Motor exercise speech therapist. Articulation gymnastics for all sounds

Most domestic speech therapists agree that learning to pronounce the sound R correctly and fluently is one of the most difficult speech tasks for children. Few of them cope with it independently and on time. However, not only specialists, but also parents themselves can help them. With the help of elementary speech therapy exercises to produce the sound R.

Sound R: right-wrong

The sound R is one of the most difficult sounds in the Russian language. To reproduce it, refined movements of the speech apparatus, sufficient vibration and amplitude of the tongue and other physiological “achievements” are required. It is not surprising that most children experience certain difficulties in forming the correct pronunciation of the sound R.

As a rule, there are not so many options for involuntary distortion of the sound R among the younger generation. The most common children's “bullying” of the sound R:

  • The sound just skips and falls out. This is especially true for words where the sound R is between vowels: sa_ai(instead of a barn), ha_azh(instead of a garage), ma_oz(instead of frost);
  • Instead of the sound R, the sound L, Y or Y is obtained: Kojowa(instead of a cow), Luke(instead of hand) klaska(instead of paint), fish(instead of fish);
  • The sound R is pronounced recognizable, but not typical for the Russian language (bilingual children especially often “sin” with this). A child may not pronounce the sound “firmly”, as is typical for our speech, but, for example, grate (as is customary in French), or vibrate excessively (as is typical in English).

How to check the pronunciation of the sound R in a child? First, ask your baby to “growl” - in other words, say the sound R several times on its own, and not as part of any words. Then have the child repeat after you words like: crow, king, grass, order, etc. If the child is unable to pronounce the single sound R, then the first thing you have to do is to practice exactly this - teach the baby to pronounce the sound R by itself. If the child “growls” “excellently”, but pronounces the sound R incorrectly in words, then correct pronunciation should be practiced primarily in the syllables: ra-ro-ru-ri-ar-or-ir, etc.

Release the R sound from the reins

Since the article deals specifically with “home” exercises for producing the R sound in children, the first step is to remind you: even if you, full of parental love and speech therapy enthusiasm, decided to independently teach your baby to roar loudly no worse than a tiger cub and without embarrassment declare a rhymed story about a bitten Greek at family matinees, then you still need at least one, initial, consultation with a professional and experienced speech therapist.

The fact is that often the inability to correctly pronounce the sound P is explained not so much by a poorly developed articulatory apparatus, low mobility of the tongue and similar problems, but by the individual structure of the hyoid ligament - the so-called “frenulum”. And only a doctor can determine this nuance.

In most cases, the underdevelopment of the “frenulum” (due to which the baby’s tongue simply does not reach the upper palate, which makes it difficult to pronounce a number of sounds, including the sound R) can be leveled through daily exercises and special massage. But sometimes there are cases when this ligament needs to be trimmed in order for the tongue to acquire the proper range of motion. It is this dilemma - to cut or not - that a speech therapist can resolve. Moms and dads, don’t worry - modern doctors in most cases are inclined to the method of stretching the “frenulum” by performing special speech therapy exercises, including exercises for producing the sound R.

Other reasons for incorrect pronunciation of the sound R

Inactive articulatory apparatus. NOTE: In this case, you should focus not so much on directly producing the sound R, but on... grimacing! In a playful way, stimulate your baby to actively “move in the mouth” - let him stick out his tongue, twist it into a tube (children love this!), try to reach his nose or chin with his tongue, move his jaws, bare his teeth, stretch his lips in an “ah” smile. la Cheshire cat” and so on and so forth. All these funny pranks will quickly strengthen the facial muscles and develop the mobility of the speech organs.

Phonemic hearing impairment. NOTE: As a rule, phonemic hearing disorders (when a child hears the speech structures of adults, recognizes them and tries to reproduce them in his speech) manifests itself in the fact that a child aged four or more misses letters/sounds in words when speaking or reading. confuses voiced and voiceless consonants, as well as soft and hard consonants (for example: love- loobof, nanny- nana, door- hard, stool- diaburedka and so on.)

“Problems” in speech breathing. NOTE: Speech breathing is the basis for proper adequate sound production. The most common speech breathing disorders are usually chronic runny nose, enlarged adenoids, some immune diseases, and diseases of the cardiovascular system. To develop proper speech breathing, we use our own special gymnastics (where speech is combined with physical exercises), which is usually prescribed by a speech therapist, adapting to the individual characteristics of the child.

Science has proven that the ability to pronounce complex sounds - including the sound R - is determined not only by the developed articulatory apparatus and the characteristics of the speech that the child constantly hears, but partly also genetically.

If there are no serious physiological reasons for the child’s diction problems, then get recommendations on speech gymnastics from a speech therapist and start daily exercises.

Now is the time for speech therapy exercises

You should seriously think about producing the sound R if the child is five years old and has not yet learned to growl and purr “cleanly” and loudly. They still swim in his aquarium smiles, fly into the sky Shaiiki, and they give milk koevs...

The first consultation with an experienced speech therapist will enrich you with knowledge of exactly what problems your baby has with the articulation apparatus, and what specific exercises you should practice with him. But in addition to special gymnastics, there is also a more or less common set of exercises for all cases of producing the sound P, which you also have to perform daily with your baby. Get ready for the fact that you will spend an average of half an hour a day on this, and the whole epic of mastering pronunciation can last for a year and a half.

As a rule, the production of the sound P, as well as other sounds, is divided into three stages:

  • first you must teach your child to confidently pronounce this sound in isolation, on its own;
  • then you should master confident pronunciation of sounds in syllables and words;
  • and only then train the sound in continuous speech, sentences and tongue twisters.

In everyday life, you can often observe the opposite picture: parents hang over the child, jabbering tongue twisters and calling on the child to immediately repeat what was said. Alas, this tactic almost always fails - the child gets scared and refuses to train at all.

The key to success: patience and work

Be patient and go from simple to complex. Fortunately or unfortunately, the speech therapy task is fundamentally different, for example, from trying to teach someone to swim - if you can learn to float on the water and flounder your limbs overnight, then, alas, it’s definitely not possible to pronounce sounds correctly. Because what plays a role here is not so much the technique of execution, but the gradual development and strengthening of the articulatory apparatus.

Remember one simple rule: any activity, including speech therapy exercises, should bring pleasure and positive emotions to the child. How you achieve this is your problem, not the baby's. And only if your offspring is happy to perform speech gymnastics (and keep in mind that it is easy for you to move your tongue and pronounce different sounds, but for a baby this is always a huge amount of work, discomfort, and sometimes even certain painful sensations), you will achieve success.

Invent fun and amusing activities for your child with the sound/letter P, turn daily speech exercises into a funny game, and never (even as a joke!) tease your baby - and you yourself will not notice how the child will become firmly “friends” with all the sounds of his native speech . Even with something as insidious as the sound R.

Warm-up exercises

Making the sound R is a daily exercise. Each of which begins with a warm-up and “warming up” of the articulatory apparatus. The most effective warm-up exercises:

Exercise "Paint brush". The baby should smile and open his mouth slightly. Next, as if with a brush, he should “stroke” the upper palate with his tongue - from the upper teeth and as deep as possible towards the throat. Repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Exercise "Pendulum". As in the first case, you need to smile and open your mouth. Slightly stick your tongue forward and swing it from side to side - from the right corner of your mouth to the left and so on. About 10-20 times.

Exercise "Accordion". We smile again and open our mouth. We press our tongue to the upper palate, as if we are going to pronounce a soft and long sound “n”. Without changing the position of the tongue, we open our mouth as wide as possible, then close it, open it and close it. About 15-20 times.

“Brushing our teeth.” Starting position - smile and open your mouth. Using the tip of the tongue, we move along the inner surface of the upper teeth from left to right, as if we are “sweeping” them. We do the exercise 10-15 times. Then, without changing the starting position, we alternately press the tongue against each upper tooth from the inside, as if checking whether it is in place.

Exercise "Mosquito". A very fun exercise! The baby should open his mouth and move the tip of his tongue behind his front teeth. In this position, try to pronounce the sound “z-z-z”, then move the tongue back, this time resting it on the upper palate at the base of the teeth and pronounce “z-z-z” again.

All these exercises perfectly develop the articulatory apparatus, strengthen the muscles and gradually stretch the “frenulum”. However, to practice the “R” sound, special staging exercises are needed.

Exercises for making the sound R

Some of the simplest exercises suitable for independent daily speech gymnastics include the following:

  • 1 The child opens his mouth and presses the tip of his tongue to the base of the upper teeth, rhythmically and quickly pronouncing the sound “d-d-d.” After a couple of seconds, ask him, without stopping, to blow strongly on the tip of his tongue (that is, try to say “d-d-d” while exhaling forcefully). The sound R will not work yet, but the baby should feel a noticeable vibration of the tongue and gradually remember it.
  • 2 For the next exercise you will need a special speech therapy spatula (it can be purchased in specialized stores, pharmacies and online stores). Nowadays, they are made quite comfortable for the baby, often with the smell of caramel, chocolate or fruit. Use it very carefully, but confidently, without timidity. So: to begin with, ask the child, opening his mouth wider, to pronounce the sound “w-w-w”, gradually moving the tongue closer to the base of the upper teeth. Give him a couple of seconds to get used to it, and then carefully insert the spatula under your child’s tongue and begin to rhythmically (but not too much!) swing it left and right, creating vibration. At this time, the child should blow strongly on his sound “zh-zh-zh” - this way he will feel the vibration created by the air and the vibrations of the spatula.
  • 3 Ask your baby to open his mouth wide and at the same time pronounce the syllable “z-z-za”, moving his tongue as far back as possible. At this time, as in exercise 2, slip a spatula under his tongue and rhythmically move it left and right. If this speech therapy exercise is performed correctly, you should hear a fairly distinct “R” sound.
  • 4 In the same way, ask the child to pronounce the sound “z-z-zi” with his mouth open, and do the same manipulations with the spatula as in the previous exercise. In this case, the softer sound R is used, which is used in words like “rhyme”, “rice”, “drawing”...

It is known that in his youth Lenin was very complex because of his burr. And at one time, the future leader of the world proletariat paid great attention to exercises on producing the sound R. Since the articulation of the sound R is similar to the articulation of the sound D, he trained on words in which D and R stand side by side. Often from Volodya’s room one could hear the speech therapy “mantra”: fight, firewood, tease...

You are the “teacher of the year”!

Since children are great repeaters, at every opportunity, do not be lazy to show your child how well and skillfully you pronounce the sound R. In fact, you are your child’s best teacher and mentor.

Lean closer to him so that he not only hears you, but also sees the position of your lips and facial expressions. Most often, this is how children learn to pronounce sounds by imitating a carbon copy. Be a patient (and at the same time funny, smiling!) example for your child - and he will definitely master the correct pronunciation. And be patient - it can take from several days to several months to practice each exercise for producing the sound P.

As soon as you hear that your child is able to more or less successfully pronounce the sound R in exercises, start practicing syllables like “ra-ri-ru-ro” or “ara-tra-ura-or-mur” - that is, all sorts of combinations the sound P and vowels (so that the sound P itself is at the beginning of the syllable, and in the middle, and at the end). Then move on to individual simple words, such as “fish-hand-murzik-arka-ball-cow” and others (again, the sound P should appear in different places in the words). And only when the child pronounces words confidently and correctly, proceed to continuous speech.

Many parents perceive difficulties with pronouncing the sound R as a serious problem. They involve a host of pediatricians and speech therapists in the “trouble,” and they begin to frighten the child with future difficulties in communication... If you are a conscious and loving parent, stop this “hysteria” in its infancy! Teach your child to deal with difficulties (including pronunciation) in a friendly, calm, and humorous manner. And if you manage to turn speech therapy into an exciting game, you and your child will win in any case - either he will master the sound R, or he will learn to “tolerate failures” while remaining a confident person.

The speech development of children has certain norms and is subject to the physiological maturation of brain structures and the articulatory apparatus. So, in fact, the first words appear by the first year of life, but for a long time they can only be understood by parents and close people who are well aware of the peculiarities of the child’s speech.

Up to 4-5 years, distortions in the pronunciation of words are normal. One of the sounds that children master later than others is “r”. It is the most complex sound in the Russian language; its pronunciation requires a mature articulatory apparatus and well-developed breathing. That is why even the physiologically normative formation of “p” is “shifted” to older preschool age. However, problems with this sound are not uncommon and are best dealt with before your child enters school.

Normally, “pure” pronunciation of “r” is observed by the age of 5-5.5 years. Sometimes you can find its earlier development - as a rule, in children with whom their parents are involved a lot and actively. But more often various problems are observed, such as: guttural pronunciation, replacement of “r” with “l” or “v”, vibrating “r”, isolated pronunciation (that is, the child growls separately, but does not pronounce “r” in words), etc. There are several reasons for this:

  1. Reduced or, conversely, excessive tone of the tongue.
  2. Lack of proper respiratory load during speaking (too weak air flow when speaking).
  3. Articulatory immaturity of all speech muscles (cheeks, lips, tongue, larynx).
  4. Short hyoid frenulum.
  5. Impaired pronunciation of other sounds (most often hissing and whistling).

Exercises for producing the sound “r” in children must be selected based on which muscles of the oral cavity and tongue movements are involved in pronouncing this sound. If you analyze how we pronounce “r”, you will notice that the main emphasis is on the correct touch of the tongue to the palate: the tip of the tongue rests on the bases of the upper front teeth and vibrates in the forcefully exhaled air stream.

If the child has insufficiently expressed tone of the oral muscles or, on the contrary, there is excessive tension in the cheeks, lips, tongue, it is necessary to select exercises, either relaxing or. It is important to give the child proper breathing, because the sound “r” is very strong and requires active exhalation.

The specific correction route depends on the reasons underlying the pronunciation difficulties. However, there are several general speech therapy exercises for the sound “r”:

  • "Fungus". Smile, showing your teeth. Press your tongue flat against the upper palate and open your mouth wide without lifting your tongue. This exercise is good for stretching the hyoid ligament. The main thing is to try to keep the tongue as pressed as possible to the palate; a “suction cup” effect should be observed. In this position, the frenulum resembles the stem of a mushroom, and the tongue resembles a cap. Perform the exercise for at least 10 seconds.
  • Exercise "Motor". It is important to introduce the sound “r”, that is, to introduce it into the child’s speech. To do this, you need to teach the baby the correct position of the tongue at the moment of pronouncing “r”. When performing the exercise, the mouth is open, the tongue is pressed to the upper palate. Use your finger or a cotton swab to press your tongue in this fixed position. The child must pronounce the sound “zh” or “d” (whichever is easier), pushing out the air stream with force. At the same time, quickly move your finger under the tongue from side to side. It is important that the tongue is tense and the tip is relaxed and vibrating. This position is closest to the natural process of pronouncing the sound “r”. The articulatory apparatus gets used to this situation, and it becomes possible to first artificially provoke and then consolidate the sound “r” in the child’s speech.

Further correctional work is based on the introduction of the sound “r” into various syllables (with the sound placed at the beginning, end and middle) and words. Pure twisters and tongue twisters are gradually being introduced, i.e. the sound “r” is being automated in exercises and games.

A complex of articulatory gymnastics for the sound “r” for practicing at home

If the sound pronunciation problems are not very pronounced, you can try to make the sound “r” at home, without the help of a speech therapist. For this purpose, articulatory gymnastics is used for the sound “r”, which is also used as a warm-up before the main exercises.

  1. "Horse". We need to click our tongues as if we were a horse and walking along a cobblestone street. At the same time, it is important to focus on the work of the tongue, not to move the lower jaw and not to open the mouth wide. The exercise is performed slowly at first, then at an accelerated pace.
  2. "Painter". When performing, open your mouth, smile and stroke the upper palate back and forth with the tip of your tongue, as if painting its surface. The lower jaw remains motionless.
  3. "Harmonic". Open your mouth slightly, smile, press the entire surface of your tongue to the upper palate. Open and close your mouth without changing the position of your tongue.
  4. "Swing". With our mouth open, we stretch our tongue either to the nose or to the chin.
  5. "Chatterbox." Stick out your tongue and press it flat against your upper lip, trying to cover it all. Move your tongue back and forth, stroking your lip, trying not to throw your tongue sharply forward, but to slide it smoothly along your lip. Gradually increase the pace of movement and add the sound “bl-bl” (like a turkey). Make sure your tongue moves back and forth and not to the sides.

Attention! All exercises should be performed in front of a mirror so that the child can control whether the tasks are completed correctly, or by imitating an adult. In this case, the parent must ensure that the child performs all movements correctly.

You need to do gymnastics every day, not for long, but systematically, not by forcing, but by enticing the child. It is important in this regard to put the activities in the form of a game. Below are some tips on how to do this.

Making the sound “r” using games, pictures and other entertainment means

Since preschool children are faced with pronunciation defects, there is a need to structure correctional and developmental activities in such a way that it is interesting and easy for the child to perform. There is still no hope for voluntary work at this age, so it is recommended to conduct classes in the form of games.

How best to do this depends on the age, gender and preferences of the child. On our website there is a description of many specific techniques, in particular, articulatory gymnastics exercises for the sound “r” in pictures. Here we will only provide general recommendations for working with children.

  • Breathing exercises for the sound “r” can be organized in a competitive manner (who can blow soap bubbles faster/further/more, drive cotton balls into “goals”, etc.).
  • To develop breathing, you can and should use whistles, pipes, rattles: this makes it easier for the child to evaluate the effectiveness of the exercise, and playing with sound is always more fun.
  • It is better to accompany the imitation of animal sounds by interacting with a toy (the same horse, tiger cub, etc.) or looking at a picture of an animal.
  • Each exercise has its own name that is understandable to the child. It is important to explain why the exercise is called that way, in this way we stimulate the child’s imagination, he becomes interested in how this “fungus” can grow in his mouth, how he can “start the engine” with his finger, etc.

It is important to understand that when mastering speech, a child follows the path of least resistance and chooses those methods of pronunciation that do not require stress.

This is why the child often pronounces sounds, but incorrectly, because incorrect pronunciation is easier for him from the point of view of the articulatory apparatus. Sometimes this is an option for individual speech development, and the intervention of a speech therapist is not required.

However, if parents notice that their child has persistent distortions of sounds that do not go away over time, it is better not to hesitate to visit a specialist. It is recommended to do this already at the age of 3-4 years, but in any case no later than 5 years.

Important! Individual speech therapy sessions are always more effective than group ones, since all children have their own causes of speech defects.

It is also necessary to remember that it will take 2 to 3 months to eliminate slight distortions in sound pronunciation, and in complex cases it will take six months or more. It is important to keep this in mind, because by the time the child goes to school, it is highly desirable that he no longer has speech therapy defects.

1. Articulation gymnastics must be carried out daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to perform the exercises 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Children should not be offered more than 2-3 exercises at a time.

Organization of articulation gymnastics

1. An adult talks about the upcoming exercise using game techniques.

At first, when children perform exercises, tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is observed. Gradually the tension disappears, movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.

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How to teach a child to pronounce the letter R

There are different situations in which you have to independently find out how to teach a child to pronounce the letter R. In the urban structure, this is not a problem, you can easily find a speech therapist and send the child for training.

But what should residents do who do not have such opportunities due to certain circumstances? Perhaps you live in a village or town where there is one speech therapist, and the waiting list for whom is scheduled for a year in advance. It turns out that there are no options, we have to personally teach our children this letter R, which seems intractable at first glance.

Below, consider what exercises you need to do with your child yourself so that he learns to pronounce the letter R. To succeed, be prepared for the fact that you will have to do the exercises every day!

Exercise "Motor"

Take a clean pencil and ask your child to hold it between his teeth on the unsharpened side. Then tell your child that the car won’t start and she needs help: pronounce the sound “tj-tj-tj” loudly and at the same time push out a pencil with your tongue.

Exercise "Woodpecker"

Place your baby's head on your lap. His mouth is open. The child says quickly and quickly “dddddd”, and at this time you use the rubber pacifier under his tongue to make quick movements from side to side, thereby creating the desired vibration.

Exercise "Horse"

The child presses the tip of his tongue to the roof of his mouth and clicks, imitating a running horse.

Exercise "Mosquito"

The child should smile widely with his mouth open. Then, pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth, try to pronounce the sound “zzz”. It will look like “jzhzh” - this is normal. During the exercise, tell your child that the mosquito is struggling and is incredibly clingy, so you need to press your tongue harder against the roof of your mouth.

Exercise "Vacuum cleaner"

The tip of the tongue moves back and forth across the palate, as if vacuuming. The child “turns on” the vacuum cleaner: “oooooo.” When performing the exercise correctly, you will hear the sound “r”.

Exercise “Funny faces”

To develop the mobility of the articulatory apparatus, it is very useful to twist the tongue into a tube, try to reach it to the nose, and also simply grimace in front of the mirror. Repeat the saying with your child more often: “He who doesn’t work, doesn’t growl!” Such fun exercises make the tongue work, which is very important for producing the sound “r”.

The child was definitely forced to do the “Horse” exercise, I remember that. They didn’t suggest making grimaces and faces, but everyone has enough of that in childhood. The most important thing is to force them to do at least something.

Yes, you can’t argue with that, there are plenty of grimaces in childhood) Sergey, it is in the interests of parents to force the child to lose these exercises.

Also, do not forget that first you need to do articulation gymnastics in front of a mirror, preferably in a playful way, so that the child finds it interesting!

Problems of speech defects are most easily solved at an early age. And, in my opinion, you should not neglect the services of professional speech therapists. However, how quickly the child begins to pronounce all sounds correctly, including the sound “r,” also depends on the efforts of the parents.

Very useful tips, I remember how I was taught to talk like that))), clop like a horse).

As children, we were all asked to show what sounds different animals make; this not only introduces children to animals, but also develops speech).

Tongue exercises

Instructions for performing articulation gymnastics

1. It is necessary to carry out articulatory gymnastics in such a way that you can see how each child performs each exercise.

  1. The teacher talks, using game techniques, about the upcoming exercises.
  2. Shows how to perform this exercise.
  3. All children do the exercise.
  4. The teacher checks the completion of the exercise in subgroups (no more than 5 people).

2. If children do not perform an exercise well enough, the teacher does not give new exercises, but practices old material.

3. If the teacher sees that the group is mostly coping with the exercise, and only some children are not doing it well enough, he does additional individual work with them or instructs parents to practice this movement at home, allotting 2-3 minutes to complete it. daily.

4. Per lesson, do 4-5 exercises for minutes.

5. When performing articulatory gymnastics, it is necessary to ensure that the movements of each organ of the articulatory apparatus are performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides. If a child’s tongue or lips deviate to the left or right, then it is necessary to practice these movements individually, in front of a mirror. Fomicheva M.F. "Education of correct pronunciation in children."

  • Strengthening the muscles of the tongue.
  • Practicing correct tongue movements.
  • Developing the ability to master the tongue by correctly changing its position and quickly finding the desired position.
  • Preparation for correct pronunciation of speech sounds.

Exercises for the tongue (to prepare for the pronunciation of whistling sounds: s, z, ts).

“Needle” - stick your tongue far forward, tense it, make it narrow. Hold on.

“Spatula” - stick out your wide tongue, relax it, smack your lips, and place it on your lower lip. Holdsec..

“Swing” - open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Reach your tongue alternately to your nose and then to your chin. Place your tongue in your mouth. Stretch your tongue either towards the upper or lower incisors. Executesec.

“Snake” – open your mouth. Push your tongue forward and move it deep into your mouth (10-15 seconds).

“Gorka” - mouth open. The tip of the tongue is behind the lower incisors. Raise the back of the tongue upward. There is a groove in the middle of the tongue (a groove can be made by placing a match in the middle of the tongue). Hold for a second. Blow along the “slide” - the sound “ssss” appears.

“Reel” - mouth open. The tip of the tongue is behind the lower incisors. The tongue is wide. The tongue “rolls out” forward and retracts into the mouth (like a coil) once. (First the large coil, then the small one).

“Pump” - breathe through your nose with your mouth open (the tongue reflexively curves in a “slide”). Then “blow” along the curved tongue (10-15 seconds).

“Who will blow the loudest?” - blow from the tongue onto a strip of paper held vertically near the lips so that it deviates (5 times).

“Don’t make noise” - say “ts-ts-ts-ts-ts-ts”, putting your finger to your lips (10 - 15 times).

“Let’s brush your teeth” - use the tip of your tongue to move the bottom teeth up and down from the inside (10-15 seconds).

“Sweeping the floor” - arch the tongue, move the tip of the tongue forward to the lower incisors and back into the depths of the oral cavity (10 - 15 sec.).

“The cat is angry” - smile, open your mouth. On the count of “one”, arch your tongue, resting the tip on your lower teeth. On the count of two, return to the starting position.

“Stubborn donkey” - lips in a smile, mouth slightly open. Pronounce the sound combination IE with force. The tip of the tongue rests against the lower teeth (10–15 sec.).

“Strong tongue” - forcefully press the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors, arching the tongue in a hill (10 - 15 sec.).

“Monkey” – place the tip of your tongue under your lower lip and hold for 10 – 15 seconds.

“Delicious jam” - the movement of “licking” with the tip of the tongue from the lower lip into the oral cavity behind the lower incisors (10 - 15 sec.).

“Lick the spoon.” Licking the spoon from bottom to top, the tongue arches into a slide. (10-15 times).

"Hide and seek." (Hide the tongue so no one sees it.) The tongue moves back.

The tip of the tongue is located down. (10-15 times).

"Hockey". The tongue is the stick, the vitamin is the puck, the mouth is the field. Need a puck (vitamin)

drive around the field (in the mouth) with a stick (tongue). (10-15 sec).

"Coughs." When coughing, the tongue reflexively curls up (10-15 times).

“Let’s warm our hands” - say: “Х-Х-Х”, while directing the air stream onto the palms. The tongue reflexively curls up. (10-15 times).

"Beep." Say: "Uh-oh." The tongue reflexively curls up. (10-15 sec).

"Comb". The tip of the tongue rests on the lower gum. “Combing” the back of the tongue with teeth. (The tongue rolls out like a “coil”). (10-15 sec).

Exercises for the tongue (to prepare for pronunciation R).

“Swing” - open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Reach your tongue alternately to your nose and then to your chin. Place your tongue in your mouth. Stretch your tongue either towards the upper or lower incisors.

“Snake” - open your mouth, push your tongue forward and move it deep into your mouth (10-15 times).

“Needle” - stick your tongue far forward, tense, make it narrow (10-15 sec.).

“Mushroom” – suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, open your mouth wide (10-15 sec.).

“Painter” - slow movements with the tip of the tongue across the palate from the upper incisors to the “neck” and back (10-15 times).

“Breeze” - blow from the tongue onto a strip of paper held vertically near the lips so that it deviates (5 times).

“Glue the candy” - with the wide tip of your tongue, touch the tubercles in your mouth located behind the upper incisors (10-15 seconds).

“Turkey” - a) with the wide tip of the tongue, quickly move the upper lip back and forth, b) behind the teeth, quickly move the tongue back and forth (10 - 15 sec.).

“Drummers” - we quickly say “d-d-d”, exhaling the air strongly for the last time.

“Motor” –1) pronounce “zh” with your mouth open and rotate your arms in front of your chest,

2) pronounce “zh” with your mouth open and touch your tongue with your finger (10–15 s).

“Balalaika” - the tip of the tongue - up behind the teeth, touch the tongue with your fingers a) without a voice;

“Kucherskoe “tpr”” - (an exercise to develop air pressure and vibration of the tongue). Spread your tongue wide and place it on your lower lip. Blow air forcefully so that your tongue vibrates. The tongue and lips are not tense, relaxed (If this doesn’t work, first try to close your relaxed lips and blow out air strongly, causing your lips to vibrate (with your voice)). Then perform the “coachman’s “tpr”” again (10-15 sec.).

“The horses are galloping” - quickly say “td-td-td-td”, touching your tongue with your finger each time (10 - 15 sec.).

“Fork” - to avoid strong vibration of the edges of the tongue, hold the tongue from the sides with your fingers: put 2 fingers under the tongue, press it from below to the molars.

We use it when performing the “Horse” exercise, when pronouncing [rr-r-r].

“Learning to play the harp” - say “d-d-d-d”, each time touching your tongue with your finger.

“Let's score the ball” - the mouth is closed, the elastic tongue rests on one or the other cheek.

“We shoot” - we slowly pronounce: “j-j-j”, exhaling air strongly, trying to make the tongue tremble (10 - 15 sec.).

“We play the harp” (or “start the engine”) - slowly move the tongue behind the upper incisors “drl-drl-drl” (10 - 15 sec.).

“Dragonfly” - say “tr-rr-r” in a whisper, and then loudly (10 - 15 sec.).

Exercises for the language (to prepare for pronunciation L).

“Delicious jam” - extend your tongue, lick your upper lip from top to bottom and remove your tongue (10-15 times).

“Spatula” – stick out your wide tongue, relax it, smack your lips, and place it on your lower lip (10-15 seconds).

“Needle” - open your mouth, stick your tongue far forward, tense it, make it narrow.

“Horse” - suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, click your tongue. Click slowly, firmly.

“Mushroom” – suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, open your mouth wide (10-15 sec.).

“Swing” - stick out your tongue, stretch your tongue alternately to your nose, then to your chin; put your tongue in your mouth, leave your mouth open, stretch alternately to the upper and lower incisors.

“The steamer is humming” - pronounce “y”, lift the tip of the tongue over the upper incisors, continue to hum “l-l-l” (“y-l-y-l”).

“Snake” - open your mouth, push your tongue far forward and move it deep into your mouth. Slowly (10-15 times).

“Painter” - use the tip of the tongue to move across the palate from the upper incisors to the “neck” and back. Slowly (10-15 times).

“Glue the candy” - use the tip of your tongue to touch the upper incisors on the inside, hold your tongue in this position (10-15 seconds). Honk "l-l-l."

“Cycle” – open your mouth, make a “cup” of your tongue, bend its edges and tip (10-15 sec.). Move the cup up behind the teeth, connect the voice “l-l-l-l-l” - “The steamer is humming.”

“Tube” - roll the tongue into a tube, bending its edges (10-15 sec.).

“Chick in the nest” - the mouth is open, the tongue lies quietly in the mouth (10-15 sec.).

“Turkey” - touch the upper lip with the tongue (slowly), then remove the tongue behind the upper incisors and touch the tubercles (10 - 15 sec.).

“Breeze” - blow from the tongue onto a strip of paper held vertically near the lips so that it deviates (5 times).

“The plane is humming” - hold the tip of your tongue between your teeth and hum “l-l-l-l-l”. You can straighten your arms and “fly” around the room.

“Learning to hum” - 1) clench your teeth, press the tip of your tongue against the upper incisors from the inside, hum “l-l-l”; 2) say “n-n-n”, hold your nose, continue humming (the air will go through the mouth, you will get “l-l-l”) (10 - 15 sec.).

“Push out the teeth with the tongue” - firmly press the tip of the tongue against the upper incisors from the inside and hum “l-l-l-l-l” (10 - 15 sec.).

Say “zh-zh-zh”, press your tongue more tightly to the palate (with a finger or probe, the tip of a spoon), continue to hum “l-l-l” (10 - 15 sec.).

“Monkey” – place the tip of your tongue under your upper lip and hold for 10 – 15 seconds.

“Strong tongue” - forcefully press the tip of the tongue against the upper incisors (10 - 15 s).

“Let’s brush your teeth” - use the tip of your tongue to move along the upper incisors from the inside down - up (10 - 15 sec.).

Exercises for the tongue (to prepare for pronouncing hissing sounds: sh, zh, ch, shch).

“Spatula” – stick out your wide tongue, relax it, smack your lips, and place it on your lower lip (10-15 seconds).

“Needle” - tense your tongue, make it narrow (10-15 sec.).

“Swing” – 1) open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Reach your tongue alternately to your nose and then to your chin. 2). Place your tongue in your mouth. Stretch your tongue alternately to the upper and lower incisors (10-15 times).

“Snake” - open your mouth. Push your tongue forward and move it deep into your mouth (10-15 times).

“Horse” - suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, click your tongue. Click slowly, firmly (10-15 times).

“Mushroom” – we suck the tongue to the palate, opening the mouth wide (10-15 sec.).

“Delicious jam” - stick out your wide tongue, lick your upper lip from top to bottom and remove your tongue (10-15 times).

“Painter” - movements with the tip of the tongue across the palate from the upper incisors to the “neck” and back. Slowly (10-15 times).

“Glue the candy” - with the wide tip of your tongue, touch the tubercles in your mouth located behind the upper incisors, hold your tongue in this position (10-15 seconds).

“Breeze” - blow from the tongue onto a strip of paper held vertically near the lips so that it deviates (5 times).

“Focus” – place a piece of cotton wool or paper on the child’s nose. The child must blow it off his wide tongue (5 times).

“Cycle” – open your mouth wide, make a “cup” of your wide tongue, bending its edges and tip (10-15 sec.). Later, put the “cup” in your mouth, behind the upper incisors, and blow – a sound will appear.

“Tube” - roll the tongue into a tube, bending its edges (10-15 sec.).

“Chick in the nest” - the mouth is open, the tongue lies quietly in the mouth (10-15 sec.).

“We clean our shoes with a brush” - say “chsh-chsh-chsh-sch-sch-sch” (10–15 sec.).

“Monkey” – place the tip of your tongue under your upper lip and hold for 10 – 15 seconds.

“Strong tongue” - forcefully press the tip of the tongue against the upper incisors (10 - 15 s).

“Let’s brush your teeth” - use the tip of your tongue to move along the upper incisors from the inside down - up (10 - 15 sec.).

“Drinking dewdrop” - the upper lip is a flower petal with dewdrop. You need to “drink” the dewdrop (suck the edges of your tongue to your lip, leave a gap in the middle of your tongue, and suck the air into yourself; gradually remove the tip of your tongue into your mouth behind your upper teeth.).

“Fork” - if the air does not flow through the center of the tongue, but between the lateral edges of the tongue and the cheeks, then lift the wide tongue by the upper incisors, stroke the lateral edges of the tongue and press it with your fingers to the molars (fingers are the “fork”).

List of literature used in the compilation of articulatory gymnastics.

  1. Fomicheva M.F. "Education of correct pronunciation in children." - M., 1989
  2. Khvattsev M.E. "Speech therapy". - M., 1959
  3. Lopatina L.V. “Speech therapy work with preschool children with minimal dysarthric disorders: Textbook.” / Ed. E.A. Loginova. – St. Petersburg: Soyuz Publishing House, 2005.
  4. Seliverstov V.I. "Speech games with children." – M.: Vlados, 1994.
  5. Methods of speech development for preschool children/ L.P. Fedorenko, G.A. Fomicheva, V.K. Lotarev, A.P. Nikolaicheva. – M.: Education, 1984.
  6. BEHIND. Repina, V.I. Buyko "Lessons in speech therapy." – Ekaterinburg: Publishing house. "Litur", 2002
  7. N.V. Novotortseva “Workbooks on the development of speech using sounds...”. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1996.
  8. Bogomolova A.I. “Speech therapy manual for classes with children.” – Bibliopolis Publishing House LLP. St. Petersburg, 1994
  9. M.A. Povalyaev "Speech therapist's reference book". – Rostov-on-Don: “Phoenix”, 2002
  10. G.A. Volkova “Logorhythmic education of children with dyslalia.” – St. Petersburg, 1993
  11. R.I. Lalaev “Speech therapy work in correctional classes.” – M.: Humanite. ed. Vlados center, 1999

When copying materials from the site,

* Professional speech therapists, speech pathologists and other specialists will answer your questions.

* Publication of materials with receipt of an electronic certificate

How to learn to pronounce the sound R? Producing the sound R in children

If your child, after 5 years of age, does not pronounce the sound R or pronounces it incorrectly, you need to clarify the reason why this is happening and try to teach him the correct pronunciation.

This is one of the most complex sounds in the Russian language, requiring precise movements and vibration of the tongue, so its violations can be very diverse. How to learn to pronounce the sound R?

How to check the pronunciation of the sound R?

Ask the child to repeat it several times in isolation - R R R, then in words in different positions after you: CANCER, FISH, HAND, CROW, COW, ROAD, VAR, HEAT, STEAM, TRACTOR, DRAGON, AVENUE.

If a child pronounces an isolated R incorrectly, then you will need to first put it in, then fix the pronunciation in words and sentences. If P sounds correct in isolation, but incorrect in words, you will only need to fix its pronunciation.

The main reasons for incorrect pronunciation

  • Impaired mobility of the speech organs;
  • Short frenulum of the tongue;
  • Speech hearing impairment;
  • Incorrect speech breathing.

To test the mobility of the speech organs, you need to ask the child to perform several exercises. Sit with him in front of the mirror, show him the movement yourself, ask him to repeat:

  • open and close your mouth, while “slapping” your lips;
  • stick your tongue out far and hide it;
  • move your wide tongue first up and down, then left and right;
  • hold a motionless wide tongue on the lower lip with your mouth open for 10 seconds;
  • stretch your lips with a tube - stretch them into a smile;
  • alternately close your right and left eyes.

Articulation gymnastics for the sound R

If you notice that your child’s movements are imprecise, and that he cannot repeat some of them, first teach him to do special exercises for his lips and tongue. They are called articulatory gymnastics and are designed to improve the mobility of the speech organs.

To test your child’s speech hearing, ask him to “catch” the sound R. You alternately pronounce different sounds, syllables and words, for example: P, L, SH, R, S, R, LA, RA, MO, UR, MAMA, RAMA, PAWS , ROSE, and the child should clap his hands when he hears R among them. If the child confuses similar sounds: R-L, R-Y, this indicates a speech hearing impairment.

To check the length of the frenulum of the tongue, ask the child to open his mouth as for pronouncing the sound E and reach the base of the upper teeth with his tongue. If the tongue does not reach, the frenulum is considered shortened. It is quite easy to stretch it with the help of regularly performed exercises for the tongue - “Horse”, “Mushroom”, “Accordion”.

When the sound P sounds “French”, burrously, scientifically this is called grazing, there is a violation of speech exhalation. If it is incorrect, then the air stream partially goes into the nose, and its remnants dissipate in the mouth. As a result, it is not the tip of the tongue that vibrates, but the small tongue above the palate. Grassing is very difficult to correct, and as soon as you notice that the child has begun to burr, immediately begin work on correcting speech exhalation.

Speech therapy exercises for the sound R

1. As you exhale, pronounce the sound T repeatedly, making sure that the sound does not “go” into the nose;

2. As you exhale, pronounce the sound D repeatedly;

3. Pronounce the syllables you you, dy dy, you-ta, dy-da, you-ta-te, dy-da-de;

4. Strengthen the correct speech exhalation in independent speech.

The most common violations

  • The sound is skipped completely, a vowel is heard instead - the word saRai sounds like sa_ay;
  • Instead of the sound R, L or Y is pronounced, this is called a replacement - salai, yuka;
  • The sound softens in those words where it should sound hard - riba, ryuka;
  • The sound is pronounced distorted, atypical for the Russian language - grazing R.

In total, there are about 30 different problems with the pronunciation of the R sound, many of which are uncommon.

Exercises to improve speech hearing

Here is an example of work when replacing R with L. If there is a replacement for another sound, then it is distinguished by ear from R.

An adult pronounces various sounds, including R and L. First, the child raises his hand when he hears the sound L, then listens to the same sounds, but raises his hand to the sound R, but does not repeat the words out loud. The same goes for words containing the sounds R and L:

  • at the beginning of the word: onion, cancer, sprout, work, swallow, shovel;
  • in the middle of the word: hammer, cow, city, lard, lesson, ear;
  • at the end of the word: chalk, thief, mosquito, goal, opal, ox, nightmare, frame.

How to learn to pronounce the sound R: exercises for production

Basic exercises

1. “Horse” - vigorously click the tongue, sucking it to the palate and sharply tearing it off;

2. “Whoa, horse” - vibrating your lips to say “coachman’s” whoa;

3. “Painter” - move your wide tongue from the upper teeth to the throat and back to the teeth;

4. “Mushroom” - suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth, stretching the sublingual ligament. The tongue is the “mushroom cap”, and the ligament is the “mushroom stem”;

5. “Woodpecker” - use the tip of your tongue to hit the tubercles behind the upper teeth - the alveoli, pronouncing d-d-d-d. Only the tongue moves, the lower jaw is motionless.

6. “Mosquito” - strongly resting your tongue on the alveoli, pronounce dz-z-z-z in a drawn-out manner

7. “Start the engine” - lift the tip of your tongue up behind your teeth, gradually increasing the pace and repeating melon-meon-meon-meon, as far as possible, switching to dr-dr-dr-dr.

These exercises should be performed every day, in front of a mirror, achieving clear and correct tongue movements.

Setting the sound R from the sound D

Pronounce the sound D loudly and for a long time, pressing the tip of the tongue to the upper alveoli. Let the child imagine that the tongue is a sail that needs to be inflated by the wind. When pronouncing the sound D, you need to blow strongly on your tongue so that “the sail flaps and vibrates in the wind.” By placing his palm to his mouth, the child should feel the shock of air. Not right away, but it should turn out alright. We fix it in words with the combination dr - fight, friend, dragon, then with the combination tr - grass, labor, throne, then in the words square, cartridge, bucket, stained glass, frame, meter, theater.

Setting R from sound Z

Make the sound Z with the tongue in the upper position - “the mosquito is buzzing”, then quickly move the tip of the tongue along the tubercles behind the upper teeth - “the mosquito is frozen and trembling.”

Making the sound R while inhaling

The child draws out the sound C, placing his tongue against his teeth. Explain to him - first blow the air out of your mouth and say C outward, and then suck in the same air and the sound C with it inside. Or - when pronouncing the sound C, make such a movement with your tongue as if you want to “suck” saliva into yourself.

Mechanically assisted setting

To do this, you can use a rubber pacifier, the handle of a teaspoon, a cotton swab or the child's index finger. Objects must be perfectly clean, the fingernail must be cut short and evenly filed so as not to damage the tongue. The child pronounces the upper sound Z or D-D-D-D for a long time, at this time the adult quickly moves one of the listed objects under the tongue to the right and left, causing it to vibrate. If this is a child’s finger, it must be absolutely straight and first the adult himself moves the child’s hand. As a result, a rough, booming R sound should be heard.

Strengthening pronunciation (automation of the sound R)

After setting the sound in any of the above ways, it must be fixed first at the beginning of the words, then in the middle and at the end. After this, phrases and sentences rich in the sound R are named or compiled from pictures, and tongue twisters, tongue twisters, poems and songs are learned. For this it is better to use special methodological literature.

  • The Big Book of Speech Therapy Games
  • Naughty sounds "R" - "R". Speech therapy notebook (with stickers)
  • Clinking sounds. We growl in verses. Poems and tongue twisters with practicing the sound R
  • Difficult sound, you are our friend! Sounds R, R
  • 1000 tongue twisters with difficult sounds

The success of work is largely determined by the individual characteristics and character of the child, and the correctness of the adult’s actions. For some, learning to pronounce the letter P will be relatively simple and a clear P will be obtained almost immediately, for others it will take a long time and hard work, and for others it will not be possible to do without the help of an experienced speech therapist. Don’t despair if it doesn’t work out right away, be consistent, patient, praise your child for the slightest achievements and don’t scold him if he fails. If you are determined to succeed, then everything will definitely work out.

Olga Viktorovna Lavitskaya, speech therapist, especially for the Active Mom website

For normal speech development and clear pronunciation of all sounds, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the articulatory apparatus.

It includes the following organs: larynx, vocal folds, tongue, soft and hard palate (oropharynx), teeth of the upper and lower jaw (they form the bite), lips, nasopharynx (the upper part of the pharynx, located behind the nasal cavity, communicating with it through the choanae and conditionally limited from the oral part of the pharynx by the plane in which the hard palate lies) and resonator cavities involved in the generation of speech and voice sounds.

Much of the above needs to be monitored by medicine and examined by specialists as needed.

But as for the movements of the tongue and lips, they can be slightly corrected with the help of constant exercises.

So we'll talk about them. Now we will consider the maximum number of articulation exercises that you can perform with your baby at home in front of the mirror.


  1. Once upon a time there lived a tongue in his house. He woke up early in the morning, opened the window, looked at the weather, and then hid in the house again.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth; stick out your tongue strongly and then hide it (do not close your mouth!). Repeat 3-4 times.

  1. Then Tongue looked to the left, looked to the right: were children walking on the street?

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, stretch your tongue to the left corner of your mouth, then to the right. Repeat 6-8 times.

  1. After that, the tongue looked down from the window: were there any puddles? And then up: is the sun shining?

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lower your tongue down to your chin, then raise your tongue to your nose. Repeat 4-5 times. Make sure that your mouth is open at all times and that your lower lip does not help your tongue rise up.


Description of the exercise: open your mouth as wide as possible, hold it in this position until the count of five, then close your mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.

SMILE (frog smiles)

Description of the exercise: smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count of “five” (until the count of “ten”), then return your lips to their original position. Repeat 3-4 times.

HOBOTOK (we collect water with the trunk)

Description of Exercise 1: Pull your closed lips forward and hold in this position until the count of “five” (then until the count of “ten”), return to the starting position.

Description of exercise 2: stretch your lips forward with a straw and “draw” some water, smacking your lips slightly as you do so.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth; stick your tongue out of your mouth, then hide it. Repeat 3-4 times.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, click your tongue loudly and energetically. Try to keep the lower jaw motionless and only the tongue “jumping.”


Description of the exercise: make circular movements with the tongue between the lips and teeth, first in one direction, then in the other direction. The mouth is closed.


Description of the exercise: smile, bite your tongue with your teeth. “Drag” the tongue between the teeth back and forth, as if “combing” it.


Description of the exercise: inflate one cheek - deflate. Then inflate another and deflate. Inflate alternately 4-5 times.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth. Stretch your tongue alternately to the left corner of your mouth, then to the right. Repeat 5-10 times.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, on the count of “one” - lower the tip of your tongue behind the lower teeth, on the count of “two” - raise your tongue behind the upper teeth. Repeat 4-5 times.


Description of the exercise: close your mouth, press the tip of your tongue with tension into one or the other cheek so that “balls” are inflated under the cheek.

Description of the exercise: Pull your lips out with a straw and blow onto a cotton ball. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Make sure your cheeks don't puff out.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lift your tongue to your upper lip and bend it up, move your tongue back and forth along your upper lip, saying: was-was-was...

MESIM DOUGH (Punish the naughty tongue)

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, bite your tongue with your teeth - ta-ta-ta...; slap your tongue with your lips - five-five-five...; bite your tongue with your teeth and pull it through your teeth with force


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, put your wide tongue on your lower lip and hold it motionless for an adult count of five; then until ten.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lick your upper and then lower lip in a circle with your tongue. Perform in one direction and then in the other direction. Repeat 4-5 times.

Look carefully, have you licked all the jam?

Oh, there’s a little left on my upper lip! Let's lick this jam too.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth; without closing your mouth, lick your upper lip with your tongue; Try not to support your tongue with your lower lip. Repeat 4-5 times.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, stick out your tongue and pull it towards your nose. Try to ensure that the sides of the tongue are bent in the shape of a cup (so that the tea does not spill). Try not to support your tongue with your lower lip.

Hold your tongue in this position for a count of five, then ten. Repeat 3-4 times.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, strongly “clean” behind your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue (left to right) at the adult’s count (7-8 times). Then lift the tongue up and brush behind the upper teeth (with your mouth wide open). Repeat 8-10 times.

After Tongue brushed his teeth, he began to rinse his mouth. Let's help him!

Description of the exercise: close your mouth, imitate rinsing your mouth.


Let's show how the pussy got angry and arched its back.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, rest the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, arch the “back”, and press the side edges of your tongue against your upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of eight, then ten.

Pussy loved having her back rubbed. Then she stopped being angry and became kind. Let's stroke the pussy.

Description of the exercise: tongue in the “angry pussy” position; press it with your upper teeth and “scratch” it in the direction from the root of the tongue to the tip. Repeat 5-6 times.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, raise the tip of your tongue and place it on the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of eight; then until ten. Lower your tongue and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lift your tongue up and run the tip of your tongue across the palate from the upper teeth to the throat and back. Perform slowly, counting to eight.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, “glue” (suck) your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Make sure your mouth is wide open when doing this. If you can’t immediately “glue” the tongue to the palate, invite the child to slowly click his tongue. Let the baby feel how the tongue “sucks” to the palate.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, “suck” your tongue to the roof of your mouth (see exercise “Mushroom” on p. 34). Without letting go of your tongue, lower your lower jaw strongly, close your mouth and open it wide again without changing the position of your tongue. Repeat 4-5 times.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lift your tongue up. With the tip of the tongue, forcefully “hit” the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth and pronounce the sounds: “d-d-d...”. Perform for 10-20 seconds at first

slowly, then faster and faster. Make sure that only the tip of the tongue “works” and that the tongue itself does not jump.

  1. Then the woodpecker began to knock differently: “D-dd, D-dd...” (the highlighted sound is pronounced more strongly). “Tap” and do this with your tongue for 10-15 seconds.
  2. And then like this: “dd-D, dd-D...”. Perform for 10-15 seconds.


Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, lift your tongue up and rest it on the tubercles (alveoli). Try to pronounce “zzzz”, but not abruptly, but protractedly, for 10-15 seconds. Remember that the mosquito is angry, so press your tongue on the tubercles vigorously.


Let's try to start the engine.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, raise your tongue up, forcefully hit the tubercles behind your upper teeth (alveoli) with the tip of your tongue and say: “dyn-dyn-dyn...” (slowly at first, then faster and faster). Repeat for 5-10 seconds.

Now let’s start the engine like this: “DYN - melon, melon; DYN - melon, melon..." (the highlighted syllable must be pronounced more strongly, placing emphasis on it). Repeat 4-5 times.

All these images are taken from Elena Kosinova’s book “Gymnastics for Speech Development.”

Separately, images can be downloaded on the website, and the entire book can be purchased in educational literature departments or in online stores.

Correcting burr requires high motivation and perseverance. But if there is a great desire to learn how to pronounce all sounds correctly, then all that remains is to systematically and regularly perform fairly simple exercises.

How to stop your child from burping?

It is advisable to conduct any activities with children in a playful way, and correcting burr even more so. At the same time, the child himself must realize that he wants to achieve the result of correct pronunciation.

Exercise "Bee"

Ask your child to make his tongue wide and lift it upward, placing its tip behind the upper teeth. Let the baby make the sound “zzh”, which should remind him of the buzzing. You should hear [zh] with an overtone [z] or [z] with an overtone [zh].

Exercise "Breeze"

Ask your child to place his head on your lap and suck his tongue to the roof of his mouth. Using your index finger and thumb, always clean, place its edges against the roof of your mouth, while the tip of your tongue should remain free. When the child does this, have him blow on his tongue forcefully. At this time, vibration should occur.

Exercise "Motor"

Whether your child's burr is corrected or not depends on the regular and correct performance of this exercise. Ask your baby to tense his tongue and make it wide. Now, with your index finger or your child’s finger, try to “wind up” his tongue. Gently insert your finger under the tip of your tongue and make fairly quick movements from one side to the other. Explain to your child that during this exercise his tongue should not budge, but rather be tense, like a guitar string.

You can explain to your child that this is a kind of small engine that needs to be started. Let him practice making his tongue vibrate. Some time after performing this exercise, the child may try to remove his finger, trying to continue making the sound [r]. If this activity occurs regularly, the baby will be able to pronounce this sound without the help of a finger. How to stop burring if there is no vibration of the tongue without the participation of a finger for a long time? Try to move on to pronouncing words that have the sound [r].

How to stop burping as an adult?

The speech apparatus of an adult has already formed and, out of habit, sounds are pronounced with errors, so you will need to show enormous willpower. But do not forget that burring in adults is a fixable matter.

Some exercises for adults

1. Without stopping, slowly, repeat “te-le-de” for two minutes. Then say them for five minutes, but make the tempo even faster. When you pronounce the sound "le", the tip of the tongue should be behind the upper teeth at the cusps. It is thanks to this sound that after a while you will begin to be able to pronounce [r].

2. Now another combination: “de-te-de.” Say the first sound “de” the way you always pronounce it. And pronounce the second one in such a way that the tip of your tongue is above the front upper teeth, on the tubercles. The combination of sounds should be pronounced slowly, but without pauses, for seven minutes. Later, try to do it at an accelerated pace. Over time, you will get a clear [p].

3. Constantly practice the pronunciation of all words that have the sound [r]. Repeat the following ten times: board, enmity, sort, stench, hello, joy, three rubles, fear, tram, rainbow, haircut, shavings, construction, metro, cunning, wise, bucket, thrombus, hip, cable, trolleybus, firewood, troll , bustard, trembling, dart, choke, dart, shot.

Regularity is the key to success

Do these exercises regularly several times a day - and then you will definitely achieve the desired result and forget how you constantly tormented yourself with the question of how to stop burring.