Delicious life at home. Thyme

We collect: early morning on the waxing moon, thyme has its effect on health, healing, sleep, psychic power, love, courage, purification. Provides family well-being, brings health, improves memory and mental abilities. Thyme has a lot of power and will definitely help a woman if she does not interfere with it. This herb is at its most powerful around the full moon. The stems are torn off by hand; do not pull them up by the roots or cut them off. Common names: creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya grass. A drink was made from thyme, which was drunk on Green Rusalia, to commemorate the dead, and also against the evil eye, witch powers on Kupala, on sparrow night. Her sphere of influence is fertility. 1. If you put it under the pillow you sleep on, it will drive away bad dreams and cause happy prophetic visions. When collecting this herb, you need to have a thread from a red ball with you. When the thyme bundle is as thick as a finger, it will need to be tied with this thread. At home, this bundle is sewn into a small bag made of cotton fabric, and only white threads are used for sewing. Now you need to wait for the full moon and at midnight sew this bag into the pillow on which you sleep, saying at the same time: Earthly grass, lie in your head, Help (name) in everything, Let you go through life the best way. Under no circumstances should a pillow with thyme sewn into it be lent to anyone. The thyme will have an effect for a year, then it needs to be pulled out of the pillow and buried in a place where the grass grows. If this is not done, then the thyme bunch will begin to give back the negative accumulated over the year. But thyme does not tolerate dirt, loneliness and despondency of the owner, and does not like it when people do not sleep on this pillow for a long time. 2. Thyme is an amazing miracle herb for every woman, which helps homemakers and preserve beauty. And if there is no owner in the house, then you definitely need to get this herb and everything will change very quickly. 3. Thyme has the ability to evoke memories of the past, gives you the opportunity to look into the future and adds strength and courage. 4. Smoking from the virgin herb is calming nervous system. The magical properties of thyme allow you to find a solution to a difficult problem and cut off the action of energy sexual vampires. If you don’t want to block the power of the female herb, don’t entertain evil thoughts, and especially don’t wish evil on your loved ones! 5. With a drink made from thyme, marigolds and oregano, girls bewitch boys who have become cold to them; and those “at the time” lubricated themselves with it, so that evil forces would not harm the future conception. 6. Helps restore fertility to the soil; to do this, in the spring you need to sprinkle the field with dry thyme grass. 7. Washing and bathing in the infusion of the Mother of God herb helps preserve female beauty. 8. If a man living alone wants to find a mistress in his house, a guardian of his hearth, then he can ask one of the women he knows to collect thyme for him and sew it into his pillow. The magical properties of thyme will help him.

In ancient times, ancestors used the magical properties of thyme to perform pagan rituals. Other names under which this plant is mentioned are thyme, Bogorodskaya herb, lemon scent, chabor, boron pepper, incense. Even in ancient times, people revered healing and beneficial features thyme, used it to cure many ailments and believed in its divine power. Knowledge about the incredible abilities of the plant, which are used by healers from all over the world, has reached the present day. Translated from ancient Greek, “thyme” means “strength of spirit.”

Magic properties

In magic, thyme is considered male grass, which gives strength, vigor and gives strong energy. By setting fire to dry bunches of plants, the walls of the roof were fumigated with the emanating smoke. They prepared infusions and decoctions from it that helped heal many diseases, and also expelled and drove away evil spirits from a person, treated fear in children and created a reliable amulet that protected against the evil eye. Sprigs of thyme were used magic spells, expelling from a person the damage caused by binge drinking and alcoholism. Sorcerers ancient Rus' they liked to use thyme as protection against bad dreams, for which they stuffed pillows with dry raw materials.

Thyme has the strongest influence on health, healing, love, purification, psychic power and fearlessness.

Borovaya pepper increases family well-being, gives good health, improves memory and mind. During pagan times, the plant was held in high esteem by sorcerers, because it was believed that its strong magical abilities They even allow you to resurrect a person. The ancient Romans believed that before a serious battle you need to rinse yourself with a decoction of Bogorodsk grass in order to stock up on unprecedented courage and strength. The magical properties of thyme allow you to make amulets, amulets and talismans from it that you carry with you, and they improve general health, attract good luck, friendship and love. The astrological planet of thyme is Venus, which gives the plant a powerful force aimed at preserving female beauty, youth, passion and attracting the other half.

Use in magic

This herb has the property of ridding a person of bad dreams that haunt him.

Thyme herb has the strongest magical properties if collected early in the morning and always during the waxing moon. Thyme is often used in magic for invocation prophetic dreams, also with its help they drive away bad dreams. To do this, a bunch of dried plant should be placed in a cotton bag and sewn into a pillow. It is worth noting that you need to sew the amulet only with white threads, and during the manufacturing process, pronounce the following spell words:

  • Magic herb, I conjure you with holy words.
  • Give me a sound sleep, manifest my dreams.
  • Come, lull me to sleep, wrap me in peace.

The magical effect in the thyme cushion lasts 12 months, after which you need to take out the amulet and bury it in the grass. IN otherwise the energy will be reversed, and the plant will begin to release the negativity accumulated over the year. Chabor - excellent remedy in magic, which is used to calm the nervous system. It is added to tobacco or smoked in rooms at home. Unique grass is very popular in the magical sphere and due to its love spell abilities.

Using thyme, girls prepare effective love spells, making guys fall in love with them or return to their previous relationship with a young man. Representatives of the fair sex believe: if you wash your face with miraculous thyme water and take baths with it, you will be able to preserve feminine beauty and attractiveness. The magical properties of chabor will also help single men who long years can't meet their soulmate. Magicians advise sewing a bag of Bogorodskaya grass into a pillow and sleeping on it every night for a year. Even if the betrothed has met, there is no need to take out the amulet - it will provide the couple with a strong union, fidelity and love.

Wonderful weed- an assistant to a person in life. Magic properties thyme has been known to man for a long time. What names did man give to this grass: Bogorodskaya grass, and the Virgin’s grass, and the Virgin’s grass! And scientifically it is creeping thyme.

"Thymus" translated from Greek means "spirit, strength." This name was not given to thyme by chance: the power it gives to people is amazing. Medicinal properties thyme is endless! But, besides this, Bogorodskaya grass is a religious and ritual magical herb of very great power. In what cases was it used?

1. With the help of thyme, the damage caused to a person by alcoholism and binge drinking is expelled. Thyme tea - a delicious healing drink

2. Thyme brewed in milk helps overcome grief, and gives strength to weakened children.

3. Dry grass was set on fire and livestock was fumigated with smoke from damage and the evil eye.

4. Thyme helps women find their betrothed, give birth and raise a child, but there are some contraindications: thyme is not recommended as a drink during pregnancy; it can tone the uterus. In ancient times, women sometimes even expelled an unwanted fetus in this way. Thyme is on the coat of arms of the city of Bogoroditsk, Tula region

5. Thyme will save you from memory loss if you wash your hair with its decoction.

6. In ancient times, certain places were consecrated by fumigating them with thyme.

7. Smoking and thyme infusions help get rid of energy sexual vampires. Thyme is an excellent seasoning for fish

8. Good will come into the house much more often if you plant thyme in front of it or around it.

9. Thyme was brought into the huts and placed in jugs, like ordinary meadow flowers. As long as there is the smell of thyme in the house, there will be no evil. This smell is especially beneficial for children, it gives them strength and goodness.

10. Our ancestors used thyme against damage caused by sorcerers. There are also thyme fields in the vastness of Russia!

11. Thyme protected from the brownie, which falls on a sleeping person at night, frightening and crushing him. - When we live in the country in the summer, we pick thyme, mint, currant and raspberry leaves, brew tea, and I have never drunk tastier tea than this in my life! - writes in in social networks Nikolai.

Do you want to be healthy and happy? Invite thyme into your home!Let it stand in a vase, let its tuft be visible from behind the icon, drink teas with thyme, fumigate your house with it, carry a sprig of it in your wallet, and then - believe the editors of! - happiness, health, prosperity, love and harmony will come to your home!

Thyme or Thyme (Thymus). The origin of the name “thyme” has several versions. According to one, it comes from the Greek “thymon” - strength, courage. According to another, it is translated as the breath of life, spirit. According to the third version, it is connected with the Greek “thyo” - “to make a sacrifice.” According to the fourth, the name thyme comes from the Greek “thymiama” (incense).

The etymology of the Russian name “thyme” has not yet been clarified. Most researchers consider it to be derived from the common Slavic "savory", the same root as hellebore. In Rus', it was given many popular names: savory, thyme, Bogorodskaya herb, boron pepper, wild mint, lemon scent, flypalm, incense, thyme (Russified thymus).

Since pagan times, thyme or thyme has been considered a cult, divine plant that could not only cure, but also revive a person. The name “Bogorodskaya grass” is associated with the custom of decorating it with bouquets of the church on the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, which occurs at the end of August. It was often used (and in some places it is still used) during church services as an incense herb instead of incense, especially in villages where it was much more difficult to get incense; it was one of the ingredients of myrrh. According to biblical legend, the Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus on a bed of thyme.

In folk culture, thyme is a symbol of military valor, male power. In many countries it is considered a symbol of fertility and fertility, so brides wore thyme wreaths.

Perhaps the main feature of thyme is its unique aroma with a characteristic bitterness. There is a pagan legend. When the forest god created the forest, he saw that everything was too beautiful and sickly sweet, and then he created bitter herbs for balance. Even dried, thyme can retain its scent for a long time. In Ukraine, this plant has long been a symbol of the Motherland. They took it with them when leaving for a foreign land, as a memory of native land. There are many legends about thyme, mainly Cossack ones. This is understandable; in the old days it was they who most often protected their native places from the attacks of foreigners.

The legend of Peter Gureev says that while preparing her son for a long journey, his mother put a bunch of dry thyme in the fold of his duffel bag. In a foreign land he met a beautiful maiden and stayed there to live. His mother grieved for a long time, but she resigned herself to the fact that she would not be able to see and care for her grandchildren.

The wife kept trying to throw away the old duffel bag, but something held the Cossack back. Finally, she persuaded her, but he did not let her do it herself, but began to check whether she would throw out the necessary thing at the same time as him? And suddenly - what a miracle? His hand felt behind the fold something that was not put there by him. For all the years that it lay in the duffel bag, the thyme did not lose its smell, but now it became so overflowing that the Cossack was drawn home, to where a lot of it grows.

The Kuban legend about the Cossack Ivan Chegod is very beautiful. Like a hot dry wind, the Turkish hordes flew into their native farm. Cossack mud huts flared up, crooked sabers sparkled. Ivan Chegoda saw that all the Cossacks had fallen under the Turkish sabers and tried to break through to the north. But when a hundred Turks blocked his way, he turned his horse and galloped south to the distant mountains. My native Kuban is left far behind. Ivan Chegoda held his horse, bent down from the saddle and picked a bush of steppe thyme - a low, modest herb with scarlet flowers and a sweet smell. The same thyme grew near the native farm, and the old mother often sprinkled it on the clean clay floor of the hut. The Cossack sniffed the grass, carefully put it in his bosom and rode into the forest. And it began to seem to Ivan that both the giant oak trees and the humble grass were whispering the same thing:

- Cossack! It is no good to leave your native land. Why are you here and not with your comrades? Coward!

- I'm not a coward! - the Cossack shouted. - Look: my saber is covered in Turkish blood! There is no gunpowder left in the flask, I exhausted it in battle with the enemies!

But the oak forest whispered:

- It’s no good to abandon your native land to the enemy! Coward!

The Cossack fell silent, lowered his head low to the horse’s mane, and melancholy squeezed his heart with a hard hand.

So he rode all night through forests and gorges, rising higher and higher into the mountains. And in the morning I met soldiers in burkas and hats black as night. A gray-haired old man with a long mustache rode ahead, his expensive saber beating against the stirrups.

- Who are you? - the old man shouted to Ivan.

The Cossack did not answer. Then two tall warriors rode forward and, snatching their swords, shouted:

- Who are you? Answer our commander or your head will roll off your shoulders!

The Cossack was silent. Black melancholy shackled his body, and it was all the same to him - to live or die.

- Who are you?! Answer, O coward, lost for words out of fear! – the warriors shouted again.

- I'm not a coward! - the Cossack groaned and, drawing his saber, spurred his horse.

The sabers crossed and flashed. The blades rang and crossed for a long time. But then the Cossack swung his saber widely, knocked the weapon out of the warrior’s hands and stopped the horse - gloomy and powerful, like a mountain thunderstorm. The rest of the warriors in burkas screamed in indignation, dozens of blades flashed, but the old man laughed and ordered to hide the sabers.

- Good warrior! - he said to Ivan. “I need sharp sabers and strong hands to beat the Turks.” Hide your saber, alien, and sit with us on the carpet!

Ivan Chegoda got off his tired horse and sat down on the soft carpet. “Perhaps now, over a friendly meal, you will tell us who you are and where you come from?” – the old man asked affectionately.

– I am the Kuban Cossack Ivan Chegoda. I had a native and beloved land, I had an old mother, I had a brown-eyed girl, but now there’s nothing, I’m a little idiot! The damned Turks burned my happiness!

“We have a common road and the same enemies,” said the old man. – Russian warriors and warriors of sunny Kartli more than once stood shoulder to shoulder against the Turks. Come with us to Kartli, where an army is gathering to fight the Turks...

Like amber grains in a rosary, the days knitted together one by one. And soon the formidable name of Ivan Chegoda thundered far across Turkish soil. The bravest Turkish warriors turned pale and turned their horses back when a gloomy, light-mustachioed warrior in rich clothes and a gilded helmet rushed towards them. The young centurion of the Georgian army won many victories. He was the first to rush on horseback to the attack, and no one could stop him. The Georgian commander gave rich clothes and dashing Arabian horses to the Kuban hero. But Ivan Chegoda never smiled; his icy eyes were always cold and scary. And the servants more than once saw how the hero, secluded in the back room of his palace, opened a golden casket, took out a bunch of dry grass, unprecedented in these parts, whispered quiet, affectionate words about the Kuban land and cried over a dry bush:

– Why doesn’t he smell? Where did its steppe honey smell go?

And people could not understand: why was it necessary to smell dry grass when there were so many bright, fragrant flowers around! Again the moon and sun counted down the days and months. One quiet spring evening, Ivan Chegoda, having locked himself in the far room of his palace, again opened the golden casket. From there there was a strong, thick, hot smell of the spring Kuban steppe. And then for the first time the servants noticed a joyful smile on the face of the formidable Ivan Chegoda. They opened their eyes wide in surprise when the old prince's favorite tore off his precious clothes, put on faded blue trousers, a shirt embroidered with a modest pattern, and an old hat twisted back. Then he took a saber in a worn black leather scabbard from the wall, took a long gun, a stick of lead and a horn full of gunpowder. Cheerful and smiling, he himself went to the stables and, passing by expensive Arabian horses, saddled a shaggy Kuban horse. And when Ivan Chegoda left the palace gates, the servants heard him singing a loud song, wide and stormy, like a mountain river.

Here is the edge of the oak forest. Centuries-old oak trees whisper something tender and welcoming with their young leaves. Bright, green, strewn with flowers, the spring steppe smokes under the sun. The Cossack peers at her greedily and bends down from his horse. But the low, fragrant thyme grass is nowhere to be seen. Only an old dry bush rustles under your shirt near your heart and gives you an intoxicating aroma.

At the steppe ravine, three people in tattered scrolls and bald hats rode out to meet the Cossack.

-Where are you going, lad?! There are Turks! - they said gloomily.

– I’m going to Kuban, to my native land. “She’s calling us to free her from the enemy,” Ivan answered. More and more people are emerging from the floodplains, from the steppe ravines, from the ruins of burnt farmsteads.

-Where are you going? - they ask.

“We’re going to retake our native land!”

Evening waved its blue wing when the Cossack horses smelled the sweet Kuban water. Ahead, on the shore, the tents of the Turkish army turned white.

– Shouldn’t we rest before the battle, Ivan? – asked one of the Cossacks. - The horses walked all day and were tired!

- No! The horses smell the Kuban water and rush forward!

– Shouldn’t we rest, Ivan? – asked another. “The Cossacks are tired, they’ve been driving under the sun all day!”

- No! The cool Kuban wind will refresh us!

- Shouldn't we stop, Ivan? It's getting dark already! - said the third.

- No! Soon the moon will rise, and Kuban, like a mirror, will reflect its rays onto the shore!

The trumpets sounded in the Turkish camp. The Janissaries ran out and torches flashed. The Cossack lava came like a thunderstorm. - Chegoda Pasha! - the Turks shouted when they saw the front rider, and the sabers began to fall from their hands.

- Forward! Allah is with us! - the Turkish Pasha cried and rushed at the Cossacks with selected soldiers.

It seemed that one more moment - and the pasha would break through the deadly ring of Cossack sabers. But suddenly a gloomy horseman with a drawn saber appeared on his way.

- Forward, Cossacks! The Motherland is with us! – the horseman shouted in a loud voice, and the Turk recognized him as Ivan Chegoda.

- Here you go, giaur! – the pasha squealed and lowered his crooked saber. But Chegoda deftly deflected the blow, swung and cut off the Turkish Pasha’s head. The Turks howled in despair, turned back and began to rush into the Kuban...

That night, thousands of them perished forever on the Kuban soil, and the rest drowned in rough waters rivers.

After the battle, the tired Cossacks fell asleep sweetly on the green grass near their native Kuban. And in the morning, when the hot sun began to drink the dew and washed itself in the cold river, they woke up from a honey smell. Thousands of bushes of short grass with reddish small flowers bloomed around them. Since then, when going on a hike, Cossacks always take with them dry, fragrant branches of their native thyme.

And this is a Don tale. It happened to one Cossack, Ivan the Fearless, to drive past the Tatar outpost. He rode without any fear, because at that time the Tatars and Cossacks lived peacefully. The Tatars saw the Cossack, waved their hands, and called him to visit them. The Cossack stopped his horse, got off it and approached the Tatars. Ivan the Fearless forgot that against old enemies you always need to be wary and cautious. He entered the tent, sat down and began drinking wine with them. The Tatars pour wine into his ladle - and not simple wine, but with a hex potion. With such a slanderous potion that whoever tastes wine with it will forget his faithful friends, comrades and relatives, father and mother, forever. The Cossack got drunk and fell asleep. The next morning he got up, dressed up in Tatar clothes and became a Tatar himself. He served the Tatar king diligently and became a great boss. The Cossacks found out about this and decided to send messengers to Ivan the Fearless. They came to him and said:

Isn’t it a shame or bad for you, Ivan, to forget your old friends and comrades? And he answered them: “Now I have friends and comrades!” - and he himself points to the Tatars.

The second time the messengers came to Ivan the Fearless and said: “Dear father and dear mother bowed to you, they are calling you to their quiet Don - home.” And he answered them:

This is where I have a house, but these people,” he himself points to the Tatars, “for me, my father and mother are dearer.” He didn’t let the messengers say another word, he immediately sent them away. So the messengers returned home again with nothing.

Every last one of the Cossacks gathered here and for the third time they sent messengers to Ivan the Fearless. An old Cossack happened to be here. He picked thyme, a steppe herb, fragrant and fragrant. He approached the messengers and said: “When you come to Ivan the Fearless, don’t tell him anything, don’t ask for anything, but just put this steppe grass on the table in front of him.” This is what the messengers did, when they arrived to Ivan the Fearless. No words were spoken to him, but a bunch of dry thyme was placed on the table in front of him. Ivan the Fearless immediately smelled it - and immediately asked the messengers:

What does it smell like? They answered him: - Thyme grass, what kind of homeland and quiet Don Father sent you as a gift. The Tatar spells fell from Ivan the Fearless here. He grabbed his sharp saber and beat the guards that the Tatar king had assigned to him for honor. He beat him and rode off with messengers to the quiet Don. More than once after this, Ivan the Fearless, together with other Cossacks, beat the Tatars hard and always said to his faithful friends and comrades: “Never trust your enemies.” Do not eat their bread and salt, do not drink wine - this will not do you any good, but only one thing is bad. Always remember your faithful friends and comrades, your relatives, father and mother, remember and never forget about your homeland, which gave you drink and nourishment. Thank you, friends and comrades, for saving me forever from the cunning enemy’s spells.

There are many beliefs and customs associated with thyme. It was used as a talisman, placed in amulet and worn around the neck to protect against evil spirits, the evil eye, and damage caused by sorcerers. They believed that he protected from the brownie, which falls on a sleeping person at night and frightens him. There is a popular belief that thyme in a pillow gives health and longevity. Bouquets of thyme were brought into the huts and placed in jugs. It was believed that as long as there was its smell in the house, there would be no evil. This smell is especially beneficial for children, it gives them strength and goodness.

Thyme was also credited with magical properties. For example, to find out whether a person was telling the truth, they pronounced the person’s name and threw dried thyme into the fire. If the smoke rose upward, it means he was telling the truth; if it spread along the ground, it means he was deceiving.

A drink was made from it, which was consumed on Trinity Sunday, when the dead were commemorated, and also on Ivan Kupala - against mermaids and other evil spirits. With this drink, the girls charmed the guys who had become cold to them. And those who were “of marriageable age” lubricated themselves with it so that evil forces would not interfere with future conception. According to popular belief, thyme helps in many ways in love affairs - it causes love languor in women, frees them from the fear of bed pleasures, and gives men strength, prolonging the night of love indefinitely (it actually contains substances that can restore men's health).

They believed that a bunch of thyme in the house helps women in all their concerns - finding and attracting a betrothed, giving birth and raising a child, maintaining peace in the family. Hence the customs that have been preserved in some villages to this day. Girls rinsed their hair with a decoction of thyme before the wedding, wove it into wreaths and wore bracelets from its stems to preserve beauty and health. It was placed under the pillow of newlyweds, and branches of dry thyme were hung in the house for happiness and prosperity. They believed that if you carry a sprig of thyme with you, it will make a person bolder, reward him with courage, determination, perseverance and courage, and bring victory in all endeavors. Good things will come into the house much more often if thyme grows in front of it.

Thyme was also used as a sanitary and hygienic product. In the pagan period, the Slavs threw it into the fire during epidemics so that its healing smoke would protect against plague, cholera, and consumption. Thyme was used to fumigate cows “after calving”, jars of milk to remove more cream and sour cream, barrels for salting, and hunting and fishing gear “for a happy catch.” In the old days it was used, thanks to its bactericidal properties, For long-term storage meat dishes(that was enough valuable property at that time, because there were no refrigerators then).

The fact that people have valued thyme from time immemorial is evidenced by the fact. which was reported by reader of this site Stella. In Armenia there is a village called Urtsadzor, an approximate translation of its name means “thyme forest”.

Interesting fact: thyme, unlike most antibiotics, is one of the few herbs to which modern microbes cannot develop resistance.

  • #3

    Thanks to the author for such a detailed article! Very informative! In our family, my great-grandmother, then my grandmother, fumigated our children with smoke from this dried herb; if the child was capricious or cried for no reason, they believed that by doing so they were removing the “evil” eye from us.

  • #4

    Good day, Gulya. Thank you very much for your flattering review and interesting story. Perhaps you remember some other family traditions related to plants? I would be grateful if you write.

  • #5
  • The properties of thyme are especially useful for women, so girls and women drank thyme decoctions and washed themselves with it. Thyme is still added to food as a spice, and tea with it is so tasty and aromatic! However, today we are talking about the magical herb thyme, the magical properties of the plant. What do they know in the North about how to use the properties of thyme for divination?

    The properties of thyme are especially often used by women

    When to collect thyme herb: the properties of this plant are best manifested in the early morning on the waxing moon

    Thyme has a powerful effect on health, healing, sleep, mental strength, love, courage, and purification. Provides family well-being, brings health, improves memory and mental abilities. The herb thyme has a lot of power, its properties will definitely help a woman if she does not interfere with him.

    This herb is at its most powerful around the full moon. The stems are torn off by hand; do not pull them up by the roots or cut them off.

    Common names: creeping thyme, Bogorodskaya herb.

    A drink was made from thyme, which was drunk on Green Rusalia, to commemorate the dead, and also against the evil eye, witch powers on Kupala, on sparrow night.

    Properties of thyme in northern magic

    Here is what is known about how the Knowing properties of thyme were used:

    1. If you put thyme under the pillow you sleep on, it will drive away bad dreams and cause happy prophetic visions. When collecting this herb, you need to have a thread from a red ball with you. When the thyme bundle is as thick as a finger, it will need to be tied with this thread. At home, this bundle is sewn into a small bag made of cotton fabric, and only white threads are used for sewing. Now you need to wait for the full moon and at midnight sew this bag into the pillow on which you sleep, while saying:

    Earthly grass, lie down in your head,
    Help (name) with everything
    Let me go through life the best way.

    Under no circumstances should a pillow with thyme sewn into it be lent to anyone. The thyme will have an effect for a year, then it needs to be pulled out of the pillow and buried in a place where the grass grows. If this is not done, then the thyme bunch will begin to give back the negative accumulated over the year. But thyme does not tolerate dirt, loneliness and despondency of the owner, and does not like it when people do not sleep on this pillow for a long time.

    2. Thyme is an amazing miracle herb for every woman, which helps homemakers and preserve beauty. And if there is no owner in the house, then you definitely need to get this herb and everything will change very quickly.

    3. Thyme has the ability to evoke memories of the past, gives you the opportunity to look into the future and adds strength and courage.

    4. Smoking from the virgin herb calms the nervous system. The magical properties of thyme allow you to find a solution to a difficult problem. If you don’t want to block the power of the female herb, don’t entertain evil thoughts, and especially don’t wish evil on your loved ones!

    5. With a drink made from thyme, marigolds and oregano, girls bewitch boys who have become cold to them; and those “at the time” lubricated themselves with it, so that evil forces would not harm the future conception.

    6. Helps restore fertility to the soil; to do this, in the spring you need to sprinkle the field with dry thyme grass.

    7. Washing and bathing in the infusion of the Mother of God herb helps preserve female beauty.

    8. If a man living alone wants to find a mistress in his house, a guardian of his hearth, then he can ask one of the women he knows to collect thyme for him and sew it into his pillow. The magical properties of thyme will help him.

    The circle of northern Knowers gave us advice to use thyme in rituals:

    • for happiness, beauty, love, family, children;
    • to health, freedom from addictions;
    • to clean people and houses, protect people and houses from misfortunes;

    Where to buy thyme? The Northern Fairy Tale shop has the following materials for fortune telling with thyme.