Educational and methodological material (senior group) on the topic: Script for the theatrical production “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” for senior preschool age. The script for the theatrical performance “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats in a New Way” with senior preschool children

State budgetary educational institution kindergarten No. 12 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic and aesthetic development of children in the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Technologies: fairy tale therapy; developmental education technology, multi-level education technology, musical technologies: rhythmoplasty, musical performance; music therapy; rhythmic recitation to music, project activities; multimedia

St. Petersburg 2015

"The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats in a New Way"

Goal: development of singing skills of older preschoolers through the use of theatrical technology.


  1. Introduction to the art of music;
  2. Development of children's musicality;
  3. Developing the ability to perceive music emotionally
  4. Formation of the foundations of musical culture for preschool children;
  5. Creating conditions for the development of musical and creative abilities of preschool children through music,
  6. Ensuring the emotional and psychological well-being, protection and promotion of children’s health;
  7. Development of internal mental processes, creative imagination and fantasy, the need for self-expression in various types of artistic and creative activities
  8. Improve your singing voice and vocal-auditory coordination.
  9. Note dynamic nuances, pronounce words clearly, sing expressively
  10. Practice children singing songs to a soundtrack
  11. Navigate in space, perform lane changes
  12. Learn to take your breath and hold it until the end of a musical phrase, sing individually and in subgroups, with and without accompaniment
  13. Develop independence in the search for the transmission of musical images
  14. Develop coordination, the ability to combine performance and movement in musical images
  15. Evoke a positive emotional mood, responsiveness, empathy, using musical images;
  16. Develop children's curiosity in learning new material;
  17. Activate vocabulary, develop communication skills, develop phonemic awareness;
  18. Develop artistic abilities
  19. Instill love, tenderness and respect for your loved ones

Integration of educational areas:

  • cognitive development
  • social and communicative development
  • speech development
  • physical development
  • artistic and aesthetic development

Types of musical activities in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

Performance (vocal):

  • singing


  • singing
  • musical rhythmic movements
  • musical and gaming activities

Heroes – Storyteller, Mother Goat, 7 kids, Wolf, Fox, Rooster, Bears, Hares, Sheep

Material and equipment:

  • decoration of the music hall: houses for kids, sheep, hares, rooster
  • musical accompaniment (piano, phonograms),
  • hero costumes

Preliminary work:

In a group, together with a teacher

  • talking about mom, reading poems, listening to songs, looking at paintings by great artists
  • conducting educational and musical leisure "Tales about Mom"
  • watching a musical film "Mother"
  • reading p. n. With. "The wolf and the seven Young goats"

In the music room:

  • acquaintance and learning of musical material, individually and in groups
  • conversations about the characters
  • building a theatrical performance: working on images, vocal and singing work - developing singing skills (implementation of assigned tasks)

A wolf and seven kids in a new way.

Act one.


All the heroes come out to the music

Song "The wolf and the seven Young goats!" m. Ermolova

They do everything

The wolf and the seven Young goats -
We all know the fairy tale.
And hers for all the guys
We'll play now.

Chorus (2 times):

This fairy tale with experience,
All as it should be, entirely.
We'll tell you in our own way,
And we’ll sing in our own way.

Spectators are sitting in the hall
And we give you our word:
The wolf and the seven Young goats
Ready to perform.

Chorus (2 times):

This fairy tale with experience,
All as it should be, entirely.
We'll tell you in our own way,
And we’ll sing in our own way.

The storyteller comes out


Like a river on the edge
There lived a goat in a hut.
Both beautiful and sweet.
The mother was a goat.

She had children growing up -
Very cute little goats.
The Goat comes out and sings a song
Song of the Goat 1. m. Ermolova

Large horned goat
I look after the kids with all my eyes,
I'll give everything for the kids,
And I won’t let them be insulted.
And any of their enemies
I rise to the horns.

Little goats are brave kids,
You keep your ears on top,
Little goats are brave kids,
A gray wolf walks along the edge of the forest.


The mother praised the children
Mom told the children:
This is my family.
I'll tell you what their names are
I'll tell you in order.

Here is Umeika - he is skillful,
Here Bodayka is very brave,
Here's Tease, here's Stomper,
Here is Mazilka, here is Chatterbox.

Loves to chat very much
Can't keep quiet
Here's another kid -
Fidgety, little shooter.
I love him most of all
I call him baby.

We want to tell you straight: (look at mom)
Go around the whole world,
Our mother is the most beautiful of all,
There is no better mother than ours!

1. It rises with the sun,
He will tidy up our hut,
Lights a fire in the stove,
He'll bake us some rolls.

2. She is worried all day long,
But always full of ideas.
Very difficult job
Seven children to raise.

3. Warm palms
Mom will warm you up
With kind words
Sadness will dispel.

* Like the sun in the sky,
Like leaves in a garden,
Like living water
Mom is important to us!

Song “Mom is the first word..” sl. Entina, M.B. Gerard


Mom loved the kids
Mom told the children:
Goat. I need to go to the forest now,
I'll bring mushrooms and berries.
Don't play around, don't shout,
The wolf is outside the door, mind you.

The goat sings: “Oh, little goats, you guys” M. Rybnikova

You are left without a mother.
I go to the garden to get some cabbage,
Apparently the wolf will come, I feel it in my heart.
You have to sit, do you hear?
Quieter than water, below the grass. 2 times.

Little goats. Don't worry mommy
Everything will be fine.
We know from a fairy tale,
The wolf is terribly ugly.

The goat leaves


(in a loud whisper, asks)
Is our mommy gone?

Mazilka (answers).

She went for cabbage for us.
tease (joyfully).
Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!
It's time for us to have fun!

Mazilka (scared).

What if we
Will the wolf hear?

tease (boldly).

I hit him on the nose, click! (shows click)

We are funny guys
We play hide and seek all day long,
And we dance and we sing,
And the house dances with us!


No... The kids weren't bored...
Only mother is beyond the threshold,
They pounded in the rhythm of the dance
Exactly twenty-eight legs.

Dance of the kids

After the dance, the kids run away to the house and start playing. The recording sounds like a fox song

FOX sings a song "In the middle of nowhere, in the forest.." m. Dvoskina

In the wilderness, in the forest,
Despite the beauty
Lisa Patrikevna spends her days.
I don't understand why, why,
They don't allow godfathers into the village.

Will you take me into the game?
I ask you to pick me up


Away! Otherwise, I’ll beat you!

I won't leave for anything!

Come on, quickly get out of here!

It is for you! (Launches from a slingshot)

The fox runs away. The kids are rejoicing.

Wolf comes out

FOX sees the wolf

Fox. Here comes my savior!
He is for the kids and the mother
Will take revenge for our tears
Oh, the goat will cry, a thunderstorm is approaching

Fox. Little goats live in that house,
Very tasty guys.
It's just such a grief
The doors in the house are locked.

Wolf. To be able to open them,
I'll have to sing a song.
Fox. Sing, sing (Hiding)

The wolf comes to the door of the house and sings: "Dialogue between a wolf and kids" m. Rybnikova

Open the door for mom quickly,

I'm tired, I'm hungry like an animal.

Wolf. I fed you, gave you milk,

Pa-da-da – yes………………

I'll see I'm dying at the threshold,

You don't let your own mother come home.

Open up, don't be a fool,

I am a goat, but slightly hoarse.

We don't recognize you

We won't open it for anything.

Wolf. Eh, this operation failed,

What to do?

Well, my rude one, of course,

Leaves, meets Lisa

Wolf. Lisa, you were listening, tell me what to do, tell me?

Fox. There is Petya, well done,

Go to Petya Rooster,

Fix your trouble.

He is a Rooster - a master of vocals.

And he works miracles.

Maybe give the animals luck

But I won't go with you,

I'm going about my business. (Lisa leaves)


A prankster went to the Rooster

Sharpen your tongue


It will be a holiday for you, little goats!

I have to teach you a lesson!

Knocking on Cockerel

Song of the Cockerel "Seven Notes" m. Varlamova


Help me, Petya

Learn to sing.

Came to me when I was a child

Ear Bear!

Cockerel: Come in, sit down!

Sing boldly, don't be afraid of the sound

This is the science of singing!

Repeat after me, my friend!

Cockerel: - Re...

Well, let's fix it boldly!

You will sing skillfully now!!! (The Rooster gives the Wolf a raw egg to drink...)

The wolf began to sing


The teacher studied

With the Wolf for exactly half an hour.

With a howl, Gray said goodbye

And he bleated like a Goat:

Wolf - "SONG OF THE FALSE GOAT" m. Ermolova

I'm back, little goats, home,

With a bag overflowing with cabbage,

Open the door for mom

I'm hungry like a beast

Oh, my little goats,

Oh, my boys.

(To the audience)

I sang the song without mistakes,

I myself shed a tear.


The wolf just sang this phrase,

The wolf was immediately allowed into the house

Little goats Mom, mom has come..

The kids open the door. The wolf runs into the house screaming.

Wolf. Basta, little ones,

The dancing is over.

Little goats. Die, so with music.

Sing, brothers.

The kids sing on a syllable "LA" , The wolf ties a rope around them and leads them off stage.


Our village is good,

Every bush is familiar to me,

They respect Aunt Masha,

They invite you to every home.

How friendly the neighbors are:

And the hare and the sheep

And the she-bear and the bear

Kind hearts too

The neighbors greet Aunt Masha.

Everything for the kids


Here we go again with baskets.

I've known this for a long time,

What's wrong?

Mother is like a mother!


She is ready to help everyone,

And there is no end to the worries.

Hello, hello Aunt Masha

How do you live, and

Where were you?

GOAT (shows basket).

I picked ripe berries,

And now I'm in a hurry,

I'm afraid for the kids!

Wait, Aunt Masha,

I'll get you some cabbage!

No! No! I'm in a hurry!

The wolf came not for good.

Uncle Gray appeared.

Obviously the thoughts are not pure.

Bunny (fearfully).

There is no faith in the wolf these days!


Oh, the bushes are moving!

Hurry, hurry,

I'll hide in the shadow of the branches!

GOAT (concerned).

I am not lying! I am not lying!

(To neighbors.)

The wolf came not for good!


Amazing thing

She is at work all day.

And look how slim she is!

The wolf howl is heard again in the recording.

I'm in a hurry, I'm in a hurry,

I'm afraid for the kids!


With a bag full of gifts

The goat has returned

A song for your pets

Sings at the porch.

The Goat is returning.

Song of the Goat “Oh, little goats, where have you disappeared, to whom have you left me…” M. Rybnikova

Goat. Why do enmity and anger still live in the world,

Why not make sure our children don’t know them?

The day is darker than the black night,

The clouds did not cover the sun,

Why are wolf laws still alive on earth?

Who is able to stop suffering?

The Fox is crying and walking

Fox. What are you sad about?

The goat is a beauty

Goat. The gray wolf is an insidious villain,

Took all my kids.

What should I do, I don’t even know how to get the children back.

Fox. Tales about the wolf are just nasty,

Don't believe the rumors, Goat.

Why play hide and seek with you, (tells the audience)

We're even with you now.

Fox runs away

Goat. The wolf took my children

This is clear to everyone

I'll run and look quickly

Where are my little goats?

The goat leaves

Act two.

On the stage in the background stands the Hare's house with her babies, and to the side is the Sheep's house. Goat appears on stage.

Goat. My kids are nowhere to be found.

I'll look for them from the rabbits.

The goat approaches the hares' house. Bunnies run out of the house and start mowing the grass

Song "Bunnies" . Auto. development

1. There lived bunnies on the edge of the forest

The bunnies in the bast hut were not sad.

In the morning they wake up, wash their ears,

They wash their paws and put on slippers – 2 times.

2. There is a small bunny in the forest, he is very afraid of everyone,

And the cunning fox, and any bird,

He trembles so much with fear that the bushes shake,

It’s very difficult for a bunny to live, he’s so scared of everyone! - 2 times

Goat. Oh, how fun the bunnies are,

But you can't hear the kids here.

Have you seen any goats?

They didn't run past you.

Hares. No, we didn’t see any kids, they didn’t run past us.

You ask the sheep that walk by the porches.

Goat. I'll go ask the Sheep

And I'll visit the neighbors.

The sheep come out and sing a song "We are poor sheep..." m. Kelmi

Mother sheep comes out

Mother. Why are you singing nonsense, where are you going without me?

Well, quickly run into the house, don’t leave without me.

Goat approaches the house

Goat. You, Sheep, are my neighbor,

We see you often.

I came to you to find out:

Have you seen the kids?

Sheep. Ah, naughty little goats,

Naughty guys.

How to run away from home -

We must warn everyone.

Sheep. We didn't see any goats

If they knew, they would have told us.

I'll ask the bear.

We are bears who live here

And we dance and sing,

We don't know any troubles

We never lose heart.

Dance of the bears "Gummy Bears"

Goat. Hello Bears,

Hello neighbors.

You haven't seen the little goats,

Did anyone run past you?

No, we didn’t see any kids

If they knew, they would say.


Into the distance where the eyes look,

Poor Goat is coming.

A wolf and kids go out into the clearing

SONG LA-LA-LA-LA... m. Rybnikova

Goat... Ah-


Before the Goat in the clearing

The forest people are shocked.

Before the Goat in the clearing

The wolf with the kids is singing!


Yes, friends, I dare say:

I have never seen

So that the kids can sing with the Wolf...

After all, they are his food!


Let them say what they want

So, they say, it doesn’t happen

The wolf and the seven Young goats

Singing together

I am, of course, a gray wolf, and with my teeth, somewhere, click,

It’s just in vain that they scold me, it’s in vain that they offend me,

If you remember your fairy tales, I didn’t eat anyone there,

In essence, I’m not scary, who would look into my soul!

They say that evil wolves swallowed my grandmother,

Gossip everything! All rumors! I'm a wolf, not a crocodile!

Fox and wolf.

In front of you are the two of us,

And we ask for forgiveness,

We make a promise - we will stop being mischievous!

Goat. Well, let's believe them, friends,

We will not quarrel

We must give a second chance,

Both animals and people.

Children. 1. Go around the whole world,

Just know in advance:

2. You won’t find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother’s.

3. You won’t find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter.

4. Mother to each of us

Everyone, everyone, everyone is dearer.

5. A hundred paths, roads around

Go around the world -

6. Mom is your best friend.

All. There is no better mother!!!

The final song plays "The wolf and the seven Young goats" m. Ermolova

After the performance, all the characters go backstage

List of musical material used:

- "The wolf and the seven Young goats" m. Ermolova

- "1st song of the Goat" m. Ermolova

- “Mom is the first word” m.Gerard

- "Song of the Goat" m. Rybnikova

- "Song of the Fox" m. Dvoskina

- "Seven Notes" m.Varlamova

- "Song of the False Goat" m. Ermolova

- "Song of the Bunnies" English adv. chalk.

- "Song of the Sheep" m. Kelmi

- "Gummy Bears" m.Silversher

- "Song of the Wolf and the Little Goats" m. Rybnikova

- “Final – The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” m. Ermolova

Musical fairy tale for children of senior preschool age “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”

Guk Natalya Vitalievna, music director.
Place of work: MBDOU d/s No. 18 "Happy Childhood" of the Krasnodar Territory. Tbilisi district, village of Vannovskoye.

Description of material: The musical fairy tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats” will be useful for music directors and additional education teachers.
Target: to form children’s understanding of music with the help of works of oral folk art, as well as in the process of their own musical performing activities.
- Develop a sense of rhythm, pitch hearing, musical memory, emotional responsiveness and the ability to respond to music;
-Activate creative abilities.
-Cultivate a love for folk art and folk culture.

The hall is decorated in the shape of a forest, with a hut standing to the side. Little goats are having fun on the lawn.
Goats: (together) The guys have a funny fairy tale, “The Wolf and the Seven White Little Goats.”
Goat: Guys, let's play, and mind you, I'm the Goat - the mother. (sings)
(Appendix No. 1)
Song "Goat Trouble"
I'm a busy goat, busy every day.
I should pluck grass, I should run to the river,
It’s up to me to guard the little goats so that the wolf doesn’t steal them,
So that the bear doesn't pick it up.
So that the little fox doesn’t take them away with her.
Goat: Okay, kids, run to the hut
Lock the door behind you.
I'll bring you milk in the evening.
The evil wolf is prowling in our forest.
(leaves) (application No. 2)
Goats: (singing) We are cheerful little goats, be-be-be,
We are obedient guys, be-be-be,
Mom has exactly seven of us,
We all have a lot of fun, be-be-be.
First kid: Oh, let's tell fairy tales, not simple ones, but boring ones!
Second kid: How's that, you bores?
First kid: This means endless.
(voice of the presenter): The Mother Goat returned, knocked on the door with her horns and sang
"Song of the Goat" (Appendix No. 3)

(the kids open)
Goat: My dear children, my favorite goats!
What were you doing, weren't you fooling around?
Goats: (in unison) Mom, we played, and everyone was waiting for you,
The door was not unlocked, the Wolf was not seen!
Goat: Well, your mother brought you porridge.
Come on, eat and listen to mom!
Children, it's time for me to leave
Close the door behind you, don’t let anyone into the house,
And I will bring you a can of fresh milk again.
Until I come, sit in the hut.
Goats: Be-be-be.
(playing birds)
(Wolf runs in with a song, appendix No. 4)
"Wolf Song"
Knock, knock, knock, where are you kids, I'm your friend.
I have stockings and silk sashes for you,
Downy mittens and new boots!
(Wolf searches for the kids and finds a house, knocks on the door, sings, appendix No. 3)
"Wolf Song"
Little goats, kids, open up, open up,
Your mother came and brought milk.
Goats: (laugh) You're singing a very rude song,
And her voice doesn’t look like my mother’s at all.
Wolf: It’s not at all difficult for me to change my voice,
But you still have to open the door.
Now I'll deal with you
The hooves and horns will remain for mom.
(The wolf runs away to the music appendix No. 5)
Goat: (knocking on the house, singing, (Appendix No. 3)
Goats: (open, surround the Goat and speak)
Mommy, honey, the wolf came running
He knocked heavily on the door with his paws.
Goat: Are you very afraid of the wolf?
Goats: No, we laughed at the Wolf!
Goat: Look, wolves are evil, jokes with wolves are bad.
It happens so often in the world, children will be left alone, unattended,
Without their mother, they begin to play pranks, and forget to close the door behind them.
Mom will return, go into the hut, and find horns and legs from the goats.
Go to the hut, it's time for you to sleep.
Goats: Have a nice sleep, let's go to bed.
Goat: (sings) (Appendix No. 3)
Bye-bye-bye-bye there lives an uncle on the edge.
He is neither poor nor rich, he has seven kids.
Everyone is sitting on the benches, everyone is looking out the window,
When mommy comes she will bring a lot of weed.
(the kids fall asleep, the Goat leaves)
(The wolf runs to the blacksmiths)

Blacksmiths: (singing)(play metallophones)
Song "Kuznetsov"
1.In the forge, in the forge,
Young blacksmiths in the forge,
There are young blacksmiths in the forge.
2.They forge, forge, they forge, forge,
They forge sentences,
They forge sentences.
3. Let's go, let's go Dunya, (2 times)

Let's pick Dunya a burdock, a burdock.
Wolf: Blacksmith, blacksmith, forge me a thin voice, otherwise I will eat you.
(voice of the presenter: the blacksmith got scared and shackled the Wolf’s voice)
Wolf: (runs to the house, puts his black paw on the window and sings in a thin voice, (Appendix No. 3)
Baby goats, open up, open up,
Your mother has come and brought milk!
Goats: (jumped)
We see, we see, not mother’s legs:
Mother's, like white snow,
And yours is like black dirt!
We won't open it, you're a Wolf!
Wolf: Well, kids, wait a minute!
(Appendix No. 4) (The wolf runs away)
Goats: (play, dance)
Wolf: (in a small voice) (Appendix No. 3)
Baby goats, open up, open up,
Your mother has come and brought milk!
(the kids open the door, run out of the hut and run away from the Wolf)
Wolf: (shouting) Where are you going? Wait! I will swallow you!
first kid: But I don’t want to!
second kid: And I don’t want to!
Wolf: I don’t even want to eat you!
Let our fairy tale end here!
(Goat enters, everyone sings and dances together) (Appendix No. 9)
Song “It’s like crossing a bridge...”
It’s like crossing a bridge,
Along viburnum boards,
On viburnum boards...
Leading: This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever staged and performed it - well done!

Fairy tale

Kids: 1. Umeyka
2. Bodayka
3. Tease
4. Stomper
5. Rubbish
6. Chatterbox
7. Baby

Baba Yaga

Two cuckoos

Three honey mushrooms

Three little bunnies

Three bugs

Two daisies
Song "MOM"

Goats: Mom is the first word

Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.
Umeika: It happens - on a sleepless night
Mom will slowly cry,
How is her daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning will mom fall asleep.
Goats: Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny.
Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.
Goat: It happens - you will become more mature.
And like a bird you will fly high,
Whoever you are, know that for your mother you are
As always, sweet baby.
Goats: Mom is the first word
The main word in every destiny
Mom gave life
She gave the world to you and me.
Storyteller: We will tell and show
The fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats."
An old fairy tale in a new way.
This is a difficult tale -
It contains both a joke and a hint:
Hidden somewhere in our fairy tale
A lesson to good fellows.

A goat sits on a bench near the house, rewinding a ball of thread. Two goats are sitting next to each other and talking, two are butting heads, three are playing tag.
GOAT: I have seven little goats,
This is my family.
I'll tell you what their names are
I'll tell you in order.
Here is Umeika - he is skillful,
Here Bodayka is very brave,
Here's Tease, here's Stomper,
Here is Mazilka, here is Chatterbox.
I have one Chatterbox,
Loves to chat very much
Can't keep quiet
I have one kid -
Fidgety, little shooter.
I love him most of all
I call him baby.
Storyteller: However, the beginning of fairy tales -
It came out old-fashioned.
And so the song began,
Well, almost folk:
SONG OF THE GOAT . Oh, goats, you guys,
You are left without a mother.
I go to the market to buy cabbage.
Maybe the Wolf will come - I feel it in my heart.
I have to sit
Do you hear,
Quieter than water
Below the grass!
You lock yourself with seven locks.
Just respond to my voice.
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys,
Oh, the signs wouldn’t come out!
I have to sit
Do you hear,
Quieter than water
Below the grass!
Tease: Don't worry mommy
Everything will be fine!
We know from a fairy tale:
The wolf is terribly ugly!

Chatterbox : And don't worry about us,
Everyone knows about
What must be closed tightly.
Our beloved sweet home.

Goat: Okay, okay, I'm gone, remember your words.

Bodayka : All! Mommy's gone, have fun, kids!

Stomper: Let's have fun, sing and make noise, make noise, make noise...


ACT TWO Storyteller: I lived in a dense forest
Gloomy gray wolf with a tail.
He lived alone, without his mother.
At night he often howled loudly.
And I missed you. In the forest for him.
I was sad alone.

Wolf: U-U-U, U-U-U...
Oh, how sad it is to be alone...
U-U-U, U-U-U...

Oh, how sad it is to be alone...

Storyteller: Once a wolf was walking in the forest.
And - I saw little goats.

The wolf was sitting behind a tree.
And he looked with all his eyes.
He couldn't contain himself
He started laughing loudly:
Wolf: I wish I had kids like these,
I would be terribly happy!

I'll knock on them now.

I'll steal all the kids.

\The wolf is knocking\

Baby: Hear, someone is knocking on our door.

Masilka: It seemed, no, again.

Umeika: Whoever was there, our mother told us: “Don’t open the door.”


Wolf: Open the door for your mother as soon as possible.
I'm tired. I'm hungry like an animal.
I gave you something to drink, I gave you milk,
And now my voice is not even familiar.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!
Wolf: At the threshold, apparently, I will die.
You don't let your own mother come home.
Open up! Don't be a fool!
I am a Goat, but slightly hoarse!
Goats: Your voice doesn't sound like your mother's at all.
You have a thick voice
You're singing out of tune!

Wolf: What should I do now?
I'm hungry like an animal.
My voice is rough and loud.
Well, of course, Grandma Yozhka! She will help!
I can deceive her. Oh, I'm running, running, running.


Ditties Babok Yozhek. Dance.

Grandma Yozhka: Ugh! Ugh! Smells like wolf spirit!

Hello, gray dove!

Why did you come, my friend?

Wolf. Help me, Grandma Yozhka, learn to sing,
When I was a child, a bear stepped on my ear.
Are you famous, witch? Tell?
Don't refuse my request.

Grandma Yozhka: Gray are you darkening something?

And don't you tell me everything?

Wolf: I'll steal the kids from one goat!

I will share with you that spoil!

Grandma Yozhka: I love goat meat!

I will help you too!

We'll sharpen the tongue!

Come to me, my little gray friend!

Wolf: Yeah! It will be a holiday for you, little goats!
I have to teach you a lesson!

ACT Four

The wolf sings a song. SONG OF THE FALSE GOAT

Little goats, kids, open up, open up.

Your mom has arrived.

I brought milk.

Chatterbox : This is mom's voice.

Masilka: Open the door, my friend!

Baby: It's mom, mom!

All kids: Dear mother, our dear!

Wolf: That's it, little ones! The dancing is over!

Umeika: Die with music! Sing, brothers!

(Sing a song: la - la - la - la - la - la.)

Storyteller: The wolf quickly ran into the yard.
And he tied the little goats.
Everyone to the same rope,
And he took him home.
Here he is walking through the forest,
He leads everyone behind him.

ACT Fifth

Storyteller: Suddenly three honey mushrooms come towards us -
Three most beautiful children:

Honey mushrooms: And don’t you dare, you villain wolf!
Steal children from a goat!
Here she will return home,
It's going to be hard for you!
Shameless one, you will know
How to steal children!

Storyteller: The cuckoos cry so loudly
Loud girlfriends:

Cuckoos: And don’t you dare, you villain wolf!
Steal children from a goat!
Here she will return home,
It's going to be hard for you!
Shameless one, you will know
How to steal children!

Storyteller: And from the clearing - two daisies,
And from a bush there are two insects,
Three little gray bunnies.
Everybody's screaming, screaming, screaming:

Daisies, insects, bunnies: And don’t you dare, you villain wolf!
Steal children from a goat!
Here she will return home,
It's going to be hard for you!
Shameless one, you will know
How to steal children!

Storyteller: The wolf was terribly scared
He blushed and became confused.

Wolf: I didn't want to offend them
I wanted to see them more often
I didn't want to scare them
I would like to play with them...
After all, in my empty house
It's very boring to be alone.
You little goats, forgive me!
You go home to yourself,
I'll walk you home.
I'm very ashamed now!

Bodayka: Okay, gray, we forgive...
We invite you to visit our house,
Let's introduce our mother,
We'll have a festive dinner!

Tease: With mommy we can do everything,
With her we will be on time everywhere.
Every day and every hour.
We have our mother.

Stomper: How we understand you!
We know very well
That without mom the house is empty,
It's sad without mom in the house.

Masilka: If we are friends,
You will come to us often.
Life will be more fun.
Stop howling at night!


Storyteller: And a cheerful crowd.
Everyone headed home.
They see mom at the gate
Waiting for them with great anxiety.

Goat song

Oh, little goats, where have they disappeared?
Why did you leave me?
Didn't listen to your mother
The result was markings.
Have you forgotten your mother's voice,
Apparently you have lost your vigilance.
You made an omission
Apparently the wolf entered the room.

Chatterbox: Mother! Mother! We came!
They brought a guest into our house!
He is alone in the whole world,
He doesn't have a mother.

He brought you flowers.

I would like to congratulate you on the holiday.

Goat: The door is open here for everyone.
Unless you're a scary beast!
Storyteller: Before the Goat in the clearing
The forest people are shocked.
Before the Goat in the clearing
The wolf with the kids is singing!
Yes, friends, I dare say:
I've never seen
So that the kids can sing with the Wolf.
After all, they are his food!
Baby: Someone will say: this is stupid!
And in my opinion, guys:
The most beautiful show group
"The wolf and the seven Young goats"
1.It’s raining outside,
It's slushy outside,
But they don't care.
They walk together
They have one umbrella
They are coming from the cinema.
Little girl
To a little boy.
Asks a question
What is heaven
What is the sun
What is love

Chorus: Do you love me? - Yeah.
Will you be with me? - Yeah.
So we will be together
So we will be close.
Always with you!

2.What will mom say?
What will dad say?
When will we go for a walk together?
After all, they don’t let you in anywhere anyway,
They won't let you play with you.


3.Give it to no one yet...
Let's not talk
Until such a moment comes,
When it will be possible to love.



Play “How seven little goats went to kindergarten”

The script of the play is a product of children's imagination, it was invented by children using the method of modeling fairy tales. Based on the Russian folk tale “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats,” we added heroes who took turns coming to the kids, inviting them to go for a walk, the wolf was very lonely and also came to the kids. As a result, the kids and other heroes took pity on the wolf, and the mother goat decided to take her children and the wolf to kindergarten. This performance teaches compassion, the ability to understand others, and establish good relationships in various social situations. Thanks to the modeling method, children develop positive social and communicative qualities, friendly relationships, and a desire to help.
The scenario is designed for a group of 20 children of senior preschool age. May be dedicated to Mother's Day or kindergarten's birthday.
7 kids
2 bunnies (boy and girl)
2 pigs
2 frogs
2 mice

Scenery and costumes:
Interior decoration for a goat's house, costumes for fairy tale characters, decoration for a rooster's house, tree decorations, a stump, a large flower for mice, cabbage for a wolf.

Build friendships, communication skills, empathy and kindness. Develop the ability to adapt to people, correctly perceive and evaluate them and their actions, interact with them and establish good relationships in various social situations.

Progress of the performance

In one village, on the edge of the forest, there lived a goat in a hut.
And beautiful and sweet. The mother was a goat.
She had kids growing up - very cute little goats.
The mother loved the children and taught them how to manage things:
Clean the house and yard, sweep the floor with a broom,
Turn on the lights in the kitchen, light the stove, cook dinner.

(The kids come out, everyone is busy with their work)

The kids, these wonderful kids, could do everything.
The mother praised the children, the mother said to the children:

You are my little goats,
You are my boys,
Lock yourself with a bolt
I'll arrive at seven o'clock.
I know, I believe that now
Everything will work out for you!

1 kid:
Don't worry mommy
Everything will be fine.
We know from a fairy tale -
The wolf is terribly ugly!

2 kids:
And don't worry about us,
Everyone knows about
What should be closed tightly
Our beloved sweet home.
Mom, come back quickly!
(Goat leaves)

3 kid:
We're alone again
Boring, terribly boring...
We can't go for walks.
We need to stay locked up...
Our house has become sad...

The kids leave the house and sing the song “But I don’t notice the toys”:
“Well, how could this happen?
Nobody will ask the children anything.
And a fast train rushes along the rails,
He's taking my mother somewhere.
Well, who allowed it to last so long
Are children left without their mothers?
But I'm just a little bored,
And soon my mother will arrive.
But I don’t notice the toys
I stubbornly repeat the same thing:

But I don’t notice the toys
I stubbornly repeat the same thing:
“I’m waiting for you, I miss you, mom!”

4 kids:
Boring? So what!
It's safer to stay at home.
If you go out, you will disappear:
Gray Wolf scratch!
There is nothing worse than his paws!
Scary! Scary! Scary!
(The kids run away into the house)

A wolf approaches the kids' house
Here he is, dear and cherished.
Little goats live here.
I'll knock, maybe they'll open it.
I'll knock.

5 kids:
Hear, someone is knocking on our door.
It seemed, no, again.

6 kids:
Whoever it was, my mother told us:
“Do not open the door.”

What should I do now?
I'm a poor, lonely animal.
My voice is rough and loud...
Well, of course, Cockerel!
He will help me, my friend.
I can deceive him.
Oh, I'm running, running, running. (The wolf leaves)

(The little bunnies appear, play “Hide and Seek” to the song “Bunny Schnufel” and run up to the little goats’ house)

1 bunny:
We played in the clearing
something has become boring for us.
To make it more fun,
We hurried to our friends.

2 bunny:
Let's play at the door
May they open it for us soon.
Hey little goats! Hey little goats!
Play hide and seek with us.
Here, knock-knock, and knock-knock-knock.

1 kid:
Do you hear someone knocking on our door?
Who's standing there at the door?
Answer quickly.

1 hare:
It's us, the bunnies have come to you.
Go out for a walk
Play hide and seek with us.

2 hare:
Don't be silent, open up
Play with us.

2 kids:
Maybe it's not bunnies?
These are the wolves who came to us.
Apparently they want to eat
And they will eat us all in a row.

5 kids:
We can't open it for you.
Mom left after all.
Come see us later
We'll sort things out.
(The bunnies leave)

7 kid:
These weren't wolves,
The bunnies were on the doorstep.

(The piglets come out and sing the song of the piglets and approach the little goats’ house):

"We are two beautiful pigs,
We keep the ponytails crocheted.
We grunt so cheerfully and loudly,
And we know how to dig the ground with a heel.

The old fairy tale does not concern us,
Nowadays the wolf does not bite.
Nowadays the wolf does not bite,
The old fairy tale does not concern us"

1 pig:
We hurried to the kids,
We decided to sing a song.

2 piggy:
Hey kids, come out!
Hurry up to sing with us.
It will be more fun together!
Come out! Well, live!

1 pig:
Why are they silent?

5 kids:
Oh, they knock, they knock, they knock!
They call us to sing a song.
Maybe you should unlock the door?

2 kids:
No, you can’t, what if there’s a wolf there?
Here's what we'll tell you together.
We can't open the door.
Otherwise there will be trouble here.

1 pig:
Okay, we'll come later.
Well, let's go play together.
(The piglets leave)

7 kid:
It wasn't a wolf at all
Piglets, that's the point.

(The little frogs come out and dance to the song “Frog Choir” by A. Pryazhnikov and approach the little goats’ house)

1 frog:
Kwa, little goats, open up!
Take a walk with us.

2 frogs:
Hey little goats,
Stop sitting at home!
Come on, come out
Let's sing together.

5 kids:
Again, again there is a knock on our door!
I hear the voice of frogs.

2 kids:
Or maybe these are not frogs?
Shut up guys.
They'll think we're not at home.
They will come to us again if necessary.
Mom and I will be very happy.

1 frog:
There are probably no goats at home.
We'll come to them for lunch later.
(The frogs leave)

7 kid:
And these were little frogs.
What nice guys!

(Mice come out with a flower and dance to the song “Two Little Mice” (in Spanish by Liza Artemyeva) and approach the little goats’ house)

1 mouse:
Hey kids, open up
Play with us!
We went outside
splash in puddles.
We are calling you as soon as possible.
We must knock.

5 kids:
I hear someone knocking again.

2 kids:
The wolf, of course, knocks.
Let everyone sit quietly.
We won't open the door for him.

6 kids:
Oh, what a predatory beast!
He turned around with a mouse.
Get away from the door!
We won't open it to you.

All the kids (in unison):

2 mouse:
How bad it is to tease!
Let's go have some fun ourselves.
(The little mice leave)

7 kid:
The mice came running to us!
And you suddenly recognized them as wolves.

(Bird flies out to the song “Who are these birds?”)

Chick-tweet, and chick-tweet,
Who lives here, well, tell me?
Answer, don't be silent.

3 kid:
We kids live here.
This is our favorite house.

4 kids:
If you come back later,
You will come to visit us.
We will show you our home.

Well, kids, hands down. (The bird flies away)

(Kitten comes out and sings the song “I’m hungry, dirty and disheveled...” and approaches the little goats’ house):

I got bored, guys.
I looked at the kids.
Open the door for me quickly
After all, I'm standing at the door.

2 kids:
Here they are knocking on our door again.
Quiet, quiet, take your places.

4 kids:
Maybe we can open the door now,
Do wolves really sing like that?

2 kids:
Well, how do you know?
Maybe the wolf is right here?

What is this? What do I hear?
They started calling me wolf.
Oh, you funny kids!
I'll come to you again later.
(The kitten leaves and sits on a stump near the Rooster’s house)

7 kid:
No, it wasn’t a wolf knocking on our door, but a kitten...
Shame and disgrace!

(The wolf comes to the Rooster’s house, knocks, and the Rooster comes out)

Help me, Petya, learn to sing,
When I was a child, a bear stepped on my ear.
You are a famous singing teacher,
Don't refuse my request.

Wolf (speaks to the audience):
More cunning and lies.

Sing clearer
better sing. (The wolf sings “I have returned home little goat,” - moves from a low voice to a high one)

Wolf (speaks to the audience):
Oh, I’ll quickly run to the kids,
What if it works out, guys?

Ah, Petya, Petya, Cockerel!
He deceived you, my friend.

He cheated, but I didn't know...
What a scandal! What a scandal! (Rooster and Kitten run away after the Wolf)

(The wolf runs up to the goat’s house, holding cabbage forks in its paws, and sings “I’ve come home little goat”)

2 kids:
This is mom's voice.
Open the door, my friend!

All kids:
Dear mother, our dear!

To the soundtrack of “The Song of the Wolf” (from the play “A Good Fairy Tale”), the kids run out of the house and hide behind the trees. The wolf comes up to each kid and offers them cabbage, and they shake with fear and close their eyes)

Rooster: (addresses the wolf)
What have you done, wolf - a villain?!
Scared the poor children.
The goat will return home
It's going to be hard for you!
Shameless one, you will know
How to scare all the kids!

I didn't want to offend them
I wanted to see them more often
I didn't want to scare them.
I would like to play with them...
After all, in my empty house
It's very boring to be alone.
You guys, forgive me!
You go home to your place.
I'll walk you home.
I'm very ashamed now!
(The wolf is crying, all the kids come up to feel sorry for the wolf)

1 kid:
How we understand you!
We know very well.
That without mom the house is empty,
It's sad without mom in the house.

3 kids
If we are friends,
Will you come to us often?
Life will be more fun
Stop howling at night!

All the heroes: 7 kids, the Wolf and the Rooster join hands one after another and are about to go to the Goat’s house. The Goat comes into the house to the soundtrack “Song of the Goat-2” (from the cartoon “Seven Little Goats in a New Way)” and cries. The kids with the Wolf and the Rooster approach the Goat.

4 kids:
Mother! Mother! We came!
They brought a wolf into our house!
He is alone in the whole world,
He doesn't have a mother...

Tomorrow early in the morning
I'll take you to kindergarten.
Let the Wolf play with you too.
The door is open for everyone
Unless you're a scary beast!

6 Kid:
Okay, gray, we forgive
We invite you to kindergarten,
You will find friends there
It will be more fun with them!
All the other heroes come out and stand in a semicircle:

And we, and we, you and I too.
Without us, you won't be able to go to kindergarten.

And us, haven’t you forgotten us?
We asked you to play like that!

Little frogs:
Friends, don't forget us,
We're just in a hurry to get to kindergarten.

And I’m in a hurry to play with you,
together with everyone to kindergarten.

I want to go to kindergarten too!
Hurry to you, I’m flying, I’m flying!

Little mice:
We love kindergarten too,
It is open to all guys.

Fairy Tale: The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats
I'll tell you a story. There lived a goat with kids,
And those little goats were great guys:
They loved to jump and gallop and play different games,
They watched all the cartoons and didn’t want to study.
Their dad brought money, he often went on business trips,
And my mother stayed at home, took care of the children, and took care of the housework.
“You little goats, you guys,” mother always told them, “
Don't jump, don't shout, but sit down, learn your lessons!
Well, that's it, I'm tired of it! Come on, let's get to work quickly!
Come on, students, everyone open your diaries!

1 -We weren’t asked anything!

M - Or maybe you didn’t write down what you were assigned to study today?
Admit it yourself, or I’ll have to call other kids,
Obedient, smart guys!

1-No need, we’ll remember now!

3 -And learn a poem,

4 -And write two essays!

1-Finish the work at hand,

2-The report is due tomorrow!

3-Also, unfortunately, learn the multiplication tables!

4-But you, mom, will help us?

1-We can’t do everything ourselves!

2-We don’t understand anything and we don’t know this topic!

M-EVERYTHING! My patience is over!
Your teaching is torment for me!
I went to the concert, at the House of Culture!

3-And us?!
M-Learn! Bye

4- Hear, someone is knocking, let me look through the peephole...
Someone gray and shaggy!

1-Brothers, it’s a wolf!

V-Little goats, guys, open up, open up,
Your mother has come and brought milk!

2-Enough, wolf, don’t pretend, come to us, don’t be shy!

3-Lock the door, brothers!

4-That's it, I'm caught, a predatory beast!

1-Come on, quickly undress and start your homework!

2-Solve three problems for me!

3-Sharpen your pencils!

4-Learn a poem with me!

1-Draw a seascape!

2-Write me a story in one and a half dozen phrases!

3-Tell about the chieftain, how he drowned in the river!

4-At the same time about Genghis Khan!


M.-What is it? What's happened?

1-Mom! Help quickly!

M. - I don’t understand how it happened - there were seven children in the morning, this one seems to be the eighth...
What happened to your head? I can't understand anything!

2-Mom! Why, it's a wolf!

V. -Former wolf! Now - a goat! I was very angry before
And now - more tender than a flower, I want to be your son! Don't drive!

M. - So be it - stay and live with us!
I rested for an hour... Well, let's do our lesson!

Poems for performance

1.Moms, grandmothers, now

We want to congratulate you.

And girlfriends and sisters,

And, of course, all the girls.

2. Admire our mothers,

How we matured:

Got up, grew up

The muscles are weak.

3. Even though we are a bit short in stature,

But they are brave, like soldiers.

4. Beloved homeland

We will protect

Sunshine, happiness on earth

We will protect

5.How beautiful mothers are

On this sunny day!

Let them be proud of us:

Mom, here I am, your son!

6. Here I am, your daughter,

Look how much you've grown up

And just recently

She was a little baby.

7. Here I am, dear grandmother,

Admire me!

You love me, I know

My precious one!

8. Happy Spring Day today

We hasten to congratulate you!

Oh yes! Forgot your kiss

“Air” to send you!

("air kiss)

9. We are for you family and loved ones

Let's sing a song together.

Let's wish you happy days,

All together: Happy Women's Day!