Polymer photochromic lenses. Glasses with photochromic lenses: pros and cons. Chameleon glasses: operating principle and types

Glasses with photochromic lenses have another name - chameleons, since they can change their color directly depending on the lighting. IN dark time days or indoors, they have practically no differences from ordinary colorless lenses or may have an unexpressed initial tint.

On the street, such glasses darken on their own, and in sunlight they practically turn into sunglasses. If you go into any room, the photochromic glasses will again become transparent.

Principle of operation

Such properties of chameleon glasses can be explained by the presence of special substances with a photochromic structure in the lenses. Under the influence ultraviolet radiation, their spatial structure changes, they stop transmitting light, and as a result the lenses darken.

In the absence of ultraviolet light, the opposite changes occur, and such a lens becomes transparent again.

Until recently, the darkening speed of such glasses depended not only on the degree of illumination, but also on temperature environment. Darkening occurred more quickly in the cold than at high temperatures, and in very hot summer days The lenses may not have reached their maximum darkness.

Photochromic lenses, which are produced using modern innovative technologies, the speed of the processes of clearing and reverse darkening, as well as the degree of darkening, have practically no dependence on the ambient temperature.

Manufacturing technologies for photochromic glasses

In most cases, photochromic lenses in a darkened state come in two shades - brown and gray, and the maximum darkening indicator can vary: from weak (10-15%) to strong (80-85%).

Photochromic lenses can be produced using various technologies. For example, according to Technology Transitions, photochromic substances are evenly distributed over the surface of the lens to a certain depth. Most well-known manufacturers, such as Sola, Zeiss, Seiko, Essilor, Hoya, produce photochromic lenses using this technology.

At the core SunSensors technologies, the distribution of photochromic substances is carried out throughout the entire mass of materials from which the lens is directly produced. Such products are called volume-colored. A number of companies also use a similar method to create their photochromic lenses.

Hoya, Kodak and Rodenstock produce eyeglass lenses from their own polymer materials with photochromic agents distributed throughout the mass.

Benefits of photochromic glasses

Photochromic glasses ideal for people with poor eyesight. Such people either purchase prescription sunglasses and, when going out into bright sunlight, are forced to change them, or wear tinted glasses. Chameleons can replace several pairs of glasses.

In a glassed room, photochromic lenses do not darken, since glass is not capable of transmitting ultraviolet radiation, so such glasses also “do not work” in a car.

Therefore, drivers wearing glasses for vision correction should use sunglasses with diopters, or use special clip-on attachments for glasses.

But recently many well-known companies began to produce photochromic lenses that can darken not only under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, but also under the action of short-wave blue rays of the solar spectrum, penetrating directly into the car interior.

In addition to the fact that fluorochromes provide one hundred percent protection from dangerous ultraviolet radiation, they provide the light transmission necessary for the eyes, reacting to the slightest changes in lighting on the street, while eye strain and visual fatigue are reduced, and the contrast of vision increases. This is extremely important for those who have increased tear production or have.

In addition to visual convenience and comfort, photochromic glasses also have certain medical indications:

  • as an alternative to sunglasses
  • they are recommended for patients suffering from dystrophic diseases of the retina
  • reduce the likelihood of developing cataracts

Photochromic lenses can be either polymer or mineral, including polycarbonate. The buyer has the opportunity to choose any refractive index for his photochromic glasses, if necessary, you can make them more sophisticated.

Photochromic lenses are sometimes coated with a special multifunctional coating, giving the glasses the necessary beneficial features. Modern glasses are available in absolutely any design: aspherical, traditional monofocal, progressive.

Photochromic lenses are extremely popular among consumers who want glasses that not only provide high performance vision, but also reliable protection from solar radiation.

Photochromic glasses help people with visual impairments, protect against ultraviolet radiation and have many advantages over other optical devices. How do they work and are there any disadvantages to using them? Let's figure it out.

Photochromic glasses change color as the light changes.

How do photochromic glasses work?

What are photochromic glasses and what are they for? This is a device in which the lenses simultaneously correct visual acuity and are able to regulate the level of darkness. The impetus for action is the degree of illumination and the angle of impact sunlight to their surface. Chameleons are the second name for such glasses.

If a person is indoors, chameleons appearance They don’t give themselves away in any way. Transformations occur when going outside, when the glass begins to quickly darken and protects from the sun no worse than special solar glasses.

When entering a room, the lenses adapt to moderate lighting in a matter of seconds and become brighter

Such glasses are designed for the convenience of people with poor vision. This is especially true in the summer, when the eyes even healthy person They lose visual acuity in bright sunshine and get tired quickly.

Lenses for chameleons contain pigment molecules of a sensitive substance that actively react to ultraviolet radiation. They are activated when it appears and return to their initial position in its absence.

The intensity of glass tinting is higher, the brighter it is outside and the more aggressive the solar radiation.

In other words, glasses with photochromic lenses protect your eyes on a clear day by transmitting much less visible light rays. The color of such lenses can be brown or gray.

Photochromic glasses: pros and cons

Glasses with photochromic lenses cannot provide 100% protection from sunlight for a long time. This is the task of special sun protection models. Therefore, when going on vacation, it is safer to take both pairs with you.

It happens that in an office environment and when working at a computer, the glass often changes color, and this provokes rapid blinking when the lighting changes, the eyes quickly get tired, redness and headaches are observed.

According to WHO statistics, about 25% of the world's population has vision problems. Therefore, doctors are constantly developing new ways to correct ophthalmological disorders. One of the achievements in this area was the invention of chameleon glasses. Their price is affordable for most potential buyers, and the product has a whole list of advantages.

Gentle eye protection

The uniqueness of chameleon glasses lies in the fact that their lenses change their color and degree of darkening depending on the light level. Such glasses are called photochromes. If a person is indoors, then the amount of sun rays affecting the eyes is minimal, and the lenses remain light. But as soon as he goes outside, the lenses of the chameleon glasses change their color to a darker one, creating comfortable conditions for review. This protects the eye tissue from the harmful effects of unnecessary bright light and glare.

Chameleon glasses are universal:

  1. They simultaneously perform a protective function and help correct vision by using diopter lenses in their design.
  2. Wearing chameleon glasses allows you to completely protect your eyes from negative impact ultraviolet rays. Immediately reacting to their decrease and increase, the degree of light transmission changes. This reduces the load on eye tissue. As a result, visual fatigue is significantly reduced, the capillaries on the proteins turn red less, and the contrast and clarity of vision increases. This property is especially important for those who experience increased tear production in sunny weather.
  3. Chameleon glasses can be used both for correction and for preventive purposes with a predisposition to certain eye diseases. For example, ophthalmologists recommend such models to their patients who have dystrophic changes on the retina. Wearing glasses that regulate the dose of ultraviolet radiation helps reduce the risk of cataracts. Various lenses can be inserted into the product, for example, aspherical or progressive.
  4. This is not only convenient: using chameleon glasses for vision allows you to save a lot. Now a person with poor eyesight does not need to wear and contact lenses, and sunglasses.

Manufacturers are constantly improving the models and glass used to create them. Just a couple of years ago, the degree of lens darkening directly depended not only on lighting, but also on air temperature. This led to the fact that during the cold season the color of the lenses changed quickly, while in the summer months the photochromes reacted much more slowly. But today this drawback has been corrected, and modern production technology has made the darkening rate independent of the ambient temperature, which has significantly increased the quality of the product and its efficiency.

Difference between models in shape and materials

When purchasing chameleon glasses, you should keep in mind that they come in different types. Models differ from each other in the degree of lens darkening:

  1. Weak darkness. These glasses absorb from 15 to 50% sun rays. Their glasses usually have a brown tint. Thanks to the translucent lenses on the street, these chameleon glasses look attractive, which is why they are popular among the fair sex.
  2. Medium darkness. Their light absorption capacity ranges from 50 to 60%. Such models should be chosen for long walks; drivers and people whose eyes sometimes begin to water and squint from the bright sun. The shade of the glass is gray.
  3. Increased darkness. Lenses with enhanced UV absorption are usually green in color. They are a reliable barrier to 80% of light. They are recommended for high sensitivity(if the sun causes dryness and painful sensations), as well as patients suffering from pathologies of the visual organs.

In the absence of special indications, ophthalmologists advise choosing models with average degree darkening. These glasses work great with protective function at different conditions external environment.

The models also differ from each other in shape and materials of manufacture. The frame can be made of plastic or metal. But lenses should be chosen only from silicate glass, because only it allows you to create a photochromic surface.

Who are these glasses suitable for?

Due to their versatility, such glasses will be useful to almost everyone:

  • people who have increased sensitivity to the light;
  • patients with vision pathologies;
  • sufferers or survivors of ophthalmological diseases;
  • people with farsightedness or myopia when using lenses with diopters;
  • drivers;
  • for all buyers as a means of prevention and reduction of eye strain.

Caring for glasses is simple: just regularly wipe the lenses to remove dirt and, if necessary, tighten the screws on the frame.

Cost of products

Depending on the chosen model of chameleon vision glasses, the price may vary. It consists of the cost of frames, lenses and manufacturing work. Original products from famous brands such as Ray Ban cost more than 12,000 rubles.

But chameleon glasses from less popular manufacturers, as a rule, are not inferior in quality. Buy good models with standard photochromic lenses it costs about 1,500 rubles. If you need to correct your vision, lenses are purchased separately. Their cost starts from 900 rubles.

Details about photochromic lenses:

Have you or your friends already used chameleon glasses? Have you noticed a difference compared to usual sunglasses? Be sure to share your experience in the comments.

We don't know which frame you will choose, or even bring your own * . For this reason, we are now giving the price only for lenses and processing and installation work.

  • 2 mineral lenses from 0.00 to +/- 10.00 = from 1,200 to 2,200 rubles
  • 2 polymer lenses with without coverage from 0.00 to - 6.00 = 3,000 rub.
  • 2 polymer lenses with anti-reflective coating from 0.00 to - 6.00 = 3,800 rub.
  • 2 polymer lenses with anti-reflective coating from - 6.50 to - 8.00 = 4,000 rub.
  • 2 polymer lenses with anti-reflective coating from - 8.50 to - 10.00 = 4,400 rub.
  • 2 polymer lenses with anti-reflective coating from 0.00 to - 6.00, cyl 0.50 to - 4.00 = 5,000 rub.
  • The work of a master turning and inserting into a frame costs from 300 to 500 rubles. It depends on the complexity of the frame and lens mounting.

    * If you want us to insert photochromic lenses into your frame, we don't mind. There is only one condition - the frame must withstand the new lenses. Those. be no older than 5 years, without damage.

Attention: We we don't give a guarantee for glasses made from your (customer’s) frames. We don't know their quality. And even a completely new-looking frame, " famous brand", purchased from a reputable optician, in 5% of cases can crumble in the hands of a specialist. This happens due to various reasons, ranging from hidden defects to fakes.

How often do people with low vision face the problem of choosing glasses? Photochromic glasses or chameleon glasses can solve this issue. They perform two functions - improve visibility and protect against ultraviolet radiation when necessary.

Chameleon glasses: operating principle and types

The special photochromic mass in chameleon glasses allows them to change their color depending on what light source you are under. Photochromic lenses become lighter indoors and darken outdoors in sunny weather. In conditions artificial lighting they remain light.

Old generation lenses were temperature dependent and could not darken as much as possible at t>30°C. Thanks to the efforts of scientists, this problem has ceased to be relevant.

Chameleon lenses for vision are divided into 2 types: organic (plastic) and mineral (glass). Their differences are as follows:

  • in organic - photochromic substances are mainly applied to the surface. For this reason, they change their color evenly and at a faster rate;
  • in minerals, such substances are distributed throughout the glass mass. This means that the degree of darkness is not uniform. The “minus” lens in the center is thinner than at the edges, which means the edges will darken for a longer time. Conversely, the edges of the “plus” one will react to light faster than the middle.

Pros and cons of photochromic glasses

Although photochromic glasses are popular, there are still people who doubt whether they are worth purchasing. To do this, you need to consider all the disadvantages and advantages of such a product.

Significant benefits

Chameleon glasses have many advantages. Let us list the most significant among them.

  1. You instantly no longer need to carry 2 pairs of glasses with you every day: for vision and for sun protection. The exception is when you spend your leisure time somewhere on a sunny beach. Sunglasses are more suitable for this.
  2. Glasses with photochromic pigments are indispensable for people who have pathologies and diseases of the visual organs, have had eye surgery, and often work at a computer.
  3. Tinted glasses will be needed for those who suffer from photophobia and frequent tearing. In addition, the darkening intensity of the glasses will change in accordance with the degree of illumination.
  4. The design of the lenses can be chosen according to your preferences.
  5. DriveWear polarized photochromic lenses are available especially for drivers. They remove glare in any lighting, protect your eyes from direct sunlight and light flux inside the car.

Barely noticeable flaws

With each new discovery, the quality and properties of photochromic lenses for vision are improving. Negative qualities Such goods are gradually disappearing. One of the shortcomings is narrow range of colors. There are only three of them: gray-green, gray and brown.

The disadvantage of mineral lenses also lies in the choice of frame. Since they are very fragile, they cannot be inserted into forest or rimless frames. In addition, they are heavier and more dangerous than organic samples.

Purchasing old-generation organic lenses is fraught with a short service life. Due to frequent wearing and wiping, the substance applied to the surface quickly wears off.

The new technology for manufacturing organic lenses is that the photochromic layer is coated with a special optical varnish. He protects them from minor scratches, erasing and extends the life of use.

This innovation improves the quality of the goods, but increases their cost. The high price of the product, unfortunately, serves as a disadvantage for those who cannot afford to pay a lot of money for glasses.

To choose chameleon glasses for your vision, first decide which type you like best. To distinguish one species from another, you do not need to have special instruments or be a master of optical affairs.

Take a look at the rib. If the cut is white, then you have an organic lens with a surface coating. A cut that has dark color, indicates that the photochromic substance is inside, which means what you have in front of you is most likely glass.

Photochromic Lens Manufacturing Methods

Transitions is a technology that produces surface-coated organic lenses. Companies such as Seiko, Hoya, Essilor, Sola, Zeiss produce photochromic lenses based on this technique.

SunSensors technology pioneered the production of lenses with a volumetric distribution of photochromic pigments, which extends their service life. This technique allows the lenses to be colored evenly. This technology is used by Hoya, Rodenstock and Kodak.

Choose photochromic glasses after weighing the pros and cons. Let your new acquisition be a continuation of your image. You should feel comfortable in any situation with these glasses. Take care of your health and the health of your eyes!