How to disassemble the battery pack of an electronic cigarette. How to disassemble the eGo electronic cigarette battery. Disassembling an electronic cigarette

Many people know the differences between an e-ciga and a regular one. Email – alternative replacement regular smoking. The device does not cause such significant harm to humans and environment. The essence of the electronic steam generator is that combustion products and harmful substances enter the lungs along with smoke. chemical compounds are completely excluded.

What is needed to disassemble electronics

Many modern models of electronic cigarettes are quite easy to disassemble and unscrew into pieces thanks to the thread. However, there are also such devices that you cannot do without special tools. To disassemble your e-cigarette you need to acquire the following tools:

  1. small tweezers;
  2. a plastic tube with a smaller diameter;
  3. hammer;
  4. pliers;
  5. thin drill;
  6. soldering iron:
  7. needle.

First, you should understand the mechanism of the electronic cigarette itself. Typically, its design consists of a cartridge with smoking liquid (or clearomizer), a battery, and an atomizer (evaporator).

Note that it is mainly the last element that fails. If the evaporator is replaceable, then the malfunction is eliminated by installing a new atomizer. I have an opportunity self-check its serviceability.

So that's it necessary tools at your fingertips. Next, we will tell you what you need to do to disassemble the electronics:

  1. Take tweezers and use them to remove the central contact and unsolder the wire;
  2. Disconnect the cartridge;
  3. Carefully and smoothly bend the battery away from the evaporator: bend and unbend the e-cigarette at the place where these 2 components connect. You need to continue this until you see a gap between the thread and the electronic body.
  4. Carefully remove the housing so as not to damage the fragile connector wires. It is possible to replace the battery.
  5. If removed only outer part body, put it back on and continue bending.
  6. If a thread appears, insert a plastic tube from the side of the cartridge and knock out the “insides” of the evaporator using a hammer. Just don't need to put a lot of effort into it.
  7. Remove the lower plastic washer.
  8. Remove existing wiring. If they are glued, carefully clean the gluing areas with a needle. The wires that are completely glued will have to be torn off with pliers, and the holes with glue will have to be cleaned with a drill.
  9. Remove the metal band from the bottom of the mug.
  10. Remove the bridge, unwind the tape and completely remove it from the glass;
  11. Pull the wire from the battery and remove the coil. If it is severely damaged, pull it out with tweezers from the side where the cartridge is located.
  12. To assemble the ES, do the above steps in reverse order.

Standard devices are disassembled in the same way. You don’t have to worry about how to disassemble the ego t electronic cigarette.

The vaping device needs to be periodically cleaned, repaired, and parts replaced. How to disassemble an electronic cigarette for this? Most modern models The parts are connected using threads, so disassembly should not be a problem. However, some parts will have to be tinkered with.

How to disassemble a cigarette

An electronic cigarette is not that difficult to disassemble. For complete disassembly you will need:

All vaping devices are designed in a similar way, which is why they are disassembled in the same way. Roughly speaking, they consist of three main parts: battery, evaporator, clearomizer (cartridge for solution). The main thing is to know what is where.

The battery usually appears to be a one-piece design, but it can also be disassembled.

Models of e-cigarettes designed similarly are disassembled in the same way. But for the first time it is better to ask someone to show all the stages of disassembly.

The main thing in this process is not to overdo it. The device is durable, but not that strong and can be easily damaged.

How to disassemble an atomizer

Let's look at how to “dismember” an atomizer for cleaning using the eGo-T device as an example.

First you need to separate the insides of the atomizer from its body. You won’t be able to figure it out so easily the first time, but you have to try. To do this, sometimes it is enough to roll it several times on a hard surface, pressing it on top, for example, with plywood. Then, hooking it by the top edge, remove the insides. Remove the rubber sealing ring and separate the top plate. This is done using a screwdriver. There is a wick inside. In order not to cause harm, when removing it, you need to push, not pull. After this, the atomizer can be washed and cleaned.

In other models, the evaporator design may differ, but, in principle, all atomizers are designed similarly. They have a body, seals and what actually allows the liquid to evaporate, that is, a heating element.

Instructions and problems

An electronic cigarette is an automated device that, like all pieces of equipment, can fail due to improper use and long service life. You can repair your e-cigarette either in a specialized workshop or on our own, which, in fact, is what many vapers do.

But in order to repair such a device, you need to clearly know how to disassemble an electronic cigarette. After all, make one wrong move and the gadget can be thrown into the trash.

Before disassembling an electronic cigarette, you need to find out on what principle this device works and what spare parts it consists of.

Regardless of the brand of electronic cigarette, its main components are three parts:

  • atomizer;
  • cartridge;
  • battery pack.

To disassemble such a device for the purpose of repair, you need to understand in detail how these parts work.


An atomizer (clinomizer, steam generator, evaporator) is a device responsible for generating vapor from a smoking liquid. The atomizer consists of a wick and a wire wound on it in the shape of a spiral.

The latter can be made of kanthal, nichrome or stainless steel.

The wick is located in a ceramic bowl equipped with holes for air and fastening its contacts. The wick is closed on top by a bridge, which protects the wick from damage and supplies smoking liquid to it.

The bridge and bowl are wrapped in a metal sponge, through which the vaping liquid is transferred from the cartridge to the atomizer. Vaporization begins during the puff.

An electronic current is supplied to the incandescent wire, due to which it is instantly heated to the maximum temperature. At the same time, the smoking liquid in the cartridge boils and turns into steam, which, in fact, is inhaled by the vaper.


This component is a plastic mouthpiece equipped with a capsule soaked in a liquid mixture for vaping.

Simply put, the cartridge contains smoking liquid.

Battery pack

In e-cigarettes, the battery pack can be made in two forms:

  1. Mechanical.
    It is activated by supplying current by pressing a button, which must be held until the end of the tightening.
  2. Auto.
    Equipped with an LED, due to which, in fact, the blinking of smoldering is simulated. In addition, the battery is also equipped with a pressure sensor, through which the steam generator is turned on when the steamer takes a puff.

The main parts of your vape.

What is required to disassemble an e-cigarette?

Now that we have understood the “insides” of electronic cigarettes, we can begin to consider the question of how to disassemble an electronic cigarette.

To implement this task you will need the following set of tools:

  • small tweezers;
  • pliers;
  • a plastic tube of smaller diameter compared to the device itself;
  • needle;
  • thin drill;
  • a small hammer with a rubber tip.

It would be nice to find a circuit diagram for an electronic cigarette. This will give you confidence in the correctness of your actions. This is especially important if the vaper decides to disassemble the gadget for the first time.

Taking it apart piece by piece

You need to be very careful when disassembling, as well as assembling, electronic cigarettes. The further performance of the gadget depends on this.

So, to disassemble the e-cigarette, you must follow the following step-by-step instructions:

This scheme is used to disassemble almost any vaping device. If you are interested in how to assemble an electronic cigarette, then you should perform all the manipulations described above in reverse order.

And finally

To prevent damage to your electronic cigarette and, accordingly, extend its service life, experts recommend following a few simple but very important rules:

  1. Quality comes first. Inexpensive devices, as well as smoking mixtures, not only have a short service life, but can also harm the e-cigarette user. Therefore, it is very important to purchase smoking liquids, as well as all components for such devices, from certified distributors. Be sure to request quality certificates and check products for originality on the official websites of manufacturers. Don't skimp on your health.
  2. Timely cleaning of the vaping device will help avoid its ineffective operation and damage.
  3. I fill the cartridge with smoking liquid, do not overdo it with its volume. Pour exactly as much as directed according to the instructions. And be sure to rinse the container before refilling with a new e-liquid according to your “taste.”

Knowing how to disassemble an electronic cigarette and how to care for it, the vaper will be able to prevent its breakdown and, if necessary, repair the malfunction. Good luck!

The most common cause of failure of this battery is loose wires or a failed battery. To independently find out the reason why the device is not working, first of all, you need to remove the “head” of the battery by smoothly swinging the clearomizer from side to side.

After this, use tweezers or thin pliers to pull out the sealing plastic gasket and remove the battery from the protective metal tube.

The most common wire that comes off is the one that connects the positive contact and the pin. This occurs due to the fact that when screwing on the clearomizer or charger The pin rotates and an unscrupulously soldered wire can come off. Also, under the influence high temperature Any other wire from the picture above may come off.

If we find a broken contact, repairs using rosin and a soldering iron will take us no more than 5 minutes.

If all contacts are soldered, then the most probable cause failure is the failure of the bank. This can happen due to voltage drops in the network during charging, due to overheating under direct sun rays, falling into water, exhaustion of service life, etc. In this case, you will have to purchase new jar. It can be replaced quite quickly. Solder the red wire to the positive terminal, the black wire to the negative terminal. We isolate the contacts and assemble our device in the reverse order.

Ego battery.

The reasons for the lack of voltage in these models are almost the same as in EVOD batteries - broken wires or battery failure. To understand the cause of the breakdown, first, using smooth rocking motions, carefully separate the “head” from the main part.

Then, using a thin screwdriver, remove the plastic clip and remove the board from it.

We inspect all solder points for integrity.

If any damage is detected, we solder it.

If all the wires are in place, the cause of the breakdown is in the “bank”, its replacement is carried out in the same way as described above with the Evod battery.

After the cause of the breakdown has been eliminated, we assemble all the elements in the reverse order. It is worth noting that assembling the Ego battery is more difficult than disassembling it. The main thing is not to rush, every detail should fall into place.

Quite often, during assembly, the most fragile part - the board - breaks. Therefore, when you insert the board into the clip, when seating it in its place, hold the “head” with the button down and make sure that the positive contact wire does not interfere with the clip’s smooth seating.

If you feel that the clip is resting, do not press on it under any circumstances, the risk of breaking the board is quite high. Pull the clip back out, straighten the wires, check that the button is in its natural position and smoothly put the clip back in place.

You can find a detailed video description of the repair on our YouTube channel by following the link:

Fans of vaping know how to not only disassemble an electronic cigarette, but also easily fix its standard problems. Today we will tell you how to look into the “stuffing” of a popular accessory without harming its functioning.

How to disassemble an electronic cigarette - tools

Most standard devices of this type have unwinding parts connected by threads. You don't even need any special skill. However, to look deeper, you may need special tools, including:

  • tweezers for holding miniature cigarette parts;
  • a cylindrical tube, preferably made of plastic, whose diameter should be smaller than the device itself (useful for placing the contents of a cigarette into it, which can be easily damaged by direct finger pressure);
  • a hammer with rubber tips for safe disassembly of fragile parts;
  • miniature, thin drill;
  • pliers of a suitable size;
  • soldering iron - if you have to repair something;
  • needle.

Disassembling an electronic cigarette

The design of most vape devices is extremely simple. The device consists of three parts: a clearomizer (that is, a cartridge with liquid), a battery and an atomizer, the last of which may or may not be replaceable. Most often, it is this particular component that fails, and in order to fix it, they try to disassemble the cigarette. How to do this?

  • Unscrew the threaded parts of the body. If any parts are twisted with bolts, arm yourself with a screwdriver and remove them.
  • Using tweezers, carefully remove the central contact, and then unsolder the wire.
  • Remove the fluid cartridge and battery. It should be noted that disassembling the battery is highly not recommended - it is better to replace it entirely. Improper handling of this part may even cause an explosion and damage your health.
  • If the battery does not disconnect in the usual way, you can slightly bend and straighten the cigarette, or use a hammer with a rubber tip. Do not apply much force, as the “filling” of the device may be quite fragile.
  • Now remove the bottom plastic washer - just take it out with tweezers, it should not be secured too tightly.
  • We separate the circles of metal tape from the bottom of the device, and unwind the tape across the bridge.
  • We remove the bridge itself, remove the foam that is located near the glass.
  • We grab the spiral with tweezers, removing it along with the wires (from the battery side).
  • If the wires that need to be removed are filled with glue, use a needle to clean the problem areas. IN extreme cases You can separate them with pliers, and the holes that are completely or partially filled with glue can be cleaned using a thin drill.

Collect electronic device exactly the opposite, carefully soldering the disconnected wires and replacing failed parts with new ones. Some inexpensive electronic cigarettes may not require “opening” and repair with replacement of parts. You will have to throw them away by buying a similar or more expensive model.