Motor prosthetic hand prosthetics for adults. The Motorika company develops domestic prosthetic hands. Prosthesis as a functional gadget and stylish accessory

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CFG-ERR- Configuration error, may appear when updating firmware from old version. Or not normal equipment calibrations. Re-calibrate your hardware, power cycle your aircraft and check all parameters.

VOL-LOW [Error 4]- Low voltage.

SN-ERR- Your serial number is missing, please contact DJI support.

VOL-LOW [Error 6]- Low voltage.

IMU-ERR- IMU error. Contact DJI for repair.

X1-ERR- You have selected channel settings from X1/X2 on one of the hardware switches, but the signal is not detected X1/X2 on the input channel, or the hardware is not turned on.

X1-ERR- You have selected channel settings from X1/X2 on one of the hardware switches, but the signal is not detected X1/X2 on the input channel, or the hardware is not turned on.

PMU-ERR- Check the connections between the battery, aircraft and PMU (Power Management Unit).

RX-ERR- Go to the DJI Naza-M Assistant Software, BASIC menu, RC tab, select the correct receiver type or check all receiver connections, after disconnecting and connecting the copter, the changes will take effect.

COMPASS-ERR- The compass is not working properly. Please reboot the aircraft and calibrate the compass, if the error persists, contact your dealer (place of purchase).

Error- IMU initialization error, this may be caused by a crash(es). Please contact your dealer (place of purchase). How to solve this problem is written in our FAQ - Question: The copter does not start the engines. Error 25 appears in DJI Assistant Software.

Error- Please perform the advanced "Advanced" calibration. How to solve this problem is written in our FAQ - How to connect to a computer. Where can I get drivers and software? How to reflash a copter. The copter is not behaving stable.

Error- GPS is not calibrated or is subject to magnetic interference. Calibrate the GPS again in good conditions. How to solve this problem is written in our FAQ - How to connect to a computer. Where can I get drivers and software? How to reflash a copter. The copter is not behaving stable.

Error- There is no description of this error in the original manual. It appeared in a person who heavily loaded the copter, and also, after disassembling and then reassembling the copter, he incorrectly installed the top cover of the body, the marks of the pattern on the body did not match:

28.6K 680 Number of downloads:

As a result, the propellers were not installed according to the rotation pattern. The copter did not take off at full throttle, and the engines hummed loudly. Be careful when assembling!

P.S. I carried out a test, specifically fixed the top cover of the case incorrectly, but at the same time Right! installed propellers (in accordance with the rotation pattern). The error did not appear; most likely it was caused by the copter being overloaded. But due to the displacement of the cover, the copter walked +/- two to three meters when hovering. That is, I did not clearly keep the “point in the air” in GPS mode. Changing the location of the cover does not change anything (the most important thing is to put the propellers on correctly, according to the rotation pattern). The compass mounted on the chassis is important. It must stand in exactly this position and exactly on the chassis on which it stands. This is worth considering when switching to other chassis.

In the Naz 2 flight controller there is a “circle” - the GPS antenna and compass are combined, but also has a “direction of movement” mark (the movement arrow is indicated on the top of the circle).

40.18K 358 Number of downloads:
Excerpt from documentation on how to treat the effect of toileting - “walking in circles” in Naza2

This method of treating the problem is relevant only for GPS modules that are placed like an antenna in a “circle”. For DJI Phantom copters, this method is useless, since the “compass” is located on one of the legs of the landing gear. But in theory, you need to twist in in this case compass, since it strictly contains north-south-west-east readings.


Disclaimer: Everything you read below is not the ultimate truth. Everything you read is the observations of an ordinary copter operator, described (as far as possible) in accessible and understandable language and, if possible, cataloged and structured. I hope these tips will help many novice copter pilots and allow them to avoid the most common mistakes. Basically, the tips and observations concern DJI products, or more precisely, one of their latest models - the DJI Phantom 2 Vision Plus, but almost all the tips and observations apply to any DJI models, and for the most part, to models from other companies. The author disclaims any responsibility when applying the described tips; everything that you use from what is described here is done at your own peril and risk. You can find other articles on this topic in the “Articles” section of the site’s main menu. They will be added as they are written.


Let's continue the series of articles about copter flying. In the last article, we discussed the basic terms that will be useful to you when controlling your phantom, as well as basic safety rules. If you have not read or read the previous article quickly, go back to it and re-read it very carefully. Each subsequent article will be partially useless to you if you do not read the previous ones.

So, we are done with terminology and introductory information. Looks like it's time to take your phantom out of the box and fly. After all, it is RTF (Read to fly). But no.

In this article, I will divide pre-flight preparation into two parts. The first part concerns almost one-time preparation of the copter, and it is advisable to carry out this work immediately so as not to bother later. Quicker everything - more You do not need to carry out this work. The second part of the article will concern the constant pre-flight preparation that you will have to carry out before each flight on your candy wrapper.


As I said above, when you take the copter out of the box, I recommend that you carry out one-time work on your copter, which will save you from trouble in most of your flights. It is true that the copter flies, as the advertisement says, “straight out of the box.” But not really.

1) The first thing you need to do is, oddly enough, to disassemble the copter. How to disassemble it and which bolts to unscrew - there is a video on YouTube, you can easily find it. It is not necessary to separate the main board; you just need to “halve” the copter by separating the top plastic part from the bottom. After separating the upper part, carefully lift it - there is a cable from the GPS unit to the board attached to the bottom, do not break the cable.
2) When the copter is disassembled, the most important thing we need to do is to additionally shield the GPS unit at the top of the copter, from the bottom where the central board and the brains of the copter are located. This can be done using thin foil with an adhesive base. How to do this is described in this video:

Why do this: copter guides have experimentally established that such shielding helps to find higher number satellites and their retention occurs more confidently. Some people associate this with the “satellite dish effect,” when the shielding acts as a signal-collecting surface. However, most likely this is due to better shielding of the GPS unit from interference generated by the central board and the brains of the copter. Be that as it may, the result will be obvious. Be sure to do this.

ATTENTION: V latest versions phantoms, an additional screen has already been applied. Apparently, DJI took into account the user experience and began to glue an additional screen industrially. But in any case, you need to check whether your pet has it or not. If it is available, then adding another additional screen is a matter of your preference.

3) When you have sorted out the shielding, check each of the four motors on the copter’s arms for rotation. They should rotate freely and almost silently. If at least one motor rotates with noise or squeaking, you have a problem. Either it needs to be lubricated, or the sizing of the magnets inside the motor must be checked. DJI is trying to make products High Quality, however, there are defects in any product, and these are not isolated cases. You should not hope that you will be “carried away” - the damage from a broken copter is much more painful than spending a few minutes checking and eliminating troubles.
You can also find a video on how to disassemble and lubricate motors on YouTube. If at least one magnet in the motor is not glued firmly and falls off, this will cause jamming and failure of the motor in the air, followed by capsizing and crashing of the copter.

You can also (after assembling the phantom, after removing the propellers), run them at home and control the sticks from the app - listen to how each motor works.
If the motors do not creak or make noise, they rotate easily, silently and equally well. Let's move on to the next point.
4) Now we check that all blocks on the main board are secure and skewed. There were cases when the control unit was slightly unstuck and tilted a couple of degrees, which caused the copter to try to level itself, and, accordingly, roll and fly in that direction.
5) Visually check the accuracy and efficiency of soldering in all areas of the board.
6) One more important work The thing you need to do right away is to secure the cable connector from the GPS unit to the main board. According to the experience of phantom guides, this connector was the cause of more than one flyaway. You should understand that a quadcopter with 4 motors is an ideal source of high vibration. And it is vibration that can cause loose connectors, as well as mounting bolts. Since most phantom guides fly in GPS mode, poor contact of the GPS unit or its disconnection in flight will clearly cause your pet to fly off towards the Chinese border. Therefore, we tightly insert the connector of the GPS cable and secure it with sealant. Another problem solved.
7) Make sure that all the wires are well soldered and do not dangle.
8) If you have the opportunity, ask the workshop to cover all exposed electronics with a thin layer of waterproofing varnish. This will save you from problems with the formation of sweat on the board and short circuits.
9) Now let's put the copter back together. After assembly, tighten all the bolts on the copter.
10) Print on plain paper tips on the positions of the toggle switches on the app and secure them with tape next to the toggle switches - then you definitely won’t make a mistake when switching them.

11) I recommend that you immediately switch the copter in the assistant program from the “Phantom” mode to the “Naza” mode. The Naza mode adds the ability to intelligently control the copter, and also makes it possible to assign the "" mode to the third position of the S1 toggle switch (right toggle switch).FailSafe ", when activated, the copter will return home to the take-off point, you will not need to turn off the app, you will just need to flip the switch. These are certain advantages, while controlling the copter in these two modes is no different - be sure to do this. The only minus is the copter signals in modes"Phantom" and "Naza" are significantly different, you will need to remember the signals in the mode"Naza".

12) If you followed my advice in step 11 and switched the forfeits to the Naza mode, IMMEDIATELY assign the “S1” mode to the third position of the toggle switch S1FailSafe ". Thus, when switching, the S1 toggle switch will work in the following order: GPS- Atti- FailSafe. In addition, IMMEDIATELY set a sufficient height for the phantom to return in this mode. Keep in mind that on its way when returning home there may encounter trees or buildings that the phantom cannot fly around. The auto-return height set to 50 meters will be sufficient for most cases. In this case, the auto-return height is prescribed in the assistant program, as well as switching the phantom mode to “Naza” and the functions of the S1 and toggle switches are reassigned there S2, and in the DJI application on your smartphone or tablet - in the latest versions of the program, you can set the auto-return height directly in your phone-tablet.

13) Print out the copter signals in Naza mode on plain paper and attach them with tape to back side Apps. Remember, the copter signals in phantom and reverse modes are different!

Congratulations - now your pet is ready to fly out of the box)))


This is the part I recommend you do before every flight. Or, according to at least, every time you go out with a copter for flights. You definitely need to memorize this part. This will save your nerves, and prolong your pet’s life.

So, before each flight you need:

1) Charging. The most important thing is to check that all components of the phantom are fully charged. This is: a) Copter battery b) Video signal repeater c) The batteries in the remote control must be strong. In principle, they are enough for several dozen flights, but don’t skimp and install good batteries and change them at least after a couple of dozen flights. Understand that this is control equipment for your pet. d) Smartphone or tablet on which you will receive the video signal. You must also understand that the smartphone or tablet where you receive the signal serves not only to receive video, but also displays telemetry data. Do not fly with one of these devices not fully charged.
2) Screws. Check the tightness of the screws. If the tightening is insufficient, it may happen that one of them simply unscrews in the air, followed by a rollover and crash of the copter. The screws on Vision Plus are self-tightening, but such cases have happened. Tighten the screws tighter - you don’t even need a special key for this - just hold the motor with one hand, and with the other, turn the screw towards the drawn closed lock on the screw until it stops.
If you are using non-self-tightening screws, also ensure that the heads of each of the 4 propellers are tightened.

Fans of flights and aerial photography have long known that the DJI Phantom 2 Vision quadcopter is the most serious tool for high-quality aerial photography. It cannot be classified as a toy only because it is too expensive for a drone that can be dropped several times a day. Secondly, its functionality. Well, it would be simply stupid not to use all the capabilities of the drone.

If you have not flown a Phantom 2 before, it is recommended to do so outside the city in an open area, at least for the first 4-5 times. Try to ensure that there are no large objects, obstacles, or power lines nearby that could interfere with the control of the copter.

It is better not to fly it in the city, because it is very easy to lose your drone here. You’ve probably heard about cases when people shared joyful messages like: “I’m walking through the park, I see a quadcopter lying in the grass and winking at me in a friendly way with all its lights, but the owner is not even close in sight!” Now, if you don’t want this to happen to you and your ward, it’s better to refrain from your first flights within the city.

Indoors and quadcopters are not made for each other at all. The copter is difficult to control and, moreover, there is a possibility of breaking something inside the room or, moreover, damaging dangerous injuries person, very large. By the way, it’s also easy to get injured in the city stranger, so remember that no matter how sorry you feel for your drone, which costs almost a thousand dollars, the law will be on the side of the person affected by it.

How to start the device

You need to turn everything on as follows: first the remote control, then the transmitter, and at the very end the quad. When the Phantom itself is turned on, allow it to find at least 7 satellites. By the way, before this you had to register in the DJI Vision application, which you need to install on your tablet or phone. While the Phantom is looking for satellites, in the meantime you will connect to the Wi-Fi network and log into this application.

In the application settings, leave " Low level battery” to know exactly when the copter returns to the base. This is usually done when the indicator shows 25 percent of the remaining charge.

WITH right side menu you will see the number of satellites found by the drone. Blue color means that you have found the bare minimum you need to get started.

There are small arrows on the left side. Which control the camera relative to a horizontal line. Shooting in this position is carried out under the copter and, in fact, in front of it.

If you place the camera in one of the extreme positions, the screws of the device will definitely get into the frame, and for some reason the picture becomes faded.

At the bottom of the screen you will see telemetric information, such as: the distance from you to the flying copter, at what altitude it is, at what speed it is moving. The radar will tell you which direction the multicopter is heading and where it should be turned in those cases when the Phantom visually disappears from your vision.

When your drone starts blinking green sensors on its rear beams, it means it has detected required amount satellites and wrote down the coordinates of the place from which it will take off.

If the Phantom does not record its take-off point, then the likelihood of it returning to its homeland (factory in China) or a park located a few kilometers away is quite high. This is a hole in your wallet through which 45-50 thousand rubles will “fly away”.

Compass calibration

After making sure that the drone has recorded and locked its take-off point, you need to calibrate the compass.

To do this, you need to click the S1 switch several times (you can read what it looks like and where it is located in the instructions that came with the Phantom). The yellow lights on the rear beams will light up. Now you need to take the quad in your hands by the chassis so that the camera looks straight ahead, and make a full circle until the lights on the beams turn green.

Then turn the drone over so that the camera is looking down and again slowly spin in place until the green flashes. If you do not achieve this result on the first try, then you should do the same circles again until you get the desired result.

During the Phantom compass calibration operation, the warning lights may switch from green to yellow. This means that the copter has lost one of its satellites. In principle, this is not scary, but to be on the safe side, make sure that the diodes blink green constantly.

The Phantom is ready for takeoff. Start the engines, give the quadcopter 20-30 seconds to warm up and take it into the air. To do this, you need to gently press the gas lever. Congratulations, you've taken off!

The only thing you will need to learn now is to get used to controlling the drone using the levers on the remote control. Typically this can take several hours. It will be great if you purchase at least one more spare battery, so as not to limit your flight time to 20 minutes.

What to do if Phantom 2 flies away

If during the launch you did not allow the copter to fix its position, then it will definitely fly towards China or God knows where else. If you fly to the Middle Kingdom, you will irrevocably lose the device itself, as well as photos and video materials. It is recommended that after each flight you move the data from the memory card to your hard drive so that you don’t feel bad about lost footage and photos.

There is a possibility that the “fugitive” will be discovered by an honest and decent citizen and will take him to the lost and found office. In this case, you will get by with a slight scare, small expenses as a reward and, most importantly, a useful lesson for life (about the need to record the take-off location).

Since in our country people are happy to pocket everything that is bad, you can only hope to receive your pet in parts, and only if you are lucky.

Return to starting point

Phantom 2 Vision has one very useful and interesting function - returning home if the signal from the control panel is lost. When this happens, the quad turns on this very function and rises to approximately 30 meters altitude (provided that it was previously at a lower altitude, say 20-25 meters). After this, it flies up to the launch site and slowly begins to descend until it lands.

This mode can be used when you have filmed everything that is necessary, and when returning you do not see the quadcopter visually, and you also do not want to bother with determining its location on the radar. All you need to do is simply turn off the control panel. You will immediately see the Go Home icon on the screen. In first person mode, you will see the Phantom flying backwards. As soon as this happens, you can cancel the auto-return mode and, by switching the S1 toggle switch, independently direct it towards you.

Landing the quadcopter

Even an inexperienced beginner can land the copter without landing by catching it with his hand. This does not require much time or skill, the main thing is to smoothly lower it down until you grab it by the chassis. This procedure will save you from throwing the Phantom on its side if it lands on a crooked platform, and will also protect your camera lenses from accidentally getting dirty.

Here's almost everything you need to know about launching the Phantom 2 Vision quadcopter. It’s a shame that DJI has stopped producing these truly excellent quads, which many multicopter users grew up with (in terms of flight skills and aerial photography). Time does not stand still - the second generation was replaced by more functional Phantoms of the third version, but that is a completely different story.

6 tips from an experienced air wolf so that the new Phantom does not become a ghost from the past or 6 Rules to protect the DJI Phantom 3 from flying home and save it from accidents

04.02.2016 Team website

The DJI Phantom 3 quadcopter (Ghost 3) is the best-selling radio-controlled drone. However, tens of thousands of new adherents of the exciting hobby cannot avoid breakdowns or complete collapse of the copter. The good news is that the Third Ghost is, statistically speaking, the most stable, however, a crash can occur as a result of a hardware error or pilot miscalculation. The depressing statistics teach nothing to drone owners who continue to lose their birds. To prevent your Phantom from becoming a ghost from the past, carefully read this important information.

Tip #1 – Learn the basics of piloting

The first reason for losing DJI Phantom 3 is lack of education and vocational training pilots. Without further ado, you need to start getting acquainted with your copter by carefully studying the instructions for the device. Here you can find a lot of useful information about driving the car. The instructions should become your reference book, the Bible, if you like, when making your first flights. When you don’t understand something or are in doubt, turn to the World Wide Web. There are many forums where you can find useful information and also ask questions. Quadcopters or drones are no longer toys and require professional piloting. The Phantom 3 is a technically complex quad, and you need to immerse yourself in certain technical aspects of the flight, software, and also always adequately evaluate existing weather to pilot the device successfully and for a long time.

Tip #2 – Fly only when necessary

Phantom 3 is quite delicate aircraft with a stabilizing gimbal for the camera. Sport flying or flying just for the sake of “circling in the sky” is not for him. This drone is designed specifically for photo/video shooting. If you want to fly, my advice to you is: buy a cheaper toy for pampering that you won’t mind breaking. This will have a double benefit: save your P3 and gain additional piloting experience. At one time, before purchasing the Phantom, I purchased a WL Toys V262 quadcopter for 4,000 rubles. It was a fun experience. However, if you start by carefully studying the instructions and careful gradual flights, then you can do without additional expenses.

Tip #3 – Choose your flying locations

Densely built-up urban areas interfere with the device's compass, which may cause compass calibration errors. The presence of metal around entails an unpleasant surprise: Possibility of losing control immediately after the start. Somehow we could not calibrate the compass even in the absence of visible metal objects, however, we did not know that there was a pipeline running under the road. It is not advisable to fly where there are many trees and over water. Obviously, most of us are not going to avoid this type of terrain entirely. On the contrary, many do it deliberately, in order to receive beautiful pictures flying along a path or taking delightful shots over the water. If the device does fall, then in the first case you may be able to repair the damage or change some parts, but the second will lead to the complete loss of the machine.

I recommend that beginners choose open spaces outside the city - without power lines (which also create interference) and preferably with tall grass, which, in the event of a fall, will help partially protect the copter by softening the impact on the ground. Avoid the temptation to fly in yards and crowded areas. Injuries from propeller blades can cause serious injury. Nowadays it is fashionable to fly at festivals, open spaces, and concerts, however, pilots care little about the safety of others. I once asked those present at the Usadba Jazz festival why the pilot was flying right above the crowd with advertising. They told me that it was very scary, but nothing could be done. Surprisingly, the pilot did not install even basic protection for the propellers, which could protect against cuts. In 2016, they promise to introduce an obligation to take a piloting test, which will certainly improve the culture of flying in our country.

Tip #4 – Remember to set your return home altitude

The “Home” point (or take-off point) must be selected in an open space, away from trees and buildings. In case of signal loss or low battery, P3 will automatically return to the Home point. There were cases when, having flown behind a building, the copter lost the signal and began to return. And he returns along the shortest route. As a result, Phantom3 crashes into a building and breaks. But if you set the required return altitude, for example, 50 meters or more, then if the signal is lost, your P3 will rise 50 m, arrive at the given altitude at the take-off point, and only then begin landing. You can set the return home altitude in the DJI Go app in the Advanced Settings menu under Failsafe Mode.

Tip #5 – Flight Modes

An important part in communicating with the copter is the flight modes (Multiple Flight Mode), the switch for which (toggle switch with positions F, A, P) is located in the upper left corner of the remote control. This switch is activated in the DJI Go app (Multiple Flight Mode).

Mode P – automatic positioning of the Phantom using GPS, a visual positioning system, or the device’s barometer (stabilized in altitude). A mode recommended for beginners, stable positioning of the device in space.

Mode A – GPS and visual positioning are not used. The device uses only its barometer to maintain altitude. In the event of a positioning error while flying in P Mode or an unexpected change in direction, switching to Mode A will override GPS mode and help you regain control of the Phantom.

Mode F – additional features (a) fixing the course, b) fixing the home point, c) the desired point (the camera of the device will be oriented at the given point all the time).

Important note: The DJI Go app may freeze or lose signal, especially on simple models Android. iOS is a more reliable platform in this case. Don't panic, restart your device while the phantom is in the air. In this case, sometimes it is necessary to clear the device’s RAM, unplug and reinsert the cable into the remote control. You can also land the Phantom using the RTH (return to home) button or do it manually.

Tip #6 – Pay attention to errors and warnings

If DJI Go reports errors (usually in red at the top center of the screen), do not ignore this warning! This could be a compass error or other automation errors. Don't try to continue the flight!

Often the following will help correct the situation:

  1. Rebooting the device and DJI Go app;
  2. Rebooting the Phantom and the remote control;
  3. IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) calibration in the DJI Go app (MC Settings-Sensors-IMU Calibration);
  4. Calibrate the compass in an open area, away from metal (IMPORTANT: many concrete surfaces contain metal reinforcement).

In conclusion, a little about:

  1. When installing the battery, make sure it is firmly seated in the socket.
  2. Use DioxiT Gold Conductive Cleaner to clean the exposed battery contacts and inside the phantom body. We recommend performing this procedure every 10 flights.
  3. Practice using the RTH (return to home) button on the remote control. Beginners should not fly when the battery charge is below 35-40%; a warning signal about a battery charge below 30% can make it difficult to control the aircraft.
  4. Check the batteries after 25 flights and then monitor them every 10 flights. Slight swelling may indicate that the battery life is running low. We recommend not to take risks with such a battery and under no circumstances puncture it. IN otherwise the battery will stop charging and can be disposed of.
  5. To increase the service life of Li-Po batteries, they must be stored with a charge of no more than 40%.

Flying in the distance

Updates and firmware

DJI regularly releases software firmware. If your existing version works well, don't rush to install new version immediately after its release. The first reviews and releases can be read on the forums about possible errors in new software.

Have nice shots and stories with DJI Phantom 3!

Enjoy your flights with our articles! Learn with us!

If you are already the owner of a P3 or Inspire Pro and an experienced pilot, then we may need your services in different parts our vast Motherland. Leave your coordinates in an email to:

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    Slavik 2 years ago

    • Vladimir 2 years ago

    Alex 2 years ago

Hello Boomstarter!

In Russia, about 3 thousand children annually need prosthetic hands, but the field of children's prosthetics is poorly developed. Most children under 18 years of age can only rely on a non-functional dummy hand. There are no Russian developments in the direction of children's bionic prostheses.

My name is Ilya Chekh. I am the head of the Motorika company.

Our team is developing functional prosthetic hands for children and adults. Our main task is to ensure that disability no longer limits a person’s capabilities, but, on the contrary, the use of modern technologies allows them to be expanded.

We are launching this project with the support of the show "Idea for a Million" to raise funds for the development of the first children's Russian bionic
forearm prosthesis.

Now almost all high-tech prosthetics are made only for adults. Cosmetic prostheses that are installed in children do not solve the problem. They are inconvenient, useless and the child feels awkward. Often, prostheses that are technically outdated are offered for installation. They were developed in Soviet time and have remained virtually unchanged since then. Such dentures attract negative attention and highlight the problem.

We are starting to change this situation and invite you to join us. Let children with a prosthesis feel confident among their peers.

Motor skills have already passed big way in this direction and produced several types of functional prostheses.

Active traction prostheses KIBI

Children's traction prostheses KIBI are prostheses with very simple principle work, completely without electronics. This prosthesis works by bending the wrist or elbow joint and the tension of the cables, which are fixed on the fixed part of the hand and the fingers of the prosthesis.

Even the most complex hand injuries can be replaced with KIBI traction prostheses. They are installed free of charge for disability reasons. KIBI trains and maintains muscle tone. Dentures can be upgraded with cool attachments.

More than 150 children in Russia, Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus use KIBI prostheses.

Bionic prostheses for adults

We have already launched and are beginning to introduce the adult bioelectric prosthesis “Stradivarius”. This is a prosthesis that reads muscle impulses, recognizes phantom gestures, transmits a control signal to the hand module and performs a certain action. We develop sensors, electronics and a prosthetic training system ourselves.

Myo-sensors for reading signals from muscles use a neural network and adapt to active, working human muscles. This is important due to the biological variability of the volumes, location and signal levels of living tissues. Autonomous sensors with a neural network allow you to better read the signal and control the prosthesis.

In October, we presented a joint project with Alfa-Bank and simplified the procedure for paying for a purchase in a store using a prosthesis.

The KIBI traction prostheses that we released 2 years ago were a big innovation in children's prosthetics behind last decades. We don’t stop there and want to expand the line with a children’s bionic prosthesis.

The goal is to make a multifunctional bionic prosthetic gadget out of the prosthesis. We are supported in this by dozens of our current small users.

We hope you will support us too!

Several years ago we started as a team of enthusiasts. Now Motorika already employs 27 people: engineers, designers, prosthetists, programmers and many others.

Meet the main people who will participate in the development of the children's bionic prosthesis.

You can read more about our company and the prosthetics that we develop on our website -

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