Professional psychological selection of conscripted citizens. Textbook: theoretical and applied foundations of professional psychological selection of military personnel

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    And not only strength, but also agility, endurance and other physical qualities without which it is impossible to imagine a real military man. Professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces is one of the types of professional selection and represents set of events aimed at achieving high-quality staffing of military positions based on ensuring compliance with the professionally important socio-psychological, psychological and psychophysiological qualities of citizens conscripted or voluntarily enrolling...

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    Lesson 11-12 Professional and psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

    Lesson objectives. Introduce students to and study the rules of professional psychological selection during initial military registration; familiarize yourself with the psychological classification of military positions.

    One of the main activities in the initial registration of a citizen for military registration is professional psychological selection. It is he who gives the answer to main question on further implementation by the citizen military duty in what capacity and in what troops will the citizen of the Russian Federation serve.

    Many of the guys have already completed the initial military registration and have a fairly clear idea of ​​what professional psychological selection is. In today's lesson, we will look in detail at the procedure for undergoing professional psychological selection, as well as some important theoretical issues related to these events.

    Questions to activate knowledge.

    1. What is the purpose of conducting professional psychological selection during initial military registration?
    2. How do the results of professional psychological selection influence how a citizen will perform military duty?
    3. Learning new material. introduction teachers.

    Indeed, victory in battle is achieved not only by the spiritual and moral forces of a warrior. You also need physical strength. And not only strength, but also agility, endurance, and other physical qualities, without which it is impossible to imagine a real military man.

    Let us turn to the manual “On professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (fragments).

    1. General provisions
    2. Professional psychological selection activities are carried out by full-time and non-staff professional psychological selection units (hereinafter referred to as professional selection units) and professional psychological selection specialists.
    3. Professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces is one of the types of professional selection and is a set of measures aimed at achieving high-quality recruitment of military positions based on ensuring compliance with the professionally important socio-psychological, psychological and psychophysiological qualities of citizens conscripted or voluntarily entering military service, and military personnel requirements of military professional activity.

    5. The objectives of professional psychological selection are: military professional orientation of citizens and military personnel to master the military specialties of soldiers, sailors, sergeants (hereinafter referred to as military specialties), training in military educational institutions in relevant specialties and entering military service under a contract;

    determining the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel for training (training) in military specialties, military service in military positions, training in military educational institutions, entering military service under a contract and developing recommendations for their selection for training (training) in military specialties and assignment to military positions;

    9. Based on the results of professional psychological selection, one of the following conclusions is made on the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel for training (training) in military specialties and military service in specific military positions (hereinafter referred to as professional suitability):

    a) recommended first of all— first category.Citizens and military personnel classified in this category, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, fully comply with the requirements of a military position (military positions), which allows them to master a military registration specialty within the established time frame, and have predominantly excellent grades based on the results of inspections, final, control checks and final exams , obtain a class qualification;

    b) recommended second category.Citizens and military personnel classified in this category, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, generally correspond to the requirements of a military position (military positions), which allows them to master a military registration specialty within the established timeframe, and have predominantly good results based on the results of inspections, final, control checks and final exams assessments;

    c) conditionally recommended— third category.Citizens and military personnel classified in this category, in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities, minimally meet the requirements of a military position (military positions), have difficulty mastering a military specialty within the established time frame, and have mostly satisfactory grades based on the results of inspections, final, control checks and final exams. Are allowed to study or professional activity if there is a shortage of candidates;

    d) not recommended— fourth category.Citizens and military personnel classified in this category do not meet the requirements of a military position (military positions) in terms of the level of development of professionally important qualities. [...]

    10. When making conclusions about the professional suitability of citizens, the level of their neuropsychic stability is also taken into account.

    Assessment of neuropsychic stability is made according to four levels:

    1. high neuropsychic stability;
    2. good neuropsychic stability;
    3. satisfactory neuropsychic stability;
    4. unsatisfactory neuropsychic stability or neuropsychic instability.

    12. Citizens and military personnel with the fourth category of professional suitability cannot be:

    1. sent for training in military specialties to public associations and military training units;
    2. sent to study at military educational institutions;
    3. accepted for military service under a contract for the corresponding military positions.

    Citizens and military personnel who have the fourth category of professional suitability for classes of basic similar military positions are appointed to military positions, the fulfillment of which does not require special professionally important qualities (other military positions) established by the Psychological Classification of Military Positions filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen (Appendix No. 1 to this Guide). [...]

    14. Conclusions on the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel are taken into account:

    military commissars when sending citizens for training in military specialties in public associations;

    draft commissions when making decisions on sending citizens to take competitive entrance exams to military educational institutions. [...]

    15. The results of socio-psychological studies, psychological and psychophysiological examinations, conclusions on professional suitability and other data on citizens and military personnel are entered into the appropriate sections of the professional psychological selection card. [...]

    29. Measures for professional psychological selection of citizens subject to conscription for military service are carried out in stages: during the period of initial registration of citizens for military service; during the period from the initial registration of citizens with military registration until their appearance at the meeting of the draft commission.

    1. After compiling lists of citizens subject to initial military registration, military commissars send a questionnaire and a request for information about personal qualities to the place of study or work of these citizens.
    2. During the period of initial registration of citizens for military registration, the non-staff selection group of the military commissariat conducts their military-professional orientation, socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination. [...]

    The results of socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination, conclusion on professional suitability and decision on purpose are entered in sections IIII, V, VI cards of professional psychological selection and a log of the work of the non-staff professional selection group of the military commissariat (in the form, Appendix No. 4 to this Manual). The professional psychological selection card, signed by the military commissar, together with other documents of the citizen called up for military service, is sent to the assembly point of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    Psychological classification of military positions held by sergeants, petty officers, soldiers and sailors

    Basic professionally important psychological qualities

    Examples of military positions

    Team (organizational)

    Developed organizational and cognitive (intellectual) abilities. The ability to navigate in a complex environment, highlight the main thing and accept right decisions V short term. Initiative, self-control, responsibility, demandingness, independence. Clear and intelligible speech

    Commander of a combat vehicle. Gun commander


    Tank commander

    Installation commander.

    Combat post commander

    Team leader.

    Head of workshop

    Head of the post

    Head of the point

    Head of the radio station

    Station Manager

    Team foreman

    Operator (sensory-gnostic)

    Accuracy and speed of visual (auditory) perception, accurate eye. Resilience and concentration. RAM. Quick thinking, ability to highlight the main thing in information. Hand coordination

    Operator (radar, air defense systems, anti-tank systems, power systems, control posts, automated control systems, computers, etc.).

    Gunner (tank, self-propelled gun, etc.)

    Gunner-operator (infantry fighting vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, anti-submarine bomb installations, etc.)

    Radiometrist. Sniper et al.

    Communications and observations (sensory)

    Acute hearing (vision). Accuracy of auditory (visual) perception. Sustainability of attention. RAM. Developed sense of rhythm, endurance and mobility nervous system. Correct diction, legible handwriting. Mobility of hands and fingers

    Radiotelegraphist, radio operator, radiotelephonist. Telegraph operator. Observer. Acoustic, hydroacoustic. Signalman

    Driver's (sensorimotor)

    Distribution and stability of attention. Fast sensorimotor reaction. Mobility of nervous processes. Motor memory. Coordination of arms and legs

    Driver. Driver mechanic (tank, infantry fighting vehicle, infantry fighting vehicle, self-propelled guns, etc.) Diesel locomotive driver. Steering. Crane operator, etc.

    Special purpose (motor-volitional)

    Coordination of movements, agility, physical strength and endurance, determination, courage, self-control.

    Specialists of airborne, air assault, reconnaissance units, marines, etc.

    Technological (specialists in maintenance and repair of equipment)

    Developed visual-effective and visual-figurative thinking. General education and technical literacy

    Battery man. Diesel driver. Motor mechanic. Mechanic. Master (radio technician, telephone technician, etc.) Electrician. Electrician, etc.


    No special professionally important psychological qualities are required

    Shooter. Assistant grenade launcher. Charger, etc.

    Summing up the lesson.

    Questions to consolidate knowledge.

    1. What legal acts regulate the conduct of professional psychological selection?
    2. Who conducts professional psychological selection during initial military registration?
    3. How and where are the results of professional psychological selection reflected?
    4. How do the results of professional psychological selection influence the determination of the order of military service for a citizen?


    1. Situational task.Using the psychological classification of military positions, determine what positions citizen I. can be appointed to if he does not have developed organizational abilities, but his professional psychological characteristics indicate that his psychological qualities are as follows: “Accuracy and speed of visual (auditory) perception, accurate eye gauge. RAM. Quick thinking, ability to highlight the main thing in information. Hand coordination."

    Textbook pages 5053.

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    Professional psychological selection in the Armed Forces is a set of measures aimed at achieving high-quality recruitment of military positions based on assessing the compliance of individual professionally important qualities with the requirements of the military profession and military positions.

    Socio-psychological study - involves assessing the conditions for the upbringing and development of the individual, his military-professional orientation, moral and volitional qualities, organizational abilities and characteristics of communication and behavior in a team, as well as educational and professional preparedness.

    Psychological and psychophysiological examination (testing) - allows you to evaluate cognitive mental processes (perception, attention, memory, thinking), properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, lability, poise), psychomotor skills, psychological characteristics of the individual (temperament, character, abilities) and nervous - mental stability.

    Objectives of professional psychological selection:

    Military-professional orientation of citizens and military personnel to master military specialties, study in military educational institutions and enter military service under a contract;

    Determining the professional suitability of citizens and military personnel for training (training) in military specialties, military service in military positions, training in military educational institutions, and entry into military service under a contract;

    Psychophysiological support of combat training in military units and the educational process in military educational institutions.

    Principles of professional psychological selection:

    Scientific validity;


    Activity approach;

    Systems approach;

    Dynamism (prolongation);

    Practicality of events.

    Methods of professional psychological selection:

    Analysis of documents (autobiographies, characteristics, certifications, professional selection cards, certificates of secondary education, etc.);

    Observation, which is a targeted and systematic study of actions, behavior, behavior in general, attitudes towards service and various phenomena of the surrounding reality;

    A conversation (individual interview), which allows you to assess individual characteristics that cannot be determined using other psychodiagnostic methods;

    Method of special tests (psychological and psychophysiological examination);

    a) hardware techniques;

    b) blank methods (questionnaires, questionnaires, etc.).

    29. Memory

    Memory is a set of processes that ensure the perception, imprinting, storage, reproduction and forgetting of information.

    Memory Processes:

    Memorization is the imprinting of perceived material, then storing it for some time;

    Recognition - recognition of a previously known object;

    Reproduction - retrieving previously known information from memory;

    Retention - more or less long-term retention of information;

    Forgetting is the inability to retrieve previously known information from memory at a given time.

    Memory classification:

    By type of memory;

    According to the storage time of information;

    According to the degree of participation of volitional processes.

    By type of memory:

    Imagery - associated with memorizing and reproducing a previously perceived image of an object (visual, auditory, proprioceptive, olfactory);

    Abstract-logical - associated with memorizing and reproducing verbal and abstract information;

    Mechanical - associated with memorizing and reproducing information without processing or changing it;

    Emotional - associated with remembering and reproducing a previously experienced emotional state;

    Motor - associated with memorizing and reproducing various movements.

    By information storage time:

    Instant (sensory) - ensures the preservation of the perceived object for a very short time (from a fraction of a second to 1-2 seconds) without recoding;

    Short-term memory - allows you to retain perceived information from several seconds to 1 minute (on average about 20 s);

    Long-term memory - extends over a very large time range, ranging from several tens of seconds to minutes, hours, days, months, years;

    Random access memory is designed to store information for a certain, predetermined time.

    According to the degree of participation of volitional processes:

    Voluntary memory - associated with the participation of voluntary attention, with a preliminary determination to remember;

    Memory is involuntary - it is not associated with voluntary attention, it has no purpose for memorization.

    Physiological mechanisms of memory:

    Instant (sensory) - changes in the receptor cells of the analyzers;

    Short-term memory - repeated circulation of a nerve impulse along a closed chain of neurons (reverberant excitation);

    Long-term memory - the synthesis of new proteins and the formation of additional growths on dendrites.

    This selection is a set of measures aimed at high-quality recruitment of military positions based on ensuring compliance of professionally important individual psychological qualities and abilities of citizens entering military service with the requirements of military professional activity. In military commissariats, this selection is carried out by a professional selection group, which, based on socio-psychological studies and the results of psychological and psychophysiological examinations, determines the professional suitability of a citizen for training in military educational institutions or for training in military occupational specialties in state and public organizations.

    Based on the selection results, one of four conclusions is made on the citizen’s professional suitability for military service in specific military positions:

    Citizens classified in the fourth category of professional suitability cannot be sent for training in military specialties and military educational institutions, and are also not subject to contract military service.

    Question No. 2 Responsibilities of citizens subject to conscription for military service

    1 . Citizens who are not in the reserve and are subject to conscription for military service are required to appear upon summons from the military commissariat for a medical examination, a meeting of the draft commission, or to be sent to military unit for military service, as well as to stay at the military commissariat before being sent to the place of military service.

    2 .Subpoenas are served against signature by employees of the military commissariat or at the place of work (study) of the conscript, managers, other officials (employees) of organizations responsible for military registration work, as well as officials of local government bodies responsible for military registration work, as a rule, no later than 3 days before the scheduled appearance of conscripts at a meeting of the draft commission or recruiting station.

    3 .Attendance of conscripts living outside settlements, in which draft commissions are created, is carried out, as a rule, in an organized manner, accompanied by representatives of local government bodies and (or) organizations.

    4 The arrival at the meeting of the draft commission of conscripts who were not able to be served with summons in the prescribed manner is ensured by the internal affairs bodies on the basis of a written request from the military commissar.
    The chairman of the draft commission monitors the attendance of conscripts at the meeting of the draft commission and, in relation to absent persons, takes measures to establish the reasons for their non-appearance.

    5 .If a conscript evades conscription for military service, the conscription commission or military commissar sends the relevant materials to the prosecutor at the conscript’s place of residence to resolve the issue of bringing him to justice in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    6 .. Conscripts are required to arrive at the military commissariat for subsequent transportation to the assembly point in serviceable clothes and shoes, and those sent to military units in the cold season or in areas with a cold climate must have warm clothes and shoes.
    The appearance of conscripts at the military commissariat for their subsequent dispatch to the assembly point is, as a rule, scheduled in advance, taking into account the time of arrival at the assembly point, familiarization of representatives of military units with the conscripts and the formation of military echelons (teams). Conscripts are sent to the assembly point in an organized manner, accompanied by representatives of local governments and military commissariats.

    7 .While conscripts are at the assembly point, they are provided with hot food according to the norms of the combined arms rations approved by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. At the collection point with the assistance of the authority executive power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the sale of essential goods is organized, and educational and cultural work is carried out with conscripts.
    At the assembly point it is allowed to have a reserve of conscripts (up to 3% of the number sent in military echelons or teams), which is used, if necessary, to replenish echelons (teams) in the event of illness of individual conscripts or the impossibility of sending them for other reasons. It is prohibited to detain conscripts who are in reserve at a collection point for more than 3 days or return them to military commissariats.

    8 .When conscripts are sent from the assembly point to the place of military service, the date of departure from the assembly point is recorded in their personal registration documents (military ID and service record card), which is certified by the official seal of the military commissariat of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    9 . Notification of citizens about their appearance at the military commissariat for events related to conscription for military service is carried out by summons of the district military commissariat
    Summons must indicate the legal consequences of citizens’ failure to comply with the requirements set out in them (excerpts from the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on liability for evading conscription for military service in the absence of legal grounds to be released from this service).
    If it is impossible for the specified employees, managers or officials to serve summons on citizens subject to conscription for military service, ensuring their arrival at events related to conscription for military service is entrusted to the relevant internal affairs bodies based on a written request from the military commissar.

    10 . The conscription of citizens enlisted in the reserves for military service is organized and carried out by the military commissar. For these purposes, citizens enlisted in the reserves are summoned by the military commissar for a medical examination, which is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Regulations on Military Medical Examination.
    Notification of citizens enlisted in the reserves about their appearance for a medical examination and to the military commissar is carried out in the same manner as notifying conscripts.
    After passing by a citizen enlisted in the reserve, medical examination The military commissar makes one of the following decisions regarding him:
    a) about conscription for military service;
    b) on granting a deferment from conscription for military service;
    c) on exemption from conscription for military service;
    d) on exemption from military duty.
    A citizen enlisted in the reserves and called up for military service is given 2 copies of an order to leave for the place of military service at the military commissariat, after receiving which he independently leaves for the place of military service.
    After a citizen enlisted in the reserves is seconded to the place of military service, his personal file is sent by the military commissariat to the military unit where he is sent within 3 days.
    Upon arrival of a citizen enlisted in the reserve at a military unit, the unit commander makes a note about this on one of the copies of the order issued by the military commissariat and returns it to this military commissariat.

    11 .. In the event of a citizen’s failure to appear without a good reason on a summons from the military commissariat to events related to conscription for military service, the specified citizen is considered to be evading military service and is held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    A valid reason for failure to appear when summoned (summoned) by the military commissariat, subject to documentary evidence, is:
    - illness or injury associated with loss of ability to work;
    - serious condition health of a father, mother, wife, husband, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent of a citizen or participation in a funeral specified persons;
    - an obstacle that arose as a result of force majeure, or another circumstance that does not depend on the will of the citizen;
    - other reasons recognized as valid by the draft commission or court
    After the expiration of a valid reason, citizens appear at the military commissariat immediately, without an additional call.

    12 .. Evasion is understood as the failure of a citizen who meets the above requirements to appear at the place and day specified by the summons to be sent to the place of duty.. A conscript who evades conscription for military service, mistakenly believing that he has grounds for exemption from it, may be recognized as a subject of this crime, however, the conscientiousness of the mistake and the subsequent execution of the decision of the military commissariat indicate the absence of a social danger of the act, as a result of which it cannot be recognized as criminal (Part 2 of Article 14 of the Criminal Code).

    Questions for self-control:

    1. Develop and draw up a graphical outline of the content of a medical examination and medical examination when registering for military service and when calling up for military service

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    Presentation slides

    Professional and psychological selection of citizens during initial military registration Prepared by teacher-psychologist of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2 of Pangody” Shamilovskaya S.V.

    Organization of staging and placement of citizens on military registration regulated by: Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On military duty and military service” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 719 “On approval of the Regulations on military registration” Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 25, 2003 N 123 “On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination” by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation N 240 of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation N 168 dated May 23, 2001 “On the organization of medical support for the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service” by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 2, 2007 N 400 “On measures to implement the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 N 663”

    Professional psychological selection is a set of measures aimed at implementing high-quality recruitment of military positions based on ensuring compliance of professionally important individual psychological qualities and abilities of citizens entering military service with the requirements of military professional activity. Activities for professional psychological selection are carried out using methods of socio-psychological study, psychological and psychophysiological examination.

    Socio-psychological study - assessment of the conditions of education and development of the individual, its military-professional orientation, organizational abilities, characteristics of communication and behavior in a team, educational and professional preparedness. Psychological and psychophysiological examination allows assessing cognitive mental processes(sensation, perception, memory, thinking), attention, psychological characteristics of the individual (abilities, character, temperament), properties of the nervous system (strength, mobility, lability, balance, dynamism), psychomotor skills and neuropsychic stability. Socio-psychological study is carried out using the following main methods: study of documents, observation, survey (conversation, questionnaire).

    The main method of psychological and psychophysiological examination is professional - psychological testing (testing) is carried out using a universal set of seven psychodiagnostic tests, including using technical means professional selection

    Psychological and psychophysiological examinations of citizens are carried out in order to determine their levels of development of professionally important qualities necessary for successful training in military specialties in public associations and training in military educational institutions. According to Art. 5.1 of the Federal Law of March 28, 1998 N 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”, when registering for military service, citizens undergo a medical examination by medical specialists.

    Doctors, based on the results of a medical examination, give a conclusion about a citizen’s suitability for military service in the following categories: A - fit for military service; B - fit for military service with minor restrictions; B - limited fit for military service; G - temporarily unfit for military service; D - unfit for military service

    Taking into account the individual psychological qualities of a person, military positions are divided into classes of similar military positions:  command  operator  communications and observation  driver  special purpose  technological

    1. Command military positions In order to successfully perform duties in command positions, a person must develop a number of necessary qualities. You must have a good, versatile physical training. Have clear and intelligible speech, be able to express your thoughts briefly and logically, and clearly set tasks for subordinates. Developed organizational and (organizational) cognitive (intellectual) abilities. The ability to navigate a complex environment, highlight the main thing and make the right decisions in a short time. Initiative, self-control, responsibility, exactingness, integrity, independence.

    He must know the basics of pedagogy and the basic principles of training and education, as well as methods of developing in his subordinates the qualities necessary for service. He must know the basics of managing a military team, the procedure for assessing the situation, understanding the assigned tasks, making decisions, organizing and monitoring execution. In addition, the commander must cultivate a number of psychological qualities: the ability to consciously and unquestioningly obey the requirements of laws, military regulations, and orders of commanders; the ability to quickly switch from one job to another and direct your activities to achieve the final result; perseverance and consistency in overcoming difficulties in completing tasks; the ability to control oneself in any environment and organize subordinates to complete the assigned task.

    2. Operator military positions Depending on the content and nature of operator duties, several types of operator positions are distinguished:  operator-technologists  operator-dispatchers  operator-researchers, etc. Operators also need a number of professionally important qualities:  developed operational and long-term memory;  ability to concentrate for a long time;  ability to highlight the main thing in information;  accuracy and speed of visual and auditory perception;  good coordination of movements;  emotional stability;  accuracy and responsibility,  accurate eye,  quick thinking,  ability to highlight the main thing in information.

    3. Military communications and surveillance positions Communications are the main means of command and control of troops and weapons. The activities of signalmen involve significant physical and emotional stress, which can increase immeasurably, especially in conditions of information warfare. To successfully perform duties in communications and surveillance positions, the following professionally important qualities are required:  acute hearing and vision;  accuracy (sensory) of auditory (visual) perception;  stability of attention; developed RAM;  correct diction and legible handwriting;  good command of the Russian language;  mobility of hands and fingers;  developed sense of rhythm;  endurance of the nervous system.

    4. Driving military positions All of them must have the following qualities: the ability to drive self-propelled military equipment day and night, at any time of the year, in various weather conditions and in combat situations; compliance with established traffic rules; timely maintenance, inspection, repair and adjustment of equipment; confidently operate equipment and monitor its operation in a rapidly changing environment.

    To successfully perform driving duties, every military driver must be physically healthy, hardened and resilient. Professionally, the driver must have solid knowledge on the design, rules of movement, operation and maintenance of a mobile vehicle. In addition, every military driver must have high  neuropsychic stability;  developed visual and auditory memory;  mobility of the nervous system;  quick response and good coordination of movements;  ability to maintain efficiency;  normal color perception.

    5. Special-purpose military positions These are positions of intelligence officers, sappers, firefighters, divers, etc. Activities in these positions are carried out in especially intense conditions, often in extreme conditions and is associated with very high emotional and physical activity. Soldiers must be able to skillfully use standard weapons, equipment, and special equipment, act quickly, decisively, and show initiative and resourcefulness. To successfully perform their duties, military personnel in this category must have good health, excellent physical fitness, high moral and fighting qualities: courage, dedication, sense of responsibility, collectivism, military camaraderie. They must cultivate intelligence, self-control and endurance, observation and an accurate eye, the ability to quickly process a large amount of information and make the right decisions.

    6. Technical military positions Maintenance of weapons and military equipment in combat readiness and serviceable condition is ensured by military personnel holding technical military positions. Technical specialists must be able to identify the causes of equipment malfunctions and eliminate them; carry out repairs and adjustments of mechanisms; identify and eliminate defects and malfunctions of parts, assemblies, and units during their adjustment and operation. They must know the basics of mechanics, quantum physics, electronics, optics, be able to read blueprints, understand instrument readings; know the design features of the equipment being serviced. To successfully perform their duties, these specialists must have a number of professional qualities: developed RAM, developed visually effective and visually imaginative thinking, normal color perception, and an aptitude for working with technical devices.

    7. Other military positions There are no specific requirements for military personnel serving in these positions, but all of them must have such professionally important qualities as:  courage,  determination,  courage,  self-control.

    Military activity today has a pronounced collective character. The soldier must also have the ability to work in a team. The ability to live without conflict is one of the important requirements of military activity, relating to any military positions. Military service has always been for a person a test of his spiritual and physical strength; this is the first stage where the level of a person’s preparation for adult life, where everyone receives an assessment of their level of preparedness for life.

    Carrying out such a study not only makes it possible to differentiate conscripts according to their psychological characteristics, but also proves the need and importance of an individual approach to them, both when performing current tasks and when it is necessary to solve controversial issues and permission of any non-standard situations. Taking into account these features and the formation of units taking them into account is an important factor ensuring the psychological comfort of service, both for rank and file and for command personnel, positive dynamics in the consciousness of conscripts and the attitude of society towards military service, i.e. ultimately contributing to more effective solution tasks facing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation as a whole.