What is foot pronation when running? Step cycle and supination. Insoles and sneakers for flat feet

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The design of the human leg is unique and complex; nature has tried and made it ideal for moving in space.

The foot is considered one of the main participants in the motor process; it is a kind of spring apparatus responsible for the support, stability and balance of the human body.

Not everyone knows how important the role of the foot is for health. Problems with the back, knees, and neck are often mistaken for symptoms of other diseases; the foot rarely appears on this list of provoking factors.

Meanwhile, the source of many troubles and diseases lies precisely in it, or more precisely, in the improper use of the foot.

Functions of a healthy foot

The foot experiences enormous stress when moving. It should be easy to turn and be mobile; muscle work depends on it, as well as speed and endurance when moving.

In addition, a healthy foot provides:

  • safe movement on a variety of surfaces;
  • the ability to move the body (sideways, forward, backward) and control movements;
  • body load distribution.

Increase in the number of foot diseases in last decades led to the emergence of biomechanics. Problems are observed in almost half of the world's population, this has become the reason for serious research and study of disorders associated with biomechanical processes.

It is not necessary to delve into their essence and details. To an ordinary person, far from sports records, it is enough to know about two processes that occur in our legs during movement - this is pronation and supination of the foot.

Pronation of the foot: what is it?

Let us reassure you right away, pronation is not a disease, but simply a term that defines the movement of the foot, more precisely, its ability to turn outward or inward.

Pronation is extremely necessary, without it a person is not able to move, it makes the foot more mobile.

The pronation movement provides two main functions:

  • spring (smoothing the impact when the foot meets the supporting surface);
  • balancing (adaptation to surface unevenness during contact with the support).

The foot comes into contact with the surface, its arch becomes flexible and flat, and the shock load is reduced. This process is reminiscent of the action of a car spring.

In addition to the arch of the foot, the lower leg is included in the work. It moves inward, turns the foot and increases shock absorption. With normal pronation, the load is distributed evenly; in case of violations, the body reacts instantly.

It begins to protect the damaged areas, which leads to bone deformation and tissue layering. Almost all biomechanical problems arise from pronation problems, this is 98%. The rest are in the supination.

The importance of supination

As soon as the center of gravity moves forward during movement, another phase of the step cycle comes into force - this is supination.

The process involves the lower leg and foot muscles, increasing their elasticity and accumulating energy.

If pronation movements are responsible for correct positioning feet and reducing the shock load during contact of the leg with the support, supination has a different role - to contribute to the push phase.

Supination disorders provoke rare diseases feet, in most cases they are associated with the neuromuscular system. The defects limit the mobility and flexibility of the foot.

Understanding these basic concepts and their significance minimizes the risk of injury and promotes a more rational use of forces during movement.

About the types of pronation disorders

There is such a thing as a step cycle. This is a whole complex of events that begins with movements in the leg and ends in the big toe.

In a sore foot, the load is distributed unevenly, this causes inflammation: calluses, pain, discomfort. Tendons and muscles begin to contract incorrectly, resulting in joint inflammation.

Pronation redistributes body weight and smoothes out the load, this is its the main role and merit.

Pronation of the foot occurs:

  1. Neutral. Body weight distributes the load evenly among the fingers with a slight emphasis on the second and thumb.
  2. Excessive. The weight is distributed unevenly, the entire load goes to the thumb and second finger, the rest are indifferent. Stabilization is disrupted, an imbalance occurs, and as a result, the foot turns outward.
  3. Insufficient. In balance of weight thumb not involved, the main blow is taken by the outer part of the foot, the little toe and the fourth toe.

A healthy foot is an inseparable, well-coordinated mechanism; deviations of 4° from the neutral position are considered to be a violation of pronation. Consequences and complications in such cases are inevitable.

How to determine foot pronation

So, with insufficient pronation, shock absorption decreases, this can cause muscle strains of the lower leg and pain in the lower leg. knee joints.

Excessive, on the contrary, leads to an unnatural flat contact of the foot and support. The arch of the foot moves inward, the toes turn outward, and the ligaments of the foot are stretched. This is an extremely undesirable phenomenon for muscles; they lose the ability to function effectively.

Foot deformities - causes and origin

Foot health depends on many factors.

Causes of foot disorders and pathologies:

  • irrational shoes;
  • excess body weight;
  • excessive stress during hard work or sports;
  • congenital pathologies of bone structures;
  • weakness and age-related changes skeletal and muscular system;
  • disruption of the neuromuscular connection (innervation).

What diseases does pronation disorder lead to?

Foot defects threaten the health of the entire body. Due to insufficient shock absorption, the spine, leg joints, and brain suffer when moving.

Failure of the biomechanics of any part of the foot leads to excessive stress. The body has to change, adapt and protect itself from uncomfortable conditions.

Valgus deformity

Curvature may develop thumbs, clubfoot. It is possible that an abnormal gait and depreciation problems may develop. internal organs.

Abnormal pronation can cause improper weight distribution and rapid wear and tear on joints. lower limbs. The list of complications and leg problems caused by pathological pronation is very long.

To those already listed you can add:

  • pain in the heels, knees and arch of the foot;
  • , osteoarthritis;
  • metatarsalgia;
  • Achilles tendon disorder;
  • calluses on the surface of the sole of the foot.

The insidiousness of foot diseases is their secrecy and asymptomatic nature. Diseases can for a long time don't show yourself. Exacerbation is most often caused by increased physical activity and active activities sports.

When caring for your feet and properly timely treatment any complications can be avoided, stopped or slowed down.

How to prevent violations?

All known violations pronation does not threaten human life, but it cannot be ignored. Previously, it was difficult to determine exactly where weight was distributed abnormally.

Computer methods and modern technologies have solved many problems, in particular those related to the cause and nature of the occurrence of foot deformities.

This influenced the quality of diagnosis and treatment, and made it possible to find correct and successful methods for normalizing pronation without surgical intervention. Swimming and massage, special shoes and therapeutic exercises help prevent the development of the process.

Let's draw conclusions!

Abnormal pronation does not require long-term treatment, but before therapeutic measures It’s better not to let things go. The correction must be carried out under control; you will need the help of a good specialist.

Monitor your weight and health status, realistically assess your strength and do not overwork yourself at the first suspicion of dangerous symptoms go to the doctor.

Few people have not heard the word pronation of the foot, however, not everyone knows what it is. Let's figure it out. Pronation refers to deflection during movement. Normal, optimal feet are a very important parameter, because the uniform distribution of the load on the bones and joints depends on it.

Quite a lot of load goes on the foot and therefore it should be anatomically normal.

Must be fulfilled following conditions healthy foot:

  • light free movement;
  • turning the foot in one and the opposite direction;
  • a feeling of confidence when moving on different terrain;
  • uniform load distribution.

But pronation and supination are necessary to adjust the orientation and optimal position of the legs.

It won't be too difficult:

  1. All you need is a bowl of water and thick paper.
  2. Place the entire leg in a bowl of water, first one and then the other leg.
  3. Move your feet from the basin to the paper.
  4. Look at the tracks.


How to determine pronation - meaning and results:

  1. The width of the imprinted arch is equal to 1/2 of a foot - good result, which indicates excellent shock absorption.
  2. The imprint is proportional to the entire width of the foot - the most likely diagnosis is flat feet. Very poor shock absorption, there is a risk of bone injury!
  3. Only the ball of the toes and the heel area showed signs of excessive pronation, which leads to a lack of shock absorption.


Supination of the foot is the name given to the phase of the cycle that begins to operate when the body is moved forward in the direction of movement. This occurs after the extinguishing of excess energy. Here the moving force of gravity plays a role. In addition, the muscles of the feet and legs are included in the process. Elasticity becomes more pronounced and " energy value", when moving, increases.

Participants in the process:

  • firstly, the ankle is involved in the process of supination;
  • the knee, hip, and pelvis are also involved.

The better the instep muscles are developed, the less fatigue there is from the load.

Step cycle

By the wear on the sole one can judge the presence of pronation.

In walking and running, the step cycle is related to single and double steps. The reference and transfer phases are separated in a single step.

Foot diseases lead to pathological incorrect distribution of the load and the stepping cycle is disrupted. And this, in turn, forms a callus, causing pain. The joints also do not work very well, which can result in an inflammatory process.

Doctors distinguish three types of pronation:

  1. Pronation is a neutral position in which body weight is distributed proportionally between the feet and toes - with slightly higher pressure.
  2. Excess. This is pronation, which characterizes uneven distribution of pressure. Highest pressure will be on the thumb and index finger, but the others are not loaded.
  3. Flaw. The opposite of overpronation, which does not load the thumb and loads the little finger and fourth.

The latter type of pronation leads to pain in the knee joint, since shock absorption is low.

Excess pronation, that is, deflection, leads to excessive contact of the foot with the surface, which makes it impossible to efficient work calf muscles.


Pronation can be determined without the help of special tests. To see it, you can simply look at the sole of a well-worn shoe. If the inner part is heavily worn rather than the outer part, there is excess deflection. This is also indicated by significant abrasion along the inner edge of the heel, since such an anatomical change first loads the inner part of the heel surface, and then the entire foot.

Pronation and supination

With equal abrasion on both sides, it indicates normal pronation. Predominant wear on the outer edge is due to insufficient arching of the foot.

However, it should be taken into account the fact that the conclusion on anatomical feature It can only be carried out on the soles of sports shoes, for example, on sneakers!
Almost everything about foot pronation can be learned by looking at the back of a standing person's feet and ankles. Arrange for someone to take your photo and take a close look at how your feet are placed.

When you stand, your feet naturally turn outward, forcing you to “throw into different sides» your ankles, then you have underpronated arches.

And if they bend inward significantly, bringing your ankles closer together, it is overpronation. In the presence of normal pronation, the feet are level and the ankles are parallel.

Of course, if there are some suspicions about a deviation upward or downward, then you should not delay this and seek help from a specialist!

The doctor will help with this natural deficiency or allay fears.
The orthopedist will create the necessary measurements and test for an accurate determination, and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Arch of the foot

Do a test: Have your assistant place a finger under the arch of your foot while you are standing. As you can see, determining the lumen is quite easy.

It is better to carry out this control on bare feet, standing on a hard, smooth surface. The leg should be straight. Normal sag of the foot with a small interval means everything is fine. If, on the contrary, the sag is too strong, then there is a deviation. There is no sag, which means there is a pathology indicating hypopronation.

Shoe selection

If your feet have normal sag, Support type shoes are suitable for you. Differs from regular topic that the tread is well highlighted. This is for prevention.

But for people with overpronation of the foot and other types, orthopedists advise wearing professional shoes with multiple protectors.

For runners professional sports If you have flat feet, you will need special shoes like Control - they will prevent your feet from turning in the other direction.

The foot is one of the most important participants in the motor process and serves as a spring mechanism for the human leg. It is this part of the body that is responsible for support, stability and balance during movement.

Pronation of the foot is its natural deflection that occurs at the moment of contact with a horizontal surface. When man walking or running, the arch of the foot becomes extremely flat: this reduces the impact load on the entire body, and also minimizes the risk of damage and concussion of internal organs during active movements.

Correct, or neutral pronation, through flattening the muscles and tension of the ligamentous apparatus, can completely absorb loads that exceed a person’s weight several times. Pathological changes pronation causes various diseases skeletal system and a number of other factors.

Types of pronation

There are 3 types of pronation:

  • Neutral: the feet are located symmetrically, when walking or running the outer part of the heel is in contact with the surface, the foot turns inward no more than 15%. The arch of the foot ensures that the load is evenly distributed when pushing off the ground. With proper shock absorption, which is only possible with neutral pronation, the main impact of the surface falls on the entire forefoot.
  • Overpronation: characteristic feature This type of pronation is when the foot tilts inward by more than 15%, which means reduced shock absorption capacity of both the foot and ankle. The shock load is only partially absorbed, and when pushing off the ground, a person relies primarily on the thumb and the finger following it. That is, the foot seems to turn outward, which negatively affects balance and stability.
  • Underpronation: just like with the two previous types, contact with the surface occurs outer side heels. But such pronation of the foot means that the arch deflects less than 15%, and the force of the impact on the ground is concentrated on a very small, limited part of the foot. Thus, the load is distributed unevenly and falls mainly on the outer area of ​​the foot, including ring finger and little finger.

A healthy foot is a unique and well-coordinated mechanism, so even minor deviations from the norm are considered a violation of pronation. The permissible error is no more than 4° from the neutral position

With insufficient pronation, shock absorption is reduced, which can lead to strained calf muscles and pain in the knee joints. Overpronation negatively affects the functioning calf muscles, as the ligaments and tendons of the foot are stretched due to the inward displacement of the arch of the foot.

How to determine your type

To find out what type of foot you have, you can do a simple test. To carry it out you will need water and a thick sheet of paper or cardboard.

Based on the imprint of a wet foot, a conclusion is drawn about the structure of the foot:

  • wide impression, almost equal to the width of the foot - hyperpronation;
  • the imprint is too thin, tapering towards the outer side - hypopronation;
  • the width of the arch is approximately half the foot - normal, neutral pronation.

There are 2 more ways to determine pronation. The first is doing squats. During the exercise you need to see your legs, so it is advisable to squat in short shorts or shorts. If the knees move outward when bending, it is hyperpronation; if they come close together, it is hypopronation. With neutral pronation, the legs bend at the knee joints evenly, parallel to each other.

The second way is to visual inspection shoe soles. With normal pronation heel area, external and inner part worn almost evenly, but the outside is a little more worn. Underpronation is characterized by severe abrasion along the entire length of the outer part of the sole. Pronounced wear that starts at the inside of the heel and extends down the length of the foot indicates overpronation.

Step cycle and supination

The step cycle is the trajectory of the foot relative to the body. In a single step cycle, there are 2 phases - support and transfer. Pronation performs the supporting function, and supination is responsible for moving the body. When moving the body in the direction of movement, the muscles of the ankle, hips, as well as knee and hip joints. The pronator and supinator muscles play a significant role in this: the better they are developed, the less fatigue from the load.

At the moment of repulsion from the ground, a rigid lever is formed and the joints are locked, as a result of which the human body rushes forward. Immediately before the push, when the heel comes off, there is a short-term supination. Thanks to this, the repulsion force increases and the speed of running or walking increases.

Reasons for deviations

Many factors influence the health of the feet; the following reasons can provoke the appearance of foot deformities:

  • excess weight;
  • incorrectly selected shoes - high heels, too flat soles, inappropriate size;
  • high physical exercise;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system – congenital or acquired;
  • weak muscle corset;
  • age-related changes in bone structure;
  • disruption of neuromuscular transmission.

Wearing high heels provokes foot deformities, walking in such shoes is allowed no more than 3 hours a day

Foot defects lead to a lack of shock absorption when moving. First of all, the spine and joints suffer, since the failure of the biomechanical properties of the feet entails an increase in the load on the skeleton. The body begins to adapt to this situation, protecting all systems and organs from discomfort.

During the process of such restructuring, the following pathologies can develop:

  • flat feet;
  • clubfoot;
  • hallux valgus;
  • Achilles tendon injury;
  • calluses on the soles.

In addition to the above, pronation problems can also cause serious illness like arthrosis. Degenerative changes in joints with arthrosis, caused by impaired blood supply, arise due to overpronation and flat feet. This is the most common reason that leads to gradual destruction cartilage tissue joints of the feet.

The insidiousness of diseases of the legs, and feet in particular, lies in their hidden, latent nature. Symptoms may not appear for a long time, but excessive physical activity or active sports provoke exacerbations.

Diagnosis and treatment

To identify pronation disorders, 3 methods are used:

  • radiography;
  • podometry;
  • plantography.

Orthopedic doctors most often use the first two methods, since x-rays and a podometer allow them to identify pathology and assess its severity. Based on the results of the examination, corrective insoles, heel pads or orthopedic shoes. Wearing such devices significantly slows down the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and relieves the patient of pain and discomfort.

To ease the condition after have a hard day when you have to stand or walk for a long time, it is recommended to use foot baths and do a foot massage. Very useful to do therapeutic exercises, which help strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the arch of the foot.

Rules for choosing running shoes

When purchasing sports shoes for running or walking, you need to take into account the type of pronation. If there are no problems with the foot and pronation is neutral, sneakers of the “Support”, “Stability”, “Cuchion” class are suitable. For overpronation the right choice there will be models labeled “Motion Control”.

“Neitral” sneakers will provide maximum shock mitigation for insufficient pronation.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of sneakers in the following cases:

  • if jogging is practiced several times a week and the duration of the race is at least half an hour;
  • in case of high speed exceeding 13 km/h;
  • at heavy weight own body to reduce the impact load on the joints.

When choosing shoes for daily wear, you should give preference to orthopedic models. You can put special corrective insoles in regular shoes, a healing effect for the feet is achieved in this case due to the uniform redistribution of the load. When wearing the recommended shoes, a person will not experience discomfort and the biomechanics of the foot will return to normal.

Overpronation or underpronation of the feet is not a life-threatening condition, but it should not be ignored. If you notice signs of pronation problems, try to prevent it further development– watch your weight, exercise and wear the right shoes.

A high-quality selection of running shoes is not complete without such concepts as pronation, overpronation, supination and hypersupination. In order not to be confused by the terms and understand what they mean, we have made a simple and understandable guide.

Pronation and supination

The mechanism of pronation and supination is the natural shock absorber of the foot.

  • Pronation– translated from Latin – tilt forward.
  • Supination– also from Latin – to throw back.

IN landing phase pronation occurs, that is, the inclination of the arch of the foot. At the same time, the arch of the foot straightens, absorbs the impact and is “charged” for repulsion.

IN push-off phase supination occurs. The arch of the foot begins to return to its original position and helps push off more effectively.

This is how the depreciation process occurs in the absence of deviations. The video shows the biomechanics of the foot.

If the feet work this way, then everything is fine. You don’t need to invent anything, bother with insoles and special sneakers. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen often. Most beginning runners have ligaments, joints and muscles that are not designed for running, some even for walking. Why? It's simple: sedentary lifestyle life, sedentary work, all transportation. The need to move on foot has become far from paramount and the body has relegated this function to the background. This can be easily corrected with training, but first you need to take care of injury prevention.

Types of pronation and supination

  • Overpronation of the foot. It is also called pronation, overpronation, flat feet.
  • Hypersupination of the foot. The same: supination, hypopronation (insufficient pronation).
  • Neutral pronation or normal pronation.

The extreme left and right parts of the image are deviations that need to be corrected with shoes and insoles. The central part shows the natural movement of the foot when running and walking.

Underpronation and overpronation

Overpronation(over pronation) is a feature of the foot in which it falls on inner side and does not return to its original position. The low arch of the foot does not have the space to absorb the impact. Overpronation requires correction with special insoles and sneakers.

Hypersupination(over supination) – lack of pronation, that is, depreciation of the foot. High arches and arches outside. It occurs extremely rarely - in approximately 2-3% of the population. Hypersupination requires shoes with good cushioning to compensate for the lack of natural cushioning.

Neutral pronation– the natural shock absorber works properly, so no adjustments are needed. Sneakers that are comfortable will be suitable. Beginner runners weak feet We recommend starting your runs in running shoes for overpronators and alternating them with shoes for natural running. But, against the background of fatigue (long running), signs of overpronation may appear.

The image shows the arches of the feet.

  • normal arch
  • high (hypopronation, hypersupination)
  • low (flat feet)

Arch of the foot: normal, high and low

If you want to seriously engage in running, you need to work on strengthening your feet - do special exercises and practice. This is especially important for those who have foot abnormalities.

How to determine underpronation and overpronation of the foot?

There are 2 types of diagnostics:

  • Static - no exact method. Determines pronation in a stationary position and does not show real work feet while running.
  • Dynamic is a more accurate and revealing method. The arch of the foot is checked for special apparatus, similar to a scanner, in a standing position on two legs, on one leg and in a squat. Then a treadmill test is performed, a video is recorded and it is analyzed in slow motion.

The dynamic test is carried out in specialized running stores. Unfortunately, there are few such people in Russia. And those that exist are concentrated in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If you are unable to get such a test, contact an orthopedic center. There they will check you on a scanner, but without a treadmill.

A static test can be done at home. This is the famous “wet test” among runners. Stand with your wet foot on the floor and look at the print

Underpronation and overpronation of the foot

Insoles and sneakers for flat feet

Incorrect ankle positioning can lead to pain in the knees and back, periosteum and Achilles tendon. Insoles and sneakers for flat feet are designed to help the body with disturbances in natural shock absorption. To put it bluntly, insoles and running shoes for overpronation are a runner’s crutch. They do not cure, but help to avoid more severe injuries.

To correct deviations, perform special exercises to strengthen your feet.

Sneakers for flat feet

Shoes for overpronators have a special rigid insert on the inside of the midsole. It prevents the foot from falling through and puts the ankle in the correct position.

Important components of running shoes for flat feet:

  • stable sidewall
  • Achilles support
  • heel with good cushioning
  • special insert for stabilization

Here's a comparison of foot placement in regular soft running shoes and overpronating running shoes.

Running insoles for overpronation

If you don’t want to change your favorite sneakers, then start selecting insoles for your foot. It is better to immediately order individual production of insoles. Be sure to tell your doctor that you plan to use them for running.

This is how running insoles work.

In some cases, deviations in the feet can only be resolved surgically. To determine the degree of deviation and select treatment methods, consult with an orthopedic doctor.

Pronation of the foot is the way the outer part of the foot is positioned when moving. Pronation serves as a mechanism to protect not only joints, but also internal organs from shocks that lead to damage. To reduce the load, the arch of the foot becomes flatter when touching the surface.

Pronation and supination

Among the biomechanical processes that occur in the limbs of a running person, the main ones are pronation and supination of the foot. Pronation can be defined as the ability of the foot to turn inward during movement. The reverse movement of pronation is called supination. Supination controls outward rotation of the limbs, while pronation controls inward rotation. The muscles that rotate the foot outward are called the supinator, and the muscles that rotate the foot inward are called the pronator.

Pronation and supination affect both running technique in particular and leg health in general. Correct definition type of pronation helps in selecting shoes for sports activities and building a workout that brings maximum benefit. Pronation and supination ensure that the athlete does not lose balance when pushing, as well as when landing.

Pronation should not be considered as one movement. It includes 3 simultaneous movements:

  • Eversion.
  • Abduction.
  • Dorsiflexion.

The terms are deciphered as follows:

  • Flattening of the arch of the foot.
  • Movement ankle joint to the central axis of the body.
  • Turning out the forefoot.

Pronation is significant when you land on your heel. Observing the movement of a limb, it is not difficult to follow the step cycle, consisting of 2 phases: transfer and support.

Types of pronation

There are 3 main groups of people with the following pronations:

  • Hypopronators.
  • Hyperpronators.
  • Neutral pronators.

If there are foot deviations of more than 4 degrees, this is considered a disorder, which leads to changes in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system. This condition carries the risk of injury as a result of irrational load distribution. A person cannot make the most of his physical capabilities.


The foot is characterized by a decrease in the longitudinal arch, which leads to a decrease in the shock-absorbing effect. Due to the stretched position of the ligaments, the free play coefficient is low. In this case, weakening of the muscles is observed, which contributes to the development of flat feet, and the load on the back and knees increases.


The main feature of the structure of the foot is the lack of deflection, which results in unsatisfactory shock absorption, leading to frequent injuries. When moving, the following happens: in the first phase of the step, the lower leg, instead of moving inward, is directed outward, and the foot, without resting on the arch, chooses the outer edge as support. A person cannot move his body weight onto the arch, which is popularly called “clubfoot.”

Neutral pronation

When running, heel outside contacts the surface. The foot rotates within 15 degrees and full contact with the surface is achieved. At the same time, maintaining body weight occurs without difficulty, which is the effect of depreciation of pronation. Neutral pronators require little support. The end of the cycle is characterized by a uniform push-off with the forefoot.

To find out the type of pronation, you can use several methods

How to find out your pronation type

The type of pronation can be determined in the following ways:

  • Photo test.
  • "Wet" test.
  • Using X-rays.

Foot photography

When photographing, the person must stand bare feet on a flat floor. In the case of overpronation, the foot turns inward, which is often a prerequisite for the development of flat feet due to stretched ligaments. This is an obstacle to the performance of depreciation functions.

Wet test

To obtain a fingerprint, you must wet feet stand on cardboard. If the entire surface of the foot is imprinted, this indicates overpronation. A void between the toe impressions and the heel indicates underpronation. The norm is the absence of an imprint of the arch.

Coins will help

To use the verification method, you need an assistant. A person who wants to determine the type of pronation must take a standing position. An attempt to insert a ten-kopeck coin under the arch of the foot with an assistant will show the result: if it does not work, the arch of the foot is low, there is flat feet.

Instead of a ten-kopeck coin, they take a ruble coin. During its passage, pronation can be considered neutral. Overpronation is assumed if this coin easily slips under the arch.

Test using a two-ruble coin. When a 2 ruble coin passes freely under the foot, hypopronation is diagnosed. Most in an exact way To determine overpronation, a test on a treadmill using video is considered.

You can determine the type of pronation by examining old shoes: If the shoe is worn from the inside, flat feet should be assumed

Causes of deformation

Provoking factors for foot deformities are:

  • Excess body weight.
  • Wearing high-heeled shoes.
  • Flat sole shoes.
  • Exceeding the norm of physical activity.
  • Pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Weakness of the muscular corset.
  • Senile changes in bones.
  • Neuromuscular pathologies.

What do foot defects lead to?

Deformations cause a lack of shock absorption during movement. Most often this affects the joints, as well as the spine, as the load on the skeleton increases. The body has to look for ways to adapt and protect all organs from functional failure.

Such a restructuring can lead to the development of clubfoot, flat feet, hallux valgus deformity, plantar calluses, Achilles tendon damage. The most serious pathology caused by foot deformity is arthrosis. With the disease, degenerative processes in the joints are observed as a result of impaired blood circulation caused by overpronation.

Subsequently, the joints are destroyed. Leg pathologies are characterized by latent progression. There are no symptoms for a long time; exacerbations are usually provoked by active physical activity. Treatment of the disease is aimed at preventing changes, stopping pain manifestations while walking or exercising.

How to choose sneakers and insoles

Purchasing running shoes for overpronation should be done in a store with video footage on a treadmill. IN otherwise the correction may be excessive, and the sneakers will cause the foot to underpronate, causing the knees to suffer from impact rather than from twisting.

Adequate selection of running shoes should keep the feet in a normal range, and not lead them into underpronation. For flat feet, custom insoles are recommended to compensate for overpronation. It is better to purchase running insoles from specialized clinics.

It is mandatory to perform physical therapy exercises to strengthen the muscles that support the arches of the feet.

The most important

Pronation helps smooth out the impact of landing, protecting the knees and hip joints from injury. Overpronation occurs in 75% of runners; underpronation is very rare. The main causes of overpronation are: weakness of the foot muscles, longitudinal flatfoot, weakness of the thigh muscles.

The most accurate method for determining overpronation is a running video test. If overpronation is detected, constant strengthening of the muscles that perform a stabilizing function is necessary. You should pay attention to the selection of sneakers with protection against overpronation. Severe flat feet requires custom insoles.