Testing by a psychiatrist what questions. Diagnostic tests in psychiatry

At this “reception” I did not try to answer as I would like to be thought of, but as it really is. Everything was fair.

I especially wanted to say thank you to Maxim (aka dpmmax ) for the reception. I hope the diagnosis he makes based on the results of the appointment will also be objective and honest :)

Here are my answers with very minor corrections to my spelling errors - the reception was carried out online and there was no time to adjust or correct anything. .

1. About heredity. Mikhail, you have pregnant women in your family... ugh, I meant - were there bosses?

Hi all!
I’ll warn you right away I will write without periods or commas Capital letter - the beginning of a new sentence
So the answer
There were always some activists and bosses on my father’s side. Not big in status, but always people with an active position.
Grandmother was the head of the village council.
And dad was the head of all social affairs of a large enterprise - he was responsible for ensuring that everything was fine for the employees :)

2. Mikhail, what did you want to become as a child?

Whoever didn’t want to In general, like everyone else
But the most unusual thing is that I became a neurosurgeon when I was 14-16 years old. It was so mysterious and unexplored, but at the same time so close and close.
Surprisingly, my daughter, who is 16, also now wants to become a brain scientist. It’s genes, although she and I practically didn’t talk about it.

3. Mikhail, did you grow up as a calm or hectic child? When was the last time you fought?

I was rather active I was involved in everything I was always doing something, reading I was doing everything very actively
I fought - if you don’t take my periodic boxing lessons (this is of course not a fight, but when a kumpol coach gives it - then of course you understand how hard it is for them in the ring) - then for a very long time. At 19 years old:)
We were standing at the bus stop on the night of January 1 (immediately after the New Year's party) and then a group of drunken ballers approached our university friends.
Well, word for word - we made the mistake of saying that we were from the university - and those guys decided that they could get away with us - we're kind of nerds.
Well, in short, they didn’t succeed - the swing was quite short. The guys ran and promised to return with their comrades. Well, we decided not to wait - and went on foot. It was on the outskirts of Yekaterinburg. Out of harm's way. But the feeling of victory was very inspiring

4. More about heredity and roots. In which country in the world would you like to be born?

I never thought about it. This is very hypothetical.
I started turning it over in my mind. Everywhere has its pros and cons.
But I like Russia. I'm not happy with a lot of things, of course. But I like. Although at short intervals sometimes you just want to leave :)

5. Previously, it was fashionable to “mow” from service. And now? Will you send your son to serve in the army?

Honestly, I wouldn’t want to be in our current state. There are other ways to educate the right qualities in young people.
Well, I’d rather pay taxes so that professionals can serve in the army

6. Everyone starts somewhere, including earning money. How did you earn your first money?

I earned my first money between 7th and 8th grade. On summer holidays. In the old days there was such a program for students - you work in real production and are paid a real salary. Everything is adult. The only thing is 4 hours a day no more.
He swept, painted, picked up trash, carried all sorts of rubbish - well, in general, as a auxiliary worker. Earned my first 40!!! rubles It was decent money back then.
And so then I worked every summer :) After a month and a half of work, I went on my own around the country. Alone or with a friend. It was safe then. As it seemed to me

7. Honest earnings - this is understandable. But. Have you ever stolen?

It would be more convenient for me to answer one question at a time
I'll answer the seventh
Honestly, we had to steal potatoes from the collective farm in the student detachment. It was a shame, but on the other hand, she still disappeared. And then they brought it to their dorm in bulk. And they lived for a whole year. With potato. The most offensive thing is that someone in my dorm also stole a bag of potatoes. In general - where you find it and where you lose it

8. I understand that there must be discipline at work. But. Will you justify an employee for absenteeism because of love?

I’ll probably justify it, of course - But only once. It will greatly reduce the degree of complaint if he also gives an honest warning and does not lie and explains the reason.
But if this happens regularly, then I’m afraid it will be a little difficult for him. After all, other employees and the Company as a whole depend on employees. Therefore, there is clearly no need to abuse it.

9. About money again. How did you make your first million dollars?

Again about money :) You doctor have your own problems, I see

If it’s a one-time deal and in cash, then I earned it at IES, where I was the General Director from the moment of its founding and a shareholder - based on the results of the first three years from the start of the project, the first results appeared.

10. What movie are you ready to watch every day?

Every day - I'm afraid I don't have time, but I really like the movie Gladiator with Russell Crowe. Maximus had everything - fame, recognition and power, but he didn’t need it. Everything was taken away from him and even more - his freedom was taken away. And even in this state, he was great. And then he rose again, being a slave, he was taller than the emperor, and won this unequal duel. Strength of mind
I love.
I watch it often

11. What was the last thing you laughed at?

Yes, we’re all just laughing together here about the fact that it’s not clear who’s diagnosing who :)))

12. A separate question from my youngest daughter: what the hell with them, with princesses - where do they study to become big bosses?

Life teaches you if you look around and learn from your own, or even better, from other people’s mistakes - and at the same time not be afraid - then this school is everywhere
And it’s not a question of being a big boss - but being a leader, that’s cool!!!

13. Which book made the greatest impression on you as a child?

Probably not a book, but books - books by Jules Verne. It was so cool, unusual, scientific at the same time, about another life, about adventures, about heroes, about trials. Eh, I was always late for classes. I'll sit down for the next one. And that's it - it disappeared.

14. Now a little about forecasting ability. Who could be the next president in Russia?

This is where my analytical skills fail. I don't know. Honestly.

15. Well, in general: how does the “harsh” life of a top manager in Siberia differ from the “harsh” life of a top manager in Moscow?

In Moscow you spend more time on the road. When I worked in Irkutsk, it was a five-minute walk to work. Beauty. A different feeling of life. And here it’s at least an hour there and an hour back. Otherwise - nothing :)))

16. A little about the work itself. Do you like Beeline advertising yourself? Do you consider it “youth”?

I like the advertising. She is lively, with humor, with enthusiasm, maybe now she is not exactly a youth person, but our Clients are not only youth.
Svetlakov is great, we recently discussed the feeling of collaboration at the premiere of his latest film.
Now people in the regions ask him about mobile communications - people consider him a professional in this matter :)))
The only thing the guys from Chelyabinsk complain about is advertising. For some reason not from Tagil :)

17. How much has voice traffic in cellular networks decreased in recent years? For example, on average minutes per person? At what speed are you becoming more of a mobile ISP?

Voice traffic is not decreasing - people are not talking less, and there are countries where people talk many times more.
Data usage 2.5 times per Last year- more and more people are using it and integrating more and more with the Internet.

18. I will again use my official position to satisfy my personal curiosity. What kind of work and personal cars do you have?

I have a working Jaguar XJ, but I don’t need a personal one. I sold my Aston Martin a couple of years ago because it sat for six months and I didn’t approach it - I didn’t have time. But such a car should drive.
On weekends, I drive with my family in my wife’s car. And that's enough for me.

19. And again about work. Can you tell me why sometimes it seems that mobile operators are deceiving their clients over little things? They turn on the buzzer for him “for free”, and if he doesn’t turn it off within a month, he gets a haircut from the sucker for 30 rubles a month. Do you think this practice is hypocritical?

Well, the dial tone is from a different operator :)
But I consider this practice, to put it easier to say, wrong. When I came to telecom, it was one of the most unpleasant discoveries. And after rethinking these approaches, we have completely changed our approaches since January. With the loss of part of the income, of course.
But you can’t do business on this. But I want to say something else - people themselves accustom operators to this - after all, having found themselves in such a situation, in most cases they “forgive” him for it and stay with him. There is a feeling that you can do this all the time - there are no consequences. Therefore the temptation is very great. But we overcame this temptation within ourselves.

20. A bad hedgehog is one who does not dream of becoming an anti-tank. Do you have far-reaching plans yourself? Well, should we take over all cellular communications in Russia? In the world? The planet itself? Galaxy?

I have a dream to make VimpelCom the most beloved cellular company by Customers - but at the same time also the most effective from an economic point of view. And this is a very difficult story.

21. We all have to make difficult decisions from time to time. The most difficult decision as CEO of Beeline - what was it like?

The most difficult thing is to change the ideology and approach to the Client. That is, to designate and defend the direction of movement is much different than it was. And it was not an easy decision, maybe not from the point of view of making such a decision - the hardest thing is its implementation

22. Imagine that you opened a bottle of good wine, and a genie came out and offered you three wishes. What will you wish for? Or call us right away?

I'll call you right away :)

23. Many people have their own phobias. And you? Are you afraid of anything in particular?

I’m actually not afraid of anything. Maybe only for my children - if your child is sick, then you yourself cannot do anything. Nothing more than watching the doctor solve the problem. A terrible feeling of helplessness. Anyone who has experienced this knows. This is something I really wouldn’t want.

24. Work is work, but somehow you need to be distracted and relax, and I will never believe that you are not stressed. So how do you relax and unwind?

I have a hobby - I am a trainer. And so - time with family and children. The best there is. Really. I don’t go to parties much - the only place I’ve been in a couple of years is to see Svetlakov. I watched its premiere. After all, our main advertising hero :)
I love to travel with my family. It's cool. I read a lot on vacation.

25. Do you often get annoyed by friends who claim that a nearby cellular antenna is harmfully affecting them with its rays?

Not often yet. I live in a deserted area :)

26. Again I am curious under the guise of professional interest. What is your salary?

27. Provocative question from a psychiatrist. Do you believe in God?

I don't go to church. But I believe in a guardian angel. It happened several times - as if something was stopping you. And several times it saved lives. After stories like this you start to believe

28. What do you not know how to do, but would like to know how to do?

Hello everyone, I'm on my way home from work. I use a Beeline modem, so I can write in the car. I’ll take this opportunity to get the answers as promised.

I can't sing, but I would really like to. Very. But the bear stepped on my ear several times. Therefore, the best thing I can sing is the song I will kill you boatman... :)

29. What leisure places do you like in Moscow?

I really like the Luzhniki area - it’s green, good, cultural and very calm. There are always few people. You can take a walk, roller skate, breathe some air. This is one of my favorite places in Moscow.

30. What would you do if you didn't have to earn money?

It would work :) This is interesting. This inserts. New tasks, new people, problems and their solutions.
And I would probably teach others what I know. This is an exciting process - when you need to explain to another person so that he understands, accepts and definitely uses it. My mother is a math teacher - apparently she has it in her...

31. Are you ready to make Beeline the first cellular company in Russia from which its users do not expect tricks?

This is where we are heading...

32. What track or CD will you put on if you feel bad?

Good question.. Got me thinking... Something romantic - Celine Dion probably or Adele
I wrote it just now and thought - I’ll include it like this for myself now. Not because it sucks - I just wanted it

33. Again a provocative question from the psychiatrist: with whom did you last have a drink?

And I don't drink at all...
This is where the doctor begins to have doubts.
I never drank alcohol at all.
So, here the doctor begins to have serious suspicions about the adequacy and honesty of the patient
No, indeed, those who know me well will confirm this...
That's why they drank - it's not with me. Who I was with when the person was drinking was my wife. She and I were on vacation in Rome - she had a glass of wine. Well, not just one - a couple...

34. Here the nice nurses asked me to ask: how much does your suit and your watch cost?

I don't wear a watch - it doesn't last me long. I don’t know why, but everyone doesn’t go.
The phone replaces my watch very well. And it costs much less - and it can do something else.
The suit costs about four thousand dollars. Sorry - but this is an expensive work uniform. We have to conform. On other days I dress much more modestly.

35. Again about your work. Name 5 improvements that have occurred in Beeline since your arrival.

Changed ideology and attitude towards the Client
Deep cultural changes have begun within the Company - first of all, we ourselves must change
We formed a new serious and results-oriented team
Raised morale and mood in the team - this is important, nothing can be done without it
We did a lot of good things for our Clients in the first quarter - and this is just the beginning. It will be more interesting later...

36. And another question about work. Have you set a beautiful, measurable development goal for VimpelCom for yourself or the shareholders, what is this goal?

We've already decided on a beautiful one. With what is being measured, we are now further defining it. Here you have to think through everything and calculate it...
We'll tell you as soon as we're ready...

37. My wife (she’s also a bookworm) asks: what book are you reading now?

I will have a boring answer.
I’ll tell you which one I just finished: The First 90 days (Michael Watkins) - I was preparing for my own training for our employees (conducted on Saturday). A book about what to do and what not to do in the first 90 days in a new position :)
On fiction There is a catastrophic lack of time.

38. The eldest daughter also decided to be curious. Who would you like to apologize to and for what?

Personal question if not answered formally
I would ask the older children for forgiveness. Now their son is 20 and his daughter is 16. I spent little time with them, worked a lot and worked away from home. I have a very good time with them a good relationship, but only now I understand how much they missed me. Especially during certain periods of their lives.

That's it

39. I don’t remember who asked me to ask this question, but oh well. Is sexuality education required in school?

It may be necessary. But I wouldn't introduce it. There is no one to teach it. Knowing firsthand average age teachers - it is not clear who will teach it to children who already have access to the Internet and can teach the teachers themselves a lot. At least they have a lot of theoretical preparation for the time when they need to teach it. Moreover, they are much more interested in this from the point of view of the subject itself than from the teacher himself.
So it will be more funny and inconvenient for the teacher than useful for the children.

40. And one last question to complete my list. Did I bother you too much with questions?))

Good questions. These are not usually asked in regular interviews. I liked the process of answering - it makes you think about something, remember something, smile somewhere, be sad somewhere :)

Thank you Maxim for the format and for your time
As I understand, between asking questions, you also saw patients :)
Have a nice evening already

To obtain this or that information. In the first case, it is hardly worth lying and you should put yourself in the hands of a specialist in order to get necessary help. In the second, oddly enough, with complete spontaneity and openness, you can be left without the desired job or without a driver’s license. How to avoid such danger and not succumb to provocation?

Open questions

When talking to a psychiatrist, everything is important, starting with your appearance. Psychiatrists divide their questions into open and closed. Open questions are the usual introductory questions about your age, place of residence, education, neighbors, friends, weather. They should be answered clearly and preferably in monosyllables. By asking open questions, the psychiatrist does not delve into your answers so much as looks at your reaction and manner of conversation. What matters to them is whether you are verbose, excited or aggressive, etc. Of course, in this case, the proverb “Silence is golden” is more relevant than ever. Of course, one should not remain completely silent. It is necessary to limit yourself to the answers “Yes”, “No”, “Perhaps” and only to the point, etc.

The main rule is that when visiting a psychiatrist, it is better to be calm and sociable than disheveled and verbose!

Closed questions. Provocation

By asking so-called closed questions, the psychiatrist no longer only observes your facial expressions, reactions and emotional background, but is trying to understand your psyche, provoke emotions, actions. The well-known questions “What is the difference between a light bulb and the sun” or “The difference between a bird and an airplane” will help you understand your mental abilities.

The “slow-witted” technique is often used. That is, the doctor, feigning lack of understanding, asks the same question several times or asks again, thereby trying to unbalance the person or catch him in a lie.

When answering closed provocative questions, it is best to maintain the “golden mean”.

You shouldn’t be frank and indulge in long stories, just as you shouldn’t withdraw into yourself and simply remain silent.

Provocative questions include the question of suicidal thoughts. Of course, it’s better when they are not there. Again, when answering, do not forget that you may be caught by asking the same question a second time. To prevent this from happening, it is better not to lie or at least remember your answers.

The fear of earning a reputation as a “psycho” and a lack of understanding of the difference between a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist is a serious barrier for many people that prevents them from receiving qualified help. Meanwhile, if you do not pay attention to problems and do not try to solve them, they can only get worse.

What does a psychiatrist do?

A psychiatrist deals with treatment, diagnosis, examination and prevention mental illness, which include:
- psychoses;
- ;
- ;
- obsessive states;
- depression;
- manic disorders.

What a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist have in common is that they are doctors. That is, these are specialists who have higher medical education and received specialization in the relevant field.

He does not conduct “soul-saving” conversations with his patients. Treatment usually involves the use of psychotropic medications, sometimes very powerful ones. Sometimes a psychotherapist may also work in parallel with a psychiatrist.

Thus, a psychiatrist is a doctor who treats various mental disorders, and is the main and often the only type of therapy.

What does a psychotherapist do?

As a rule, a psychotherapist with mentally ill people, as well as with individuals in borderline states. This doctor's competence covers such ailments as:
- phobias;
- ;
- painful addictions.

Like any doctor, a psychotherapist has the right to conduct medical examinations, diagnose diseases, and prescribe medications. However, in most cases medications are not used.

Help is provided in psychotherapy different methods, which are most often based on the interaction between the doctor and the patient. The main tool of a psychotherapist is conversation.

The doctor tries, together with the person who contacts him, to understand the causes of the violation peace of mind, identifying the problems that provoked the disorder. At the same time, it helps in finding solutions psychological problems client.

A good psychotherapist may also have special skills psychological techniques, which include hypnosis, auto-training, psychological games and even dream interpretation.

Thus, a psychotherapist is a doctor who treats borderline disorders. Wherein drug treatment can only be a complement to the main therapy, but in no case is it a complete replacement.

The difference between a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist: a brief conclusion

The difference between a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist is that the former works with patients who have serious

The story of what I had to go through to prove that my son was normal and ready to be a driver, as well as how nerve-wracking it was to undergo a medical examination, or rather, a conversation with a psychiatrist from the Gantsevichi Central District Hospital, was told to “GCH” by a resident of the village of Lyusino Elena Rylko, whose son, preparing to take the driver's license exam, underwent a medical examination on February 16.
This is what the mother of Daniil, a student at the Gantsevichi State Vocational Lyceum of Agricultural Production, said.

“I understand perfectly well that the essence of checking with a psychiatrist is to find out whether a person is ready to get behind the wheel. I agree that the doctor should check how balanced a person is, what kind of reaction he has, how he thinks. I’ve heard a lot, that during an examination, a psychiatrist can sometimes even ask strange questions in order to analyze thinking and identify mental disorders. But in our case, the test was aimed at testing mental abilities. Moreover, as it turned out, the knowledge should be, if not the same as that of a medalist, then at least as good as that of a good one - that’s for sure. And I think this is unacceptable! A driver can be not only an excellent student, but also an average one.", - said Elena Mikhailovna.

The woman said that psychiatrist Alexander Myalik asked her son 12 questions. According to the woman, they were from the fields of geography, mathematics, and literature. “Despite the fact that they were quite strange, my son answered and, it seems to me, he did not give any illogical or absurd answers”, – Elena noted.

After testing the patient, the doctor, according to the mother, without explaining any reasons, refused to mark him as fit to drive and wrote a referral to a psychiatrist in the city of Baranovichi.

According to Elena Rylko, her son is not the only “victim” this specialist. Unfit, in his opinion, to govern vehicle Almost the whole group turned out to be there.

“If so many guys didn’t pass the test, then maybe the reason is not the patients, but the clinic specialist?”– the parent wondered.

Elena Mikhailovna does not consider her son a fool or unbalanced and, if necessary, will stand up for him like a mountain. And for such a course of events, given that the doctor had already labeled more than one person unfit, she said, she was ready. Lyceum students have already been warned that the psychiatrist will examine well and were advised to visit the doctor with their parents if possible.

“I don’t consider myself a brawler, but it was simply impossible to talk to a psychiatrist. He demonstrated his superiority over us in every possible way, indicating that he decides whether my son is fit or not. I was outraged by the doctor’s behavior, and I decided not to retreat until the last moment.”, - said the villager.

The parents decided to prove that the young man was ready to get behind the wheel through the head physician of the Gantsevichi Central District Hospital, Vadim Soshko. His parents first told him about the conflict with his subordinate, and then wrote a statement asking him to take the test again, but with a different specialist.

“The head doctor treated us humanely. He gave the go-ahead to obtain a report from a narcologist. Elena Nikolaevna again, in the presence of the head of the district clinic, Ekaterina Solodukha, asked questions to her son. He replied. No violations mental state she didn’t notice and considered Daniel fit to drive a vehicle.”, said the student’s mother.

According to Elena Rylko, lyceum students are already afraid to go to a psychiatrist - a doctor who, due to the duty of his work, is called upon not to irritate or frighten, but, on the contrary, to win them over!

The woman is determined. For her fairly frayed nerves and, in her opinion, tactless attitude of the doctor towards patients, Elena Nikolaevna intends to write appeals to all higher authorities, in which she will ask for an extraordinary certification of the psychiatrist of the Gantsevichi Central District Hospital, Alexander Myalik, who, in her opinion, violated the norms professional ethics and deontology.

Commentary by psychiatrist of the Gantsevichi Central District Hospital Alexander Myalik

A psychiatric examination for future drivers is necessary in order to examine all the functions of abstraction, understanding, level of knowledge, and generalization processes.

The patient is asked questions from school curriculum. If he does not answer them, then the question arises about the state of the general mental health. And there are two problems here - it could be mental retardation or problems with learning literacy. Mental retardation is an intellectual disability, and learning disabilities are a diagnosis.

If a person does not answer the questions asked, when the level of knowledge and general awareness is low, then the question arises about the need to study the IQ level (IQ). Testing takes place in specialized institutions, with people who have undergone special training. A whole commission of psychiatrists talks with the patient. It is assessed how he behaves and how he possesses the acquired skills. The nearest specialized psychiatric organization is located in Baranovichi. The decision about suitability or unsuitability is made there.

A special test is done there. Based on this, a conclusion is drawn - this is mild mental retardation, in which driving a vehicle is contraindicated, or these are problems with learning and literacy, which are not a contraindication to obtaining a driver's license.

I didn’t ask the young man any strange questions. There were the usual questions from the school curriculum: on the multiplication table, on geography (what country we live in, what city is the capital, what regions are in our country and who we border with). There can be no options there.

There may be options, relatively speaking, when explaining the meaning of a proverb. It can be explained different ways, but the meaning will be the same. In this way, abstraction processes are analyzed. The number of questions is individual. It all depends on how the person responds.

I don’t know why the parents of the named patient were alarmed. I didn’t even have time to answer anything specifically when they began to conflict and didn’t even listen to what they were told. They asked to be present, but in fact they even interfered with the process.

How to answer psychological tests?

Often, for fun or for the purpose of self-knowledge, we answer psychological tests... sometimes we are simply forced to answer them when applying for a job... so why not understand the secrets of psychological testing?

Psychological test No. 0 Answer bias(I think this test is generally the most important)
If you do not know how to correctly answer such questions, your psychological testing will be completely pointless:
It happens to you Bad mood?
Are you sometimes wrong?
Sometimes you make mistakes?
Does it happen that you offend your loved ones?
Does it ever happen that you can't concentrate?
Sometimes you don't have time to do everything?

Do you have bad days?
If you answer no more than 1-2 times to such questions? This means that you have a tendency to not tell the truth about yourself - and this means that you may not even pass an interview with a psychologist when applying for a job... this means that you are not objective about yourself... this means that it is generally pointless for you to answer psychological tests ! You lie too often and your test results will often be biased.

Psychological test No. 1. Your favorite colors - test Luscher
You need to arrange the cards different colors in order, starting from the most pleasant to the most unpleasant. What does it mean? This test aims to determine emotional state. Each card symbolizes a person’s needs:
red color - need for action

yellow - the need to strive for a goal, hope

green - the need to assert oneself;
blue - the need for affection, constancy;
purple - escape from reality;
brown - need for protection;
black - depression.
The arrangement of the cards means the following: the first two are a person’s aspirations, 3 and 4 are the true state of affairs, 5 and 6 are an indifferent attitude, 7 and 8 are antipathy, suppression.
Key for the test: the first four must be red, yellow, blue, green- in what order exactly is not so important. Arranging the cards in order close to the original one paints a portrait of a purposeful, active person

Psychological test No. 2. Drawing lesson
You are asked to draw a house, a tree, a person. What does it mean? It is believed that this is how a person can demonstrate his self-perception to the world. In this psychological test, every detail matters: the location of the drawing on the sheet (located in the center, a proportional drawing indicates self-confidence), a single composition of all objects indicates the integrity of the individual, what type of object will be displayed.
It is also important what is drawn first: house - the need for security, a person - self-obsession, a tree - the need for vital energy . In addition, the tree is a metaphor for aspirations (oak - self-confidence, willow - on the contrary - uncertainty); a person is a metaphor for how other people perceive themselves; house is a metaphor for a person’s perception of himself (a castle is narcissism, a rickety hut is low self-esteem, dissatisfaction with oneself).
Key: Your drawing should be realistic and proportional. To demonstrate your sociability and willingness to work in a team, do not forget about the following details: the road to the porch (contact), the roots of the tree (connection with the team), windows and doors (kindness and openness), the sun (cheerfulness), fruit tree(practicality), pet (caring).

Psychological test No. 3. Story
You are shown pictures of people in different life situations and ask them to comment: what is happening; what a person is thinking about; why does he do this?
What does it mean? Based on the interpretation of the pictures, it is possible to determine the leading life scenarios of a person, in other words, “whoever hurts is the one who talks about it.” It is believed that a person projects the situations in the pictures onto his life and reveals his fears, desires, and view of the world. So, for example, if a picture shows a person crying or laughing, then it is expected that when you comment on it, you will talk about your reasons for joy or sadness.
Key: You need to control your answers and interpret the pictures in the most positive way possible.

Psychological test No. 4. Blob
- Rorschach test
You are shown pictures of a shapeless blot (usually symmetrical) and asked to tell you what you see. What does it mean? This psychological test is somewhat similar to the previous one; it also reveals your true attitude towards the world. A positive interpretation of pictures (for example, people communicating) speaks of you as active, sociable, positive person, negative (in the blot you saw a monster, a dangerous animal) indicates that you have a lot of unfounded fears or deep stress.
Key: If you associate a picture with something clearly negative, comment on it in a neutral way. For example, don’t say, “I see people arguing,” but say, “People are communicating emotionally.”

Psychological test No. 5. IQ test

You are asked to answer several questions (from 40 to 200) of different directions in a certain period of time (from 30 minutes) - from math problems before logic puzzles. What does it mean? These psychological tests are designed to determine the so-called Intelligence Quotient. Although their effectiveness is increasingly in doubt (if a person low performance- this does not necessarily mean that he is stupid, perhaps he has out-of-the-box thinking or he is simply simply inattentive), tests have maintained and increased their popularity for many years. Eysenck's IQ tests are the most common.
Key: Be as careful as possible, there are a lot of trick questions. If time is running out and there are still a lot of questions, don’t leave them unanswered, write down the answers at random, you’ll probably guess something.

If you are taking tests when applying for a job, be calm during the interview... but don’t be indifferent - your motivation should be present but it should not go off scale....

The most important! Don't focus on tests at all.
The more unconventional you are, the more original you think, the less the tests tell the truth about you.
Teachers in high school The physicist Einstein and the inventor Edison were considered mentally retarded...
Who remembers these teachers now... and who turned out to be right in the end?

Mentally unhealthy people should not sit behind the wheel, this is an axiom. That is why the path to obtaining and re-issuing a driver’s license lies through the psychiatrist’s office. Usually the doctor conducts an appointment in 1-2 minutes.

The main questions that a clinic worker must ask: Do you smoke? Do you drink? Do you use drugs? Are you registered? Have you ever had a traumatic brain injury?

Attention! By asking tricky questions, doctors do not want to confuse you or hear the right answers. The main thing for them is to understand how you think and assess the level of overall development.

Based on the answers, the doctor can conduct additional examination. For example, he will ask you to name geometric shapes, check your reaction speed using computer program, or take several tests.

It is interesting that in drivers’ comments on this topic there are two extremes. In their practice, there were psychiatrists who quickly gave those who wanted the long-awaited seal, without asking any questions. And there were those who proposed solving original problems:

  • subtract 17 units from the number 100 and reach 0;
  • explain the difference between a cave and a tunnel;
  • guess how a shoe and a pencil are similar.

In addition, a psychologist can approach the matter creatively and ask: “Haven’t you visited us? Something about the face/surname is familiar.” It doesn’t matter what the visitor answers, the doctor will just carefully look at the reaction. After all, any driver needs endurance.

Visiting a psychiatrist at the military registration and enlistment office

When passing driver's commission It is beneficial for a specialist to quickly issue a certificate, so problems can arise only in special cases. At the military registration and enlistment office everything is much more complicated. On the one hand, doctors need to provide the required number of recruits. On the other hand, prevent guys with obvious disabilities from getting weapons. Therefore, the questions here are much more diverse:

  1. Describe the difference between a bird and an airplane.
  2. Are you crazy?
  3. Tell me the multiplication table.
  4. Do epilepsy attacks occur?
  5. Do you have phobias?
  6. What is heavier, 1 kg of brick or cotton wool?
  7. Is anything bothering you?
  8. Where is Italy located?
  9. What troops do you want to serve in?
  10. Have you had suicidal thoughts?

Advice. A psychiatrist, like a narcologist, may ask to show your hands for injection marks. There is no need to refuse an inspection. Perhaps this is the only thing that is important for a specialist to know.

In some military registration and enlistment offices, psychiatrists prepare in advance for a conversation with a conscript by studying characteristics from the place of study or work. And in others, they don’t ask questions at all if the visitor has no complaints. The main thing is to behave completely calmly at the reception and not be afraid of the wrong answers.

Appointment with a psychiatrist for a medical examination

A medical examination is usually carried out upon hiring and during work annually, or once every 2 years. Medical examination required for:

  • trade specialists;
  • for drivers of any transport;
  • workers of enterprises and productions with dangerous conditions labor (firefighter, roofer, Emergencies Ministry employee, etc.);
  • employees of kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions;
  • medical workers;
  • for those who install and repair water pipes.

During the physical examination, psychiatrists are interested in good specialist worked at his place. Therefore, it is rare that a doctor will carefully look for deviations in an employee kindergarten with forty years of experience. The question that is most often asked during a medical examination is: “Do you have any complaints?”

Secrets of professional doctors

When absolutely healthy man He hears inappropriate questions from the doctor, he is surprised and gets confused in the answers. The secret is that mental health specialists identify mental disorders using non-standard problems.

Attention! Strange questions are needed to identify indicators of mental disorders.

Rational thinking person no psychiatrists are scary. No matter what verbal traps they prepare, the main thing is to answer calmly and confidently.

Taking a psychological test - video