Top ugly stars. Hollywood substandard: the most successful ugly actresses. Donatella Versace

We present to your attention a selection of famous Hollywood stars with unusual appearance. The flaws that nature endowed these people only played into their hands. Now famous actors were able to use the shortcomings of their appearance as a highlight, thereby making their way into the world of cinema.

Matthew McGrory

Matthew McGrory was one and a half meters tall at the end of kindergarten, and in adulthood he grew to 2.29 m. A low chest voice and innate artistry did not allow him to continue his career as a forensic scientist. First, he was invited to appear in popular TV shows and videos for Marilyn Manson and Iron Maiden, and then in horror films like Rob Zombie’s “House of a Thousand Corpses.” In the final scene of Tim Burton's Big Fish, McGrory touchingly waves his hand to the main character, as if saying a touching goodbye to the viewer - and although we know that he later played in several other horror films, it seems that this charming giant is saying goodbye to us. Matthew McGrory died of natural causes at the age of 32.

Johnny Eck

Johnny Eck was born in 1911 with a body that ended where his hips should be. Being a surprisingly cheerful and pragmatic American man, he made the most of this circumstance. At the age of 14, he was already directing his own circus show, in which he juggled, dived and danced better with his own hands than many owners of a full set of limbs. Soon he was noticed by film producers; The peak of his career was the 1932 cult gothic horror film Freaks. Johnny Eck died in wealth and honor in 1991, and Leonardo DiCaprio has been promising to immortalize his image for 10 years.

Kurt Schneider

Kurt Schneider, aka Harry Earls, was born in Germany in 1902. It soon became clear that he would forever remain with a dwarf stature and a childish, doll-like face, and the same fate befell his two sisters and one brother. Together they presented a phantasmagoric spectacle. Having moved to the USA, the Schneider family turned into the artistic troupe “Dolls”. Harry was the first to act in films, his debut role was the dwarf Tweedledee in the silent film “The Unholy Trinity”. All four played representatives of the munchkin people in the legendary “The Wizard of Oz” with Judy Garland, circus midgets in “Freaks” and went down in cinema history as the main “cinematic dwarfs”.

Richard Keel

You remember Richard Keel as James Bond's steel-toothed nemesis "Jaws" in The Spy Who Loved Me and Moonraker. His height of 217 cm and his frightening face forever provided him with the role of a pathological villain, even in 1999’s “Inspector Gadget” he played a parody of himself. This provided Keel financially, but his creative ambitions extended much further. Thus, Keel became a screenwriter and producer of the film drama “The Giant from Thunder Mountain,” which failed at the box office but was loved by critics, and co-authored a biography of Muhammad Ali. Keel recently recovered from alcoholism and now lives and thrives in sunny California.

Michael Berryman

Michael Berryman was born with a diagnosis of hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, in which a person loses hair, nails and teeth and generally has the appearance of a mutant from a science fiction film. Actually, Berryman specializes in the roles of mutants. The 1977 cult horror film “And the Hills Have Eyes” made him Hollywood’s main movie monster; “Star Trek” and “Tales from the Crypt” engaged him for several seasons at once. But Berryman excels in both serious dramas (“One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”) and cool comedies (“Screw It”), and hard rock fans remember him for his role as the vile school principal in Motley Crue’s “Smokin’ in” video the Boys' Room".

Robert Z'Dar

An actor with a huge lower jaw. Known for the films “Tango and Cash”, “Maniac Cop”. Robert Z'Dar (born June 3, 1950) is an American actor and producer, perhaps best known for his role as Matt Cordell in the cult horror film Maniac Cop and its two sequels. Due to the unique structure of his face, he is often referred to as "Jaw".

Vincent Andrew Schiavelli

Vincent Andrew Schiavelli is an American actor of Sicilian origin, known mainly for his episodic roles in films and television series. Schiavelli's unusual structure (tall height of 1.98 m, elongated head with specific facial features, long arms with long thin fingers, etc.) was due to Marfan syndrome. Therefore, the artist was mainly offered roles of mentally ill people, with deformities, or roles in which the details of such appearance were played out comically.

Peter Hayden Dinklage

Peter Hayden Dinklage (born June 11, 1969) is an American stage and film actor. He began his career in 1995 and became widely known after his role in the 2003 film The Station Agent. Dinklage was born with a hereditary disease - achondroplasia, which leads to dwarfism. He is 135 cm tall. Both his parents are of average height, as is his brother Jonathan.

Steve Buscemi

Steve Buscemi looks like life hasn't spared him. But it is his unusual appearance and well-spoken tongue that set him apart from other characters in films such as Reservoir Dogs and Armageddon.

Christopher Walken

Christopher Walken has a unique gift for making audiences feel uncomfortable, and his face plays a key role in this. His eyes always seem to be wide open, as if he is always trying to make you feel uncomfortable under his gaze. Almost all of Walken's characters have this intense facial expression.

Ron Perlman

The creators of the television series "Beauty and the Beast" allowed the sewer-dwelling monster, played by Ron Perlman, to maintain his unusual appearance and at the same time remain romantic. Perlman is yet another good Hollywood actor stuck in gangster roles, but leading directors have made him the charming and charismatic missing link that Hollywood needed. Let's say, no one could play Hellboy the way Perlman did, much less make audiences love him.

Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton's icy androgynous features were once popular among art-house movie audiences, but now mainstream Hollywood has caught on to her peculiar beauty. Swinton has translucent skin and a regal nose that makes her look like a marble statue, but on screen she can be an attractive woman (I Am Love), a creature from another world (Constantine) or both (in Orlando) Swinton plays both a man and a woman).

The unusual appearance of these girls did not hinder, and even, on the contrary, helped them gain fame and become the most stylish celebrities in Hollywood.

They secretly waited for their finest hour for years, constantly lamenting the fact that nature did not endow them with beauty. And fate will reward these girls for their patience and faith in miracles. They will become recognized world stars, style icons, whom millions of fans will imitate.

Mia Wasikowska

Sometimes this happens: a “gray mouse” one day, by the highest will, becomes a Hollywood star, and fame runs like a carpet to her feet. In general, everything happened like in a fairy tale, when a miracle comes unnoticed and makes your pets attractive and unique overnight. One might say that Mia Wasikowska also experienced a similar transformation after Tim Burton’s film “Alice in Wonderland,” where she played the main role. The eminent director once said about the choice of the actress: “We really liked her - not bright, not showy, but lively, with great internal energy.” And Mia Wasikowska did not disappoint: surrounded by star Hollywood actors - Johnny Depp, Anne Hathaway and Helena Bonham Carter - she was simply magnificent. Mia is also happy in her personal life - on the set of the film “The Double” she met actor Jesse Eisenberg, who, by the way, also has an unusual appearance.

Mia Goth

She looks as if she was brought to earth by the gentle hand of the Martians. Mia Goth's unusual appearance seems to hint at an alien origin, although the actress's parents were completely ordinary people: a Brazilian and an Englishwoman. However, earthly passions were not alien to her: working together with Shia LaBeouf, a famous Hollywood hooligan, on the set of the second part of the film “Nymphomaniac” by the scandalous director Lars von Trier turned into a story of stormy, noisy and passionate love that ended in marriage. And it turns out that under the alien’s appearance there was a temperamental, talented, and somewhat crazy girl. Apparently, the latter prompted director Gore Verbinski to invite her to his film “A Cure for Health,” where Mia Goth played the main role very convincingly and brightly. The actress and model still adheres to the rule: be ready for any challenge on the set. For example, for greater authenticity, she once had to spend several weeks completely alone in an open-air tent. But the hungry, dusty and slightly dirty “Martian” still looked attractive. And in her unearthly eyes, it seemed, a light was burning, foreshadowing an imminent meeting with her native flying saucer...

Sarah Jessica Parker

To some extent, she confirmed the truth: don’t be born beautiful, but be born happy – and talented. Today, the Hollywood actress has four Golden Globes and two prestigious Emmy awards to her credit. Her most stellar role is perhaps Carrie Bradshaw from the popular TV series Sex and the City. Note that Sarah flatly refused to act in erotic scenes, even having written this condition into the contract. Despite her ordinary appearance, she has a charm that is unique to her. This hidden and attractive charm attracted many famous men to Sarah: Nicolas Cage, John Kennedy Jr. and, finally, Robert Downey Jr., whose love story lasted seven whole years. But in the end it did not bring happiness and peace to Sarah. And yet she found the man of her dreams. Marriage to Matthew Broderick gave her the opportunity to have a wonderful family, children in whom she dotes. Sarah, it should be noted, has a patient character and does not get worked up over trifles, as is sometimes customary among Hollywood stars. For example, in 2005 she was recognized as the most unsexy woman in the world according to readers of MAXIM magazine. However, she took this news quite indifferently, rightly believing that her charm on the screen had already been appreciated by millions of viewers.

Kelly Osbourne

The girl from that same family fully followed its “traditions”: to always be in sight, always at the center of some scandal, and not fail to fight with anyone. The rustic fat woman with a rebellious spirit probably wanted to take advantage of nature in this way, which did not endow Kelly with an attractive appearance. One day the girl changed her mind and found nothing better than to give herself a manicure with a million-dollar diamond. True, the next experiment turned out to be more successful: the singer (and sometimes the actress) began to lose weight right before our eyes and ultimately acquired a slightly curvy, but seductive body shape. A strict diet and other procedures clearly benefited her. Further more. Kelly Osbourne's appearance has also changed dramatically. She put her in such order that everyone gasped and noticed that she looked very stylish and cute. Violet hair, neon lips and long eyelashes - this is one of the images of today's bright Kelly Osbourne, who bears little resemblance to the former fat woman.

Tilda Swinton

There is something in it from Gogol's characters, something demonic and unearthly. It would seem that Tilda can hardly be called a beauty, but she knows how to transform herself in the most amazing way both on the big screen and on the covers of fashion magazines, where she always looks spectacular and sexy. Tilda says with a smile that in her early youth she was very much like her father, especially when he was clean-shaven. And one day, due to her boyish appearance and tall stature, and lack of makeup at the airport, she was mistaken for an English sir, and the officer began to search Tilda. However, everything went off without a scandal - and Princess Diana’s classmate only waved her thin hand goodbye to him. One of Tilda Swinton's most stellar roles was in the famous film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The image of the queen with her cold and insidious beauty was played simply brilliantly and, of course, brightened the picture. Tilda loves to shoot experimental films, which are full of mysteries and ancient, cosmic creatures. She is an unusual woman, and her oddities sometimes baffle even those closest to her. For example, she loved sleeping in a glass box at The Maybe exhibition. Tilda, by mutual agreement with its organizers, was part of the exhibition installation. She could come at any time of the day and sleep in front of the public. Once Tilda even admitted in an interview that she really liked it - and she would even like to die like that...

Hilary Swank

Possessing a sweet appearance, the actress perfectly portrayed a transsexual in the acclaimed film directed by Kimberly Peirce “Boys Don't Cry,” which immediately won her an Oscar. It was a triumphant success for the young actress. To look like a boy and hide her true gender, she had her hair cut for a whole month. And I must say that in this teenager even his own mother would not recognize her daughter Hilary. Another Oscar-winning role as a boxer in the film “Million Dollar Baby” was given to Swank with incredible difficulty. We are, of course, talking about heavy physical exertion, which left no trace of the actress’s femininity, but turned her into a fighting machine consisting of nothing but pumped up muscles. And when Hilary, in a luxurious dress that hugged her slender and beautiful body, with a charming smile on her face, went on stage to receive the next coveted statuette, everyone present unanimously applauded her. After all, she was so far from the on-screen image of the pumped-up “Million Dollar Baby”...

Uma Thurman

Her name means "kiss" in Polynesian. That’s what the girl’s father, a Buddhist monk and part-time college professor, Robert Thurman, called the girl. This unusual name, tall height and long nose became the subject of bullying from classmates. Therefore, Uma remembered her school years, which were a real nightmare for her, with hatred. At fifteen, she dropped out of school and moved to New York to become a model. And here Uma Thurman was incredibly lucky: she immediately appeared on the cover of the Italian publication. By this time, without noticing it, she had turned from an ugly duckling into a tall, slender and very sexy girl. They say that Quentin Tarantino, when he first saw her, was amazed and delighted by the girl’s large feet. This is probably why he, without hesitation, gave Uma the main role in the acclaimed film “Pulp Fiction”. And the dance of the heroine with huge blue eyes from under black bangs with a young mafioso (John Travolta) blew up the hearts of millions of men. During the filming of this famous episode, Quentin Tarantino himself tapped his foot to the beat of the music and looked at Uma Thurman with delight. It was from then on that she became the famous director’s favorite actress, and a new creative triumph awaited her in Tarantino’s film Kill Bill.

Claire Danes

In 1997, People magazine included this talented actress, winner of the most prestigious film awards, among the fifty most beautiful people in the world. Strangely enough, Claire herself was most surprised. As long as she could remember, she was not distinguished by beauty either in childhood or in her youth. Judging by early photographs, the girl was completely inconspicuous. Everything came over the years, or rather, with an acting career that developed rapidly. One of the steps to recognition was the series “My So-Called Life,” which was awarded a Golden Globe. Then successes followed in big cinema: Baz Luhrmann's film Romeo + Juliet, where she played opposite Leonardo DiCaprio, brought her wide fame. Soon Claire was ranked among the Hollywood beauties, although she was still rather indifferent to her appearance. “Claire is not interested in Hollywood beauty mania. She's too smart for that. Many people are obsessed with the idea of ​​looking glamorous, even if they are attending a costume party. “The last time Claire wore a hat in the shape of a crocodile’s jaw and a huge jumpsuit to such an event,” her friend, “Girls” star Lena Dunham, would once say.

Rossi de Palma

She was the antipode of classical beauty, possessing at the same time a stunning, special appearance, striking in its sensuality. Such women in some unknown way have always attracted the brilliant Spanish director Pedro Almodóvar. He found Rossi de Palma in one of the Madrid cafes: a passionate dancer, in whose eyes there seemed to be an indomitable fire, captivated the great maestro. From that moment on, she became his muse and played in almost all of Pedro Almodovar's films. Her crazy and strange heroines were loved by many viewers. But one day, being a revolutionary in everything to the core, Rossi de Palma rushed to explore the world of big fashion. And to everyone's delight and surprise. achieved world fame. She was attracted to shows and campaigns by haute couture stars such as Thierry Mugler and Jean-Paul Gaultier. “I am an anarchist and an individualist. I don't like it when they try to push me into some kind of stereotype. I prefer not to be identified so that my field of activity remains as wide as possible,” Rossi de Palma once admitted to journalists.

Helena Bonham Carter

At the age of eleven, she won a poetry competition with her poem “The Grapevine.” The young poetess was very ambitious and dreamed of an acting career. Therefore, she spent her first fee on a portfolio from a professional photographer, hoping with his help to break into big cinema. Of course, Helena understood well that bright appearance decides a lot. And every time she glanced at the mirror, she sighed sadly: there was nothing special or attractive about her. However, Helena suffered in vain over this: she would have a brilliant creative career, which she would largely owe to her husband, the famous director Tim Burton. Seven of his films, especially “Swinney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street,” where Helena played with Johnny Depp, will bring her fame and recognition from Hollywood. The latter, however, will not be generous with awards: the actress will not receive either an Oscar or a Golden Globe. But viewers will remember her for her spectacular appearance, her ability to transform herself on screen and create bright, unusual images. It should be noted that Helena never follows fashion rules: she has her own style.

Show business stars as we are used to seeing them
them from TV screens, magazine covers, advertising posters and on
Internet sites, fascinate with their impeccable appearance, which is
the object of envy of many representatives of the fair sex. But don't forget
that they are all, by and large, ordinary women whose appearance
depends on their lifestyle, mood, health. It's interesting to look at
stars who have become the standard of beauty, in moments when their faces were not touched by the hands of stylists
and make-up artists. We tried to tentatively compile a list of the most, in our opinion,
unattractive famous women without makeup. Let's start from the very end of this

30 . Jennifer Lopez. The face of the singer and actress without makeup
looks quite inexpressive and clearly does not deserve the title of a sex symbol.

29 . Rihanna. Without professional make-up, the singer is not at all
looks like a global pop star.

28 . Katy Perry. The singer herself admits that her skin is far from
ideal and always puts a dense foundation on the face. Every morning she
spends a lot of time putting on makeup, so it's very difficult to catch her
taken by surprise.

27 . Christina Aguilera. It is very rare to meet a singer
wearing makeup - she diligently maintains her image of a glamorous beauty. Without
It looks much paler and simpler in tone and shadows.

26 . Kristina Orbakaite. The singer doesn't look the same without makeup
as young as he strives to appear.

25 . Penelope Cruz. The appearance of this bright Spanish woman is somewhat
fades unless experienced makeup artists work on her face.

24 . Paris Hilton. View of a glamor queen and socialite without
her usual makeup can stun anyone, but she doesn’t mind taking a walk
like this, go shopping. Perhaps Paris is confident in her irresistibility.

23 . Hilary Duff. Without makeup, the actress doesn't look like her at all.
a diva depicted on the covers of glossy magazines. The pictures on them are so
deeply photoshopped that Hilary is sometimes not recognized even by her fans.

22 . Rosie Huntington Whiteley. The image of a famous supermodel,
created on the catwalk is completely different from how she looks in
in its natural form. She probably doesn't care about this, because sometimes it's like that
I want to take a break from any cosmetics.

21 . Britney Spears. The singer is not shy about appearing in public
without make-up, which indicates a complete absence of complexes about
her appearance, although without makeup she looks quite unattractive.

20 . Lolita. Increasingly, the singer can be seen without makeup
not only in stores, but also at public events.

19 . Jessica Simpson. When you hear this name, then
eyes draw the image of a blond beauty. But judging by the appearance of the actress
without makeup, she really believes that men should be captivated by her voice, and
not appearance.

18 . Nicole Ricci. It’s very strange in this “little gray mouse”
recognize a famous Hollywood beauty.

17 . Pink. After the singer became a mother, she appears less and less often
in public and gives interviews But appearance without a hint of makeup is now not enough
who will you surprise from the circle of her closest acquaintances?

16 . Mila Kunis. Actress voted most attractive
girl of 2012, without makeup she looks much simpler, but that didn’t stop her
steal Ashton Kutcher from the famous Hollywood star Demi Moore.

15 . Brooke Shields. Charming performer leading the role
in the movie “The Blue Lagoon” without makeup she doesn’t look nearly as amazing and
absolutely does not stand out from the crowd.

14 . Fergie. The singer's face looks amazing only after
how the make-up artists will work on him. Without makeup, Fergie does not shine with beauty and
looks quite ordinary.

13 . Lindsey Lohan. Chaotic lifestyle, hobby
alcohol and drugs have done their job - look at the actress’s face without
regret is impossible, and yet just recently Lindsay was called Hollywood’s “golden

12 . Lady Gaga. Looking at this stage queen without makeup,
you begin to understand why she needs outrageous makeup, and how skillful
her stylists, image makers and make-up artists, whose services she uses.

11 . Kate Hudson. The actress is not shy about appearing on the street
without tone on her face and with no makeup, despite the fact that her eyes are light
eyelashes are almost invisible, and the complexion cannot be called even.

10 . Julia Roberts. This Hollywood "beauty" had better not
appear in public without makeup, under which she usually hides her rough skin
facial features and sunken eyes.

9 . Larisa Dolina. The singer can be proud of her figure, and
Here is her face, how the sky differs from the earth from the image in which we are accustomed to her

8 . Cameron Diaz. The actress doesn't look right with a bare face
attractive, as with professional make-up. Today Diaz is one of the most
highly paid actresses, according to her, makeup allows you to hide
problematic skin.

7 . Uma Thurman. Looking at the actress’s face, you understand how much effort
make-up artists and make-up artists have to put a lot of effort into making it

For stage and film stars, it is very important to have a spectacular appearance, allowing them to be the center of attention and attract the amazed glances of the audience. But appearance is not chosen, and nature does not always reward everyone at once: for some it gives a beautiful face, for others talent, and only rare specimens are awarded both. The actresses you will see below do not have an ideal appearance, but this sad fact did not stop them from conquering Hollywood.

Barbra Streisand

This Oscar-winning actress can hardly be called a beauty. Even colleagues in the shop call Barbra Streisand “the ugliest beauty” behind their backs. But neither a huge nose nor small eyes prevented her from becoming one of the most sought-after Hollywood actresses.

Tilda Swinton

Tilda Swinton is different. She has an atypical appearance, very far from traditional ideas of beauty. Each role of Tilda is bright and ambiguous, just like the actress herself. We love her for her skill and talent and consider her to be the true queen of modern cinema.

Sarah Jessica Parker

She was never a beautiful woman. Sarah Jessica Parker has repeatedly admitted that all her life she has been struggling with complexes about her appearance. But the character of Carrie Bradshaw did its job: the actress became a style icon and one of the most important Hollywood blondes.

Julia Roberts

Blinding smile? Or a huge frog mouth? As a child, Julia Roberts had a terrible complex and suffered from ridicule on this topic. But this very mouth did not prevent Julia from playing the main role in the film “Pretty Woman,” winning an Oscar and becoming the favorite of millions.

Ann Hataway

Despite the fact that Anne Hathaway played princesses in her youth, her appearance can hardly be called fabulously beautiful. Too large facial features, ears that stick out, a huge mouth... The actress herself has repeatedly admitted in interviews that she does not consider herself attractive. But she has many great roles and the most sincere smile!

Hilary Swank

Hilary Swank has a heavy lower jaw and rough facial features. She is not afraid to experiment with her appearance and is not embarrassed to look different from everyone else. The actress jokes that it is those roles where she least resembles a woman that bring her success. And it looks like she's right: Hilary won her first Oscar for her role as a transsexual in the film Boys Don't Cry, and her second for her role as a female boxer in Million Dollar Baby.

Charlotte Gainsbourg

In interviews, Charlotte Gainsbourg has repeatedly admitted that she considers her own appearance to be her main failure in life. However, irregular facial features and a huge nose did not prevent the actress from becoming the muse of Lars von Trier and the face of the House of Louis Vuitton.

Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham has a bunch of strange tattoos, a far from ideal figure, and the actress's outfits are always among the leaders in the ratings of the most unfortunate images. Lena is also one of the founders of the movement against body shaming and unnatural beauty standards. On her networks, the actress regularly shares pictures that other celebrities remain silent about. For example, in the summer, Lena showed what her body looks like after the surgery she had at the beginning of the year.

Uma Thurman

Too tall, awkward, with a long face and huge size 42 feet... This is exactly how Uma Thurman saw herself in her youth. We don’t understand what she’s talking about at all, and we think the actress is graceful, charming and sexy.


The Icelandic actress, singer and public figure looks like an elf, an alien, or anyone else, just not a beauty. But we are all in love with her unconventional appearance, magical voice and such piercing sincerity that gives goosebumps all over our bodies!

16 May 2013, 15:50

In July 2009, comedian Anna Faris shocked the public when rumors of her surprise wedding to film actor Chris Pratt leaked to the press.

The couple met in 2007 at the casting of the film “Take Me Home.” And on August 25, 2012, the couple had their first child, son Jack.

“Chris is an amazing, cool guy. I’m just happy with him,” Anna does not hide her feelings. It is worth noting that before meeting Pratt, the girl went through a difficult divorce, which ended with the payment of large monetary compensation in favor of her ex-husband.

Canadian actress and model Malin Akerman has been happily married to Italian drummer Roberto Zincone for the past six years.

Before becoming husband and wife, the lovers dated for 4 years. Currently, the couple already have a son - baby S:)styan, born on April 16, 2013.

By the way, on her son's birthday, Akerman touched her fans with the following message on Twitter: “My husband and I welcomed our beautiful, healthy newborn boy into this world this morning! The greatest joy in life!”

In 1989, Czech top model Paulina Porizkova, a star of such publications as Sports Illustrated and Playboy, decided to connect her life with Ric Ocasek, leader of the group “The Cars”.

Before getting married, Polina and Rick dated for more than five years. Now the couple is raising two sons and does not part with each other even for a day.

Australian model Kristy Hinze in 2009 became the wife of 65-year-old billionaire James H. Clark, founder of Netscape Communications, for which she was named the most corrupt Victoria's Secret angel.

Despite public criticism, Christie never stopped repeating in every interview that she adores James; and 2 years later, the model gave birth to her husband’s daughter Dylan - this child was the first for both spouses.

Another unconventional couple is model Marisa Miller and music producer Griffin Guess. Married since April 15, 2006.

As the catwalk star and ex-Victoria's Secret angel has repeatedly said, she is happy in her marriage and would not want to change anything about her husband. By the way, in December 2012, Marisa and Griffin became parents for the first time - their son Gavin was born.

“I am overjoyed,” the new mother told reporters, “Having a child is a blessing. And I’m happy to start this new chapter of my life.”

Supermodel and actress Stephanie Seymour married future millionaire Peter Brant in 1995.

Their married life was quite stormy: Seymour and Brant more than once staged “showdowns” on the pages of yellow publications, and in 2010 they almost divorced. However, love triumphed - the couple is still together and raising three wonderful children.

Actress Salma Hayek waited for a marriage proposal from French multimillionaire François Pinault for 5 long years, despite the fact that the couple already had a daughter together named Valentina.

In the summer of 2008, the lovers separated, but soon reconciled and in the spring of 2009 they got married in the ancient La Fenice theater in Venice.

Dutch top model Lara Stone has been married to British showman David Walliams, whom she dated for 5 months before their wedding, since May 16, 2010.

More recently, a long-awaited addition to the star family occurred, but the couple still keeps the name of their son, born on May 6, 2013, a strictly secret.

“My friends still make fun of my marriage,” the model shared, “They just can’t believe it. Just four years ago they could not even think that I would get married. It was so unexpected, but the wedding made me happy. Now I feel protected, marriage is very calming.”

In 1997, while starring in the play The Seagull, actress Cate Blanchett met screenwriter and editing editor Andrew Upton. They got married that same year.

The wedding took place in the Blue Mountains National Park in the Australian state of New South Wales. The couple first lived in the coastal area of ​​Sydney, then moved to London, and later returned to Australia.

In her marriage to Upton, the actress had three sons - Dashiel (born December 3, 2001), Roman (born April 23, 2004) and Ignatius (born April 13, 2008).

Sacha Baron Cohen and Isla Fisher. Despite the fact that the characters played by the British comedian of Jewish origin Cohen seem disgusting to many (remember the glamorous gay Bruno), in his personal life the actor hit the jackpot. Actress Isla Fisher is not among the top sexiest women in Hollywood, but hardly anyone would dare to call her unattractive.

Sacha Baron Cohen and Fischer have been happily married for several years and have two daughters. But they definitely wouldn’t have won the title of the most beautiful couple...

Beyoncé began dating rapper Jay-Z in 2002. Despite persistent rumors about their relationship, the couple did not react to them.

In 2005, the media started talking about the wedding of lovers. However, Beyonce denied all the gossip, saying that she and Jay-Z are not even engaged. When this topic was raised again in September 2007, the rapper himself spoke out: “One day in the near future - let's say it like that.”

On April 4, 2008, Beyoncé and Jay-Z secretly got married in New York. And on January 7, 2012, in a New York clinic, the singer gave birth to a daughter, named Blue Ivy Carter.

Monica Bellucci often recalls the first thought that arose in her head while meeting her co-star in the new film “The Apartment” in 1996: “Arrogant scarecrow!” - thought the 32-year-old Italian, looking up at Vincent Cassel.

The actors came to the premiere of “Apartment” holding hands, and after 3 years they married, which many media dubbed “guest” - despite the presence of two common daughters, all this time the couple lived apart (she in Rome, he in Paris).

Monica speaks very sharply about her relationship with her husband: “I never interfere in his affairs. We are very independent. We live in different worlds. He and I don’t even have mutual friends.”

Despite this, the couple, deservedly considered one of the strongest in the world of show business, is slowly changing their life priorities - very soon the entire family will move to Brazil, never to be separated again.

When talking about unconventional couples, we cannot fail to mention relationships that have not stood the test of time. Perhaps the most famous broken-up union of an incredibly attractive woman and a man far from the generally accepted ideals of beauty is the marriage of Dita von Teese and Marilyn Manson, which lasted a total of a year.

Despite the fact that the quick divorce, according to the “Queen of Burlesque,” ​​was caused by “irreconcilable differences,” the ex-spouses currently maintain warm, friendly relations.

On January 10, 1985, one of the hottest and most explosive couples in Hollywood history, Madonna and Sean Penn, met at the Universal film studio. A couple of weeks after this significant meeting, the singer and actor announced their engagement.

The actor described his first impression of Madonna with one single phrase: “An extremely nasty voice, but a great ass.” The singer repeatedly mentioned in interviews that she immediately recognized the man of her life in her new acquaintance.

Their marriage lasted from 1985 to 1989 and ended in a huge scandal caused by mutual infidelities. Madonna later admitted that she still has feelings for her ex-husband: “I still love Sean. Our marriage lasted four years - and these were the four most boring years of my life. Besides, Sean was the only man I listened to.”

Penn met the beautiful Robin Wright, who played Kelly Capwell in the soap opera Santa Barbara, back in the early 80s, but passion between the actors broke out only in 1990 on the set of the film State of Frenzy.

For Robin, Sean Penn also became a true love. But for her, unlike Madonna, love turned out to be much more important than a career: in the early 90s, the girl refused several significant roles, first bearing Penn’s daughter and then his son.

The couple got married in 1996. And in 2007, the first official rumors appeared about disagreements between the acting couple. Penn and Wright broke up and got back together several times, but their relationship officially ended only in 2010.

The first marriage of actress Julia Roberts to actor and country singer Lyle Lovett, concluded in 1993, lasted less than two years.

Although Julia is no longer recognized as the most beautiful actress, in the early 90s she simply shone. No one could understand what the “beauty” found in this “monster”. This may be why Roberts and Lovett split in 1995.

The marriage of supermodel Heidi Klum and singer Seal lasted 7 years (from 2005 to 2012), which was considered one of the strongest unions in world show business.

Together the couple raised four children - three in common and a daughter, Heidi, from her first marriage. It should be mentioned that after the divorce, Seal did not take off his wedding ring for a long time, explaining that he still loved his ex-wife.

From 2005 to 2011, Christina Aguilera was married to producer Jordan Bratman. Over the course of these six years, the choice made by the singer in favor of Bratman was tirelessly criticized by her fans.

By the way, the couple had a son, Max (born January 12, 2008), whom the ex-spouses, who remained on friendly terms after the divorce, are currently raising together.