I’ll try to tell you how to use a telephone in the army using my own example. Everyone knows that telephones are allowed in the army, but they can only be used in free time. In my unit this was allowed on Saturday from 15:00 until lights out, I completely forgot upon arrival
I handed over part of the phone to the office and it is stored there! This time is too short and I want to call my family more often, plus access to the Internet, etc. So I did this, when I went to serve, I took with me a simple Siemens A62 phone. Of course, at first I called exclusively on Saturdays, since there were unofficial laws among the young and senior conscripts. The young man was forbidden to have a phone before going out
demobilization order of senior conscription. It was impossible to give a damn about this law, they will find a way to rid me of the phone, personally in my unit it was like in others, I don’t know, and this is not the point... And here is the demobilization order, I call my friends and ask them to send me
money, money comes, I buy a phone in parts, why in parts? Yes, because it’s difficult to send a phone, parcels are checked upon arrival at the unit, and in the unit it’s easy to buy it from demobilizers who are leaving, they sell a lot of useful things, give them away, etc... I buy a normal phone with Internet access, well, basically everything that necessary, but without any special bells and whistles, I’ll tell you why a little later. To go with this phone I bought another very simple one, just like I brought it from home. For what? The officers liked to check the soldiers for prohibited things - phones, tablets, etc. In the uniform, I made 2 secret pockets in the area
groin, they don’t feel it there and I put both phones there, good and simple, in one pocket good and the other bad, in case they “burned” me with good phone I feigned fuss and quietly slipped the phone into some other pocket. When Ophir comes to me and says:
“give me the phone” I took out a bad phone and most often in such a situation it goes away and doesn’t “cheat”, so the good one stays with you. Of course there is a minus: the secret pocket was “burned”
come up with something else, there are many ways... But this one works several times accurately, tested on yourself. I fired the phone twice and always had a good one with me. And then, based on my previous mistakes, I became careful and it was very difficult for me to burn it, and I didn’t burn it anymore. Why shouldn't you buy a fancy phone? because not one of the methods may help and the phone will be taken away, but in our case they were nailed to a wooden hanger on the wall. So here we are
Once the whole company watched how they nailed an iPhone 3, almost crying)))))

For those who are especially gifted, I will repeat this story from my army practice and do not say that this cannot happen or something like that... If you have something to tell anyone on this same topic, you are welcome, it will not be superfluous.
I think YaRiTiCK will be happy to tell you something, so tune in!!!

It is prohibited to have cell phones on the territory of military units... Just like any other radio transmitting and receiving devices (radio receiver, wi-fi router, 3g modem), etc. But some of the requirements are very different from this ban...

Prohibits us from using cell phones, as well as other radio transmitting and receiving devices ORDER 010, for the completion of which we periodically sign once a year, or even more. Without a mobile phone in our time, there’s simply nowhere to go... and that’s why incidents happen—a discrepancy between the law and real life.

The first requirement of commanders is that the officer must always be in touch, at any time of the day or night, wherever he is. It even happened that officers were released on vacation only after they put 1000 rubles on their phone, supposedly so as not to make excuses for running out of money in roaming and to always be in touch. I tried for a long time to find the logic in this, but it never worked out :)

In a military unit, any military personnel - both soldiers and officers - spends almost 12 hours a day - if we average... order 010 You can’t use it, and the punishment for using the phone seems to be severe, the reprimand there seems to be permanent. But try not to pick up the phone when commander mana ma calling... You will automatically become enemy number one, you will receive a reprimand for not being in touch. It turns out to be a reprimand for carrying out the order as it should, which also does not fit with the regulations.

For some time now, conscripts in some regions have been given cell phones at military registration and enlistment offices, supposedly for communication with relatives...to make life easier, in short. Again, I don’t see any logic, the soldier will live in a military unit, on the territory of which it is forbidden to use telephones, but they VOENCOMM solemnly presents... .violate your health comrades

Officers - unit commanders, senior commanders are ordered to confiscate phones from personnel, it’s impossible, as it were, 010 order prohibits, at the same time they punish officers for not being in touch, we live in the 21st century, but there is no connection with you... Paradox

Or this is another moment that outrages me to the point of madness. The senior boss calls you on your cell phone, you answer him - YES! I'm listening...So after that he boils up and shouts that the serviceman must introduce himself - such and such, some, rank, surname, position... I really don’t understand why I should introduce myself if he calls me on my cell phone, which I bought for my personal purposes... PARADOX

It is also unclear how a commander can confiscate from a serviceman cellular telephone? Is he authorized to do this? unclear…

And residents of Moscow can also call by phone and order a car with a driver, well, of course, who needs that...

Mmmm, some confusion army great amount, here I serve in army It's been seven years now and I still don't understand... Paradox…

According to the regulations, a soldier in the army does not have the right to carry a telephone with him; if he nevertheless decides to take it with him, then the soldier is obliged to deposit his phone in a safe with the unit commander.

Which phone to take to the army

I'll start with whether to take my good civilian phone to the army? The answer is no, don't take it! It’s better to take a push-button phone with you that will hold a charge for a whole month and you can easily use it both in the “fields” (during field trips) and just in the company.

Still, in the army you can use your phone

For example, you joined the army and you have your push-button telephone. You will hand it over to the unit commander and it will be given to you on Sundays from 15 to 19:00 so that you can call your family. Be sure to sign it so that it cannot be erased.

Information that will definitely be useful to you during the service:

  • ! Our DMB counter
  • Service life in 2017 (applies to everyone)
  • They were waiting for the story.

After some time, you will want to buy yourself a phone, for example, on Android. To use it on the territory of your military unit, you will have to break the camera on it, since cameras on phones are prohibited in the army. Only then will you be able to use it.

Why is a push-button phone better than a more advanced smartphone? The answer was already above: you can leave the unit’s location (in the fields) for a week, two or a month, it doesn’t matter, and there is simply nowhere to charge your phone. And the push-button one holds the battery charge (if used correctly) for a very long time.

If necessary, or when a soldier has free time, he can use his phone. But according to the regulations, it is prohibited to freely have and use a telephone on the territory of a military unit.

What happens to the phone if you don’t hand it over to the commander?

The officer is another matter. He must always be in touch. For example, in many military units The practice is that the officer is not allowed to go on leave. Until he deposits 1000 rubles into his account, so that later he won’t have to make excuses that there is no money in roaming. This policy allows each officer to always remain in touch, day and night.

But what about those soldiers who still want to be in touch with their loved ones? Each military unit has its own rules. Therefore, in one case they are allowed to use phones from time to time, and in the other - absolutely not. What matters here is where you end up and how they will treat having a phone.

With the help of a telephone in the army, soldiers while away their free time, which especially appears after six months of service. During this time, the soldier simply does not know what to do. He suddenly has a lot of time.

The telephone is of great importance for soldiers. This includes communication with family and friends, photos and videos of relatives. And just basic leisure during which a soldier can escape from hardships and hardships military service. So a telephone is extremely necessary in the army.