Is it possible to kill an animal with a stun gun? This is impossible unless you are both lying in the bathtub. The shock from the stun gun will be completely absorbed by the enemy's body. The discharge of a stun gun is capable of penetrating even multi-layered clothing, including fur coats, leather jackets, tanned

The first thing the attacker will feel is a sharp and severe pain, which can lead to shock or loss of consciousness. It all depends on the class of the stun gun and the duration of exposure. One second or less is enough to deliver a strong blow. The aggression goes away instantly. If a person was drunk, then rapid sobering occurs.

With longer exposure (from 2 seconds), a person begins to experience muscle spasms, loss of balance and difficulty breathing, usually ending in loss of consciousness.

As a rule, all symptoms from a shock with a stun gun disappear within 10-20 minutes, depending on the location of the contact, the duration of exposure, the class of the stun gun and the physical form of the attacker.

Does a stun gun discharge leave marks?

If the touch was less than 1-2 seconds, then the likelihood of leaving traces is negligible. With longer exposure, a characteristic trace of an electric shock remains on the skin.

Is it legal to use a stun gun in Moscow?

According to current legislation, a person can use these means of protection, provided that his life and health are in real danger.

At the same time, under no circumstances should you “finish off” the enemy with new discharges. These actions can already be qualified as exceeding the limits of necessary self-defense.

If you are attacked and you use a stun gun, do not get involved in a fight with a defeated enemy. Either hand your attacker over to the police (police) or simply walk away quietly.

Where should you aim the stun gun on the attacker's body?

The least sensitive areas for a stun gun are the areas of the arms and legs, especially if they are protected by thick clothing. Therefore, first of all, you should aim the stun gun at the armpits, groin and those places that are not protected by clothing. In addition, there are sensitive areas in the area: the upper chest, lower abdomen, almost the entire back and sides, as well as the buttocks. In any case, the enemy will be stopped by an electric shock to any part of the body, just the force of the blow and the effect will be different.

What to do with thick winter clothes?

A stun gun discharge can penetrate even multi-layered clothing, including fur coats, leather jackets, sheepskin coats, sweaters, etc.

Stun gun or gas spray/gun?

A stun gun is much more convenient to use. It is ideal for repelling an attack in a confined space (entrance, elevator, staircase, car). Where a gas can/gun would be inconvenient. In addition, a stun gun is a more humane means of action that does not leave long-healing wounds or injuries. It is very simple to use, and even an untrained person can easily understand the operation of the stun gun.

Can a stun gun be used in the rain?

Even in heavy rain, the stun gun retains all its properties. When you return home, do not forget to dry your wet stun gun.

Will I get an electric shock from my opponent?

This is impossible unless you are both lying in the bathtub. The shock from the stun gun will be completely absorbed by the enemy's body.

Can a stun gun cause death?

The stun gun itself is a non-lethal means of defense, that is, one that does not cause death. Killing a person with a stun gun is quite difficult. This question is from the series “Can you kill a person with a spoon? “It’s possible, but you’ll have to work hard.”

A stun gun discharge can kill a person if he has weak heart or a pacemaker is installed. But such people, as a rule, do not attack passers-by in dark alleys, so using a stun gun in Moscow can be considered relatively safe, from a legal point of view. Naturally, if we do not “torment” the fallen enemy with new portions of current.

How does a dog react to a stun gun?

Even the most angry and hungry dog ​​can be afraid of a small stun gun. This happens for three reasons.

Firstly, when activated, the stun gun makes a strong crackling noise, frightening the animal with an unnatural sound. Secondly, during operation of the stun gun, chemical reaction with the release of ozone, a special gas that makes dogs shy away like the Devil from incense. And thirdly, if the attack occurred in dark time days, then the stun gun will also frighten the dog with a light flash (electric arc).

A stun gun (or simply a stun gun) is a highly effective means of self-defense that does not require permits to be worn in Ukraine and beyond, affordable and easy to use. Its simplicity and reliability have made it a popular protective device against attacks by dogs, hooligans, and street thieves, and its compactness and lightness allows you to always have it with you. Gained particular popularity among women. The effect of a stun gun on a person will not lead to serious injuries, but will ensure your safety by paralyzing the enemy.

Modern stun gun: consequences of use for humans

The blow will not harm your health, but this does not mean that the device is ineffective against attacks. His main task is to stop the enemy, which he does very well. Instant distribution across muscle tissue causes strong sharp pain, short-term paralysis, orientation in space is disturbed, which is why stun guns are often called “disorientators.” Muscle contraction and suppression of brain impulses make attack physically impossible.

Even in close contact with an attacker, using a stun gun is absolutely safe. The attackers and the defender himself, thrown back several meters as a result of the use of a stun gun, are just movie fictions that have no basis in fact. The enemy receives a shock only in the place where it was applied. The shocker can be used at a distance due to its special design, and even in rainy weather.

Power classes of stun guns

In 1974, John Cover patented a “means of immobilization and detention” in the United States - a modern one, the consequences of the use of which today are divided into the following classes depending on the power and duration of contact:

  1. Shockers (from 1000 kV to 5000 kV) are most often used to scare away animals. The short-term effect of a stun gun on a person is rather a psychological means of defense that scares away the attacker.
  2. Disorientators (from 5000 kV) call severe pain, paralysis, numbness, short-term loss consciousness. As a result of application, only a barely noticeable burn of a reddish tint may remain (and only if you touch open area skin).
  3. Third class (power from 12500 kV) is already a professional stun gun, the consequences of such a device are more serious. A blow with such a shocker will stop the enemy in long term, fainting can last up to half an hour. In practice, they are most often used by intelligence officers.

Can you kill with a stun gun?

The effect of a stun gun on a person is absolutely safe. Over the long history of using the device, not a single death. The power of the stun gun is simply not enough to stop the heart. Manufacturers relying on medical research, take into account acceptable standards effects on the human body. The possibility of death is completely excluded.

Is it possible to kill a sick person? Repeated testing has shown the safety of using a stun gun on people with high blood pressure, heart problems, high level adrenaline in the blood, as well as on drunk or drugged individuals. Even an unexpected blow and prolonged powerful impact on the zones nerve endings(groin, neck, rib cage) will not cause serious injury. In addition, not all models allow direct contact with the enemy’s skin, especially if he is wearing thick outer clothing (especially winter), which also eliminates the risk of serious injury.

Stun guns are one of the most popular means of self-defense at the moment.

They became widespread due to the lack of special permission for their acquisition and use.

But is a stun gun justifiably considered a safe means of self-defense? Let's try to understand how the action of a stun gun affects the human or animal body.

What types of stun guns are there?

Stun guns vary both in their power and in the duration of contact. In general, they can be divided into three categories:

  1. Regular shockers, which serve as a means of repelling both animals and people. The current voltage in them is less than 35 kilovolts, so there is no strong physical action they don't provide. The maximum effect from such a device is slight numbness in the limbs and fear from loud sound and flashes.
  2. Disorientators- These are stun guns with a voltage of 35 to 50 kilovolts. The use of this shocker may leave traces in the form of a small red burn if the blow falls on an open area of ​​skin. Also, the consequences of a shock with such a shocker are noticeable pain for 10-15 seconds, disorientation in space and inhibition of movements for a short time.
  3. Professional shockers voltage up to 60 kilovolts. Used to neutralize the enemy for a sufficiently long time for a long time. Loss of consciousness and paralysis from a powerful electric shock can last up to half an hour.

Also, stun guns can be divided into contact and contact-remote. The first type of shocker is effective only in direct contact with the enemy’s body.

For desired effect you need to get close enough to the person, lean the shocker and hold it for a few more seconds.

In the second case, a socket is installed between the electrodes of the stun gun, from which, when fired, the electrodes fly 10-15 centimeters apart and hit the enemy. This shocker can be used both in close contact and at a distance of up to 4 meters.

Expert advice: In order for the use of a contact stun gun to be as effective as possible, it is best to either “lean” on the attacker or use a grappling technique. If upon contact with the body you do not hear the sound of a discharge, it means that the entire charge has gone into the enemy’s body, and you used the shocker correctly.

Is the impact of a stun gun on a person dangerous?

Experts answer this question unequivocally - no.

By at least, in Russia, unlike European countries or America, no deaths have been reported.

In our Russian stores you can only buy a certified self-defense product that strictly complies with Russian regulations in terms of its power.

And if the voltage in the device increases, then the current strength, the effect of which is what leads to death, decreases significantly.

That is why even the most powerful shocker can only knock a person out for a while.

It is important to know: When using any type of shocker, it is important to understand the principle of their operation. If used incorrectly, there is a risk that the enemy, reacting in time, will knock the shocker out of your hands, use it against you, or you will harm yourself with your own blow.

Moreover, in terms of the consequences of use, a stun gun is safer than a gas or traumatic gun.

Is it possible to kill an animal with a stun gun?

Most often, a conventional stun gun is used to scare away stray, aggressive dogs.

A loud, unpleasant sound, sparks, and the smell of ozone can really drive your dog away from you, without having to have close contact with it.

However, if an aggressive animal attacks, there is an option to hit the dog in the head or nose with a stun gun - if the device is powerful enough, this blow will be fatal for the dog.

The effect of any stun gun is tolerated by animals heavier than humans. There are known cases when even bulls or orangutans were stunned with the help of a stun gun.

There are stationary high-power electroshock devices that are used on farms and households for slaughtering livestock or poultry.

This shocker can easily kill both a chicken and a large pig by attaching electrodes to the animal’s head.

Not everyone knows that you can make a stun gun with your own hands at home; a craftsman from the following video will tell you how to cope with this task:

A heated debate has begun in Canada over the use of the Taser stun gun, which belongs to the group of non-lethal weapons. It is believed that the use of these means cannot cause harm to human health, but practice shows that under certain conditions a stun gun can cause the death of a person.

Recently, a video of a murder committed by police on October 14 at Vancouver Airport became available to the general public. The unarmed immigrant from Poland, who did not speak English, stayed at the airport for about 10 hours, waiting to be allowed to meet his mother. According to witnesses, he tried to explain something in his native language, got nervous and tried to break the glass partition.

The police who arrived at the scene struck the offender with a Taser electric shock, after which he died on the spot. Witnesses say four charges were fired.

The autopsy did not show any traces of drugs or alcohol in the body of the deceased.

Less than five days after what happened in Vancouver, a similar incident occurred in Montreal. There, 39-year-old Quil Registe became the victim of a Taser.

Police said he was intoxicated while driving his car. Registe was also reported to have driven his vehicle into several other vehicles.

50 thousand volts fired from a stun gun into the offender’s body instantly immobilized him. In the hospital, Registe's condition deteriorated sharply, and three days later he died of liver and heart failure. Now the family of the deceased intends to sue the police.

Since 2003, Taser use has caused the deaths of at least 17 people in Canada, Canadian media say. In the United States, this figure is even higher - 150 people.

Not every heart can withstand the charge of a stun gun. In September, they tried to subdue a University of Florida student with electric shocks after making an unflattering speech about John Curry. Footage of the young man writhing from extreme pain, went around the whole world.

One of the most authoritative international human rights organizations, Amnesty International, demands that the use of Tasers be stopped until the consequences of using this weapon are examined through a comprehensive independent study. The Ottawa authorities have already promised to conduct an inspection.

In response to criticism of stun gun manufacturers, Vice President of TASER International Inc. Steve Tuttle presented the results of a study according to which 99.7% of people against whom a Taser was used were not harmed.

The material was prepared by the online editors of based on information from open sources

03.05.2018 4602

Powerful spark gaps are available for sale in impressive quantities. But simply owning an effective weapon is not enough - you need to know how to use it, where to hit with a shocker, what effects it can cause. We will try to answer these questions in this article.

What effects does a spark gap cause?

Before a person is “knocked out” by electric shock, he will feel a whole host of different painful sensations. Spark gaps of the highest power class are distinguished by their ability to paralyze aggressors. Exposure to an electric arc produces a crushing blow - the enemy is thrown to the ground, his breath is taken away, a painful shock occurs, and the attacker loses spatial orientation. It looks like the effect of being hit by a heavyweight boxer, only without the fractures and bruises.

Electromagnetic impulses, penetrating the nerve trunks, provoke numerous muscle spasms in the area of ​​impact. The enemy loses coordination, the body stops obeying him. By contracting convulsively, muscles transmit chaotic signals to the central nervous system. Unable to process unusual information, the brain may simply “reboot,” resulting in deep fainting. It is important to know which shocker can “knock out” a person - the probability and duration of a knockout depend on its voltage, power and other parameters.

Where to hit with a shocker: the best places to apply the shock

  • Limbs. The discharge only blocks musculoskeletal system, the enemy loses the ability to walk or move his arms, but remains conscious.
  • Belly or back. Most often in a fight you manage to hit one of these zones. The discharge causes difficulty breathing, noticeable pain, shock, but often the aggressor remains on his feet.
  • Solar plexus, neck, groin - the most effective attacks. Places of mass accumulation of nerve endings are especially sensitive to pain; a discharge directed into them causes not only severe pain shock, but also muscular paralysis. The most likely critical damage is knockdown and knockout.
  • Head. “Forbidden zone” for owners of stun guns. A blow can cause injury and even fatal, a lot of problems and criminal liability. The defender should avoid even accidental blows to the brain area!

Remember: To knock a person out with a shocker, the duration of the discharge must be at least 3-4 seconds!

What kind of shocker can “knock out” a person? Review of the most effective ESAs

The most “breaking” spark gaps must meet a number of requirements. Voltage - at least 50-60,000 Kilovolts, power - about 3 Watts, first class. Classic “toothed” electrodes facilitate knockout; the distance between them should be at least 2-3 centimeters.

What kind of stun gun can “knock out” a person? In our assortment, the knockout group is represented by models and. These are professional dischargers of a classic shape, with massive conductive “teeth” that easily pierce clothes, excellent ergonomics, guaranteeing extremely strong pressing of the electrodes to the enemy’s body and the most concentrated discharge.

The mini-shock gun also has increased knockout properties. "Groza-2M" and the most powerful electric-discharge flashlight - the only shocker flashlight that has a classic electrode system. Also, of course, electric shock batons and .

Although they have a coronal rather than a serrated type of electrodes, the enormous voltage of a million volts makes it possible to easily send even hardy and physically strong attackers to “rest”!

In our catalog you can easily choose with the appropriate parameters.