Pain in the left nipple of a man's chest. Men's nipples hurt, what to do? Diagnosis and treatment

Breast pain is less common in men than in women. Ideally, nipples in men should not hurt, since the discomfort is associated with an increase in the body female hormones. This usually happens in adolescence or during the development of a serious illness.

Immediately after birth, the breasts of boys and girls are absolutely no different. Only in adolescence do the mammary glands in girls enlarge. During puberty, the concentration of female and male sex hormones in boys is constantly changing. Due to the inconsistent functioning of the pituitary gland, guys may experience pain in the nipples. If there is no hardening on palpation of the glands, and no pus is discharged from the nipples, no treatment is prescribed. The pain disappears after adolescence. What to do if an adult man’s nipples hurt? In this case, you should contact a urologist or mammologist. In any case, the increase in breast size and soreness is caused by an imbalance of hormones. Most often, pain can occur during treatment of testicles or prostatic hyperplasia with hormonal drugs. If you are taking these medications and notice that your breasts are enlarged and painful, tell your doctor. An imbalance of hormones can provoke mastopathy. This disease is accompanied by excessive growth of glandular tissue and milk ducts. Mastopathy in men is treated not only medicines, but also physiotherapy. Electrophoresis and mud compresses do an excellent job with non-hormonal seals. Most often, treatment of mastopathy does not require surgery, it is enough to normalize the concentration of hormones. Sometimes prescribed local drugs in the form of ointments and compresses. You should not self-medicate and stop taking it hormonal medications, which was prescribed by a urologist for the treatment of hyperplasia or testicular diseases, is also not allowed. Be sure to inform your doctor about sore nipples. If upon palpation the doctor does not detect any neoplasms, he may prescribe a referral for an ultrasound or tomography. These non-invasive methods will help diagnose a tumor or ensure its absence. Remember, breast cancer occurs not only in women, but also in men. The risk group includes representatives strong half of humanity over 55 years of age. The risk of cancer increases when treating diseases of the genital organs with hormonal drugs. It is worth noting that the development of cancer in men occurs more slowly than in women, so the disease can be diagnosed by early stages. Additionally, noticing breast swelling in men is simply due to the small size of the breast. It happens that when normal level hormones, a man still feels pain in his nipples. In this case, you should contact an endocrinologist. A tumor of the pituitary gland can cause breast tenderness in men.

Do not self-medicate under any circumstances! Be sure to make an appointment with a urologist or surgeon if you experience nipple pain and breast lumps. At timely treatment You can even get rid of cancer.

Contrary to the existing misconception that mastopathy occurs only in women, diseases of the mammary glands sometimes develop in the male population, especially in adolescents.

Normally, boys do not develop breasts during puberty due to hormonal conditions.

If for some reason the alveolar tissue grows and the breasts increase in size, then a diagnosis of mastopathy in men is made.

In medical terms, the word “gynecomastia” (from the Greek words literally translated “breasts similar to a woman’s”) would be more correct in relation to teenagers (and it is at this age that the first symptoms most often begin).

But for some reason, the name “mastopathy in men” has taken root in everyday life to describe enlarged and painful breasts.

Why does breast enlargement occur in teenagers and men?

Depending on the causes of breast enlargement, the following types of mastopathy are distinguished:
True – it is the growth of breast tissue that occurs due to impaired hormonal balance(predominance of female sex hormones over male ones) against the background of:

  • severe liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • use of hormonal drugs for treatment oncological diseases;
  • use of certain non-hormonal medications (for example, spironolactone and digitalis in the treatment of heart failure);
  • eating anabolic steroids (supplements designed to speed up metabolism). Teenagers and novice athletes love to use them for speed dial muscle mass;
  • tumors of the pituitary gland or adrenal glands that produce excess female hormones in the blood;
  • problems with thyroid gland(decreased function – hypothyroidism);
  • diseases of the testicles (from banal inflammatory orchitis to malignant tumors) or them complete absence(castration);
  • hereditary genetic disorders genital area (testicular feminization, which manifests itself in boys and adolescents as female-type development).
  • other systemic metabolic diseases ( diabetes).

False – visible breast enlargement in men is a consequence overweight, and not hypertrophy of the mammary gland itself. In obese young people, due to fat deposits, the figure takes on a female type.

Often in obese people false mastopathy is combined with true mastopathy. Why is this happening? Because impaired fat metabolism can lead to changes in hormonal levels.

In addition, if obesity occurs as a result of improper eating behavior(drinking excessive amounts of beer and yeast products), then the level of female sex hormones in the blood of men sharply increases.

In addition to excess adipose tissue in the mammary gland area, the growth of alveolar lobes will also be added, which is not typical normally.

Clinical manifestations

Symptoms of breast disease in men are not very different from those in women.

Comes to the fore pain symptom, conditioned rapid growth glandular tissue and an increase in the size of the mammary gland. Men's nipples especially hurt when touched.

Mucous or purulent discharge from the nipples, as well as seals forming in the area of ​​the glands or armpit, when the lymph nodes are involved in the process.

If at least one of specified symptoms is present in a teenager or adult, this allows one to suspect the diagnosis of mastopathy in men and is a reason to contact a specialist.


  1. Laboratory tests of the content of sex hormones in the blood, with the obligatory calculation of their ratio (normally, the testosterone-estrogens ratio is 50 to 1).
  2. Mammography (obtaining information about internal structure breast using X-rays or nuclear magnetic resonance).
  3. Ultrasound of the breast
  4. Biopsy of a section of a compacted gland or axillary lymph node for subsequent histological examination.
  5. MRI or CT scan of the brain, adrenal glands and reproductive organs, to detect tumors or metastases.

Which doctor should I contact?

Mastopathy in men is treated depending on the causes and manifestations different doctors. Usually with this problem they go to an endocrinologist, mammologist, oncologist or urologist.


Many of our readers actively use a well-known method based on natural ingredients, discovered by Elena Malysheva, to treat mastopathy and breast formations. We recommend that you check it out.

And doctors either independently or on a commission decide why the mammary gland enlarged.

First of all, help for such patients is aimed at the cause of gynecomastia, i.e. treatment of the underlying disease.

Hormonal levels are corrected using drugs containing androgens or reducing the amount of estrogen.

If there is significant pain and breast enlargement, anti-inflammatory treatment is required. If a tumor was discovered during examination, resort to surgical treatment(i.e. to surgical removal seal or assembly).

Every man who has one should know that proper organization physical activity, stopping drinking beer, normalizing eating behavior, and following all medical recommendations will help you successfully cope with this unpleasant disease.

Do you still think that it is impossible to CURE MASTOPATHY forever?

60% of women suffer from mastopathy. The worst thing is that most women are sure that mastopathy is the norm and do not rush to see a doctor... but the risk of BREAST CANCER forming in its place is very high... If you notice:

  • aching or nagging pain in the chest area before menstruation...
  • sensations of swelling and swelling of the mammary glands. It's like my breasts have gotten bigger...
  • tension, compactions and nodules. You can feel the lymph nodes under your armpit...
  • nipple discharge...
  • change in the shape of the breasts, the skin on the nipples retracted and cracks appeared...
  • change in body weight...

All these symptoms may indicate the development of MASTOPATHY. But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the CAUSE? That's why we recommend reading new technique Elena Malysheva, who found effective remedy for the treatment of MASTOPATHY and breast restoration in general.

You will be surprised, but it turns out that men can also have sore nipples on their chests. The pain is accompanied by discomfort, and sometimes discharge may appear. However, due to the sensitivity of the problem, they postpone visiting the doctor until later, which leads to serious violations in the functioning of the body. Nipple pain can be the result of a number of various problems, including oncology.

Why do men's nipples hurt?

Soreness of male nipples can occur in young guys and adult men, age does not matter. In most cases, this symptom is not dangerous. But sometimes pain can also prevent a serious illness or hormonal imbalance:

  • Friction – The soreness may be due to your nipples constantly rubbing against your shirt or t-shirt while working or exercising. We recommend wearing clothes made from natural fabrics that are not too tight.
  • Hormonal imbalance- a decrease in testosterone levels and an increase in estrogen provokes not only pain in the nipples, but also an increase in breast size. Scientifically, this problem is called gynecomastia.

Check out our article What is gynecomastia

  • Cysts. Sometimes men develop cysts in the nipple area, this is benign formations. Reason - chronic infections, decreased immunity. They can be recognized by palpating the breast - cysts have small size, rounded shape.
  • Mastitis - breast tissue becomes infected with bacteria. This usually happens because pathogens enter the breast tissue through small cracks in the nipples.
  • Drugs. Remember if you took Lately any new drugs? This may be how your body reacts to the drug. Contact your doctor, he will help you choose another remedy.
  • Liver problems. Sore nipples can also indicate problems with the liver; pain is accompanied by enlarged mammary glands. If you abuse alcohol and fatty foods, you will have to completely change your lifestyle.
  • Cancer of the nipples, pancreas or kidneys. IN in this case the pain is accompanied by deterioration of well-being, nausea and weakness. To diagnose the disease as early as possible, consult a doctor. Nipple cancer is characterized by symptoms such as thickening of the breast tissue, changes in breast skin color and texture, and nipple discharge.
  • Injuries. If you hit your chest, there is nothing to worry about if your nipples hurt. If there are bruises on the chest, use ointment to eliminate the bruises as quickly as possible.

How to get rid of nipple pain

If you are experiencing chest pain, you first need to determine the cause. Alas, but without the help of a doctor and without surrender necessary tests you can't get by. If you notice any new growths in the mammary glands, consult a doctor as soon as possible. If the whole problem is a hormonal imbalance, the doctor will prescribe you hormonal drugs, increasing testosterone levels. Also for improvement general well-being and reducing fatty tissue in the chest you need to switch to proper nutrition and give up bad habits.

If the cause of pain is a sports injury, tight clothing, muscle strain, in these cases there is no need to consult a doctor. In a few days the situation will improve and the pain will go away.

Pain in the mammary glands in men varies in nature and has its own causes, some of which are quite serious. To eliminate discomfort It is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, on its basis the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment.


The mammary glands of men and women have an almost similar structure. During puberty female breast Due to the influence of hormones, it begins to grow, but the male one remains in its infancy.

Causes painful sensations there is quite a lot in the chest, these are:

Painful sensations and areas of compaction often occur in adolescents. Usually, when palpating the chest in young men, one can feel dense single or multiple balls located asymmetrically and mainly near the nipples.

In boys, the mammary glands swell and pain occurs - this condition is called physiological gynecomastia.

If there are no other signs of a change in well-being and the symptom goes away on its own no later than 20 years, there is no need to worry. IN severe cases gynecomastia in adolescents requires medication or surgical treatment(read more about this in this article). IN clinical examination it is necessary to include a consultation with a urologist to exclude non-physiological causes, for example, Reifenstein syndrome, in which there is a defect in the synthesis of testosterone in the body. This disease may be accompanied by atrophy of the genital organs or hermaphroditism.

For more information about this, watch the video consultation with a mammologist:

Types of pain

Pain and discomfort in the mammary glands can vary in intensity, periodic, constant, or detected only by palpation.

Pain can occur at any age; often painful sensations in the mammary glands occur due to diseases internal organs and for endocrine disorders. Assessing the totality of all manifestations in changes in the patient’s well-being helps the doctor establish a preliminary diagnosis.

The pain may be:

  • One-sided (with left or right side). In this case, trauma, the development of atheroma, fibroma, and cancer should be excluded.
  • Double-sided. Pain on both sides and simultaneous enlargement or thickening is characteristic of gynecomastia.
  • In the nipples, in the aureole, inside the nipples. This change also occurs with gynecomastia, impaired hormonal background. If discharge from the nipples appears, tumors must be excluded.

Discomfortable sensations are recorded both constantly and when pressed or after physical activity.

Further actions

If painful sensations appear, it is necessary to be examined as soon as possible. Diseases are treated by endocrinologists, mammologists, and surgeons.

Most changes in the mammary glands are benign, but if they are not eliminated in time, a malignant process may develop.

Pathologies such as atheroma and fibroma are often removed in one visit to the surgeon, and after that, after a few days, all changes disappear.

To be sure preliminary diagnosis doctors prescribe:

Treatment depends on the cause of pain in mammary gland. And it is always better to carry it out in the early stages, since in advanced cases it is often not possible to return the mammary gland to its usual size, shape and health.

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