Ekaterinburg Suvorov Military School. 4th Bwoku Battalion

The first intake of students is 514 people. Among them are front-line guys: scouts, signalmen, sons of regiments, students of partisan detachments. Many of them took part in battles with the German invaders, and received high government awards for their exploits: Dima Krasnikov, Vitaly Bogdanov, Vladimir Valakhov, Viktor Chernyak, Zhenya Simpura...

By 2011 Ekaterinburg Suvorov military school graduated 705 people with the medal “For Special Achievement in Education”, including 306 with gold, 399 with silver. Over the 68 years of its existence, the Yekaterinburg Suvorov Military School has produced 64 graduates - 16 thousand graduates. More than 45 of them were awarded the highest military rank of “general”.

More than 500 graduates of the school became doctors and candidates of science, corresponding members Russian Academy sciences, academicians, professors and honored scientists.

The Yekaterinburg Suvorov Military School has an experienced teaching staff. More than 90% of the school’s teachers have the highest and first qualification categories. Their work is daily aimed at the education of Suvorovites, as well as their military, moral, aesthetic and physical education and development.

In 2011, 18 children from Mongolia were accepted for training at the Ekaterinburg VU. Here they found new house, warm and welcoming attitude.

Currently, about 600 Suvorov graduates are training at SVU. Most of them show excellent and good results academic performance. Excellent students are systematically rewarded with a scholarship from the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, a scholarship named after Hero of Russia, Army General V.G. Kazantsev, Governor's Marshal Prize Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov, regional scholarship public organization"Union of Cadet of the Urals", a scholarship from the regional "Union of Reserve Officers", a scholarship from the Ruling Bishop of the Ekaterinburg Diocese, a scholarship from the regional Pavlov Foundation, a scholarship from war veterans of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

In addition, the best Suvorov students are awarded the badge “Excellent Student of the EksVU”, and the best platoon is awarded the Challenge Prize named after the Hero of Russia, Army General V.G. Kazantseva.

But not only are Suvorov students strong in their studies, good physical training and the ability to overcome difficulties are no less important for a future officer, even if not the real one, but still military service. During their studies, many become members of the school’s national teams. various types sports, candidates and masters of sports, defending the honor of EksVU at city, regional and district competitions. And it is not surprising that the school is traditionally the champion of the summer and winter Spartakiads of the SVU and CC of the Central Military District.

In both sports and academics, the strongest wins. These words refer to Gennady Lisin, a 2002 graduate of ESVU, a silver medalist, an international master of sports, who at the age of 17 became the world champion in kickboxing, as well as to a 2012 graduate who won a bronze award at the European Sambo Wrestling Championships in Prague, Magomed Abdulaev .

The school is proud of its students and rejoices at their successes and achievements.

Today, the school has created a good educational and material and technical base, providing decent conditions for study, life and living conditions for Suvorov students. Special attention is given to intellectual and aesthetic development: visiting theaters and museums of the city, excursions to picturesque places of the region, walks around the city to get acquainted with architecture and historical monuments, meetings with writers, poets, artists, famous people.

Currently, the Yekaterinburg Suvorov Military School is one of the oldest educational institutions of pre-university training of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The school is licensed and accredited by the Ministry of Education Sverdlovsk region. The educational process is based on curriculum Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and is carried out in accordance with the basic general educational programs of basic general (normative period of development - 5 years), secondary (full) general education(normative period of development - 2 years) and additional educational programs of artistic, aesthetic, linguistic, sports and military-applied education for adolescents.

The basis for constructing the curriculum for grades 5-9 of the school is only the basic level of the standard of academic subjects, for grades 10-11 - the profile level of the federal component state standard general education.

One of the features educational process is that each student learns two foreign languages ​​(English and German) and in the system additional education optional - third (French).

And starting from the 2012 academic year, in addition to the already studied English and German languages, Suvorov students will additionally master the Chinese language.

Thanks to the unified network created at the school, Suvorov students now have access to electronic library books and textbooks, as well as additional literature. They have at their disposal new specialized laboratory classes of physics and biology, equipped with all the necessary instruments and preparations.

Much attention is paid physical training, various sports events are regularly held.

Close attention is paid to military-patriotic education. Recently, a solemn event was held at SVU dedicated to the opening of a monument - a memorial in honor of EksVU graduates who died in the line of duty and fulfilling their international duty.

September 1, 2012 at a rally, dedicated to the Day Knowledge on the basis of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 6, 2012 No. 2025 “On the presentation of the Banner to the Yekaterinburg Suvorov Military School”, a solemn presentation of the Banner of a new type took place, as a particularly honorable official military symbol and military relic, as well as the issuance of a Certificate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation to the Banner .

The management of the Yekaterinburg Suvorov Military School does everything possible to provide decent conditions for study, life and living conditions for Suvorov students, takes care of their intellectual and aesthetic development, and ensures that each student knows and remembers his history and is a faithful and devoted son of his Fatherland.

Both parents must sign this application. You write the second application addressed to the director of the school in your own hand.

Certify with a notary a copy of the birth certificate, a stamp of citizenship on back side evidence.

Write your own autobiography.

Certify with the official seal of your educational institution a copy of your personal file (each page) with the obligatory signatures of the school principal and class teacher for each year of study; an extract from the report card with a list of grades for the third academic quarter, signed by the class teacher and director; physical fitness report (signed by the physical education teacher and the school director; your school characteristics, signed by the class teacher and the school director; psychological characteristics, signed by the psychologist and the director.

Prepare four color photographs measuring 3x4 cm. Attach a copy of the financial and personal account - an extract from the house register, or a certificate of family composition, which will indicate the personal account number of the household, as well as the date of birth and occupation of each family member.

Take an extract from the house register from your place of registration. Make a copy of your registration certificate. Notarize a copy of your parents' passport (all pages).

Provide a certificate from your place of work (if you already have one).

Write down your anthropometric measurements of height, weight, chest size, waist size, hip size, head size, clothing size, shoe size. If you fall into the category of orphans or children without parental care, then additionally submit the relevant documents certified by the official seal.

Musical school– the second stage of professional music education. Before entering the music school school or college, the applicant must prepare thoroughly. Preparation for admission includes choosing a direction (instrumental performance, music theory, solo or choral singing, etc.), studying solfeggio and music history.


Additional, creative exams. The main one is the presentation of a program of musical works different forms(polyphony, sonata, piece, etude for instrument, aria from opera, romance, folk song and vocalise for voice) on the instrument you have chosen. The level of difficulty depends on the entry requirements of the particular school and your own preparation. For prospective choir and orchestra conductors and theorists, the program is performed on the piano.

The next exam is solfeggio. It consists of recording a one-voice dictation, sight-singing one Solfeggio number and singing another number by heart. In some schools, additional tasks are included in the solfeggio exam.

The last test– colloquium or interview. There are dicks on it admissions committee test your knowledge of music theory and history, especially aspects related to your program (biographies of composers, features and history of the form, musical analysis of works).

Enroll in Shchukinskoe school – it’s a very difficult matter, especially if you are targeting the acting department. A university with long-established traditions, history, and teaching staff does not allow everyone into its walls. This is one of the most popular educational institutions of its kind in Russia, attracting hundreds of applicants every year.


Listening. On the day of the audition, arrive early. This stage takes several days, so if you miss a date, you have a chance to try again. Applicants must read a fable, prose, or poem. You will be let into the audience by 10 people and called one by one to the center of the hall. At this stage, a significant portion of applicants are eliminated. The lucky ones who were lucky enough to get to the 1st round should go to the institute’s website and find out when the next stage is.

In later rounds, applicants perform sketches on topics proposed by the commission. At each stage, most of the applicants are eliminated, and out of hundreds of applicants, 15-20 people remain. Another important test is the interview. It checks the general intellectual level applicants, knowledge of theater and literature. On the website of the Shchukin School there is a list of plays that you need to read and determine which character you would like to play.

At the end of each test, the applicant is given points that are added to the Unified State Exam scores in Russian and literature. The one who gets the maximum points has a greater chance of entering the Shchukinskoe school . If you didn't manage to get there this year, don't worry. Avid applicants try to get on the list of students year after year. And doing so is not all. After all, there are also cases when, after the first session, they are expelled for incompetence. So, if you are aiming to become an actor, you will have to give it your all.

Video on the topic


You may be asked to perform the same passage but in a different style. For example, imagine that you are at war or in a nightclub.

Helpful advice

When selecting a repertoire, choose several diverse options. The main thing is that they all suit your type.
If you are a girl, you should come in a knee-length dress and not wear much makeup. Naturalness is paramount.


  • Official website of the Shchukin School

Today in Russia there is only one educational institution that trains circus performers - the State Central Theater Institute named after M. Rumyantsev. It’s quite difficult to get into college, so it’s better to start preparing long before you graduate from school.


If you want your child to connect his life with the circus or stage, take him to a circus studio or sign him up for courses at a circus school, which are accepted from the age of 5. Group classes will allow your child to acquire primary skills in any of the major areas (gymnastics, acrobatics, balancing act, juggling, choreography).

After finishing secondary or incomplete high school your child, with sufficient preparation, can try to enter a circus school. Collect and present to the admissions committee educational institution the following documents:

Certificate of secondary (incomplete secondary) education;
- passport and birth certificate;
- medical certificate according to form 086у;
- X-rays of the spine (lumbar and thoracic);
- certificates from the psychoneurological and tuberculosis dispensaries stating that the applicant is not registered there;
- compulsory medical insurance policy;
- 6 photos 3x4.

In addition to these documents, upon re-entry, the admissions committee may require you to present a military ID and work record.