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In winter, the body suffers from beriberi - the amount fresh vegetables and fruit is declining, and vitamins need to be taken from somewhere. In this case, kiwi comes to the rescue - a tasty and sour fruit that contains great amount vitamins and microelements. In kiwi more vitamin With than even in a lemon! Moreover, the fruit can be eaten whole with pleasure, unlike yellow citrus. But how to eat kiwi correctly? Some people, seeing this hairy fruit for the first time, do not know which side to use it on. We will tell you about the healthiest and useful ways eating kiwi. But first, let's figure out how the fruit affects our body.

Kiwi's benefit

  1. As noted, kiwi contains a lot of vitamin C, which is able to withstand colds by strengthening the immune system. By eating kiwi fruit regularly, you can get through the fall and winter without sick days.
  2. Regular consumption of kiwi reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases. Kiwi contains potassium, which has a great effect on the cardiovascular system.
  3. Kiwi is a mild natural laxative that is suitable for children, the elderly and pregnant women. The last, by the way, kiwi is useful not only for the prevention of constipation - the fruit contains a huge amount folic acid, which reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the neural tube of the fetus.
  4. Kiwi thins the blood and daily use reduces the risk of blood clots.
  5. Kiwi is great for work respiratory system- relieves cough, eliminates shortness of breath, is able to suppress an asthma attack.

When buying this fruit, it is better to choose ripe and slightly soft fruits. They have a sweet taste and fragrant juice. If the fruit is tough, wrap it in paper and leave it at room temperature for a couple of days. During this time, it will ripen, and you can use it with pleasure.

How to eat kiwi

There are many ways to eat this fruit, we will tell you about the most popular.

  1. The easiest option is to eat the fruit, peeling it from the skin. Use a plastic knife for this so that the juice does not oxidize from metal and does not lose vitamin C. This method is applicable for strong fruits, soft kiwi is quite difficult to peel. After peeling, cut the kiwi into easy-to-eat pieces. They can be eaten with your hands or just with a fork (remember, plastic). Small bones or kiwi seeds do not need to be removed - they are quite soft. In addition, they contain the main trace elements.
  2. If the fruit is soft, it is better to eat it that way. Cut a kiwi in half and just take a half in your hands like a glass of ice cream. Carefully scoop out the contents of the peel with a spoon and put it in your mouth with pleasure. it best way preserve the juice of ripe kiwi, because when cut it flows - it is inconvenient to eat it. By the way, this way of eating kiwi is considered the most correct and intelligent. It is recommended to eat exotic fruit in etiquette books.
  3. Some advise eating kiwi as a whole, right with the skin on. How is this possible, you ask? Indeed, the peel of this fruit contains a huge amount useful substances, even more than in the pulp itself. Therefore, many adherents healthy eating They eat kiwi with the skin on. Soft hairs do not irritate the mucous membrane, but if desired, you can first get rid of them. To do this, rinse the kiwifruit under running water, wiping it with a metal sponge for dishes. After such a “hair removal”, eating kiwi with a peel will be much more pleasant. This is an amateur, how to eat pomegranate and grapes with or without seeds, everyone decides for themselves.

These simple tips will help you not to delay eating a ripe and juicy fruit, but to use it the way you want.

How else to eat kiwi

We present to your attention the recipes and ways to use this green fruit.

  1. Kiwi is actively used in the preparation of pastries and desserts. After heat treatment the fruit becomes soft, its aggressive acid is eliminated, from which sometimes there is a soreness.
  2. Kiwi is added to desserts in fresh- prepare fruit salads from fruits, decorate cocktails.
  3. Whip kiwi fruit with milk and cream for a delicious and flavorful smoothie that will refresh you on a hot summer day.
  4. Kiwi pulp can be crushed and mixed with sugar, lemon and nuts. Bring the mass to a boil several times and get a deliciously fragrant citrus jam.
  5. Kiwi is used to make meat marinades. Certain acids act on tough meat fibers, which speeds up the marinating process several times. This method is often used when you need to prepare meat in just a few hours. In addition, kiwi gives the meat a special delicate taste and slight sourness.
  6. If after each meal you eat a piece of kiwi or orange, this will allow the products to be better digested. This is a great trick if you want to lose weight.
  7. If a child coughs for a long time, he can be helped with kiwi fruit salad. Cut the fruit into small pieces, sprinkle with cinnamon and season with honey. All ingredients have an anti-inflammatory effect. After such a sweet medicine, the cough will become much less pronounced.

When mixing kiwi with dairy products, be prepared for the fact that after a while the fruit juice will begin to break down proteins. Therefore, kiwi should be added only before serving the dish. If you have stomach problems, be careful when eating kiwi - it contains a lot of acid, which can be dangerous when consumed. hyperacidity.

Do you know what kiwi used to be called Chinese gooseberry? Indeed, if you look at the fruit in a section, you can find many similarities with this berry. Kiwi is among the twenty most nutritious foods consumed by a person regularly. Eat kiwi, strengthen your immune system and be ready to resist colds!

Video: how to peel a kiwi quickly and easily

Kiwi is undoubtedly a useful exotic fruit that can make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals. necessary for the body substances. In addition, it is very tasty and has a funny appearance. However, this hairy skin of his is very problematic to clean. Therefore, it is worth learning how to quickly peel kiwi from it. After all, this skin interferes so much when you want to enjoy the fruit.

How to quickly peel a kiwi?

How to peel a kiwi?

the most banal and the usual way peel the kiwi - cut the skin with a knife. No matter how boring it may sound. But it's quite simple if you know a couple of secrets when cleaning:

  • to begin with, kiwi should be thoroughly washed with soap and running water. Including his "ass";
  • then find a knife with a serrated blade - it will be much easier to cut the skin;
  • take kiwi in left hand, knife - to the right;
  • slightly pick up the skin with a knife and start to remove it in the same way as when peeling potatoes. But you can not squeeze the fruit with a knife or fingers! It is much softer than a potato, and it does not need extra pressure.

You need to be careful when cleaning with a knife. Carelessness will deprive the pulp on the skin. But this is the easiest way to peel a kiwi. Because unusual methods can not be applied immediately. You have to practice beforehand.

Original Kiwi Peeling Methods

As soon as they did not scoff at this unfortunate fruit, those who wanted to get to its pulp. From here, unusual ways appeared on how to peel a kiwi, videos of which can be found all over the Internet. Only two are the most effective or convenient. But there are enough of them to enjoy a delicious fruit without extra hairs on it. The methods are as follows:

  • the first unusual way- corny to pick out with a spoon all the pulp from the cut fruit;
  • to do this, you need to divide it into two parts across, and then stick a teaspoon (or a dessert spoon if the kiwi is large) from the edge;
  • then rotate clockwise, cutting out all the pulp;
  • if something remains on the walls, you can always pick it up with a spoon.

Or cut off both “butts” from kiwi and insert a spoon on one side, tearing the flesh from the skin in the same way.

Kiwi, although a long-known fruit in our society, is nevertheless not very popular. Most often, people prefer apples, oranges and bananas, and this bright green fruit covered with rough skin is rarely chosen. And in vain, because this is a real storehouse useful properties for the body.

The composition of kiwi, caloric content, energy value

The average weight of a kiwi is 100 g. Most of the fruit is water - 84%. It also contains proteins (about 1%), fats (less than 1%), carbohydrates (about 10%). This fruit is low in calories. The energy value one medium kiwi - 48 kcal. Kiwi - good source dietary fiber. In addition, it includes a nicotinic acid and various sugars.

Kiwi is rich in vitamins, namely: C, A, B1, B2, PP, B6, B 12, E, K1 (phylloquinone), D, as well as beta-carotene. This fruit contains a lot of fiber, potassium, calcium, magnesium, pectin, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc, antioxidants and amino acids, fruit acids, vegetable protein actinidin, flavonoids, organic acids. Kiwi contains the enzyme actidin, which breaks down proteins. It promotes the breakdown of proteins, normalizes the level of blood clotting, and has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Kiwifruit is rich in antioxidants, especially in the skin. So kiwi can be eaten directly with it, but carefully cleaned of hairs.

Kiwi is able to display extra salt from the body, which is useful for its lovers. A couple of medium-sized kiwis provide 1/4 of our body's need for folic acid. Pyridoxine in fruit is less - 4% of daily allowance. This vitamin is needed by pregnant women, lactating women, as well as children and the elderly.

Kiwi should be consumed diabetes since it has a low glycemic index, and at the same time is delicious product. The fruit contains natural sugar, but in an optimal amount, which does not disrupt carbohydrate metabolic processes, and even has some benefits for diabetics.

What are the benefits of kiwi peel?

Kiwi peel contains many antioxidants. Therefore, kiwi has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic properties. The skin has 3 times more antioxidants than the fruit itself. Therefore, it is recommended to eat kiwi with the skin on. Of course, before this, you should shave the hairs with a carrot peeler or with a blunt knife.

Kiwi peel, according to European scientists, has antiseptic properties, can help with dysbacteriosis. It is believed that thanks to the kiwi peel, microbes such as staphylococcus and E. coli are destroyed.

The benefits of kiwi for weight loss

The low calorie content of this fruit, the content of fat-splitting enzymes and enzymes is great for weight loss. Nutritionists have long noticed that kiwi is an excellent source of vegetable fiber. There are many in the small black seeds insoluble fiber. It allows you to normalize digestion during a diet, reduce the time it takes for stool to pass through digestive tract. Kiwi has a slight laxative effect.

Soluble dietary fiber, which is also found in the fruit, easily absorbs water, creating the necessary volume in the stomach to suppress appetite.

Due to the fact that kiwi helps to normalize digestion, nutritionists advise eating it after the whole meal. Kiwi will prevent heaviness in the stomach and also help the kidneys. It is believed that the fruit helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

There is even a kiwi diet. The main idea of ​​the diet is to consume low-calorie foods and the mandatory norm - 5 kiwi per day. Some experts recommend doing a fasting day regularly with kiwi. To do this, you need to eat about 1 kg of this fruit throughout the day. You can only drink non-carbonated water.

Strengthening the immune system

fruit in large quantities contains universal vitamin C. Therefore, in the cold season and epidemiological periods, 1-2 kiwi fruits per day should be consumed to increase immunity and protect the body from invasion pathogens. In addition to its main property, ascorbic acid is involved in metabolic processes, protects the cells of the body from damage, harmful effects. free radicals, rejuvenates the body and prevents the process of premature aging.

Kiwi during pregnancy

Kiwi is a fruit indispensable for normal course pregnancy. This fact is due to the content of folic acid in it, which is necessary in the process of bearing the fetus. female body needs this vitamin and when planning conception. In addition, folacin is necessary for any person for normal hematopoiesis, growth healthy cells, the functioning of the central nervous system and the cerebral cortex.

Normalization of the cardiovascular system

Kiwi contains potassium in fairly large quantities. This trace element is indispensable for normalizing the work of the heart, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, regulating blood pressure. In addition, potassium removes from the body excess liquid, preventing and eliminating swelling.


Kiwi contains a lot of iron, which is necessary for hematopoiesis and regulation of hemoglobin in the blood. Doctors recommend eating the fruit for people who suffer from anemia, or have suffered an impressive blood loss. In addition, kiwi contains a unique element - actinidin, which regulates protein metabolic processes and also normalizes blood clotting. The fruit prevents blood clots by actively breaking down fats that can clog and block arteries.

Kiwi for kidney cleansing

Kiwi has the property of removing excess salt from the body, which significantly improves kidney function. The fruit prevents the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys, reduces the risk of developing nephritis and pyelonephritis. Beyond the warning urolithiasis, the fruit prevents the formation of stones in the gallbladder.

Kiwi for beauty

An exotic fruit regulates hair pigmentation, preventing the appearance of gray hair. A large number of zinc contained in the fruit strengthens nails and hair. The fruit is necessary for skin health, improves its color and general state, prevents aging, thanks to vitamins A and E, concentrated in it. The substance also regulates the production of sex hormones.

Normalization of the digestive tract

Fruit, eaten after the main meal, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. Many people eat it to reduce heartburn. Kiwi has preventive property against heaviness in the abdomen and the occurrence of belching.

Kiwi is good for the central nervous system

Doctors recommend eating at least one fruit to get rid of depression and neuroses. Kiwi cures stress, prevents sleep disorders. The fruit is recommended for athletes, since kiwi is natural source replenishment of physical strength and energy, acts as a stimulant.

Cancer Prevention

Due to the concentration of beta-carotene in its composition and ascorbic acid, kiwi produces effective prevention development malignant tumors. In addition, this fruit contains a rare combination of vitamins B6 and B9, which allows the body to quickly absorb nutrients and preserve their anti-cancer properties.

- This is a plant of the genus Actinidia, which is a large tree-like liana. Its fruits are oval, pubescent with brownish hairs berries with a pale green or yellow core. Inside the fruit there are many small, beautifully arranged black seeds.

History of kiwi

Perhaps this is one of the youngest of all known fruits - its cultivated species appeared about 100 years ago. The history of appearance began at a time when the New Zealander A. Alison received as a gift the seeds of the “monkey peach”, which were brought from China. For 30 years, Alison perfected this magnificent plant until the exotic fruit now known to the whole world was obtained. This fruit owes its name to the New Zealand flightless bird kiwi, which it looks like: this bird is wingless and covered with brown feathers.

The fruit appeared on the world market during the crisis in the 30s of the last century, when the port clerk J. McLaughlin decided to change his occupation and started growing this fruit in order to sell it.

usually eaten fresh - there are even special spoons for this. Thinly cut slices decorate cakes and salads. Confiture is made from kiwi and gooseberries, and in Italy they even make pizza. Meat dishes have a special tenderness, since this fruit has the ability to break down protein. Marinate meat with kiwi slices should not be longer than an hour, otherwise the meat will “dissolve”. Do not forget about the rules of etiquette, because kiwi is consumed in a purified form.

Is it possible to eat kiwi with a peel?

Kiwi peel is quite edible. Especially in the Kivinyu variety. This variety has a smooth skin, without villi, and the fruits are quite small, the size of a grape.

Kiwi peel contains many more antioxidants that affect our health even more beneficially than the pulp itself. Substances contained in the peel prevent the spread harmful bacteria and have antiseptic properties. Rinse thoroughly before using with kiwi peel. Not everyone can eat fruit with a peel. People with sensitive mucous membranes are advised to remove the peel before eating, as the kiwi fruit pulp can irritate the mucous membranes, and the tongue can hurt from the skin.

  • Cut off the "butt" with a knife on both sides.
  • Insert a tablespoon under the peel and go around the fruit on both sides.
    If kiwi small size you can use a dessert spoon
  • Carefully scoop out the flesh from the peel.

The use of kiwi in medicine

In medicine, kiwi is used in dietetics - the fruit is an ideal balance of calories and nutrients, while there are few calories, but there are many benefits. Kiwi helps reduce the risk of cancer and disease of cardio-vascular system, and is also able to burn fats that block arteries, which significantly reduces the risk of blood clots, according to these indicators, kiwi can be compared with aspirin.

In the traditional Chinese medicine a wild relative of the kiwifruit called the Chinese gooseberry is used to prevent rheumatic diseases, improving the digestion process, preventing graying of hair, reducing nervousness.

Kiwi is indispensable for diets - it helps to satisfy hunger and burns extra calories. Before each meal, it is very useful to eat 1-2 pieces, but only fresh - this will help reduce blood cholesterol levels. If there are no contraindications, then you can also arrange a fasting day for kiwi.

found himself in cosmetology - he is able to cleanse and saturate the skin with a whole complex of vitamins. Kiwi fruit masks are used to moisturize, rejuvenate, and nourish the skin. Kiwi, rich in fruit acids, perfectly copes with deep cleansing of the skin as a peeling.

Peel you can safely apply to the wound, it will quickly heal and not become inflamed. In recipes traditional medicine ancient China, the birthplace of the fruit, the peel is used to treat corns, as well as for skin rejuvenating procedures. Rubbing the peel problematic skin quickly restore her health due to its antiseptic properties.


Kiwi, like an orange, should not be eaten with high acidity gastric juice. In addition, kiwi is a fairly strong allergen.

Calorie content and nutritional value kiwi

calories equal to 47 kcal.

The nutritional value: proteins - 0.8 g, fats - 0.4 g, carbohydrates - 8.1 g.

Kiwi- this is a fruit that has taken root remarkably on our table, so the language does not even dare to call it exotic. In our area, this fruit is used to make salads, desserts, dressings, preparations for the winter, and even in marinades, because kiwi enzymes perfectly soften meat. And for this you need to quickly clean the kiwi.

Cleaning kiwi is not the most exciting thing. You can peel kiwi different ways. Most often, it is peeled with a knife for vegetables and fruits, for example, like potatoes, carefully removing the peel with a knife. Or just cut the fruit into two halves and take out the pulp with a teaspoon.

There is another way that allows you to get a green ball of peeled kiwi quickly and easily. You will need a paring knife, a teaspoon and a cutting board.
Place the kiwifruit on a cutting board, cut off the ends of the kiwifruit on both sides. Pick up a teaspoon and carefully insert it under the peel of the fruit, walk with a spoon along the contour of the kiwi, separating the skin from the pulp. Do the same manipulations on the other side. As a result, a round green ball will simply slip out of the skin with light pressure.

Dobrohub offers you an almost lightning-fast way to peel kiwi fruit, and best of all, it's safe! You do not have to use knives, which means that your fingers will remain intact!

This simple method allows you to peel the fruit without any extra effort and devices. It's perfect for peeling kiwis, mangoes and even avocados. All you need is an ordinary glass and a little skill - the fruit salad is ready.