I choose a healthy lifestyle class hour on the topic. I choose a healthy lifestyle Choose a healthy lifestyle


  • give the basics of a healthy lifestyle,
  • teach you to value and maintain your own health,
  • develop horizons and cognitive activity.

Equipment: children's drawings, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper, a drawing - a poster of a neatly combed man and overhead drawings of bad habits

The little son came to his father.
The little one asked:
"What is good
And what is bad?”

If you are doing exercises,
If you eat salad
And you don't like chocolate -
Then you will find a treasure of health.

If you don't want to wash your ears
You don't go to the bathroom
You are friends with a cigarette -
You won't find health that way.

You need to, you need to study in the mornings and evenings.

Wash, toughen up, boldly play sports,

Try to be healthy.

Only we need this.

1. Introductory conversation.

Over the centuries, people's ideas about what it means to be healthy have not changed. Health, as a natural state of man, is the same in both the West and the East. Doctors and philosophers of antiquity quite rightly believed that man is an inseparable part of the surrounding world.

In Russia, Catherine II understood how important it was for the younger generation to learn to take care of their health. She established city public schools, where students were already taught how to take care of their health.

What do you think health is?

In 1783, the author of the textbook wrote: “We call the health of our body the state when our body is free from all defects and diseases.” In modern dictionaries, health means one or another physical state of a person.

What expressions do you know related to the word health? (I started for health, but brought it together for peace, I wish you health, good health, etc.)

What affects our health and what does it depend on?

2. Game-competition.

Before you is the image of a sloppy, sick man. Now we will try to find out what bad habits led him to this appearance. I ask you questions, if you answer correctly, the bad habit is removed and gradually the person takes on a normal, healthy appearance.

Why shouldn't you chew the end of a pencil or pen? (Teeth will be uneven)

Why can't you smoke? (bad breath, yellow teeth, cough, lameness)

How does drinking alcoholic beverages affect your health? (Vasodilation, red nose, liver disease, stomach disease, poor memory)

How often and why should you wash your hair? (To keep your hair clean and prevent lice, wash it once every 5-6 days).

Why shouldn't you bite your nails? (Under the nails there are pathogens of various diseases, helminth eggs).

What can the habit of putting inedible objects in your mouth lead to? (You can swallow an object, pierce your palate or cheek, or become infected with diseases)

Why can’t you exchange clothes and shoes, or wear other people’s hats? (you can get infected with skin infections)

Why can’t you watch TV and sit at the computer for hours? (Vision will deteriorate)


Don't take other people's dresses
Don't bite your nails either,
Don't be friends with a cigarette
You can't find health that way.

3. Creative task.

At home, you were given the task of drawing one picture each on the theme: “We are for a healthy lifestyle.” Everyone must explain the meaning of their drawing. (Discussion of drawings)

4. Quiz.

1. What common insect serves as a carrier of microbes, contaminating unsealed food? (Fly)

2. Hand washing is an elementary rule of personal hygiene. List four times when hand washing is necessary to ensure food safety. (Before eating, after using the toilet, after touching pets, after handling raw meat).

3. What plants cause allergies? (poplar, alder, bird cherry, wormwood)

4. This vegetable is very cool,

Kills everything around.

Phytoncides help

And from smallpox and plague.

And we can also cure their colds. (Onion)

5. Name the means of hardening. (Sun, air, water)

6. Why shouldn’t you pet other people’s cats and dogs? (Possible infection with worm eggs, fleas, lichen)

7. Why shouldn’t you chew the tip of a pencil or pen? (Teeth will be uneven, germs may enter)

8. Why can’t you change clothes, shoes, and hats? (you can get infected with skin and infectious diseases).

9. What can squeezing out blackheads and pimples lead to? (to the emergence and spread of infections, including death from blood poisoning)

5. Final word.

Maintaining health is regular work. Now you are young and healthy. But don’t delude yourself – you should always remember to maintain your health. And in conclusion, we will try to draw up the main provisions of the health code.

What rules should you follow to be healthy? (I hand out codes to children)

Health Code:

Do not smoke, do not drink alcoholic beverages.


Eat fish, vegetables, and fruits more often.

Breathe fresh air.

Drink water, milk, juices, tea.

Walk as much as possible.

Enough sleep.

Show kindness.

Smile more often.

To love life.

Try to follow this health code, and you will maintain youth and beauty for many years.

6. Final words from students.

1st. We were born to live in this world for a long time:

2nd. Sad and sing, laugh and love.

3rd. But so that all dreams become possible,

5th. Ask yourself: are you ready to work -

6th. Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?

7th. Throw away the cigarette? Throw away the cigarette butt?

9th. Look around: beautiful Nature

10th. She calls us to live in peace with her.

11th. Give me your hand, friend! Let's help you

Goals: To form a stable rejection among students of alcohol, drug addiction, and smoking. Promote a healthy lifestyle.

Form: Competition program.

Participants: Class students, teacher.

Preparatory stage: When preparing for class, you can prepare a photo exhibition “A healthy mind in a healthy body”, “The world of my hobbies”, “Healthy children should be on the planet”, etc., and also invite students to answer the questions of an anonymous questionnaire that will help the teacher to determine their attitude to the problem under discussion.

Opposite the statement with which students agree, it is necessary to put a “+” sign; if they disagree, they must put a “-” sign.

Alcohol. Cigarettes. Drugs:

They lift your spirits.

Gives confidence.

Promotes communication.

Relieves boredom.

They lose control over their actions.

They shorten life.

Lead to serious illnesses.

They weaken the offspring.

They harm the family, society, and the state.

Gives a feeling of freedom.

Promotes growing up.

It is also necessary to select a jury, which may include a biology teacher, psychologist, parents or students from other classes.

Progress of the class hour

Considering that high school students have certain information about the harmfulness of bad habits to human health, the teacher invites them to explain the relevance of the class topic.

Summarizing the students' answers, the teacher draws their attention to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among young people, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he feels about himself and his future.

You can discuss the problem in groups. After discussion, students conclude that the main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

To give up smoking.

Refusal of alcoholic beverages.

Quitting drugs.

Physical education and sports, physical activity.

Social poster competition on the theme “No to bad habits!”

Poster evaluation criteria:

The relevance and importance of the depicted situation within the given topic.

Match the text to the depicted situation.

Conciseness and literacy of the text.

Compositional solution for the poster.

The quality of the poster.

The jury has the right to reward originality in the approach to the competition work with additional points.

Erudite competition

1. A.P. Chekhov said: “Kissing a smoking woman is the same as...” (...kissing an ashtray).

2. One of the fire safety rules in Bulgarian is: “Don’t push into the fire!” Translate it into Russian. (Don't smoke in bed.)

3. What would the ancient Greeks call a person suffering from the urge to become torpid? (Addict, from the Greek nark - numbness, mania - attraction.)

4. In December 2000, the city authorities of this city, for the first time in the world, adopted the strictest smoking law, prohibiting smoking in public places, at work, in cafes, bars, and restaurants. Smoking in a public place is punishable by one year in prison or a fine of $1,000. Where was this law passed? (This law was passed by the authorities of New York.)

5. Finish the English proverb: “A smoker lets into his mouth an enemy who kidnaps...”. (Brain.)

6. The famous doctor P. Bragg said that there are 9 doctors. Starting from the fourth it is natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture and mind. Name the first three doctors mentioned by Bragg. (Sun, air and water.)

Competition "The most compelling argument"

Team captains need to make the most convincing argument for the need for a healthy lifestyle within a minute.

The jury sums up the results of the competition.

Information lecture hall

1. Components of a healthy lifestyle

a) Correct breathing.

It is very important to always breathe through your nose. In the nasal passages, the air is purified, warmed, and moistened. In the health-improving gymnastics called “yoga,” it is generally accepted that “just one generation of people breathing correctly will revive humanity and make diseases so rare that they will be looked at as something extraordinary.”

Of course, it is also important that the air we breathe is clean.

b) Balanced nutrition.

Famous Russian publicist and literary critic D.I. Pisarev assured: “Change a person’s food, and the whole person will change little by little.” Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food and diet. The modern diet of most people is characterized by a high consumption of foods containing a lot of carbohydrates. The result is overeating and obesity. “Moderation is nature’s ally,” said the ancient Greek physician, father of medicine, Hippocrates. Yes, nutrition should be moderate, but varied and nutritious.

Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet - these are foods that increase the vital functions of the body. You need to include them in your diet. And bread made from finely ground flour, pasta, sausages, sausages, and fried potatoes are devoid of most biologically active substances. Such a diet reduces the vital activity of the body. It is also important to remember that products that contain various preservatives, sweeteners and dyes are not healthy and even dangerous to health.

c) Physical activity, physical education and sports, positive emotions and hardening.

It should be added that components of a healthy lifestyle also include physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. Without physical activity there can be no health. “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick,” said the Roman poet Horace.

The most useful and accessible sports: swimming, cycling, gymnastics, hiking.

Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness.

Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, melancholy, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect the people around you from them.

2. Factors negatively affecting human health

a) Tobacco smoking.

It is often classified as a bad habit, but it is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical dependency. According to global statistics, about 2.5 million people die prematurely from smokers every year. There are about 400 components in tobacco smoke, 40 of which have a carcinogenic effect, i.e. can cause cancer. The most dangerous radioactive polonium-210.

Smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman’s body. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage increases, the weight of the fetus decreases, and premature birth may occur. The child of such a woman gets sick more often. If a woman smokes while breastfeeding, the child becomes weak, sickly, and lags behind in development. Smoking is very harmful for children and adolescents, boys and girls. After all, it is during adolescence that the body is finally formed, which should serve for the rest of its life. Smoking is dangerous not only for the smoker himself, but also for the people around him. So-called “passive smoking,” when a person is forced to inhale smoke while in a smoky room, has the same negative effect on the body as smoking itself.

b) Alcoholism.

“Alcoholism causes more devastation than the three historical scourges combined: famine, plague, war.”

W. Gladstone

In ancient times, people became acquainted with the unusual, cheerful effect of certain drinks. The most common milk, honey, fruit juices, after standing in the sun, changed not only their appearance and taste, but also acquired the ability to excite, instill a feeling of lightness, carelessness, and well-being. It didn’t take long for people to notice that the next day a person was paying with a headache, fatigue, and a bad mood. Our distant ancestors had no idea what a terrible enemy they had acquired.

The main component of most alcoholic drinks is ethyl alcohol. Taken orally, after 5-10 minutes it is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. Burning quickly, it deprives tissues and organs of oxygen and water. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious illnesses. Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells; the tissue of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and liver is degenerated.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels first dilate, and blood saturated with alcohol rapidly rushes to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers - this is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, a sharp weakening of the inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the functioning of the (lower) subcortical parts of the brain. Therefore, an intoxicated person loses control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior. Losing his restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the nerve centers more and more, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of the sharply excited lower parts of the brain.

The famous Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsanov described this state as follows: “An intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely frivolously... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and encourage more or less wild actions. But in a normal state, the same person can be well-mannered, and modest, even shy. Everything in his personality that is restrained by his upbringing, his habits of decency, seems to come out. In a state of intoxication, a person can tell any secret, loses vigilance, and ceases to be careful. It’s not without reason that they say: “What’s on a sober man’s mind is on the drunken man’s tongue.”

Beer is not as harmless as it sometimes seems. It is made from a healthy product - barley. This drink contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and even vitamins. But in the process of making beer, fermentation microbes destroy all useful components, so there is little benefit from it, to put it mildly. In addition, 0.5 liters of beer corresponds to 60-80 g of vodka. According to the observations of the German psychotherapist E. Kraepelin, 45% of his patients became alcoholics as a result of drinking beer regularly and a lot. In addition, do not forget that this is a very high-calorie drink. Regular beer consumers quickly get fat.

c) Drug addiction.

Often the first step towards drugs is made out of curiosity. Up to 60% of drug addicts “tried” drugs this way. Drug addiction develops very quickly, its process is so rapid that at the age of 30-40 a drug addict is already a very old man. It only takes 2-3 months from psychological addiction to physical dependence.

Drugs have an extremely pronounced effect on the human body. Nerve cells seem to burn out, and the body’s protective functions sharply decrease. The defenseless body is attacked by many diseases. All organs and systems of the body suffer: the heart muscle is affected, gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, AIDS occur.

All types of metabolism are disrupted: protein, carbohydrate, fat. Personality changes are expressed in progressive degradation, often turning into dementia.

Erzi Alidarova
Project “I choose a healthy lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle!”

Name project: "I I choose healthy lifestyle - a healthy lifestyle

Stage project: Project under implementation

annotation project.

"Purchase health - courage,

and to manage it skillfully is an art.”

Francois Voleter.

Relevance project.

What's happened health? According to the definition of the World Organization health: « Health- this is a state of complete physical, mental, social well-being of a person, absence of diseases, physical defects, optimal level of performance for maximum duration life" The Convention on the Rights of the Child spells out his legal rights - the right to healthy growth and development. Conservation issues health preschoolers and imparting skills to them healthy lifestyle very relevant today due to the sharp decline in interest rates healthy children, an increase in the number of people with chronic diseases and neuroses. The reasons for this condition are environmental violations, physical inactivity, neuropsychic stress, ignorance of one’s body, the state of the social environment, which results in a decrease in the level of life.

Plays a huge role in the development of a person as an individual. his way of life, which, in turn, depends on image thinking and formation life attitudes. Health- incomparable value. Every person has an inherent desire to be strong and healthy.

Until recently, under « health» in the majority of cases it was understood health in a narrow biological sense. From this point of view health can be considered as a universal ability for versatile adaptation in response to the influence of the external environment and changes in the state of the internal environment. In this case, we are talking about the physiological adaptive capabilities of a person. But this is only part of the concept of healthy lifestyle.

Healthy lifestyle in the unity of its biological and social components, it represents a social value, the strengthening of which is the most important task of any civilized society.

Healthy lifestyle(HLS) - Lifestyle individual person for the purpose of preventing diseases and strengthening health.

Healthy lifestyle is a concept human life aimed at improving and preserving health through appropriate nutrition, physical fitness, morale and avoidance of bad habits. There are other points of view on healthy lifestyle:

« Healthy lifestyle- this is a system of reasonable human behavior (moderation in everything, optimal motor mode, hardening, proper nutrition, rational regimen life and rejection of bad habits) on the foundation of moral, religious and national traditions, which provides a person with physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being in the real environment and active longevity within the framework of the earthly life allowed by the Lord life».

Target: introducing children to healthy lifestyle, physical development and education of preschool children.


Prevention of antisocial manifestations.

Form initial ideas about healthy lifestyle;

Ensure the psychophysical well-being of children and form a conscious attitude towards their own health;

Develop and improve children’s motor skills;

Cultivate the desire to be healthy;

To form in parents and children the responsibility for preserving and strengthening health;

Cultivate good feelings, emotional responsiveness, and the ability to distinguish between the emotional states and moods of others.

Expected results:

Children's understanding that healthy lifestyle- the basis for full development.

Children experience a conscious need and need to observe the rules of personal hygiene, daily routine of physical activity

culture, doing daily morning exercises, proper nutrition.

A consciously caring attitude towards one’s own has been formed health, the most valuable - human life and a sense of responsibility for one’s behavior.

Skills related to project activities.

Reducing morbidity and increasing levels children's health;

Active assistance and interest of parents in organizing work on children's health.

Social significance

Choosing my theme project due to the social significance of the problem Health. Health human beings is a relevant topic for discussion among all times and peoples. So in the parable "Happiness or Health:

We argued once Health and Happiness about that which one is more important? Happiness speaks: - I am more important! - Why? - People feel bad without me. They are always looking for me. Everyone just talks about me. Everyone wants to be happy. - Everyone also wants to be healthy. - About few people talk about health, but everything is about happiness. - Do you think that people don't need health? - Happiness is more important! A person cannot live without it. Look, there's a boy coming. Let's ask him what is more important for him - happiness or health? They turned to the boy. - Boy, what is more important for you - happiness or health? - Of course, happiness! – without hesitation, the boy answered. - You are happy? - ABOUT! Yes, I'm happy! - Here you see! - Happiness clapped her hands and jumped for joy. - I say that happiness is more important. - Tell me, boy, you healthy? - asked the following question Health. - Yes I healthy! - You are lucky! - a woman passing by intervened in the conversation. - I would like yours health, then I would be happy too.

Results of work on project

"I I choose a healthy lifestyle

During the school year, preschool students took part in the implementation of socially significant project"I I choose a healthy lifestyle. The work was carried out outside school hours.

During project pupils have already can:

Name healthy foods;

Show how to sit at your workplace correctly;

Name the commandments health;

Name medical specialists who treat certain diseases;

Name proverbs, riddles, fairy tales and poems about healthy lifestyle;

Acquired group interaction skills and the ability to work in a team;

"Ten Commandments health, or the Recipe for longevity"

Daily regime

Daily morning exercises

- Healthy eating

Walks in the open air

Full sleep

Sports activities

Clothes for the season

Less stress, more humor

Live in peace and harmony with your family

Down with bad habits

Considering the relevance of the direction, this project we will continue and expand

Publications on the topic:

Project motto: Physical education is something that ensures health and brings joy. Author of the project: teacher Korotkova K.G.

Consultation for educators “A healthy lifestyle in the family is the basis for the formation of a healthy lifestyle for a preschooler” Consultation for educators “A healthy lifestyle in the family - the basics of creating a healthy lifestyle” “Family is the main indicator of a healthy lifestyle.

Short-term project for children of the middle group “I choose a healthy lifestyle” Short-term project for children of the middle group “I choose a healthy lifestyle” 1. Authors of the project (full name) group teacher S. V. Surnina 2. Leaders.

We are for a healthy lifestyle! Work on the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in kindergarten The period of preschool childhood is actually the ending period in the life of every person. One of the main goals during this period.

Methodological development

class hour for 7th grade

on the topic of:

"I choose healthy


A healthy lifestyle for a person - when we say this phrase, we rarely think about what is really hidden behind these words. So what is a healthy lifestyle? In general, a healthy lifestyle includes a set of health measures that strengthen a person’s physical and moral health and increase moral and physical performance.

In the course of work, techniques and methods are used, such as gradual immersion in the problem; dialogues, discussion; work in groups; survey; discussions.

Target: update the topic of health and healthy lifestyle; complement ninth-graders’ ideas about bad habits; promote a negative attitude towards smoking, alcohol, and drug addiction; encourage children to resist bad habits, teach them to resist peer pressure; cultivate an active life position with a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value.


  1. To develop students' knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle.

  2. Develop skills in independent analysis and evaluation of the information offered.

  3. Foster an active life position and a responsible attitude towards your health.


The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle is a sign of a person’s high culture, his education, perseverance, and will.

Based on the statements of outstanding teachers and psychologists, such as Likhachev D.S. “The main thing on which physical health depends is moral health... to maintain your health, think about the health of others”; Makarenko A.S. “Health is not a gift that a person receives once and for life, but the result of the conscious behavior of each person and everyone in society.”

Tables in the classroom are arranged so that students can work in groups of 4-6 people.

Progress of the event

Quiet music is playing. The presenter asks the students: “Do you love life? Life is a wealth given to everyone from the beginning, and we really want it to be beautiful and happy. What is a good life? Please, think about this, everyone, and write down the continuation of the phrase: “A happy life is...” Students write down those concepts that, in their opinion, characterize a happy life (work for 2-3 minutes). Then the facilitator suggests discussing these recordings in groups and ranking them in order of importance.

If we determine what the life and health of people on Earth depends on, then the most important thing will be peace, the absence of war. This is the most important thing, the most important thing. Then will follow: the state of the OS, adequate nutrition, material well-being, medical care... We want you to be physically and spiritually developed, purposeful, cheerful people. I would like the younger generation, our future, to learn how to improve their health, and there are no trifles in this matter. Summarizing the students' answers, the presenter draws their attention to the fact that a healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among teenagers, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he feels about himself and his future. So, today we will talk about a healthy lifestyle.

After discussion, students conclude that the main components of a healthy lifestyle are:

  • To give up smoking.

  • Refusal of alcoholic beverages.

  • Quitting drugs.

  • Physical education and sports, physical activity.

  • Balanced diet.

Information lecture hall

Components of a healthy lifestyle.

A). Correct breathing.

Student speech. It is very important to always breathe through your nose. In the nasal passages, the air is purified, warmed, and moistened. In the health-improving gymnastics called “yoga,” it is generally accepted that “just one generation of people breathing correctly will revive humanity and make diseases so rare that they will be looked at as something extraordinary.” Of course, it is also important that the air we breathe is clean.

b). Balanced diet.

Student's speech. Famous Russian publicist and literary critic D.I. Pisarev assured: “Change a person’s food, and the whole person will change little by little.” Human health is largely determined by the quantity and quality of food and diet. The modern diet of most people is characterized by a high consumption of foods containing a lot of carbohydrates. The result is overeating and obesity. “Moderation is nature’s ally,” said the ancient Greek physician, father of medicine, Hippocrates. Yes, nutrition should be moderate, but varied and nutritious.

Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet - these are products that increase the vital activity of the body. You need to include them in your diet. And bread made from finely ground flour, pasta, sausages, sausages, and fried potatoes are devoid of most biologically active substances. Such a diet reduces the vital activity of the body. It is also important to remember that products that contain various preservatives, sweeteners and dyes are not healthy and even dangerous to health.

V). Physical activity, physical education and sports, positive emotions and hardening.

Student's speech. It should be added that components of a healthy lifestyle also include physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. Without physical activity there can be no health. “If you don’t run while you’re healthy, you’ll have to run when you’re sick,” said the Roman poet Horace.

The most useful and accessible sports: swimming, cycling, gymnastics, hiking.

Positive emotions are also necessary for a healthy lifestyle: joy, happiness, life satisfaction, kindness. Negative emotions that destroy health: anger, fear, resentment, anxiety, melancholy, suspiciousness, greed. Try to avoid such emotions and protect the people around you from them.

Factors that negatively affect human health.

a) Tobacco smoking.

Student's speech.

Tobacco smoking is often classified as a bad habit, but it is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical dependence. According to world statistics, about 2.5 million people die prematurely from smokers every year. There are about 400 components in tobacco smoke, 40 of which have a carcinogenic effect, i.e. can cause cancer. The most dangerous radioactive polonium-210. Smoking has a particularly detrimental effect on a woman’s body. If a woman smokes during pregnancy, the likelihood of miscarriage increases, the weight of the fetus decreases, and premature birth may occur. The child of such a woman gets sick more often. If a woman smokes while breastfeeding, the child becomes weak, sickly, and lags behind in development. Smoking is very harmful for children and adolescents, boys and girls. After all, it is during adolescence that the body is finally formed, which should serve for the rest of its life. Smoking is dangerous not only for the smoker himself, but also for the people around him. So-called “passive smoking,” when a person is forced to inhale smoke while in a smoky room, has the same negative effect on the body as smoking itself.

1 student:

My name is cigarette
I am beautiful and strong.
I know the whole world
A lot of people need me.
I stupefy my brain and heart
For young and old.
Let's face it - weaklings.


I feel so bad, I'm so tired,

And there is no more strength to knock.
I probably don't have much time left to live...
If only you could understand -
I don't have enough oxygen.
Nicotine stifles me so much.
And this poison is invincible.
My blood vessels -
They burn in smoke day after day,
And if you don't save us,
We will disappear from smoking!


Oh, we are poor, completely burned,

We want to ask you people:
“Why do you smoke?”
Polonium is poisoning us
Nicotine is a terrible poison for us.
It burns our bronchi.
Who is to blame for this?
Horrible cough in the morning
Tears my throat into blood.
Who will help us now?
To become healthy again?


The damned villain dried me up.

There are no more bright ideas.
He stole my neurons
And exchanged it for a pack of cigarettes.
I am now and for a long time
I can't learn this lesson
There is no attention and no memory -
All from these damn cigarettes.

2nd student:

Remember - a person is not weak.

Born free. He is not a slave.
Tonight when you go to bed
You should say this to yourself:
“I chose the path to the light myself
And, despising the cigarette.
I won't smoke for anything.
I am human! I have to be strong!”

What do you think a person sacrifices for?

smoking tobacco products? Of the six proposed answers, students chose: money – 25%;

physical health – 52%; life expectancy – 23%.

Which of these statements do you agree with? Smoking causes financial dependence - 34% of students responded; smoking is a sign of adulthood - 16%; smoke mainly under the influence of friends, but giving up smoking does not mean giving up friends - 10%; non-smokers have the right to fresh air - 40%.

Which of the following life situations do you think primarily push teenagers to smoke? Loneliness, lack of friends - 20%; curiosity, interest - 10%; smoking parents -30%; curiosity, interest - 30%; fashion, advertising - 10%.

Do you think smoking is harmful to health?
b). No

Why can smoking be harmful to health? Develops dependence - 35%; there is a harmful effect on the body -45%; The body ages faster - 25%; 10% answered that they do not know.

Which cigarettes do you think cause the most harm to the body?

Cigarettes with filter - 20%; cigarettes with low nicotine content - 65%;

These are all types of cigarettes - 15%.

Is it true that smoking is fashionable in most countries? No - 75% answered,

and in those countries where a healthy lifestyle is promoted, smoking is unfashionable - 25% responded.

Who is most addicted to tobacco? Among those who started smoking before the age of 20, 25% responded; tobacco addiction is not associated with the age at which a person started smoking - 75%.

Of the thousand teenagers who start smoking, how many will die from smoking-related diseases? Less than 200 people - 15%; about 250 people - 85%.

If a person starts smoking at 15 years old, by how much does it decrease on average?

the duration of his image? All answered 8 years or more.

The problem of teenage smoking is becoming more acute every year. It was found that people who started smoking before the age of 15 die from lung cancer 5 times more often than those who started smoking after 25 years. The lethal dose of nicotine for an adult is a pack smoked at once. For a teenager - half a pack. They say that "A drop of nicotine kills a horse." To be precise, a drop of pure nicotine can kill 3 horses. But in addition to nicotine, cigarettes contain a lot of toxic substances that are harmful to a growing organism.

The respiratory organs are primarily affected. 98% of deaths from laryngeal cancer, 96% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% of deaths from chronic bronchitis and emphysema are caused by smoking. Tobacco smoke contains more than 4,000 chemical compounds, more than forty of which cause cancer, as well as several hundred poisons, including nicotine, cyanide, arsenic, formaldehyde, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocyanic acid, etc. Cigarette smoke contains radioactive substances: polonium, lead, bismuth. A pack of cigarettes a day is about 500 x-rays of radiation per year!

b) Alcoholism.

Speeches by class students.

1 student: In ancient times, people became acquainted with the unusual, cheerful effect of certain drinks. The most common milk, honey, fruit juices, after standing in the sun, changed not only their appearance and taste, but also acquired the ability to excite, instill a feeling of lightness, carelessness, and well-being. It didn’t take long for people to notice that the next day a person was paying with a headache, fatigue, and a bad mood. Our distant ancestors had no idea what a terrible enemy they had acquired. The main component of most alcoholic drinks is ethyl alcohol. Taken orally, after 5–10 minutes it is absorbed into the blood and distributed throughout the body. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. Burning quickly, it deprives tissues and organs of oxygen and water. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious illnesses. Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells; the tissue of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and liver is degenerated.

2nd student: Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels first dilate, and blood saturated with alcohol rapidly rushes to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers - this is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, a sharp weakening of the inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the functioning of the (lower) subcortical parts of the brain. Therefore, an intoxicated person loses control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior. Losing his restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the nerve centers more and more, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of the sharply excited lower parts of the brain.

3rd student: The famous Russian psychiatrist S.S. Korsanov described this state as follows: “An intoxicated person does not think about the consequences of his words and actions and treats them extremely frivolously... Passions and bad impulses appear without any cover and encourage more or less wild actions. But in a normal state, the same person can be well-mannered, and modest, even shy. Everything in his personality that is restrained by his upbringing, his habits of decency, seems to come out. In a state of intoxication, a person can tell any secret, loses vigilance, and ceases to be careful. It is not without reason that they say: “What is on the sober mind is on the tongue of the drunk.”

4 student: Advertising of alcoholic beverages and cigarettes is prohibited on television, but beer advertising is still present. Beer is a completely affordable drink for young people. So it's harmless? Beer is not at all as harmless as it sometimes seems. It is made from a healthy product - barley. This drink contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats and even vitamins. But in the process of making beer, fermentation microbes destroy all useful components, so there is no benefit from it, to put it mildly. In addition, 0.5 liters of beer corresponds to 60-80 g of vodka. According to the observations of the German psychotherapist E. Kraepelin, 45% of his patients became alcoholics as a result of regularly drinking a lot of beer. In addition, do not forget that this is a very high-calorie drink. Regular beer consumers quickly get fat.

The presenter reads out the results of a survey among 7-8 grades on the topic

"Healthy lifestyle". A total of 75 students participated. As a result of the study, the following was revealed.

To the question: “Where do you most often meet your friends?”

At home - answered 19% of students; among friends – 11%; at a friend's apartment -

3%; at a disco - 19%; at school - 16%; on the street - 32%.

What do you usually do after school?

Drinking wine.

You're at the old station

You've been waiting for her for a long time.

But imagining

That the owner of everything

You live without getting up

But, losing everything!

You live without getting up

But losing everything!

And there are already hundreds of them!

Hundreds of thousands of them!

Having lost their lives,

They are ruining the lives of young people...

Hundreds in dope clubs!

With a dark flag in your hands!

Under the hypnosis of deception -

Death is before everyone's eyes!

The swamp is gently drowning...

Cling to the reeds!

Fight back! So that someone

I could help and get in!

Believe! Pray! Do not give up!

Don't go down that path!

Once you fall, get up

Come back home.

The problem of alcohol consumption is very relevant these days. Now the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the world is characterized by huge numbers. The whole society suffers from this, but first of all, the younger generation is at risk: children, adolescents, young people, as well as the health of expectant mothers. Alcohol has a particularly active effect on the unformed body, gradually destroying it.

c) Drug addiction.

Student's speech: Often the first step towards drugs is made out of curiosity. Up to 60% of drug addicts “tried” drugs this way. Drug addiction develops very quickly, its process is so rapid that at the age of 30-40 a drug addict is already a very old man. It only takes 2–3 months from psychological addiction to physical dependence. Drugs have an extremely pronounced effect on the human body. Nerve cells seem to burn out, and the body’s protective functions sharply decrease. The defenseless body is attacked by many diseases. All organs and systems of the body suffer: the heart muscle is affected, gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, AIDS occur. All types of metabolism are disrupted: protein, carbohydrate, fat. Personality changes are expressed in progressive degradation, often turning into dementia.

"Warm-up." Team captains must choose a petal from a seven-flowered flower. On these petals are tasks for “warm-up”. The name of the sport is written on the piece of paper

One team shows a pantomime, the others guess what kind of sport was shown.

For pantomime, the team receives 1–3 points. The team that is the first to solve the sport gets 1 point.

Erudite competition (Correct answer – 1 point for the team).

1. A.P. Chekhov said: “Kissing a smoking woman is the same as...” (...kiss the ashtray).

2.What would the ancient Greeks call a person suffering from the desire to become torpid? (Addict, from the Greek nark - numbness, mania - attraction).

3. In December 2000, the city authorities of this city, for the first time in the world, adopted the strictest smoking law, prohibiting smoking in public places, at work, in cafes, bars, and restaurants. Smoking in a public place is punishable by one year in prison or a fine of $1,000. Where was this law passed? (This law was passed by the authorities of New York).

4. The famous doctor P. Bragg said that there are 9 doctors. Starting from the fourth it is natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture and mind. Name the first three doctors mentioned by Bragg. (Sun, air and water).

5. Name the principles of hardening - “Three Ps”. (Gradually, consistently, constantly).

6. What saying teaches us the correct diet? (Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to your enemy).

7. Who are “night owls” and “larks”? (These are people with different biological rhythms).

8. Why shouldn’t children under 15 do weightlifting? (Until this age, the skeleton is actively formed).

9. How many hours a day should a person sleep? (Adult – 8 hours, teenager – 9 – 10 hours, child – 10 – 12 hours).

10. What sports should you do to improve your posture? (Swimming, gymnastics, athletics).

"The most compelling argument"

Team captains need to make the most convincing argument for the need for a healthy lifestyle within a minute.

Dear Guys! I hope that our hour of communication was not in vain for you: this hour became for you, albeit a small, but a victory on the path to health! Let every hour, every day only increase your health!

The presenter thanks all the speakers and summarizes what was said above:

– The concept of “healthy lifestyle” includes the following components:

  • rejection of bad habits;

  • optimal motor mode;

  • balanced diet;

  • hardening;

  • personal hygiene;

  • positive emotions;

  • highly moral attitude towards people around, society, nature.

– Guys, let’s try to express our ideas about a happy, fulfilling life in the form of a tree of life. The leaves of this tree are the days of a person’s life. Each leaf will be fresh and green if the crown is supported by branches of equal value: “I can”, “I want”, “I must”. It’s wonderful that a person does in life what he can, and this does not contradict what he should, does not contradict the interests of other people; when what a person should do, he can and wants to do. These branches are supported by the trunk “healthy lifestyle”, fed by the roots – “components of a healthy lifestyle”.

The lesson ends with a study of public opinion: everyone is given blanks (made contours of a face on which only eyes are drawn.

Depending on their attitude to the problem of a healthy lifestyle, faith in personal opportunities to make their lives happy, optimism, children draw different facial expressions - the wider the smile, the more confidence in the future and in their strengths. The drawings are then hung on the board.

I wish you good health! Goodbye!


Smoking, alcoholism, and, especially, drug addiction are increasingly making teenagers think about their future. After all, all these habits affect the social, economic, psychological and cultural life of society.

Now, at the turn of the millennium, there is often talk about the approaching end of the world. But, if humanity does not stop, does not begin to think about itself, about its future, then it will doom itself to complete extinction. If measures are not taken to prevent the spread of alcohol, tobacco products, and drugs among young people, if a healthy lifestyle is not promoted, humanity will be left without a future, and, perhaps, in a few decades they will say about our time “they couldn’t stop in time.” "...

The problem of “bad habits” is the most pressing in our time, and the fight against them is a task not only for the state as a whole, but also for each individual citizen. The methodological development is aimed, first of all, at informing adolescents about the harmful effects on the human body, especially on the body of a growing person.


  1. Aloeva M.A., Beysova V.E. Let's talk like adults: class hours in grades 9 - 11. – Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2007. – 310 p.

  2. Andreev Yu.A. Three pillars of health. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991. -336 p.

  3. Belogurov S.B. Popular about drugs and drug addiction: Book. for all. - M.; SPb.: Binom; Nevsky Dialect, 1998. - 125 p.

  4. Bratus B.S., “Psychology, clinic and prevention of early alcoholism”, Moscow, 1999.

  5. Vasilyeva Z.A., Lyubinskaya S.M., “Health Reserves”, Moscow, 2001.

  6. Velichkovsky B.T. et al. Human health and the environment: Textbook. manual - M.: New School, 1997. - 236 p.

  7. Gulak V.A., Shevchenko N.Z. Integrated lesson “The influence of the social environment on human health.” // Biology at school. – 2001. – No. 2. – P. 25 – 29.

  8. Zaporozhenko V.G. Lifestyle and bad habits. - M.: Medicine, 1985.-32 p.

  9. The art of being healthy: Part 2 / Tchaikovsky A.M., Shenkman S.B. - 2nd ed., revised. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1997. - 96 p.: ill.

  10. Kazmin V.D. Smoking, us and our offspring. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1999. - 63 p.

  11. Kasmynina T.V. “The influence of alcohol on the body of half a child.” - M., Education, 1996.

  12. Kozlova T.V., Ryabukhina T.A. Physical education for the whole family. – M.: Physical culture and sport, 1998. – 463 p.

  13. Kuznetsova S.A., Zorina V.V., Zavizion M.A. I quit smoking today. // Biology at school. – 2001. – No. 6. – P. 61 – 66.

  14. Snyder D. Survival course for teenagers: Trans. from English - M.: Horizon, 1995. -208 p.

  15. Kutsenko G.I., Yu.V. Novikov, “Book about a healthy lifestyle”, Moscow, “PROFIZDAT” 2000

  16. Litvinov E.N., Lyubomirsky L.E., Meikson G.B., “How to become strong and resilient” - M., 2004.

  17. Muratova I.D., Sidorov P.I. "Anti-alcohol education at school", Arkhangelsk, 1997.

  18. Mol Hans. Seven health programs: Transl. with him. - M.: Physical culture and sport, 1991.

  19. Scientific and methodological journal. Class teacher - M, 2009, No. 8.

  20. Scientific and methodological journal. Class teacher - M, 2007, No. 5.

  21. Scientific and methodological journal. Class teacher - M, 2009, No. 2.

  22. Nikolaeva Z.A. Alcoholism. Addiction. Substance abuse. (Concept. Qualification issues. Recommendations). -M., Education 1994.

  23. Khaletova S.S., Polevshchikov M.M., Shraga A.M. Basics of a healthy lifestyle. – Yoshkar-Ola: Mari Printing and Publishing Plant, 1997. – 205 p.

  24. Shatalova G.S. Philosophy of Health. - M, 1997.

  25. Sherikhova I.Ya. How to live today to have a chance to see tomorrow? /– 2001. – No. 6. – P. 37 – 40.

Annex 1.

Miracle touch: massage of “pressure points”

Massage helps restore strength, gives vigor and good health. mood for people.

Let's give an example of acupressure for the purpose of preventing acute respiratory disease (ARI).

There are many invisible bacteria and viruses, and among them are those that cause cough, runny nose, sore throat, ear pain, that is, acute respiratory diseases. Acute respiratory infections are insidious and dangerous diseases. Sometimes even a mild course of the disease can cause serious complications. There are many different ways to prevent and treat acute respiratory infections, but one of the simplest, most effective and harmless is massage of special areas on the skin that are associated with important regulators of the activity of internal organs. Acupressure techniques are very easy to learn. Let's study!

POINT 1 is associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, and also the bone marrow. Massaging this area reduces coughing and improves hematopoiesis.

POINT 2 regulates the body's immune functions. Resistance to infectious diseases increases.

POINT 3 controls the chemical composition of the blood and at the same time the mucous membrane of the larynx.

POINT 4 The back of the neck must be massaged from top to bottom. The neck zones are associated with the regulator of vascular activity in the head, neck and torso. The functioning of the vestibular apparatus is normalized.

POINT 5 is located in the area of ​​the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebra.

POINT 6 improves blood supply to the mucous membranes of the nose and maxillary cavity. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose goes away.

POINT 7 improves blood supply to the eyeball and frontal regions of the brain.

POINT 8 massage of this area affects the hearing organs and vestibular apparatus.

POINT 9 Human hands are connected to all organs. By massaging these points, many body functions are normalized.

The massage should be done daily 3 times a day for 3 seconds (nine times in one direction, nine in the opposite direction).

Be healthy!

  • What kind of friendship will you make and what kind of life will you lead?

  • Live forever -

  • work forever,

  • and while working -

  • learn forever.

Wall decoration:

Russian folk proverbs:

  • Life is given for good deeds.

  • The kind of friendship you make is the kind of life you will lead.

  • Live forever, work forever, and while working, learn forever.

  • Everyone chews, but not everyone lives.

  • Health is the head of everything.

  • A healthy soul in a healthy body.

  • Health is more important than money.

  • You can't buy health.

  • Our happiness is in our hands.

  • Happiness is not sought, but made.

  • A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Memo for students

1. Background information.

Valeology is the science of the formation, preservation and promotion of health. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not simply the absence of disease.

2. Components of health.

The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle depends on:

  • on gender, age, health status;

  • on living conditions (climate, housing);

  • on economic conditions (food, clothing, work, rest);

  • from having good habits (hygiene, hardening);

  • from the absence of bad habits (smoking, drinking, drug addiction, sedentary lifestyle, etc.).

  • Happiness

  • are not looking

  • but they do.

  • A man without friends

  • that tree

  • without roots.

  • Health is more important than money.

Goal: Goal: to update the topic of health, healthy lifestyle; update the topic of health and healthy lifestyle; complement ninth-graders’ ideas about bad habits; promote a negative attitude towards smoking, alcohol, and drug addiction; complement ninth-graders’ ideas about bad habits; promote a negative attitude towards smoking, alcohol, and drug addiction; encourage children to resist bad habits, teach them to resist peer pressure; encourage children to resist bad habits, teach them to resist peer pressure; cultivate an active life position with a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value; cultivate an active life position with a positive attitude towards health as the greatest value

Objectives: Objectives: To develop students' knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle. To develop students' knowledge about health and a healthy lifestyle. To develop the skills of independent analysis and evaluation of the information offered. To develop the skills of independent analysis and evaluation of the information offered. Foster an active life position and a responsible attitude towards your health. Foster an active life position and a responsible attitude towards your health.

The main components of a healthy lifestyle are: Quitting smoking. To give up smoking. Refusal of alcoholic beverages. Refusal of alcoholic beverages. Quitting drugs. Quitting drugs. Physical education and sports, physical activity. Physical education and sports, physical activity. Balanced diet. Balanced diet.

Components of a healthy lifestyle. Correct breathing. Correct breathing. It is very important to always breathe through your nose. In the nasal passages, the air is purified, warmed, and moistened. In the health-improving gymnastics called “yoga,” it is generally accepted that “just one generation of people breathing correctly will revive humanity and make diseases so rare that they will be looked at as something extraordinary.” Of course, it is also important that the air we breathe is clean.

Balanced diet. Balanced diet. Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, Food must contain vitamins! Fresh vegetables and fruits, honey, dried apricots, nuts, raisins, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet - these are products that increase the vital activity of the body. You need to include them in your diet. And bread made from finely ground flour, pasta, sausages, sausages, and fried potatoes are devoid of most biologically active substances. Such a diet reduces the vital activity of the body. It is also important to remember that products that contain various preservatives, sweeteners and dyes are not healthy and even dangerous to health.

Physical activity, physical education and sports, positive emotions and hardening. Physical activity, physical education and sports, positive emotions and hardening. It should be added that components of a healthy lifestyle also include physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. Without physical activity there can be no health. It should be added that components of a healthy lifestyle also include physical activity (at least 30 minutes a day). It improves the functioning of all vital organs. Without physical activity there can be no health.

Factors negatively affecting human health Tobacco smoking. Tobacco smoking. They are classified as bad habits, but this is one of the dangerous diseases called chemical dependence. According to world statistics, about 2.5 million people die prematurely from smokers every year. There are about 400 components in tobacco smoke, 40 of which have a carcinogenic effect, i.e. can cause cancer

Alcoholism. Alcoholism. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. Burning quickly, it deprives tissues and organs of oxygen and water. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious illnesses. Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells; the tissue of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and liver is degenerated. Alcohol is poison for any living cell. Burning quickly, it deprives tissues and organs of oxygen and water. Under the influence of alcohol, almost all physiological processes in the body are disrupted, and this can lead to serious illnesses. Alcohol has the fastest and most destructive effect on brain cells; the tissue of the kidneys, heart, blood vessels, and liver is degenerated.

Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels first dilate, and blood saturated with alcohol rapidly rushes to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers - this is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, a sharp weakening of the inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the functioning of the (lower) subcortical parts of the brain. Therefore, an intoxicated person loses control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior. Losing his restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the nerve centers more and more, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of the sharply excited lower parts of the brain. Under the influence of alcohol, blood vessels first dilate, and blood saturated with alcohol rapidly rushes to the brain, causing a sharp excitation of the nerve centers - this is where the overly cheerful mood and swagger of a drunken person come from. Following the increasing excitation in the cerebral cortex, a sharp weakening of the inhibition processes occurs. The cortex ceases to control the functioning of the (lower) subcortical parts of the brain. Therefore, an intoxicated person loses control over himself and a critical attitude towards his behavior. Losing his restraint and modesty, he says and does things that he would not say or do in a sober state. Each new portion of alcohol paralyzes the nerve centers more and more, as if connecting them and not allowing them to interfere with the chaotic activity of the sharply excited lower parts of the brain.

Drug addiction Drug addiction Often the first step towards drugs is made out of curiosity. Up to 60% of drug addicts “tried” drugs this way. Drug addiction develops very quickly, its process is so rapid that at the age of one a drug addict is already a very old man. It only takes 2–3 months from psychological addiction to physical dependence. Drugs have an extremely pronounced effect on the human body. Nerve cells seem to burn out, and the body’s protective functions sharply decrease. The defenseless body is attacked by many diseases. All organs and systems of the body suffer: the heart muscle is affected, gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, AIDS occur. All types of metabolism are disrupted: protein, carbohydrate, fat. Personality changes are expressed in progressive degradation, often turning into dementia. Often the first step towards drugs is made out of curiosity. Up to 60% of drug addicts “tried” drugs this way. Drug addiction develops very quickly, its process is so rapid that at the age of one a drug addict is already a very old man. It only takes 2–3 months from psychological addiction to physical dependence. Drugs have an extremely pronounced effect on the human body. Nerve cells seem to burn out, and the body’s protective functions sharply decrease. The defenseless body is attacked by many diseases. All organs and systems of the body suffer: the heart muscle is affected, gastritis, peptic ulcers, pancreatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholelithiasis and kidney stones, pneumonia, pleurisy, hepatitis, AIDS occur. All types of metabolism are disrupted: protein, carbohydrate, fat. Personality changes are expressed in progressive degradation, often turning into dementia.

POINT 1 is associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, and also the bone marrow. Massaging this area reduces coughing and improves hematopoiesis. POINT 1 is associated with the mucous membrane of the trachea, bronchi, and also the bone marrow. Massaging this area reduces coughing and improves hematopoiesis. POINT 2 regulates the body's immune functions. Resistance to infectious diseases increases. POINT 2 regulates the body's immune functions. Resistance to infectious diseases increases. POINT 3 controls the chemical composition of the blood and at the same time the mucous membrane of the larynx. POINT 3 controls the chemical composition of the blood and at the same time the mucous membrane of the larynx. POINT 4 The back of the neck must be massaged from top to bottom. The neck zones are associated with the regulator of vascular activity in the head, neck and torso. The functioning of the vestibular apparatus is normalized. POINT 4 The back of the neck must be massaged from top to bottom. The neck zones are associated with the regulator of vascular activity in the head, neck and torso. The functioning of the vestibular apparatus is normalized.

POINT 5 is located in the area of ​​the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebra. POINT 5 is located in the area of ​​the seventh cervical and first thoracic vertebra. POINT 6 improves blood supply to the mucous membranes of the nose and maxillary cavity. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose goes away. POINT 6 improves blood supply to the mucous membranes of the nose and maxillary cavity. Breathing through the nose becomes free, the runny nose goes away. POINT 7 improves blood supply to the eyeball and frontal regions of the brain. POINT 7 improves blood supply to the eyeball and frontal regions of the brain. POINT 8 massage of this area affects the hearing organs and vestibular apparatus. POINT 8 massage of this area affects the hearing organs and vestibular apparatus. POINT 9 Human hands are connected to all organs. By massaging these points, many body functions are normalized. POINT 9 Human hands are connected to all organs. By massaging these points, many body functions are normalized.

“I am a concern for health” Give an assessment of your “I am a concern for health” Give an assessment of your “I am a concern for health” /on a 5-point system/ /on a 5-point system/ I do exercises I do exercises I follow the regime I adhere to the regime I eat right I eat right I take care of my posture I take care of my posture I maintain hygiene I maintain hygiene I take care of my teeth I take care of my teeth I take care of my eyes I take care of my eyes I monitor my health indicators. I monitor my health indicators.

My daily routine: Wake up 7 a.m. 30 min. Morning exercises, hardening procedures. Making the bed, washing. 7:30 a.m. - 8 a.m. Morning breakfast 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 a.m. 30 min. Walk before school and road to school 8 hours 30 minutes. – 9 hours Classes at school, extracurricular activities, community service. 9 o'clock – 14h. 40 min. Travel home from school (walk) 14 hours. 40min. – 15h. Lunch 15h. – 15h. 30 min. Outdoor time: walk, outdoor games, entertainment 15 h. 30 min – 17 h. Preparation of lessons!7h.-20h. Free classes 20:00-21:00 30 min. Getting ready for bed 21h. 30min – 22h. Sleep 22h.-7h.30min.

Balanced diet