Staying in stock. Personal cards for those liable for military service and conscripts

Fundamentals of State Defense December 27th, 2010

Dismissal from military service and stay in the reserve

Military personnel are leaving from military service to the reserve, and military personnel who have reached the time of dismissal from military service age limit stay in the reserve or recognized as unfit for military service for health reasons - resign.

Reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation serves for the deployment of the Armed Forces (AF) during their mobilization and replenishment during the war.
The stock of aircraft is made up of citizens who are registered with the military, who have passed military service or exempt from it various reasons but fit for wartime service.

Military personnel are dismissed from military service with military registration, with the exception of military personnel:
* retired from military service;
* female, expelled from the military educational institutions vocational education and those who do not have a military registration specialty;
* elected upon dismissal from military service permanent place residence outside the Russian Federation;
*in respect of which stepped into legal effect a court verdict on sentencing in the form of deprivation of liberty;
*who are foreign citizens.

A soldier is subject to dismissal from military service:
> by age - upon reaching the age limit for military service;
>after the expiration of the term of military service by conscription or the term of the contract;
> for health reasons - in connection with the recognition of his military medical commission unfit for military service;
> for health reasons - in connection with the recognition by the military medical commission of a military serviceman who is serving under a contract in a military position, for which the state provides for a military rank up to and including a foreman or chief ship foreman, or who is conscripted for military service;
>in connection with the deprivation of his military rank;
>in connection with the entry into force of a court verdict on the appointment of a soldier with a sentence of imprisonment;
>in connection with expulsion from a military educational institution of vocational education;
> in connection with the termination of the citizenship of the Russian Federation of a serviceman who is doing military service under a contract in the bodies, or a serviceman who is doing military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations in a military position for which the state provides for the military rank of warrant officer, midshipman or officer, or passing military service on conscription;
> in connection with the acquisition of citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state by a soldier who is a citizen undergoing military service under a contract,
> and for other reasons.

The reserve of the RF Armed Forces is created from among the citizens of:
*dismissed from military service with enrollment in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;
* those who have successfully completed training under the reserve officer training program at military departments at federal state educational institutions of higher professional education and graduated from these educational institutions;
* those who did not complete military service due to exemption from conscription;
* those who did not complete military service in connection with the provision of deferrals from military service or were not called up for military service for any other reason upon reaching the age of 27 years;
* dismissed from military service without military registration and subsequently put on military registration in military commissariats;
* completed alternative civilian service;
* female, having a military registration specialty.

stock composition
citizens in the reserve are divided into categories depending on age (see table)

Reserve compositions (military ranks)
Age of citizens in reserve
Soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen
*First category - Up to 35 years
*Second category - Up to 48 years
*Third category - Up to 50 years
Ensigns, midshipmen, junior officers
*First category - Up to 45 years
*Second category - Up to 50 years
*Third category - Up to 55 years
Majors, captains of the 3rd and 2nd ranks, lieutenant colonels
*First category - Up to 50 years
*Second category - Up to 55 years
*Third category - Up to 60 years
Colonels, captains of the 1st rank
*First category - Up to 55 years
*Second category - Up to 60 years
*Third category - -
senior officers
*First category - Up to 60 years
*Second category - Up to 65 years
*Third category - -

A citizen who is in the reserve and has reached the age limit for being in the reserve (third category) or recognized in accordance with federal law"ABOUT military service and military service "unfit for military service for health reasons, is transferred by the military commissar or other official in charge of military registration, retired and removed from military registration.


1. Servicemen are discharged from military service into the reserve or into retirement.
2. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in accordance with the Federal Law "On military duty and military service", have a reserve.
3. Depending on the age, citizens in the reserve are divided into categories.
4. At least once every 3 years, citizens from the reserve are called up for military training.


1. What is the purpose of creating a reserve of the RF Armed Forces?
2. From what categories of citizens is the reserve of the RF Armed Forces created?
3. What categories are the citizens in the reserve divided into, depending on age?
4. In what cases is a serviceman subject to dismissal from military service?


1. Prepare short message on the topic "The purpose of military training to increase the combat readiness of units and subunits of the RF Armed Forces"

TEXT: Textbook "Fundamentals of life safety Grade 11" edited by A.T. Smirnov, 2009.

Staying in the reserve is considered one of the ways to implement military duty. During the period of hostilities, the defense capability of the state depends not only on the soldiers of the army in the field, but also on other mobilization resources. In the case of transfer to wartime mode, it is necessary to quickly replenish the ranks of the Armed Forces in such a way that each soldier is distributed according to his mission group, received by the military command and service category.

Contribute effective implementation the above works can only . After completing military service, a citizen is considered liable for military service in the reserve. If, for health reasons, it was not necessary to serve, then the young man is immediately credited to the reserve. Naturally, such two representatives of the army contingent, which form a kind of reserve, cannot be compared in terms of priority value for the ranks of the Armed Forces. The first thing to protect the interests of the state should be trained military men who have mastered the VUS and are suitable for health, and only then all the rest.

Filling out a military ID

Assistance in military registration is provided by competently completed documentation. A military ID is considered the main document for a soldier, but even before mobilization, it allows for the optimal selection of a contingent, and all because of a couple of characters that indicate the reserve category, accounting group and VUS number. Deciphering the code of the military registration specialty cannot be carried out independently due to the secrecy of information.

The RA registration group says that during the mobilization, a citizen will be drafted into the ground forces.

The reserve category in the military ID determines the priority of the conscription queue during mobilization activities. You can understand the value of the reserve category as a queue for replenishing the ranks of the aircraft. For example, a reserve category of 1 would mean that during a war a citizen in as soon as possible will be a replenishment. He will be the first to take up arms, while persons with a subsequent discharge will first have to go through the fees.

It is possible to determine who receives the first category logically. Since during the period of mobilization the army should first of all be replenished with personnel with experience in military service, citizens who served in the army in the rank of privates for at least one year will become the owners of the first category. This list is supplemented by participants in military conflicts (in this case, the term is not important), soldiers in the rank up to and including ensign, limited by the age of 35, as well as officers and senior officers.

Citizens who have avoided military service are interested in what reserve category 2 in a military ID means. The fact is that even exemption from the army in category "B" does not remove the conscript from the register. He is given a military ID, which means a direction to the reserve. Since the citizens, meeting military commission completely exempted from service, are subject to deregistration, then they are not characterized by the assignment of a category.

The presence of the second category is relevant for those liable for military service who did not serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces. They put a corresponding mark on the military ID. At the time of the announcement of mobilization, they must appear at the request of the military registration and enlistment office, but they are unlikely to be immediately involved.

It takes into account the fact that most representatives of this category do not have service experience, so short-term fees can be organized. This also includes officers who, according to age criteria, go beyond the limits established by the first category.

The third category of stock is much less common. It is not worth reminding that in this case the serviceman will be called up to make up for losses during the long-term conduct of hostilities. At the beginning of the mobilization period, they will not enter the army. The third degree is assigned to soldiers from 45 to 50 years old, officers under 60 years old and women who have a higher educational institution.

Is it possible to change stock category

Quite a reasonable question for those who do not want to waste time when the situation worsens during foreign policy and is ready to stand in the forefront to defend the Fatherland, is to change the category of the reserve. It's not that hard to do.

The military registration and enlistment office can change this parameter on its own initiative. If in peacetime a citizen is called up for training, the total duration of which reaches one year, then such a qualification is regarded as military service. The second category is replaced by the first.

To facilitate the implementation of military registration and sorting of citizens for health reasons, which, in turn, affects the possibility, there is such a column as the category of fitness. For the purpose of quick and high-quality mobilization of citizens in the reserve, its category is determined for them.

Types of shelf life categories

"On military duty and military service" in Article 5.1 indicates five categories of fitness and establishes general rules their definitions. The category of validity on a military ID is affixed only after the conscript has passed the military medical commission, which consists of at least seven doctors, each of them indicates on the sheet medical research your verdict.

Diseases that give the right to classify a citizen in one category or another are enshrined in the annex to the Regulations on the military medical examination and are called the Schedule of Diseases. It is it that accurately determines the category of suitability, which is affixed as a letter and means:

  • A - fit without restrictions, i.e. healthy;
  • B - good with minor restrictions. There are diseases that do not interfere with military service;
  • B - limited fit. There are injuries or illnesses that make military service dangerous for the conscript.
  • G - temporarily unfit (postponement);
  • D is unsuitable. Such persons, neither in peacetime nor in wartime, will be drafted into the army and listed in the reserve.

stock categories

It is worth explaining what a stock is. The fact is that the state cannot maintain a large army for many reasons. Soldiers and officers who have already completed their service are the military resource of the country, and they must, if necessary, quickly replenish the ranks of the Armed Forces.

To ensure that such resource mobilization is of high quality and well coordinated, each person liable for military service is assigned to his reserve category, although the law calls it a discharge. Possible reserve categories in a military ID are reflected in Article 53 of the said Federal Law and each has its own age limit:

  1. Includes those liable for military service: with non-officer ranks up to 35 years old, junior officers up to 50 years old, other officers up to 55 years old, colonels and captains of the 1st rank up to 60 years old, senior officers up to 65 years old.
  2. In this category, the same division, only the age of the first subgroup rises to 45 years, the rest by five years.
  3. These separately include conscripted women, having officer ranks up to the age of 50, the rest up to 45. Also citizens with non-officer ranks up to 50 years old, junior officers up to 60 years old, ranks up to colonel and captain of the first rank up to 65 years old.

Senior officers, like the elite and the brain of the army, belong only to the first and second ranks, and their maximum age 70 years old. All persons in the first category of the reserve will be mobilized first to defend the country.
The second category will be called only if it moves to the first. This means that a citizen will first have to go through a medical examination and military training camps for training in the service. Only after that a person can be sent to defend the Motherland.

Maintaining a large army is not an easy task for any country. Therefore, those who have already served due date military personnel are transferred to the reserve in order to replenish the ranks of the army in the event of war. Each citizen liable for military service is subject to distribution to a certain reserve group, and he is assigned a specific category. This is necessary so that the mobilization activities are clearly and coordinated.

What is the RA registration group in a military ID

RA stands for Russian Army. In order for the account to be correct, each citizen liable for military service is assigned a rank or category. Similar actions carried out in full accordance with current legislation, and citizens are enrolled in the reserve:

  1. Past military service conscripted and retired.
  2. Those who are graduates of universities where there is a military department.
  3. Exempted from military service for various reasons.
  4. Reached 27 years of age, but drafted into the army.
  5. Dismissed from the ranks of the RA.
  6. Performed alternative service.

In addition, the RA reserve consists of women who received a military specialty in their time. As a rule, female persons liable for military service are assigned to the third category, and if a woman has an officer rank, then she will be “written off” from the reserve after reaching her fiftieth birthday. Privates and sergeants are decommissioned upon reaching the age of 45.

Stock category 1

If the reserve category is 1 on the military ID, then this means that in the event of the outbreak of hostilities, the citizen will be among the first to be drafted. This group- the most "interesting" for the Ministry of Defense and Russian Army. It includes citizens liable for military service who have not yet crossed the age limit of 35 years old, who are in reserve and have the rank of “private”, “sergeant”, “midshipman” or “ensign”.

Reserve officers, depending on the military rank, may be called up to the RA until they turn 45-60, and in special occasions- and 70 years old. The first category of the reserve is people who either took part in hostilities or did military service.

Stock category 2

Being in the reserve under category 2 for a citizen who has served in the ranks of the Armed Forces means that he does not fit the first category by age. That is, his age already varies between 35-45 years. In addition, in this segment you can find citizens who did not become soldiers in peacetime due to obtaining a legal exemption from military service. (Category B and D. D - not subject to mobilization).

As for the officers, they are subject to similar age restrictions. Falling into the second category means that in the event of a war, reservists will be drafted into the ranks of the RA, but after the existing resource of "first-rate" is exhausted.

Stock category 3

"Third-rate" reservists can go to defend the Motherland if fighting will be conducted for one year or more. Perhaps this is the smallest group, which consists of men aged 45-50, elderly officers aged 50-60 and women who have a military specialty or served in the army.

How the category is assigned and changed

If the "evader" successfully "sloped" from the army, this does not mean that in the event of a war he will be able to sit out in the rear, since such citizens who have reached the age of 27 are included in the reserve and fall under the second category. If a person who has a military ID has category A, B, C in it, then he can be called up for military training. If he shows himself well there, then he can be transferred from the second category to the first.

It is noteworthy that the highest military ranks always belong to the first category, since the officer corps is considered and is the elite of the army, and the experience of a gray-haired officer - a colonel, a general and higher on the rise, is simply priceless. Sometimes citizens who have a “military man” in their hands try to decipher the data recorded in it. Public decoding of the code designation is impossible in principle, since it is a state secret.

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