Training in military universities. Natural selection


What is the life of a cadet like?

Admission to higher military educational institution is radically different from entering a civilian university. When entering, yesterday's schoolchildren must be aware that the next 5 years of study will be spent away from their family and friends. Thousands of school graduates who want to serve their Motherland must go through the initial stage of admission to various military institutions in the country.

Military "qualification"

“Abitura” (admission) begins at the beginning of July and continues until the end of the month. First stage includes the training of future military personnel.

Young guys become familiar with such concepts as: morning exercises, sports and mass work, marching in formation, a clear daily routine, marching and much more, which most people are used to doing without in civilian life.

Several dozen guys live in one room called a barracks. They are preparing to take entrance exams, professional selection, which will show who is ready to serve in the armed forces and who is not.

After 2 weeks, future cadets undergo a thorough medical checkup, based on the results of which persons with health problems will be identified.

Exams are taken in accordance with the faculty in which the applicant wishes to study, and in the future he will serve in this specialty. Based on the results of the delivery entrance examinations the applicant is enrolled in a university, puts on military uniform, has his hair cut short in accordance with the regulations and receives cadet shoulder straps.

KMB or Young Soldier Course

Starts from the end of July and lasts until the end of August. At this stage, the future soldier undergoes initial training. It includes: outfits, “sacred” military rituals (getting up, morning inspection, evening roll check, lights out), studying the articles of the charter, learning to march, throwing a march, performing according to the standards of putting on a gas mask and OZKA.

Fire and physical training is an integral part of the training of any military personnel.

Order in the barracks is ensured by cleaners, who are appointed every morning before the start of exercise.

The responsibilities of the cleaner include: sweeping away dust from under beds and bedside tables, sweeping between rows of beds, wiping the floor with a damp cloth if necessary, taking out trash, wiping dust from all flat surfaces.

Each cadet has his own bedside table where he can store washing supplies, brushes for cleaning shoes and clothes, handkerchiefs, collar pads (stitching material), small personal items, notebooks, educational books, regulations.

Many guys former schoolchildren Those who are accustomed to sneakers and other civilian footwear quickly develop calluses on their feet. Behind medical care they can go to a medical center - an infirmary.

Upon completion of the CMB course, all personnel are redeployed to places of further training (academy, university). Upon arrival at the academy (university), cadets receive full dress uniform. You need to prepare it for use yourself: the guys themselves sew on shoulder straps, sleeve chevrons, and insert emblems into the lapel of the collar. They also polish shoes until they shine and smooth creases on trousers.

Three days later, the main military ritual - the oath - takes place in a solemn atmosphere. The oath is one of the most important and significant events in the life of every soldier, which makes him personally responsible for the defense of his country.

Cadet everyday life

The daily life of a 1st year cadet, as well as subsequent ones, follows the same daily routine: getting up, morning formation, exercises, where future servicemen improve their physical training, morning toilet, formation for the morning inspection, where it is checked appearance, breakfast, divorce for classes. It is mandatory to go through a ceremonial march, where the cadets show their drill skills and the coherence of the unit as a whole. Classes according to curriculum, lunch, self-study, during which cadets prepare homework and repeat the regulations, dinner.

In the evening it is given personal time, when you can chat with your family, girls, write a letter home, prepare a form for the next day.

The day ends with a formation for the evening verification, during which the course personnel and the list of persons forever included in the lists who died a brave death are read out. Lights out.


All military personnel, without exception, wear uniforms. The outfit is assigned to maintain internal order, protection of personnel, weapons, ammunition, military equipment, premises. And also to monitor the state of affairs in the department and timely take measures to prevent crime.

At the beginning of each month, a list of outfits is created, which indicates the dates on which a particular serviceman goes to the outfit.

Outfits can be external and internal. Internal patrol - on course, external - patrolling.

Military partnership

“The military team is a family! “Practically all of my service takes place in this family,” said the freshman. — Everyone helps each other in studies, sports and other activities. Today you helped him, and tomorrow he will help you. This is one big team, different from study groups in an institution that lives, breathes, interacts. "One for all and all for one!" - this is the motto of military brotherhood.”


At universities, dismissal is not such a common occurrence. But if you have no complaints about your service, violation of dress code, debts and unsatisfactory grades in subjects, then you have the right to be dismissed for a day. You can spend this time with your family, friends, and your girlfriend. Going to town and putting on civilian uniform clothes, the cadet should not forget about the status of a military man, the rules of behavior in the city and military courtesy.

The life of a cadet is very diverse and full of exciting events that are radically different from ordinary student life. The years of service at the Academy cannot be described on paper; you cannot tell it; you have to feel it and feel it yourself. Military people are never ex-military - this goes through our whole lives. In the army, a guy becomes a man. A man, a defender of his Motherland, a defender of his relatives, his family, his future children.

Every officer who graduated from a military educational institution remembers that conversations about the upcoming distribution began long before graduation. Many people probably remember that other fellow students who were not very successful in their studies suddenly received appointments to a prestigious place thanks to the intervention of an influential guardian. Yes, several months before distribution, each graduate was interviewed about where he wanted to serve. At the same time, priority right of choice went to gold medalists and those who graduated with honors. However, after the graduates were presented with documents, many surprises happened. There was even a joke about this that the basic principle of distribution is “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his kinship.”

How are graduates distributed? military educational institutions Now? The “Guide to organizing the work of a higher military educational institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation” states that the commanders of units of students and cadets and the teaching staff of the university are involved in the distribution work, and the basis for determining the further professional purpose of a graduate is the results of the state final certification and his service characteristics (certification). In addition, the marital status and health status of the graduate and his family members are taken into account. In other words, the extent to which the arguments in favor of a particular graduate will be taken into account and how transparently the distribution will be carried out depends on the head and the personnel department of the university.
- By the time of graduation, each cadet already knows the place of further service, right up to settlement, says the head of the Novosibirsk Military Institute, Major General Vladimir Egorkin. - For distribution, commanders prepare lists where, in ranking order, they indicate the educational results of future officers, their merits in the social and sports life of the unit, and marital status. Gold medalists and those who graduated with honors have the right to choose. My deputies and I conduct conversations with each graduate. From 70 to 90 percent of graduates end up serving where they wanted.
Regarding the calls from parents who want to influence the distribution, the head of the institute noted that there are almost no such calls. Moreover, the aspirations of parents to better accommodate their son do not always coincide with the plans of the future officer himself. The results of an anonymous express survey of graduates conducted at the university four months before the exams show that 56 percent want to serve in the Armed Forces and only 2 percent want to quit after graduation. However, to more than 40 percent of respondents, service in other law enforcement agencies seems more prestigious and attractive.
A rating system that takes into account the results of studies and other activities of graduates when distributing them, which has existed for several years at the Omsk Tank Engineering Institute, allows management to make the distribution mechanism more transparent and fair. And in the battalion of cadets of the Novosibirsk Military Institute, commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Konstantin Andrianov, they decided to go even further in this direction. In cadet units, special certification notebooks are kept, where the main points of the educational and service activities of future officers are recorded, which is then taken into account when determining their place in the overall ranking.
At the same time, a conversation with a group of graduates revealed their disbelief in the real influence of study results on distribution. And the list with rating indicators sent by unit commanders to the institute’s headquarters, it turned out, many had not even seen. The situation is clearer with the distribution of graduates who graduated from the university with a gold medal or a diploma with honors. The distribution of the rest, according to them, depends on the existing or not established relationships with commanders and the capabilities of relatives.
The idea of ​​the need to develop a more effective mechanism for the distribution of graduates of military educational institutions and its consolidation in the relevant regulations as a guarantee of social justice was also voiced in a conversation with teachers of the department of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines of the university, headed by Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor Colonel Anatoly Gursky. The lack of faith among cadets that distribution will depend on their attitude to study can negatively affect the formation personal qualities future officer.
The idea of ​​​​creating a transparent mechanism for the distribution of future officers was also supported by the head of the Kemerovo branch of the Military University of Communications, Major General Anatoly Rubis: “Each cadet from the 1st year should be sure that according to his real merits there will be honor.” If cadets have serious doubts about this, then something needs to be changed.
“After June 20, we, the graduates, were given two documents: 1) a list of cadets who graduated from the school, compiled by seniority scores, according to which vacancies were to be sorted out... 2) a list of vacancies offered from the General Staff. Each cadet had to compile a list of vacancies that he would like to take, in accordance with his seniority number. When analyzing vacancies, those that were selected before him were crossed out from the list, and thus a natural selection was obtained.”
This episode is from Marshall's memories Soviet Union B.M. Shaposhnikov dates back to 1903. Agree that even after a century, in principle, nothing better and simpler can be imagined.