Dream of a prison being a prisoner. I dreamed about prison and being in it: exact interpretation

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations and assess your emotional state? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Prison in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Prison in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Prison, interpretation of the dream:

Limitation; deprivation of liberty; guilt; escaping from prison or a place of detention is a desire or need to improve conditions, this is how this dream in which the Prison is interpreted.

Imprisonment - the line of behavior can be limited both spiritually and physically. This limiter can be an unbalanced diet, leading to illness that limits the body's capabilities. Spiritual limitation can be constant negative relationships that gradually limit the spirit and mind. The dream indicates the need for liberation.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Prison in a dream?

Seeing - wealth, peace, prosperity, as well as participation, protection of a person whom you trust unconditionally. The prison windows are brightly lit - insight will help you avoid trouble. Serving a sentence in prison means finding the reason for the poor progress of your affairs. Happily avoiding prison means participating in several profitable businesses. Seeing someone being released from prison means success in business: if you were released, it means a streak of good luck, exceptional luck. Jailer - obstacles in business due to treacherous, dishonest people, as well as good news about your best friend. In a dream, a crowd tried to open the prison gates and drive away the guard - evil, deception are nearby, this means the dream you had.

Bunks are hard work and need; for more details about why you dream about Prison, see below.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does a woman dream of Prison:

Symbolizes restrictions in life, isolation. Sitting in prison means being exposed to danger, the possibility of getting sick. Prisoner - you want to stop communicating with this person

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Prison in a dream?

A symbol of painful silence, fatal reticence. A dream in which a prison building appears warns: you will be entrusted with a secret, which will be painfully unpleasant to keep. Seeing yourself imprisoned in prison is a sign that you will not be warned about danger or threat in time

Cell in prison - If you are sitting in a cell as a prisoner, but do not understand what your fault is, do not trust anyone, even those closest to you, so as not to get a knife in the back. If you dreamed that you were filming something with a camera, it means that you are afraid to lose sight of any trifle that could become a clue to understanding a loved one. A dream in which you hand over things to a storage room indicates: life has already taught you not to trust anyone

Modern dream book

You saw a Prison in a dream - Having seen a prisoner in a dream, in reality you will insist on granting privileges to people you trust. A prison with brightly lit windows means that your insight will help you avoid trouble. A young woman who sees her lover in prison in a dream will soon be disappointed in his decency. If you saw yourself in prison, then you have events ahead that will have a bad effect on your affairs. Having avoided imprisonment in a dream, in reality you will take part in profitable business.

The jailer in your dream foretells that the treachery of others will hinder your interests. A crowd trying to open the prison doors is a harbinger of evil. This dream may warn that someone you know will try to swindle money out of you. The dream in which you saw the release of a prisoner is the most favorable of all possible dreams about prison. He foretells that you will avoid trouble or cope with it.

According to Nostradamus, prison is a symbol of lack of freedom, isolation and loneliness. This is how he interprets dreams about prison: If you saw yourself as a prisoner in a dream, in reality you are under the power of your complexes, which will prevent you from realizing your plans. If you dreamed that in a dream you were looking at the world through a prison window - perhaps in the near future a person will appear next to you who will have unlimited power over you. A dream in which you are trying to break out of prison warns the dreamer about the consequences of his hasty decisions.

If you dreamed that you were breaking the bars in a prison, you would try to free yourself from the influence of others. If you see that one of your loved ones is in prison, you are too abusing the trust of your loved ones, who are beginning to see you as a tyrant. If someone was released from prison, the problem of loneliness will have to be urgently solved.

The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga considered prison a sign of painful silence, fatal reticence. According to her predictions, dreams about prison mean the following: If you dream about a prison building, then you will be entrusted with a secret, keeping which will be painfully unpleasant for you, you will be tormented and worried. If you dreamed that you saw yourself imprisoned in prison, then you would not be warned in time about the danger or threat. You will suffer because you do not talk about important things with someone you know.

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

According to the dream book Prison, what does the dream mean:

HELL. Loff interpreted dreams about prison as follows: “Being in prison is an interesting event in a dream. While this is a cause of concern for some, the upside of the prison dream is its relative privacy and protection from the threats of the hostile world on the other side of the walls. Typically, the security aspect is ignored due to our obsession with freedom.

Dreaming of being in prison contains a hint of introspection, as the old saying goes: “Wherever you go, take yourself with you.” In relation to dreams, failure to escape from prison may indicate an inability to achieve something that is particularly desirable in life.

Prison can be interpreted as either a lack of choice or an excess of it. The lack of choice is obvious in the case of a person sleeping in a one-room cell; an excess of choice is a multi-room mansion with no exits. Another option: no matter where you go, you cannot find a way out.

A dream about prison may indicate that with many options, there is no single one that is effective in achieving the new freedoms and opportunities that you are striving for. The path to escape from prison is often encoded in the identities of those who captured you or the location of the dungeon. For a more accurate interpretation of the dream, try to find familiar features in your guards, the decoration of the house, as well as the reason for your desire to escape. Perhaps you feel discomfort from unwillingness to follow the orders of others or feel the presence of a real threat within the walls of a prison, mansion, building - a trap?

Egyptian dream book

According to the dream book Prison, what does the dream mean:

When interpreting such a dream, it is useful to start from Jung's ideas as outlined in his theory of primary individuality. Prison can be interpreted as either a lack of choice or an excess of it. The lack of choice is obvious in the case of a person sleeping in a solitary and one-room cell in a prison; an excess of choice is a multi-room mansion with no exits. Another option: no matter where you go, you cannot find a way out. Such a dream may indicate that with many options, there is no single effective one for achieving those new freedoms and opportunities that you are striving for.

In some cases, dreams about prison speak of safety, others of punishment. What exact state are you in in your dream? When you wake up, what feelings do you have about the place that served as your prison in the dream?

Autumn Dream Interpreter

I dreamed of Amnesty in prison - Hearing in a dream conversations about amnesty in prison or finding out that your relative has been amnestied means that God’s mercy will be favorable to you.

Why do you dream about Prison - Seeing yourself in prison is an empty dream for you: everything will be fine, that’s what the dream book says about this dream.

Amnesty in prison - Towards legal proceedings.

Zone (prison) - The zone dreams of a short-term deprivation of rights.

Colony - To see a colony for juvenile delinquents - to attend some kind of spectacular event.

Bunks in prison - Seeing yourself on a bunk in a dream means legal proceedings.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Prison (zone). - to marriage for a girl or a debt obligation for others.

Amnesty. Hearing this word or seeing the amnesty read out means freedom from debts and problems that have weighed on you for a long time.

Being in prison is dangerous.

Zone - Seeing a zone in a dream means prosecution of you or your family members.

Colony - expect a large invasion of cockroaches or bedbugs.

Bunks. To loss of respect.

Summer Dream Interpreter

Zone (prison). - Seeing yourself in a zone (prison) means restricting freedom of action.

Colony - Seeing a colony for juvenile delinquents means conflict with children.

Bunks in prison - Seeing yourself sitting on a bunk means going to the sobering-up station.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed about Prison in a dream, what is it for:

Prison - to big problems, illness, melancholy, grief and poverty. Sun in the 12th house.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

I dreamed about Prison in a dream, interpretation:

Prison is a concern; privacy and protection from the threat located on the other side of the walls. Single cell – no choice; a multi-room mansion with no exits – an abundance of choice; release from prison - cope with your experiences; other people are in prison - unused opportunities; a prison with brightly lit windows - hope to get rid of some restrictions; loved one in prison - dependence on your feelings for them; happily avoiding imprisonment - a successful resolution of the problem; inability to escape - inability to achieve a goal; No matter where you go, you cannot find a way out - there is no single effective solution to achieve your desires.

Magic dream book

I dreamed about Prison - what does it mean?

You dreamed of a Prison - going into the building - gossip, bad news. Seeing from the outside - they will entrust you with an unpleasant secret. Seeing yourself as a prisoner means your competitors will deprive you of a profitable job. Seeing others in prison means you will be forced to admit that you respected unworthy people. Getting out of prison means not succumbing to blackmail or fear.

Dream book of healer Akulina

I dreamed about Prison - what does the dream mean?

What does Prison mean in a dream - You will have to cancel the trip due to sad circumstances at home. Imagine that the walls of the prison are crumbling and all the prisoners are released.

English dream book

Why do you dream about Prison in a dream?

You dreamed of Prison - Imprisonment may indicate a feeling of guilt or deprivation of freedom. What does the dream mean: Were you guilty of a crime? Are you guilty of it in real life or was it a minor offense that you can’t get out of your head? Or have others wrongfully accused you and now you feel trapped and exposed to judgment? How can you restore your good name? If you visited someone who is in prison, do you consider him guilty of something, an offense against you? Now he is in captivity and in your power? What do you want to do with this person?

Star dream book

I had a dream about Prison, what does it mean?

What does prison mean in a dream - a symbol of ripened negative karma. At the everyday level, events will not necessarily be bad. 12th house of the horoscope.

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

What does it mean if you dreamed about Prison:

You dreamed of a Prison - it’s as if you see a prison from afar; the windows of the prison are brightly lit - you are a fairly experienced and insightful person and know what to avoid in life, so as not to get into trouble, so as not to harm yourself and your business. You see people imprisoned in a dream - you will fight for the interests of people you believe in - no matter what they say about these people. It’s as if you are in prison - unpleasant events will affect not only your mood, but also the course of your affairs. It’s as if you want to get out of prison and hit the door with your shoulder - soon you will face evil; unkind people will try in every possible way to extract money from you. A young woman dreams that her lover has gone to prison - this woman will have suspicions: does she love a decent man?.., is he even worthy of being next to her?..

Psychoanalytic dream book

I dreamed about Prison, what is it for?

What does Prison mean in a dream - see also Key and Lock 1. Prison in dreams means a trap that we have created for ourselves. We may feel that external circumstances complicate our lives, but in fact we create such circumstances ourselves. This can be on an emotional, material or spiritual level. 2. Often we build a prison for ourselves through a sense of duty or guilt, and this can also be reflected in dreams. The types of locks and bolts we see in prison can show us exactly how we are held in prison. For example, a lock with a key suggests that we know how to escape, while a deadbolt means that we will have to make enormous efforts to escape. A barred window means that we are being prevented from using what is external to us. 3. In a spiritual sense, duty and duty are two sides of the same coin. Responsibility can be necessary and therefore become a trap, and guilt can prevent us from seeing the path forward. Sometimes, when we feel trapped by either debt or guilt, we dream of prison.

Prison is a sign of painful silence, fatal reticence.

If you dreamed of a prison building, this means that you will be entrusted with a secret, keeping which will be painfully unpleasant for you, you will be tormented and worried.

If in a dream you see yourself imprisoned in prison, then this dream foretells that you will not be warned in time about danger or threat. You will suffer because you do not talk about important things with someone you know.

Interpretation in other dream books

Loff's Dream Book

Prison, imprisonment

Being trapped is an interesting event in a dream. While this is a cause of concern for some, the upside of confinement is its relative privacy and protection from the threats of the hostile world on the other side of the walls. Typically, the security aspect is ignored due to our obsession with freedom.

The dream of being trapped contains a hint of introspection, as the old saying goes: “Wherever you go, take yourself with you.” When applied to dreams, failure to escape may indicate failure to achieve something particularly desirable in life. When interpreting such a dream, it is useful to proceed from the ideas of JUNG, as set out in his theory of the primary INDIVIDUALITY.

Confinement can be interpreted as either a lack of choice or an excess of it. The lack of choice is obvious in the case of a person sleeping in a one-room cell; an excess of choice is a multi-room mansion with no exits. Another option: no matter where you go, you cannot find a way out. Such a dream may indicate that with many options, there is no single effective one for achieving those new freedoms and opportunities that you are striving for.

The path to escape from imprisonment is often encoded in the personalities of those who captured you, or the location of the dungeon. For a more accurate interpretation of the dream, try to find familiar features in your guards, the decoration of the house, as well as the reason for your desire to escape. Perhaps you feel discomfort from unwillingness to follow the orders of others or feel the presence of a real threat within the walls of a prison, mansion, or trap building?

Some trap buildings are for safety, others are for punishment. What state are you in in your dream?

When you wake up, what feelings do you have about the place that in your dream served as a safe hiding place and did not contain anything mysterious?

Miller's Dream Book


To dream of others in prison means that you will insist on granting privileges to persons whom you trust implicitly. If you dream of a prison with brightly lit windows, this means that your insight will help you avoid trouble. If a young woman sees her lover in prison in a dream, she will, not without reason, be disappointed in his decency. Seeing yourself in prison portends events that will have a bad impact on your affairs. Happily avoiding imprisonment promises you participation in several profitable businesses. The most favorable dream about prison, foreshadowing that you will avoid trouble or cope with it, is a dream in which you see the release of a prisoner.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus


Prison is a symbol of lack of freedom, isolation and loneliness.

To see yourself as a prisoner in a dream means that in reality you are under the power of your complexes, which will prevent you from realizing your plans.

If in a dream you look at the world through a prison window, perhaps in the near future a person will appear next to you who will have unlimited power over you.

A dream in which you are trying to break out of prison warns the dreamer about the consequences of his hasty decisions.

Seeing in a dream how you break prison bars is an attempt to free yourself from the influence of others.

If in a dream you saw one of your loved ones sitting in prison, it means that you are too abusing the trust of your loved ones, who are beginning to see you as a tyrant.

To release someone from prison - in reality you will have to urgently solve the problem of loneliness.

“Don’t swear off money or prison.” So goes the popular saying. Many people are horrified by the thought of prisons. Sometimes you can see yourself behind bars in your dreams. Why do a woman or a man dream about them?

General interpretation of a dream about prison according to various dream books

The opinions of famous dream interpreters are divided regarding nightly dreams about prison. Some are sure that such a dream warns of troubles, others agree that night vision foreshadows participation in a profitable business. When interpreting a dream, the events occurring in it also have meaning.

Here is what is written about dreams about prison in popular dream books:

  • Freud. Such a dream symbolizes fear of intimate life. A man may be afraid that he will not satisfy his new partner, a girl may be afraid of the possibility of ruining her reputation or losing her virginity, and an experienced woman may be afraid that her new lover will be worse than her former lover.
  • Miller. Seeing a brightly lit prison in a dream is an opportunity to avoid trouble. Your insight will come to your aid, which will not allow you to fall into the trap of scammers.
  • Wangi. They will tell you some secret, which will become very difficult for you to keep. You will be very worried about this.
  • Tsvetkov. Staying in prison in a dream is a sign of everyday hardships. The number of years that you needed to serve in a dream indicates the time after which a white streak will begin in your life.
  • Nostradamus. Complexes prevent you from achieving your goals.
  • French. You will learn what others have been hiding from you for a long time. The revealed secret will greatly upset you.
  • Hasse. You will have difficulties with money. You'll have to do odd jobs.
  • Loffa. It's time to do some introspection. Remember that happiness is within us.
  • Modern. You will be haunted by failures in any endeavor.
  • Esoteric. To limit your living space. You may not be allowed to go abroad, or due to illness you may not be able to leave the walls of your home for some time.

Dream interpretations depend on many details

It is important to know. For people who break the law in real life, a dream about prison can become prophetic.

Why does a woman or man dream?

  • If a girl dreams of prison, then bad feelings arise in her soul. They need to be nipped in the bud, otherwise difficulties cannot be avoided. A dream can also symbolize obstacles on the way to a goal.
  • For a woman, such a dream indicates fatigue. She is constantly in tension due to the difficulties that have piled up. If you don't rest and change your activities, you may have health problems.
  • For a man, a dream foreshadows conflict situations at work. Your hands are tied and you can't do what you want. Don’t worry too much, because your difficulties are temporary. In two or three weeks everything will fall into place. Gustav Miller believes that a prison seen in a dream promises a man the opportunity to find himself in a delicate situation. You may lose your composure and appear inappropriate. After what happened, you will be tormented by remorse.
  • If a dream comes to a pregnant woman, then it’s time to unwind. The monotony of life, everyday affairs, and a narrow circle of friends begins to depress you. This may have a negative impact on your health.

Take care of your psyche - not a single dream is worth the nerves of a pregnant woman

It is important. Sometimes dreams about prison indicate a subconscious fear of punishment for previously committed actions. A dreamer who has taken part in some unseemly business tries with all his might to hide it from others.

Sitting in prison yourself or seeing friends

  • If you dreamed that you were serving a sentence, then trouble will soon happen to you. This will happen due to the fact that your friends will not warn you in a timely manner about the threat that hangs over you. This is how Wang interprets the dream. But Miller predicts events that will have a bad impact on your reputation. Esotericist Tsvetkov is sure that such night dreams promise peace and love in the family. In the dream book of Nostradamus it is written that a dream is a sign that you are in the grip of strange things that are preventing you from realizing your plans.
  • Did you see other people behind bars in your dream? In the near future you will have to ask an influential person for help. This is how American psychologist Gustav Miller deciphers the dream. According to the Modern Dream Book, such dreams predict that you will have to help immoral and dishonest people.
  • If you dreamed that someone you know was serving a sentence, then in reality this person needs help. Seeing your competitor sitting in prison is a good sign. Luck will be on your side. The enemy will not be able to harm you.
  • If a girl dreamed that her lover was in places not so remote, then there is a high probability that the guy will turn out to be a fraudster.
  • Did you dream that your spouse was in prison? You control him too much. The fear that your husband will leave you interferes with life not only for you, but also for him. If you continue to put pressure on your beloved, your family life will come to an end.
  • Seeing your business partner in prison in a dream means unprofitable cooperation with him in real life.

This is interesting. Sometimes you can see in your night dreams that a person with whom you want to have a relationship in real life is in prison. Such a dream suggests that you are too intrusive towards him. Your persistence to win him over is misplaced. It’s worth “holding your horses” a little and letting go of the situation. Otherwise, the person will stop communicating with you.

Conviction may not always be fair, but in a dream this is felt much more acutely

Be a supervisor or a guard

  • Did you see yourself as a guard or overseer in a prison in a dream? In real life you have to help other people. You shouldn’t refuse to help them, because you will be generously thanked for your deeds.
  • If in a dream you were a supervisor, and one of your loved ones was behind bars, then in reality you are trying in every possible way to limit the freedom of this person, unprincipledly interfering in his life. You should think carefully about your behavior and stop poking your nose into other people's affairs.

It is important to know. If you dreamed that you were convicted by mistake, then you will be disappointed in your ideals. A business that you spend a lot of effort on will end up losing. This fact will sadden you to the core.

I dreamed about a prison cell: clean or dirty

A prison cell in a dream symbolizes disappointment and fatigue. You have a lot of problems, because of which you cannot relax. Thoughts about their solution haunt you day and night.

If the pre-trial detention center cell you dreamed of was clean and bright, then it’s time for you to change your surroundings. Take a vacation from work and go somewhere. Even a weekend spent with friends in nature will benefit you.

If the camera was dirty in a dream, then you will be disappointed in your friend. A secret that has long been hidden from you will be revealed. The news you receive will make your soul feel disgusting and sad.

If you dreamed that you were cleaning a prison cell, it means that soon you will have to depend on someone. Thinking about this will greatly depress you.

You should know. Escape from prison in a dream foreshadows good events. Finally, you can throw off the burden of responsibility and breathe deeply.

Meaning of the prison building symbol

A dreamed prison symbolizes temporary life restrictions. Because of obligations given to someone else or for other reasons, your freedom is limited.

For married people, a dream about a prison building may indicate that their spouse controls them too much, not allowing them to live in peace and tormenting them with their unreasonable jealousy.

For a woman on maternity leave, a dream indicates that she is very tired of the monotony. You need to shake yourself up and unwind, leaving your baby with relatives for one evening.

If a person holding a leadership position dreams of prison, then in reality he takes his responsibilities too seriously. Even when he is with his family, he constantly thinks about solving professional problems. At home, you shouldn’t think about work; it’s better to enjoy communicating with your relatives.

Dreaming about prison can have different meanings. If in a dream you did not experience any discomfort from being within the walls of a state-owned house, then subconsciously you want peace and solitude. It’s worth listening to yourself and resting, and then with renewed vigor you can begin to solve pressing problems.

Sometimes dreams are unpleasant and scolding. The events in them unfold quite alarmingly and it may seem to you that everything will also happen in reality. Why do you dream about prison? Should such a dream be taken literally?

Why do you dream about prison - basic interpretation

If in a dream you saw a prison that you could end up in, you should be wary of the course of events. Your near future will not be as bright as you would like. Perhaps the fact is that you yourself don’t know what would be better for you. Perhaps you yourself are not planning anything serious.

It is important to interpret the dream down to the smallest detail so as not to miss anything:

For what reason could you end up in prison in a dream?

Whether you go to prison or you work in it;

What emotions overcome you?

Who else appears in your dream?

If you see a dream in which someone hugs you and then smoothly puts handcuffs on you, in reality you will trust a person who will subsequently betray you, and you will not be able to do anything about it. If you have a dream in which you experience an overwhelming fear of prison, you should be wary of sudden troubles.

Perhaps you subconsciously feel that some danger awaits you and you need to behave differently, that you should not insist on anything, but just follow the dictates of your heart and not force anyone to do anything.

If you are in a sad and depressed mood in a dream, then you should take a closer look at your feelings and experiences in reality. Perhaps in reality you experience frequent stress, you are afraid of something, you are afraid of something. Such a dream will mean that you will soon change your mood. Your life will begin to improve dramatically.

If in a dream you are in a joyful mood, although you found out that you could go to prison, it means that you will happily and enthusiastically begin to deal with your daily affairs, solve problems that seemed unsolvable to you just yesterday, and begin to actively prepare for new cases, despite on difficulty.

If you dream that someone broke into your apartment at night, you killed a thief and are facing prison - such a dream portends you responsibility for actions whose outcome could have been predicted. Perhaps you had a fight with a loved one and didn’t know how to make amends. Perhaps you yourself provoked a quarrel, although you did not want a scandal, but you did not give in to it, did not give up your position.

If you dream that the police have arrived at your house and are about to arrest you, then you are afraid of responsibility. Often such a dream promises trouble at work; you will soon be deceived and betrayed by your colleagues. You are very afraid that in your work you will have to answer not for your problems, not for your shortcomings. You take your responsibilities very seriously. The dream book recommends that you worry less. You are valued at work.

Why dream of a prison if you walk around it? You want to limit someone's freedom in reality. Perhaps even your own. You want to have information about people’s lives and hobbies, their interests, and to control your significant other. The dream book advises you to stop doing this, because this way you are wasting time not on yourself, but on other people’s problems and difficulties. Take care of yourself.

If you dream that you are already in prison, listen to your inner feelings. Are you afraid of something, or are you calm? If fear has settled inside you, then you are already in a difficult situation. You may have recently felt devastation, horror and fear. You could understand that you will have to radically change your life. Sometimes it's for the better.

If you are calm and comfortable inside, you are not afraid of anything - such a dream means that you will soon be faced with the question of choice and you will have to choose the most difficult and most profitable option. In this case, you will win everything. You will be able to more actively engage in those things that you put off until later.

If you have a dream in which you ended up in prison by an absurd accident, you may be slandered in reality. Knowing this, it is better for you not to give others a reason to doubt your honesty and integrity. It’s better to get down to business, solving those issues that you don’t need to involve anyone in.

If you dream that your relative has gone to prison, a conflict awaits you with him. At the same time, he will be wrong, he will try to defend his point of view and punish you for all your actions, for all your mistakes. But he has no right to do this.

If you dream that you are in prison with your lover, you will be trapped in mutual claims and problems. Perhaps you will remember all the mistakes and all the complaints that you previously had. And this process cannot be stopped. It will not be possible to control it. It will be very difficult to live with him.

If in a dream you see yourself in a cell and rats are running all over you, many will rejoice at your defeat, many will trip you up, and you will not be able to resist. You will have to admit that you have lost and it is time for you to pull yourself together. Continue moving towards your goal without looking back, without forgiving those who set you up. Try to survive this period of life courageously, without betraying yourself.

Why do you dream about prison according to Freud's dream book?

Freud’s dream book says that prison is dreamed of by those who are afraid of becoming dependent in a relationship, who do not want to sacrifice themselves and waste their time on relationships in general. These fears are unjustified.

If in a dream you are trying to escape from prison, you will be trying to free yourself from a relationship that oppresses you. But aren't you making things difficult for yourself? Perhaps you have come up with a rather strange role for yourself? Which leads to all these disagreements? You may be exaggerating the problems in your relationship.

If a lonely woman dreams that she is in prison, she is very afraid of being left alone. It seems to her that the state of searching for happiness in love will never end. That she will remain lonely. And it is these thoughts that lead to the worsening of the situation. It's time for a woman to change her thinking and the direction of her development as an individual.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is in prison, she will have to come to terms with a rather difficult situation in which she will find herself. She will be on the verge of big changes, but will not know what to do. He will not know how to avoid quarrels and scandals.

Why do you dream about prison according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

The Esoteric Dream Book says that a prison in a dream symbolizes your constraint by fears. You will be consumed by prejudice and will create obstacles in your own way. If you want to get out of a vicious circle, quickly resolve issues regarding your outlook on life. Don’t close yourself off, open up more, trust yourself and your loved ones more.

Why dream of prison if you see yourself leaving its walls? Such a dream promises you freedom from past painful affairs. Try to leave everything bad and unnecessary in the past, try not to reconcile other people’s roles, do not get involved in other people’s problems. All your troubles will be left behind.

If you dream that someone is taking you into a prison cell, and you do not recognize this person, you should expect a trick from complete strangers. If you recognize this person, in reality try to minimize contact with him and not share your emotions and experiences.

If your lover is closing you in the cell, try not to panic and not to break the connection with him. And to determine what he was afraid of. Why does he want to suppress you, why does he want to harm you.

Why do you dream about prison according to other dream books?

Grishina’s dream book says that you can breathe a sigh of relief after a dream in which you were acquitted in court and you will not go to prison. This means that you will not soon find yourself in a difficult situation. Everything will resolve itself.

If in a dream you look sadly through the bars at the sky, in reality you will get bogged down in everyday routine and work a lot. You will devote a lot of strength and energy to your business and will not know where to move next. How to earn a living so as not to spend too much and not deprive yourself of earnings.

If you dream that in prison you experience joy and comfort, it means you feel better when someone is leading you, when you are being controlled. This is important because the dream book advises in this case to learn to let go of such attachments. Become more independent and responsible, then the situation will change in your favor.

Most dream books associate dreams of prison and imprisonment with some kind of lack of freedom in real life. A modern interpreter believes that a plot dreamed of in a dream predicts unpleasant events that can change current affairs for the worse. Other options for descriptions of what a similar dream means are listed below.

Universal interpreter

If you dreamed that you met with a jailer or someone who put you in prison, this means that your interests will be hampered by the treachery of others.

To see your lover in prison in a dream means that in reality you will be disappointed in his decency. The plot in which you saw the release of a prisoner is one of the most favorable. The universal dream book assures you that you can avoid trouble and cope with any problems.

If you saw prison bars in a dream, you can rest assured that this vision is the appeal of your soul to you. As soon as possible, you need to take a closer look at yourself, rethink your recent actions and understand past mistakes. The universal dream book warns of the need to be alone with yourself, thinking through a new vision of the world picture.

If you dreamed of an exhausted and unhappy prisoner, then in reality you will soon try to help those people you trust or those who helped you before.

Another option for why you dream about something like this is a feeling of lack of freedom and loneliness. Seeing yourself as a prisoner in a dream means that in reality you are at the mercy of complexes that prevent you from carrying out your plans.

If you dreamed that you were looking out through a barred prison window, then get ready for the appearance of a despotic person who will have unlimited power over you.

The opinion of the healer Evdokia

The dream book of the healer Evdokia believes that if in a dream you become a prisoner, this may indicate participation in the life of a person in whom you place unconditional trust, as well as future peace, wealth and prosperity.

If the prison windows are brightly lit, then insight and the ability to think about everything in advance will save you from major problems. Evdokia’s dream book is convinced that if the prison is bright, large and light and being in it does not really burden the dreamer, this can mean a strong and love-filled marriage with a respected person.

Evdokia also explains in detail what dreams mean about escaping from prison. Happily escaping from imprisonment means participating in extremely profitable businesses. Seeing someone else being released in a dream means that in the foreseeable future you will be able to achieve success in your endeavors.

Psychologists' opinion

The Dream Book of Psychologists also has its own view on the decoding of this symbol. Prison, according to this source, is a symbol of heavy, painful silence, some kind of fatal omission. The Psychologist's Dream Book advises not to try to find out the secret, otherwise there is a risk of harming yourself.

If you dream that you clearly see a prison building, this warns that someone will trust you with a secret that will be very painful and unpleasant to keep.

Feeling like a prisoner in a dream is a sign that there will be no timely warning about danger or an impending threat.

Various interpretations

Breaking prison bars in a dream, trying to get out, means a quick attempt to free yourself from the harmful influence of others. But, in addition, such a dream warns of the consequences of incorrect, hastily made decisions.

The dream book predictor associates being in captivity with protection and privacy, which is so lacking in reality. There is a lack of security in your life, walls that protect you from the hostility of the outside world.

Seraphima also describes in detail what prison means in dreams. It will mark a certain restriction, a feeling of guilt, deprivation of freedom in a figurative sense. Seraphim’s dream book is convinced that escaping from a place of confinement, prison or trap in your night dreams means there will be a need to change and improve living conditions.