Documents for admission to the military academy. Commander competition. How to enter a military university

Rules for admission of applicants to military educational institutions in Russia.

According to the law, citizens who have received secondary general or vocational education can be enrolled in military universities.

  1. Non-serving citizens (17-21 years old)
  2. Young people who served (up to age 24)
  3. Military contractors (not officers)

Admission documents required for applicants of different categories

Military conscripts or contract soldiers:

  • a copy of the birth certificate, identification and citizenship;
  • photocopy of certificate or diploma;
  • autobiography;
  • characterization in the prescribed manner;
  • service card and document on professional and psychological compliance;
  • medical documents;
  • photocopies of documents with the right to benefits.

After selection, the commander of the military unit sends candidates to training camps. Preparation is carried out from 5.06 to 30.06.

Civilian young people

An application must be submitted to the commissariat department at the registration address by May 1st. In it, applicants indicate their date of birth, address, university, name of the military commissariat with its postal code, full name. Along with the application, an autobiography, a reference from work or a previous educational institution, a copy of the certificate or a certificate of academic achievement with the student is submitted. foreign language, three 4.5 x 6 photographs without headgear.

Young people who want to study at an aviation school

IN mandatory- walkthrough medical examination at the military registration and enlistment offices of the region (territory). Candidates write an application addressed to the head of the military educational institution. Candidates are notified of the date and place of arrival at the selection meeting through the military registration and enlistment offices. When applying directly to the university, a notice is sent to your place of residence.

Minimum Entry Requirements

Suitability for service is determined by Russian citizenship, age and education, state of health, level of training and category of professional suitability.

A special selection of candidates for service is carried out by the chairmen of the commission from June 5 to June 25. Professional suitability and other qualities are determined during interviews conducted by specialists. Testing and professional psychological selection. Citizens who want to study in higher schools aviation, bypass the flight medical examination. The level of physical fitness is determined according to the scheme after the completed exercises.

  1. Pull-ups on the bar
  2. One hundred meters and three kilometers race
  3. Swimming

The level of general educational knowledge is determined by the results of the Unified State Exam. Applicants take mathematics, physics and Russian.

Preferential admission options

  • Graduates of schools and educational institutions with gold and silver medals, having a diploma of secondary or vocational education Honours. If all the requirements of a military educational institution are fully satisfied, young men will need to pass one exam in a specialized subject. It is determined by the head of the university. When passing the exam with the highest score, applicants do not take other exams.
  • Graduates who have undergone training at universities. They are enrolled after a decision has been made by the admissions committee at the same institutions based on the results of final exams in courses or after participation in a competition. Benefits also apply to candidates who have passed professional selection in other military educational structures that have an agreement with the university.
  • Orphans or young people without parental care are enrolled without competition based on the results of professional selection.
  • Without checking additional general educational knowledge, persons who have completed courses at regular universities in special subjects that meet the requirements of a military school are enrolled in the first year.
  • Graduates of the Suvorov Military School, cadet corps and specialized schools where initial flight training is provided.

Providing travel to universities

A military school or academy provides free pass young people to universities, meeting, food and provision in the medical and cultural sphere. Future students receive travel documents at the military registration and enlistment office at their residential address.

Military universities conduct professional selection of candidates for admission. This year, the competition for some higher military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense is 3-4 people per place. Tens of thousands of young men and women wanted to obtain a military specialty, 40 thousand of them passed the preliminary selection of military registration and enlistment offices.

What is the reason for such preferences among young people who choose the military profession?

"IN last years the state actively invested in the military-industrial complex. This was probably reflected in the prestige of the corresponding education. People look at it as an attractive career option: with decent and stable wages“,” explains Dmitry Semyonov, head of the “University Development” laboratory at the Institute of Education of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”.

Let us add that after graduating from a military university, employment is guaranteed. And while studying, the cadet is fully supported by the state.

I would become an officer...

The main feature is that you need to collect and submit documents to a military university much earlier than to a regular one.

The rules for admission to each specific university can be read on the website of the Ministry of Defense, at information stand the university itself or the website of its admissions committee. This is information about what military specialties are taught in this educational institution, in what subjects are taken into account Unified State Examination points for admission, what physical education course must be taken, etc. Most universities require Russian and specialized mathematics, and in addition - physics (for military-technical specialties), social studies (law, personnel management, logistics), geography (military cartography, military meteorology) or history (law, management), etc. The highest scores ( Russian, chemistry and biology) are needed for medical specialties. The competition among those wishing to become military doctors is always the highest.

You can apply to 5 universities, as is the case with regular civilian universities. The minimum Unified State Exam score for a specific specialty at a particular university is indicated on the website of the Ministry of Defense.

The rules for admission are set out in the order of the Minister of Defense No. 185 dated 04/07/2015 “On approval of the procedure and conditions for admission to educational organizations higher education, under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation."

What is needed for admission?

Firstly, there are age restrictions. If you can go to a regular university to study at least at the age of 80, you can go to a military university to get your first higher education until you are 30. If a young man has not served in the army, then you can enroll until he is 22 years old. If you have served or are serving - up to 24. Receive higher education Military personnel serving under contract can also do so under programs with full military special training - up to 27 years of age (study for 4-5 years). And to receive secondary military education - up to 30 years (study for 3 years). To understand the difference, let’s give an example: say, if a person has received a full higher education at an aviation institute, he receives the title of military engineer, if he has a secondary education, he receives the title of military technician.

There is strength - intelligence is welcome

Secondly, the first thing you should do is not go to the university, but to the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. And apply. Next, go through a medical examination, and (if the candidate is fit for military service and obtaining a military specialty), the military registration and enlistment office will send documents to the selected military university by May 20. Graduates Suvorov schools submit an application addressed to the head of the school (they no longer need to undergo a medical examination). All this must be done before April 20 of the year in which the person wants to enter the university. And if studying at a university is related to state secrets, then until April 1. Active military personnel who decide to obtain a higher education submit a report to the unit commander before April 1, if the university is associated with state secrets - before March 1.

When a candidate’s documents are received by a university, the admissions committee now reviews them and makes a decision on whether to allow him to undergo professional selection. At the same time, the university itself sends invitations to military registration and enlistment offices and military units to candidates to participate in the professional selection process until June 20. Professional selection, that is, the competition among candidates itself, is held from July 1 to July 30. The results of the Unified State Examination, individual achievements (victories in competitions and contests), physical training. In addition, some universities may conduct their own entrance exams, both written and creative. And you definitely need to take physical education: a hundred meters, a 3 km run, pull-ups, and in some universities - swimming. Plus definitely - psychological tests on neuropsychic stability. Moreover, psychological selection and physical qualities are often more important than Unified State Exam scores. If a person does not control himself and does not know how to do at least seven pull-ups, he is unlikely to enter a military university.

If several people apply for a place, then if the results are equal, orphans, children of military personnel, employees of internal affairs bodies, graduates of Suvorov military schools and cadet corps, etc., are first enrolled.

Officers in skirts

By the way, 10 military universities accept girls: the Military Institute (Naval Polytechnic) and the branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Navy "Naval Academy" (St. Petersburg), located in Kaliningrad, the Military Space Academy ( St. Petersburg), Military Academy of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense (Kostroma), Military Academy of Aerospace Defense (Tver), Military Academy of Communications (St. Petersburg), Military Academy of Logistics (branch in Volsk), Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg), Military University (Moscow), Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School.

Today, a military specialty can also be obtained in many civilian universities, if they have a military training center. Now there are more than three dozen of them.

But for cadets, the president of the country promised to simplify the procedure for admission to military universities, so that the guys would not spend extra time for collecting information. A teacher from Ozyorsk asked Vladimir Putin about this during a direct line.