Veterinary hospital. Northwestern Administrative District. Hospital is the best way to care for a sick animal

At our veterinary clinics, a hospital for animals and a pet hotel are specially organized.

HOSPITAL– a special department in which pet therapy is carried out. If our animal is sick, we take him to the veterinarian and receive an extensive list of prescriptions and injections. Medications the pet should receive it over several days, at certain intervals. So, injections need to be given every 2-3 hours or several times a day; most owners do not have the opportunity or time to do this. For this purpose, it is organized where the animal can be under the supervision of a veterinarian 24 hours a day.

In the hospital, pets are provided with special care and treatment. The hospital staff on duty will carry out all the instructions of the attending veterinarian. Your pet will receive all the necessary injections and tablets on time, our paramedics will clean his stitches after surgery or apply a clean bandage. Today you don’t have to learn on your own complex procedures medical care for the animal, they can be entrusted to our specialists. 24/7 monitoring of your health pet will allow you to monitor the progress of the disease and, if necessary, adjust the course of treatment. In the hospital, your pet may be treated with conservative medicinal methods, prepare for surgery or rehabilitate in postoperative period.

If the veterinarian who comes to your home cannot immediately diagnose your pet or the animal’s condition is serious, he will suggest placing the animal in a hospital. Hospital doctors will be able to immediately begin providing first aid and carrying out the necessary diagnostic procedures. Your pet will also immediately begin receiving treatment according to preliminary diagnosis. And after all the research and clarification of the nature of the disease, the course of therapy will be adjusted.

The cost of an animal hospital depends on the breed of the animal and the procedures prescribed. Hospital treatment– pledge of work performed in right time procedures and cr

24/7 care for your pet.

Inpatient treatment is very helpful when you have little time to treat wounds and stitches, injections, IVs, or treat your animal at home. Place your pet in a hospital and we will take care of his health!

We offer two types of inpatient treatment:

  • Inpatient treatment in the clinic (the animal is placed in a spacious cage in the clinic)
  • Inpatient treatment at home at the clinic (the animal lives in an apartment)

INFECTIOUS HOSPITAL – a special department in which animals whose diseases are contagious to other patients of the clinic are placed

ki or people. Infectious and viral diseases Most often, young unvaccinated animals are affected: kittens and puppies, although there are also cases of the disease in adult animals. The severe and rapid course of infectious diseases and their potential danger to others become the reasons why sick pets need to be isolated. A specially equipped facility is best suited for such isolation and treatment. infectious diseases hospital.

IN infectious diseases hospital the animal is kept under strict quarantine conditions, isolated from other patients, in a separate box with a personal entrance. The box for keeping an infected animal is equipped quartz lamps and separate ventilation. To work with an infected patient, veterinarians use the most modern individual instruments, as well as diagnostic equipment.

An animal placed in an infectious diseases hospital undergoes emergency diagnostics (including test collection) and immediately begins receiving therapeutic treatment. To replenish fluid in the body of a sick animal, round-the-clock infusion therapy(droppers), and correctly selected antibiotics and hyperimmune serums help defeat the virus. The treating veterinarian also monitors the diet of the sick animal, prescribing, if necessary. parenteral nutrition(introduction nutrients into the blood).

Treatment in an infectious diseases hospital helps to cope with the most severe infections and restore health pet without a threat to the people and animals around him.

Many infectious diseases are fatal to animals and require long and complex treatment, often requiring round-the-clock monitoring and care. Many owners do not always have the opportunity to be with their pets, and also do not have sufficient experience and skills to provide necessary assistance. So that all these little things do not interfere with the treatment of the animal, veterinary clinics offer owners of sick pets the services of a 24-hour infectious disease hospital.

In the department intensive care animals sick with an infectious virus will have access to all necessary procedures and quality care at any time of the day. In addition, an infectious diseases hospital for animals allows you to isolate a sick pet from other pets kept in the house and from children for whom the disease can be dangerous.

For what diseases can an animal be admitted to a hospital?

If your pet has severe signs of an infectious disease, including vomiting, diarrhea, and general muscle weakness, then the first thing you need to do is show it qualified specialist by visiting a clinic or calling a veterinarian at home. After examining the animal and establishing a diagnosis, the doctor may recommend treatment in an infectious diseases hospital. Most often, the reason for this is diseases such as:

· Parvovirus enteritis. Only dogs are susceptible to this infection, and puppies under one year of age are most often affected. In the treatment of enteritis great value It has timely assistance and 24-hour surveillance. The mortality rate of the infection reaches 60% in puppies and 45% in adult dogs.

· Leptospirosis. A dangerous infectious disease that affects both cats and dogs. If treatment is prescribed in a timely manner and all necessary procedures are carried out, there is Great chance complete cure.

· Panleukopenia. This is one of the most dangerous diseases for cats, which is characterized by discharge from the eyes and nose of the cat, high temperature, vomiting and diarrhea. If you delay in contacting a doctor, you will not be able to save the animal - the disease develops rapidly.

In an infectious diseases hospital, animals are provided with warm and spacious rooms or enclosures that prevent their contact with other animals, as well as with all necessary medications and procedures. All hospital patients are provided with round-the-clock supervision, and therefore the clinic staff will always be able to provide assistance to the animal. urgent help if necessary.

Animals whose diseases do not pose a danger to humans are allowed regular visits from the owner lasting from 10 minutes to half an hour.

The best way to protect your pet from contracting a dangerous infectious disease is to prevent her contact with unknown animals, especially stray animals, and regular vaccination.

Carrying out intensive therapy is impossible without the supervision of a doctor, therefore veterinary clinics practice this form of postoperative treatment of animals, such as hospitalization. This is explained by the fact that even such a common operation as sterilization can result in big problem, with unqualified animal care. In addition, not every owner has the ability to independently perform the necessary postoperative procedures. Exactly for similar cases and there is a hospital.

Most often, a hospital is located on the territory of a 24-hour clinic, where doctors have the opportunity to constantly monitor the patient and provide assistance to him. Another advantage of keeping an animal in a hospital is the fact that doctors monitor it throughout the development of the disease and, if necessary, can use a full range of special equipment and medications.

Services provided by the hospital

X-ray diagnostics.

Ultrasound examination.

Taking and examining tests in an accredited veterinary laboratory.

Systematic monitoring of general physical condition quadruple patient.

Intramuscular and intravenous administration drugs.

Placement of an intravenous catheter.

Hygienic treatment postoperative sutures and monitoring their condition.

It must be said that the hospital can keep animals both for a short time after the operation (up to two days) and before full recovery your pet.

Hospital is the best way to care for a sick animal

By concluding an agreement with the clinic and placing the animal in a hospital, the owner can be completely confident that his animal will be provided with qualified care. As a rule, four-legged patients in a hospital are kept in separate boxes. The size of the compartment allows the animal to lie down comfortably or perform its natural needs, but does not allow it to make active movements, which can be dangerous for recently operated dogs and cats. The fact is that animals can very often lick and scratch the seams in order to avoid undesirable consequences, they are given special collars. But an animal moving freely around the room can remove the collar, touching it behind various items situation. Being in a small box with a limited area, the animal calms down and makes no attempt to get to the wound.

It is also worth noting such advantages of the hospital as:

Compliance with doctor's instructions regarding feeding a sick animal.

Elimination of errors with drug dosage.

Constant monitoring of the animal's condition.

Many animal owners, when placing their pet in a hospital, are afraid of infecting it with various infectious diseases from other four-legged patients. In fact, these fears are unfounded - animals with infectious diseases are kept in special boxes, separate from recently operated dogs and cats. In addition, the hospital premises are daily cleaning, using specialized disinfectants preventing the spread of infection.

In addition, in some clinics, for the convenience of clients, there is a service for delivering the animal to the hospital, which also solves a number of problems for the owner.

In cases where it is necessary to keep the animal under medical supervision during the postoperative period, as well as therapeutic measures If treatment at home is not possible, our center offers a service day hospital.

Day hospital for animals

is a service that will help your pet with accelerated recovery. You can leave the animal in our care for the whole day to carry out the necessary procedures with it.

Very often there are diseases in which the animal needs treatment for quite a long time. This may be elementary otitis, complicated bacterial infection However, ear cleaning for this pathology should be carried out several times throughout the day. Also, it may be more serious problem when the animal requires long-term intravenous infusions. If you leave him to carry out these procedures, we will of course treat this in the most responsible manner.

Our clinic has everything necessary equipment for the safe living of your animal.

There is necessary ventilation in the room, a syringe pump for infusions minimum volume, apparatus for oxygen therapy, device for artificial ventilation lungs, heart monitor and other equipment.

If there is an animal in our hospital, naturally, it will be Constant surveillance is underway– a special person is assigned to the hospital who performs all the necessary procedures and monitors the patient’s condition.

If necessary, you can leave the animal on a day when you are working or busy for other reasons, or for certain diagnostic procedures when your pet must be in the clinic for a long time.

Also, our day hospital for animals, accordingly, applies to animals that have suffered surgical intervention and after this event they are in the clinic for postoperative infusions (removal from the state of anesthesia). Naturally, at this time a specialist is also looking after the animals.

Of course, it is not prohibited to leave with the animal its favorite toys, bowls, rugs and other accessories that will make it more comfortable for the pet to stay in our hospital. If an animal eats a certain diet, then we need to inform about it, or leave it for him constant food, which he will be fed during his stay in our clinic.

Thus, if your pet requires constant monitoring, either frequent procedures throughout the day - you can, with peace of mind, leave him in our care. Doctors are guaranteed to correctly carry out all veterinary measures necessary for the recovery of their patient.

The portal contains veterinary clinics in Moscow that have a hospital for pets. Convenient tables for comparison show prices for hospital stays for animals. Feedback from owners of furry veterinarian patients will also be useful.

An animal hospital is a special place where a veterinarian can send a pet that needs constant monitoring of its health. Most often, hospital treatment is required for patients before emergency or planned operations, or animals receiving postoperative treatment. Veterinarians and all clinic staff establish continuous strict control over the patient.

A hospital for dogs and cats is usually a warm, spacious and well-lit room containing individual cages with absorbent disposable diapers, regular feeding and constant medical care is provided. Ideally, the hospital premises have cages with heated floors, providing pets with maximum freedom of movement. Dogs are allowed to walk. Much attention in a hospital for animals, attention must be paid to maintaining hygiene rules and maintaining frequency - according to the standards, the room is disinfected safe solutions and is cleaned several times a day.

Veterinary hospital in Moscow - organization of work

As a rule, a veterinarian is working in the clinic every day and is directly responsible for the treatment of inpatients. His working day begins with a mandatory examination of patients, prescribing treatment, additional research(Ultrasound, blood or urine tests and others). If necessary, he can invite other specialists for consultation - a cardiologist, a surgeon, an oncologist. Pre-planned studies are carried out routinely. If necessary, urgent research may be carried out without additional approval from the owner. Good clinics Always notify the pet owner in a timely manner about pre-agreed changes in the treatment or condition of the pet.

Conducting a thorough examination of each four-legged patient is time-consuming. Only after this the veterinarian contacts the animal owners and informs them of all changes and subsequent diagnostic and treatment plans. After this, the doctor closely monitors his patients throughout the working day, leaving overnight assignments to the veterinarian on duty at the end of the shift. Since one specialist cannot solve all incoming problems and current tasks during the day, he must have assistants who carry out assignments, feed and walk patients.

What do you need to know if your pet is admitted to a veterinary hospital?

In a veterinary clinic, the pet will be housed in cages. Normal institutions provide patients with individual cells with heated floors and bedding. However, nothing prevents you from bringing bedding from home to make your sick pet feel more comfortable. The necessary grooming items should also be available - leashes, bowls, muzzles. The use of care items belonging to the pet is also permitted.

Veterinary clinics often offer patients ready-made feed from the institution’s assortment - they may already be included in the cost of inpatient treatment or paid separately. Some doctors recommend not dramatically changing the pet's diet, advising the owner to bring some tasty and familiar food from home for the animal. To maintain your usual daily routine, it is better to inform your veterinarian in advance about the time of walking and feeding. This will save your cat or dog from additional stress.

Hospital for cats and dogs in Moscow

Many veterinary clinics in Moscow offer clients a hospital for animals. On our portal, visitors will be able to find the most convenient option, get acquainted with the telephone numbers, addresses and prices for services of different clinics. Reviews about the hospital for animals are of interest - with their help you can get acquainted with the level of service of the clinic in advance, evaluate the professionalism and qualifications of the veterinarian and understand whether four-legged pet comfortably undergo treatment in the chosen place.