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Many people are sure that indoor plants in an apartment serve only a decorative function. But each of them has its own energy, which can positively or negatively influence a person’s life. One such plant is Crassula.

There are various signs and superstitions about the money tree. To get the maximum benefit from it, you need to place it correctly in the house and follow certain rules for caring for it.

Is it possible to keep a money tree at home: folk signs

Crassula is popularly nicknamed the money tree because of the large number of different signs that connect the plant with material well-being. If you keep it in the house, it guarantees financial stability to the owner of the house.

There are common signs about a money tree growing in the house. Among them are:

  1. If you report to the money tree every Wednesday about your money spent and earned, then the energy of the plant in the future will help you implement all your plans, and will also protect you from thoughtless spending.
  2. When the leaves of a fat plant fall off, this is considered a bad omen, which indicates that there is negative energy in the apartment. To remove negativity and help the plant fill the space with positive energy, move the pot to a different location.
  3. If a lot of leaves have fallen from a tree, this indicates that the owner of the apartment will soon face unplanned financial expenses. Since ancient times, people have known that a tree drops its leaves only before losing money.
  4. If the leaves of a tree are thick and succulent, this indicates that the space around the plant is filled with exclusively positive energy. There will definitely be money in such a house.
  5. To make the fat plant grow well and also help improve the financial situation of the family, bury 3 coins in a pot. This guarantees a heavy and always full wallet.
  6. The plant needs to be replanted as needed. If you do not want to lose your financial well-being, be sure to ensure that the plant does not wither and does not feel cramped in a small flowerpot.
  7. There is a sign - to hang bills on the leaves of the money tree. Many people believe that this is how they can achieve material well-being. In order for the popular belief to come true correctly and fully, from time to time you need to remove banknotes, replace them with new ones, and then spend them on your needs. This will start the money cycle.

If you don’t want to bother yourself with careful care and attention to the money tree, replace the plant with a souvenir made of coins. Folk signs say that it has the same qualities and signs of a living plant. But to make it work and bring money into the house, you need to periodically moisten its leaves with water or completely water it.

Caring for a money tree is quite a troublesome task. Especially if the plant withers. To prevent financial instability in the home, it is necessary to take measures to rescue and rehabilitate the fat woman.

Where should the money tree be?

In order for the fat woman to bring maximum benefit to the house, according to folk signs, you need to choose the right place for it in the house. This indoor plant prefers bright and warm rooms. But it is better to avoid areas exposed to direct sunlight. Therefore, it is better to place the pot not on the windowsill, but on a special stand.

If you have a choice, it is better to place the money tree in the southeast. This is considered the most favorable place in the apartment for him.

When a person begins to follow these simple rules, the biological power of the plant will be activated, which will be aimed at attracting money to the house.

If you place a money tree according to Feng Shui, you can improve the financial situation of the family. For this, it is not enough for the plant to simply grow comfortably. Several rules must be followed. These include:

  1. It is necessary to determine the zone in the apartment responsible for wealth. This can be done using a special Bagua grid. The room is conventionally divided into 9 equal parts. The wealth zone is concentrated in the lower right corner or on the southeast side of the room. In order for the signs about the money tree to work in full force, it is recommended to choose the optimal shade of decoration and furniture for it. According to ancient teachings, you cannot choose red for the room where the plant is located. It is better to opt for green, lilac, violet tones.
  2. It is necessary to provide the plant with fresh air and good lighting. The room should not be hot or stuffy. Crassula also does not tolerate large amounts of dust. Because of this, the tree will quickly begin to wither, which will put the financial well-being of the family in great question.
  3. The plant loves humidified air. Thanks to this, it will be able to direct all its energy to attract money into the house. It is very good to place a pot of money tree near the aquarium. There will be constant evaporation of water from it, which will create an optimal moist environment around the flower. Another good place for a fatty is the bathroom. But before you put the money tree there, fix all the taps and pipes. According to signs, if water flows in the room, then money will leave the house.
  4. The plant does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and strong drafts. Therefore, it must be kept in a well-ventilated room in which the constant temperature ranges from 19 to 24 degrees. In this case, you should avoid places with very dry air, for example, near a battery or radiator.

Is it possible to give a money tree from home?

A properly planted and grown fat plant, according to folk superstitions, will bring material wealth to its owner. Therefore it is considered a very good or other special event.

In order for the plant to be beneficial, you need to give not a purchased money tree, but one grown at home with your own hands. It will bring positive energy, prosperity and good luck to the new owner in business.

There are several folk signs that will help you find out the meaning of such a gift. These include:

  • A beautiful and large tree promises good luck and prosperity. It should simply exude health and have a lush crown.
  • If a small fat fish was chosen as a gift, this will guarantee a small but stable increase in family income.
  • When a sick tree is given as a gift, this indicates that the family has ill-wishers. They envy the family's income and well-being. Therefore, it is better to stay away from such people. But if the new owners managed to cure the plant and bring it back to life, then this is a very good omen. This means that, no matter what, there will be money and profit in the house.

The money tree died

Of all the folk, the one with the most negative interpretation is when the fat woman dies. It is especially bad if the tree was grown on its own from a small sprout and then died. This will directly affect the well-being of the family. In the near future it will deteriorate greatly. After this, you will have to make a lot of effort to restore your financial situation.

If an adult tree was brought into the house, but it soon began to wither or die altogether, then this indicates that it is too early for the owner of the house to think about increasing wealth.

When the money tree begins to rapidly wither, you should not try to revive it. In this situation, it is best to simply throw out the plant and focus your energy on growing a new fat plant. If a person’s money trees wither, wither, or simply do not take root, then this indicates material instability or mental imbalance.

  1. There are several other folk signs associated with the money tree. Among them:
    If a tree bends its trunk, this indicates that the person will face financial difficulties in the near future.
  2. If a tree falls from a windowsill or shelf along with a pot, then this sign, on the contrary, has a good interpretation. This means that the family’s material well-being will only get stronger.
  3. When a money tree falls and its pot breaks, this promises many envious people on the path of life.
  4. If a tree breaks when it falls, this promises an imminent loss of financial stability and well-being in the family. Therefore, it is very important to place the plant pot in a place where it is difficult to drop or throw it off.

Is it possible to throw away a money tree: folk signs

Various situations happen in life, as a result of which you have to throw plants out of the house. People who believe in omens are clearly of the opinion that doing this with a money tree is strictly prohibited.

If a person has grown a money tree for a long time, and also carefully looked after it and even talked to it, then the plant has its own energy invested, which cannot just be taken and gotten rid of. It is best not to throw away the fat plant, but to return it to nature. To do this, you can bury it in the ground.

When a recently purchased or donated plant withers, you can simply throw it away. There is no one else's energy in him yet. In order not to attract misfortune or lack of money to yourself, it is recommended to get rid of the money tree in the following ways:
put it in the entrance;

  • give it to a person who wants to care for a flower;
  • drip;
  • keep the sprout for further cultivation, and throw the old plant in the trash.

Before you get rid of the fat plant using any of these methods, you must definitely thank the plant for the time spent in the house. After this, you should sincerely say goodbye to him with all your heart.

How to activate a money tree according to Feng Shui?

This plant is often found in ancient teachings. They interpret the fat woman as a kind of resuscitator. That is, a money tree can not only help improve the financial situation of the family, but also restore vitality. There is an ancient legend that says that in order to always have gold coins in the house, you need to shake the money tree.

All the energy of the plant, which helps to gain financial wealth, accumulates on the leaves. Therefore, the thicker they are, the more money there will be in the family. To properly plant a money tree, you need to bury a few coins under its roots. You need to hang red threads on the crown. This will help attract wealth into your home.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the following actions will also help to activate the energy of the money tree:

  1. Plant a small dragon between the branches of the plant. He will attract financial wealth.
  2. Place an owl figurine on one of the branches. The bird will ensure that economy is maintained in the family.
  3. Install 3 red lanterns at the base of the tree. This is necessary to enhance energy.
    If a person cannot cope with the rules of caring for a living plant, then according to the teachings of Feng Shui, you need to have at least a symbolic copy of the plant in your house. It must be made by hand.

Before you start a money tree in your house, you need to remember that, first of all, it serves as a talisman. It will not be able to bring any benefit if you do not put effort into it. Therefore, in order to achieve benefits from the plant, it must be properly cared for.

The money tree is considered an effective talisman of wealth. You can grow it, or you can put a symbolic tree in your house. Regardless of which option you choose, the most important thing before starting to use such a talisman is to change your internal attitude: move from the line of poverty to the line of prosperity. Only one step separates these two roads. And this step is your choice. Forget for a moment that right now you don’t have enough money to buy something you’ve been dreaming about for a long time. Just imagine that what you want is already in your hands. At that very moment your talisman will begin to work - which will open the doors to real wealth for you.

"Living" money tree

Crassula, or Crassula - a tree with “fat” leaves resembling coins, symbolizes financial prosperity. In Chinese philosophy, it has been endowed with the magical ability to attract money for hundreds and hundreds of years. It is believed that you need to buy the smallest thing. That's right: a small plant will attract more money. Why? It's simple: as the fat woman grows and gains natural strength, she will gradually establish an energetic connection with the owner of the house.

This connection is no less important than the very presence of a tree in the house.

But it’s even better, experts say, not to buy a fat plant at all, but to take a sprout from a tree that was grown and which is located in the house of friends who are well-off financially and have success in business that allows them to earn quite a lot. Even a small shoot will already be charged with financial energy, which will actively attract money. Metal coins must be placed at the bottom of the pot. The color of the pot also matters: it should be red. This color symbolizes any positive movement, including cash flows.

The red color will enhance the energy of the plant itself.

Read more about the signs and proper care of the tree so that it brings prosperity to the home. Symbolic tree for attracting money

For this you will need tree branches, commonly used coins and “feng shui” coins with square holes. You can also hang gold jewelry. They are attached with wires and then “planted” in a pot, just like the real thing. Paper bills are also hung, rolled into tubes and tied with red ribbons. By the way, you need to remember to spend this money periodically and hang “fresh” money on the tree.

So that there is no stagnation in the successful movement of finances. And to avoid “extra” expenses, they plant a wise owl on the branches. Money will also be attracted by a photograph of a tree on which coins are attached.

How to properly maintain a money tree

The symbolic practice of mastering the space of Feng Shui gives instructions for the correct arrangement of the money tree. The place to place the pot with it is the south-eastern part of the apartment, the purpose of which is precisely to attract wealth. A decorative fountain - a strong activator - can enhance the energy of the talisman.

If we are talking about a fat woman, then it cannot be placed where a TV or any other household appliances are working. They divert energy “to themselves” and the tree will not get anything.

Radios, mobile phones, and computers have the same negative properties in relation to living plants. In the zone, the Crassula should settle on the southeast or south window. She loves a lot of light, but not direct sunlight. You should not forget to water the tree, and also wipe its leaves from dust, which “eats” monetary energy. In summer, the tree is watered as the soil dries out. However, there is no need to allow high humidity. But with the onset of cold weather, the soil should be dry, and watering once every two months is sufficient. The fat baby loves fresh air, so ventilate the room in which it lives.

As it grows, it should be transplanted into a larger pot.

Special Notes on Money Tree Care The money tree actually becomes a member of the family, because it helps his finances.

That is why every Wednesday you should tell him about the expenses that lie ahead and what the money is needed for. And, of course, thank him for successful finances. From each amount that is earned, you need to put it near the tree. Namely, a metal, not a paper, bill, because metal is a strong energy source.

The money tree can often be found in home flower beds, on window sills and balconies. It has several names - Crassula and Crassula. This tree-like succulent plant is native to Africa and therefore all its parts are able to accumulate moisture in order to survive drought.

This plant is called money because its leaves resemble coins, and for centuries many signs and superstitions have been associated with it. The theory of Feng Shui, which has become quite popular in Russia, describes its properties especially widely. It is often used when choosing a place for plants. It is believed to help attract money and wealth.

But for this it must be in the right place. Therefore, plant owners often face the question of where to place it so that it brings wealth. Those who adhere to Feng Shui can place Crassula in accordance with its rules, for example, it can be placed in the bedroom, but the plant must be in comfortable conditions for it.

Then not only a spectacular interior element will appear in the room, but also a living talisman to attract money to the family.

Choosing a place for a tree

The money tree prefers bright, warm rooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. In an apartment, you can keep the plant not on the windowsill, but on a floor stand near the window. If there is such an opportunity, you can place the flower in a room located on the southeast side.

The plant does well on the south or southwest side. But in this case, you need to place the plant not right under the window, but a little to the side, and shade the glass for spring and summer. Compliance with these rules is the biological need of the plant.

But besides this, many are interested in Feng Shui, and in this theory, the money tree is a very popular subject. Therefore, in order for the family to receive wealth and for the plant to be comfortable, the place for it needs to be selected more carefully. Guided by the following rules.

Wealth Zone

First, you need to determine the wealth zone in your home. It is determined using the Bagua grid. It is a square divided into nine parts. The central square, which is responsible for health, is taken as the main landmark.

The wealth zone will be in the lower right corner of it. The grid is superimposed on a pre-drawn floor plan, with certain cardinal directions. The wealth zone is on the southeast side. But sometimes it turns out that the room where this zone is located is not suitable for keeping a flower there.

Then you can choose another room in the apartment that suits the parameters. If the bedroom is located in a place favorable for the money flower, in the southeast, then this means that there is a wealth zone in the bedroom. This tree can be kept in the bedroom, according to Feng Shui, and it will feel comfortable.

At the same time, it is advisable to make the right color scheme in the bedroom. Under no circumstances should you use red; shades of green, lilac and violet are suitable. The money tree in this case is the main item in the room and will bring not only wealth.

Fresh air

In addition to good lighting, the money tree loves clean, fresh air. Therefore, the room where they plan to place it should be well ventilated. The plant tolerates drafts well, but heat and stuffiness in the room affect it much worse.

Crassula does not do well in dusty rooms, so it should be removed to a place where the minimum amount of dust accumulates. Access to the flower should be open so that it is easy to care for.


A location near the aquarium will be an excellent interior solution and will benefit the plant. The flower can be kept near water and evaporation from the aquarium will create the necessary air humidity.


You can put a money tree in the bathroom. But before that, you need to fix faulty and leaking taps, then, according to the sign, money will not flow away.


Temperature conditions also play an important role in the question of where to place the flower. In private homes, the temperature in different rooms usually varies slightly, and there may be drafts here and there. Therefore, it is better to keep the tree in a room where there are no strong drafts and the temperature is from +19 to +24 degrees. The plant tolerates sudden changes in temperature, but poorly, and this affects its condition.

In an apartment, such a problem usually does not exist, but in such a room the disadvantage is dry air, which also affects the well-being of the plant. You should not place a flower near heating radiators, there is high temperature, dry air and more dust is attracted to this place.

Signs about the money tree

There are many different signs associated with this plant, most of them, of course, relate to material well-being, but besides this,...

  1. A bad sign is the leaves falling from the tree. It is believed that a place where it has bad energy can sometimes cause leaves to fall due to poor maintenance, but in some cases the problem comes out of nowhere. Then you need to put the tree in another place. According to the sign, such a phenomenon can mean a quick loss of money, a reduction in income and financial difficulties.
  2. Not all signs are related to money. The plant is also considered medicinal. According to signs, the plant, with the help of its fleshy leaves, promotes the production of vital energy and in a house where there is such a flower, all family members feel full of strength and more efficient.
  3. The condition of the plant in the house is considered to reflect the financial condition of the family. The more leaves on the plant, the more money there is in the family.
  4. It is recommended to plant a tree in a red pot, and put a few coins at the bottom. Some people place a saucer with coins near the pot, constantly adding them there.
  5. If there are bills hanging on the money tree, which many place there to attract wealth, then in order for money to be kept in the house, these bills must be changed periodically. Waste the old ones and hang up the new ones.

Where to put the plant if you want not only to create comfortable conditions for keeping the money tree, but also to take advantage of its magical properties and increase the well-being in the house.

Then the money tree should be placed in a well-lit, ventilated place where optimal temperature conditions are created for it, and at the same time. If you follow these placement rules, your home will definitely increase happiness and material wealth.

Where to put the money tree (crassula) according to Feng Shui? Is it possible to keep a ficus in the house: folk signs and superstitions Houseplant money tree (crassula): beneficial, medicinal and healing properties How to properly prune a money tree at home

Growing Wealth

I think you will agree that money plays a rather important role in our lives. Moreover, regardless of whether we recognize their influence or not. Do you understand their importance, do you love them - that’s what their presence in our lives sometimes depends on. They must be loved - money will not “go” to someone who despises them. Although for many years being rich was considered shameful. Evaluate what place does money occupy in your life now?

  1. Are you ready to truly accept money into your life?
  2. Do you know exactly what you need them for and in what quantity?
  3. Will they improve your life, and if so, in what ways?

Why is it important to answer these questions for yourself? Yes, because without your right attitude, all the knowledge and money talismans in the world will be powerless to help you get rich. Are you really ready to become rich? Then the Feng Shui money tree can help you with this.

What is a feng shui money tree?

There are a huge number of signs, symbols and affirmations (positive phrases) that can attract money into your life. According to Feng Shui, wealth and abundance in a person’s life should manifest itself in many areas of life: spirituality, culture, and material wealth. For example, a three-toed frog with a mouth placed on a red napkin is a sure way to financial well-being. But most often the main symbol of well-being is the money tree. The Feng Shui money tree talisman is considered one of the most powerful means for attracting material wealth. A properly placed money tree that is loved and cared for is sure to bring with it money and financial well-being.

Feng Shui symbolic money tree

Coin tree

The most common feng shui money tree is a small symbol stylized to resemble a real tree. Such a tree is fixed on a pedestal, its branches are made of wire, and the leaves are Chinese coins with a hole in the middle. The money tree talisman can be bought in many souvenir shops, or you can make it yourself. It is believed that a tree made by yourself will bring good luck to its owner - after all, you have invested your energy and your thoughts about well-being into it. To make a tree you will need wire, coins (preferably Chinese, with a square hole), as well as red ribbons or beads for decoration. There should be a lot of coins on the tree, at least 100 (for example, 10 coins on each branch, for a total of at least 10 branches). Then your tree really becomes rich. The size of your tree can be any and depends only on the amount of available materials and your imagination. Caring for the tree and its correct location is very important - the southeastern sector, which symbolizes material well-being. Even though your tree will be symbolic, it should be treated as if it were a real living plant. Give it attention, for example, with frequent wet cleaning and good lighting, place an image of water next to it, which will symbolize “watering” and improve the “growth” of your money tree.

Living money tree - Crassula arborescens

Crassula - money tree

This plant has long been popularly nicknamed the money tree for its small, fleshy leaves that look like coins. If you are a fan of indoor plants, then you can successfully make Crassula yours. She is quite unpretentious and loves a lot of light. This will only benefit the wealth sector in your apartment, which should also be well lit. If you decide to put a crassula at home as a money tree, it is advisable to buy it in a store, or even better, discreetly cut it at a party. It is believed that a gifted money tree will not bring good luck to either its new owner or the donor. There will be no problems with its breeding and cultivation - the fat plant is so tenacious that even a leaf will soon sprout a root and be ready to be planted in a pot. The pot itself should not be too large at first; it is better to replant the flower in the future as it grows. By the way, many owners of the plant consider it useful to bury small coins in the pot: this way the fat plant will further justify its name “money tree”. Since this is a plant with rather dense branches, turn it from time to time to the light with different sides. This way your money tree will develop evenly. In order for the fat plant to have a beautiful shape, its branches are often attached to a wooden peg, which aligns the sprouts and gives them direction. To turn your crassula into a real symbol of good luck and prosperity, decorate its branches with red ribbons and coins, and then it will become a real money talisman for your family.

Where to put the money tree feng shui

The effectiveness of the Feng Shui money tree largely depends on its correct location in the apartment. According to Feng Shui, the southeastern side, the wealth sector, is responsible for the well-being in the house - this is where your money tree should be placed. Use a compass to determine where southeast is in your apartment. You can take the front door as a starting point, or you can take the traditional compass determination of the cardinal directions. Use the method that is more pleasant and convenient for you. Also, do not forget that when defining zones in an apartment or plot, you should stick to one method you choose.

Correct design of the wealth sector

After identifying the well-being zone in your home, start decorating it. There should not be old unnecessary things: they should not be everywhere, but in this sector they are especially harmful, interfering with the free movement of energy. Place your money tree there, live or artificial. Since like attracts like, banknotes are often placed under the money tree. The tree itself is decorated with red ribbons, and a red napkin is placed under the pot. To enhance the positive effect, the Feng Shui symbol of wealth is embroidered on the napkin. Feng Shui masters advise decorating the area itself in blue or green colors. Don't forget to take care of your tree. This applies not only to a living plant that needs light and watering. The symbolic tree also loves good lighting and care, so dust it often.

What else can you do to activate your wealth zone?

In the southeastern sector, real wooden elements will come in very handy - light wooden furniture, a stand, a table. They will “support” your money tree, strengthen it, and promote its growth.

Strengthening the wealth zone

Water or its image also contributes to the revitalization of the southeastern sector. After all, our tree, no matter whether it is symbolic or living, loves water. You can put a small fountain in this sector: its water will symbolize the cash flow and feed it. Another option for water decoration is an aquarium. It must match the size of the room and fit harmoniously into the overall space. Populate it with fish, which can be either “golden” or ordinary. Before installing an aquarium, keep in mind that you will have to carefully care for it and its inhabitants, and clean the aquarium - the wealth sector does not forgive neglect. Therefore, if you do not have enough time to take good care of your fish and aquarium, limit yourself to the money tree. If you don’t want to install a real indoor fountain or aquarium, hang a picture of water - symbolic water will also please your money tree and “feed” the cash flow. Pay close attention to the depicted body of water. It is important not to overdo it with your choice: the amount of water in the picture should be moderate. For example, a stormy waterfall or a raging ocean will simply “wash away” your cash flow. It is also good to hang “wind music” in this sector - its movement will contribute to the circulation of energy in this sector. Pay special attention to your corridor, because this is where the flow of money into your apartment begins. The corridor should be well lit, spacious and clean. The main thing is to remember that in our lives only what we think about happens, and what we believe in works. For Feng Shui and its talismans, this statement is especially true. Just let your money tree make you richer, believe in it, take care of it - and it will certainly change and improve the quality of your life.