How to transform your body. How to change your mind to change your body. What is inner harmony

Following a low-calorie diet and exercising are not the only things that can change your body. Self-improvement includes taking care of health at all levels: mental, spiritual and physical. Here are some top tips to help you change your body without dieting.

Keeping a food diary

When you are concerned about maintaining a normal body weight, keeping a food diary is a good way. Keep track of everything you eat and drink, and record the calorie content of foods electronically or in writing. This way you can increase your awareness of your eating habits. People who are prone to acne or suffer from digestive problems can use a food diary to identify potential triggers. Of course, this form of self-control will help all those who are concerned about the problem of excess weight.

Joint meals

There are benefits to sharing meals with friends or relatives. This will allow you to take your eyes off the screen of your mobile phone and focus on live communication while eating. When your gaze is directed at the TV or other electronic device during dinner, this leads to unconscious overeating. But when you're in the company of friends, you hold yourself back from getting a supplement. During conversations, the brain manages to understand much earlier that saturation has occurred.

Styrofoam Cylinder Workout

Massage with a foam cylinder is a great way to relieve muscle pain. Fitness trainers say that recovery procedures are as important as the workout itself. Although foam cylinders are not a panacea for all ills, these simple machines have been proven to help increase body flexibility and relieve muscle pain.

Slow eating

Slowing down your meal helps your stomach send satiety signals to your brain in a timely manner. Take at least 30 minutes for lunch and break the habit of grabbing sandwiches on the run. Enjoy all the flavors of food. This act will not only help you control satiety, but by slowing down your meal, your body will be able to get the most nutrients.

Full sleep

Sometimes it's so hard to get 7 hours of sleep every night. You want to do more, so you are forced to steal some time from a good rest. But if you revise the daily routine, you will be able to control the amount of food eaten. Chronic lack of sleep increases the amount of stress and the production of the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for cravings for overeating. By stealing time from sleep, you force your brain to work to the limit. It affects the ability to remember new things, focus on completing tasks, and emotional well-being. So instead of cutting back on sleep, cut back on your social media feeds in the evening.


Hydration is not just a buzzword in the ranks of healthy lifestyles. Drink as much water as possible and your internal systems will get the maximum benefit. This will help your skin to be dazzlingly young and radiant, and your muscles will get extra strength. In addition, drinking will reduce your cravings for snacks and remove some of the toxins from the body.

More vegetables in your diet

Vegetables are a key food group when it comes to maintaining a normal body weight. They contain fiber, vitamins and a ton of nutrients. Eating a variety of vegetables can help lower your risk of heart disease and even prevent some types of cancer. But processed foods, in fact, contain empty calories. Nutritionists advise starting each meal with fresh vegetables, and only then move on to protein foods or starchy carbohydrates.


When you talk about going to a therapist, we present clear mental health benefits. Few people know that the suppression of feelings provokes the occurrence of somatic ailments. When people cannot openly express their emotions and fears, preferring to keep it to themselves, this contributes to the development of headaches and high blood pressure.

Strength training, stretching, walking

Stretching helps your body stay flexible and healthy. It's no secret that many of us spend most of the day sitting. If you are also sorely lacking in movement, there is no need to drive across the city to the gym. There are many other options that improve heart function and keep your muscles toned. You can walk, perform a set of strength exercises in your apartment, and even do yoga.


Don't forget to put on sunscreen every time you go out, even if the hot days are far behind you. Do this in winter and on cloudy days. Skin cancer is a real problem for every fifth inhabitant of our planet, so additional protection measures will not be superfluous.

Carry lunches from home

When you choose to carry lunch to work from home rather than eat at a nearby cafe, you have complete control over your food. This will help you when you want to follow the principles of a healthy diet. If you keep a food diary, you will never know what you put in your salad ordered at a fast food restaurant.

Stop eating when you feel full

Be more attentive to the signals of hunger and satiety that your stomach sends. It happens that when people feel bored, they involuntarily go to the refrigerator. Give up this habit and try to eat strictly on time. A serious step will be the rejection of impulsive decisions and the transition to conscious eating. Some people reward themselves with food for some achievement, but they completely forget about physical activity. Take control of your diet and it will help you fight overeating.

Eat fruits, don't drink them

Juice is the fastest way to get the nutrients from fruits and vegetables. However, this habit does not make you healthier. Without the plant fibers of whole fruits, you lose some of the nutrients, deprive yourself of satiety for a long period of time, and steal the body's ability to absorb vitamins.


The practice of meditation helps people maintain a calm state of mind, harmony between body and mind, and increase concentration. This method has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and improve cognitive function.


Going to the sauna has a beneficial effect on your body, boosting heart health and reducing stress levels. Treat yourself to a day of spa treatments.

Portion control

Portion control is the key to a healthy diet. Some foods contain more calories than you think, so reducing the number of plates will automatically reduce the number of calories eaten.

Our physical body of the Aryans of the 5th race was created 12,000 years ago as carbon only because it could withstand two types of Energies at the same time - Light and Darkness, for this was the essence of the Experiment of Duality, which was introduced on our planet during the Atlanteans of the 4th race 13 000 years ago.

But, as they found out almost immediately, their flint bodies from such an energy drop were quickly destroyed, because all its cells were crystallized to preserve the Energy of either Light or Darkness inside them, which people used to materialize something, that is, people 4 the races mastered magic, working with external and internal Energies. And for this, there must be a lot of Energy in a person so that it can become visible from its concentration, where each cell of a person will glow with the Energy that he owns.

And although, unlike the flint body, the carbon body was not durable, but it was strong, so it could easily pass through itself all types of Energies that a person possessed as a Personality. Even if he possessed a large amount of Energies only for a short time, sufficient for concentration before starting spiritual work. Therefore, soon the people of our 5th race began to move away from magic, because it became harder and harder for them to work with Energies. Now we have a chance to return to what was lost, because the Duality Experiment was completed in 2012, and this allows us to work with Energies again, but our carbon body is no longer suitable for this, because due to its density it cannot retain high Energies vibrations, as a flint body can do.

The cells of the carbon body could not retain a huge amount of Energies because there were other structures that could only store a minimal amount of Energies and could easily change their polarity from minus to plus and back with virtually no harm to the organism itself. Therefore, a person so easily moves from one state of mind to another - from anger (negative) to joy (positive).

As everyone knows, our physical body consists of bones, veins, muscle mass, blood vessels, blood, and something else. It is all this that changes its carbon composition to silicon, so that each cell of the body crystallizes and can retain the Energy of the Soul, which is now increasing from the Energies coming from outside, but for now this Energy is only passed through a person, so he is often de-energized, because he already spent on something there, but the new has not yet been assimilated, because the carbon structure of the cells does not allow the body to quickly adapt to new Energies.

Now the planet receives a lot of Light Energies, which allow the cells to regenerate, but all this is not going on in the usual mode of their renewal, which occurs every 3 days, but the very structure of the cells changes, that is, they mutate, as some articles say . And this happens due to the concentration of Energies in a person, where their accumulator is already the Soul of a person, and not his Personality, although it is due to the desire of the Personality of a person for internal and external changes that the transformation of his physical body takes place.

The main thing for a person now is to be in Calmness and without emotional outbursts, because such an energy contrast can destroy newly changed cells, because they are no longer adapted for energy fluctuations. Therefore, it is best when a person adapts to the new Energies, which provoked the transformation of his cells, to stay at home for at least a day. Such isolation from extraneous Energies is necessary so that the Energies of the Personality do not have the opportunity to energetically fluctuate at this important moment of stabilization of new changed cells, where strong joy or strong frustration will destroy these new transformed cells, for they have just begun to turn from carbon to silicon, and silicon does not withstand energy fluctuations, because it is sensitive to them. And it doesn't matter that these new transformed cells are only an intermediate stage between carbon cells and silicon ones, but they can no longer carry both Light and Dark Energies. It should be noted that the incoming new Energies of Light are fixed precisely in the Energies of the Soul of a person, and not in the Energies of his Personality, which provokes internal changes.

There are certain Energies inside a person that do not change under any circumstances, that is, they do not change their polarization, regardless of the fact that a person has entered an emotional state opposite to these basic Energies. These basic Energies belong to the Soul, and fluctuate from plus to minus of the Energy of the Personality. All Human Protection is built precisely on the main Energies of the Soul, and not on the changeable Energies of the Personality. It is the Energies of the Soul that attract similar Energies to themselves, for they are the most stable in a person. Therefore, the entire transformation of cells is focused on what the Human Soul could absorb from the Energies of Light coming to the planet.

In addition, an increase in the Energies in the Soul restores its Energy Code, which was destroyed by the Dark Ones over the past millennia, so that a person could erase the Memory of the Past and forget his Sources. And on the physical level, this Code is expressed in a change in human DNA, where Now one more spiral is added to the 12th spiral - 13th, about which there were also articles.

But many are still far from this, because a sharp transition from one state of cells to another can cause the destruction of the physical body, so there will be an intermediate option between carbon cells and silicon cells, so that the cell can sometimes contain, albeit temporarily, but two types of Energies, if there will be a need for this, that is, when a person has an emotional outburst. It is after the intermediate transformation of cells from carbon to silicon ends that the final transformation of cells into silicon will begin and the 13th helix of DNA will be completed restoring the true Soul Code of each person, where his Memory of the Past will return to him and he will remember what was once forgotten. That...

The intermediate stage of cell transformation between carbon and silicon is similar to the stage of water crystallization from its liquid to solid state. That is, water at this stage can no longer be called a liquid, but at the same time it has not yet crystallized to the state of ice. It will be the same here. A physical body, even at an intermediate stage of transformation, can no longer be called carbon, because the process of changing its cells into silicon cells has already begun...

Imagine a cell that suddenly decided to become Light, but for this it must change, that is, change its structure in order to adapt to the Energies of Light. And so it began to change... Neighboring cells from all sides around it, seeing that this cell improves by increasing its level, also begin to change so that they themselves glow, like their neighbor. And so a chain reaction began, which depends on the Energies of Light coming from outside, on the basis of which the transformation of these cells takes place.

In this connection, in the human body there are cells with an initial stage of transformation and with a final one, as well as cells that inhibit their development and welcome it. Therefore, the transformation of the entire physical body takes place in different places of the body in different ways, that is, somewhere faster, and somewhere slower. And this, in turn, affects the process of the Ascension of a person, where some will quickly undergo the transformation of their cells from carbon to silicon and Ascend, others will need, for example, the whole life in order to complete the intermediate process of transformation, which is why it is said in the Messages that completely changes in physical bodies of people will pass only in two generations, because many deliberately hinder their individual evolution in themselves - Ascension.

This is the transformation of the body from carbon to flint - Light-bearing or ... Dark-bearing (I don't know how this word is spelled correctly). If a person chooses for himself the Path of development on the side of the Forces of Darkness, then his Energies will be the Energies of Darkness, which means that his body will be a carrier of Darkness and it will glow with Darkness, not Light. And since our planet is now becoming a Stronghold for the Forces of Light, then everyone who chooses the side of the Forces of Darkness will be transferred to the Worlds of Darkness on other planets, where they will live comfortably in the corresponding Energies of Darkness.

This does not apply to those people who live in the low vibrations of the Dark Energies of the 3rd Dimension, because the Energies of Darkness are already high vibrations of the 4th Dimension, where a person does NOT live in vices due to sins, but deliberately uses their Dark Energies in his spiritual work. For example, to manipulate people by playing on their vices. Such a person, who has chosen the side of Darkness, also Ascends into the 5th Dimension, because his transformation of cells from carbon to silicon proceeds the same way as everyone else, because by doing so he raises his vibrations, which is important for life in the 5th Dimension, even if not our new one. Mira Malden, but on another planet. But what is important here is that in the Future he will use his Energy of Darkness for destruction, and not for creation, as he would choose his development through the Path of Light.

I will only add to what has been said that the Forces of Darkness now need Light Souls who have just chosen the Path of their development through Darkness, so that while on their Light Energies of creation they - the Forces of Darkness could restore or rebuild their Dark Worlds, because from the Energies of Darkness their Worlds were destroyed and collapse...

About the physical body

1. V.: Why do people become ugly, old, ugly with age?

A: The body becomes ugly not only with age, but in general, because it does not sound in unison with its Divine essence. Tuning into resonance with the essence gives a state of sublimity, i.e. human condition, consonant with the Divine. In this case, even in old age, the body will be beautiful.

2. V.: What is the advantage of recovery in relation to drug therapy?

A: 1. Medicines are expensive.

2. All medicines, without exception, have side effects.

3. For some diseases, medications must be used throughout life, because. it is impossible to recover from an illness without changing your lifestyle (diabetes, etc.)

4. Addiction to the drug leads to a decrease in its effectiveness, and over time, an increasing dose is required to achieve the effect.

3. V.: How to quickly get rid of a serious illness?

A: To quickly get rid of the disease, one must be a Magician and purposefully work on the disease. First of all, you need to find the cause of the disease, which will stop its development. Then you need to draw up a recovery program in stages. When compiling a program, turn to the Divine Forces. And day after day follow this program, increasing your Individual strength.

4. V.: How to restore a lost organ in the physical body?

ABOUT.: Firstly, in order to restore the lost organ, it is necessary to work for the Planet so much that it gives permission and energy for the transformation of the physical body. Earth is the mistress of physical bodies.

Secondly, as a rule, the energy matrix of the lost organ remains, but it is necessary to process the karmic reasons that caused its loss, it may even be necessary to harmonize the karma of the Kind by serving the Earth.

After that, changes begin in the body. At the same time, the genetic matrix of the organism itself will begin to change. Divine energies will penetrate into the genes, which will restore organs and create a physically invulnerable body.

5. V.: How to quickly rebuild the body?

A: Prana is needed to rebuild the body. To gain prana, you need to go outside every morning and inhale prana for 5-6 heartbeats for 15 minutes. Then make smooth movements of Tai Chi, absorbing solar orgone.

Walk in the evening, breathing in the twilight Force. Drinking water during the day is a bioactive soup, a living being. Do physical exercises regularly.

6. V.: How does exercise affect the environment?

A: Any physical, including health-improving, exercises without respect for ethics are meaningless. Diseases of the body are nature's way of limiting the activities of egoists. The desire to become stronger for selfish self-affirmation most often manifests itself as a way of self-destruction (for example, among athletes).

Hand-to-hand combat built on aggression brings disharmony to the foundations of Existence. All movements originated from the creative dances of Shiva - the World Spirit.

7. V.:How does the word affect the body?

A: Words are connected with the world of sensations, just as the world of sensations is connected with words. The main words in our vocabulary should be those words that are able to awaken and activate physical and creative forces, i.e. words that lead to sources of power.

8. V.: How do negative words affect the body?

A: Only constructive words should be spoken, because words with the opposite sign reduce the will of a person, deform the physical body and the surrounding space.

9. V.: What does body pain mean?

A: Pain in the body is caused by structures that require transformation.

10. V.: How do gossip and criticism affect the physical body?

A: Gossip and criticism strikes the ears and kidneys of the one who does it.

11. V.: How do personality traits manifest themselves in the body?

A: Personal qualities materialize in the body in the form of improperly functioning organs and tissues.

12. IN.: How does the Personality in a man's body affect the body?

A: Personality blocks his heart and head, therefore, when a man is faced with the choice: “To show himself as a man or not” and he begins to think about it, he already takes the side of his female Personality, paying for this choice with his life force.

13. W.: I once did push-ups and did it so many times without feeling tired. Realizing this situation, I got scared and fell down. Why did this happen?

A: When a person goes beyond the stereotypes to the level of his energy body, he can perform unlimited loads, but the personality begins to dissolve and becomes frightened of such a situation. Our possibilities are directly proportional to our heart strength. Everything is possible for a physical body in physical space!

14. W.: How to deal with gluttony?

A: Track the state of gluttony, starting with appetite. If there is a wave of appetite, then wait 10-15 minutes, drink water, and then make a decision - to eat or not to eat.

15. W.: What is the feeling of hunger?

A: The feeling of hunger is the desire of vampires, fixed by their channels in the body, to be nourished through food.

16. W.: What is the physical body for a person?

A: The physical body is God's gift, the subject and object of development and improvement, a materialized emotional force.

17. W.: What is the physical body for us?

A: For ordinary people, the body acts as a biorobot. For us, the body is a magical creature, each movement of which affects not only itself, but also the world around us. The energy matrix of the body is also projected into the future. By changing this matrix, a person changes his future.

18. W.: What needs to be done to change the physical body?

A: To change the structures of the physical body, you need to open the structure of the connection.

19. W.: How can you quickly change and spiritualize your body?

A: The revival and spiritualization of one's body and the surrounding world occurs with the help of energies flowing through the Connection Structure. For its optimal functioning, it is necessary to remove consumerism.

20. V.: How is the physical body separated from the Divine energies?

A: If you schematically imagine the structure of a person in physical space, then you can see the following layers:

Protective layer - represented by a shell of non-humanoid energies, which is inscribed in the subconscious. She was educated by her parents. This layer is closer to the physical body.

A layer of one's own opinion, where the "I" dominates and opinions that separate the body from the outside world. Opinions are built on the qualities of selfishness. A person focused on his own opinion, wherever he looks, he sees only himself everywhere. If there is one's own opinion, then there is no Divine fire inside, which means that a person does not develop and improve, but remains in the illusion of a stormy and active life.

The third shell is stereotypes of behavior. They are projected outward. They look like threads, pulling which causes the corresponding reactions. Stereotypes are based on one's own opinion.

21. W.: How to make the body immortal?

A: To saturate it with the energies of your immortal Spirit and Soul.

A: If at the level of the physical body a person adjusts Perception to Immortality and Omnipotence, then the body will acquire these qualities.

22. V.: How does the Idea that a person embodies affect the state of his physical body?

A: The more global the Idea, the more powerful the energies, the more body structures are captured and the more energy is attracted to the realization. At the same time, the processes occurring outside are felt more actively, the physical body changes more actively towards the Divine side.

23. W.: What determines the state of the physical body in the first place?

A: The state of the physical body of a person primarily depends on the Idea that a person embodies, the goals, the scope of his human interests and the realization of his Divine destiny.

24. W.: Sometimes people ask me questions, for example why I don't eat meat, etc., but advertisements on television, in the press, in stores, strongly impose such food. It is difficult to prove, but what to do?

A: You don't have to prove anything to anyone. Be yourself and don't be like the herd that thinks, talks, eats, dresses and behaves like they show on TV. But always clearly know for yourself why you are doing this or that, and be able to clearly convey to the interlocutor your view of your own life, which gives you a feeling of freedom and joy.

25. W.: How to develop the flexibility of the body, having neither theoretical nor practical knowledge?

A: Go and learn from someone who has already developed the flexibility of their physical body.

26. W.: I have been going to school for the 5th year, but I have not yet got rid of all the sores. Why?

A: From the moment of birth, each person is given a certain amount of vital force. The genetic structure of the physical body initially has a not quite human configuration. Its shortcomings are exacerbated by genetic diseases, unresolved problems, etc.

The physical structures of the body are built before the age of 25, and from the age of 25 a person begins to actively spend his life force, which is accompanied by illnesses, injuries, and inharmonious situations.

Developing, you gain Strength, and the body directs it to the weakest places, patching holes as best it can. Perhaps you had to go through accidents, social upheavals, etc. You avoided all this, but some sores in the body remained. Your body thinks that they are not as dangerous as something else… It is necessary to spend so much energy so that it is enough to restore the physical body and neutralize the negative energies accumulated over the years.

27. W.: Why does the appearance of people is so deformed in old age?

A.: In the physical space, the egoistic Personality is built from energies opposite to the gender of the bearer. As a result, men have a feminine will, and women have a masculine one. Both those and others with age become like their own parody of the opposite sex.

28. IN.: What is body shape?

A: Form is the movement of two streams: the upper one from the cosmos - Spirit and the lower one from the earth - Matter. The closer to the body, the denser the flows become. Attention, located and fixed at the key points of the body, holds the shape of the crystal. If attention is removed from the key points, then the form will dissolve and information about it will remain only in the information space of forms.

Eating less or dieting isn't the only way to change the way you feel and look. Taking care of yourself is not only about proper nutrition, it is also about paying attention to the body at all levels from the physical to the psychological. Here are some tips to help you lead a healthy lifestyle and not diet.

Keep a food diary

If you're looking to lose weight, you can start writing down everything you eat to help you become more food conscious. Use a paper notebook or a special application on your phone. For people suffering from acne or digestive problems, keeping track of your diet can help you understand what could be a potential cause. In addition, it helps you take a closer look at your nutrition from the outside. A food diary is great for helping you control your weight without harming your health. The point is not to limit yourself, but to consciously choose foods and eat what works well for your body.

Eat with other people, not gadgets

Take a break from the screen - both the mind and the body will thank you for it. When you are distracted from eating by what is happening on the screen, you can eat more. Research has shown that people who don't pay attention to what they eat are more likely to snack later. In addition, eating in the company of other people is useful - this has been proven by research. Singles have been found to eat fewer vegetables than those who live in marriage or just with other people in the house.

use roller

Recovery after training is of great importance, sometimes it can be even more important than the training itself. The massage roller is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but it has been proven to increase range of motion, increase flexibility, and help with muscle pain.

Eat slower

Try to do everything as slowly as possible. Enjoy all the flavors and rich texture of your food. If you act mindfully, you will feel full faster and allow your body to properly absorb and process all the nutrients.

get enough sleep

You should definitely try to get the recommended amount of sleep - seven to nine hours. Yes, if you are studying or working, it can be difficult, but do your best to achieve it. If you don't get enough sleep, all the benefits of a healthy diet can be neutralized, and your emotional well-being will suffer. Stop browsing social media before bed and make sure you get as much rest as possible.

Drink more water

Moisturizing the body is extremely important, and you probably already heard about it. Water makes up sixty percent of your body weight. It is very important to get enough water - for men it is thirteen cups, and for women nine. This has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, muscles and overall well-being.

Eat more vegetables

Eating vegetables is a great way to reduce your risk of developing heart disease and protect yourself from developing certain types of cancer. In addition, vegetables are rich in vitamins and nutrients not found in other foods. Try not to reduce your diet, but enrich it - start your meal with vegetables, and then move on to starchy carbohydrates and lean protein.

Visit a therapist

If you visit a psychotherapist, not only your psychological state improves, but also your physical one. If you do not express your feelings and constantly suppress them, the body reacts negatively. In addition, many people develop ulcers or headaches when the body reacts to stress or psychological problems. Try to discuss your emotions with your therapist without putting your body under unnecessary stress.

Do strength training, stretching or just go for a walk

Many people sit at a desk all day long, so it's important to move as much as possible during your free time. You don't have to go to the gym, there are many other ways to train your muscles. Go for a walk, exercise at home, or just stretch on the grass. Even a minimal load is better than no movement at all. There are many benefits to exercise. If you're looking for motivation, remember that exercise strengthens bones, increases energy levels, and may even improve your sex life.

Use sunscreen

This tip may sound trite, but it's really important to your well-being. Be sure to use sunscreen during the summer months, don't forget about it in the winter - try to protect your body as much as possible. Remember that skin cancer is a real problem, so take care of yourself.

Take your lunch with you

If you take food with you, it is easiest for you to stick to a healthy diet. It works in exactly the same way as keeping a food diary - you act more consciously. In addition, this is how you decide what you will eat, and neither the queues nor the prices in the cafe will concern you.

Stop eating when you feel full

Learn to listen to your hunger, this will help you eat intuitively. The wrong relationship with food forces you to ignore the feeling of fullness and overeat. Some people eat out of boredom, reward themselves with food, or simply chew mechanically. Be mindful, and this will help you feel full faster.

Eat fruit, don't drink

It may seem that drinking juice is an easy and convenient way to consume fruits and vegetables, but it is not. In fact, drinking juice will not make you healthier. Juice cleanses are all the rage right now, but eating them deprives your body of all the benefits of these foods. In addition, more food is consumed this way - you would never eat as many whole fruits as you drink in the form of juice. When making a drink from fruits, fiber and fat are lost, which the body needs in order to absorb vitamins. As a result, fruit juice is just sweet water.


Meditation helps a person to remain calm and collected. It has been proven that it affects not only the body, but also the brain. You can lower your blood pressure, manage anxiety, and improve your cognitive abilities.

Head to the Sauna

Pamper yourself with a day at the spa and be sure to check out the sauna. This will help reduce stress levels and promote heart health, and it has been proven to affect the body in a similar way to exercise.

Measure out portions

Precise portion control helps you eat as much as your body needs. There are foods that are too high in calories, so it's easy to overeat with them. Portion control is the solution!

Dolores Cannon "Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth". Volume 2

Chapter 16 Physical symptoms of body changes

I have received a lot of information about the physical symptoms that people experience as their bodies adjust to changes in vibrational frequency. These symptoms include headache, fatigue, depression, dizziness, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, and muscle and joint pain.

These symptoms do not occur at the same time. A person may feel one or two symptoms for a few days, and then they may disappear for several months. They are caused by the fact that the body is adjusting to a higher frequency of vibrations, it needs time to adapt.

"They" said that the body cannot instantly change its vibrations. It could not handle this powerful energy. Therefore, the change must be gradual. One of the symptoms that can be observed over a long period of time is ringing or buzzing in the ears. It does not harm the body, but it can definitely be annoying. The body is trying to tune in to a higher frequency of energy vibrations.

To eliminate this effect, you can visualize the scale and mentally mark the desired vibration frequency on it. Say to yourself, “I want my body to gradually increase in frequency until it reaches this level.” People with these symptoms went to the doctors, but they said that everything was fine with them. Doctors can't find a cause for concern. However, they still prescribe drugs, which is bad: they do not know the causes of the symptoms.

I have had several clients who have experienced more extreme symptoms that have baffled doctors. One of them was Denise, a nurse who worked in a large hospital. She contacted me in August 2005. She had convulsions and numbness in some parts of her body, but the doctors could not find the cause.

One day she passed out at work. They did a tomography and found something similar to New Year's light bulbs in her brain. Doctors called it "granulomas". After taking a chest X-ray, the doctors found the same granulomas in the lungs. In addition, abnormal enzyme activity was observed in her liver. The doctors couldn't figure out what was wrong. When conducting a second study, it turned out that the granulomas changed their location and formed a band in the brain.

Doctors could not come up with a diagnosis for a long time, but, in the end, they decided that she had sarcoidosis. However, one doctor said, "I don't think it's really sarcoidosis. On the one hand, this is a very rare disease, and on the other hand, it is unlikely that it could have arisen where Denise lives: in a desert with dry air. This disease usually occurs in conditions of high humidity. But the doctors could not come up with any other diagnosis. They put her on steroids, which caused her diabetes.

During the session, the subconscious said that there was no illness and that nothing threatened the body. The brain was simply adapting to the coming changes. The same applies to the lungs and other parts of the body. The body was trying to adapt to the higher frequency of energy vibrations. I asked: “Why, then, were small luminous dots observed in the brain?” And "they" answered: "Connect the dots!"

The convulsions and numbness of the parts of the body were due to the fact that much had to be done in a short time. Usually "they" don't want to put too much stress on the body, so change happens slowly. But in some cases, the body needs to adapt faster because, in my opinion, time is speeding up and change is inevitable. This explains the cramps and numbness. When she lost consciousness, her body was simply overloaded. But "they" said she didn't have to worry, it wouldn't happen again. Her brain is fine. And if she now goes through another study, then the doctors will not find anything, because this phase is over. The next phase is the adaptation of body chemicals that will not cause these symptoms.

When the doctor informed Denise of this strange illness, he said that she had no more than six months to live. But she kept repeating, "I don't think so." When she went to the doctor again, he looked at her in surprise and said, "I don't understand why you look so good." She understood what he meant to add: “You must die soon!” Denise works as a nurse in intensive care. She replied, “I see people dying all the time and I knew I wasn't dying. So I didn't understand what you were talking about.

The subconscious saw that during the transition, Denise would do wonderful things and that in the next ten to twenty years she would play an important role in all of this. I wanted to know more about steroids. I knew they could be dangerous, especially since they caused diabetes. "They" replied that the diabetes would go away. It was just a lesson for her body to learn. Now she doesn't need it anymore. Even though they were powerful drugs, "they" would be able to neutralize their effect so that they did not have a negative effect on the body. "They" can neutralize any unnecessary drug and remove it from the body.

Patsy was allergic to pollen. The subconscious mind said, “This is a physical reaction to being on this planet. She can live with it. It also reminds her of who she really is. That she's not at home right now." She had colon problems and an unexplained skin rash. “I hear production. Something is being produced there. Some necessary element is created, and this causes a reaction in the colon and on the skin. It has to do with what is happening on Earth right now. She has long known that her body is changing. But, being in a physical body, it seems incomprehensible. Doctors can't do anything about it. They don't understand the changes that are happening."

Patsy also had very low blood pressure. “It's okay for her. She doesn't need to be like other people. That is why we discourage her from going to the doctors, because they are always trying to find some disease, and she does not need it.

Dolores: They want everyone to be the same.

Patsy: Yes. Yes, it makes people easier to treat and control. But many people are not like everyone else. No one should harm her body.

D: I meet people who are afraid if they don't understand something.

P: They are learning. Fear can be very destructive.

Carol has been in a past life that is irrelevant to the subject of this book. The subconscious began to heal her body. "They" neutralized the tumor in the pelvic region. The subconscious can cope with such formations without surgical intervention. The swelling was caused by Carol being exposed to other people's negative emotions. “Anger, resentment, fear. She absorbs the fear of other people and transforms it. In some situations it is necessary, but in her case it has a devastating effect on her body." She was one of the volunteers who had never been to Earth before, so she couldn't handle her strong emotions. The first two waves of volunteers do not understand emotions, and in some cases can be paralyzed by them.

Carol: It's time to end the pain and suffering. We also need to work on the changes taking place in the blood. Blood cells and bone marrow intuitively change. And she needs to understand that her physical body is changing, to understand the process so that the physical body does not die due to the changes that will take place over the next ten years.

Dolores: You said the body changes?

K: Yes. The physical body changes its vibrations.

D: How does it affect the blood?

K .: Its density is changing. When the vibrations of the body change, the cells begin to function differently, acquire some new functions. I don't know how to explain it properly, but they should...

D: Learn something new? (- Yes) Is that something these cells haven't done before?

K: Right.

D: And she learns to adapt to it?

K: Right.

D: Is it happening now with other people? (- Yes) I heard about many different symptoms. (- Yes) So, each person must learn to adapt?

K: Not everyone, but those who have to help others, teach others and lead groups of people, yes. It's all about vibrations, which can change the physical body very quickly.

D: Under normal conditions, these changes would take many generations, right?

K: Yes. This is time compression. There is neither space nor time, but on the earth plane space and time exist. Therefore, in order for instant healing to occur on the earth plane, it is necessary to compress time, for this the cells receive new instructions instead of the old ones.

D: Oh! And some people's bodies can't take it very well. I think it can cause physical symptoms that doctors don't understand. This is true?

K: Yes. They cannot understand them with the technology they have. The minds of some of them are advanced enough to figure it out, but in general, the medical industry is outdated in terms of what it should know and be able to do. People must be willing to change their minds and get rid of their distorted beliefs.

D: We must end the zombification that has been applied to us throughout our lives. We were told that we should depend on external sources, but this is not so.

K: Right.

D: Carol felt like a victim all her life, and she was repeatedly betrayed. (- Yes) Why did she have such a life?

K: She needs to understand what it means to be a victim, because very soon many people will find themselves in a similar position. And she has to be prepared for the fact that she will have to fix what needs to be fixed in order to help make the transition ... It's all about the transition ...

D: She has an important role to play in working with these people? (- Yes) Because she can understand them?

K: Yes. And she will work with healers.

Nancy several times unsuccessfully tried to go back to her past life. Her conscious mind interfered with the process all the time. Finally, after trying several methods to no avail, I decided to turn to my subconscious mind and let it sort out the situation.

Dolores: Is there any important past life that Nancy needs to see in order to deal with her present life?

Nancy: Yes and no, because, on the one hand, it is important for receiving karmic lessons, but, on the other hand, we are moving to non-karmic conditioning.

D: So she doesn't need to see her past lives?

N: It is not necessary.

D: What about karma?

N .: With the transition to a new universe, karma actually disappears.

D: So she doesn't have to worry about karma?

N: No, she has karma, but it doesn't matter.

D: Is that why Nancy wasn't allowed to see other lives?

N: It's not that it wasn't allowed, but that it wasn't necessary. This could cause confusion. The human mind would cling to what it sees and be unable to rid itself of judgment about it.

D: Events from the past help many people understand the present.

N: But now it doesn't matter anymore, because on Earth there will no longer be the reincarnation that we know. What was necessary in the old world will no longer matter in the new, so looking at other lives will only cause confusion.

D: I still have many clients whose problems come from other lifetimes.

N .: All these problems are neutralized. Your work is important because there are energetic mechanisms to get rid of in this lifetime. They are mostly related to health issues. The problems of the present have nothing to do with moving forward, so they must be neutralized. We do not know when the hour of the New Earth will come, but it is already close. The question is when the energy vibrations will reach the desired frequency and create a new world. In this way, you help people cope with their physical problems so that they do not feel uncomfortable that should not be. It is important.

Nancy (like all other people who come to me) wanted to know about her destiny. The subconscious replied: “This is not the answer she wanted to receive, but her destiny cannot yet be revealed, since the new Universe has not yet been created. Everything is in a state of planning, movement, change. We see the big picture, but things can still change.”

D: But can you tell what she should do?

N: She will have an insight related to this.

D: Is there anything she needs to work on?

N: At this stage, no. She will move to the new Earth and immediately understand what she needs to do. We still need to make some efforts, but the border has already been crossed.

D: I heard that everything is already decided, because the vibrations cannot change so quickly.

N: No. When the boundary is crossed, one has to go through a kind of transitional period. After the transition, everything will be completely different, and those things that seemed important to you until recently will no longer matter in this new world.

D: Nancy said she wanted to help people and the world.

N: It would be necessary if the Earth remained in the vibrational dimension in which it is now, but the transition is about to take place. You know what is going to happen, but you don't know what it will look like. You will only know after it happens. All we can say is that it must happen.

D: I've heard that some people won't understand at all that something has happened.

N: I think thinking is also changing, so those who make the transition will know what's going on. As for those who will remain, it is not yet possible to say whether they are aware of what has happened or not. Everything can still change.

D: But Nancy wants to help in some way now. She studied healing and reiki and also learned how to work with angels.

N: But everyone will have the same abilities, and everyone will have a new energy.

D: Will everyone do the same thing?

N: Not really. It simply won't be necessary. We do all this in order to increase the frequency of vibrations. But when you move to this new level, there will no longer be a need for healing, because everyone will already be healed. Until the transition, you can continue to work with people and help them. But when the transition happens, you will all be on the same frequency, on the same level.

D: But there are people who need Nancy, right?

N: Yes. There are people you help to move into the new world. They cling to old patterns, but you help them move forward.

D: So she won't know who these people are.

N .: Yes, and they will not know that she is helping them either. It should focus on what all the inhabitants of the Earth must make the transition. When the frequency of vibrations of one person increases, a kind of chain reaction occurs: his energy is transferred to another person, from that person to another, and so on, until the frequency of vibrations of the entire Earth increases.

We simply continue our work and thereby increase the frequency of vibrations. Therefore, it cannot be said that you should not do anything. Just keep doing what you are doing. But in the future, there will be no need to say, "Help me with Reiki" and so on, because everyone will have the right means.

And if you have the right means, then you can get rid of all diseases. Having goals and dreams is always good. It's hard to put into words, but we think it's happening faster than you think, and you're wasting time. Although, perhaps, this is also not the best explanation. But I believe that the best thing you can do is to have good intentions. Always express your willingness to help and never refuse those who come to you.

All the lessons she needs now are related to the karmic wheel, but soon it won't matter. When your vibrations reach a certain level, you will no longer need to think about karma. That is why it makes no sense to ask questions about past lives. It's just that the human mind always wants to know how and why. You just need to be sure that if you awaken, you will move on to the new Earth.

Then work was carried out on Nancy's body, and she was cured of smoking and overeating. She felt "they" scanning her and making adjustments, especially in the right side of her brain. After that, she felt vibrations throughout her body. "They're doing a scan and eliminating the impulses."

D: Trust them. They know what they're doing. They eliminate the impulse to overeat.

N .: Yes, as well as other bad habits. The body can handle everything on its own, but it's all about controlling the number and size of portions. In small doses, the body can handle anything. The best food is one that is free of chemical additives and preservatives. Less is better. The body must get rid of them, and then it can become healthy. We gave her impulses to correct her program. She will love it. Her taste buds are already starting to change.

"They" always emphasize that it is better to eat little, but often, than a lot, but rarely. Over time, we will eat only liquids.

After the transition to the New Earth, we may not need to eat at all. We will live off pure energy and light, just like many of the aliens I have interacted with.

In early 2011, while I was compiling this book, some unusual events occurred that made it clear that the transition was close at hand. These events showed that changes in the frequency of vibrations affect not only people, but also animals. Everyone is exposed to the changes taking place around us and becoming more and more obvious.

Below are excerpts from two sessions held in January 2011:

L: Everything changes. What you call the New Earth is becoming reality. Heavy energies that cause disharmony will not pass to the New Earth. They will not be part of it. Those who are in resonance with these old energies will remain on Old Earth. They can get rid of these old energies at any moment, but they need to be willing.

D: I wanted to ask you one question. Something is happening in Arkansas. They say that birds just fall from the sky.

This first became known on the eve of 2011. Thousands of birds have been found, mostly red-winged thrushes. At the same time, there was a mass death of fish in the Arkansas River. A few days later, similar reports began to arrive from Sweden, as well as from Kentucky and Tennessee. As a result of the examination, nothing was found in the birds, except for injuries from falling from a height. The official explanation was that fireworks had frightened the birds on New Year's Eve. If so, why were there no reports of mass bird deaths on July 4th? The only unusual atmospheric phenomenon was an electrical storm that caused a tornado in Arkansas.

L: It symbolizes a change in energy, because birds, cows, fish, whales, turtles, bees - they are all subject to energy changes. And they didn't change their vibrations fast enough.

D: We all change our vibrational frequency. They are smaller than us, and that's why they weren't able to change their vibrations fast enough?

L .: Animals are on a different energy level and they are more sensitive to changes than people. And that was partly due to human intervention.

D: What do you mean?

L: As the new Earth takes shape, the energies of the planet change. There is a transition from old energies to new ones. There is a separation, and it affects birds, animals, bees, plants, and also people. They react in a certain way to energy changes, and in some cases their physical body cannot withstand this. The soul that lives in them must follow the energy.

D: That's what I was told: if the energy were to change instantly, it would destroy the human body.

L: Yes, that's why the human body changes.

D: Gradually adapts to the vibrations.

L: And that is why diseases arise, because disease is one of the forms of adaptation of the body.

D: I was told that those who cannot adapt or change their frequency of vibration will simply leave the planet.

L: They cannot keep their soul and body together. The Möbius strip breaks.

I had never heard the term "Möbius strip" before, so I had to look up information about it. As it turned out, this is a mathematical term, also known as "twisted cylinder". Mathematics has always been my weak point, but I tried to understand the meaning of this term in order to explain it to readers.

The ball has two sides. A piece of paper lying on a table also has two sides. The Möbius strip has a one-sided surface. The easiest way to create this ribbon is to take a strip of paper, rotate one of the ends 180 degrees, and glue the ends together. If you do not rotate one of the ends 180 degrees, then by gluing the ends, you will get a cylinder or a ring.

The Möbius strip is known for its unusual properties. For example, a beetle crawling in the center of a tape will always move in the same direction. I am sure that this is not all and that some readers will be able to explain it better than me. So forgive me; each has its own limitations.

The subconscious said, “They cannot keep their soul and body together. The Möbius strip breaks." I think the inspiring power here is compared to a continuous Möbius strip. When the Möbius strip breaks, it becomes a normal paper strip again. Perhaps the same thing happens with birds and animals. They get too much energy and their bodies can't handle it, causing the matrix to collapse. “They” repeatedly said that if the body receives too much energy, then it can destroy it.

D: Is it the same with these birds?

D: It happened in Arkansas, but also in Sweden.

L: It happened all over the world, even in East Texas.

D: It just wasn't on the news.

L .: Many people talk about this, but the media are silent.

D: It's interesting that it happened on New Year's Eve.

L .: There are those who are trying to manipulate this information, turning it into apocalyptic visions. But it's not. Scientists are afraid that they cannot control the situation and cannot hide it. They can't stop it, and they see the transition coming. All living things have a soul.

D: The soul cannot be killed.

L.: Yes. But the physical body of the being, be it a bird or a whale, remains behind and does not make the transition. The old energy remains where it was before. The New Earth already exists, but every moment it becomes more real, more powerful.

D: And it approaches our reality.

L: Yes, to your time and space.

D: So when the New Earth is formed, the Old Earth will continue to exist. At first we thought there would be some kind of split.

L .: No, it will be like a Phoenix rising from the ashes. (laughs) But some people find it scary because they think the planet has to turn to ash to do it.

D: And that a catastrophe is about to happen. All negative things and cataclysms will remain on the Old Earth. (- That's right) We - must go to the New Earth.

D: I was told that we wouldn't even be able to tell the difference. It won't happen spontaneously.

L .: You will know about it by your feelings. If life seems softer, gentler, happier, more joyful, then you will understand that ...

D: Are we moving towards the New Earth?

L.: Yes. This process has been going on for over a year now. We were here… You just don't need to upset your psyche and mind, which should be in harmony with the body. If you upset him, everything falls apart. Therefore, this transition allows you to adapt gradually.

D: I've been told that other people will stay with what they've created, and that's fine.

L.: Yes. It's okay, because it's another lesson. How do you know what you like? How do you know what joy is if you've never felt pain? Until you feel it, it remains just an idea. But you don't have to keep feeling it over and over again. Once is enough.

D: What about New Earth?

J: I see layers. Many layers, like an onion. They are transparent and you can choose any of them. The closer to the core, the denser they are, and the farther away, the thinner they are. There is a lot of emotion in the core, and it looks fiery red. The outer layers are thin and transparent, and it is easier to move around in them.

D: But are there really two Earths, the old and the new? I was told that there must be a separation.

J: Separation in the sense that the New Earth is very bright, like everything that is on it. There are emotions here, but they are different. There is no anger here, no all these heavy emotions. Only light. This can be described as a separation of emotions, a separation of feelings that makes you a bright person and takes you to a bright place.

The outer layer is the light Earth, and the core is the old Earth. The core looks fiery red due to anger, heavy emotions, heavy thoughts, heavy feelings, and so on. But there are intermediate layers between the core and the outer layer, and you can move between them by making a choice. And when you make a choice, they remain separate.

D: And so there is a division?

J: Yes. When you choose a light, you head towards it. If you choose heavy thoughts, heavy emotions, then you go to them. For a while, you can move between the layers in different directions to see what they are and make a choice. It's all within you. You yourself create your New and Old Earth, create your own reality.

D: I was told that this would happen for the first time in the history of the universe. The whole planet will move into a new dimension.

J: And that's great. Previously, civilizations and individuals did this.

D: But this is the first time this will happen to the whole planet.

J: The planet is also a living entity. She wants to do this, and that's why she created all these layers. And she, like us, makes her choice. We do it with her. This is a gradual transition. When we choose light, joy, lightness, tenderness… we move between these layers. When we make a choice, we begin to think, “I like this feeling more.” And then you keep moving in the same direction.

You need to experiment. You can take two steps forward and then a step back and think, “I don't like this feeling. Perhaps I will move in this direction. In the process of this gradual movement, you must realize that everything is in your hands. You can manage it. This is your creation. This is your reality. The more you are aware of it, the more you enjoy it, because you can do it consciously.

D: There have been some mysterious events involving birds recently. They say they just fell from the sky. In another session, I was informed that this was happening all over the world, not just in Arkansas. Can you tell me something about it?

J: I see the movement of the earth. It's like... (gestures)... a sharp jerk. But we didn't feel it. However, there was a sharp jolt in the outer layers, and it caused... what do you call it?

D: Some kind of shock wave?

J: Something like that. Like a blast of air. Like a vibration. Kind of a break. The movement happened in one place but did not happen in another, and this led to something like an earthquake. Therefore, everything that was in that layer or in that part, everything was sensitive ... yes, they are very sensitive. This is a signal, a warning about something happening.

D: I was told it had to do with energy. Since they are smaller than us, they were unable to cope with the energy changes. No, I have a question. Why did this not affect all birds, but only certain species in certain areas?

J: Maybe certain kinds of birds are just more sensitive...

D: To certain vibrations? (-Yes) But it didn't kill all the birds of the same species.

J: No. I think it has to do with where they were, so it can be compared to an earthquake. It happened in certain layers and affected certain places on Earth. It didn't happen all over the world. It affected those parts of the world that are associated with those layers in which it happened.

Dolores Cannon "Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth". Volume 2, p. 194-210