Signs about dreams. Signs. If you had a bad dream

Signs associated with dreams

You can't tell your family before sunrise horrible dream, otherwise it will definitely come true.

If you dreamed that you were getting married (or getting married), then this is a bad omen. You should go to church and say a prayer.

If Small child laughs in his sleep, then at this time angels play with him. It would be a sin to wake him up or disturb him at this moment.

If you have a nightmare, you need to look out the window and say three times: “Where there is night, there comes sleep.”

If a deceased person in a dream calls you to him (for himself) or says: “I’ll pick you up,” then this is a very bad omen.

If you dreamed of a dead man, it means that he is asking for the peace of his soul. You need to light a candle in the church and give it for the repose. The dead also dream of bad weather, rain, blizzards.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

Whoever cries in a dream will laugh in reality.

A dream seen on a holiday can come true no later than half next day. They say: “Holiday sleep is until lunch,” and on Friday it is “valid” all day.

In order not to remember dreams, you need to hold the crown of your head.

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Everyone knows that if a black cat crosses the road, then, according to popular belief, trouble awaits. Did you know that there are no less signs associated with dreams? Here are some of them.

If you have a terrible dream, you cannot tell it to anyone before sunrise, otherwise the dream may come true. Of course, no one wants the monsters that sometimes appear in our dreams to actually come to life. Therefore, this sign should not be neglected.
We must remember that deceased people never just appear in dreams. Usually they give some signs, and it is important to interpret these signs correctly. If a person who has gone to another world has not given a sign, then you just need to light a candle for his repose. The deceased also dream of bad weather, rain or blizzards.
Oddly enough, it is considered not a very good sign to see yourself in the role of the bride or groom. It would seem, what's wrong with that? But the ancestors were very afraid of such dreams, so, having seen themselves at the altar, it was better to go to church in the morning or simply read some kind of protective prayer.
You should not respond to any invitations in dreams. Our grandmothers believed that it was the deceased who were trying to lure you to them and using the fragile world of dreams to do this. Of course, this is most likely not true, but you should be careful just in case.
Dreams seen in church holidays. Such a dream may well come true, but not later than the second half of the day following the holiday. If you really liked the “holiday” dream and want it to come true, do not tell anyone about it until noon.
A child laughing in a dream is in itself a very good omen. Why? There are several reasons. Firstly, it is believed that at such moments angels play with babies, and therefore it is not worth disturbing the children’s sleep. Secondly, since the child was visited by a heavenly messenger, it means that he remembers your family and cares about it. Agree, it’s nice to think that someone invisible and kind is watching over you and keeping you from harm.
It is very important to go to bed without wearing tight clothes or ties. This is especially true for collars. In addition to the fact that sleeping in a collar is simply inconvenient, it is also unsafe. It is not surprising that a collar on a sleeping person is a bad omen, foreshadowing the illness of the sleeping person. Even our grandmothers, who had many nightgowns with top ties in their arsenal, preferred to unravel them at night.
Many of us are so tired at work that we begin to suffer from insomnia. A simple whisper that needs to be said three times each time before going to bed while lying in bed will help get rid of it. The whispered words are: “I plow, plow, insomnia from the servant of God (your name), from his clear face, from his bright eyes. I smell it on the bright eyes, and on the face white dream sound, sleep during the day, at night, in the morning, in the evening. My words are strong, my will is strong, everything that I said will come true. Come quickly, sleep, to the servant of God (name). I close my words with a golden key, but I throw that key to the bottom of the blue sea. Amen. Amen. Amen".
Of course, dreams themselves play a very important role in our lives. But just as important are the signs that allow us to learn much more about the world of dreams, about what to do if we have a bad dream or a good one. We hope our “sleepy” signs will make your life a little easier.

How to get rid of a bad dream

Dream scientists believe that every dream, no matter how difficult or even scary it may be, reflects the inner world of a person. Nightmares are some kind of signals from the subconscious that want to draw our attention to some aspect of life. Also often bad dreams caused by worries, resentment, unexpressed emotions, and so on. Therefore, they mainly disturb us in difficult times. Despite some benefits of nightmares, many people want to get rid of them. If you are one of them, then try the following.
Find a small, light-colored glass bottle, such as a medicine bottle, but be sure to remove all labels from it. Pour rain or melt water into it. Cover the bottle and say out loud 5 times:
“A sweet dream is drowning, dripping down to me drop by drop. Every dream is in colors, every dream is good. Let it be so!"
After this, tie a red woolen thread to the resulting amulet and hang it over the bed. After a month, throw it away from the house.
If you often have scary dreams, then in order not to remember them the next morning, before going to bed, connect your index and thumb on both hands and say out loud 5 times:
“In the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, the Alatyr stone stands, preserves my dreams, lets through good dreams, drives away bad dreams. I’ll get up in the morning, I won’t find a bad dream, I won’t remember about it, I won’t flinch from it. Let it be so!"
After this, cross yourself three times and go to bed.

What, if not the product of the people, are signs? And it will take a hugequantity. From the whole variety of folk signs, various groups can be distinguished:signs about animals, plants, signs on the road, signs for the home and so on.

In this article we will present various signs that are not included in any specific section, but, nevertheless, are the most popular and popular signs.

Signs related to sleep

If you dreamedhorrible dream , and you are afraid that what you see in it may come true or somehow affect your life, then in order to avoid this, you cannot retell it to anyone before sunrise. And after waking up from a nightmare, you need to go wash your face, and without talking to anyone first, say to the waterthree times : “Where night goes, sleep comes.” So the negative energy of the dream will go away along with the water.

It is popularly believed thatI dream about dead people for several reasons:

- They ask to remember them in this way . There are often cases when the dead ask for something in a dream. In this case, it is necessary to buy what the soul of the deceased wants and give to someone alive as a sign of remembrance. For example, if a deceased person asks for a scarf in a dream, you need to buy a new scarf and give it to someone with a request to wear it at least a little. You should also definitely go to church to light a candle and pray for the repose of the soul of the deceased.

- The dead dream of a change in weather . As usual, if a dream does not carry any serious meaning, most likely it is an omen of a serious change in the weather (blizzard, storm, rain).

- The dead in a dream warn us about something . Be attentive to events occurring in the near future of life after sleep. Pay attention and remember what the deceased tried to convey to you in a dream, what he said or did.

If suddenly you happen tocry in your sleep , and even sobbing, and you woke up in sorrowful tears - this is verygood and good omen , meaning that soon you willrejoice and laugh unspeakably.

Lunar signs

As you know, the moon has special power and influence on almost all life processes on earth. Therefore, since ancient times it was believed that the moon must be treated with respect and it is imperative to know what this or that lunar phase means.

To the moon, especially the waning one, can't point fingers. It is believed that thereby it can take a lot of energy and attract failures. It’s better to see the full or waxing moon once again, bow to her and you will soon be rewarded with good luck.

It is considered a bad omenwhen it falls on a sleeping person Moonlight . This can make us anxious and gloomy. c lyam, insomnia or nightmares. So if you see in the window full moon- hang curtains before going to bed.

If you want to grow long hair - trim them at least a little on waxing phase of the moon, and if you want the opposite, h To make your hair grow slower, cut it in the decreasing phase.

- If everything in life seems monotonous and joyless and you want to bring a fresh note to life, thendo it during the new moon general cleaning in the house Andrearrange the furniture. Good luck will certainly light up your home!

Signs on the body

If you have a lot of moles especially in places where they are difficult to see, for example on the back - this indicates that you are a lucky person and will live a happy life.

Moles in women:

- Moles above the lips speak about the high sensuality and love of a lady. If the mole is above upper lip - This lung sign and cheerful character. If the mole is located above lower lip - this also speaks of a woman’s high sensuality and tenderness, but also of her restraint in love.

- Moles on the chest also have their meaning. If mole on left breast- this suggests that the woman is a little frivolous, but at the same time kind and generous. If the mole is on right breast - this means life will be full of both bright ups and downs.

- Moles on the thighs, especially from their inner side, foreshadow a woman with a large offspring.

- If a woman on outside there are moles on the hands, which are also clearly visible - this speaks of her innate talent and gift. If on the fingers Ladies have dark moles - no doubt, you will be rich and successful in your career.

- Mole on ankle indicates that you are a persistent, hardworking and ambitious person who will not be stopped by anything in achieving your goal.

- If you have a mole in the corner of your eye or above it, you are a calm, wise and balanced person.

Moles in men:

If a man has a moleon right side forehead - this is a sign of great intelligence, popularity, honor and happiness.

- Mole under the chin - a sign that you have every chance of achieving dizzying success in your career. But don’t sit idly by, luck will come to you if you are diligent and dedicated.

- Mole on the chin in a man it speaks of his poor health.

Sign about Friday the 13th

In fact, this sign is unfavorable. This day is considered difficult and unlucky, and this superstition has Christian roots. During last supper which took place on the eve of his death Jesus Christ, was present 13 people: 12 apostles and the messiah himself. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was on Friday. Therefore, many people, linking these events together, tried to protect themselves on this day and considered it a bad omen. If you have any concerns about Friday the 13th, folk sign and advises: in the morning, having just woken up, read the prayer three times "Our Father", and then say these words: “Holy Friday is stronger, and I, the servant of God (your name), stand behind it, and not behind today. Amen".

Signs associated with the mirror

- Under no circumstances lookinto a broken or cracked mirror, this can lead to a violation of the integrity of your biofield and subsequent long-term failures and illnesses. Despite its apparent simplicity, the mirror is very dangerous and evenmagic item.It has memory and the ability to store all the information seen and accumulated. When there is a split or crack, all the accumulated negative energy comes out through the chip and can easily break through the fragile “ thin body» person.

- For the same reason, it cannot be stored in the house.cracked mirror.

- If there are mirrors in the house that have been frequent witnesses of quarrels, fights, conflicts, then they can also broadcast their accumulated information to people, so folk wisdom adviseswipe such mirrors with holy water.

- Don't sleep in front of a mirror.When we sleep, our soul is separated from physical body and we become very vulnerable. A mirror directed at you in a dream, being a vampire object, firstly, can take away your strength, health and positive energy, and secondly, cause insomnia, nightmares and uninvited astral “guests”.

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If you tripped over right leg - this portends you good luck and happiness if you are born even number(which is divisible by two) if to the left- you will be happy if you were born odd number. If, on the contrary, this is a sign of impending trouble, in this case you need to say: “Go into the ground, trouble, away from me.”

If while awake, we can control our gestures and postures, then in a dream we are completely deprived of this opportunity. And this is where you can read about the position in which you sleep as if from an open book.

What does the posture of a sleeping person mean?

  • A person who prefers to sleep on his side, with his legs bent and his body curled up, has not yet fully developed as a person. This position is typical for teenagers and young adults; it means that the person lacks warmth. In those around him, he first of all looks for affection and care.
  • The following sleeping position: a person sleeps on his side with his legs slightly bent. People who prefer to sleep in this position are reliable and balanced. They are not touchy, because they know how to separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, they take advice and criticism into account and try to correct the mistake. But they simply do not pay attention to the malicious attacks directed at them. It’s nice to communicate with such people, and to have such a person as your own business partner Probably everyone dreams. After all, such people always keep their word, and honesty, especially in business, is extremely rare in our times. But if you have driven such a person to white heat, do not expect mercy.
  • Some people like to sleep on their stomach with their arms outstretched. This position of a sleeping person indicates that the person is trying with all his might to become the master of everything that is in his field of vision. Such people do not like surprises, but they know how to cope with them. They are punctual to the extreme, and their accuracy sometimes borders on pedantry. Unfortunately, they are too demanding of those around them, and not everyone can and wants to adapt to anyone, which, in fact, is why problems arise in their personal lives. In addition, they are very jealous of everything that has anything to do with them. When getting married, people of this type consider their other half as property, the right to dispose of which only they have and it is given to them forever.
  • What does your back sleeping position say? The position when a person sleeps on his back is called royal. This name was not given by chance: a person who prefers this particular pose to all other poses really has a very high opinion of himself. He is lucky: almost all of his endeavors are successful, which makes such a person very vain. Sometimes it seems to him that he is able to cope with any problem and overcome any obstacle, if only he wants to. We can say that this is the sleeping position of spoiled people. However, if he does not have the strength to cope with the problem, this will be the biggest disappointment in his life. Pride will not allow this person to ask for help from others, because he is used to solving his problems himself. This behavior can lead to a dead end from which there is no way out.

Now you know what your sleep position says.

Who's sleeping?

  • There are also eccentrics who, in their sleep, try to cover their ears with a blanket or hands. What does this pose mean? About the following: a pronounced desire to isolate yourself from the outside world (this position is also sometimes called an ostrich, which is quite justified). Such people prefer solitude, they are homebodies and lead a secluded lifestyle. Their dream is to live on a desert island. Find mutual language It’s not easy with such individuals, but if he is found, then you can only sympathize. People of this type, if they trust all their most intimate thoughts to someone, will never leave their confidant alone: ​​after all, he is the only person in the world whom they can trust.
  • Some (and there are not so few of them) try to wrap themselves in a blanket while sleeping, as if swaddling themselves. People who prefer to sleep in this way, according to the signs about dreams, are generally not bad, but they lack independence and determination. They are very timid and shy, it is torture for them to ask stranger outside, what time is it? They constantly need to be pushed, to take the initiative into their own hands, only in this case can they be moved from their place.
  • People who toss and turn from side to side in their sleep have enormous vital energy, even in their sleep they could not lie still, they would keep spinning and spinning.
  • Those who like to talk in their sleep are less talkative in reality. As a rule, these people are timid and do not dare to talk much, but they really want to talk, and most importantly, they have something to say. So their hidden desires manifest themselves in dreams when control is weakened.
  • In addition, it is believed that you should never sleep with your collar buttoned - this will put your soul to sleep. You can’t put your hands behind your head while sleeping - you’ll sleep through the memory. And in order not to sleep on your guardian angel, always sleep only on your left side.

Young people, be careful, don’t sleep too much, otherwise you’ll get yourself a crooked-eyed wife! Anyone who puffs away in a dream will soon die.