Inhalipt can be taken by pregnant women in the early stages. Is Ingalipt safe to use during pregnancy? Contraindications according to instructions and risks for expectant mothers

The body of a pregnant woman is susceptible to colds, since against the background of hormonal changes a decrease in immunity occurs. In addition to this, most drugs are contraindicated because they can penetrate the blood, cross the placental barrier and affect the fetus. One of the few relatively safe remedies is Ingalipt; during pregnancy it is prescribed to treat inflammatory processes in the mouth and throat.

But, despite the local method of administration, this drug, like all others, should be prescribed to pregnant women by a doctor. When used correctly and following the dosage, the risk of complications is minimal.

The main active substance of Ingalipt is soluble streptocide, an antimicrobial bacteriostatic substance related to sulfonamides. Additionally, the drug contains sodium sulfathiazole hexahydrate, thymol, peppermint and eucalyptus oils.

Inhalipt is produced in the form of a solution in bottles with a spray. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, bacteriostatic and analgesic properties and acts locally on the affected area.

The drug is indicated for the following diseases:

  • tonsillitis, including bacterial (tonsillitis);
  • laryngitis;
  • pharyngitis;
  • (to relieve sore throat);
  • aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis.

Inhalipt quickly eliminates pain, inflammation, and is harmful to some types of bacteria and fungi. The effect of use occurs almost immediately, inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane is noticeably reduced.

Instructions for use of Ingalipt during pregnancy

The question of whether Inhalipt can be taken during pregnancy is decided individually by the attending physician. The prescription of the drug depends on the stage of pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester, the laying and initial formation of organs occurs in the fetus, and the female body adapts to the new state and spends all its strength on maintaining the pregnancy. During this period, it is better to stop using any medications, including Ingalipt. In addition, women who used it in the first 12 weeks noted an increase in toxicosis symptoms.
  2. In the second and third trimesters, Ingalipt can be used, but strictly as prescribed by a doctor. The instructions for the drug indicate that there are no clinical data on its use during pregnancy and lactation.

It is allowed to use Ingalipt during pregnancy up to 3-4 times a day. If you inhale more often, the concentration of the drug components in the blood will increase and can affect the normal course of pregnancy. The duration of treatment should not exceed 7 days; in difficult cases, it can be slightly increased (as prescribed by the doctor).

Inhalation is performed as follows:

  • the mouth must be rinsed with warm water;
  • if there are areas with plaque or mucus, they need to be cleaned with a sterile swab;
  • The oral cavity is irrigated with the drug for 1-2 seconds.

You can eat and drink 20 minutes after the procedure. If inflammation is severe, you should refrain from talking during this time and also not go outside.

Advantages and disadvantages of Ingalipt during pregnancy

The arguments for using Inhalipt during pregnancy are based on its local effects. The active components of the drug affect only the mucous membrane, entering the blood in small quantities, therefore they cannot affect the development of the fetus and the gestation process.

Inhalipt effectively and quickly eliminates sore throat due to viral and bacterial infections. Relieves inflammation and irritation in the oral cavity, restoring damaged mucous membranes.

The arguments against using Inhalipt during pregnancy are as follows:

  1. The effect of sulfonamides and thymol on the fetus is not fully understood, but these substances are considered toxic. Experiments have shown that in high doses, significantly exceeding those permissible for humans, they cause developmental defects in baby rats.
  2. The drug contains ethyl alcohol, which is prohibited during pregnancy.
  3. Essential oils of mint and eucalyptus can trigger allergies. Women with a tendency to such reactions should avoid Ingalipt.
  4. As a result of spraying the solution, the nerve receptors in the mouth and throat are irritated, which can cause nausea and vomiting.
  5. There are no data on the use of Ingalipt for the treatment of pregnant women.

Thus, before using Ingalipt during pregnancy, it is necessary to consult with a therapist and gynecologist. Doctors prescribe this drug after assessing the woman’s condition and all possible risks.

Possible negative consequences

Inhalipt during pregnancy is not prescribed in the first trimester; the instructions for the drug do not contain information about the effect of the drug on the fetus. The list of contraindications includes hypersensitivity to the components, a tendency to convulsions, the presence of renal failure, blood diseases, thyrotoxicosis and congenital deficiency of glycoso-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

The use of Inhalipt can cause a number of adverse reactions. The most common among them are allergic. Possible short-term soreness and burning in the throat, the appearance of ulcerations in the oral cavity, erythematous skin rash, headache, bradycardia, muscle tremors, mild motor disorders, as well as the development of anaphylactic shock.

While carrying a baby, many women's immunity decreases, so expectant mothers often get colds and acute respiratory infections, the symptoms of which are sore throats. To cope with discomfort, they usually prefer traditional medicine recipes, for example, remedies based on raspberries, lemon or honey.

But sometimes you have to resort to medications, for example, spraying Inhalipt into your throat. This drug affects the mucous membrane and helps to quickly relieve pain and inflammation. However, its use during pregnancy requires increased caution.

Features of the drug

"Ingalipt" is produced by several manufacturers in two forms - spray and aerosol. Their difference is the method of supplying the solution - in a spray the medicine is sprayed in doses, and the aerosol from the can is released by pressing, which requires more careful use.

Otherwise, such preparations are similar and are represented by a transparent yellowish liquid with a menthol odor. It is sold without a prescription in bottles ranging from 15 to 50 ml. On average, for 30 ml of Ingalipt you need to pay 70-80 rubles. It is recommended to store the medicine at home at room temperature for no longer than one year from the date of manufacture (the expiration date may vary, so it is important to check it when purchasing).

The solution contains 5 active substances, among which there is soluble streptocide (its second name is sodium sulfanilamide), oils from eucalyptus leaves and peppermint, thymol and sulfathiazole.

There is also Ingalipt-N, in which the last active ingredient is replaced with sodium norsulfazole. The inactive components of the drug are glycerin, sucrose, ethyl alcohol, water and polysorbate 80, and nitrogen is additionally present in aerosol form.

Operating principle

Inhalipt has an antimicrobial effect due to the presence of sulfonamides in the solution. Such substances are capable of destroying a large number of gram-positive microbes and some gram-negative microorganisms that cause diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity. However, they do not affect viruses, so in the event of an acute respiratory viral infection, a spray or aerosol will be ineffective.

The inclusion of thymol and vegetable oils in Ingalipt additionally affects bacteria, and also makes the drug active against pathogenic fungi. This allows the medication to be used when infected with candida.

In addition, the drug has some analgesic effects and helps in the fight against inflammation. A solution sprayed into the oral cavity settles on the mucous membrane, neutralizes infectious agents, reduces pain and cleanses the affected tissues of purulent plaque.

Is it allowed during pregnancy?

The abstract for Inhalipt does not contain any information about the possibility of using the drug in pregnant women, therefore If a sore throat occurs, the expectant mother should consult a doctor and coordinate treatment with him.

Many experts allow the use of Ingalipt for severe pain, and also note the predominantly local effect of the solution, which is why its harmful effect on the fetus is minimal. But there are many doctors who avoid prescribing the spray during pregnancy, since a sufficient number of studies have not been conducted on the effect of Ingalipt components on the development of the child.

Additionally, the doctor's decision is usually based on gestational age. In the 1st trimester, they prefer to refuse such medication, because the influence of any external factors can adversely affect the development of the embryo.

In addition, "Inhalipt" includes ethanol, which can also be harmful for the baby when his organs are just developing.

In the 2nd trimester, Inhalipt no longer poses a danger, so it can be used while expecting a child. However, even during this period, you should not use the aerosol without a doctor’s prescription. In addition, before using the medication, it is important to read the paper instructions, which are placed in a cardboard package along with the bottle.

For women who are already in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, Ingalipt is also allowed. During this period, the baby’s organs have already practically formed, and local treatment of the oropharynx is often unable to worsen the condition of the fetus. At the same time, it is permissible to spray the product as prescribed by a doctor, as well as subject to strict adherence to the dosage and dosage regimen prescribed by the specialist.

The use of Inhalipt is in demand for bacterial diseases in the mouth and pharynx. The drug is prescribed to patients with aphthous stomatitis, laryngitis, fungal infection of the oropharynx, laryngitis, pharyngitis and similar pathologies.

Contraindications and side effects

Spraying Inhalipt is prohibited only if you are hypersensitive to mint oil, thymol, streptocide, eucalyptus oil or another component of the solution. Manufacturers of aerosols and sprays do not note any other restrictions on the use of the drug.

Some women, after spraying Inhalipt in their mouths, complain of discomfort, such as a burning sensation or sore throat. Usually, Such side effects are short-term and soon disappear on their own.

If they are pronounced, further use of the aerosol or spray should be abandoned. In some cases, the drug provokes rashes, itching or other allergy symptoms, which is why Ingalipt is immediately discontinued.

Instructions for use

Before using any form of Inhalipt, it is recommended to rinse your throat and mouth with warm boiled water, and if a woman has ulcerative stomatitis or aphthae, then before irrigating, you need to clean the affected areas with cotton swabs (remove plaque). Further, the use of the medicine depends on the acquired form.

  • When using a spray, you must turn the spray tube so that it is located at a right angle to the bottle. Pointing the end of the tube into the oral cavity, press it 3-4 times, directing the sprayed liquid to the affected areas. The regimen for using Ingalipt in the form of a spray is determined by the doctor, but often the treatment is repeated every 2-3 hours up to five times during the day. To prevent the tube from becoming clogged, after each irrigation it is washed with water or blown out.
  • When using an aerosol, the container is released from the safety cap, after which a sprayer is installed on its head. The free part of the nozzle is inserted into the mouth and directed to the inflamed areas. To spray the required dose of medication, you need to press the head of the balloon for one or two seconds. Treatment is carried out 3-4 times a day, but a more precise treatment regimen is prescribed by a specialist. As when using a spray, the sprayer should be purged or rinsed with clean water after each manipulation. It is important to hold the bottle vertically while spraying.

The vast majority of women try to avoid taking many medications during pregnancy. Their action negatively affects the development of the child. Some drugs can cause serious pathologies. Is it possible to use Ingalipt? Are pregnancy and this drug compatible or not? Are there any contraindications, and how should pregnant women use it?

Action and composition of the drug

Inhalipt is an antiseptic, bactericidal, analgesic that is used for pain, sore throat, and discomfort in the throat. It has a not too pronounced mint flavor and is well tolerated by patients.

Its medicinal composition includes:

  • soluble streptocide, an antibacterial component that inhibits pathogenic infections;
  • Sodium sulfathiazole is an antimicrobial agent that stops the growth and reproduction of many pathogenic bacteria;
  • thymol is a herbal remedy made from thyme. Has antiseptic, analgesic, anthelmintic effects;
  • eucalyptus oil, which has a lot of useful therapeutic properties;
  • peppermint oil, anti-inflammatory, tonic, antiseptic, antifungal natural remedy.

Thanks to its powerful composition, Ingalipt eliminates not only painful symptoms, but also the cause of their occurrence.

Is Ingalipt allowed for pregnant women?

The spray was developed by Soviet scientists about 40 years ago to eliminate infectious diseases affecting the oral cavity, in particular the throat. Doctors sometimes recommend Ingalipt to pregnant women, based on the fact that it is a local drug. It is not completely absorbed into the blood and is considered relatively harmless to the fetus. But no relevant studies have been conducted on this issue, so the effect of Ingalipt on the unborn baby is not known for certain.

  1. Sulfonamides are antibacterial substances in the spray and are safe during pregnancy, depending on the duration of pregnancy.
  2. Streptocide, together with sodium sulfathiazole, is a substance whose effect on pregnant women has not been studied. They penetrate into the blood and through the placenta, and can accumulate in structures and tissues, as well as in amniotic fluid and placental blood. Before childbirth, medications based on them are used in cases where the risk to the fetus is considered justified.
    Treatment with sulfonamides during this period provokes anemia and jaundice in a developing baby. The negative impact of these substances on the metabolic processes of bilirubin can affect its penetration into the embryonic brain and cause serious damage.

Additional substances also pose a threat to pregnancy:

  1. Thymol, which is included in aerosols and sprays, often provokes miscarriages. It is contraindicated during pregnancy.
  2. Essential oils are allergens and can increase toxicosis.

The doctor must consider all these factors before allowing Ingalipt during pregnancy.

Use by trimester

Otolaryngologists prescribe medicine to expectant mothers for:

  • acute and chronic tonsillitis - a disease that affects the tonsils and causes severe pain in the throat;
  • laryngitis – inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa caused by a cold or infectious diseases;
  • pharyngitis - inflammation of the lymphoid and mucous structures of the pharynx;
  • aphthous and ulcerative stomatitis. This unpleasant disease affects the oral cavity and often occurs with relapses;
  • colds caused by hypothermia, reduced immunity, vitamin deficiency.

At the same time, be sure to look at the timing of pregnancy and the general well-being of the woman.

Inhalipt can cause harm in the 1st trimester, since the fetus is just forming. Any chemical invasions can have a negative impact on its development and even cause death. Using the spray in the early stages is strictly prohibited. Inhalipt prescribed in the 2nd trimester will cause less harm, but it must be used with extreme caution. In later stages, a spray for a sore throat is not used, as the danger to the child increases.

Before using the medicine, it is recommended to rinse your mouth and throat with warm chamomile decoction or calendula tincture. The nozzle is directed strictly vertically to the affected area. When irrigating, try not to inhale. You are allowed to use the drug no more than 2-3 times a day. After use, refrain from eating and drinking for 15-20 minutes so that the active components of Inhalipt have time to take effect.

What side effects may there be?

During pregnancy, it is not advisable to take medications that include ethyl alcohol, taste-improving sugar, allergens and antibacterial substances. All this is included in Inhalipt. Alcohol and sugar act as preservatives here and are contained in small quantities. They will not harm the unborn child. But allergens can cause a serious reaction in a woman, including the most dangerous angioedema.

The instructions for use of Ingalipt state that if the recommended doses are not followed, an overdose may occur. Women who use it at the beginning and end of pregnancy should be especially careful.

The spray can cause birth defects in the fetus, premature placental aging and oxygen starvation.

Intolerance to Inhalipt in a woman can manifest itself as nausea, gag reflex, dizziness, and allergies. At the same time, the signs of toxicosis increase significantly. If undesirable symptoms appear, stop using Inhalipt and select a more suitable remedy.

Contraindications during pregnancy

The drug is not prescribed:

  • during lactation;
  • during pregnancy (depending on the period);
  • individual intolerance to active substances.

When using Ingalipt spray, a woman may feel a burning sensation and sore throat.

How can I replace Inhalipt?

Since the 3rd trimester and the beginning of pregnancy do not allow treatment with Inhalipt, a safer medication can be selected for therapy.

Table of antiseptics allowed for women while pregnant

Drug name Release form Contraindications Side effects
Lysobacter Sucking tablets in blisters

children under 3 years old;

malabsorption syndrome

Possible itching, nausea, drowsiness, vomiting, headache - common manifestations of allergies

Tantum Verde

Square suckable tablets;

mint scented spray;

solution in 120 ml bottles

violation of amino acid metabolism (when taking tablets),

individual intolerance;

children under 12 years old

burning, dry mouth,


sudden contraction of the muscles of the larynx,

skin rashes

Aerosol with menthol scent;

minty scented solution for topical use

children under 3 years old;

individual intolerance

taste disturbance
Miramistin Spray that foams when shakenindividual intolerance to active substancesburning at the treatment site
Faringosept Sucking tabletshypersensitivity to active componentsnot found


children under 5 years old;

hypersensitivity to active components

dryness and burning of the mucous membrane; swelling at the site of irrigation; itching and rashes on the skin

Medicines such as Hexoral, Faringosept, Miramistin and Cameton have also not been studied enough for use in pregnant women. The doctor, having decided to prescribe them, strictly monitors the patient’s condition.

You cannot prescribe the drug yourself, even if the instructions do not indicate that it is contraindicated during pregnancy. Only a specialist can do this.

The substances that make up any antiseptic have different effects on both the woman and the fetus. The doctor will tell you whether this or that remedy can be used.

Pregnant women prefer to treat colds with traditional methods: honey, lemon, raspberry jam. But when the pain in the throat becomes unbearable, you cannot do without medication. What drugs are allowed? Some doctors recommend Inhalipt during pregnancy.

Let's take a closer look at what the composition of the drug is, will it harm the baby's health?

When is the drug prescribed?

Inhalipt is a combination medication for local treatment of infectious pathologies of the upper respiratory tract. It has an antiseptic and local anesthetic effect.

The drug should be prescribed by a doctor for throat diseases:

  • tonsillitis, including bacterial nature (angina);
  • pharyngitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • flu accompanied by sore throat.

The use of the medicine helps eliminate pain, inflammation, and neutralize pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The effect is observed almost immediately, inflammation and irritation of the mucous membrane is noticeably reduced.

With hot tea

Ingalipt can be used in the form of a spray or aerosol can:

  • when using a spray, it is easier to monitor the dosage, since the bottle is equipped with a dispenser, which, when pressed, dispenses only the required amount of medicine;
  • the aerosol stream is sprayed as long as pressure is applied to it, so the dosage must be controlled. The advantage of an aerosol is the ability to spray small particles of the solution deep into the respiratory tract.

Composition and properties of aerosol, spray

The drug has the following pharmacological actions:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • pain reliever;
  • bactericidal.

Ingalipt contains the following components:

  • sodium sulfathiazole;
  • sodium sulfonamide;
  • eucalyptus oil;
  • peppermint oil;
  • thymol.

Streptocide and sulfathiazole have an antimicrobial effect, act quickly and are effective in treating colds. When sprayed, the medicine reaches the inflamed areas of the mucous membrane.

Thymol, mint and eucalyptus oils have antifungal, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and anesthetic properties.

These components allow you to quickly relieve inflammation and pain in the throat and prevent the development of complications. During pregnancy, the spray not only quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms, but also fights the causes of throat diseases.

The medicine can be purchased in the following variations:

  • Inhalipt forte. In addition to the classic components of the spray, the drug contains sage leaf extract, which has an expectorant, astringent and disinfectant effect;
  • Inhalipt forte with chamomile. The combined composition has a detrimental effect even on resistant strains of bacteria, due to which it has a wide range of applications;
  • Inhalipt N - instead of sodium sulfathiazole, the composition contains the sulfanilamide substance norsulfazole.

Ingalipt Vialine spray, Ingalipt Health forte and others are also known.

Effective antiseptic

In what trimester of pregnancy can Inhalipt be used?

Is it possible to use Ingalipt spray during pregnancy, what do the instructions for use say about this? Sometimes doctors recommend it for severe sore throat, but with caution.

Experts explain their recommendations by saying that the antiseptic has a local effect and practically does not penetrate into the blood, so the harm from its use to the fetus is minimal. However, no studies have been conducted regarding the harm of the drug for pregnant women, which must be taken into account when choosing it for the treatment of colds.

The question of whether Ingalipt can be taken in the early stages of pregnancy or in the 3rd trimester is decided individually by the attending physician.

Pros and cons in the 1st trimester

It is not advisable to use Ingalipt during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. During this period, all the vital functions of the child are formed, and any medications can interfere with this process.

In addition, the drug can increase the symptoms of toxicosis due to the content of eucalyptus and peppermint oils (strong allergens), causing nausea and vomiting.

Use in the 2nd trimester

Inhalipt spray during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester (5-6 months) is no longer so dangerous. But only a doctor can prescribe Inhalipt and carefully monitor the dosage.

Before using the spray, you must carefully read the instructions. It is usually found inside the package.

Is it possible to spray on the third?

Taking Inhalipt during advanced pregnancy is practically harmless. All the baby’s organs are formed, so the medicine cannot harm. But it should be used in minimal dosages and on the recommendation of a doctor.

Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects

The main danger of the drug lies in the content of streptocide and sulfathiazole. They penetrate the placental barrier and in the last weeks of pregnancy can cause anemia and jaundice in the fetus.
Considering the effect of the drug on the body of a pregnant woman, expectant mothers and fathers need to think carefully about using Ingalipt during pregnancy, or choose one of the safer means.

Instructions for use during pregnancy

Inhalipt in the form of a spray during pregnancy can be used up to 3-4 times a day. If you spray more often, the concentration of active substances in the blood will increase, and this can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

The duration of therapy should not exceed 7 days (one week). As prescribed by a doctor, the duration of use may be slightly increased.

Inhalation is performed as follows:

  1. Rinse your mouth with warm water.
  2. Clean areas with mucus or plaque (if any) with a special swab or cotton swab.
  3. Irrigate your mouth with a spray. Inhalation duration is 1-2 seconds.

You can eat and drink 20-30 minutes after the procedure. If inflammation is severe, you should not talk or go outside during treatment.

The sprayer should be kept clean, after using the drug, rinse it with warm water and then dry it in a warm place.


In what cases should the medication not be used? The instructions indicate the following contraindications:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • children under three years of age;
  • tendency to seizures;
  • renal failure and diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • blood diseases;
  • congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • hypersensitivity to one or more components (may cause allergies in women).

Pros and cons of Inhalipt

Ingalipt during pregnancy - benefit or harm? What do doctors say about this?
The positive aspects of use include local action. The active components come into contact only with the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and enter the blood in minimal quantities, so the negative impact on the fetus and the gestation process is insignificant.
Another advantage of the drug, which is noted by everyone who has used it, is the rapid elimination of sore throat due to bacterial and viral infections. The spray relieves irritation, relieves inflammation in the oral cavity, and restores damaged mucous membranes.

The drug is generally well tolerated

The arguments of opponents of the drug are as follows:

  • thymol and sulfonamides are strictly prohibited due to their toxic effect on the fetus. Studies on rats have confirmed this;
  • the drug contains ethyl alcohol, which is prohibited in the first, second and third trimesters;
  • Eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils are known to cause allergic reactions. It is better to refrain from using it for women prone to allergic reactions;
  • due to substances that affect the nerve receptors of the oral cavity, the drug can cause nausea and vomiting in the 1st trimester.

Adverse reactions to the components of the spray

The drug can cause a number of side effects. The most common are allergic reactions. Other possible side effects:

  • short burning and sore throat;
  • bradycardia;
  • headache;
  • muscle tremors;
  • minor motor disorders;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • renal dysfunction.

If any of these side effects develop, you should stop using the dangerous drug and consult your doctor.

Can I use it while breastfeeding?

During breastfeeding, the medication is contraindicated if you follow the instructions. But many doctors may prescribe the drug if a woman experiences severe discomfort while swallowing.

Provides complex pathogenetic therapy

During the period of use of the drug, you must stop breastfeeding, as the components included in the composition penetrate into breast milk. Immediately after pain relief, the medicine is replaced by rinsing with decoctions of chamomile, sage, and eucalyptus.

Drug analogues

What other means can replace the medication if it is not suitable for pregnant women? Drugs with similar effectiveness and action are presented in the table:

NameHow to use
FaringoseptAllowed even in the early stages and during lactation. Tablets are dissolved 1 quarter of an hour after meals. Duration of treatment: 3-5 days.
KametonThe spray is injected for 1-2 seconds up to 3-4 times a day. It is forbidden to use if there is hypertonicity of the uterus, as the drug contains petroleum jelly, which can cause premature birth.
HexoralUsed for washing and gargling. For 1 procedure, use 10-15 ml of solution.
Lugol's solutionIrrigate or lubricate the lining of the mouth 4-6 times a day for up to two weeks.
Tantum verde spraySpray 4-8 pumps every 1.5-2 hours until the sore throat is relieved.

Intended for local inhalation use

During the period of bearing a baby, the immune system of a woman’s body does not work to its full potential. This is a physiological process aimed at preserving and bearing the fetus. During these nine months, the expectant mother tries to take care of her health and not get sick. Unfortunately, the body becomes very vulnerable during this period, so women often encounter colds and viral infections. The respiratory organs are the first to be affected, and a sore throat becomes a frequent companion during pregnancy. Experts warn that the throat must be treated. After all, if measures are not taken in time, a slight sore throat can lead to complications in the form of a sore throat. Doctors often prescribe medications to expectant mothers to treat sore throats. One of these is Ingalipt.

Ingalipt during pregnancy

Doctors never cease to remind expectant mothers of the need to protect themselves from viruses and infections. But if the immune system fails and the woman gets sick, it is better to immediately seek help from a specialist. Even today, in the era of information technology, when all information is freely available, women prefer not to go to the doctor, but to treat themselves with folk remedies. Doctors do not argue that folk remedies have a positive effect, but it is better to use them only after consultation with a specialist and as part of complex therapy.

Throat diseases can lead to serious complications for the fetus. This condition is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the embryo is not protected by the placenta. Pathogenic bacteria penetrate the embryo through the blood and can cause pathologies in the development of the unborn baby. There are cases when diseases in the first 12 weeks led to pregnancy fading.

That is why experts insist that pregnant women take responsibility for their health. After all, the health and life of the unborn child depends on their decision. Modern medicine offers many drugs that practitioners prescribe to expectant mothers in short courses to speed up recovery and not harm the baby.

Specialists treat diseases of the ENT organs with antiseptic drugs, mainly in the form of a spray. One of the long-known and well-proven remedies is Ingalipt. This drug has been produced for decades, since 1969, but doctors’ opinions on the use of Ingalipt during pregnancy are still controversial. Some doctors claim that the drug is safe for the fetus, because is a local antiseptic and is not absorbed into the systemic circulation. But another category of specialists has an opposite opinion due to the components of the drug. Ingalipt contains sulfonamide (streptocide).

Streptocide is effective for sore throats, quickly relieves symptoms and fights bacteria. But it is dangerous for the fetus, especially in the 1st and 2nd trimesters: during these periods the formation of the organs and systems of the unborn child occurs. And the use of sulfonamide can cause developmental pathologies and fetal growth retardation.

Today, Ingalipt is not the drug of choice for treating a sore throat for women while they are expecting a child. It cannot be used independently. According to the instructions, this medicine can be prescribed by a doctor only in extreme cases, when the benefits to the woman’s health outweigh the possible risks to the unborn child. Most often, Ingalipt is prescribed after 20 weeks of pregnancy, when all the fetal organs are already formed.

When can a doctor prescribe a drug?

The drug is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system. However, if a woman is diagnosed with acute bacterial or viral infections, treatment with Inhalipt alone is not enough. In this case, the drug may be recommended in combination with other medications. Inhalipt is effective for:

  • tonsillitis: inflammation of the tonsils in acute or chronic forms. Tonsils are unique barriers to bacteria and viruses;
  • pharyngitis: severe inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa, accompanied by pain and sore throat;
  • stomatitis: inflammatory disease of the oral cavity;
  • laryngitis: inflammation of the larynx. The disease affects the voice: at the initial stage it becomes hoarse, and after a while it may disappear.

Colds during pregnancy - video

Composition of the drug and its effect

Inhalipt is a combined remedy that has antimicrobial and mild analgesic properties, and also relieves inflammation. This effect is achieved due to the presence of the following components:

  • sulfonamide: effective against pathogenic bacteria that cause throat diseases;
  • Eucalyptus oil: helps relieve inflammation and has a mild analgesic effect;
  • mint oil: effective against fungi of the genus Candida;
  • thymol: is a strong allergen, therefore its use during pregnancy is contraindicated.
  • sodium sulfathiazole: An antibacterial agent that is effective against bacteria.

Inhalipt is most effective at the very beginning of the disease, so it is advisable to prescribe it at the first symptoms.

Which is more convenient: spray or aerosol?

The drug is available in two forms: spray and aerosol. The price category of Ingalipt in both of these forms is almost the same. The drug in both forms is equally effective for throat diseases. Therefore, which release form to choose depends on the woman’s individual preferences. Unlike an aerosol, the spray does not need to be shaken before each use.

According to reviews from women who have used Ingalipt, the drug is more convenient to use in spray form. This is due to the fact that with one click on the spray nozzle, one dose of the drug is released. This makes it easier to determine the right dosage. When using an aerosol, the solution is sprayed in small doses, i.e. as long as the woman presses the nozzle. In this case, it is easy to increase the recommended dose, which can lead to negative consequences for the fetus.

Rules for using Inhalipt: instructions

A pregnant woman should know that the required dosage and time of use of the drug are determined only by the doctor. It depends on the course of pregnancy, the established diagnosis and the absence of contraindications. When spraying the medicine you need:

According to the instructions, when using an aerosol, you must press the nozzle for 1–2 seconds; if a woman uses a spray, 1–2 sprays are enough. Use Ingalipt three times a day for at least 7–10 days. However, during pregnancy, the dosage and time of use are reduced to reduce the risk of negative consequences for the unborn baby. Most often, it is prescribed to be used twice a day: one injection in the morning and one in the evening. After using the drug, do not eat or drink for thirty minutes. During this time, the active ingredients are absorbed into the mucous membrane. The maximum duration of administration should not exceed 3–4 days.

List of contraindications and side effects

The only contraindication to the use of Ingalipt is individual sensitivity to the components of the drug.

Experts warn that the oils included in the drug can cause an allergic reaction during pregnancy.

While using the medicine, a woman may feel a slight burning sensation. According to the instructions, this is a normal phenomenon that disappears a few seconds after irrigation and does not require discontinuation of the drug. But irritation of the throat mucosa, swelling or other signs of an allergic reaction imply immediate cessation of use of Inhalipt.

What drugs are suitable for replacement?

Ingalipt is produced by several companies and not only in the Russian Federation. The most famous and identical in composition to Ingalipt:

  • Novoingalpt is an antiseptic that is used only locally;
  • Ingalipt-N is an inhalation spray that also has a cooling property;
  • Inhalipt-health - liquid extract of sage leaves is added to the composition of the drug.

Inhalipt is not the safest remedy for use by pregnant women. Therefore, doctors today are trying to find a safer remedy that also effectively combats the symptoms of diseases of the throat and oral cavity. The most popular are:

  • Miramistin is an antiseptic that is effective in the fight against viruses, bacteria and fungi. It is popular during pregnancy because... has no taste or odor, therefore does not cause nausea and vomiting, like most other sprays;
  • Oralcept is an anti-inflammatory drug that is most often prescribed in complex therapy;
  • Tantum Verde - in addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, it also has an analgesic effect. The product has a pleasant mint taste;
  • Faringosept - the drug is available in tablet form and is effective in the treatment of diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

Medicines allowed during pregnancy

Oralcept has an anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the throat Tantum Verde is used to treat diseases of the ENT organs Broad-spectrum antiseptic drug Miramistin Faringosept is approved for use in any trimester of pregnancy

Characteristics of drugs for the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs

NameRelease formActive substanceContraindicationsUse during pregnancy
spraybenzydaminehypersensitivity to benzydamineDuring pregnancy, the drug is used only after consultation with your doctor.
  • spray;
  • lozenges;
  • rinse solution.
benzydamine hydrochloride
  • hypersensitivity to benzydamine or other components of the drug;
  • phenylketonuria (for tablets).
Prescribed according to indications.
solutionbenzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrateindividual intolerance to the components of the drugAllowed for use during pregnancy