Candles for cleaning ears. Wax ear candles: instructions for use

Ear phytosuppositories are indicated for the treatment of ENT diseases

A phytosupposite is a small tube that is used to treat pathologies of the ENT organs. This tube is inserted into the ear and the upper end is lit. During the combustion process, the pressure inside the ear canal decreases and the air begins to vibrate. As a result, the ear canal warms up and a light massage occurs.

Phytocandles for ears are used in the following cases:

Candles consist of foil, which is coated with a special material and soaked in essential oils. On sale you can find candles containing essential oils of cinnamon, lavender, eucalyptus, mint, etc.

It may also include auxiliary components in the form of various plant extracts and medicinal herbs.

The composition of candles for children does not contain other components except wax, in order to avoid an allergic reaction.

Ear phytocandles have pronounced therapeutic effects, namely:

When using wax candles, the effect is observed at the moment of warming and creating a vacuum. This helps clear the ear canal and improve hearing. Candles for removing wax plugs are quite popular.

Review of the best

The pharmacy has phytosuppositories from various manufacturers. The following are the most popular ear candles:

  • Phytosuppositories Reamed. The base includes beeswax and various essential oils can be added: lavender, cinnamon, eucalyptus. There are several types of candles: “Traditional”, “Classic”, “Classic relaxation”. If you are prone to allergies, use “Traditional” phytocandles. “Children's” phytocandles are made for children without additives and only from beeswax.
  • Phytosuppositories Dias. Products of this brand are used not only for inflammatory processes in the ear, but also as a relaxant. In addition, the product can be used if water gets into the ear.
  • Phytocandles Lux. Equipped with a special sleeve that protects against wax getting inside the ear.
  • Phytocandles Chudesnik. They help cope with irritability and have a warming effect in any weather. The product relieves diseases of the ENT organs, strengthens the immune system and improves sleep.
  • Phytocandles Aquamir. Such candles can be used effectively for small children if water has entered the ear canal. The product helps not only remove water from the ear canal, but also prevent the development of the inflammatory process. Made from propolis and herbs.

The most popular ear phytocandles for adults and children are listed above. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

How to use them correctly?

In the presence of an acute purulent disease, it is prohibited to use phytosuppositories!

Before you start using herbal candles, you need to take a match cap, cotton swabs, a glass of water and baby cream. You will not be able to carry out the procedure on your own; you will definitely need an assistant.

You need to lie on your right side and apply a cloth to the ear area. First, a hole for the external auditory canal should be cut in it. After this, lightly massage the ear area. Then, according to the instructions, light the candle at the other end, and apply the other end to the ear canal. When the candle burns down to a certain mark (where the foil is located), it is lowered into water. During warming up, you may feel a gentle warmth and a slight analgesic effect.

After this, they move on to cleaning the ear canal. To do this, take an ear stick and make several circular movements. Then you need to insert a cotton swab for a moment. The same manipulation should be performed for the right ear. If discomfort and strong heating are felt during the burning of the candle, then the procedure should be cancelled.

A person should not feel a burning sensation, but only a slight warmth.

On the day of the procedure, you should not wash your hair. Chronic diseases can be treated with the use of phytosuppositories and at least 5-6 procedures are carried out per week. For acute pathologies, the procedure is carried out every 3-4 days. It is recommended to perform before bedtime. If the procedure cannot be performed before bedtime, then after the session you need to lie down for a minute. It is not recommended to go outside for 10 hours.

During the procedure, the child should not be left unattended, nor should he be allowed to do it on his own. You should be careful when using these candles. If used incorrectly, ash can get into the ear, leading to serious consequences.

More information about ear candles can be found in the video:

Are there any contraindications?

Phytocandles for ears have some contraindications that should be taken into account before using them. Do not use ear candles if the eardrum or external auditory canal is damaged or injured.

The use of suppositories is prohibited for tumor processes in the head, as well as an allergic reaction to honey. For purulent otitis and other pathologies in which pus is discharged, the use of phytosuppositories is contraindicated. The procedure should not be carried out at high temperatures.

Can they cause side effects?

Phytosuppositories rarely cause adverse reactions and most often they occur with improper or prolonged use. The components of the herbal medicine may cause an allergic reaction. In some cases, there may be a burn to the ear canal or eardrum.

If you use phytosuppositories correctly and follow the instructions, then no adverse reactions will be observed.

In case of an allergic reaction, you must stop the procedure and consult a doctor.

Adverse reactions can be observed in children when using phytosuppositories with various additives. You should only choose ear candles designed specifically for children.

What can replace them?

You can prepare ear candles for cleaning the ear canal yourself at home. If you don't have natural wax, you can use paraffin.

To make a candle, you need to take beeswax or a paraffin candle. Then prepare the cotton fabric and cut it into strips 50 cm long and 5 cm wide.

Next, soak the fabric in wax. You can add a few drops of essential oil to it to enhance the healing effect. You should prepare a cone or mold for winding the tape in advance. The mold must be greased with oil to make it easier to remove the candle. Wrap strips of fabric impregnated with wax onto the cone carefully and do not leave gaps between the turns. If they still exist, then they need to be covered with wax. As soon as the candle has cooled, it is removed from the mold.

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  • Rita – If my little one is sick. – 02/28/2018
  • Katya - This is a good article. I encountered it myself. – 02/28/2018
  • Yulia - Arina, you have ARVI. – 02/28/2018
  • Olga Vasilenko – I avoided this drug for a long time. – 02/28/2018
  • Irina – Whooping cough emerges at all stages. – 02/28/2018
  • Inna – Personally, they didn’t help me at all. – 02/27/2018

The medical information published on this page is strictly not recommended for self-medication. If you feel negative changes in your health, immediately contact an ENT specialist. All articles published on our resource are for informational purposes only. If you use this material or a fragment of it on your website, an active link to the source is required.

Ear candles for removing plugs: instructions for use

How are ear candles used? This question interests many patients. For a long time after the invention of drugs, other methods of therapy were almost not used. Among them were methods of treatment with beekeeping products. But famous doctors such as Avicenna have used them for a long time. For ENT diseases, wax was applied as a compress to the neck area. For ear diseases, ear candles made of wax were used. Such candles or funnels are tubes equal in size to the external passage of the ear.

What are ear candles?

Now you can buy 2 types of suppositories in pharmacies. For adults and children. Candles for children have a smaller diameter than adult specula. Ear phytocandles consist of foil covered with a special material that is impregnated with wax and essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, and cinnamon. Thanks to oils, the effect of wax is enhanced, swelling and inflammation are relieved.

Beeswax candles can be made at home, but it is better to buy them at the pharmacy. Having considered what ear candles are made of, you should become familiar with their positive effects.

The ear phytocandle, instructions for which are included, has an excellent therapeutic effect. Ear tubes have several therapeutic effects. These include:

The positive effect on the ear occurs due to the combination of warming and vacuum that occurs at the moment of combustion. These actions cleanse the auditory canal, improve hearing, and restore breathing through the nose. Having a slight calming effect, wax tubes help with dizziness, migraines and headaches. Wax candles are also effective for removing wax plugs.

The instructions for ear phytosuppositories indicate indications for use, contraindications, method of application and side effects.

Indications and contraindications for the use of phytosuppositories

Indications for use:

  • diseases of the ear, nose and throat, having an inflammatory cause, both acute and chronic. This may be rhinitis, otitis, tonsillitis or pharyngitis;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • wax plugs in the ears;
  • ringing in the ear;
  • migraine, vertigo, headache;
  • nervous state, irritability;
  • sleep problems.

The instructions for use warn that it is better not to self-medicate, even if reviews recommend using candles at home. How to use ear candles can be read below.

Mode of application. It is advisable to carry out treatment with such suppositories with an assistant. You need to prepare a special napkin or scarf made of natural fabric, water, cotton wool, cream, matches.

The patient should be placed on his side. Place your head on a low pillow and cover it with a scarf with a hole for your ear. To make the phytocandle more effective, massage the auricle using baby cream. After the massage, the upper end of the candle is lit, and the lower end is inserted into the ear. The duration of the procedure is determined by the combustion time of the phytocandle. There is a mark on it, up to which the candle should burn. Then the candle is pulled out and extinguished in a glass of water.

After treatment, the patient should not get up immediately. He should lie on his side for 15 minutes, covering his head with a warm scarf. Also, after using phytosuppositories, you should not wash your hair for 12 hours.

The course of treatment for otitis media and other inflammations is 1 time every 3 days until complete recovery. For chronic types of disease, phytofunnels are used once a week for 1.5 months. To remove plugs, ear candles are placed until the ear is completely clean. All specified periods are conditional.

Not everyone can use phytocandles if their ears hurt. They have contraindications:

  • purulent secretions from the ears;
  • membrane damage;
  • allergy to bee products;
  • head tumor.

If all of the above reasons are absent, then all the same, you cannot use candles without a doctor’s recommendation.

Before using a herbal funnel, you need to check for an allergy to wax. When phytosuppositories are used correctly, there are no side effects. Otherwise, there may be burns to the membrane and ear canal.

Which ones to choose

Which candles to choose? Ammonit candles and funnels have been on the market for more than 15 years. Tested and approved by Roszdravnadzor. Suitable for children over one year of age.

"Reamed" offers phytocandles made by hand from natural fabric. They offer several types with different effects. They have candles for children, for allergy sufferers, with and without oils, and ear candles for removing plugs.

"Dias" has phytosuppositories that are used when water gets into the ear.

The use of suppositories is not a replacement for the traditional method of treating ENT diseases.

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©. BezOtita - everything about otitis media and other ear diseases.

All information on the site is for informational purposes only. Before any treatment, you should always consult your doctor.

The Site may contain content that is not intended for persons under 16 years of age.

Phytocandles for ears

Instructions for use:

Latin name: Fitosvechi ushnye

ATX code: no data

Active ingredient: Beeswax

Manufacturer: Reamed, Russia

Description current as of: 12.12.17

Price in online pharmacies:

Ear phytosuppositories are a medicine intended for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ears and nasopharynx.

Active substance

Release form and composition

Ear phytocandles are available in two types: for adults and for children. Candles for children have a smaller diameter than adult specula. Phyto-ear candles consist of foil coated with a special material impregnated with wax and essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, and cinnamon.

Indications for use

Diseases of the ear, throat, nose of an inflammatory nature (acute and chronic rhinitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis); inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis).

Earwax plugs; tinnitus of various etiologies, some cases of hearing loss, hyperacusis; dizziness, headaches, migraines; sleep disorders.

Nervousness, irritability, stress.


Purulent discharge from the ear; damage to the eardrum and external auditory canal; tumor processes in the head area; allergic reactions to bee products.

Instructions for use Phytosuppositories for ears (method and dosage)

To carry out the procedure, you should prepare: 2 herbal candles, a scarf or cap on your head, cotton swabs, matches, a glass of water, baby cream, cotton wool.

The procedure should be performed lying down. First you need to lie on your right side. Place your head on a small pillow. Cover your head with a cotton napkin with a slit for your ear. Light the upper end of the phytocandle, carefully place the lower end (with foil) to the external auditory canal. After the candle burns down to the level of the foil, extinguish it in a glass of water. Clean your ear with a cotton swab and insert a cotton swab for 10 – 15 minutes.

Repeat the procedure for the right ear.

For chronic diseases: 5 – 6 sessions once a week.

For acute diseases: 1 time per day for 2 – 3 days.

Side effects

During drug therapy, the following side effects are possible: allergic reactions.

If the procedure is performed incorrectly, burns of the ear canals and eardrum can occur.



Analogs by ATX code: no.

Medicines with a similar mechanism of action (matching level 4 ATC code): no data.

Do not decide to change the drug on your own; consult your doctor.

pharmachologic effect

Ear phytosuppositories provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects without side effects. The phytotherapeutic effect consists of a combination of natural soft heat and vacuum therapy when burning a candle, which leads to easier nasal breathing and improved hearing.

Treatment with ear phytosuppositories can be carried out at home.

special instructions

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

In childhood

In old age

For impaired renal function

For liver dysfunction

Drug interactions

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.

Storage conditions and periods

Store in a dry place, protected from light and out of reach of children, in a plastic bag at a temperature not exceeding +25°C.

Shelf life: 3 years.

Price in pharmacies

The price of ear phytocandles starts from 30 rubles.

The description posted on this page is a simplified version of the official version of the annotation for the drug. The information is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute a guide for self-medication. Before using the medicine, you must consult a specialist and read the instructions approved by the manufacturer.

Phytocandles ear candles 2 pcs.

Phytocandles ear candles 4 pcs.

Phytocandles ear candles 10 pcs.

When using materials from the site, the active reference is obligatory.

The information presented on our website should not be used for self-diagnosis and treatment and cannot serve as a substitute for consultation with a doctor. We warn you about the presence of contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.


Instructions for use:

Prices in online pharmacies:

Phytosuppositories are remedies for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the ears, nasopharynx or gynecological diseases.

Pharmacological action of Phytosuppositories

Phytocandles for the ears consist of beeswax, propolis extract, extracts from medicinal plants, as well as essential oils of cinnamon, eucalyptus, lavender, and mint. The beneficial effect is due to the influence of the constituent components and a number of physiotherapeutic effects that have long been used in treatment. Thus, propolis is a powerful antiseptic, essential oils and herbs have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects, and the weak warmth of candles and the vacuum that is created in the ears when burning makes it easier to breathe through the nose and improves hearing.

Vaginal phytosuppositories are presented in two varieties - suppositories for erosion, leukoplakia and gynecological suppositories.

They are based on natural cocoa butter, which delivers active ingredients well to the tissue. The difference between these candles is the set of essential oils and herbs.

Phytosuppositories for erosion and leukoplakia contain oils of lavender, tea tree, juniper and fir. They have anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antiseptic effects.

Gynecological phytosuppositories are used for tumor lesions of the genitourinary tract in women, and the set of esters in them includes lemon, geranium, fir oils, as well as antitumor herbs.

Release form

As the name suggests, vaginal and ear phytosuppositories are produced in the form of suppositories.

Indications for use of Phytosuppositories

Suppositories in the vagina are used in the case of neoplasms in the genitourinary system in women, with erosions and leukoplakia of the cervix.

Phytosuppositories in the ears are prescribed for inflammation of the ears, nose, throat, paranasal sinuses, sulfur plugs, inflammation of the auditory nerve, some types of hearing loss and tinnitus. They help in the complex treatment of migraines and headaches, insomnia, and increased irritability.


Phytosuppositories in the ears are contraindicated in cases of pus discharge from the ears, damage to the external auditory canal or eardrum, if a person is allergic to honey and other bee products, or with tumor processes in the head.

According to the instructions, Phytosuppositories in the vagina are contraindicated during pregnancy, allergies to bee products and renal failure.

General contraindications are blood diseases, tuberculosis, high blood pressure, and malignant tumors.

Instructions for use of Phytosuppositories

According to reviews, Phytocandles are easy and simple to use at home on your own or with the help of another person. It is advisable not to wash your hair on the day of the procedure. It is also not recommended to use suppositories without consulting a doctor or as the only method of treatment.

To conduct a healing session with ear Phytocandles, you must first prepare everything necessary for the procedure - the candles themselves, a cap on your head, matches, a container with water, cotton swabs and cotton wool, baby cream. The patient lies on his right side and is given a light massage of the auricle with cream. Next, you should light the upper end of the candle, and put the one in the foil to the ear canal. You need to wait until the candle burns down to the mark (it is at the level of the foil), and then extinguish it in water. The auricle should be cleaned with a stick and a cotton swab should be inserted for 10–15 minutes. The manipulation with the second ear is carried out in the same way. In the case of a chronic course of the disease, the treatment session is repeated once a week for 5-6 weeks, in case of an acute process - once every 2-3 days.

According to the instructions, Phytosuppositories are inserted into the vagina 10 days after the start of menstruation, the course lasts 10 days, 1 suppository is inserted per day at night. For greater effect, it is advisable to repeat the course at least 3 times, that is, 3 menstrual cycles in a row.

Side effects

According to reviews, Phytosuppositories can cause allergic reactions, sometimes causing burns of the ear canal and eardrum.

Phytocandles ear candles 2 pcs.

Phytocandles ear 2pcs classic

Phytocandles ear candles 4 pcs.

Phytocandles ear 10pcs classic

Phytocandles ear candles 10 pcs.

Ear phytocandles N10

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes and does not replace official instructions. Self-medication is dangerous to health!

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Phytocandles are a natural preparation based on beeswax. Essential oils and propolis tincture are also added for pain relief, vasodilation and anti-inflammatory effects.

These are hollow tubes impregnated with a healing composition. Their width corresponds to the external auditory canal, their length is equal to mm. The drug is used for external use and is an indispensable alternative to puncturing the maxillary sinuses for sinusitis.

Ear phytocandles instructions for use

This drug is intended for external use. First, the patient is placed on his side and given a light relaxing massage of the auricle. Then they light the phytocandle on the side where there is no foil. Place the tube tightly to your ear, so that smoke does not escape through the cracks. The candle should be kept in a vertical position and let it burn down to the level of the foil. After this, simmer in a container with water.

Video on how to properly use ear phytocandles:

The procedure lasts 7-8 minutes. At the end of the manipulations with one ear, you should turn the patient over and repeat the same with the other. Upon completion of the process, the ear canal must be carefully cleaned and filled with cotton wool.

The course of treatment for acute forms of diseases is 6 procedures every other day. In cases with a chronic course of the disease - every 2 days.

Application of phytocandles

Wax hollow tubes were used for treatment by our ancestors. They help eliminate wax plugs, facilitate nasal breathing, normalize pressure inside the tympanic cavity, and have a mild warming effect. Phytocandles are non-toxic and safe for human health (except for the group that is contraindicated).


With otitis media, pain disappears overnight, noise reduction and hearing improvement occur in 13 out of 15 people. The drug is especially effective for those suffering from otalgia. After just one session, the feeling of pain and stuffiness in the ear will go away. In the case of vasomotor rhinitis, improvements occurred in 7 out of 9 patients. According to studies, ear phytosuppositories are highly effective and do not have a toxic effect on any organ.

Mechanism of action

The principle of the effect of phytosuppositories on the body has not been fully studied. A number of factors - a relaxing, warming effect, the complex effect of essential oils and propolis, massage, all this has a healing effect. Patients note improved sleep, decreased irritability and nervousness, and decreased tinnitus.

Indications for the use of phytosuppositories

  • Otosclerosis, Meniere's disease, tinnitus of various characteristics.
  • Ear diseases.
  • Otalgia (ear pain not associated with ear pathology).
  • Constant headaches, dizziness.
  • Sinusitis and other types of nasal breathing disorders.


Various damage to the eardrum, allergies to bee products, tumor processes inside the head.


At this stage, no side effects have been identified.

A fairly common remedy in otolaryngology is ear candles. Even in the distant times of Ancient Rus', wax candles were widely used among the population. They were made independently from household items. Namely, from wax and a piece of paper. Currently, production has made significant progress. The pharmacy sells ready-made phytosuppositories for the ear. We will tell you how and why to use them in this article.

What are ear candles?

Currently, pharmacies sell suppositories for children and adults. Children have much smaller ear canals than adults. Herbal ear candles contain only natural ingredients (there are candles with propolis). They are aimed at eliminating pain, inflammatory reaction, and eliminating spasm.

All these effects are achieved without any noticeable side effects. The mechanism of this effect is the action of the vacuum formed as a result of the combustion of the candle.

When burning, heat is released, which also causes anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effects. As a result, hearing is normalized, breathing through the nose improves, and blood flow in this area noticeably improves.

When to use

Ear phytocandles, the instructions for which speak of an excellent therapeutic effect, are widely used in otolaryngology. The effects described above, achieved by burning a candle, are used to treat the following conditions:

  • Otolaryngological pathologies of an inflammatory nature. This includes acute and chronic rhinitis, otitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis and others.
  • Inflammations localized in the area of ​​the maxillary sinuses or frontal sinuses - for example, sinusitis.
  • Removal of wax plugs in the ear cavity.
  • For severe headaches, migraines.
  • With increased irritability and excitability.
  • For problems related to sleep.
  • How to use

The ear phytocandle is used both alone and with an assistant. Ear phytocandles, the instructions for use of which describe step by step the procedure for placing the candle, are much easier to place together with another person.

In order to begin the procedure, you need to prepare in advance a napkin or soft tissue scarf, plain water, cotton balls, a box of matches and cream.

The patient is placed on his side so that the affected ear is on top. The head is on a low pillow and covered with a prepared scarf, leaving a small hole for the ear. Next, massage the ear shell while applying cream. Light a candle and insert the lower end into the ear.

To control the duration of the procedure, you need to pay attention to the candle itself. There is a mark on it to which the candle should burn out. If this happens, remove the candle from the ear and extinguish it with water.

The next step is cleaning the ear. This happens with the help of cotton wool, which removes all the dirt that has appeared in the ear lumen.

After the procedure is over, the patient should lie for 10-15 minutes, wrapped in a scarf. Also, after using phytocandles, you should not take a hot bath, but it is better to avoid contact with water altogether, at least for half a day.

How long does the treatment last?

For otolaryngological pathologies, phytosuppositories should be used once every three days until an absolute cure occurs. If the process is characterized by a chronic course, then suppositories are used once a week for 45 days.

If the task is to clean the ear from ear plugs, then in this case phytocandles are used once for each cleaning.


  • Discharge of purulent secretion from the ear cavity.
  • Rupture or injury to the eardrum.
  • Development of an allergic reaction to individual components of the suppositories.
  • Cannot be used for brain tumors.

However, phytosuppositories should be used only after a doctor’s permission. Self-medication is highly discouraged.

No side effects have been identified, with the exception of some points, the likelihood of which is extremely low:

  1. A burn localized either in the ear or on the head. Arises due to negligence. Risks hearing loss.
  2. Development of allergies.

What variations exist?

There are a lot of variations of candles. They are produced by different companies for several groups. These are for children, adults, for allergy sufferers, especially for removing wax plugs, and also with the presence of different flavors. Propolis is considered quite common.

To summarize, I would like to note the high efficiency of phytocandles. They are easy to use, do not have a high cost, and the lack of side effects encourages the population to increasingly resort to using this product. It is only necessary to consult a doctor before use, and when using it directly, follow a number of rules described above.

Ear pain is unbearable. It permeates a person through and through. While adults can endure these difficulties, children cannot endure these difficulties. This is where medical products come to the rescue, one of them is ear phytosuppositories.

What kind of remedy is this?

Environmentally safe, effective and completely harmless. You can purchase it without any difficulties or problems. The first mention of this drug came from the lips of American Indians, residents of the Ancient East and Ancient Rus'. This was a very long time ago; treatment with a candle in those days was called “burning the ears.” It was believed that wax could absorb all negative information and free the human bioenergy field from negativity. And nowadays, the phytocandle has not lost its relevance, thanks to its healing properties.

The composition of this drug is as follows:

  • propolis extract;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • essential oils (can be any: cinnamon, eucalyptus, mint, lavender and others).

The appearance of the phytocandle is a cylinder made of cotton fabric. It is impregnated with all components and has a thermal effect that affects the eardrum and ear canal. When a candle burns, a vacuum is created, which removes impurities and even sulfur plugs.

It is worth remembering the contraindications in the use of suppositories. These include the following: discharge from the ear in the form of pus, damage to the eardrum, an allergic reaction to wax and brain diseases.

Efficacy of the drug

Ear phytocandles have the following effects:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • warming up;
  • calming;
  • antispasmodic.

When using this drug, ear pain may disappear on the second day. Hearing disappears and improves in ninety percent of patients who use ear phytocandles. Reviews testify to this.

Patients with otalgia will feel relief after the second session. And those who are tormented by vasomotor rhinitis can also resort to the help of this drug. The efficiency in this case is about ninety-five percent.

The most important thing is that with such effectiveness, phytosuppositories do not have a toxic effect on any organ of the human body. All these characteristics are achieved thanks to the natural components that make up the drug.


This remedy facilitates nasal breathing and improves hearing. You can successfully use ear phytocandles at home. The instructions for use that come with the drug indicate that it is used for:

  • chronic and acute diseases of the throat, nose, ear. Used only after body temperature has normalized;
  • inflammation of the paranasal sinuses: sinusitis and sinusitis, suppositories are used during remission;
  • the appearance of ear plugs;
  • constant tinnitus, suppositories are used only after diagnosis;
  • hearing loss;
  • migraines, headaches, dizziness, used during painful sensations;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • under stress, the procedure should be carried out within two weeks;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • Do not lie;
  • otosclerosis.

How to use candles

It’s good if you have an assistant to carry out the procedure. In addition, you will need: a scarf or napkin, a glass filled with water, cotton wool, cotton swabs, baby cream and matches.

So, start treatment using ear phytosuppositories. The instructions describe everything in detail.

  • The patient lies on his side, the head should not be very high.
  • Make a cutout for the ear in a cotton scarf.
  • Doing a little massage
  • Insert the lower end of the candle into the auricle up to the mark.
  • Set the top end on fire.
  • Wait for it to burn down to the mark.
  • Take the cinder out of your ear and extinguish it.
  • Use cotton swabs to clean the outer ear canal.

After the procedure, you should not get up immediately. Cover your ear with something warm. Lie down for fifteen minutes. You should not wash your hair for twelve hours. This is how treatment should be carried out using ear phytosuppositories.

Duration of treatment

Now the conversation will be about how long it will take to cure a particular ear or nasopharynx disease. After all, a person will feel relief only if they use ear phytocandles correctly. The instructions for use are a great hint for this.

  • When treating inflammatory processes occurring in the ear, throat, and nose, it will take five days. The procedure is performed once a day. If the disease is chronic, the course can last up to ten days. No more than three courses should be conducted throughout the year.
  • Treatment of inflammatory processes occurring in the paranasal sinuses begins only during the period of remission and lasts about two weeks.
  • Tinnitus, if it is not associated with acute inflammatory processes and vascular problems of the brain, is treated within seven days.
  • It is best to use this drug to treat stress in the first half of the day. The course lasts about two weeks.

People's opinions

Of course, it’s up to you to decide whether to use ear phytocandles or not. Reviews may help you decide.

  • For some, this drug is the only salvation from colds, since they are intolerant to antibiotics. To prevent diseases, two sessions are held - in spring and autumn.
  • For others, ear phytosuppositories helped during the trip. There were no drops, and in the medicine cabinet there was only a candle. We used it according to the instructions, and the baby fell asleep.
  • For some, this remedy helped restore their hearing. Five sessions were enough.
  • Many people use phytosuppositories even if they have a toothache or relief occurs immediately after the first session.

A remedy that will come to the rescue on the road, at work, and at home is herbal ear candles. The price no longer matters if something worries and hurts, but it’s still worth talking about it. It is more than affordable and ranges from twenty-five to one hundred and twenty rubles.

Compound: beeswax, C02, Siberian fir extract, propolis.

Ear candles are an effective and safe remedy in the fight against diseases of the ENT organs, headaches, sleep disorders and stress conditions. Phytocandles are produced using special technology using components of natural origin. While not a medicine, they help maintain good hearing for many years, which means leading a full, rich life.

Ear phytosalum - an affordable folk medicine, known in the Ancient East and Rus', is experiencing a rebirth today due to its powerful healing effect, simplicity and environmental safety.

Action provided:

Natural components of ear phytosuppositories provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antispasmodic effects without side effects.
The phytotherapeutic effect is achieved by a combination of natural soft heat and vacuum therapy when burning a candle, which leads to easier nasal breathing and improved hearing, promotes the natural removal of sulfur plugs, improves blood microcirculation in this area, acts as a wonderful general sedative, improves sleep, and anti-stress.
Treatment can be successfully carried out at home.

Properties of the components of ear phytocandles:

Beeswax (Cera) is a product produced by bee glands and is necessary for bees to build honeycombs. It is known that wax contains more than 300 components. The bactericidal, softening, vitaminizing and anti-inflammatory properties of wax have been proven. Due to these properties, wax is widely used in the manufacture of creams, ointments, and ear candles. Slowly absorbed, the wax creates a protective layer on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, from where the active substances enter the bloodstream for a long time. When heated, beeswax is mixed with other components of phytocandles and serves as a conductor of biologically active substances to the hearing organ and related tissues.

CO2 extract of Siberian fir (Abies siberica Ledeb) – fir needles that contain ascorbic acid, essential oils, organic acids, borneol, pinenes. It has a blood purifying and analgesic effect. It has an irritating and distracting effect, helping to relieve pain and speed up the healing process. Ascorbic acid enhances local anti-infective immunity. Helps increase the body's defenses.
Propolis (Propolium) is used in folk and official medicine due to its bactericidal, antiviral, fungicidal (antifungal), antitoxic, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties. Propolis effectively prevents the development of inflammatory processes and promotes rapid healing of wounds.

The effect of using phytocandles is achieved through a combination of heat and vacuum therapy (these effects appear when the candle burns), which leads to easier nasal breathing, improved hearing, relief from headaches, helps remove wax plugs, activates blood circulation in the ear area, normalizes sleep, relieves increased anxiety.

diseases of the ear, throat, nose of an inflammatory nature (acute and chronic rhinitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis);
inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis);
ear wax plugs;
tinnitus, some cases of hearing loss;
dizziness, headaches, migraines;
acoustic neuritis, otosclerosis;
sleep disorders;
states of stress, nervousness, irritability;
increased physical and mental stress.


Make sure that there is no purulent acute disease in the area of ​​the hearing organ and that you do not have an elevated body temperature. To perform the procedure, prepare two herbal candles, a scarf or cap for your head, sticks with cotton wool, matches, a glass of water, baby cream, cotton wool. Take a horizontal position on your right side. Place a cloth with a slit for the external auditory canal on the ear area. With light movements, massage around the area of ​​the left ear, first applying a small amount of Zhivitsa Plus oil. Light the upper end of the phytocandle, carefully place the lower end (with foil) to the external auditory canal. The candle should burn down to the level of the foil (mark), then extinguish it in a glass of water. Clean your ear with a cotton swab and insert a cotton swab for 10-15 minutes. During the gradual heating process, you will feel warmth and a slight analgesic effect. Repeat the procedure for the right ear. On the day of the procedure, you should not wash your hair. For chronic diseases, 5-6 treatment sessions per week are recommended, for acute diseases – once every 2-3 days.

Attention! When carrying out the procedure, observe fire safety measures. In very rare cases, it is possible for ash to get into the ear, which does not entail any hazardous consequences for health and only requires careful removal of the ash from the auricle.

Disease Dosage regimen Note
Diseases of the ear, throat, nose of an inflammatory nature (chronic rhinitis, otitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis). Make sure there is no period of acute inflammation. Use after the period of the height of the disease, when body temperature normalizes. This usually occurs 3-4 days from the onset of the disease. Use as described above in the course - 1 procedure once a day, preferably before bed. Course – 3-5 days. For chronic diseases of the ENT organs, use in courses as described above. Course – 10 sessions. You can repeat the course 3 times a year.
Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis). Do not use during the development of the disease. Use to reduce the frequency of exacerbations of these diseases. Course – 10-14 sessions. We recommend combining it with Immunocardin honey syrup or Medolia balm to achieve the best effect.
Noise in ears. Make sure that the origin of tinnitus is not associated with an acute inflammatory process, cancer, pathology of the blood vessels of the brain or spine. Use at night. Course – 7 sessions. We recommend combining it with Medolia balm, medicinal herbs with a calming effect, for example, with teas containing motherwort, valerian, lemon balm, etc.
Dizziness, headaches and migraines. Use during headache periods. After the session, rest. We recommend combining it with Medolia balm. If it is not effective, consult a doctor.
Sleep disorders. We recommend using it in courses - 10 sessions 30 minutes before bedtime. Combine with warm milk and honey at night. We recommend combining it with Medolia balm.
Nervousness, irritability, stress. Use daily for 10-14 days. Better in the morning. After the procedure, rest is required for 20-30 minutes. We recommend combining it with Medolia balm.


Purulent discharge from the ear, damage to the eardrum and external auditory canal, allergic reactions to bee products, tumor processes in the head area.

Storage conditions and periods:

Store in a cool, dark place at temperatures up to +18°C and relative humidity no more than 75%. After opening the package, store ear phytocandles in the refrigerator at a temperature of +4 ± 2°C for no more than 6 months.

Shelf life - 2 years

Not a medicine

Manufacturer: LLC "NPK "Apifitogroup"

Phytocandles for the ears are used in the treatment of ENT diseases. The advantage of this drug is that it is made exclusively from natural ingredients. Moreover, it can be injected into the ear not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of certain diseases. Due to this, good hearing will remain for a long time. And thanks to the naturalness of all components, candles do not cause irritation or allergic reactions. You can use phytocandles for the ears during pregnancy and even during breastfeeding.

When should it be used?

Since the candles contain only natural substances, after their use they provide an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Phytocandles are used in the following cases:

  • Inflammation in the ear, nose or throat. This group includes a number of diseases: rhinitis, otitis, sinusitis.
  • The appearance of wax plugs in the ear canals. When exposed to heat, they soften and are easily removed.
  • Frequent headaches, tinnitus.
  • Inflammation of nerve endings, otosclerosis.
  • Sleep disturbance, irritability.

Phytocandles for ears, the instructions for use of which are simple, are suitable for both adults and children. They are often prescribed for increased physical or mental stress. The drug has a positive effect on the nervous system and relaxes muscles.

Composition of phytocandles

The components of phytocandles are beeswax and essential oils of various plants. The composition of candles may vary among different manufacturers, but beekeeping products are used in any case. Phytocandles for ears are thin and long gauze tubes impregnated with wax.

In addition, other components are often added to them: propolis, herbal mixtures crushed to a powder state, essential oils of cinnamon, lavender, cloves, cedar, fir. There are also phytocandles on sale without any additives. It is believed that candles have the same effect both with and without additives. However, the former are much more expensive.

By impregnating natural fabric with beeswax, its combustion properties are reduced. Therefore, the candle burns for quite a long time, and the pressure inside it decreases. Due to this, the cerumen plug softens, which is gradually removed from the ear canal.

How to use it correctly?

Often, for ENT diseases, doctors prescribe phytosuppositories for the ears. The instructions for use are simple, but you need to study them well before using the medicine. They should not be used without a doctor's prescription, as he must examine the ears. Indeed, in the presence of acute purulent diseases, the use of suppositories can further aggravate the situation. Carrying out the procedure is also undesirable at elevated temperatures.

If there are no concomitant diseases, and the instructions have been studied, you can begin the procedure. In addition to candles, you will need a headband, ear sticks, cotton wool with matches, warm water, and any cream. You can perform the operation yourself, but it is better to ask someone close to you to do it. Even if the ear plug or inflammation appears in only one ear, the procedure is performed for both hearing organs. Includes several main steps:

  • First, the patient lies on his right side. Take a clean cloth and make a small hole in it. It is applied to the ear so that the hole hits the area of ​​the ear canal. It is necessary to place such a cloth, because when the candle burns, wax particles will melt and can drip onto the skin, which will burn it.
  • A light massage of the ear and the skin around it is carried out using baby cream to stimulate blood flow to it.
  • Next, you need to again refer to the instructions for use to find out where the top and bottom edges of the candle are. The end of the candle with foil is placed in the ear canal, and the other is set on fire. You should feel warm during the procedure. If the ear begins to burn too much, the candle should be pulled out.
  • If everything is normal, then the phytocandle should burn down to the mark where the foil begins. After this, it is pulled out of the ear and stewed in water.
  • While the earwax is softened, the ear should be cleaned with a cotton swab. But this must be done very carefully so as not to push the plug even deeper. You can drop a few drops of peroxide inside, wait a few minutes and lie on the other side. In this case, the sulfur should be removed on its own without the use of cotton swabs.
  • Then a cotton swab is inserted into the ear for about 15-20 minutes.
  • The same is repeated for the other ear.

During the procedure, you feel warm and the pain is significantly reduced. You should not wash your hair after warming up, otherwise the inflammation will become worse. For chronic diseases, the procedure is carried out daily, and for acute diseases – twice a week. It is advisable to do it before bed, since after it is finished it is recommended to lie down for about 30 minutes. And within 12 hours after the procedure you should not be outside or in cold rooms.

Security measures

Before using the drug, you need to study the safety precautions. It is especially important to use children's phytocandles for the ears correctly. After all, the hearing organs of children are much more delicate than those of adults. And any wrong step can deprive the baby of the ability to hear. One way or another, during the process it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  1. There should always be water nearby, which should be used to extinguish the candle. Otherwise, there is a risk of a fire situation.
  2. Be sure to cover your head with a napkin. If ash gets into your ear, you can carefully pull it out with tweezers. But if there are hot wax particles inside, it can cause a burn.
  3. It is recommended to place a protective cardboard circle over the candle, thereby creating an additional protective barrier between the face and the candle.
  4. You should carry out the procedure yourself only if no one is nearby. During the operation, the phytosuppositories must be held so that they do not fall on the skin.
  5. It is necessary to remove the cinder with tweezers, as it can be very hot and cause burns to your fingers.
  6. For children, you can only use phytocandles that are labeled “children’s.”

You can also find cone-shaped ear candles on sale. However, you should not resort to using such drugs at home. They can only be used by a doctor, as they burn out much faster. Without the appropriate skills, you can only harm yourself.

Frequency of use of candles

Phytosuppositories are a fairly effective remedy for the treatment of ENT diseases. The positive result from heating lasts approximately 48 hours, so there is no point in using the product more than once every 2 days. To remove plugs from the ear canals, it will be enough to carry out only 1-2 procedures. If the desired effect is not obtained, it is better to contact a specialist who will remove the plugs by washing. For the treatment of acute and chronic diseases, the process lasts until complete recovery, but this may require several courses. One course of therapy requires approximately 3-4 repetitions of the procedure.