What if you yawn often? Frequent yawning. Causes of yawning. Pain when yawning

By currently There are several reasons why a person yawns, but there is no definitive data. Many researchers have put forward different theories, and they all seem to be true, but so far there is no evidence of any reason why a person yawns. Next, we will explain what yawning is and why yawning (yawning) occurs in humans and animals.


Why does a person yawn

Yawning in humans and animals is understood as a reflexive respiratory act, which includes a deep, drawn-out breath and a quick exhalation with a wide open mouth, pharynx, glottis, can sometimes be accompanied by sound.


Why does a person yawn and the gas regulator

One of the scientists' versions of why a person yawns is the accumulation of a large amount of carbon dioxide. The body causes yawning to obtain oxygen and regulate the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide.Why does a person yawn


Why does a person yawn and vigor

When the body and brain are tired, the human body activates the yawning reflex, which leads to the saturation of the blood with oxygen, its entry into the brain and improved head function. Thus, the human body seems to activate and wake up. This is due to yawning after waking up or during the day when a person does not get enough sleep.Why does a person yawn


Why does a person yawn and stress?

Another reason why a person yawns is the calming process of yawning. Yawning not only activates the brain, but also calms it down, this hypothesis was put forward after observations of people of various professions. For example, patients yawn before visiting a doctor, speakers before a speech, students going to an exam, etc. By yawning, a person becomes alert and active, which helps to calm down. Why does a person yawn


Why does a person yawn and ENT

Yawning not only adds oxygen to the blood, but also helps clear out the ears and nose, thus relieving the body of nasal and ear congestion. When you yawn, the sinuses and tubes leading from the throat to the ear open. Also, when yawning, the body regulates the pressure of the middle ear, for example, by yawning you can relieve ear congestion on an airplane, which occurs due to a pressure difference.Why does a person yawn


Why does a person yawn and relax?

Some psychotherapists use yawning as a relaxant, you can test this for yourself by lying on a comfortable bed, open your mouth wide and try to evoke the yawning reflex. As soon as a yawn occurs, you will feel a slight relaxation. Why does a person yawn


Why does a person yawn and circulatory system

If you do nothing for a long time, blood stagnation occurs in the muscles; in order to disperse it, yawning and stretching occur. So, for example, you can remember from your practice when you were sitting in a boring lesson at school, you were not interested, and you constantly yawned, perhaps you were even reprimanded because of yawning. There is a theory that yawning relieves psychological stress on the body. Why does a person yawn


Why does a person yawn and the brain

With passive work or sedentary work, performance slows down nerve cells and the breathing rate decreases, which leads to oxygen starvation of our brain. When yawning, the body replenishes the lack of oxygen and improves blood flow to the brain, the brain receives oxygen nutrition and begins to work better. At the moment of yawning, a person’s muscles tense, and gymnastics of the muscles and blood vessels of the head occurs, as a result of which a better blood throughput with oxygen is activated. Why does a person yawn


Why does a person yawn and temperature

There is another interesting reason why a person yawns, this is the cooling of the brain at the moment of yawning. When you yawn, you take in a breath of cool air, which cools the brain.

RESULTS: We assume that some causes of yawning may occur in life, for example, we believe that yawning occurs to replenish oxygen in the blood, which gives better activity to the brain, and accordingly, vigor and activity appear. This is confirmed by pulling up while waking up; by yawning, a person receives a large portion of air, and stretching serves as mini gymnastics for better distribution of oxygen throughout the body. In our opinion, this is the main reason why a person yawns.


There is no person in the world who has never yawned. Even the unborn fetus in the womb yawns.

What is yawning?

Experts in the field of anatomy and medicine describe yawning as a reflexive breathing act, which is accompanied by a deep inhalation and a short exhalation. During yawning, the mouth, pharynx and glottis are open, so at such a moment the body receives a large amount of oxygen.

What are its reasons?

Why does a person yawn? There are many explanations for what could cause this phenomenon. However, not all of them are fully studied and scientifically substantiated.

Scientists highlight following reasons occurrence of yawning:

  1. Maintaining the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the human body.
  2. Protection nervous system. Yawning can occur during some exciting event or during a conversation. IN in this case it acts as a sedative that helps the body cope with stress.
  3. Lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.
  4. The body needs an energy boost. During yawning, the body is enriched with oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and can be considered as a kind of stimulus for activating energy reserves.
  5. Relaxation. Very often a person begins to yawn when he wants to sleep. In this case, the mechanism of action of yawning is as follows: it allows the body to relax and better prepare for sleep.

  1. Yawning initiates the opening of the communicating channels of the throat and ears, thereby relieving the feeling of congestion due to temporary pressure dissonance.
  2. Regulation of brain temperature. Often a person yawns while extreme heat when the brain needs additional cooling due to air intake.

Why is yawning contagious?

In places with large crowds of people, you can often observe the response of people around you to the fact that someone yawned. It manifests itself in the fact that a few seconds after one person yawns, everyone who observed this phenomenon, begin to yawn one after another. According to experts, there may be two reasons for this phenomenon.

Nonverbal reflex

The "nonverbal reflex" theory suggests that yawning is passed from one person to another due to "primitive memory." Our ancestors, who lived under a primitive communal system, did not communicate using speech apparatus. Therefore, when people went to bed at the same time, the leader’s yawn was regarded as a “signal” to sleep for the entire tribe. And they were obliged to support him with an appropriate response.


The fact that in a large group only a few people become “infected” by yawning when someone else yawns may indicate their tendency toward empathy. Studies conducted in America, England and Japan have proven that those who have a more developed area of ​​the brain responsible for empathy preferentially “pick up” yawns.

Why do my eyes water when I yawn?

Many people have probably noticed that when you yawn, your eyes water. This is easily explained by human physiology. During yawning, the eyes close, which leads to compression of the lacrimal sac and contraction of blood vessels in the tear ducts.

Therefore, tears do not always have time to get into the nasopharynx and pour out of the eyes.

Why do some people yawn during prayer?

Often people begin to involuntarily yawn during prayer. Believers explain this reaction by the presence of an evil eye or damage in the yawning person.

However, if this is a completely normal physiological phenomenon, try to evaluate it with scientific point view - the conclusions will look like this:

  • Most often people yawn in the morning or evening time- Church services usually take place at this time. During this period, the body has not yet fully engaged in work and tries to enrich the brain with oxygen through yawning. Or it’s time to get ready for bed, that is, it’s time to relax.
  • If a person prays in front of others and says the prayer out loud, then yawning can begin simply from elementary excitement.

How to deal with yawning?

If yawning occurs periodically, then there is no reason to worry. However, if a person yawns frequently and continuously, such a phenomenon can serve as a signal that the body senses oxygen starvation, is on the verge of exhaustion or is experiencing some kind of malfunction.

In this case, following these simple recommendations can help you overcome yawning:

Exercise "deep breaths"

At certain intervals (for example, after 1 hour), it will be useful to take 5-6 deep, slow breaths. When an inappropriate yawn is approaching, you must deep breath through the mouth and exhale through the nose, or moisten the lips with water (first the upper one, then the lower one).

The duration of sleep varies for each person: for some, full recovery It is enough to sleep 8-10 hours a day, and for some people even 6 hours is enough. It is very important to determine your amount of time and get enough sleep regularly.

Also, if possible, try to rest during the day. IN daytime A rest of 20 minutes will help the body relax and gain strength, while it will not allow you to switch to full sleep.

Straight back

To keep your spine healthy and prevent yawning, you should constantly monitor your posture. With a bent back, the diaphragm does not work “to its fullest,” which can initiate causeless “yawning.”

Sports and healthy lifestyle

During sports, the body is saturated with oxygen, which allows a person to remain alert throughout the day. In addition to training, it would be highly advisable to avoid bad habits and take walks in the fresh air as often as possible.

Proper nutrition

A full-fledged fortified diet and proper nutrition can also prevent the occurrence of yawning. moderate amount. It is advisable to include in meals only those foods that belong to healthy eating(exclude fast food, excessively high-calorie sweets, food waste).

In addition, you should try to drink 1.5-2 liters of purified water per day.


Also, reducing the intake of a variety of foods to the required minimum will help eliminate the appearance of causeless yawning. medicinal drugs, especially antihistamines.

» What does yawning mean?

Why does a person yawn and what does it mean when you yawn?

According to Dutch psychologist Walter Seuntjens, who spent eighteen years studying data from a variety of sciences, yawning has a mainly erotic meaning. Consciously or not, it represents an invitation to sex. The sensations that accompany yawning are often even described as a “mini-orgasm.”

To support his thesis, the scientist mentions that yawning in macaques is a sign of sexual alpha dominance, and therefore superiority (which, it turns out, is the reason your bosses are annoyed when you yawn in meetings). So don't yawn in the office. Your colleagues will have every reason to view you with suspicion.

Countgents believes that there is still no satisfactory explanation for yawning. He says the traditional explanation for hypoxia - that yawning is the body's way to get more oxygen - has yet to be proven. In fact, the phenomenon of yawning is still a mystery. “In fact, we really have no idea what causes yawning and what purposes yawning serves, what mechanisms are responsible for it, or even what basic anatomical components are involved. In an era when the human genome has already been deciphered and space travel become a platitude, this verdict may sound like an insult,” he writes.

The psychologist also claims that when taking certain antidepressants, yawning can cause spontaneous orgasms. He adds: “When discussing pathology, I found that yawning and spontaneous ejaculation were mentioned together.” He presented the results of his research in the work On Yawning or the Hidden sexuality of the Human Yawn, published by the University of Amsterdam in 2004.

Why do you want to yawn?

We yawn when we are tired or when our hungry stomach screams. However, there are also yawns that express aggression or boredom.

If you exclude savory yawning, when your eyes simply get stuck together, then the repeated yawning of your interlocutor does not necessarily indicate that he needs rest.

Inappropriate yawning may be a subconscious reaction to suppressed aggression. He yawns not because he is bored, but because his counterpart (i.e. you) is boring or annoying him. Therefore, if your interlocutor yawns continuously, try to end the conversation as quickly as possible. He should apologize for not getting enough sleep if your conversation puts him to sleep or if your arguments get on his nerves.

Why do you often yawn while covering your mouth with your hand?

Is it really just a matter of politeness, elegance or hygiene that makes people cover their mouths when they yawn? The real reason in another: there was a time when they believed that the soul could slip out along with the exhalation if the mouth opened too wide. Therefore, it was necessary to cover the mouth, which was opening from fatigue, with one’s hand - in order to prevent the premature departure of the soul. This same hand simultaneously served as an obstacle that prevented evil spirits from taking advantage of the opportunity to penetrate the body.

What does yawning mean?

Your counterpart yawns with his mouth closed.

Such yawning is most often a reflex. Quite often it betrays the active skepticism of the yawner. Your interlocutor doubts your integrity in general and yours in particular.

Your interlocutor yawns, mouth wide open.

Yawning without covering your mouth is a sign of contempt or bad upbringing. It’s better to know in advance how to approach this, especially if we're talking about About work. “This is just a brilliant idea,” says someone, stifling a yawn. Even a compliment is unable to hide the disdain evident in the gesture; Absolutely nothing changes if the conversation takes place over the phone.

Why does a person yawn often?

Frequent yawning is a sign of boredom combined with active aversion.

If your interlocutor yawns several times while covering his mouth back side palms, it means that your counterpart is completely uninterested in everything you say. Lower the curtain! This is a signal of rejection.

Your interlocutor yawns continuously, covering his mouth with his fingertips and tapping his lips with them.

It was very likely that the fingers called the mouth to order, inviting it to remain silent instead of entering into unnecessary debate.

Your interlocutor yawns, covering his mouth with a half-closed fist.

The gesture being performed is a symbol of obvious rejection! A closed hand is always a sign of aggression.

Prepared from: Messinger J. C. Ces gestes qui vous trahissent - Paris: France, 2013

By yawning, a person replenishes the balance of oxygen in the cells. This reflex is unconscious, it manifests itself at the request of the body. By studying it, some patterns can be identified.

When we yawn:

  • In the morning, after waking up.
  • At work or study, during active brain activity.
  • During times of stress and tension.
  • After a long period of immobility: at work, during lectures, students yawn one after another.
  • In airplane.
  • Before bedtime.

There are several possible answers to the question of why a person yawns often. Scientists have not fully studied this process, but were able to identify some features.

It was possible to establish that by yawning, we receive a dose of oxygen in the brain tissue. This activates the brain.

Oxygen promotes normal operation gray matter, facilitates the processes of memorization and analysis.

Important! This explains yawning during studying and important negotiations. A person yawns not because he is bored.

This is a common misconception. Boredom and yawning have nothing to do with each other. The need for oxygen is explained by active brain activity, which confirms the interlocutor’s interest.

It happens that a person yawns from lack of sleep. This is how the body copes with the desire to fall asleep here and now.

The flow of oxygen invigorates, helps to continue active work. He expresses not the desire to fall asleep, but the desire to stay awake, which destroys generally accepted stereotypes.

The yawning reflex helps solve another problem of the body. With pressure drop environment the pressure inside the body changes.

Sudden changes can cause some failures. So, we feel stuffy ears when flying.

Yawning relieves the symptom of stuffy ears, freeing you from it. This explains why people yawn during air travel.

Why do some people yawn during prayer?

Saying a prayer is an interesting process from a physiological point of view. It is known that a person reading a prayer falls into a special state, which is characterized by inner peace.

Faith presupposes complete dependence on higher powers- from God. Believers are convinced that everything is the will of the Lord.

This removes responsibility from the person. The belief that God forgives everything is reassuring.

These aspects make believers stronger morally. Faith strengthens the spirit. These processes occur on a subconscious level.

People are cleansed spiritually, which leads to their psychological and physical state back to normal.

Prayer truly heals because a person is freed from oppressive feelings:

  • The feeling of guilt goes away - God forgives sinners.
  • Feeling heartache becomes dull - everything is the will of the Almighty, there is no reason to grieve.
  • Anger and irritation go away - this is a sin, prayer calms you down, allowing you to collect your thoughts.
  • Anxiety and fears disappear - everything is God’s will, he is merciful, he will help and protect.

Psychologically, being a believer means being more resilient and mentally healthy.

The subconscious does not allow long, deep experiences, since inside a person there are beliefs aimed at getting rid of difficult experiences. Faith works wonders with that. Who believes.

Having understood the processes that occur with a person when reading a prayer, one can draw conclusions about the reasons that make one constantly yawn.

Yawning during prayer can be explained in several ways:

Causes Explanation Notes
Experiences A person feels shame for his sins, fear of punishment These emotions cause the need for oxygen to awaken brain activity to resolve problems.
Morning and evening hours Believers pray at any time, but more often they read prayers in the morning and evening, when a person still wants to sleep At this time, the human body wakes up or prepares for sleep, which causes the yawning reflex
Reading prayers causes oxygen starvation Improper breathing during constant reading causes lack of oxygen Yawning occurs reflexively, in order to replenish oxygen
The smell of incense and stuffy room Yawning in church is a sign of insufficient oxygen availability due to large quantity believers and the aroma of incense In this case, yawning is justified by the lack of oxygen in the environment

There is a version that yawning while reading a prayer is caused by evil forces designed to prevent the believer from turning to God.

This is a delusion of dark superstitious people who do not realize that faith and superstition are incompatible things.

There is no mystical background to yawning; it is an evolutionary reflex aimed at maintaining the optimal state of the body for a specific activity.

How to deal with yawning and what to do if you constantly want to yawn

The constant desire to yawn can be caused by a number of diseases that prevent the supply of oxygen to the tissues.

If you yawn constantly, at any time of the day, and this continues for several days or weeks, you should consult a doctor.

The examination will help identify the disease early stage and fix it without any problems.

More often than not, yawning is caused by a combination of factors. During a strong nervous tension adrenaline is released into the body.

It is removed from it through active movements and sports. Wanting to get rid of adrenaline, the body starts processes that reduce the level of oxygen in the tissues.

When there is a strong experience, the blood flow is disrupted - the person turns pale and begins to breathe quickly. All this is due to a lack of oxygen inside.

It is quite natural that in stressful situation the yawning process is activated.

There are several ways to replenish oxygen in your cells to rid yourself of the urge to yawn:

  • Regular sleep of at least 7 hours.
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air.
  • Sports activities.
  • Proper nutrition.


In various rituals, yawning is considered a certain symbol. Healers who heal with the power of prayer and spells associate the desire to yawn with certain properties.

If, while reading a prayer over a person, the healer has a desire to yawn, this means that the person’s energy has been subjected to strong external influence.

Knowledgeable people say that the desire to yawn during conspiracies is a sign of envy. This means that the person being treated with prayer is envied by many.

Believing it or not is a personal matter for everyone. There is much evidence that prayer healing works various ailments faster than medication.

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Many studies have been devoted to the phenomenon of yawning, but scientists still cannot agree on the main purpose of this phenomenon. Let's try to understand the most common hypotheses, some of which are quite original.

Lack of oxygen
For quite a long time it was believed that with the help of yawning, the body takes a breath of air and replenishes the lack of oxygen in the blood. As a result, this theory was refuted, since a person who was given more oxygen or placed in a newly ventilated room did not stop yawning. This means that it is not a matter of oxygen and its quantity.

Brain cooling
According to another theory, a person supposedly yawns to cool the brain. Experiments conducted by American scientists demonstrated that those subjects who had cold compresses applied to their foreheads yawned less often when watching videos of people yawning than subjects without compresses or with warm compresses on the forehead. If the subjects were asked to breathe only through their nose, they also yawned less often, because in this case, when breathing, the brain receives cooler blood than when breathing through the mouth.

Presumably, another purpose of yawning may be the need for the body to stretch and relax tired and tight muscles. First of all, this applies to the muscles of the pharynx and tongue, but also to the muscles of the whole body: this is why a person often stretches when yawning. Perhaps this kind of warm-up of the muscles while cooling the brain will help invigorate the body and come to a state of readiness.

That is why frequent yawning, the reasons for which have not yet been determined, can “attack” a person before some important event: an artist can yawn before a performance, a student before exams, a parachutist before a jump. When a person is bored or wants to sleep, he also yawns, because the process of yawning will help invigorate numb muscles and a sleepy brain.

Yawning helps your ears
While flying on an airplane, it is very useful to yawn: it will help get rid of congestion in the ears, which occurs when there is a difference in pressure outside and inside the head. eardrum. Since the middle ear cavity communicates with the pharynx through special channels, yawning, by opening these channels, helps equalize the pressure in the ears.

Mirror neurons
Yawning is incredibly contagious. A person begins to yawn not only at the sight of people yawning real life people, but even when viewing photos and videos of people yawning. Often you only need to think or read about yawning to start yawning uncontrollably yourself. However, not everyone has the ability to perform a mirror yawn. Children under five years of age are resistant to mirror yawning because they do not yet have the ability to empathize with other people, and children with autism do not become infected with yawning, either when they actually see it or when watching a video of them yawning. How to explain this phenomenon?

The contagiousness of yawning is created by the so-called mirror neurons, which are located in the cerebral cortex, not only in humans, but also in primates and some birds. Mirror neurons have empathy, firing when a person observes someone else doing something. It is mirror neurons that determine the ability to imitate - it is clearly visible, for example, when studying foreign language and with empathy: it’s as if we not only notice the state of another person, but also actually experience it ourselves. One of the most striking examples of imitative behavior is mirror yawning.

Animals yawn too
Scientists believe that imitative yawning appeared in primates when coordinating the actions of group members: if one of the primates yawned in danger, his state was transmitted to the rest, and the group quickly came to a state of readiness for action.

Yawning is not only transmitted from person to person, but also from person to dogs. It has been noticed that the dog begins to yawn at the sight of its owner and other people yawning. At the same time, it is impossible to deceive the dog: if you simply open your mouth, imitating a yawn, it will not yawn in response. Next to a yawning person, the dog becomes relaxed and sleepy, that is, it copies not only the owner’s behavior, but also his physiological state.

Yawning as a sign of intimacy
Italian scientists discovered in 2011 that the contagiousness of yawning demonstrates a measure of emotional closeness between people, since it most often occurs among friends and close relatives of the yawner. Distant acquaintances and strangers are much less likely to become infected with yawning.

Yawning as a symptom of illness
Frequent, prolonged yawning may be a sign various diseases– from body thermoregulation, high blood pressure, arterial thrombosis and brain stem damage to sleep problems. Frequent yawning also occurs with depression and anxiety (the level of the stress hormone cortisol in the blood increases).

If you are suddenly “attacked” by incessant yawning, you should consult a doctor and check your blood pressure, heart and blood vessels. But first, it won’t hurt to stop being nervous and get a good night’s sleep - suddenly the yawning will disappear by itself.