The damned girl is crying tears of blood. The girl is crying blood

Every day, 13-year-old Twinkle Diwedi loses a critical amount of blood. There are no wounds or cuts on the girl's body. Blood seeps through her eyes, nose, neck and soles of her feet. To prevent Twinkle from dying, doctors regularly transfuse her with several hundred grams of blood.

Twinkle Diwedi comes from a small Indian town, where residents believe that the girl is cursed. “People throw stones at her house and shout cruel things when they meet her on the street,” relatives say. According to them, the situation has become critical.

"I'm desperate to help my daughter," said Twinkle's mother Nandani Diwedi, 42. “Until last year, Twinkle was a normal child - she went to school, played with friends and loved to draw, but one day she started bleeding. Now this happens between five and 20 times a day.”

Experts from the Indian Institute of Medical Sciences believe that the girl has problems with blood cells, but British expert Dr. Drew Provan believes that Twinkle may be suffering from type 2 Von Willebrand disease. This disease is a rare blood supply disorder in which the blood does not accept a protein important for the clotting process.

The efforts of the doctors feed a glimmer of hope in Twinkle; she believes that one day she will be able to go to school again and play with friends, without fear of beatings and curses from neighbors. However, there is still little hope for a cure.

13-year-old Twinkle has a “sister in misfortune” in Libya. True, it was not blood flowing from her eyes, but crystals falling out. Since she was 12, Hasna Mohammed Maselmani has cried crystal tears an average of seven times a day. And although the crystals are as sharp as crystal, Hasna says she doesn't feel pain. Doctors cannot explain such an unusual phenomenon; the girl’s father hopes for help from specialists from Europe and the USA.

This story began in March 1996. According to Hasna, she was at school when she felt something strange in her eye, it turned out to be the first crystal. A few days later she was at home and heard a knock on the window, when Hasna went to check who was knocking, she saw a man in white and on a white horse. The horseman asked Hasna to come out and introduced himself as a “messenger of God.” The rider said that it was he who was “to blame” for Hasna “crying” with crystals, but this was happening according to the will of God. When Hasna asked when the tears would stop, the rider replied, “When God wants.”

The “White Knight,” as Hasna called him, appeared several more times and gave advice to the girl. During one of her meetings, he told Hasna that her entire family had to leave for a while, otherwise something bad would happen. The family followed the advice - all except one son. The next day he had an accident, and although the young man’s car could not be restored, he escaped with scratches. That same evening, Hasna met the “white knight.” He asked, “Didn’t I say that ALL of you should leave the house?”

The event shocked the Arab world. Religious figures, scientists and doctors were looking for an answer to the question of how sharp crystals could appear from a girl’s eyes without hurting her.

The story became public: television, magazines and newspapers flocked to the Meselmani family home to see the phenomenon girl.

However, soon Hasna’s tears-crystals were recognized as a fraud and the girl was safely forgotten. However, the questions remained unanswered: the moment when the crystal appeared from the girl’s eye was filmed by several television cameras in close-up, and there was simply no way to cheat.

Delfina Cedeño is a Dominican girl who suffers greatly rare disease– hematidrosis, which makes her cry bloody tears, and also sweats blood. Yes, tearful and sweat glands 19-year-old Delfina is bleeding, and this condition depresses her so much that it almost drives her to suicide.

The symptoms of this strange disease began four years ago - it was then that Delphine noticed that blood was oozing from her navel, as well as from under her nails. Serious hair loss followed, along with bloody tears and severe nosebleeds. Frightened, Delphine sincerely believed that she was sick with some terrible and very shameful disease. Meanwhile, her nosebleeds did not stop for more than two weeks. Dolphin was hospitalized, she was given a blood transfusion, her condition improved, but doctors did not establish the cause of such strange bleeding.

Meanwhile, the girl suffered. Lost hair, bloody tears and sweat, peers who suddenly and unanimously began to avoid Delphine, who was sick with an unknown disease - this was enough for the poor girl. She dropped out of school, became a recluse, and even decided to end her unhappy life.

So, after drinking loading dose sedatives, Delphine really almost died, but her relatives managed to find her in time in the bedroom, in an almost lifeless state. Heart failure, shock therapy, a week of intensive care - Delphine survived.

When she came to her senses, it turned out that not everything in life was so hopeless. So, after some time, Delphine met her lover Recaris Avila, who managed to convince the unfortunate girl that she was the most beautiful girl all over the world.

Delphine's condition soon cleared up, and her illness was finally diagnosed as hematidrosis. With this disease, the walls are affected and become thinner blood vessels, and blood seeps through them and subsequently comes out along with sweat or tears. Exactly similar condition has more than once become a biblical story, and that is why people around them cannot help but react to a person who is crying or sweating blood.

In general, the manifestation bloody discharge most often is a consequence of psychological tension, stress and fear, and therefore in the case of Delphine all this was somewhat reminiscent vicious circle, because in order for the bleeding to stop, she had to calm down, and this the unfortunate girl could not do.

Fortunately for the girl, today her condition has returned to normal - the main thing in her case was control psychological state. Most of all, Delphine is glad that now she is not alone, because now, in addition to her mother, she has a loved one.

Although Delphine still bleeds occasionally, it is no longer as heavy, and she knows exactly how to deal with it.

An incident that occurred in Italy made doctors think deeply. A 52-year-old man came to the hospital with bloody tears flowing from his eyes. Moreover painful sensations the patient did not experience any injuries on his face, and in general this happened to him for the first time.

How to explain?

The condition when a person cries blood is most often caused by hemolacria. Cases little-studied disease were observed back in the 16th century.

The Italian doctor Antonio Brassavola in his writings mentioned a nun who cried tears of blood in critical days. That is menstrual flow came out in the form of tears, and not naturally.

In 1991, studies were conducted that found that menstruation can indeed lead to ophthalmic hemolacria. The cause of this condition is a hormonal imbalance, while the usual form of the disease is provoked by other factors: trauma, infection, tumors of the lacrimal glands. The man, the hero of this publication, had two benign tumors. Treatment was carried out with drops that reduce pressure in the organs of vision. A year later, the patient managed to get rid of hemolacria forever.

Who else cries differently than everyone else?

Cases of hemolacria were observed in Tennessee residents Calvino Inman and Michael Spann. The first one cried tears of blood after getting out of the shower; the second - when I was going down the stairs. Spann “cryed” for about seven years, after which the bloody tears stopped on their own.

Obviously, hemolacria is not inherited (these people were born healthy and shed ordinary tears), but it greatly complicates a person’s life in society. Those around him begin to be afraid of him, try to avoid him, or, on the contrary, hurl caustic ridicule and obscene curses at the unusual personality, causing serious mental anguish. For example, Delfina Cedeño, who also became a victim of the “bloody tears disease,” was forced to quit her studies and even tried to commit suicide by taking a large dose of sleeping pills. But everything ended well for the girl; love saved her. Delphine met a guy who considers her the best in the world and accepts her for who she is.

There will come a time when each of us will have to wipe the tears from our faces. Some will cry from pain and grief, while others will cry from joy. This process seems so common and understandable to us that we don’t even think about it. We're just crying. Friends, this is a story about a child who can't just cry.

A girl named Twinkle Diwedi has real blood flowing from her eyes instead of tears. This story thundered throughout India, and has now reached us. It all started in 2008, when the media reported about a fourteen-year-old Indian woman who not only cried blood, but spewed it all over her body. The child's blood is oozing from the nose, neck and even from the heels. Although, according to medical knowledge, severe bleeding from intact skin is impossible.

Here you are, reading this article right now. Now look at yours right hand. How can blood just start oozing out of her right now? No way, this is impossible, unless, of course, you do something with it. Doctors cannot explain this phenomenon, but there is a disease called hemotidrosis. This is when the body begins to secrete blood instead of sweat. A disease of this nature manifests itself only after damage to the walls of blood vessels. When Twinkle Divedi's blood vessels are all normal, and all tests show that the girl is completely healthy.

April 9, 2011

Rare diseases Approximately 6% of the world's inhabitants suffer, and this number continues to increase. All unique pathologies have different nature, although most of them are related to genetic disorder And various infections.

Hemolacria ("bloody tears") occurs in 1 in 1,000,000 people.

17 year old Calvino Inman Rockwood, Tennessee, USA, has been suffering from a mysterious illness for two years and doctors are unable to stop the bleeding, which can last for more than one hour.

The guy passed medical research to detect tumors, pathologies of the lacrimal duct, genetic defect, but the cause of such bleeding has not yet been determined.

He says: “People call me obsessed. Bleeding can start at school, at home, or just in the middle of the night. I usually don't know when the bleeding will start, but sometimes I feel a burning sensation and it starts again. Sometimes I don't even know it happened until people start looking at me."

“But then I feel like someone is hitting the left side of my head with a hammer. I can't sleep at night. I just lie there and wait for the morning to come.”

His mother Tammy and stepfather Calvino Mynatt are very worried: "We feel like the doctors have run out of ideas."
“We have already contacted 15 specialists from New York, Memphis and Atlanta. I can no longer see my son suffer. “I just pray that God will help him,” Tammy Mynatt said.

The boy crying tears of blood is not the only one of his kind.

Rashida Begum (Rashida Begum) from the city of Patna in northeast India became famous throughout the world after June 17, 2009. On this day, many newspapers wrote that this girl was crying... bloody tears, several times a day. “I don’t feel any pain when this happens, but, you see, it’s a shock when blood flows from the eyes instead of tears,” says Rashida.
Doctors are very puzzled by this case, but cannot find a suitable explanation for the phenomenon. And local Hindu theologians decided that this girl was marked by the gods, so mere mortals should worship her. And pilgrims come from everywhere, just to see with their own eyes the bloody tears in Rashida’s eyes and give her gifts, in order to appease the gods through her...

A mother of three from Patna, India, is also crying blood, making her very weak and in pain. Rashida Khatun, 27, began crying blood three years ago after a severe bout of vomiting and headaches.

Her 40-year-old doting husband Muhammad Aslam, who married her against his family's wishes, takes care of her and helps look after her three children, 10-year-old Muhammad Adil, 8-year-old Tehseen and 5-year-old Asif. When Miss Begum fell ill with a mysterious illness, her husband was forced to quit his £5-a-day job to care for his wife.

He says: “I just want her to be okay, I want our children to study, I want all this to go away and for us to live like a normal family again. We have already tried all the methods, we have been to every doctor in Patna. We even spent 40 days praying in the temple.”

But experts from the Indian Institute of Medical Sciences in New Delhi have given Miss Begum new hope of recovery. After much research, doctors believe they have finally solved the mystery linking Miss Begum's strange bleeding and her stomach problems.

“I'm so grateful to the doctors for trying to help me,” she says. “I can’t cope with these terrible bleedings myself.”

Rashida's compatriot was much less fortunate.

14 year old Indian girl Twinkle Dwivedi also suffers from an unexplained illness. The girl experiences spontaneous bleeding up to 50 times a day. Blood, without visible damage skin, oozing through the eyes, hair, nose, soles of the feet and neck. Twinkle does not feel any pain, only weakness and headache after another attack. Doctors cannot find an explanation for this amazing phenomenon. Doctors recently had to give the girl a blood transfusion in order to at least partially restore the supply of this life-giving fluid in the body. - otherwise the girl will die.

“Blood can come from almost any part of my body,” says Twinkie herself. “When this happens, it doesn’t hurt me. But due to the fact that I often lose a lot of blood, my strength leaves me. And sometimes it starts to hurt very much.” head"

One of the most famous hematologists in the world, a leading American pediatrician and specialist in blood diseases among children, Dr. George Buchanan (George Buchanan?) (George Buchanan) recently visited an unusual patient in a hospital in Mumbai, who has been suffering from sudden bleeding for 3 years. “I have never seen a case of blood bleeding spontaneously from the head or palms and have not read about it in any medical history. I was interested to see this unusual case and, if I could, help the teenager.”

The specialist personally observed the bleeding and was shocked: “It is not physically possible for blood to seep through intact skin. But I saw no sign of contraction or bruising anywhere on her body.”
Dr. Bachanan and his team conducted a series of tests, including Twinkle's blood clotting test. Tests showed that the girl's blood clotting is slightly different from the norm, which means that Twinkle's blood platelets do not stick together correctly. However, explain the daily heavy bleeding This is just not possible. To understand what is happening to the unfortunate teenager, Twinkle will be placed in a ward under 24-hour surveillance by video cameras.
Some doctors believe that the girl herself causes these bleedings. However, Twinkle completely disagrees with this opinion: “I did not cause bleeding. Why do I need it? I want to be like all the children. I want to go to school and live normal life" Twinkle has already missed 2 years of school, as she was banned from class and suspended due to bleeding in two local schools. But the worst thing is that her fellow countrymen do not idolize her, but curse her.

When people meet her on the street, they throw stones at her and shout curses. Twinkle's mother, Nandani Diwedi, 42, is desperately trying to help her daughter, who was recently normal child- went to school, played with friends and loved to draw. But then suddenly her body began to bleed. Now this happens to her from five to twenty times a day.
However, the girl’s family also has its own explanation for what is happening to their child. After talking with local fortune tellers, the girl’s mother claims that Twinkle’s stigmata opened after bathing in the sacred Indian river Ganges.

However, they started talking about bloody tears not yesterday or today. Back in September 2002 it became known about Hind Mujahe - a 23-year-old student from the Algerian city of Mascara, who has bloody tears every day, regardless of external stimuli. This phenomenon first appeared at one of the local banks, where Hind was interning as a notary. The girl was sitting at the computer when a cleaning lady working nearby noticed bloody tears in her eyes and screamed in horror. Since then, doctors have been trying to solve the “miracle”.
At first they believed Hind was bleeding. The girl was examined, but no pathology was found. Subsequently, the press reported that, apparently, this was still some kind of unknown disease: Hind developed photophobia, and periodically had attacks of nausea and vomiting. The girl dreams of making a pilgrimage to Mecca: she believes that the holy places will give her healing.

Meanwhile, in Tennessee, doctors are studying other unexplained cases bleeding in the USA. Dr John Fleming, from the Hamilton Eye Institute in Memphis, said: “We usually found the cause of the bleeding, and it was either an infection of the tear duct or a tumor. There have been cases where people suffered from bleeding for months or even years, and then suddenly it stopped.”

Interesting fact: In the James Bond film Casino Royale, the main villain Le Chiffre also cries blood. As we now see, this is not a director’s fiction, but a real medical fact!