Oncology. Tumor processes localized in the stomach or intestines lead to the death of epithelial cells. This is accompanied by the release of thick mucus. An expressive sign of a serious illness is sudden weight loss and chronic fatigue.

It is difficult to independently determine the cause of such discharge. Moreover, it is not recommended to diagnose yourself and try to independently eliminate the symptoms, which sometimes indicate the likelihood of a life-threatening disease.

Other reasons

In some cases, the appearance of stool mixed with mucus in adult patients is caused by reasons that are not as serious as diseases that pose a threat to health.

Such phenomena occur:

  • when consuming large amounts of cottage cheese, bananas, watermelons, oatmeal and rice porridge;
  • due to starvation diets or during the absorption of large quantities of vegetables and fruits;
  • due to a lack of protein in the diet.

The mucous membrane is exposed to the irritating effects of coarse fibers, which, due to improper nutrition, leads to its depletion and, as a result, disruption of digestive processes and an increase in secretions.

Causes of mucus in pregnant women

An important factor that can lead to excess mucus production is pregnancy.. The opinion of experts is that this is not a cause for concern if there are impurities of clear mucus in the stool after defecation.

Such manifestations do not pose a danger to the health of the expectant mother and fetus. They indicate the presence of food incompatibility or dysfunction of the digestive glands.

Types of discharge

A small amount of mucus does not cause alarm, as this is a normal protective function of the body that helps protect the walls of the esophagus from various damages.

However, the nature of the discharge, a significant increase in its quantity and a difference in color are characteristic symptoms of special conditions and various diseases:

  1. White mucus, yellow, green or brown impurities in the stool appear in adults due to food allergies or lactose intolerance. Such discharge appears with dysbacteriosis, accompanied by poor absorption of food. This indicates a lack of liquid medium that facilitates the movement of feces.
  2. A large amount of clear mucus is evidence of cystic fibrosis, which develops against the background of increased mucus production by the glands. This condition indicates an inflammatory process in the respiratory tract or intestines. Food allergies are also accompanied by the discharge of clear clots.
  3. Painful bowel movements and orange mucus without fever indicate the possibility of ulcerative colitis.
  4. With well-formed stool, scarlet or pink mucus with blood is detected - this is a sign of hemorrhoids.
  5. Signs of dyspepsia (foamy, loose stools, vomiting, fever) with clear mucus indicate an E. coli infection.
  6. Mucus streaked with blood indicates the possibility of ulcerative colitis or dysentery.
  7. Foul-smelling stool with yellow mucus is a dangerous symptom of a ruptured abscess or decomposition of a cancerous formation.
  8. Mucus and pus in the stool are an alarming indicator. It indicates the presence of serious inflammation, proctitis, granulomatous colitis, rectal cancer or villous tumor.

The list of conditions is quite diverse.

In addition to the cases described, you should also pay attention to the fact that:

  1. Frequent urge to have a bowel movement due to stress, accompanied by pain in the abdomen and the release of clear or yellow mucus - irritable bowel syndrome.
  2. The appearance of a large amount of mucus in the stool indicates the body’s reaction to the presence of toxins that contribute to the development of allergies.
  3. Autoimmune diseases also contribute to the production of excess mucus.
  4. Transparent mucus is observed after treatment with antibiotics or hormonal agents.
  5. White or pink mucus is often seen with constipation.

Feces with mucus should be recognized as a serious diagnostic indicator, which requires consultation with a doctor.


It is possible to differentiate diseases accompanied by the presence of mucous discharge in the stool using the following diagnostic measures:

  • stool coprograms;
  • bacterial culture to determine the causative agent of infection;
  • macro and microscopy of feces;
  • colonoscopy;
  • radiography;

A general clinical and detailed biochemical blood test is required.


The severity of symptoms requires immediate consultation with an experienced specialist.

Which doctor to contact

The first visit is to a family doctor or therapist.

He will refer you to specialized specialists:

  • gastroenterologist;
  • proctologist;
  • infectious disease specialist;
  • endocrinologist.

Drug therapy

The use of medications is prescribed taking into account the diseases that caused the discharge:

  1. Interferon and Arbidol are recommended for intestinal inflammation or diseases of viral origin.
  2. Ersefuril and Furazolidone have proven themselves in the treatment of intestinal infections.
  3. Viferon and Regidron are indispensable drugs in the treatment of intestines caused by a viral pathogen.
  4. Tinidazole and Piperazine are used for helminthic infestations.
  5. Antifungal suppositories and Amphotericin are prescribed for fungal intestinal diseases.
  6. Linex, No-shpa and Furazolidone are effective drugs that are used to treat colitis, dysbacteriosis and inflammation of the rectum.
  7. The use of chemical and radiation therapy is indicated in the treatment of cancer.

If mucus is a consequence of alcohol abuse, smoking or food, you will have to stop eating them. This means the need to reconsider our lifestyle and take a responsible attitude towards health.

Nutrition adjustments

An effective measure to eliminate negative manifestations is to follow a gentle diet.

She suggests:

  • excluding spicy, fried and fatty foods from the menu;
  • refusal of marinades, pickles, sausages;
  • Alcoholic drinks, black coffee, and spices that stimulate the production of gastric juice are prohibited.

The prognosis for the treatment of diseases accompanied by the appearance of mucus in the stool is favorable in most cases.

Lack of timely treatment can lead to complications such as peptic ulcers, internal bleeding, and oncological processes.

It is possible to prevent their development provided that the recommendations of qualified specialists are followed. Self-medication leads to a protracted course of the disease and is fraught with dangerous consequences for health and life.

Fecal matter is undigested food containing bacteria, salts and toxic waste products of bacteria living in the mucous membranes of the intestines. The color range of feces depends on pigmentation with the components of bile and stercobilin, produced during the production of bilirubin in the colon. The intestines of an adult contain hydrogen sulfide with other volatile substances, which affects the characteristic odor of feces. Mucus in the stool of an adult is involved in the formation of the fecal bolus and is a necessary composition for the movement of masses through the intestinal capsule.

If only mucus comes out instead of feces, this indicates an intestinal disease that needs to be diagnosed and treated. Mucus is necessary in small quantities in the stool of an adult. Therefore, normally, it is not visible during bowel movements. The regular appearance of mucus in feces in greater quantities than normal is an alarming call to visit a proctologist and gastroenterologist.


What is mucus

Impurities in stool

Mucus is a jelly-like fluid produced by ducts located near the intestinal wall. The mucus component is necessary for the digestive system to protect against pathogenic organisms, fungi, viruses, and infections. After the secretory fluid is produced, it lines the mucous surfaces as a barrier, which contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system and the movement of processed products to the anorectal outlet.

White mucus is acceptable in the stool of an adult if its quantity and concentration does not exceed the norm. If pus is found in the mucus in the stool, this warns of a serious pathology inside the intestines.

Mucus in the stool occurs with hemorrhoids, if the disease is acute. When a patient notices the release of mucus instead of feces, this is a pathological phenomenon that requires diagnosis and effective therapy.

When does mucus appear in stool?

The presence of a little mucus in the feces is not a pathology; it is normal when it cannot be seen in the feces. If mucus is visible during defecation, this indicates the development of infectious inflammation or cancer, or a change in diet.
When diagnosing, it is necessary to identify possible causes of the occurrence of mucous fluid in feces.

Hemorrhoidal inflammation with polyps

Stool with mucus in an adult with these pathologies is marked with mucus separately from feces. Hemorrhoids are recognized after a rectal examination. When palpating the hard ball, the patient feels pain.

Colitis of the membranous variety

Mucus during defecation in an impressive amount, has a thread-like appearance (similar to helminths).

Infectious process

Yellow and greenish rejection (pus in the stool) is noted, the patient feels general weakness, muscle and bone aches, and fever. Pain in the form of a spasm is felt in the navel area.

Tumor processes of the large intestine

With benign and malignant pathologies of a severe stage, the disease is manifested by mucous inclusions during bowel movements with traces of blood.

Diverticulitis, hernia

The inflammatory process in the colon is marked by protrusion of part of the organ. If there is a violation, loose stools with bloody spots are observed. Patients complain of excessive gas formation.

Intestinal irritability (syndrome)

With irritable intestines, improper motility of the digestive system and inadequate digestion of food are observed. One of the causes of the pathological condition is gastritis or enteritis that occurs after the penetration of bacteria.


Often, with dysbacteriosis, patients experience mucus discharge along with feces. This occurs due to disrupted microflora, which is involved in the synthesis of mucus.

Cystic fibrosis

The disease is a genetic feature that affects many organs that produce secretory fluid. With cystic fibrosis, food rots in the intestines, the patient has increased production of saliva, and a false urge to defecate.

Bowel obstruction

Proliferation of connective tissues with the formation of adhesions.

Chronic constipation

With frequent, hard stools, the patient often experiences the presence of clots in the stool.

Additional common causes of mucus in feces include:

Frequent constipation
  • hunger strikes and long-term diets;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • excess of coarse fibrous foods in the diet;
  • food allergy.

Pathological signs should be examined by a proctologist. Especially in cases with traces of whitish, yellowish mucus. Negative indicators include undigested food residues in the feces, pale skin, dizziness, and aversion to protein foods.

Accurate diagnosis of the disease

To create an accurate clinical picture, the specialist conducts a survey of the patient regarding the patient’s usual diet, after which he conducts a series of diagnostic procedures.

Stool tests are prescribed to test for pathogenic microflora in order to select an antibiotic agent for the types of pathogens. If a disease of the duodenum or stomach is suspected, an FGDS is performed. An examination of the organs in the peritoneum is carried out using an ultrasound machine; in addition, an X-ray examination with a contrast liquid (barium mixture) may be required.

The proctologist also prescribes mucus for examination to conduct biochemical testing of the material to determine the number of leukocytes, which determines progressive inflammation with an assessment of the number of red blood cells. An important study is to determine the condition of the anal lumen. During rectoscopy, polyposis with hemorrhoidal inflammation or the development of a tumor process are detected.

As you can see, the reason for the appearance of mucus in the stool of an adult can be associated with various inflammatory processes in the internal organs. To eliminate a pathological phenomenon, it is necessary to identify the pathogenic provocateur.

Mucus with blood

What does slimy blood look like? If blood and abnormal mucus are present in the feces, this indicates the occurrence of a serious disease. Mucus along with blood from the anus comes in different colors.

For example, a black stool with a viscous red mass indicates the following pathologies:

Problem stool
  1. Crohn's disease, tumor malignancy.
  2. Rectal cancer, hemorrhoidal inflammation (mucus and blood visible in stool and on sanitary paper).
  3. Polyps, gastric ulcer, proctitis.
  4. Intestinal, respiratory infections (watery mucus consistency).
  5. Liver cirrhosis, varicose veins, oncology.
  6. Colitis of ischemic origin with multiple discharges.

Treatment and elimination of mucus

Sometimes constipation is accompanied by mucus in the stool of an adult. Any mucus discharge during bowel movements should be examined and treated. Effective therapy is prescribed by the treating proctologist or coloproctologist. Therapy is selected taking into account the results of tests and studies.

Constipation and mucus in the stool are treated in adults after determining the causes of the pathological condition. Initially, the doctor prescribes a review of the usual diet and switch to a diet menu. High-fiber products, fatty, seasoned, canned foods, chocolate, confectionery and flour products are removed from the diet.

Medications are selected individually, taking into account the diagnosed disease that caused mucus in the feces. The most commonly prescribed drugs are No-shpa, Contrikal, Amphotiricin B, Interferon, Bifiform, Furazolidone. The doctor also recommends establishing a plentiful drinking regime and using traditional therapy (herbal mixtures of wormwood, chamomile and St. John's wort).

If mucus is found on the stool, peppercorns (black) can cope with this. To eliminate the pathological condition, it is enough to drink 20 peppercorns before going to bed, drinking 200 ml of water.

Mucus in a child's stool

Stool with blood

Often mothers with newborn babies turn to a doctor for help with the problem of why mucus appears in the child’s stool. Most often, this phenomenon occurs after the baby is switched to artificial feeding or when a bacterial infection develops.

The doctor examines the bacterial culture to detect bacteriosis or intestinal inflammation. If the liquid mass comes out frequently, this can lead to dehydration; the baby should be treated in a hospital. Also one of the serious provocateurs is intussusception. This is a partial obstruction due to a depressed segmental wall. The baby feels severe pain, there are traces of mucous and blood in the stool, and severe vomiting. The problem is eliminated with a barium enema, after which treatment is prescribed.

Other less dangerous causes of mucus in the feces of babies:

  • allergy;
  • antifoaming drugs;
  • lactose or gluten deficiency;
  • rhinitis.


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In an adult, mucus in the stool is not always a sign of normality. As a rule, many people ignore such a symptom, bringing the current disorder to an advanced form. It is important to pay attention to accompanying signs. In some cases, mucus in an adult's stool may require immediate diagnosis and further treatment. Timely consultation with a doctor helps to avoid a number of complications. The patient should pay attention to the color of the discharge. This is necessary to establish a preliminary diagnosis and prescribe the required studies.

If mucus impurities appear in the stool, you must consult a doctor and undergo the necessary examinations.

In this article you will learn:

Factors contributing to the appearance of the symptom

Doctors identify the following causes of mucus in the stool in adults:

  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the intestinal tract;
  • individual intolerance to something by the body;
  • infectious diseases of the intestinal tract;
  • helminthiases;
  • viral infections;

Colitis and other intestinal diseases can cause mucus in the stool
  • hemorrhoids, accompanied by cracks in the anus;
  • peptic ulcers of the stomach;
  • pancreatitis;
  • inflammatory process in the colon;
  • colitis;
  • proctitis.

The presence of a disorder can be determined by the color of the mucus observed in the stool of an adult patient. Treatment can be started only after a comprehensive diagnosis.

Causes of white mucus

White mucus in stool usually indicates the presence of diseases of the digestive organ and intestinal tract. The most common root causes include:

  • inflammatory process in the rectum;
  • the natural reaction of the body to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • increased number of fungi;
  • dysbacteriosis.

With these disorders, as a rule, the mucous membrane of the intestinal tract is affected. In addition, the natural microflora of the body changes for the worse.

The reasons for the appearance of white mucus in stool are described in detail in the video:

Causes of mucus without feces in an adult

Mucus without feces indicates that the adult is unable to retain the contents of the intestines. In this case, the patient complains of sharp pain in the lower abdominal cavity. The patient's body temperature increases. The condition can be caused by:

  • prolonged absence of bowel movements;
  • helminthiasis;
  • ulcerative lesions of the digestive organ;
  • the presence of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • foreign object in the gastrointestinal tract.

Long-term constipation can cause mucus to come out of the anus.

Bloody mucus

Red mucus in the stool is the most dangerous sign. It is important to pay attention to the characteristic features of the selection. The main ones are described in the table.

If there is bloody mucous in the stool of an adult, you should immediately consult a doctor. To hesitate with such a sign is dangerous to health and life. Sometimes the symptom indicates an advanced stage of liver cirrhosis.

Yellowish spots in stool

Yellow mucus usually indicates the presence of polyps. This symptom is also observed with inflammation of hemorrhoids. Often a deviation indicates:

  • inflammatory process in the intestines of a bacterial type;
  • impaired absorption of products;
  • recently completed a course of antibacterial therapy;
  • hypothermia of the genital area;
  • infectious diseases of the intestinal tract;
  • the presence of malignant neoplasms.

Yellow mucus may appear in the stool due to hypothermia of the genitals

Brown mucous patches in the stool of an adult

In most cases, brown mucus usually indicates that the pancreas is not functioning properly. Liquid consistency of feces may indicate dysbacteriosis.

Doctors say that the symptom in some cases may be normal. The sign occurs when:

  • allergic reaction;
  • rhinitis;
  • flu;
  • polyp.

A malfunction of the pancreas can cause brown mucus to appear in the stool.

Symptom as a sign of normality

Mucus in an adult’s stool does not always require treatment. The symptom is common among patients. The sign is normal for colds, which are accompanied by discharge from the nasal cavity.

Mucus in the stool during a cold indicates that fluid from the upper respiratory tract is draining along the surface of the back wall. Some of it enters the esophagus and intestines. After this, the mixture is excreted naturally. In this case, only the underlying root cause needs to be treated.

If you eat bananas in excess, a person may experience mucous patches in their stool.

Sometimes mucus in stool can be a result of eating certain foods. These include:

  • cottage cheese;
  • oatmeal;
  • bananas;
  • watermelon.

Typically, the symptom occurs when one of the listed foods is present in the diet in excessive quantities. When mucus is normal, there are no additional symptoms, and the patient’s condition is satisfactory.

The symptom is also often present in people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Smoking and alcohol abuse can provoke the appearance of mucus. The symptom may also appear during treatment with certain medications.

Diagnostic methods

The patient cannot do without a comprehensive diagnosis. This is the only thing that will help establish a final diagnosis and select effective treatment. First of all, the doctor finds out the patient’s diet and its quality. The doctor performs an external examination of the patient. If necessary, palpation is performed. It is important that the sick person reports all associated symptoms.

It is required to submit stool for examination. This is necessary to find pathogenic microflora. The doctor determines the causative agent of the disorder. Mucus inclusions are also studied in the laboratory.

A blood test can determine an increased level of white blood cells. In this case, the presence of an inflammatory process should be assumed.

An occult blood test is not always required. This is necessary when there are mucous red streaks in the stool. Sometimes the sign indicates internal bleeding. The patient may also be given a referral to:

  • endoscopy;
  • rectoscopy.

Treatment in stool mucus

Treatment for the disorder in adults depends on the underlying cause. Typically, therapy is complex and includes:

  • diet;
  • drinking large amounts of liquid;
  • taking medication.

Normalization of diet is one of the measures to treat the disorder

If a disorder occurs due to individual intolerance, it is necessary to exclude the allergen. Usually this is enough. It is important to stick to a daily routine. For worms, anthelmintic therapy is indicated. Typically, medications are taken for 1 to 10 days. Antiviral treatment is indicated for viral infections.

In case of pancreatitis, the patient is prescribed medications to normalize the functioning of the pancreas. For malignant neoplasms, chemotherapy and surgery are recommended.

If the symptom is associated with food intake or bad habits, then no special treatment is required. It is enough to get rid of the provoking factor. Therapy for any disorder can only be selected by a highly qualified doctor.

The patient must follow the correct daily routine

Nutrition Features

Diet is the basis of successful treatment. Food should be consumed in small portions. It is advisable to eat food at the same time. First of all, you need to exclude:

  • alcohol;
  • fatty foods;
  • fried food;
  • soda;
  • confectionery;
  • spicy;
  • spicy;
  • pickled;
  • canned.

Food should have a comfortable temperature - about 40 degrees. Portions should be small. Food should be consumed 5-6 times a day.

You need to drink enough liquid per day. This is especially important if the feces have a liquid consistency. It is advisable to first grind the food to a mushy consistency. Allowed to add to the diet:

  • steam cutlets;
  • boiled or steamed lean meats and fish;
  • dried fruit compotes;
  • herbal teas;
  • decoctions and tinctures;
  • cereals;
  • low-fat broths;
  • dairy products.

If violated, all fried foods must be excluded from the menu.

Diet, as well as treatment, is selected on an individual basis. Nutritional characteristics are directly related to the final diagnosis.

The microflora in the gastrointestinal tract does not have a standard and established value. Each adult has its own individual characteristic of the ratio of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms, which determines the consistency, color and smell of stool. With normal functioning of the intestines, as well as other vital organs that take an active part in the digestion and assimilation of food, there should be no clear mucus in the stool in principle. The presence of such formations is a direct sign that a pathology is methodically forming in the human abdominal cavity, affecting intestinal motility and the formation of feces.

Poop with mucus can be noticed only by those sick who closely monitor their health and care about the stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The unpleasant symptom itself, manifested in the formation of mucous clots in the stool, makes itself felt as follows:

  • there is a frequent urge to go to the toilet (daily bowel movements are considered the norm, and for people with a rich and plentiful diet, it is not a deviation - 2 trips to the toilet during the day);
  • the density of the stool becomes more liquid, and the feces lose their previous shape, the sign of fecal plasticity disappears;
  • stool becomes uneven and mushy(in such cases, at the time of defecation, a person may experience a feeling of pain and burning in the anus, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process in the rectal mucosa);
  • mucus appears instead of feces in an adult, which comes out earlier than feces (each time a person records different volumes of discharge, as well as their color);
  • feces become foamy, and this kind of consistency is explained by the mixing of mucous contents with feces.

Loose stools with mucus in an adult, in addition to visual manifestations, may also be accompanied by spasm of the intestinal walls and persistent pain. The clinical picture of this disorder of the gastrointestinal tract largely depends on what factors influenced the formation of white mucus in the stool of an adult.

In this regard, in some cases, a slight increase in temperature, nausea, weakness, a feeling of extreme thirst, dry mouth and vomiting are recorded.

Causes of mucus in the stool in an adult

Men and women who lead an active and busy life have a much greater chance of acquiring the indicated symptoms and pathological manifestations of the digestive system than people whose social circle is minimal and whose life activity is characterized by a measured pace. This is due to the quality and organization of nutrition, stressful situations, and the ratio of hours of physical work of the body in relation to proper rest.

These are the main and most common causes of mucus in the intestines, which are most often encountered in medical practice. Therefore, if an adult seeks help with the corresponding symptoms, the general practitioner or gastroenterologist examining the patient first checks the presence of the above pathologies.

Which doctor should I see and what tests should I take?

After the therapist or gastroenterologist has conducted an initial examination of the patient’s health, performed palpation of the abdomen, and entered the complaints heard into the patient’s medical record, he decides to prescribe the following types of tests and undergo the following diagnostic procedures:

  • clinical blood test (checking the sugar level, the ratio of the main cells actively involved in metabolic processes);
  • morning urine, which is taken on an empty stomach and shows the possible presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • Ultrasound of organs located in the abdominal cavity (a specialist studies the condition of the tissues of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, intestines, stomach, duodenum);
  • stool samples are submitted for bacterial inoculation of their composition;
  • smears are taken from the walls of the anus to analyze for the possible presence of helminth eggs, which also quite often form mucus in the stool;
  • intestinal endoscopy (a special probe is inserted into the anus, which is advanced into the cavity of this digestive organ, where its cavity is examined to detect possible pathologies).

Depending on the presence of concomitant symptoms characteristic of this gastrointestinal disorder, the attending physician, at his discretion, may prescribe other types of tests, as well as diagnostic measures.

How is mucus in the intestines (stool) treated?

The therapy process is based on what exactly caused the formation of this kind of content in the stool. Most often, doctors use medications in the following categories:

Of great importance for stabilizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminating mucous formations in the intestines is a complete cessation of drinking alcoholic beverages and smoking. Meals should be fractional, when a person eats 5-6 times throughout the day, but in small portions.

Mucus is present in the human intestines in certain quantities. Its presence there is necessary to protect the intestines itself from irritations that can be caused by alkali and acids. If there is not enough mucus, but the process of bowel movement becomes difficult, and therefore constipation occurs, and the intestinal walls may crack. But when there is a lot of mucus in the stool, especially if it is mixed with blood, then this is no longer considered the norm; it is necessary to determine and eliminate the cause of this disorder.


The presence of mucus in the stool of adults is a very common phenomenon. The main reason why this happens is the lack of attention on the part of modern people to their health. Mucus may be attached to the stool as a result of the gastrointestinal tract not working properly. To understand why mucus may be present during bowel movements, you should know the possible causes of this phenomenon.

It is believed that the presence of a small amount of mucus is normal in the following cases:

  • Excessive consumption of certain foods, for example, bananas, watermelons, oatmeal or cottage cheese.
  • During colds accompanied by a runny nose, when mucus enters the gastrointestinal tract from the upper respiratory tract.

Another reason for the presence of mucus is the use of strong antibiotics or inflammatory processes that affect the walls of the human intestine. Food allergies of various origins can provoke the formation of excess mucus. When irritating substances or bacteria enter the intestines, its walls produce large amounts of mucus to protect themselves from damage. Mucus insulates the intestines from moisture when it needs it.

Mucus can appear in the intestines due to poor heredity, which the patient received from his relatives. This process can also cause stress. The stress that a person experiences inevitably disrupts the connection between his brain and the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, mucus of this color may be the result of exposure to various infectious organisms and toxins. So we can highlight the main reasons for the release of mucus during bowel movements:

  • A diet using decoctions and soups of mucous consistency.
  • Hunger.
  • Raw water from a contaminated source.
  • Changes in diet.
  • Cold.
  • Hypothermia.
  • Long-term constipation.

Causes of mucus formation associated with pathological processes

If mucus is released along with feces during pathological processes in the body, then most often this indicates functional or organic lesions of the intestine. The distal sections, that is, the large intestine, are most often affected. This means that mucus is secreted by the glands in excess quantities in order to neutralize some negative processes. That is, this is a protective reaction of the intestines against pathogenic microbes and foreign microorganisms.

Mucus lubricates the intestines and can be secreted to protect inflamed intestinal walls. The type of mucus can be different, and it depends on which part of the intestine the focus of the pathological process is located:

  • Mucus in the form of grayish flakes, which is located on the surface of the stool or envelops it, indicates that the lesion is located in the distal sections, this is the sigma, rectum or descending colon. In this case, the person suffers from constipation.
  • Mucus in the form of small flakes, which is located inside the feces, indicates a pathology of the upper sections or small intestine. If the small intestine is affected, the mucus produced is yellow and usually not too much.

Pathology of the large intestine can be distinguished from damage to the small intestine by the following signs. With a disease of the small intestine, the stool always has a watery consistency, there is little mucus in it, and it is mixed with the rest of the stool. With colon disease, the stool has a lot of mucus, and it covers the stool.

Most often, mucus comes out with feces due to the following diseases:

  • polyps;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • membranous colitis;
  • food intolerance;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • irritable bowel;
  • infections;
  • diverticulitis affecting the colon;
  • cystic fibrosis;
  • tumors.

By secreting large amounts of mucus, the intestines try to protect its mucous membrane. However, if this process is caused by hemorrhoids, then it has certain characteristics. Mucus is secreted in the form of veins, it does not mix with feces, it comes out after bowel movements and can remain on pieces of toilet paper. As for polyps, they can also cause mucus to appear in the stool. Polyps are benign neoplasms that grow on the walls of the intestine. It is impossible to determine the presence of polyps in the intestines without examination by a doctor, since often this process does not have any signs.

Membranous mucous colitis is a functional lesion of the intestine. The mucus has a heavier, ribbon-like appearance. Such discharge can even be confused with worms.

The next reason why mucus may appear in the stool may be impaired absorption of food. This happens due to food intolerance. The cause may be celiac disease, a congenital disease in which a person cannot tolerate gluten. Absorption of nutrients is impaired due to damage to the mucous membrane of the small intestine. If there is impaired absorption of fats, then this disorder is called malabsorption syndrome. Another type of food intolerance is lactose intolerance. The level of the enzyme that is involved in the digestion of lactose decreases, which is why this intolerance occurs.

Dysbacteriosis is a disruption of the normal intestinal microflora, which impairs the absorption of nutrients. In this case, mucus is secreted in order to remove toxins and waste from the body. In addition, pathogenic organisms provoke inflammation in the intestines, which causes mucus to increase in volume.

Diverticulitis is a hernia of the intestinal wall, accompanied by inflammation. In addition to the presence of mucus in the stool, the patient feels pain in the abdomen, in its lower part. This increases gas production and blood may be present in the stool.

Cystic fibrosis is a congenital disease of a systemic nature. It is characterized by the fact that all organs that secrete mucus are affected. This disease, in addition to mucus discharge, also has the following symptoms:

  • frequent acute respiratory infections;
  • putrefactive processes in the intestines, causing the formation of gases and cramping pain;
  • intense salivation;
  • intense sweating;
  • cough with a lot of phlegm;
  • frequent and bulky stools.

When tumors occur in the large intestine, in addition to mucus, blood is also found in the stool. This indicates the progression of the following diseases:

  • prolonged constipation;
  • worms;
  • intestinal obstruction.


Often, the discharge of mucus along with feces is accompanied by other symptoms:

  • False urge to defecate, which is accompanied by pain and does not increase body temperature. This indicates nonspecific ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.
  • Normal stool with mucus and blood, which is often diagnosed with hemorrhoids.
  • Suspicion of colitis is caused by prolonged constipation, after which feces are released in large quantities.
  • Temperature combined with foamy stools and clear mucus raise suspicions of pathogenic E. coli.
  • Stool with a strong foul odor and yellow mucus of a dense consistency indicate an ulcer of the rectum, which is already old. In this case, the ulcer may become infected, a malignant tumor or rupture of an abscess may appear.
  • Dysentery and ulcerative colitis are characterized by stool with thin streaks of blood in it.
  • Intestinal obstruction is characterized by stool retention, pain in one area of ​​the abdomen, and mucus discharge from the anus.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome can be suspected due to abdominal pain, mucus discharge and mental disorders.
  • Non-infectious colitis can be suspected when lumps of mucus accumulate in the stool.

Diseases in which mucus is secreted may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • vomit;
  • bloating after eating.


If you find a large amount of mucus in your stool, you should go to the hospital. A consultation with a doctor is necessary in order to determine the causes of the disease, prescribing a full examination and appropriate tests. To prescribe treatment, the doctor must determine the cause of this symptom. Treatment of this symptom will mainly be aimed at eliminating old ulcers in the large intestine, since it is this disease that provokes yellow mucus.

But there is another scenario when the small intestine suffers, in which case the mucus may also turn yellow. And for the treatment to produce results, it is necessary to conduct an examination and find out the cause of this symptom.

Often in such cases, doctors prescribe a stool test, colonoscopy and other studies. In order to properly test stool, one to two weeks before the test, stop taking antibiotics, anti-diarrhea medications, iron or bismuth supplements, laxatives and other drugs, as they will affect the results of the study. You cannot do enemas before the test.

Material for research is not collected for blood discharge due to hemorrhoids and menstruation. Do not collect material from the toilet if there are disinfectants on its surface. Before taking the test, urine is emitted and the perineum is cleaned. After collecting the material, it can be stored for no more than 8 hours in a cool place.

If the manifestation of mucus in the stool is a consequence of intestinal infections, then the doctor prescribes the patient to take the following medications:

  • "Ersefuril";
  • "Furazolidone";
  • "Enterofuril".

If this symptom was caused by viral infections of the intestines, then take the following medications:

  • "Viferon";
  • "Kipferron";
  • "Regidron";
  • "Hydrovit".

If mucus in the stool is caused by irritable bowel syndrome, then the doctor will prescribe symptomatic treatment for the disease. Treatment for such a disease should include diet, anti-constipation medications and antispasmodics. If intestinal studies have shown that mucus is not released into the blood in the stool due to bleeding, then antiseptics are prescribed: Vancomycin, Furazolidone and others. Along with such drugs, probiotics are taken: Bifiform, Linex and others.

Thus, there may be many reasons why mucus is found in stool. Some of them are a consequence of eating certain foods and do not pose a health threat, but others can be dangerous if not treated in time. Treatment for this symptom depends on the disease that caused it, which can only be determined in a medical facility.