Impaired balance (coordination of movements) in dogs and cats. The dog has poor coordination of movement. What to do

A sudden loss of coordination of movements is explained by a disease of the balance organs and is called “vestibular syndrome of dogs (or cats).” The symptoms can look frightening: an apparently healthy animal suddenly cannot rise to its feet, falls, flounders, and looks frightened. Salivation, vomiting, and rapid breathing may also be evident. The head is tilted to the side, the muzzle is asymmetrical. The first thing that comes to mind in such cases is that of an animal. But a stroke is perhaps the most rare reason listed symptoms. More often similar manifestations are caused by disruption of the balance organs located outside the brain - the so-called peripheral vestibular syndrome.

Causes of peripheral vestibular syndrome the following:

- Inflammation of the middle and inner ear (otitis) - the most common reason peripheral vestibular syndrome. The organ of balance - the labyrinth of the cochlea - is inextricably linked with the organ of hearing. Inflammation during otitis media can spread to the cochlear labyrinth and cause disruption of its functioning. In this case, treatment should include antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Dealing with this disease can take a lot of time and effort. Symptoms of vestibular disorder disappear in 10-14 days. When treating otitis media, the use of ototoxic drugs such as chlorhexidine and aminoglycoside antibiotics should be avoided.

Neoplasms (tumors, polyps, cysts) inner ear, eustachian tube, eardrum. To diagnose these formations, conventional examination and otoscopy are not enough, but additional methods visual diagnostics and cytological analysis. Most effective method tumor treatment – ​​surgical.

Idiopathic vestibular syndrome is the second most common cause of balance problems. In cats, this disease occurs most often during the summer months. Cats of all ages are affected. Dogs get sick more often at older ages and regardless of the time of year. 72 hours after the onset of symptoms, a significant improvement occurs - nystagmus (rhythmic movements) almost disappears eyeballs) and nausea, appetite appears, and the ability to walk. After 7 days the animal can move normally. The head tilt can be maintained for more long time– up to 2 months. Specific treatment not developed. Recovery occurs without treatment, but recurrence of the disease is possible.

Use of ototoxic drugs (aminoglycoside antibiotics, chlorhexidine, metronidazole)

Congenital anomalies in the development of the organ of hearing and balance have been described in such breeds as: and in some others. Congenital disorders appear from birth or at 3-4 weeks of age. Some animals live with this disorder their entire lives. In some cases, spontaneous recovery occurs within 3-4 one month old. No treatment has been developed.

Temporal bone injury.

Let us remember that above we discussed diseases that do not affect the brain. This is the most common cause of sudden loss of coordination in pets. Less commonly, vestibular disorders are a consequence of diseases affecting the brain. Symptoms of imbalance that occur when these structures are affected are called central vestibular syndrome.

Cause of central vestibular disorders are the following diseases:

Infectious diseases of the brain: canine distemper, toxoplasmosis, cryptococcosis.

Inflammatory diseases of the nervous system: granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis, necrotizing meningoencephalomyelitis.

Brain tumors – meningiomas, lymphomas.

Vascular diseases brain: ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke as a result of hypertension, hormonal disorders, sepsis, bleeding disorders, cerebral thrombosis.

Forecast at listed diseases more careful than peripheral disorders. As a rule, in addition to symptoms of imbalance, the animal also exhibits other neurological disorders, as well as symptoms of damage to other organs and systems.

Symptoms of peripheral and central vestibular syndrome are listed in the table:

In each case of impaired coordination of movements, doctors need the most complete information about the animal. Therefore, when faced with cases of imbalance in animals, specialists at the Zoovet center conduct a particularly thorough examination. Depending on what disease the symptoms and course of vestibular disorders indicate, a diagnostic and treatment plan is drawn up. In some cases, diagnosis may be limited to a routine examination of the animal, examination of the ears, general and clinical tests blood and this will be enough to establish a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. In more difficult cases You may need advanced diagnostics - tests for viral and bacterial infections, hormone tests thyroid gland and adrenal glands, x-ray, ultrasound internal organs, CT scan brain, cerebrospinal fluid analysis.

Ataxia in dogs is a complex, fatal disease. It is characterized by impaired functionality of a special part of the brain, the cerebellum. The cerebellum is responsible for coordination of movements and balance. Therefore, any deviations from the norm lead to dire consequences.

The cerebellum, due to its structure, is a kind of nerve center between the desire to move and the ability to carry out movement. Actually, nerve cells This part of the brain transmits information about the need to make any movement.

Possible reasons for the development of the disease are as follows:

  • Hereditary problems.
  • Existing tumors.
  • Brain damage.
  • Complications of infectious diseases.

Ataxia has a long history; doctors have even been able to determine which breeds are most susceptible to the disease: Scotch terriers, Staffies, cocker spaniels, some breeds of shepherd dogs, Chinese Cresteds. Depending on the location of ataxia, the following types of disease are distinguished:

  • Cerebellar.
  • Sensitive: damage to the posterior nerve canals, visual, parietal areas.
  • Vestibular.
  • Frontal ataxia.
  • Mental: atypical damage to the nervous system.

Regardless of location, the symptoms of ataxia are not very diverse. Coordination is the first to suffer. It is difficult for the dog to move, especially to make complex movements: turning, bending, jumping. Movements strictly in a straight line are usually easy, sharp turns cause loss of coordination, the animal crouches, unable to move further.

The second common symptom is eye tremor, twitching of the eyelids. This happens due to dizziness, the dog loses contact with the surrounding space and falls. Nervous, convulsive twitching resembles epileptic seizures.

Trembling becomes a specific sign, especially in moments of strong tension, when the dog is trying to focus on a certain point or eat something. Diagnosis is usually made using magnetic resonance imaging. The image will show abnormal development of the cerebellum, abnormal functioning.

Types of ataxia


Cerebellar ataxia occurs more often as independent disease passed down through generations. Unpleasant feature lies in the late triggering of the mechanism of the disease: mature, five- to six-year-old animals suddenly begin to show signs. Often such animals have already been allowed for breeding, therefore, ataxia will inevitably manifest itself in future generations. Latest Research genetic engineering made it possible to isolate the gene responsible for the development of ataxia. Therefore it became possible to carry out specialized DNA test to determine predisposition. Competent, responsible breeders are required to do such tests.

It is important not to miss the symptoms at the beginning of the disease, because seeking help earlier can prevent a rapid deterioration of the condition. First, there is a condition defined by the dog owner as awkwardness. A gradual swaying of the body begins, the animal’s inability to maintain balance. The dog begins to starve because it has difficulty eating and loses weight. Muscle tone weakens and atrophy occurs.

There are two types of this type of ataxia: static and dynamic. The first is characterized by weakening specifically the muscles of the animal’s body. It is difficult for the dog to maintain a certain position. The second most often manifests itself during movements.

Early diagnosis of a dog’s condition will help to overcome tumor and traumatic factors in time. If it is installed genetic cause, then all that remains is to maintain the dog’s condition, protect the pet as much as possible, and try to keep it from causing damage. Severe damage to the cerebellum cannot be cured. It is more humane to euthanize the animal.


Sensitive ataxia occurs with lesions spinal cord. Then the dog cannot bend and straighten its joints correctly. The ability to determine the correct movement is lost. Severe lesions lead to the inability to move. Occasionally similar condition can be cured, especially if partial brain damage has occurred and the disease was caught at the very beginning.


Vestibular ataxia is manifested by a pronounced tilt of the animal’s body in a certain direction. All movements of the injured animal are careful and slow. Constant dizziness causes vomiting, movement in a circle.

Other types of canine ataxia occur due to exposure to infectious diseases, various injuries. Therefore any inflammatory processes in the head area it is so important to heal on time. The close location of the brain with the organs of vision, hearing, oral cavity promotes the rapid crawling of pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment of ataxia

If the owner’s desire to save the dog by any means overpowers the humane solution, then veterinary specialists will recommend using painkillers that relieve nervous tension means. Of course, treatment is especially effective if a non-genetic cause of the disease is established. Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed antispasmodics, B vitamins. It is important to try to provide the dog comfortable conditions, taking into account lifelong characteristics. Brain damage is rarely completely cured. From the moment the diagnosis is made and the first symptoms appear, a disabled dog becomes completely dependent on people. Sensitive, attentive attitude will extend the life of your beloved pet for many years.

It is characterized by impaired functionality of a special part of the brain, the cerebellum. The cerebellum is responsible for coordination of movements and balance. Therefore, any deviations from the norm lead to dire consequences.

The cerebellum, due to its structure, is a kind of nerve center between the desire to move and the ability to carry out movement. In fact, the nerve cells of this part of the brain transmit information about the need to make any movement.

Possible reasons for the development of the disease are as follows:

Hereditary problems.
Existing tumors.
Brain damage.
Complications of infectious diseases.

Ataxia has a long history; doctors have even been able to determine which breeds are most susceptible to the disease: Scotch terriers, Staffies, cocker spaniels, some breeds of shepherd dogs, Chinese Cresteds.

Depending on the location of ataxia, the following types of disease are distinguished:

Sensitive: damage to the posterior nerve canals, visual, parietal areas.
Frontal ataxia.
Mental: atypical damage to the nervous system.

Regardless of location, the symptoms of ataxia are not very diverse.

Coordination is the first to suffer. It is difficult for the dog to move, especially to make complex movements: turning, bending, jumping. Movements strictly in a straight line are usually easy, sharp turns cause loss of coordination, the animal crouches, unable to move further.

The second common symptom is eye tremor, twitching of the eyelids. This happens due to dizziness, the dog loses contact with the surrounding space and falls. Nervous, convulsive twitching resembles epileptic seizures.

Trembling becomes a specific sign, especially in moments of strong tension, when the dog is trying to focus on a certain point or eat something. Diagnosis is usually made using magnetic resonance imaging. The image will show abnormal development of the cerebellum, abnormal functioning.

Types of ataxia

Cerebellar ataxia occurs more often as an independent disease transmitted through generations. An unpleasant feature is the late triggering of the disease mechanism: mature, five- to six-year-old animals suddenly begin to show signs. Often such animals have already been allowed for breeding, therefore, ataxia will inevitably manifest itself in future generations. Recent genetic engineering studies have made it possible to isolate the gene responsible for the development of ataxia. Therefore, it has become possible to conduct a specialized DNA test to determine predisposition. Competent, responsible breeders are required to do such tests.

It is important not to miss the symptoms at the beginning of the disease, because seeking help earlier can prevent a rapid deterioration of the condition. First, there is a condition defined by the dog owner as awkwardness. A gradual swaying of the body begins, the animal’s inability to maintain balance. The dog begins to starve because it has difficulty eating and loses weight. Muscle tone weakens and atrophy occurs.

There are two types of this type of ataxia: static and dynamic. The first is characterized by weakening specifically the muscles of the animal’s body. It is difficult for the dog to maintain a certain position. The second most often manifests itself during movements.

Early diagnosis of a dog’s condition will help to overcome tumor and traumatic factors in time. If a genetic cause is established, then all that remains is to maintain the dog’s condition, protect the pet as much as possible, and try to keep it from causing damage. Severe damage to the cerebellum cannot be cured. It is more humane to euthanize the animal.

Sensitive ataxia
occurs with lesions of the spinal cord. Then the dog cannot bend and straighten its joints correctly. The ability to determine the correct movement is lost. Severe lesions lead to the inability to move. Occasionally, such a condition can be cured, especially if partial brain damage occurs and the disease is caught at the very beginning.

Vestibular ataxia
manifested by a pronounced tilt of the animal’s body in a certain direction. All movements of the injured animal are careful and slow. Constant dizziness causes vomiting and movement in a circle.

Other types of canine ataxia occur due to exposure to infectious diseases and various injuries. Therefore, it is so important to cure any inflammatory processes in the head area in a timely manner. The close location of the brain to the organs of vision, hearing, and oral cavity contributes to the rapid crawling of pathogenic microorganisms.

Treatment of ataxia

If the owner’s desire to save the dog by any means overpowers the humane solution, then veterinary specialists will recommend using painkillers that relieve nervous tension. Of course, treatment is especially effective if a non-genetic cause of the disease is established. Anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic drugs, and B vitamins are prescribed. It is important to try to provide the dog with comfortable conditions that take into account lifelong characteristics. Brain damage is rarely completely cured. From the moment the diagnosis is made and the first symptoms appear, a disabled dog becomes completely dependent on people.
Sensitive, attentive attitude will extend the life of your beloved pet for many years.

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In this article we'll talk about impaired coordination of movement in your pets. Loss of coordination can cause your dog to wobble and wobble. You may notice your dog hesitating, drifting, staggering, or spreading his legs wide in order to stay in position. vertical position. There are many reasons why your dog may lose balance and stagger.

Main reasons

  • Disorientation.
  • Spinal cord problems.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Problems with gait.
  • Problems with the inner ear.
  • State of the brain.
  • Dog fever.
  • Dehydration.
  • Anemia.

Why your dog may lose balance, have problems with coordination, and experience discomfort. Let's take a closer look at the main reasons.


Disorientation is an altered state in which your dog loses direction. This can occur as a result of many factors that affect the central nervous system or inner ear. Age-related dementia can also affect a dog's disorientation, causing him to become confused even in familiar places.

Spinal cord problems

Many processes that occur in the spinal cord can affect your dog's balance and coordination. These can be tumors, infections, inflammation, injuries, as well as a disease such as degenerative myelopathy which can lead to paralysis. So-called Wobbler's Syndrome affects the spine in the neck area and causes an unsteady gait, which is especially noticeable when the affected the dog is walking slowly or as if on a slippery floor.

Muscle weakness

Muscle weakness and atrophy can be caused by multiple factors and is manifested by instability and imbalance in dogs. A muscle disorder causes disruption of electrical signals from nerves to muscles. This disease is called myositis - it is an inflammation muscle tissue which can lead to inability to walk.

Gait problems

There are several reasons that can affect your dog's ability to move normally. Many injuries and disruptions to the nerves and muscles of the leg extremities can lead to loss of balance and lack of coordination. This condition is called ataxia. Gap cruciate ligament, dysplasia hip joint, dislocation of the patella or osteochondrosis - all this causes pain when walking and prevents your pet from moving without problems.

Inner ear problems

The inner ear is where the sense of balance occurs, and when it is damaged, this balance can be lost. Infection, inflammation, swelling, and trauma in this sensitive area can cause your dog to walk unsteadily and uncoordinated. When the inner ear does not function normally, the condition is often called vestibular syndrome.

Brain condition

Brain tumors, infections and inflammation can affect your dog's ability to balance and walk normally, as well as affect nerve function. Abnormalities in the cerebellum and degenerative changes, which can occur due to illness and old age, can also affect nerve function.

Canine fever

Dog fever is highly contagious viral infection, which your dog can contract from contact with infected animals. The virus attacks the nervous system, leading to seizures and ultimately paralysis.


Dehydration (dehydration) is a disorder water balance in your dog's body. This condition can cause your body's water levels to become dangerously low. As the body compensates by drawing water from individual cells, essential electrolytes are lost. This can seriously affect muscle function. Dehydration can also occur due to high level sugar as the body increases urination in an attempt to balance these levels.


Anemia or anemia is a condition in which the number of circulating red blood cells is significantly reduced. Reds blood cells carry oxygen to all cells of the body, including muscles. If there are not enough red blood cells to take oxygen to the muscles, then these cells become hungry and weakened. Anemia can also affect the brain and cause confusion and dizziness.

What to do if you notice a movement disorder in your dog

If you begin to notice that your dog has poor coordination, then you need to monitor its condition more closely. If these symptoms do not go away on their own and continue over a period of time, then your pet may be suffering serious illness. Your veterinarian should be aware of any other symptoms that you may not have noticed. He may ask you questions about your dog's eating habits, interactions with sick animals, or any injuries. A complete physical and neurological examination will be performed, as well as blood and urine tests, imaging tests such as MRI, X-ray and CT scan. Muscle and nerve biopsies and cerebrospinal fluid may be taken and analyzed. Diagnostic testing should identify the cause of your dog's unstable gait and treatment should follow accordingly. Dehydration and anemia often require only fluid therapy to replace what is missing. Internal ear infections can be cleared up with antibiotics. Diseases of the muscles, nerves and brain may require surgical intervention depending on severity. Tumors can be treated by surgical removal, chemotherapy or radiation. Any illness in your dog will require additional medications to control digestion and neurological symptoms, as well as other supportive therapy. Pain medications are also provided as needed for many symptoms.

If, however, your dog is diagnosed with a wobbly gait disease, then you must make changes to its environment. To help your pet cope and help maintain balance, remove slippery surfaces and obstacles from their path.

Preventing motor coordination disorders in dogs

Many of the conditions that can lead to loss of balance are unpredictable. Routine checkups can help you recognize any symptoms before starting immediate treatment. To keep your dog hydrated, you should always give him water. Also report excessive urination to your veterinarian.

The best way to protect your pet from deadly virus- This is vaccination.

Cost of treatment

If, however, your dog begins to lose coordination, it needs treatment. The cost of such treatment depends on the causes of the disease. For example, treatment for disorientation can cost up to 1800 UAH, while the cost of Wobbler syndrome (spinal cord problem) can be approximately 4000 UAH. As a rule, most procedures can vary from 100 to 3000 UAH.