Medicines for the treatment of ear inflammation. List of good ear drops for otitis media in adults. What is otitis media

Have you or your child been diagnosed with otitis media? And you don’t know how to cure it, what drops to use? First, you should consult with your doctor about the use of this or that product. Today we will find out what drops the doctor can prescribe for both children and their parents. We will also find out what measures exist to prevent such an unpleasant and painful disease as otitis media.

Inflammation of the middle ear: symptoms

Usually this problem appears with a runny nose. Most often, the disease occurs in newborns and young children. This is due to the fact that children’s hair is shorter and much narrower than adults’. And it turns out that it is easier for fluid to become trapped in the middle ear. Most often, the disease can appear between the ages of six months and one year. Parents can independently determine inflammation of the middle ear. Below are the symptoms that a mother may notice in her baby with this disease:

The baby constantly rubs his ear.

The child becomes irritated and whiny.

The boy or girl begins to eat poorly.

The child sleeps restlessly at night.

The baby has a persistent cough.

The child has a runny nose.

The baby has diarrhea.

The baby stops paying attention to quiet sounds, as if he doesn’t hear them at all.

The child loses his balance.

If these symptoms are observed in your baby, then you should not put off going to the pediatrician. After all, inflammation in the middle ear can even lead to inflammation due to the high pressure that occurs inside this organ. Therefore, treatment in this case should be immediate. Of course, doctors prescribe complex therapy, but a mandatory point is the use of such a remedy as They will act locally, so they will not have any effect on other organs.

names of effective remedies

For otitis of various types, the most effective and convenient to use are local treatments. Drops for ear inflammation for both adults and children can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Glucocorticosteroids. This includes drugs such as Garazon, Dexona, Sofradex and others.
  2. Antibacterial agents. This group can include the following drops: “Otofa”, “Normax”, “Tsipromed”, “Fugentin” and others.
  3. Drugs containing anti-inflammatory substances. This includes drops "Otipax", "Otinum" and others.

Products for children

Drops in the ear for inflammation in a child should be used in a certain dosage. The table below discusses effective drugs and the possibility of their use in relation to children of different ages.

Use of the drug "Miramidez"

With otitis media of both acute and chronic nature.

Children are instilled with Otofa drops three times a day. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe another method of therapy - pour this medicine into the ear canal, after which the child should stand for about 2 minutes, and then the medicine should be removed cotton swab. The duration of treatment with this drug should not exceed 7 days; after all, it is an antibiotic.

Before using the drops, you need to hold the bottle in your palms a little so that the medicine warms up. This is necessary so that the child does not experience discomfort during treatment caused by the penetration of the cold product into the ear. Also, parents should not touch the bottle to the hearing organ to reduce the risk of spreading the infection. It should be buried carefully.

Use of the drug "Otipax"

These ear drops for ear inflammation consist of such main components as lidocaine and phenazone. Thanks to them, you can quickly eliminate pain in the hearing organ. Otipax is a disinfectant that does not damage the eardrum.

These drops can be prescribed to children in the following cases:

In the acute phase of otitis media and externa.

In case of ear congestion caused by complications of influenza, colds or ARVI.

If the hearing organ is damaged as a result of barotrauma.

Drops for inflammation in the ear "Otipax" reduce pain and swelling, while they do not have a toxic effect on the body. The drug has few contraindications; it is used even on infants. Plus, the product comes in a very convenient form. A soft pipette is also included with the medicine.

Use of the drug "Otinum"

The use of these drops is indicated for acute and chronic otitis in children. The drug relieves pain thanks to the main component - choline salicylate. In addition, these drops have an anti-inflammatory effect: they suppress the effectiveness of enzymes that support the inflammatory process. The medicine is prescribed for children from 1 year of age, however, even in this case there are some restrictions. Thus, ear drops for ear inflammation “Otinum” cannot be used (or should be used only under the strict supervision of a doctor) in the following situations:

With a damaged eardrum. The fact is that the medicine can penetrate into the middle ear and cause partial or even complete deafness in the child.

It is worth limiting or completely eliminating the use of this remedy if its components cause allergic reactions(severe itching, swelling).

Children who suffer from acute rhinitis, bronchial asthma, and urticaria should not use these drops for inflammation in the ear, so as not to get complications from existing ailments.

You should not use the drug if you are hypersensitive to salicylates.

Drugs for adults

What drops can a doctor prescribe for women and men for inflammation of the middle ear? The list of these drugs is long, but we will focus on the most common and effective drugs. So, the following drops are most often used for ear inflammation in adults:

  1. The drug "Anauran".
  2. Means "Normax".
  3. Candibiotic drops.

It is important to consider here that not all remedies can be prescribed after damage to the membrane. Before such a violation of the integrity of the tissue, drops are prescribed that have an analgesic effect, for example the drug “Anaurin”. During this period, there is no point in using drugs with antibiotics, because they will not reach the source of inflammation. At the same time, when perforation has occurred, it is prohibited to instill painkillers. The fact is that the substances contained in them can damage the snail cells. At this time, it is antibiotic drops that will be effective. For example, in this case you can already use the medicine “Normax”.

The drug "Anauran"

These drops should be used for acute otitis media at the stage before perforation. The product is injected into the ear using a pipette. After instillation, it is important to keep your head tilted for 2 minutes. Adults are prescribed 4 or 5 drops 2 to 4 times a day. The duration of therapy should not be more than 7 days. The drug “Anauran” cannot be used longer than this time, as this can lead to the development of superinfection (immunity of microorganisms to the drug).

Ear inflammation: treatment. Sofradex drops

This remedy can also be used for otitis media, but already at the lesion stage eardrum. The medicine should be administered 1 or 2 drops into each ear up to 4 times a day. Before using the drug, it is important to sanitize the external auditory canal. That is, you need to rinse and dry your ears. Also, the drops should be warm. To carry out the manipulation, you need to lie on your side and drip the product. After this, you need to let the drops drain to the right place. To do this, you can pull the earlobe down and back. Keep your head tilted back for about 2 minutes. If the usual instillation of the drug brings discomfort, then it is better to use tampons. To do this, you need to twist a clean piece of gauze, soak it in Sofradex solution and then insert it into your ear. It is necessary to remove the turundas and replace them with new ones 3 or 4 times a day.

The drug "Candibiotic"

These drops for inflammation in the ear can also be used for allergic pathological processes on average, as well as external organ hearing The drug "Candibiotic" can be used until the membrane is perforated. The drug is prescribed 4 or 5 drops three times a day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 10 days. Often, if the patient strictly follows the instructions, his condition improves already on the 3rd day after the start of therapy. After the drops are administered, the bottle of medicine should be tightly closed. The open drug should be used for 1 month, after which it should be disposed of.

Prevention of otitis

In order to prevent the occurrence of acute inflammation in the organ of hearing, it is important to adhere to the following points:

  1. Infection should not be allowed to enter the ear cavity. And to do this, you should clean the ear and nasal passages.
  2. Children need to be taught to blow their nose correctly. To do this, first press one nostril, and then the other.
  3. It is important to promptly treat rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, as well as diseased teeth. Indeed, often these diseases can cause complications and cause otitis media.
  4. Conduct hardening procedures for adults and children.
  5. To prevent exacerbation of chronic otitis while taking a shower or bath, you need to cover the external auditory canal with a cotton swab dipped in sunflower oil.

Experts' opinions

Otolaryngologists unanimously say that treating inflammation in the ear without an accurate diagnosis is stupid and dangerous. A person must definitely come for an examination to a doctor; a specialist will listen to his complaints, clarify his symptoms, examine the ear canal, and take samples for analysis (if necessary). And only when he conducts an examination will he be able to prescribe complex therapy, in which ear drops will be one of the main medications. As for traditional methods of treatment, otolaryngologists strongly advise against resorting to them. It’s good if grandma’s methods bring relief and remove the symptoms of the disease. But there is a huge danger that the disease will not be completely cured, and eventually it will become chronic and lead to complications.

From this article you learned how to eliminate inflammation of the middle ear. Treatment (drops Miramidez, Otofa, Candibiotic and others are successfully used for this purpose) must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. A person should not buy these medications on his own, because the patient does not know whether the membrane was perforated or not. Only a specialist can determine this during examination. Therefore, in any case, no matter how severe the ear pain, it is important to consult an otolaryngologist and be examined.

Ear drops– an effective remedy for otitis media. Their advantage is that the medicine directly reaches the site of the lesion, which is important for inflammation of the middle ear. However, drops are a serious remedy; using it thoughtlessly can be dangerous. Therefore, it is important to know which ones are better in each specific situation.

It is important to remember that treatment of otitis media is always complex. Therapy is selected only by a doctor after diagnosis; depending on the nature and severity of the disease, medications and procedures are prescribed. Therefore, it is better not to try to choose ear drops on your own; you should immediately go through the necessary research and get correct recommendations.

What drops can be used

In general, all drops can be divided into three groups:

  1. Drops based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  2. Drops based on antibacterial agents.
  3. Combined drops with glucocorticosteroids and antibiotics.

Also, for otitis media, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are sometimes used if there is a runny nose or severe swelling. For example, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Ximelin and others.

The right medications will help you achieve get well soon. The main thing is not to delay treatment; acute otitis media can become chronic if proper therapy is neglected.

Important! If the condition does not improve or worsens during treatment with drops, you should contact your doctor again.

In order for the benefits of the medicine to be most noticeable, you need to be able to use it correctly. Drops are topical preparations, so the result of treatment depends on more precise application of the medicine. General rules instillations are as follows:

  1. You need to lie on your side, the painful side up.
  2. When instilling, adults need to pull the auricle back and up, for children under 3 years old - pull the earlobe back and down, this will straighten the ear canal.
  3. When administered, the drops should be at a comfortable temperature. Before instillation, you can hold the bottle in your hands. The pipette can be kept in hot water; the drops themselves should not be used as they may spoil.
  4. You can drip either from a pipette, or moisten a cotton swab with the medicine and insert it into the ear. You should carefully read the instructions for the drug to see if these drops can be used for perforation of the eardrum.
  5. After instillation, you need to lie down for 3-5 minutes so that the medicine flows down the ear canal and reaches the source of inflammation.

Compliance with these rules will help make the treatment most effective. The subtleties of administering drops may vary depending on the course of the disease and the chosen medication.


Otipax is a proven means of combating otitis media. It has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, more effective against external otitis and in the early stages of otitis media, until the eardrum is damaged. After its perforation, Otipax is contraindicated.

Otipax has almost no contraindications: the drops are suitable for adults and even infants. Pregnant women and during lactation use with caution. Otipax may cause allergies, so it is better to consult a doctor.

Important! Otipax should not be combined with other drugs.

Apply 3-4 drops up to three times a day, the dosage is confirmed with an otolaryngologist. The duration of the course is no more than 10 days.


Sofradex - antibiotic drops with strong anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect. It is used in the treatment of otitis of the external ear, and sometimes helps with diseases of an allergic nature. One of the disadvantages of the medicine is burning and itching in the ear after instillation, which appears in most cases.

The drug is contraindicated in newborns, during lactation and pregnancy. There are other contraindications, for example, damage to the eardrum, since the antibiotic included in the medicine has an ototoxic effect.

Apply 2-3 drops up to four times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.


Anauran is a medicine with a strong anesthetic and antiviral effect, is especially widely used for purulent otitis media. The drug is suitable for the treatment of chronic and acute forms.

Anauran is contraindicated in children under one year of age; it is used with caution during pregnancy and lactation. Anauran should not be used for more than a week; it contains an antibiotic, and long-term use may cause severe side effects.

3-5 drops of medicine are dripped up to four times a day, depending on the severity of the disease and the age of the patient.


Otofa - inexpensive drops for otitis media, a strong antibiotic. It is used for acute and chronic ear diseases as an antibacterial agent; this medicine is not used against pain.

Instill 3-5 drops three times a day, depending on the age of the patient and the course of the disease. These drops are often classified as products for children, but Otofa is contraindicated for pregnant women.


Otinum - cheap drops with a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, help with otitis media different types, including fungal infections. Otinum has almost no contraindications, allergic reactions are rare.

Otinum should not be used if the eardrum is damaged; the salicylic acid content can harm hearing.


Normax - antibiotics for otitis in adults, children under 18 years of age, during pregnancy and lactation they should not be taken. The drug can cause severe allergies, so before use you need to consult a specialist; weaker agents may be suitable. One of the advantages of this medicine is its low price.

Cipropharm drops

Cipropharm is used for diseases of the eye and ear; this medicine has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. It can be used after operations to prevent complications.

Apply 3-4 drops every 12 hours depending on the age of the patient. The course should not last more than a week. Cipropharm can be given to children after one year of age.

Important! If you are allergic to a medicine, you should consult a doctor and choose another drug.

Other remedies for otitis media

There are other drugs that can be instilled into the ear for otitis media, but their effectiveness is controversial. They should only be used if it is not possible to see a doctor or purchase specialized drops.


This remedy can only be used for purulent otitis media. Pregnant, lactating and children under one year old should not use Levomycetin. This drug is available in different forms; an alcohol solution of Levomycetin is suitable for the treatment of ear disease.

Drip 2-3 drops of solution no more than three times a day. The frequency can only be changed with the permission of the attending physician. Levomycetin is usually used in combination, if there is a lot of discharge, the form of otitis is severe, the medicine will not be fully effective.

Boric alcohol

Boric alcohol is considered an outdated treatment for ear diseases, but some people prefer to use it because of its low price and availability. The benefits of boric alcohol are controversial, so it is better to use it if other treatments are not available.

Boric alcohol can be dripped into the ear after warming it up. Cold liquid may increase pain. Adults take three drops about four times a day. Drip using a pipette.

A safer way is to drip using a cotton pad. A few drops of boric alcohol are applied to a turunda or a small twisted strand of cotton wool, then it is inserted into the ear. It is better to do the procedure in the evening; the turunda should be left in the ear overnight.

Important! Use boric alcohol and chloramphenicol alcohol if the eardrum is damaged, it is strictly prohibited.

There are other contraindications and side effects in which boric alcohol can be dangerous:

  1. Pregnancy, lactation period, age up to three years. Also, boric alcohol should not be used if there is a violation of the liver or kidneys, or if allergies are likely to occur.
  2. Results of the toxic effects of boric acid. They usually appear if treatment with alcohol lasts more than ten days, the procedure is carried out too often.
  3. When using boric alcohol, nausea, vomiting, confusion, convulsions, and other symptoms of intoxication may occur. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

When used carefully, boric alcohol can have a beneficial effect on otitis media.


If the acute stage develops rapidly and severe pain appears, accompanied by inflammation, you can make a vodka compress. This will temporarily weaken the course of the disease and help you wait until you seek professional medical help.

You need to slightly warm the vodka. For a compress, apply a few drops of vodka to a cotton swab, apply it to your ear and wrap it around your head with a bandage; you can wrap it with a scarf on top to maintain warmth. The compress can be left overnight.

Important! Pure alcohol cannot be used; the strength of the solution should not be higher than the strength of vodka.

There is currently a huge selection various means and ear drops with different principles of action, with the help of which you can quickly and relatively easily cure otitis media and prevent it from developing into a chronic form.

The inflammatory process in the ear causes a lot of unpleasant sensations. The pain syndrome, signaling the development of otitis media, mostly affects children, but adults are no exception. It is quite possible to fight the disease at home if the ear drops are chosen correctly. In case of inflammation, they must be part of complex therapy.

Causes of ear inflammation

The inflammatory process taking place in the auricle and caused by bacteria entering it is called otitis. The disease, perhaps, relates more to children, because 80% of patients with characteristic symptoms are children of different age groups. Have a local effect

There are several forms of otitis: middle, internal and external. Most often recorded otitis media, in which suppuration of the eardrum occurs. Lead to similar condition can staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci and hemophilus influenzae. Bacteria are able to penetrate into the ear cavity from the nasopharynx during colds and viral diseases.

Otitis media can be recognized by the following signs:

  • Sharp (shooting) pain in the ear.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Pain when trying to open your mouth.
  • Slight swelling of the shell, redness.
  • Discharge of pus (2-3 days after the first signs appear).

Drops in the ears for inflammation and pain should be selected by an otolaryngologist after a preliminary examination of the patient. It is not advisable to delay visiting a medical facility, because otitis media neglected form significantly impairs hearing and leads to the development of hearing loss.

Ear drops (anti-inflammatory): types

In most cases, otitis media occurs in a purulent form and requires a special approach to treatment. Drops used for local therapy, are divided into several groups:

  • Mono-products- Contains a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
  • Combination drugs- several active substances have an effect.
  • Antibacterial drops- capable of fighting bacterial pathogens at the local level.

This classification allows you to select the most effective drops in the ears. In case of inflammation and severe pain, you should seek medical help. Only a specialist can determine the etiology of the disease and select effective therapy. Self-medication can, at best, temporarily relieve pain and lead to complications.

What to consider when treating otitis media?

The inflammatory process in the ear almost always manifests itself as pain. Warming compresses, which alleviate the condition, are prohibited from being used at high temperatures and purulent discharge from the ear canal. Children and adults are allowed to take painkillers based on paracetamol and ibuprofen. Ear drops (anti-inflammatory) can also relieve acute pain. If a small child becomes ill, you must immediately contact an otolaryngologist or call a local pediatrician at home.

The discharge of a yellowish fluid indicates that the eardrum has ruptured. There is no need to put cotton wool in the ear or clean out pus from the ear canal with a cotton swab at this time. With such manipulations, the infection can penetrate deeper and cause complications. You can safely clean the auricle using ear pads soaked in hydrogen peroxide.

Before placing drops in your ears, you should consult an ENT doctor. The drug is selected depending on the etiology of inflammation in the ear cavity. IN mandatory Vasoconstrictor medications for the nose are prescribed. Antibacterial therapy will be effective only for purulent otitis, its duration is usually 5-7 days.

Otipax drops: description of the product

Most ENT doctors prefer to prescribe Otipax to patients. It contains lidocaine and phenazole, which block pain syndrome. The combined drug effectively treats any type of otitis and is approved for use by infants and pregnant women, as confirmed by the instructions. Ear drops are produced in small bottles, onto which a special soft pipette is placed before use.

In the acute phase of otitis, the drug is not prescribed. In rare cases, an allergic reaction to lidocaine may occur. Despite the lack of an antibacterial component, the drops have proven themselves well and can be used to eliminate ear inflammation. "Otipax", the price of which ranges from 180 to 220 rubles, has no systemic effect and is not absorbed into the blood, which practically eliminates contraindications for use and side effects.

When should you not use Otipax drops?

If the eardrum has ruptured, the product should not be used. Drops are not prescribed if the active ingredients are intolerant. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, prescriptions should only be made by the attending physician.

Drops "Normax": the effect of the drug

"Normax" - antibacterial drops, which are used to treat inflammatory processes of bacterial etiology in the ear cavity and on the mucous membrane of the eyes. The active ingredient, norfloxacin, is considered a fairly strong substance and destroys most pathological microorganisms. That is why the drug is prescribed for the treatment of all types of otitis media, as well as for ophthalmological pathologies.

The anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect is absent in the drug "Normax". Drops are well tolerated almost always, but are prohibited for use by children (under 18 years of age), pregnant women and nursing mothers. Rarely, side effects occur in the form of peeling and itching of the ear canal. Patients prone to allergic reactions may develop Quincke's edema. In this case, you will need the help of doctors.

When faced with an unpleasant problem that can sometimes simply unsettle you, you should immediately visit an otolaryngologist and not self-medicate. Otitis is a fairly serious illness and, if the therapeutic approach is incorrect, can cause complications or develop into chronic stage.

Drops in the ears for inflammation are a mandatory component of complex treatment. Pharmacies offer a wide selection of these products. It is not recommended to use drops without the help of a specialist and a preliminary examination, because some of them are allowed only if the integrity of the eardrum is preserved, while others will be absolutely ineffective against the bacterial causative agent of otitis media.

You can hear a lot positive feedback regarding the drug "Otipax". A significant advantage is its safety for pregnant women and newborns. Positive result Use is possible only if the product has been prescribed by a doctor. If installed bacterial cause inflammatory process, you will need therapy with such agents as Normax (drops), Polydex, Otofa, Sofradex.

Are Polydex drops effective?

Polidex ear drops contain neomycin, polymyxin and dexamethasone. The first two components are antibiotics that suppress the development of gram-positive and gram-negative microbes, respectively. The medicine can only be used if the eardrum is intact and strictly as prescribed by a specialist.

The antibacterial agent is used in pediatrics and is approved for children over 2.5 years old. During pregnancy, it is advisable to replace the drops with safer ones in order to prevent the development of hearing pathologies in the fetus.

Many people are already familiar with Polydex, as it is also available in the form of a nasal spray. The drug is popular among doctors and patients, quickly copes with the task and alleviates the symptoms of the disease. It is still not recommended to use it on your own, so as not to cause irritation to the damaged eardrum and hearing impairment. As an analogue, you can use drops (on the recommendation of a doctor) “Otinum”, “Candibiotic”, “Otipax”.

The price of "Polidex" differs slightly from the cost of similar drugs and amounts to 230-260 rubles.

We bury our ears correctly

Provide therapeutic effect The remedy is capable only if used correctly. Before putting drops into your ears, you should wash your hands thoroughly. The auricle must also be carefully cleaned of purulent discharge. The bottle with liquid is pre-warmed in your hand.

The head should be tilted to the side, the sore ear should be on top. The lobe should be pulled down and back slightly so that the medicine gets into the ear canal. Having instilled the required number of drops, you need to lightly press on the tragus and hold your head in this position for 1-2 minutes.

One of the fairly common ENT diseases is undoubtedly otitis media. This disease is a fairly severe inflammation that is localized in a certain part of the ear. Both children and older patients are equally susceptible to the development of this disease.

Maximum effective treatment for otitis, only a specialist can prescribe. Treatment in most cases consists of the use of antibacterial drugs, as well as the use of ear compresses, turundas or drops.

Ear drops

Drops used in the treatment of a disease such as otitis media can be divided into several basic categories:

    Drops containing several active substances (sofradex, dexon, as well as anauran and garazon)

    Mono-drops, the main active substance of which is an anti-inflammatory non-steroidal agent, such as otinum or otylax

    Antibacterial agents, which may contain otofa, tsipromed, as well as normax and fugentin.

Anauran drops, costing 281 rubles, are prescribed in the presence of inflammation located in the middle ear, acute or even chronic forms of otitis. These droplets are used using a pipette, which is instilled into the ear. This type of drops can be used to treat young children (three drops, three times a day) and adult patients (five drops, twice a day). At an early age, as well as during pregnancy, drops are prescribed in exceptional cases. This type of drops has a side effect, which consists of burning, slight peeling and itching of the skin in the ear.

Sofradex drops, which cost 205 rubles, can be used for both eyes and ears. This type of drops is often prescribed for severe inflammation localized in the middle ear. They have antibacterial, hypoallergenic properties, and can also relieve inflammation. The drops must be used 4 times a day, three drops each. If the dose prescribed by a specialist is exceeded, side effects may occur, such as strong burning sensation, pain in the ear. Often, severe itching is added to the signs of overdose. This medicine It is strictly prohibited for young patients, people suffering from liver or kidney failure, as well as pregnant women.

Otilax drops, which cost RUB 177, have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. This type of drops is the safest and can be used to treat pregnant patients and infants. The disadvantages of these drops include the presence of ice caine, which can cause the development of allergies, as well as complete absence antibacterial component. This medicine is ideal for effective treatment of otitis media early stage its development.

Otinum, in the form of drops, costs 156 rubles, is prescribed for inflammation located in the middle ear. Drops are used three times during the day, three drops each. When using such drops, the development of allergies is unlikely. Otinum is contraindicated in patients who have a membrane defect. The reason for this limitation lies in the fact that these drops contain salicylic acid, which, when it comes into contact with damaged tissues, causes their further destruction, which leads to hearing loss.

Otofa, drops, cost 190 rubles. Such drops are especially effective in the treatment of chronic or acute form otitis media, since they contain a strong antibacterial drug. These drops can be used for various membrane defects. Not recommended for lactating and pregnant patients. There are no pain-relieving components in the composition.

Candibiotic drops, the cost of which is 245 rubles. This type of drops gives an excellent effect in the treatment of external or otitis media. The effectiveness of the drops lies in the combination of several types of antibiotics. In addition, the drug is able to have an antifungal effect due to the content of clotrimazole. In some cases it causes allergies. Not used to treat pregnant patients, as well as children under six years of age.

When choosing the most suitable drops, you must consult an ENT doctor, since self-treatment may lead to unpleasant consequences.

Antibacterial agents in the treatment of otitis media

To achieve the most complete and rapid effect in getting rid of otitis media, a combination of drops and antibacterial medications is encouraged. Choice antibacterial drug It should also be entrusted to a specialist, who is appointed only after examination and diagnosis. Usage certain type antibiotic is determined by the individual localization of the inflammatory process. For example, when treating an acute form of otitis, with inflammation localized in the middle ear, drugs such as:

    Ampicillin trihydrate. This medicine belongs to the category of artificial penicillins. Available in capsules, sachets or individually packaged tablets. The product is not recommended for use by pregnant patients, as well as people suffering from liver failure. When using the drug, side effects may occur such as: development of allergies, headache, severe dysbiosis and even anaphylactic shock.

    Amoxicillin. This antibiotic is characterized by the presence of a pronounced antibacterial effect. Negative effect: severe allergic reaction. The medicine is prescribed three times a day, always after eating.

Medicines needed for chronic form otitis

Netilmicin. This antibiotic is used locally. Injections are given twice a day in the ears. Maximum period of use similar drug cannot be more than two weeks. The drug is not recommended for older people or during pregnancy. In some cases it causes the development of allergies.

Ciprofloxacin. Antibacterial drug with wide range actions. Not used in the treatment of pregnant women and minors. Has a lot of side effects, including nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, dizziness, hives and insomnia.

Long-term use of an antibacterial drug can provoke the development of dysbacteriosis. To avoid its development, it is recommended to combine treatment with the use of probiotics.