"Exit - entrance." Parents are also faced with the task of identifying the cause of reluctance to sleep and trying to solve it.

A child's sleep is an important component of his health and proper development. Often parents are faced with problems of violation of the rest regime: the baby refuses to sleep alone, does not want to go to bed, or is capricious at night.

How to teach a baby up to one year to sleep

A small child does not understand what time of day it is outside the window. For playing and waking, both day and night are equally suitable for him. It is important from the first days of a baby’s life to teach him to fall asleep peacefully.

How to get the little ones to sleep

Newborn babies sleep not only at night, but also several times during the day. Up to a month, usually each feeding ends with sleep. With this regime, bedtime at night requires compliance with special rules so that the baby feels the onset of the main rest period.

Advice for young mothers:

  • Watch your child carefully: if he starts to yawn and be capricious, it’s time to put the baby to bed.
  • When the baby has already entered the sleep-wake mode, try to stop active games an hour before rest.
  • Tiny babies fall asleep well immediately after feeding. Pediatricians advise breastfeeding children at least until they are one year old.
  • Before going to bed at night, it would be good for your baby to take a warm bath with the addition of soothing herbs or aroma oils for children.
  • A light massage with stroking the back or tummy is a good relaxation for overexcited children.
  • Rocking and lullaby are mandatory procedures for the little ones.

Pajamas and bedding should be made of natural soft materials - baby's skin is very sensitive.

How to put your baby to sleep without motion sickness

As the baby grows, motion sickness becomes a physically difficult procedure for the mother; in addition, the child must gradually learn to fall asleep on his own. A gradual transition to other “sleepy” rituals will help the baby get out of the habit of rocking. It’s best to start with bedtime, when the baby’s body is most ready to rest.

How else to prepare your baby for bed:

  • Sometimes it's enough to read a children's book or sing your favorite lullaby.
  • You can sit next to your baby and stroke his head or back.
  • Place your favorite toy nearby and say that the bunny or bear wants to sleep.
  • If the baby does not fall asleep for a long time, take a break and repeat the rituals after half an hour.

At first, children begin to cry; it is difficult for them to give up their usual routine. The mother’s patience and calmness will help her forget about motion sickness without harming the child’s psyche. The worst option is to cancel and then return to swinging again, then the second attempt will be even more difficult.

How to train yourself to sleep without breasts

Newborn babies fall asleep immediately after breastfeeding, this is normal, but gradually over the course of a year, pediatricians advise mothers to separate sleep and food. Night rest should not depend on feedings, you need to stop putting the baby to the breast at night.

Doctors' opinion: night sleep after a year should not be associated with feeding.

Over the age of 9 months, the child becomes more active, he tries to walk, get up, and may wake up at night. How to wean a baby from his mother's breast during this turbulent period?

  • Move your baby's evening feeding to 30-45 minutes before bedtime.
  • If the baby wakes up at night, do not breastfeed, just pat him on the head and calm him down.
  • During this period, the child needs his mother’s warmth more during the day, since it is physically difficult for him to “break away” from his mother.
  • A good option is for the baby to be laid down by grandma or dad. In this case, attention, affection and patience on their part are important.

If your child still wakes up at night, you can try giving him some water to drink instead of mother's milk. For good sleep Many mothers use aroma lamps with lemon balm or mint oils.

One-year-old child - how to put him to sleep without crying

When a baby reaches the age of 1 year, he can sleep all night without waking up. However, this is possible if there are no health problems, the baby was active during the day, and in the evening he ate well and had a quiet time. For a relaxing holiday for children over one year old, it is important to develop a schedule in order to accustom the baby to a certain order of events.

It's time to sleep - procedure:

  • Water procedures are the best relaxation at any age. Now you can take your favorite toys into the bath and tinker with them to your heart's content.
  • After a year, the lullaby can be replaced with soothing music of nature (the rustling of waves, the sound of rain).
  • Reading children's fairy tales and poems relaxes the baby. If a mother comes up with her own “multi-part” fairy tale, this ritual will teach the child to fall asleep at the same time.
  • Leave a night light in the room; after a year, children sometimes experience night terrors (fear of the dark or monsters), as their imagination works more actively.
  • Let your baby take his favorite toy to bed, so he feels protected.
  • Simple phrases: “ Good night", "I love you", "goodbye, sunshine", "pleasant dreams" become a good habit, after which the child immediately falls asleep.

If a child cannot fall asleep even after the usual procedures, you need to figure out whether everything is in order with the baby’s health. The reason may also lie in a very emotional event that happened during the day. An attentive mother will always understand her child.

How to quickly put a 2 year old child to sleep

Two-year-old children are more active during the day, their psycho-emotional development leads to a lot of new impressions, including negative ones: fear of the dark, reluctance to part with their mother (even at night). Children at this age require more communication with family members; in the evening it is more difficult for them to be alone.

How to help a 2-year-old child sleep:

  • Create a general atmosphere of evening calm in your home. If someone is busy with an interesting activity or just watching TV, it is difficult for the child to calm down and go to bed.
  • To avoid night terrors at this age, a night light and a favorite toy are not enough. You need to talk to your child about these topics and explain the falsity of his worries.
  • The order of procedures preceding sleep should be unchanged, then the child will learn to fall asleep at the same time.
  • Complete refusal nap in favor of nighttime is not recommended at 2 years of age. What seems to you like your child's accumulated fatigue can develop into overexcitement and moodiness.

The desired nighttime sleep time is 11-12 hours, put the child to bed so that he wakes up on his own, completely rested.

Children 3-5 years old - rules for quickly going to bed

After three years, children show more of their character; it is increasingly difficult to put them to bed at the classic hours of 21-00. To those who goes in the morning to kindergarten, otherwise you won’t be able to get enough sleep, so don’t be led by your whims.

How to get used to night mode:

  • The child should get up in the morning no later than 7 o'clock.
  • Walk in the evening, active games fresh air required.
  • Dinner – no later than 19-00, do not burden your baby’s body with heavy meat dishes.
  • Calming activities (reading, conversation) before bed.
  • Getting ready for bed from 20-00 (bathing, changing clothes, watching a children's cartoon).
  • Warm milk with honey before bed is the best sedative.

With this regimen, the baby will sleep well and wake up at 6-7 o'clock in the morning. And don’t involve children in your evening activities; they must understand: adults have their own daily routine.

Dr. Komarovsky's advice: how to put a child to sleep

Well-known pediatrician Evgeny Komarovsky believes that for a child to have a sound and restful sleep, following conditions: high quality beds, cleanliness, cozy atmosphere, well-ventilated room.

You need to decide at what time to put the baby to bed and when to wake him up. You can break the regime only if absolutely necessary.

You should be careful about your daytime rest. If your baby sleeps too long after lunch, it will be difficult to put him to sleep at night. In the first half of the day it is recommended to devote time to active games, physical exercise. In the evening you need to calm down by drawing or reading so that there are no strong impressions and emotions at night.

The temperature in the bedroom is about +20°C, the humidity range is 50-70%.

In the first months, the cradle should be in the parents' room, later - in separate room. Komarovsky does not recommend putting pillows in the crib for children under 2 years old. Requirements for the mattress - density and evenness, in early age this is especially important for strengthening the spine.

Video about the rules of children's sleep from Dr. Komarovsky:

A friendly atmosphere in the family, an affectionate attitude towards the child, the absence of quarrels and scandals are the main components of a calm emotional state baby. Parents must create all conditions for good sleep and children's recreation.

Every mother dreams of her child falling asleep quickly and easily not only at night, but also during the day. Because this time is very important for the restoration of strength, both for the children themselves and for their parents. But in practice, most often it turns out that children go to bed with whims and this ritual becomes a real torment. We will look at how to avoid this in our article.

How long should a child sleep during the day?

Question about the number of hours of children's sleep in daytime, of course, depends on the age of your child. Below is a table with approximate standards sleep for different ages. In addition, the child’s health status must be taken into account individually. If your baby is feeling slightly unwell, it is quite possible that he will sleep longer than usual or, on the contrary, refuse to sleep. In this case, you still need to try to adhere to required quantity hours of sleep per day.

Table with sleep norms


In the first months of a baby’s life, all difficulties in falling asleep usually come down to satisfying physical needs. And if the baby is fed, has a dry diaper on and nothing hurts, then he falls asleep on his own without tears or screams within a certain period of time. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude possible painful signals in the baby’s body and periodically carry out procedures to maintain personal hygiene, as well as take care of proper feeding.

From 2 to 5 years

At this age, children are already quite active and independent. That is why it can be quite problematic to put them to sleep during the daytime. Because any beliefs and arguments are not particularly effective. But still, children are still quite small and they definitely need daytime sleep to restore strength, as well as their proper psychological and mental development.

If the child categorically refuses to go to bed during the day, invite him to just lie down for half an hour in the calm atmosphere. For a girl, suggest interesting game, in which you need to help put a doll or a bear down. A boy may be allowed to take his favorite small car with him.

Basically, refusal to sleep is caused by the fact that the child is not yet tired enough and has not spent enough time walking. Therefore, do not forget about exercises and active games oh the fresh air. Then the child himself will gladly agree to soak in the crib for a couple of hours during the day.

The main rules of good children's sleep

Regardless of the child’s age, for his full, strong and healthy sleep Several conditions must always be met.

  1. Daily regime. Clearly planned actions, repeated day after day, help children better adapt to conditions environment and have a beneficial effect on their immunity. It will be easier for a son or daughter to fall asleep during the day if they already know that in the morning they will go for a walk on the street, then when they come home they will eat, and then after half an hour of playing in a calm environment they will go to rest for an afternoon nap. Then you won’t have to spend a lot of time persuading and swearing at the baby to put him to sleep, because all actions will already become a habit and will be performed as a familiar ritual.
  2. Active wakefulness. To make bedtime quick and easy, provide your child with a good motor activity in the fresh air while walking. By the way, it is advisable to walk for 1.5 to 2 hours, then your child will be tired enough and he will have a desire to rest during the day.
  3. Choose a convenient time for feeding. If your baby feels sleepy after eating, feed him tightly after a morning walk just before his nap. If the situation is the opposite and your son or daughter wants to play after eating, then on the contrary, replace lunch with a glass of milk, and after bedtime feed as usual.
  4. Ventilation. When you go for a walk, do not forget to open the window to ventilate the room. To ensure that the air in the room where the child sleeps is not too dry or humid. Optimal temperature for comfortable sleep 19-22 degrees. In addition, during ventilation all pathogens that are in the room, which is very important for health.
  5. Comfortable bed. Self sleeping area should be conducive to sleep. A clean bed and a cozy crib with a good orthopedic mattress are all you need for a healthy sleep.

Knowing some of the secrets of proper children's sleep, you will easily be able to put your little fidget to rest during the day.

How to apply everything useful tips in practice, you will learn from the video

1 rule. Need to install permanent early time going to bed.

A child jumping around the apartment at 11 pm is an overtired child. His nervous system was overexcited due to the fact that his parents did not put him to bed an hour and a half to two hours ago. If you put your baby to bed too late, he or she will become overtired. nervous system It will be more difficult to adjust to sleep patterns. Falling asleep will take longer. And restless sleep with awakenings is possible. And if you put your baby to bed at the same time, then the child’s body will feel tired by the time you start preparing for bed, the child will “ripe” for sleep at the time you set.

The same applies to daytime sleep. It will be easier for your baby to fall asleep if there is a schedule and a clear quiet time.

Rule 2. Maintaining a daily routine.

A dream is only one episode of a day in a child’s life (more precisely, two - daytime and nighttime). But it is influenced by many events and factors adjacent to it in time. Active games, food, activities should alternate at approximately the same time. If you establish a good daily routine, you will make it much easier for your baby to fall asleep.

Rule 3. Create a bedtime “ritual.”

The ritual just sounds menacing. Come up with 3-4 simple steps before going to bed. They must be repeated every day. For example, reading a book - brushing your teeth - turning off the light in the aquarium - potty - bed. Or a bath - pajamas - a potty - a fairy tale or a lullaby in bed. The sooner you create your ritual (you can start with 3 one month old), the faster this will start working. At first it’s like a barely noticeable path in the thicket, but you walk along it every day, without changes. And after a while it will turn into a well-trodden path along which the child can easily get to a sweet dream. And also the ritual - great opportunity communicate with the baby, discuss the events that happened during the day, and tell the baby about plans for tomorrow.

4. The child should go to bed already sleepy, but not yet asleep.

Teach your baby to fall asleep on his own. Children under 2 years old often wake up between sleep phases. So a baby who knows how to fall asleep on his own in the evening will simply roll over onto the other side, and the one who is used to falling asleep in his mother’s arms will still call for his mother. There is no need to say that this is not good for either the child or the mother.

How to put your baby to sleep - not at all complex issue. All that is required from parents is consistency. Children get used to any changes very quickly. Be consistent and affectionate.

Today we’ll talk about how to put a child to sleep at an older age. He may already be going to kindergarten, but he still has problems falling asleep.

— What to do if the child does not want to sleep? Well, he just can’t fall asleep!

What do you do when you don’t want to sleep or can’t fall asleep? There are two options: either you continue to stay awake, actively doing something until natural fatigue takes its toll, or you create conditions for yourself to fall asleep.

But first you analyze the situation: “What is stopping me from falling asleep? How to fix? Maybe it's stuffy? Maybe it's noisy? Maybe tough? Maybe it's hot? Maybe thoughts are getting in the way?

Falling asleep: how to help your child

In the case of a child, you need to ask the same questions. And eliminate the cause.

  1. Too much a short time wakefulness preceding night sleep. For example, a child got up late after a nap. Then it’s logical to shift your bedtime a little. Of course, you need to adhere to a certain daily routine, but don’t follow it fanatically. You should not keep a child in bed who, for reasons known to you, does not want to sleep at all. There is no crime in the fact that a child falls asleep an hour later. It is more important that he falls asleep with pleasure.
  2. Difficulty switching from active work to bed. If a child who is jumping around the room on a ball is removed from this ball and placed in bed, then the child will jump there too. It's like pulling an adult out of important negotiations and saying: “Sleep!” No, he won’t fall asleep. He will go over the arguments of his opponents in his head and calculate the consequences of disrupted negotiations.

The fact that it is time to sleep is clear to an adult, but not clear to a child. For a child, the phrase “It’s time to go to bed!” - a complete surprise. And surprise is stress: you didn’t have time, you didn’t finish. Give your child a chance to finish the game. Warn in advance that it will be bedtime soon. Teach your child to finish the game by playing out the story with him: “The cars went to the garage,” “The dolls went to bed.” Switch your child from active games to calm ones in advance, since calm games make the transition to sleep easier. Consider a falling asleep ritual - a familiar sequence of actions that will set you up for sleep.

  1. Availability external stimulus that interferes with falling asleep (light, sound). Try to remove the irritant or reduce its impact.
  2. Irritant inside - intrusive thought, fear, doubt. Talk to your child about this topic. Just ask a question and then listen carefully. The baby will tell you what is bothering him.
  3. Physical discomfort(new pillow of unusual height, scratchy pajamas, hot, stuffy). The simplest solution is to create comfortable conditions.

True, a tired child is able to fall asleep sitting on the threshold in outerwear or on a rug near the sofa, curled up on top of Lego pieces, or even with a spoon in his hand over a bowl of soup... If the child does not want to sleep, maybe he lacks physical activity ?

  1. Stressful situation, new conditions(you have to fall asleep in a new place, there are new people in the house for the child, the usual ritual of falling asleep is not performed). This happens when you travel. Give your child time to adapt and get used to an unfamiliar situation. Let him get used to the new place, communicate with previously unfamiliar people, explore everything that is of interest to him, and make sure that he is safe. And then try to follow the ritual of falling asleep - if not all, then at least some elements.
  2. Tension, overexcitement. Wash the baby. Get a relaxing massage. You can say something quietly. Calm, measured, monotonous speech has a calming effect. Read a book of fairy tales. In any folklore there are “soporific” works.
  3. The child has formed negative attitude to sleep, and it “turns on” the resistance. To sneak out of bed, a child can come up with a thousand and one reasons. He may actively sabotage your request to go to sleep or manipulate you. Jokers say about this behavior: “At the word “sleep,” the child is attacked by thirst, hunger and constipation...”

In this case, make sure that the bed evokes only positive emotions in the child. Together with him, figure out how to decorate it, choose bed linen together, preferably with a pattern that evokes sleep (I have children’s linen with sleeping teddy bears in pajamas, with owls against the background of a starry sky - the colors are dark, restrained). Let the bed be “sleepy” toy, who is already bored and calls the baby to join.

With sufficient daytime activity, quiet playtime before bed, adherence to the bedtime ritual, and a positive attitude towards the place of sleep, the child easily falls asleep. Don't make him sleep. Create conditions for falling asleep.

How to put your baby to sleep: 3 steps

“My son is three years old, and sometimes we go to bed in the evening for an hour and a half. I tried not to put him down, and in the end he could sit until two in the morning. I tried not to put him to bed during the day, but then he would pass out on his own at four o’clock, then wake up at seven, and “long live a fun night”... Oh falling asleep on your own I don’t even dream that I would fall asleep in my presence...”

It happens that increased sleep interferes with sleep nervous excitability. When I worked as a kindergarten teacher, I met such children. That is, in each group there were those who calmly lay down and fell asleep, and those who were required special approach. Some children cannot even lie still: they fidget with the blanket, scratch themselves, pick their noses, twirl their hair on their fingers, and twitch their eyebrows.

I sat on a chair next to the crib. With one hand she gently fixed the baby’s legs, placing her hand on her hip, and placed her other hand on her shoulder. Then I did very light rocking movements. This is an element from the body oriented therapy, which allows you to quickly reduce the tone of tense muscles, which has a relaxing effect on the nervous system.

Besides this I use breathing adjustment technique. An excited child's breathing is rapid and shallow. For the sleeper - uniform, deep. This means that in order for the child to fall asleep, you need to transfer his breathing to a different mode.

Holding my hands on the child’s body, I join his breathing, breathe like him for a while - our inhalations and exhalations coincide. After a while, I begin to breathe more deeply and slowly, the way a person breathes in a state of relaxation. The child's breathing also became deeper.

This technique can be used on two children at the same time (I have two hands). That is, I put a high chair between the beds, right hand I put it on the shoulder of one child, and the left one on the shoulder of the second. Then I begin to gently rock back and forth, in time with my breathing. Oscillatory movements are transmitted to children. Soon muscle relaxation sets in, breathing slows down, and the babies fall asleep. This takes three to five minutes. Maximum ten.

Another technique, after which half of my group instantly fell asleep - reading a fairy tale. But you need to read not artistically, with expression, but melodiously, even monotonously, gradually slowing down the pace of speech. Sentences must be pronounced slowly, while exhaling, and then pause to inhale smoothly; this leads to the listener’s breathing slowing down.

I also shamelessly violated original text, inserting into it phrases about relaxation, rest, sleep: “And then the bear thought (inhale, then say it smoothly as you exhale next phrase), I’ll sit on a stump (inhale), eat a pie (inhale), lie down on the grass (inhale), take a little nap (inhale). And Masha told him from the box (inhale): “Get some sleep (inhale), but don’t eat the pie...”

Marshak has a wonderful “sleep” poem: “The Tale of a Stupid Mouse.” And the rhythm is appropriate, and the often repeated phrase about sleep. The main thing is not to start reading with expression, imitating the neighing of horses and the grunting of pigs; you need to read this poem in a “trance” voice, with pauses, swaying, and if you know it by heart, then with eyes closed. (It would be impossible to fall asleep before the child here.)

The techniques described are very effective, but please note: before using them, you need to be calm and relaxed yourself. The most difficult thing for mothers, after the children have fallen asleep, is to scrape themselves out of the high chair, get them out of their sleepy trance and cheerfully go about doing their adult things, envying their sleeping children...

And one more important point. The issue of transition to sleep cannot be approached mechanistically. Even those children who generally fall asleep well sometimes need help. Observant parents are able to catch the child’s mood and understand whether he can fall asleep on his own or whether he needs help relieving the stress of the day: sit next to him, stroke his back, rub his hair, rock him.

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I wonder, what if you can’t relieve the stress of the day with any fairy tales, scratching or swaying?! Our daughter can lie there for an hour and a half, having fun, but not falling asleep. 5 years. What to do in this case?! At the same time, I know for sure that she gets tired in choreography classes. During the day he only sleeps for an hour and a half. Then I wake her up...

09.27.2018 00:51:49, Kotechka

We have one law: no games before bed, because then he gets overexcited and can’t sleep

Comment on the article "The child does not want to sleep: 8 reasons. Sleep of a child 3 years and older"

Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development of household skills. The child does not sleep during the day: how to give up daytime sleep Daytime sleep and bad habits: how to wean from motion sickness The child does not sleep in...


Tears are for you, but for the teacher there are no tears :))) she knows best
and it’s better to take a day off than to pick it up earlier - yes

How earlier than that It’s better, otherwise he’ll get used to mom coming after lunch. I have a friend like this now, until lunch it’s normal, and then she’s in real trouble, crying that she’ll sleep at home, then she’ll come back after sleep)))

Section: Sleep (if a child at 3 years old does not go to bed, he throws tantrums). Section: Nannies, kindergartens (if a child does not want to sleep in kindergarten, he throws a tantrum). It seemed to me that the adaptation to daytime sleep lasted 2 months and a month to get used to sleep.


It seemed to me that the adaptation to daytime sleep lasted 2 months and a month to get used to sleep. We've been going for two years now, he doesn't cry, but he doesn't want to go to kindergarten either. I would still advise you to stick to the regime: in the morning, say that you have urgent matters and need to go somewhere (it’s better to go to a place where your daughter doesn’t want to go or can’t go, or is far away, or tell mom about the injection), and then I'll pick up lunch. And so on until it works out normally (ask your teacher). And then come up with more things to do and leave it for sleep. And more good mood!

Last year we went to 1.11. We went to NG for 2/2 weeks (approximately), it didn’t work out anymore, it was at least 4 days. We only started staying for sleep around February (but for us everything was also tied to the menu - that is, when at least something was possible for lunch).
I started walking normally around the end of January. But our teacher was very wise - she said that we could leave her for sleep.
We always went with a toy. He always carried it in his hands.
This year it hasn’t been released yet, but the adaptation will be new, because... We moved to the kindergarten group, and we haven’t been going since May...

How to train yourself to sleep separately. Parental experience. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visits kindergarten and relationships + 1. We bought new furniture, the child was delighted and expressed a desire to sleep in a beautiful new crib. He's been sleeping ever since...


Eh, I would like your problems. From birth, Anyutik basically sleeps peacefully only separately, if you put him next to him, he screams. Just recently I started pampering my mother - she comes at night and goes to bed, her warm little bundle snoring next to her.

Come on! Mine still love to fall asleep with me. The older one then almost leaves on her own (you just need to give her direction and make sure she doesn’t count the corners), and we carry the little one. They always sleep at home.

doesn't want to sleep alone. Child-parent relationships. Child psychology. Child, 6 years old. Quite a problematic, overly anxious, shy boy. He sleeps with his mother. Until recently, I (my mother) put him to bed, he fell asleep and I calmly studied...


Bad psychologist you visited, since the child’s condition is not taken into account. Maybe try another psychologist?

Do not frighten the child with his fears anymore. He needs you now, because he cannot overcome them within himself. Consistency and peace are needed. And you, for your part, propose, in the name of your, undoubtedly important, “your affairs,” to suddenly bring down another burden on him traditional upbringing, to which he is not accustomed. The psychologist’s recommendations work well on healthy children and are not always applicable to neurotics. Consult with a neurologist, otherwise such “re-education” can reinforce old fears and create new neurotic reactions. You will have to tinker for a while - putting them to bed, sleeping in at least one room, reassuring that you are nearby .Well, at least stroke your back at night. A soothing bath at night. A predictable regimen, even with activities. IMHO: I wouldn’t advise changing your attitude towards your child now - like any adult\and he is already an “adult”\it will be difficult for him to understand , why, instead of the reasonable arguments that were given to him before, harsh training suddenly began. Be patient. For my eldest and I, this period lasted 6 years, after the birth of the youngest, she gradually moved to her own bed, although the fears persisted for a long time. Even now she is uncomfortable if I or my sister sleeps in another room. But the youngest had it at will, like this, like it or that. And she seemed to have fears .. but SHE LOVES TO SLEEP ALONE. and left my bed at the age of 4 to another room. and now she sleeps in the living room, because she likes it. alone in the room! And not because. the psychologist prescribed. and because. she knows it will be scary, she will come and call, I don’t I’ll yell at you, but I’ll calm you down. Insomnia before a performance and fatigue also happen. But she determines her own activities, I don’t push in either direction, as long as she does what she loves. I experienced this problem myself as a child. I remember that the results of “raising by the rules” of an obedient child were expressed in persistent insomnia, sleepwalking, chewed pencils and braids, terrible dreams and complete parental splendor. Choose what is more important to you. And from this you dance in choosing a method of education. IMHO: young animals do not have no psychologists, no Oedipus complex \trust your instinct\ - all they have is their mother’s warm belly. nest. just like ours - not for long.

How to put a child to sleep? Parental experience. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine If, ​​at 2-3 years old, you begin to explain to a child little by little that “the world does not revolve around him,” it will be much easier for the child. How does one put a child to sleep? Although for me personally, the question of how to put a child to sleep in the garden is a question of the attitude of the teacher and But...


know-how! When I was in Italy, I bought a device (via the link), which we called a “regulator”. There you can set 2 hours - morning and evening. At a certain time, the picture lights up, Yulka runs towards it, “what is the time to do now?!” so we are in +- 15 minutes mode. Recommend. with our money about 700 rubles

I gave up. I realized that it’s easier for me to do all the things while he’s still awake, then put him to bed in 15-20 minutes (usually this happens between 23.00-23.30), than to jump around with him for 1.5 hours, exhausting myself and him. Well, 10 hours of sleep a day is enough for him (8 at night + 2 during the day in the garden) - well, good for his health!

When my child was 1.5-2 years old, I told her that my child could not sleep without me, and what should I do, her answer was: Please do not move the child to Is it good to sleep with parents at 3 years old? ? I see no reason to worry until the age of 5.


Good evening!
Help me, I’m 29 years old, I started living with a girl who has a child, a girl, 5 years old. Maybe I don’t understand something, but when I started living, I’m constantly surprised, the child doesn’t give us peace, doesn’t let us watch a movie, starts dancing in front of the TV, screaming, attracting attention, doesn’t let us watch calmly, asks his mother to let her I fed her from the board, wiped my butt after pooping, calls my mom every 10-30 minutes, my mom can’t even sit down and eat dinner normally, she constantly runs after her, rushes back and forth.... She sleeps with us, she constantly hugs her all over night, I sleep like a hermit, sometimes she turns to me, hugs me, but everything is very bad, and the little one is already 5-5 years old, and she falls asleep with her mother’s boobs in her hand, I’m in shock, all this infuriates me, what should I do? ?

12/19/2016 21:31:45, Rinat

We have all heard a lot, and some have already experienced how a child and his behavior changes at 3 years old (and for some kids, a little earlier). For yesterday's baby, the period of growing up begins, realizing himself separately from his mother, the baby wants to show his independence and autonomy in everything. For some kids this simply manifests itself in greater emotionality, while others become a real little tyrant - eternal discontent, constant “no”, endless testing of the boundaries of what is permitted and hysterics at the slightest reason.

During this same period, sleep regression often occurs, frequent protests before going to bed, refusal of daytime sleep, night fears, when the baby, even previously sleeping peacefully in his crib, moves to his parents’ bed.

During this period, lack of sleep greatly affects the baby’s behavior and development. But what can you do to help the great, unwilling person at this age sleep peacefully?

    Try to keep your daytime naps as long as possible. At least until the age of 4 years, a child needs daytime sleep for healthy growth and development. The absence or lack of daytime sleep will certainly affect nighttime sleep. Keep the room as dark, dim and cool as possible to help him sleep. Try to plan your day in such a way that there are no activities during the daytime nap; try to restrain yourself from the temptation to maximize your child’s time with clubs and activities. Remember that it is during daytime sleep that the baby’s brain develops, processes and assimilates information, and develops new skills.

    Resist the urge to put your older baby to bed later in the evening, even if he claims that he is not tired, and he will claim exactly that . At this age, children are already perfectly masking the symptoms of fatigue, because playing and being with mom and dad is much more fun than sleeping. But, nevertheless, few children can withstand more than 6-7 hours without sleep without consequences. Optimal time Lights out at this age is 20 hours if there is a daytime nap, and earlier if the baby does not rest during the day. In the absence of daytime sleep, try to ensure that the child has time for quiet rest, for example, reading books or drawing.

    Reduce activity at least half an hour before bed. Try to avoid watching cartoons and active games, let it be drawing, modeling, puzzles, anything that can keep the baby in place, attract his attention and calm him down. The time before bedtime is very important for the baby, put everything aside and just be with him, then parting for the night will not be so difficult.

    Rituals are our everything! Do not under any circumstances give up your bedtime rituals, but modify them as your baby ages and his new interests. Now putting toys to bed is no longer so important, but reading a book, talking about how the day went, hugs and kisses, lullabies never gets boring. You may need to lengthen the ritual a little to give your baby more time to calm down.

    Therapeutic tales that you tell yourself will help your child cope with the fear of the dark, loneliness, and disobedience. You can come up with a fairy tale yourself, calling the hero the name of the baby, or you can tell a ready-made one. Such a tale can become a wonderful part of a ritual.

    Introduce sleep rules and a reward system. At the age of 3, kids already understand the rules very clearly. Together with your child, draw a poster on which you write how you will spend the time before bed, let him actively participate in the process, make suggestions and color. For example: we brush our teeth, put on pajamas, read a story, hug, turn off the lights, close our eyes and sleep. Hang the poster directly above your bed. Remind your baby of the sleep rules every time before going to bed and reward him when he follows them. Encouragement may not be daily, but, for example, weekly - a trip to the zoo, to the playground, etc. Praise him for following the rules, talk more often about how now he has the strength to play and run more, that he made mom and dad very happy by having a rest. At this age, it is very important for children to have a positive assessment of their actions and actions from their parents.

    Use your imagination. Often a child at this age needs a choice in order for him to show his independence, so provide it. For example, let him choose his own pajamas or bed linen, a book that you will read before bed, a toy to sleep with. Let the offer to go to bed sound not like an order: “Now get into bed!”, but like a proposal, but you will not be discussing going to bed itself, but the choice of accessories: baby, let’s go choose pajamas to sleep in. Motivate your baby to sleep well by saying that he will be strong, strong, resilient, and will grow up big, like his dad. A good motivation can also be the expectation of something good after sleep: a tasty snack, a walk.

    Don't forget about vitamins for sleep. At this age, babies are actively growing, and nutrition, unfortunately, does not always provide the necessary balance of vitamins and minerals. Try to keep the child’s diet varied enough, and if you are in doubt or the baby eats selectively, then consult a doctor; it may well be that the baby will be prescribed a complex of vitamins.

    Organize active time. All three-year-olds practically do not walk; their rhythm of life is such that they are ready to run and jump all day long. Try to give your child this opportunity. If a child spends enough time actively, it will be easier for him to fall asleep in the evening.

    Set boundaries. For three-year-olds who are actively exploring the world and trying their hand, they definitely need boundaries of what is permitted. A child of any age feels protected only within limits, and the parent’s task is to be consistent and clear in organizing these limits.

How does this apply to baby's sleep?

When the parents decide to sleep for the baby, not the child. We have already said that at this age children know how to hide their fatigue and expecting them to want to rest is practically useless.

To prevent your baby from asking to repeat any element of the ritual, for example, another glass of milk, another fairy tale, etc., you can use a timer. Set a timer (alarm clock, phone) for the time when you must leave your child's room, and explain the principle to him. There is no use arguing with the timer and it usually works out well.

Be consistent and do not change the rules depending on your mood, fatigue and baby’s behavior.

Be patient, because in fact, children grow very quickly and soon your baby will not need you so much, and you will remember this period of difficulties with a smile.

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